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Further details are given of crystals of glutamine synthetase prepared from Escherichia coli. Crystals of two kinds have been observed: (1) rhombic dodecahedra which correspond to the morphology of the crystals studied by Eisenberg et al. (1971) (and which were found by them to contain dodecamers), and (2) rhombohedra, reported here. Cell dimensions and packing considerations led to the consideration of two possible structures for the rhombohedral crystals. These we have called the “T = 7 structure” and the “B.C.C. structure”. The T = 7 structure would be related to that derived by Eisenberg and would contain dodecamers, but is inconsistent with our X-ray intensity data. The B.C.C. structure is considered more probable. It is built of cubic octomers or square tetramers. Electron micrographs of our glutamine synthetase preparations show a wide variety of aggregates, including dodecamers and tetramers. The unit cell dimensions of our crystals are a = 140 ± 2 Å, and c = 148 ± 2 Å. The Laue symmetry group is 3̄m P31.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase in Escherichia coli is regulated by adenylation and deadenylation reactions. The adenylation reaction converts the divalent cation requirement of the enzyme from Mg2+ to Mn2+. Previously, the catalytic action of unadenylated glutamine synthetase was elucidated by monitoring the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence change accompanying substrate binding. However, due to the lack of changes in the tryptophan fluorescence, a similar study could not be done with the adenylated enzyme. In this study, therefore, an extrinsic fluor is introduced into the adenylated glutamine synthetase by adenylating the enzyme with 2-aza-1,N6-ethenoadenosine triphosphate, a fluorescent analog of ATP. The modified enzyme (aza-epsilon-glutamine synthetase) exhibits catalytic and kinetic properties similar to those of the naturally adenylated enzyme. The results of fluorometric studies on this aza-epsilon-glutamine synthetase indicated that L-glutamate and ATP bind to both Mn2+ and Mg2+ forms of the enzyme in a random order, but only the Mn2+ form is capable of forming a highly reactive enzyme-bound intermediate which is a prerequisite for the reaction with NH4+ to form products. The extrinsic fluorescence changes are also used to determine the binding constants of various substrates and inhibitors of both the biosynthetic and gamma-glutamyl transfer reactions.  相似文献   

Kinetic mechanism of Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
T D Meek  J J Villafranca 《Biochemistry》1980,19(24):5513-5519

D D Clark  J J Villafranca 《Biochemistry》1985,24(19):5147-5152
Isotope-exchange enhancement studies, a variation on positional isotope-exchange enhancement as described by Raushel and Garrard [Raushel, F. M., & Garrard, L. J. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 1791-1795], are used to establish the point in the biosynthetic reaction of Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase at which gamma-glutamyl phosphate is formed. In these experiments, the behavior of the reverse biosynthetic reaction, i.e., the reaction of ADP, L-glutamine, and phosphate to form NH4+, L-glutamate, and ATP, is examined as a function of the concentration of ammonium ion. By varying the concentration of NH4+, the ratio of the velocity of isotope exchange to the velocity of net reaction, as measured by the rate of 18O depletion from labeled phosphate and the rate of production of L-glutamate, respectively, can be modulated in a mechanism-dependent manner. Evidence is presented demonstrating the presence of a branch point in the mechanism. The enzyme-ATP-glutamate complex may partition in two ways, one involving binding of ammonium ion and the other involving the chemical transformation to form the enzyme-ADP-gamma-glutamyl phosphate complex. The alternate pathways then rejoin upon formation of the enzyme-ADP-NH4+-gamma-glutamyl phosphate complex. Because of the branch point, there is no absolute requirement that ammonium ion be absent or present in order for the formation of gamma-glutamyl phosphate to occur. At high concentrations of ammonia, one pathway through the branch can be eliminated, effectively making that portion of the pathway ordered, with ATP, L-glutamate, and NH4+ binding consistent with our previously reported steady-state kinetic mechanism [Meek, T. D., & Villafranca, J. J. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 5513-5519].  相似文献   

《Bioorganic chemistry》1986,14(2):163-169
The inhibition of Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase by phosphinothricin [2-amino-4-(methylphosphinyl)butanoic acid] has been studied. This amino acid was observed to function as an active site directed inhibitor exhibiting time-dependent inhibition of glutamine synthetase in the presence of ATP or adenylylimidodiphosphate (AMPPNP) but not adenylyl(β,γ-methylene) diphosphonate (AMPPCP). The inactivation was observed to be pseudo-first order. Phosphinothricin was also found to inhibit the enzyme reversibly under initial rate conditions and was competitive with respect to glutamate with K1S = 18 ± 3 μm. The inactive enzyme inhibitor complex was found to contain approximately 11 molecules of ADP and of 32P per dodecamer using [γ-32P]ATP. Reactivation of the inactive enzyme complex was achieved by incubating the enzyme complex in 50 mm acetate (pH 4.4), 1 m KCl, and 0.40 m (NH4)2SO4. ADP, phosphinothricin, and Pi were released upon reactivation.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase from Escherichia coli is composed of 12 identical subunits and exists in various forms: unadenylylated, adenylylated, divalent cation bound (taut), and divalent cation free (relaxed). The relaxed dodecamer readily dissociates into monomers upon exposure to 1 M urea or pH 8.0. Glutamine synthetase can be inactivated irreversibly by oxidizing a particular histidine residue or by incubating with methionine sulfoximine and ATP. In order to establish hybridoma monoclones that produce antibodies capable of differentiating between different conformers of glutamine synthetase, homogeneous antibodies produced from 7 clones (10-76-1, 48-76-1, 68-2-1, 57-142-2, 72-104-1, 68-3-2, 57-8-1) were characterized for their binding specificity and effects on glutamine synthetase activity. Two antibodies (10-76-1, 48-76-1) bind only to the monomeric form, two antibodies (57-142-2, 68-3-2) bind only to the dodecameric forms (taut or relaxed) and the three others (68-2-1, 72-104-1, 57-8-1) bind to both forms. At a low antibody concentration, 68-3-2 binds preferentially to taut glutamine synthetase over oxidized glutamine synthetase. None of the 7 antibodies differentiates between unadenylylated and adenylylated form. Nevertheless, the gamma-glutamyltransferase activities of the resulting antibody-glutamine synthetase complexes were influenced variably depending upon the state of adenylylation and the divalent cation.  相似文献   

