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The acrosome complex plays an indispensable role in the normal function of mature spermatozoa. However, the dynamic process of acrosome complex formation in insect remains poorly understood. Gampsocleis gratiosa Brunner von Wattenwyl possesses the typical characteristic of insect sperms, which is tractable in terms of size, and therefore was selected for the acrosome formation study in this report. The results show that acrosome formation can be divided into six phases: round, rotating, rhombic, cylindrical, transforming and mature phase, based on the morphological dynamics of acrosome complex and nucleus. In addition, the cytoskeleton plays a critical role in the process of acrosome formation. The results from this study indicate that: (1) glycoprotein is the major component of the acrosome proper; (2) the microfilament is one element of the acrosome complex, and may mediate the morphologic change of the acrosome complex; (3) the microtubules might also shape the nucleus and acrosome complex during the acrosome formation.  相似文献   

Silina KV 《Tsitologiia》2002,44(6):518-531
On the basis of patterns of haemocyte ultrastructure and functions at preimago and imago stages of Metrioptera roeselii, secretory cells of granulocyte type were recognized in the haemolymph. The development of granulocytes was traced starting from their formation up to cell death and destruction. The haemocytes develop as "dark" and "light" cells, differing in their functional activity, although their ultrastructure is similar. In the cytoplasm of granulocytes, granules of both mitochondrial and nuclear origin were detected. Simultaneously two processes occur in the cells--the accumulation and discharge of granules.  相似文献   

Insects have developed different structures to adhere to surfaces. Most common are smooth and hairy attachment pads, while nubby pads have also been described for representatives of Mantophasmatodea, Phasmida and Plecoptera. Here we report on the unusual combination of nubby and smooth tarsal attachment structures in the !nara cricket Acanthoproctus diadematus. Their three proximal tarsal pads (euplantulae) have a nubby surface, whereas the most distal euplantula is rather smooth with a hexagonal ground pattern resembling that described for the great green bush-cricket Tettigonia viridissima. This is, to our knowledge, the first report on nubby euplantulae in Orthoptera and the co-occurrence of nubby and smooth euplantulae on a single tarsus in a polyneopteran species. When adhering upside down to a horizontal glass plate, A. diadematus attaches its nubby euplantulae less often, compared to situations in which the animal is hanging upright or head down on a vertical plate. We discuss possible reasons for this kind of clinging behaviour, such as morphological constrains, the different role of normal and shear forces in attachment enhancement of the nubby and smooth pads, ease of the detachment process, and adaptations to walking on cylindrical substrates.  相似文献   

Wedell  Nina 《Behavioral ecology》1994,5(4):418-425
Males of many insect species provide the female, during courtshipand copulation, with a nuptial gift consisting of a prey itemor synthesized material (e.g., spermatophores). The studiesperformed so far have mainly focused on effects of nuptial giftsize on male and female reproductive success. However, the qualityof the nuptial gift can differ substantially between taxa andmay potentially have a large impact on male and female reproductiveperformance. In this study the effects of. variation in dieton nuptial gift quality is investigated in several bush cricketspecies with different diets. The effect of diet on nuptialgift quality (e.g., protein in the spermatophylax) and femalereproductive output and, in turn, die effect of variation inspermatophylax quality on female reproductive output are investigated.Female reproductive output and male spermatophore size weremainly found to be influenced by differences in diet betweenspecies. Spermatophylax quality (i.e., protein concentration)was also correlated with differences in diet. There was a largevariation in protein content of the spermatophylax widiin aswell as between species. Moreover, larger spermatophylaxes hada lower protein concentration, indicating a possible trade-offbetween spermatophylax size and quality. Consequendy, productionof larger spermatophylaxes, required for protection of the male'ssperm carrying ampulla during insemination, can lead to a reducedprotein concentration, because the total amount of protein maybe limited. This pattern is also consistent with die idea diatthe spermatophylax functions primarily to ensure sperm transfer.Finally, there was no correlation between the amount of proteinin the spermatophylax and female reproductive output eitheracross diets or within each diet category, further supportingthe finding that female reproductive output is mainly affectedby differences in diet.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Individual movement behaviours of male Roesel's bush crickets were compared between individuals experimentally released with or without conspecifics.
2. Differences in movement behaviour were recorded between the groups, with individuals released with conspecifics moving faster and further.
3. The study shows that behavioural interactions between individuals need to be considered in population modelling. Empirical movement data derived from lone individuals would result in a significant underestimation of both population expansion (−38.1%) and inter-patch movement (−35.8%).  相似文献   

Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain the mechanisms of calling signal recognition in orthopterans: the filtration and resonance ones. To test these hypotheses, conspecific male calling songs and their models with modified temporal parameters were presented to females of bush crickets in ethological experiments. The models with a double pulse rate evoked positive phonotaxis of females while phase shift significantly complicated the recognition process. These data fit the resonance hypothesis.  相似文献   

