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孙德鑫  刘向  周淑荣 《生物多样性》2018,26(7):655-1265
已有大量研究利用功能性状或系统发育来推断群落构建机制, 然而不同过程可能会导致相似的格局。本文基于对甘南高寒草甸植物功能群去除处理后群落恢复过程的跟踪调查, 对比了物种多样性、功能多样性和系统发育多样性的动态变化, 并分析了物种定殖与消失过程对功能多样性和系统发育多样性变化的影响。结果表明: 去除不同数量功能群的群落中: (1)包括物种丰富度(SR)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H°)和Simpson指数(D)在内的传统物种多样性均随时间快速上升并与自然群落趋同, 不同群落的均匀度指数(J)随时间呈增加趋势并趋于相似; 功能多样性(FD)与系统发育多样性(PD)呈现出与物种多样性相似的动态变化趋势, 而平均配对距离(MPD/MPDa、MFD/MFDa)则向中等程度聚集。(2)不同群落的功能群和物种组成在短期内均恢复到与自然群落非常相似的程度。(3)物种定殖与消失过程的功能格局是群落恢复过程中趋同效应的主要驱动力。本研究揭示了高寒草甸植物功能群去除停止后群落短期内快速恢复的过程, 说明在小尺度且周边具有大范围未退化草甸的情况下, 无论物种多样性、功能多样性还是系统发育多样性都具有较快的恢复能力, 同时说明了利用群落系统发育多样性格局来推断群落构建机制的局限性。  相似文献   

The effect of earthworms and snails in a simple plant community   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Snails and earthworms affected the dynamics of a simple, three-species plant community, in the Ecotron controlled environment facility. Earthworms enhanced the establishment, growth and cover of the legume Trifolium dubium, both via the soil and interactions with other plant species. Worms increased soil phosphates, increased root nodulation in T. dubium, and enabled T. dubium seedlings to establish in the presence of grass (Poa annua) litter, by increasing soil heterogeneity. Worms also buried the seeds of Poa annua and Senecio vulgaris, reducing the germination of new seedlings. Snails reduced nitrogen-fixing Trifolium dubium and increased cover of plant litter, thereby reducing ammonia-nitrogen concentrations in the soil. These effects and their interactions demonstrate that the detritivore food chain, and earthworms in particular, cannot be ignored if we are to understand the spatial and temporal dynamics of plant communities.  相似文献   

Aims The community assembly has been a prominent issue in community ecology. This work was intended to explore the mechanisms of the species coexistence and biodiversity in communities. Our objective was to explore the mechanisms of community assembly in subalpine meadow plant communities along slope gradients in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, Northwest China.Methods We selected five slope-oriented plots to construct a super-tree representing the species pool. We surveyed the leaf functional traits and soil environmental factors in different slopes. Then we tested the phylogenetic signal of leaf dry matter content (LDMC), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf nitrogen content (LNC) and leaf phosphorus content (LPC).Important findings The changes of slope aspect had significant influence on soil water content (SWC) and soil nutrient content. Most of the plants leaf functional traits had significant difference along different slope aspects. The LDMC was higher in south and southwest slope than north slope, while SLA, LNC and LPC were relatively high in north and northwest slope. The LPC showed feeble phylogenetic signal, while LDMC, SLA, LNC did not have a significant phylogenetic signal. With changes in the slope aspect from south to north, community phylogenetic structure shifted from over-dispersion to clustered dispersion. In south and southwest slope, habitat filtering was the driving force for community assembly. Interspecific competition was the main driving factor for community assembly in north and northwest slope aspects. But in west slope, two indices showed contrary consequence. This means the process of community assembly in west slope was more complicated and its phylogenetic index may be the result of several mechanisms working together.  相似文献   

Aim  To test for patterns in the assembly of an island plant community.
Location  Islands off the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Methods  Twenty-seven islands were visited by boat, and the abundance of six woody angiosperm species was quantified. Null models were then used to test whether: (1) some species co-occur less than expected by chance (i.e. co-occurrence assembly rule), (2) the incidence and abundance of some species are inversely related to the abundance of other species (i.e. incidence assembly rule), and (3) support for assembly rules precludes evidence for nestedness, which refers to a pattern in species composition in which the species present on depauperate islands form regular subsets of those occurring on progressively more diverse islands.
Results  Most species co-occurred with other species at frequencies expected by chance. However, one species ( Sambucus racemosa ) co-occurred with other species less frequently than randomized expectations. The observed incidence and abundance patterns of most species were also consistent with randomized patterns. However, the incidence and abundance of S. racemosa declined with the abundance of other plant species. Weak, variable support was found for nestedness of the total plant community. However, stronger, consistent support was found after removing S. racemosa from the matrix prior to analyses.
Main conclusions  Most species were assembled on islands in a manner consistent with randomized expectations. However, non-random distributional patterns were observed in one species whose distribution was consistent with the hypothesis that competition limits the assembly of island communities.  相似文献   