After oxidative damage (e.g. induced with iron, ascorbate, and oxygen), the inactivated glutamine synthetase is selectively hydrolyzed in extracts of Escherichia coli. We therefore tested if glutamine synthetase treated with this system is hydrolyzed preferentially by any of the known E. coli proteases. Protease So, a cytoplasmic serine protease, was found to degrade the oxidized form of glutamine synthetase to acid-soluble peptides 5-10 times faster than the native glutamine synthetase. Degradation of the oxidized glutamine synthetase was inhibited by EDTA and stimulated 5-10-fold by Mg2+, Ca2+, or Mn2+, even though casein hydrolysis by protease So is not affected by divalent cations. Apparently, these cations affect the conformation of this substrate, making it more susceptible to proteolytic attack. Protease Re, another cytoplasmic protease, also degrades preferentially the oxidized form of glutamine synthetase and seems to correspond to the glutamine synthetase-degrading activity recently described by Roseman and Levine [1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 2101-2110). However, it is much less active in this reaction than protease So. No other soluble E. coli protease, including Do, Ci, Mi, Fa, Pi, or the ATP-dependent proteases Ti and La (the lon product), appears to degrade this oxidized protein. These results suggest that protease So participates in the hydrolysis of oxidatively damaged proteins and that E. coli has multiple systems for degrading different types of aberrant proteins.  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)是植物氮同化的关键酶,为了研究小麦GS同工酶的结构及其表达特点,我们构建了小麦GS1、GSr、GSe、GS2和GS2前体GS2p的原核表达载体,并对表达条件进行了优化。结果表明,尽管小麦GS同工酶氨基酸序列同源性达70%–80%,蛋白质表达却各具特点。30℃诱导3 h后,GSr、GSe及GS2表达量达最大,诱导7 h后GS1表达量达最大,GS2p不表达,表达量依次为GS1(22%)GSr(15%)GS2(12%)GSe(5%);且GSe可溶性表达,GS1主要为可溶性表达,而GSr和GS2为包涵体。30℃诱导3 h,GS同工酶相对转录量为GSr(7.59)GS2(1.84)GS2p(1.66)GSe(1.46)GS1(1.00),酶蛋白质翻译水平与转录水平不一致。mRNA结构分析显示,GS同工酶翻译起始区稳定二级结构的自由能不同:GS1(14.4)GSr(17.2)GS2(22.6)GSe(25.4)GS2p(31.6),自由能越小,翻译起始区结构越不稳定,蛋白表达水平越高。GS1、GSr、GSe和GS2可溶性表达的最佳诱导条件不同,分别是30℃诱导5 h、16℃诱导15 h、37℃诱导5 h及25℃诱导7 h;可溶性表达量为GS1(20%)GSr(13%)GS2(10%)GSe(7%),酶活性为GS1GSeGS2,GSr无活性。可见,GS同工酶的基因序列决定了蛋白质在原核细胞中的表达量、状态及其活性。  相似文献   

《Bioorganic chemistry》1986,14(3):242-248
Incubation of Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase with thiourea trioxide resulted in partial inactivation of the enzyme. This reagent specifically modifies lysine residues to form homoarginine. By amino acid analysis 2.3 ± 0.3 residues of homoarginine are produced per enzyme subunit after treatment with thiourea trioxide. Previously we determined that thiourea dioxide totally inactivated glutamine synthetase and modified both lysine and histidine residues (J. Colanduoni and J. J. Villafranca (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 15,042–15,050). Thiourea trioxide reacted with the same lysine residues of glutamine synthetase as thiourea dioxide. The Km values for the thiourea trioxide modified enzyme were determined and are 210 ± 30 μm and 10 ± 1 mm for ATP and glutamate, respectively. Both values are about threefold higher than for native enzyme assayed under the same conditions. Fluorescence titrations of native and thiourea trioxide labeled enzyme showed that ATP binding was virtually unchanged by the modification while glutamate and methionine sulfoximine bound about twofold more weakly to the modified enzyme.  相似文献   

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