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The Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) content in vivo of tissues from the mouse and rat at various stages of development from 3 days embryonic gestation to the attainment of full maturity has been determined using the standard biological assay. A less extensive survey has also been made of tissues from the guinea pig, hamster, and gerbil. With the exception of the well-documented high levels of NGF in the mouse submaxillary glands, none of the organs examined contained detectable NGF. These results, which are consistent with those previously reported using the biological assay, stand in contrast to the high levels of NGF detected in virtually all tissues by some published radioimmunoassays. It is likely that the discrepancies are due to the use in the radioimmunoassays of antisera containing antibodies to proteins other than NGF, and to the inability of one-site radioimmunoassays to distinguish between the presence of NGF and that of agents capable of binding NGF. The apparent lack of widespread NGF production in vivo contrasts with the ability of many tissues to synthesize the protein in vitro. This may imply that physiologically significant levels of NGF are below the limits of sensitivity of the assay systems presently available, that NGF synthesis in vivo occurs only during a very restricted period of development, or that the presence of a normal innervation pattern influences NGF production.  相似文献   

Elevation of serum choline levels in the rabbit either by intravenous injection of choline or by the pharmacological action of oxotremorine results in a rise in cisternal CSF choline levels. It was excluded that the oxotremorine induced rise in CSF choline levels can be ascribed to its action on the CNS. Therefore changes in CSF choline levels can be merely the result of changes in peripheral choline stores and do not necessarily reflect changes in the cholinergic activity of the CNS. From isotopic labelling experiments the contribution of serum choline to CSF choline was found to be 42%.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the platelet : collagen interaction is mediated in part by the collagen carbohydrate residues. To rest this hypothesis we have oxidized monomeric and polymeric collagen with sodium periodate under conditions specifically designed to minimize destruction of periodate-susceptible bonds other than in the carbohydrate residues. Oxidation of the collagen significantlly reduced its ability to interact with platelets. The extent of inhibition paralled the extent of carbohydrate destruction. Oxidation with periodate also delayed the polymerization of the monomeric collagen, but even after polymerization the oxidized collagen failed to initiate the release reaction. These observations suggest that the collagen carbohydrate residues may be either near to or part of the site(s) on the collagen molecule required for platelet adhesion.  相似文献   

The effect of 131I-labelled concanavalin A on the surface pressure and surface radioactivity of monolayers formed from phospholipids and from natural and synthetic glycolipids has been studied. The lectin binds to and penetrates dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine monolayers at a surface pressure of 15 dynes/cm and this interaction is inhibited by the presence of α-methyl mannose int he subphase. At surface pressures of 25 dynes/cm or higher, concanavalin A will interact with monoglucosyl diglyceride or diglucosyl diglyceride from Acholeplasma laidlawii and with synthetic glycolipids containing 2 or 3 α1 → 4-linked D-glucose residues in the headgroup, but not with phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, or with the ganglioside II3NeuAc-GgOse4-Cer. The binding to the glycolipid sugar group and penetration of the hydrocarbon region seem to occur simultaneously, as the time courses for the development of surface pressure and surface radioactivity coincide.  相似文献   

Chicken hepatocytes synthesize glucose and fatty acids at rates which are faster than rat hepatocytes. The former also consume exogenous lactate and pyruvate at a much faster rate and, in contrast to rat hepatocytes, do not accumulate large quantities of lactate and pyruvate by aerobic glycolysis. α-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate, an inhibitor of pyruvate transport, causes lactate and pyruvate accumulation by chicken hepatocytes. Glucagon and N6,O2′-dibutyryl adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (dibutyryl cyclic AMP) convert pyruvate kinase (EC of rat hepatocytes to a less active form. This effect explains, in part, inhibition of glycolysis, inhibition of lipogenesis, stimulation of gluconeogenesis, and inhibition of the transfer of reducing equivalents from the mitochondrial compartment to the cytoplasmic compartment by these compounds. In contrast, pyruvate kinase of chicken hepatocytes is refractory to inhibition by glucagon or dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Rat liver is known to have predominantly the type L isozyme of pyruvate kinase and chicken liver predominantly the type K. Thus, only the type L isozyme appears subject to interconversion between active and inactive forms by a cyclic AMP-dependent, phosphorylation-dephos-phorylation mechanism. This explains why the transfer of reducing equivalents from the mitochondrial compartment to the cytoplasmic compartment of chicken hepatocytes is insensitive to cyclic AMP. However, glucagon and dibutyryl cyclic AMP inhibit net glucose utilization, inhibit fatty acid synthesis, inhibit lactate and pyruvate accumulation in the presence of α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate, and stimulate gluconeogenesis from lactate and dihydroxyacetone by chicken hepatocytes. Thus, a site of action of cyclic AMP distinct from pyruvate kinase must exist in the glycolytic-gluconeogenic pathway of chicken liver.  相似文献   