In the highly fragmented landscape of central Europe, dispersal is of particular importance as it determines the long‐term survival of animal populations. Dispersal not only secures the recolonization of patches where populations went extinct, it may also rescue small populations and thus prevent local extinction events. As dispersal involves different individual fitness costs, the decision to disperse should not be random but context‐dependent and often will be biased toward a certain group of individuals (e.g., sex‐ and wing morph‐biased dispersal). Although biased dispersal has far‐reaching consequences for animal populations, immediate studies of sex‐ and wing morph‐biased dispersal in orthopterans are very rare. Here, we used a combined approach of morphological and genetic analyses to investigate biased dispersal of Metrioptera bicolor, a wing dimorphic bush‐cricket. Our results clearly show wing morph‐biased dispersal for both sexes of M. bicolor. In addition, we found sex‐biased dispersal for macropterous individuals, but not for micropters. Both, morphological and genetic data, favor macropterous males as dispersal unit of this bush‐cricket species. To get an idea of the flight ability of M. bicolor, we compared our morphological data with that of Locusta migratoria and Schistocerca gregaria, which are very good flyers. Based on our morphological data, we suggest a good flight ability for macropters of M. bicolor, although flying individuals of this species are seldom observed.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Gampsocleis gratiosa was determined. The 15, 929 bp in the size of G. gratiosa mitogenome contains a typical gene content, base composition, and codon usage found in metazoan. All 13 protein coding genes (PCGs) of the G. gratiosa mitogenome start with a typical ATN codon. The usual termination codons (TAA and TAG) were found from 10 PCGs. However, the atp6, nad4, and nad5 had incomplete termination codon (T). The anticodons of all tRNAs are identical to those observed in Drosophila yakuba and Locusta migratoria, and can be folded in the form of a typical clover leaf structure except for trnS (AGN). The secondary structure of trnS (AGN) was drawn according with the Steinberg-Cedergren tertiary structure. The A T content (67.4%) of the A T-rich region is relatively lower among the mitogenome regions, in contrast, it usually contains the highest A T content for most insects. Two isolated sequence repeat regions (202 bp) were found in the A T-rich region with mapping and secondary structure information.  相似文献   

Twelve novel polymorphic microsatellite loci are presented for the dark bush cricket, Pholidoptera griseoaptera. All loci are polymorphic, with up to 37 alleles per locus. These microsatellites will be useful tools for studying the influence of landscape structure and land use intensity in agricultural landscapes on genetic diversity within and among populations of P. griseoaptera.  相似文献   

As a result of the increased potential for disease transmission, insects are predicted to show an increased constitutive immunity when crowded. Cannibalistic aggressive interactions further increase the risk of wounding and pathogen transmission in crowds. Nymphal Mormon crickets Anabrus simplex Haldeman were collected in Montana and reared in the laboratory either solitarily or at densities similar to that experienced by Mormon crickets in migratory bands. As teneral adults, solitarily-reared Mormon crickets tended to have greater phenoloxidase activity than those reared in groups. Sampling enzyme activity a second time when the adults were nearing reproductive maturity, group-reared Mormon crickets had elevated levels of prophenoloxidase and encapsulated foreign objects faster than solitarily-reared insects. Rearing density did not have a significant effect on either the darkness of the cuticle or antibacterial activity. This is the first report of age-related responses of adult insect immunity to crowding.  相似文献   

Using electrophysiological methods, effects of temperature on rhythmic impulsation of spontaneously active neurons of thoracic ganglia was studied in grasshoppers Tettigonia cantans and Metrioptera roeselii. Several types of response to temperature changes were observed. Its elevation caused an increase or decrease of the discharge dispersion and a gradual, proportional or abrupt rise of the impulse rate. On decreasing temperature, the impulsation usually returned to its original state, although sometimes at different rate. In neurons whose impulse rate was close to that of pulse repetition rate in male advertisement calls, this dependence was preserved at temperature changes. On the whole, there is reason to believe that changes of temperature in CNS are accompanied not only by a simple change of the neuronal activity level, but also by a complex readjustment in the neuronal network functioning, which allow preserving optimal level of insect metabolic processes and adequate behavior.  相似文献   