植物群落构建机制研究进展   总被引:10,自引:15,他引:10  
柴永福  岳明 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4557-4572
群落构建研究对于解释物种共存和物种多样性的维持是至关重要的,因此一直是生态学研究的中心论题。尽管近年来关于生态位和中性理论的验证研究已经取得了显著的成果,但对于局域群落构建机制的认识仍存在很大争议。随着统计和理论上的进步使得用功能性状和群落谱系结构解释群落构建机制变为可能,主要是通过验证共存物种的性状和谱系距离分布模式来实现。然而,谱系和功能性状不能相互替代,多种生物和非生物因子同时控制着群落构建,基于中性理论的扩散限制、基于生态位的环境过滤和竞争排斥等多个过程可能同时影响着群落的构建。所以,综合考虑多种方法和影响因素探讨植物群落的构建机制,对于预测和解释植被对干扰的响应,理解生物多样性维持机制有重要意义。试图在简要回顾群落构建理论及研究方法发展的基础上,梳理其最新研究进展,并探讨整合功能性状及群落谱系结构的研究方法,解释群落构建和物种多样性维持机制的可能途径。在结合功能性状和谱系结构研究群落构建时,除了考虑空间尺度、环境因子、植被类型外,还应该关注时间尺度、选择性状的种类和数量、性状的种内变异、以及人为干扰等因素对群落构建的影响。  相似文献   

Kane R. Keller 《Oecologia》2014,176(4):1101-1109
Mutualistic interactions can be just as important to community dynamics as antagonistic species interactions like competition and predation. Because of their large effects on both abiotic and biotic environmental variables, resource mutualisms, in particular, have the potential to influence plant communities. Moreover, the effects of resource mutualists such as nitrogen-fixing rhizobia on diversity and community composition may be more pronounced in nutrient-limited environments. I experimentally manipulated the presence of rhizobia across a nitrogen gradient in early assembling mesocosm communities with identical starting species composition to test how the classic mutualism between nitrogen-fixing rhizobia and their legume host influence diversity and community composition. After harvest, I assessed changes in α-diversity, community composition, β-diversity, and ecosystem properties such as inorganic nitrogen availability and productivity as a result of rhizobia and nitrogen availability. The presence of rhizobia decreased plant community diversity, increased community convergence (reduced β-diversity), altered plant community composition, and increased total community productivity. These community-level effects resulted from rhizobia increasing the competitive dominance of their legume host Chamaecrista fasciculata. Moreover, different non-leguminous species responded both negatively and positively to the presence of rhizobia, indicating that rhizobia are driving both inhibitory and potentially facilitative effects in communities. These findings expand our understanding of plant communities by incorporating the effects of positive symbiotic interactions on plant diversity and composition. In particular, rhizobia that specialize on dominant plants may serve as keystone mutualists in terrestrial plant communities, reducing diversity by more than 40 %.  相似文献   

Earthworms and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have profound impacts on plant performance. However, it is largely unknown if and how earthworms and AMF may affect plant succession. We planted mesocosms with an early-mid successional and a mid-late successional grassland plant community and added endogeic earthworms and commercial AMF in a full-factorial way to natural background soil. Earthworms had a positive effect on the total root and shoot biomass of both plant communities, with the effect on the shoots being slightly enhanced by co-inoculation with AMF. Surprisingly, the earthworm effect on the mid successional plant species depended on the successional stage of the plant community. Earthworms had a positive effect on the mid successional plant species when they were growing in the mid-late successional plant community, but no effect when the same plant species were growing in the early-mid successional plant community. Addition of AMF alone tended to reduce the shoot biomass of the early successional plant species, while the addition of earthworms in the presence or absence of AMF increased their shoot biomass. We conclude that the impacts of earthworms on plant species may depend on the successional stage of the plant community, while the effect of AMF addition depends on the successional stage of the plant community and may be changed by the presence of earthworms. Earthworms and AMF addition affect plants and plant communities of different successional stages differently with potential effects on plant succession.  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘高寒草甸植物群落的开花物候   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Based on the observation on the flowering phenology in the whole growth season of 2008, the dynamics, patterns, and relationships among various parameters of flowering phenology of alpine meadow plant community in eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were studied, and the potential effects of above-mentioned factors on the species coexistence of the plant community were approached. The flowering period of the plant community started from early May, came into peak period in the first ten days of August, and ended in early October, extending all over whole growth period. Different species had their different first flowering date, peak flowering period, and flowering duration, and their flowering phenologieal niches differentiated obviously. Most species had their peak flowering period centralized in July-August. There was a negative rela-tionship between peak flowering period and flowering duration: the earlier the flowering, the lon-ger the flowering duration. The differences in flowering phonology among the species were mainly determined by species per se characteristics and environmental conditions, but the flowering phe-nological pattern on community level was primarily controlled by abiotic factors.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):153-165
Background : We explored evidence for spatial patterning in vegetation across a sand-dune chronosequence spanning 453 years of primary succession to test for indications of a temporal signature of niche versus neutral processes during community assembly.