In liver cytosol from male Fischer 344 rats, glutathione S-transferase specific activities with six epoxide substrates were lower in the 24-month-old (senescent) group than in the 3-month-old (young) group. With lung cytosol from males and liver and lung cytosol from females, specific activities declined with only some of the substrates. Age-related increases in protein content in male and female rat liver occurred by 12 months of age (middle-age) and remained elevated through senescence. In addition, increases in liver weights in males similarly occurred so that total metabolic rates tended to be highest in middle-aged males and similar in young and senescent groups. Few changes similar to these were found in liver cytosol from females or lung cytosol from males or females. Thus, tissue-, sex-, and substrate-specific alterations in epoxide metabolism occurred during aging.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to compare the effects of several physiological variables on adrenal microsomal drug (ethylmorphine demethylation) and steroid (21-hydroxylation) metabolism in guinea pigs. The rate of adrenal ethylmorphine (EM) metabolism increased with maturation in males but not females, resulting in a sex difference (M > F) in adrenal enzyme activity in adult guinea pigs. Twenty-one hydroxylase activity, in contrast, was similar in adrenals from males and females. The concentration of adrenal microsomal cytochrome P-450 was unaffected by age or sex. ACTH administration decreased adrenal EM demethylase activity but did not affect 21-hydroxylation. Testosterone, when given to female guinea pigs, increased the rate of EM metabolism and decreased 21-hydroxylase activity. Various compounds known to interact with adrenal microsomal cytochrome P-450 had divergent effects on EM metabolism and 21-hydroxylation invitro. Prostaglandins E1 and F, spironolactone, and canrenone inhibited EM demethylation but not 21-hydroxylation. Simple aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene), in contrast, inhibited 21-hydroxylation but did not affect EM metabolism. The results indicate that adrenal drug and steroid metabolism are independently regulated and that different terminal oxidases (cytochrome P-450) are probably involved in adrenal 21-hydroxylation and EM demethylation.  相似文献   

A stabilizing factor, previously reported to protect phosphofructokinase (EC2.7.1.11) from thermal or lysosomal inactivation, has been shown to stabilize ATP-citrate lyase (EC from thermal inactivation (B. Osterlund and W. A. Bridger, 1977, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 76, 1–8). We now report that this factor protects ATP-citrate lyase from inactivation by proteases extracted from lysosomes. While it has been suggested that the stabilizing factor may play a role in the turnover of other lipogenic enzymes, we have found that the factor has no stabilizing or other effects on NADP+-malic enzyme (EC In order to assess the properties and mode of action of the stabilizing factor with regard to interaction with its target enzyme(s), the factor has been extensively purified from rat liver and characterized as to its composition. Although glutathione appears to copurify with the factor, and glutathione exerts some stabilizing effects on ATP-citrate lyase, the factor is clearly distinguishable from glutathione on the basis of its mode of action and its concentration dependence. Several other biological compounds have been tested in attempts to identify the chemical nature of the stabilizing factor. Thus, biotin, pyridoxal phosphate, glucose tolerance factor, substrates for ATP-citrate lyase, and oxidized glutathione have been eliminated as possible identities for the stabilizing factor. In contrast to results reported by other workers (who investigated stabilization of phosphofructokinase) we find this factor to be insensitive to treatment by proteases or sulfhydryl reagents when tested by its ability to protect ATP-citrate lyase from inactivation.  相似文献   