The impact of temporal changes in habitat availability and land use on the present genetic diversity of the grassland katydid species Metrioptera roeselii was investigated in an extensively used agricultural landscape (Lahn-Dill-Bergland, Germany) based on six microsatellite loci. By integrating spatial and temporal dimensions, this study contrasts to conventional approaches that usually record landscape changes at discrete points in time. Molecular data suggest little geographical substructuring of the species. Nevertheless, time-dependent effects on genetic diversity in terms of observed heterozygosity and allelic richness within subpopulations were detected by general linear models (GLM), explaining up to 82 and 13%, respectively. The results indicated that allelic richness was significantly reduced with higher rates of land-use change. Contrastingly, the level of heterozygosity even increased with increasing land-use change, if this rate increase was accompanied by a reduction in grassland amount, while with an increase of grassland amount the level of heterozygosity remained similar. Furthermore, depending on the study site, heterozygosity was differently affected by grassland age of sampled patches and of the surrounding. This is presumably induced by contrasting levels of heterozygosity in combination with differing modes of dispersal due to habitat availability and site-specific matrix effects. The loss of genetic diversity due to frequent land-use change might result in a reduced ability to adapt to landscape change, which is even more relevant in intensively used agricultural landscapes and in the course of climate change.  相似文献   

Sigfrid Ingrisch 《Oecologia》1984,61(2):254-258
Summary Developing eggs of Metrioptera roeseli HGB. have an obligate embryonic diapause in stage 23 and a facultative initial diapause in stage 4. Initial diapause is lacking when the ovipositing females are kept at long day photoperiod (LD 16/8), but is induced at LD 14/10 and LD 8/16. When natural light conditions are given in the laboratory, the females mostly lay diapausing eggs from the end of August onwards. In eggs without initial diapause, a larger number of embryos reach a stage, in which the embryonic diapause can be broken by chilling, only at favorable temperature (4 weeks at 24°C or 8 at 18°C) and in contact with water before the first winter. Thus, some individuals of a given population of M. roeseli have an annual, others a biennial life cycle. The variability in the duration of egg development is due to a photoperiodically induced, facultative initial diapause and to a possible quiescence caused by insufficient temperature and/or moisture.  相似文献   

In August 2018, unidentified damages were reported on cranberries in a conventional bog located in Quebec (Eastern Canada). Following a field inspection, high percentage of nibbled fruits as well as katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) were observed. Several individuals (nymphs and adults) were seen feeding directly on the fruits. Specimens were captured and sent to the “Laboratoire d'expertise et de diagnostic en phytoprotection” of the “Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food" (LEDP-MAPAQ). They were identified as Scudderia pistillata Brunner von Wattenwyl (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Subsequently, a systematic fruit sampling was realized into the beds where damages were observed to assess spatial patterns of infestation. To our knowledge, it constitutes the first mention of significant damages associated to this species in cranberry bogs and, in some cases, up to 5% damages to the fruits were observed. This observation suggests that S. pistillata represents a potential pest for this crop. Additionally, a decrease of damage rates was observed when distancing from the north-eastern corner of the bog. Hypothesis in regards of damages' spatial pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the stridulation was investigated by re-playing tape-recordings at very slow speed. The findings were corrobrated by sonograms and mingograms.The central part of the song is the ripple, a fast succession of syllables around which isolated syllables (clicks) are distributed according to species and circumstances. The rate of syllables in the ripple is a linear function of temperature.A quantitative expression for the stridulatory activity is the actual number of syllables per time unit, including pauses. By changes in the combination of elements, at leastO. agile is able to increase the output of syllables four to six times.This work was made possible by a grant from the Carlsberg Foundation to whom my most sincere thanks are due. —As I do not have advanced equipment for sound analysis, I am very much indebted to Dr. Bondesen and cand. sci. Poul Hansen, Bioakustisk Laboratorium, Naturhistorisk Museum, Aarhus, Denmark, and Mr. W.B. Broughton and Dr. M. Samways, Animal Acoustic Unit, City of London Polytechnic, London, for analysing part of the material by sonograms and mingograms. The very valuable help of Dr. Th.J. Walker, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, in identifying the species is gratefully acknowledged. For friendly discussions and linguistic corrections my best thanks are due to H.T. Evans and F.D.S. Evans.  相似文献   

The genus Eupholidoptera includes 46 Mediterranean species distributed from Turkey to Greece, Italy and southern France. In the eastern part of its range, Eupholidoptera has been considered to consist of several distinct species, while in the Balkans and Italian peninsula only E. chabrieri has been recognized. However, the status of some Italian populations, confined to particular geographic areas, remains uncertain. To investigate the delimitation of the Italian taxa of Eupholidoptera, we performed both morphological and molecular analyses. Morphological analysis was carried out by considering diagnostic characters usually used to distinguish different taxa, such as the shape of titillators in males and the subgenital plate in females. Molecular analysis was performed by sequencing three mitochondrial genes: 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, partially sequenced and the entire gene of cox1. Molecular markers were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among the Italian Eupholidoptera species and to reconstruct the historical processes that shaped their current geographic distribution. Results from both morphological and molecular analyses were used to revise the taxonomic arrangement of species. On the whole we were able to distinguish nine lineages of Italian Eupholidoptera, of which E. tyrrhenica sp.n. from Corsica is described as a new species. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:EBD181A0-5263-4880-AC80-66F624506E3A .  相似文献   

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