Methods : The study was conducted on a series of dune-capped beach ridges located in Wilderness State Park in Emmet County of northern Lower Michigan, United States (45° 43′ N, 84° 56′ E). Nearest-neighbour survey data were subjected to species dispersion and association analyses.

Results : Both species richness and species evenness showed the classic ‘hump-shaped’ relationship across successional time, suggesting that competition is an important force in structuring this community. However, the only evidence of intra-specific aggregation occurred in the youngest dune. Older dunes displayed random spatial structure and the oldest dunes tended toward a mix of random patterns and intra-specific segregation, i.e. with nearest neighbours more likely than by chance to be inter-specific. In addition, the frequency of species having lower neighbour-species richness than expected by chance was higher in younger, not older dunes. Species with significantly low neighbour richness (based on absolute nearest neighbours) on later dunes tended to have a high proportion of nearest neighbours that were intra-specific.

Conclusions : The data provided no evidence that resident species in later succession have greater intra-specific aggregation or more niche differentiation based on horizontal niche space. The data are more consistent with theories of community assembly involving competitive equivalence and/or effects of facilitation.  相似文献   

When individuals from multiple populations colonize a new habitat patch, intraspecific trait variation can make the arrival order of colonists an important factor for subsequent population and community dynamics. In particular, intraspecific priority effects (IPEs) allow early arrivers to limit the growth or establishment of later arrivers, even when competitively inferior on a per‐capita basis. Through their effects on genes and traits, IPEs can alter short‐term growth and long‐term evolutionary change in single species metapopulations. Given their importance for intraspecific interactions, IPEs in a dominant species have the potential to affect the composition of entire communities. We conducted an experiment to determine whether and how arrival order and IPEs in the zooplankter Daphnia pulex affected its interactions with both competitors (the cladoceran Simocephalus vetulus) and parasites (the virulent fungus Metschnikowia bicuspidata). We found strong evidence for IPEs in Daphnia, as early arrivers inhibited late arrivers even when competitively inferior. These IPEs in Daphnia altered both the establishment success of interspecific competitors and the size of disease epidemics: early colonization by fast‐growing D. pulex led to large Daphnia populations and low competitor establishment, but large disease epidemics. Early colonization by slow‐growing D. pulex, on the other hand, resulted in small Daphnia populations with high competitor establishment, but smaller disease epidemics. Overall, our results demonstrate the importance of intraspecific variation and arrival order for community dynamics, and highlight IPEs as a general mechanism driving variation in natural communities.  相似文献   

植物根际微生物群落构建的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植物根际是指植物根系与土壤的交界面,是根系自身生命活动和代谢对土壤影响最直接、最强烈的区域,其物理、化学和生物性质不同于土体土壤。在这个区域里,与植物发生相互作用的大量微生物,被称为根际微生物。根际微生物在植物的生长发育和植物病虫害的生物防治等方面都具有十分重要的意义。本文总结了根际微生物群落构建的研究现状,介绍了根际微生物的经典和最新的研究方法,包括根箱法、同位素技术以及高通量测序、菌群定量分析、高通量分离培养等方法在根际微生物研究中的应用,讨论了植物根系分泌物(碳水化物、氨基酸、黄酮类、酚类、激素及其信号物质)和土壤物理化学性质对根际微生物群落的影响,概述了根际微生物-植物的互作机制,以及根际微生物群落对植物的促生作用、提高植物抗逆性和抑制作用,并对根际微生物群落研究中存在的问题和未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

为合理利用高寒草甸资源,探讨近年来气候变化对高寒草甸的影响,以青海省甘德县高寒草甸为例,基于牧业气象站1976-2006年的气象资料和1994-2006年的牧草观测资料,分析了草地植被地上生物量、高度、盖度和物候期等群落特征以及当地气温、降雨等气象因素的年际变化趋势,采用典型相关分析法和逐步回归分析法对草地植物群落特征变化与气象因子的关系进行了研究,综合分析了影响植被生长状况的关键因子,结果表明:(1)青藏高原高寒草甸总体呈年均气温和平均地温上升、年降水量下降的"暖干化"趋势,牧草盖度高度增大,产量减少,整体观测水平下的牧草物候期推迟。(2)牧草的高度、盖度及产量对不同气候因子的响应程度不同。牧草高度与盖度对温度因子的变化更敏感,牧草产量对水分因子的变化更敏感。平均地温和相对湿度越高,牧草高度越高,产量越多。(3)不同牧草的物候期受不同气象因子的影响,变化趋势也不相同。从整体水平上看,牧草物候期对温度因子更敏感,温度越高,物候期越提前。  相似文献   