A reconstituted "open" system comprising respiring mitochondria and actively glycolyzing muscle extract was devised for studies of vectorially mediated interactions. Glycogen particles were the substrate for the glycolyzing enzymes. Purified soluble (F1) ATPase was added in varying quantities to establish a range of energetic steady states. The data generally confirm our recent conclusions (Wu and Davis, (1981) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 208, 85-89) on the relative efficacy of the adenine nucleotides and their ratios, and of inorganic phosphate on flux through rate-controlling steps of glycolysis. When mitochondrial ATP synthesis was blocked, glycolytic flux was relatively rapid, and the lactate/pyruvate ratio increased with time to values up to greater than 300. If functional mitochondria were present, glycolytic flux was very strongly suppressed, provided the energy state (ATP/ADP) was high, and the phosphate concentration[Pi] was low. Adenine nucleotide control of glycolysis was to a large extent lost when the steady-state ATP/ADP was below about 10, or if [Pi] was elevated. In the two-phase system containing respiring mitochondria and components of the malate-aspartate shuttle, the ATP/ADP and both extra- and intramitochondrial NAD+/NADH ratios were maintained constant, and to various perturbable levels with varying energy load (ATPase). The gradient in reduction potentials attained values (delta Gredox) of up to about 2.5 kcal. The extramitochondrial redox state was not positively correlated with the external phosphorylation potential ([ATP]/[ADP] X [Pi]). The following conclusions are drawn on the basis of the present data, together with other reports (Davis, Bremer, and Akerman (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 2277-2283) and (Klingenberg and Rottenberg (1977) Eur. J. Biochem. 73, 125-130): (a) the gradient in reduction potential is driven by the membrane potential (delta psi), mediated by the electrogenic glutamate-aspartate exchange, and the poise or set point of this gradient is a function of delta psi; and (b) the gradient of ATP/ADP ratios across the membrane is also driven principally by delta psi, mediated by the electrogenic ATP-ADP exchange. Hence, segregation of phosphorylation and reduction potentials is linked through a mutually shared electrical driving force.  相似文献   

Macrophage cooperation has been shown to be necessary for the thymus-derived lymphocyte to express many of its differentiated functions. The importance of macrophage-lymphocyte interaction has been extended to the study of nonimmunogenic mitogenesis. Utilizing human macrophages and T-cells prepared separately to greater than 98% purity, we have demonstrated a marked degree of dependence of the T-cell upon the macrophage for mitogenesis in response to phytohemagglutinin. The degree of dependence observed is greater than that seen with other human systems and on the order of that seen in the highly purified nonhuman systems. The nature of the physical interaction between the macrophage and the T-cell was visualized using conventional light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Lymphocytes were observed to form a semirosetting pattern around the macrophage very early following mitogenic stimulation. The lymphocytes were observed to proceed through early blastogenesis while in direct contact with the macrophage.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the Spirulina maxima ferredoxin has been determined. Spirulina maxima is a blue green algae and is a procaryote. The ferredoxins of the plant-algal type sequenced to date have all been isolated from eucaryotes. The S. maxima ferredoxin was composed of 98 amino acids arranged in a single polypeptide chain.The sequences of the various procaryote-eucaryote ferredoxins are compared and the differences discussed.  相似文献   

A semi-automatic turbidimetric method was used to study the interaction of H1 histone with DNA. Phosphorylation of H1 by a growth-associated kinase had two effects on the interaction. At high salt (0.4 M to 0.6 M NaCl) phosphorylated H1 is released from DNA at lower salt concentration than control H1, but at moderate salt (0.1–0.3 M NaCl) phosphorylated H1 cross-links DNA more effectively (higher turbidity) than unphosphorylated H1. The second effect was not observed with H1 phosphorylated at two other sites and the results are interpreted as providing support for the previous proposal that growth-associated H1 phosphorylation initiates chromosome condensation in prophase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The interaction of the nerve growth factor with the neurotubule protein has been studied with the aim of elucidating the nature of the large complexes that they form when incubated together and the factors that control this event. The results show that the binding of nerve growth factor to tubulin is followed by the formation of large structures that, in certain experimental conditions, accelerate the rate of tubulin polymerization to form microtubules or catalyze their assembly in conditions where this process does not occur spontaneously. The formation of large nerve growth factor-tubulin complexes starts to occur only at a molar ratio of 1.0–1.5 NaCl or GTP strongly inhibit this process without a detectable effect on NGF binding. Two hypotheses are postulated to explain these finding. Firstly, that tubulin has two sites with different affinity for nerve growth factor and the polymerization occurs only when the second NGF molecule has interacted with the microtubule protein. Alternatively, free tubulin in solution is the limiting factor of the polymerization by hindering a site of tubulin-factor complexes present in solutio at a 1 : 1 molar ratio. In both cases, GTP, Na+ or H+ will affect the formation of large unsoluble, tubulin-NGF complexes, by changing their conformation or by decreasing electrostatic interactions.  相似文献   

A 2.8-fold accumulation of ceramide was demonstrated in cultured skin ftbroblasts from a patient with Farber's disease, an inborn error of metabolism in which acid ceramidase activity is deficient. To investigate the role of acid ceramidase in the metabolism of ceramide in fibroblasts, we have investigated the lysosomal degradation of ceramide that was taken up by fibroblasts from an exogenous lipid suspension. Fluorescent 4-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole-7-aminododecanoyl-sphingosine (NBD-ceramide) from an exogenous ceramide suspension was incorporated into the intracellular structures of fibroblasts at 37 °C. Study of the cellular uptake of exogenous [3H]oleylsphingosine showed that the rate of ceramide accumulation was nearly identical in Farber's disease and normal fibroblasts. The deficiency of acid ceramidase in Farber's fibroblasts resulted in the decrease of cellular degradation and uptake of ceramide and the increase of retention time of ceramide in these diseased cells. Studies of subcellular fractionation of these fibroblasts showed that the accumulated ceramide was located in the lysosomal fraction. As a result, the density of the lysosomal fraction of Farber's fibroblasts was found to be less than that of controls. These results suggest the defect of cellular metabolism in this inherited disease is located within the lysosome.  相似文献   

Studies on the incorporation of radio-labeled precursors into orotic acid and the pyrimidine nucleotides of RNA have established the occurrence of the orotate pathway for the de novo biosynthesis of pyrimidines in the chick oviduct. Measurements of the rate of incorporation of precursors into orotic acid in minces of oviduct revealed the activity of the orotate pathway to be accelerated in response to estrogen-stimulated nucleic acid synthesis and tissue growth. These data indicate that extrahepatic tissues of avian species meet their requirements for pyrimidine nucleotides through de novo synthesis rather than depend upon the liver or other exogenous sources for a supply of preformed pyrimidines. An examination of the influence of pyrimidine and purine nucleosides on the incorporation of radio-labeled precursors into orotic acid yielded evidence that pyrimidine biosynthesis in the chick is quite sensitive to inhibition by both purines and pyrimidines; the data indicate the reaction catalyzed by carbamoylphosphate synthetase to be the site of inhibition in both cases.  相似文献   

An efficient procedure employing affinity chromatography has been developed for the isolation of sheep and rat liver dihydropteridine reductases. The affinity matrix is synthesized by the carbodiimide-promoted condensation of methotrexate (MTX) and 1,6-diaminohexane to give 1-aminohexyl-6-amido-MTX, which is subsequently coupled to cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose. The purification sequence requires (i) chromatography of a dilute acetic acid extract of diced liver on DEAE-cellulose, (ii) two successive passages of the product from the previous step through the affinity matrix, and (iii) filtration through Sephadex G-200. The products, recovered in overall 30% yields, exhibit average specific activities of 47.5 and 63 μmol of NADH oxidized/mg/min and show single bands of mobility 0.35 and 0.19 for the sheep and rat liver sources, respectively. SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis before and after titration with dimethyl suberimidate indicates that the enzymes are dimeric with molecular weights of 52,000 (sheep) and 51,000 (rat). Both enzymes show a preference for NADH over NADPH as cofactor. However, differences in the extinction coefficient at 280 nm, the isoelectric point, and NADH binding constants suggest that significant variations in physical characteristics exist between the two proteins.  相似文献   

The absorption band at 260 mμ of NAD+ shifts to 360 mg by interaction with GAPDH or its analogues. Two explanations have been given on this red shift; one is an addition of such nucleophilic residue as sulfhydryl group in the enzyme to the position four in nicotinamide nucleus of NAD+, and the other is the charge transfer from such aromatic amino acid as tryptophan to NAD+. In the present paper, possibility of the charge transfer from indole residue to NAD+ was investigated quantum chemically. Taking into account of the electric field due to the charges in the enzyme, the absorption band of the NAD+-enzyme complex at 360 mμ was explained as a charge transfer from indole nucleus to NAD+. The blue shift of the absorption band of NADH at 340 mμ was also explained by taking into account of the electric field and this supported the proposition of Kosower (1962a).Stacking of adenine nucleus with indole nucleus in the NAD+-enzyme complex was suggested from the NMR spectroscopic data. Our molecular orbital calculations predicted that the effects of adenine on spectral shifts were not significant.  相似文献   

Germination and seedling growth of mung bean are accompanied by a 7- to 10-fold increase in the ribonuclease content of the cotyledons. The increase occurs during the first 4 days of seedling growth and precedes the senescence of the cotyledons. Separation of the RNases in the cotyledons by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicates the presence of several minor bands in seeds imbibed for 24 hr. On the second day of seedling growth a new major band with an Rf of 0.76 is present. In 4- to 5-day old seedlings this major band accounts for nearly all the RNase activity in the tissue. The characteristics of this RNase show that it is a plant ribonuclease I (pH optimum of 5.0; MW 16,000; activity preferentially inhibited by purine nucleotides; no activity toward DNA; no phosphodiesterase activity). When the seedlings are grown in 66% D2O the RNase activity undergoes a density shift of 0.61% indicating that the increase in enzyme activity is due to the de novo synthesis of the enzyme molecules. A method is described for the isolation of protein bodies from protoplasts of storage parenchyma cells. Fractionation of protoplast lysates on Ficoll gradients results in the recovery of a high proportion (75%) of intact protein bodies. On these gradients RNase activity comigrates with α-mannosidase, a protein body marker enzyme indicating that the newly synthesized RNase accumulates in the protein bodies. We suggest that the synthesis of RNase in the cotyledons and its accumulation in the protein bodies indicates that protein bodies may function in the degradation of cellular macromolecules other than the reserves stored within them.  相似文献   

Previous evidence has shown that prenatal and neonatal exposure to low levels of Pb result in decreased FSH binding and steroidogenesis in the testes at the onset of puberty. The purpose of the present study was to determine by in vitro methods, if Pb acts by interfering directly with hormone binding, cyclic AMP production and steroidogenic enzyme activity. Sertoli cells were isolated from testes of prepubertal rats and cultured in the presence of 2.64 x 10(-4)M of either NaAc (control) or PbAc for 1, 4, 24, 48, 96 or 144 hr. There was no reduction in FSH binding and in FSH-induced cyclic AMP after a 1-4 hr exposure to Pb. After a 24-hr exposure to Pb, the cells exhibited a 10-20% decrease in FSH binding and cyclic AMP production and after 96 hr there was a 75% decrease in these 2 parameters. The inhibition was greater in cells from 16 day old than from 20 day old rats, so that in the former, after a 144 hr exposure the FSH-induced cyclic AMP of the Pb exposed cells was only 3% of the amount produced by the NaAc exposed cells (i.e. a 97% inhibition). After in vitro exposure to Pb for 48 hr, the steroidogenic activity (progesterone conversion to steroid metabolites) of Sertoli cells was significantly reduced and their steroidogenesis was no longer stimulated by FSH. A crude testicular enzyme preparation containing 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSD) exhibited approximately 25% reduction in activity if the assay buffer contained PbCl2 instead of the equivalent in NaCl. Prolonged in vivo exposure to Pb resulted in approximately 50% reduction in 3 beta-HSD activity. This is the first indication that in the testis Pb may act directly (immediate effect) by suppressing enzyme activities, and indirectly (long term effect) by reducing gonadotropin-receptor binding and the resultant cyclic AMP production.  相似文献   

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