不同干扰类型对高寒草甸群落结构和植物多样性的影响   总被引:45,自引:6,他引:45  
对高寒草甸天然草地进行了施肥、围栏和放牧 中牧和重牧 处理,研究不同干扰类型对草地植物多样性的影响.结果表明,施肥使草地植物群落物种组成贫乏,群落结构趋于简单,物种多样性减少;中等程度放牧增加了群落结构的复杂性,丰富度指数和多样性指数均最高,支持 中度干扰理论 ;重度放牧,由于干扰过于剧烈而减少了物种优势度和多样性;而轻度干扰的围栏草地,群落由少数优势种所统治,多样性也不高.物种数 S 、丰富度指数 Ma 、Shannon-Wiener指数 H' 、Simpson指数 D 的排列顺序均为:施肥草地<围栏草地<重牧草地<中牧草地;均匀度指数 Jsw 的变化趋势与上述各指数相同;优势度指数的变化趋势则相反,为施肥草地>围栏草地>重牧草地>中牧草地.4种干扰类型草地群落的生活型功能群基本一致,均由多年生禾草、多年生杂类草和莎草类组成,但各功能群在群落中所占比重及各功能群内所含物种数则大不相同.说明不同干扰类型对草地植物群落的物种组成、多样性格局及系统功能等方面产生不同的影响.  相似文献   

为了探明氮(N)限制的植物群落中物种水平和功能群水平的碳(C)、N、磷(P)含量以及C:N:P对P添加的响应是否一致,明确P添加对群落物种构成改变的内在机制。以青藏高原高寒草甸为研究对象, 通过P添加试验, 研究了功能群水平和物种水平生态化学计量比对P添加的响应, 以及P添加对物种水平的优势度和功能群水平生物量的影响。结果表明: 在青藏高原高寒草甸连续5年添加P显著改变了植物的C、N、P含量以及C:N:P, 且在物种水平和功能群水平(不含典型物种)的响应规律基本一致。在禾本科、莎草科和杂类草功能群(不含典型物种)和相应物种水平上P添加对C含量影响不显著。P添加显著增加了禾本科、莎草科、豆科和杂类草4个功能群(不含典型物种)和相应物种水平的植物P含量, 降低了C:P和N:P。禾本科和莎草科的N含量和C:N对P添加在物种水平和功能群水平上(不含典型物种)的响应规律一致, 表现为N含量显著降低, C:N显著增加; P添加使豆科物种水平上N含量显著增加而C:N显著降低, 但在功能群水平上(不含典型物种)无显著作用; 杂类草的N含量和C:N对P添加在物种水平和功能群水平上(不含典型物种)的响应规律均不一致。在N限制的生境中添加P, 禾本科物种在群落中逐渐占据优势跟其增高的N、P利用效率相关, 而杂类草由于逐渐降低的N和P利用效率使其生物量在群落中所占的比重逐渐下降。  相似文献   

为了探明氮(N)限制的植物群落中物种水平和功能群水平的碳(C)、N、磷(P)含量以及C:N:P对P添加的响应是否一致,明确P添加对群落物种构成改变的内在机制。以青藏高原高寒草甸为研究对象, 通过P添加试验, 研究了功能群水平和物种水平生态化学计量比对P添加的响应, 以及P添加对物种水平的优势度和功能群水平生物量的影响。结果表明: 在青藏高原高寒草甸连续5年添加P显著改变了植物的C、N、P含量以及C:N:P, 且在物种水平和功能群水平(不含典型物种)的响应规律基本一致。在禾本科、莎草科和杂类草功能群(不含典型物种)和相应物种水平上P添加对C含量影响不显著。P添加显著增加了禾本科、莎草科、豆科和杂类草4个功能群(不含典型物种)和相应物种水平的植物P含量, 降低了C:P和N:P。禾本科和莎草科的N含量和C:N对P添加在物种水平和功能群水平上(不含典型物种)的响应规律一致, 表现为N含量显著降低, C:N显著增加; P添加使豆科物种水平上N含量显著增加而C:N显著降低, 但在功能群水平上(不含典型物种)无显著作用; 杂类草的N含量和C:N对P添加在物种水平和功能群水平上(不含典型物种)的响应规律均不一致。在N限制的生境中添加P, 禾本科物种在群落中逐渐占据优势跟其增高的N、P利用效率相关, 而杂类草由于逐渐降低的N和P利用效率使其生物量在群落中所占的比重逐渐下降。  相似文献   

The United States National Park Service was created to protect and make accessible to the public the nation’s most precious natural resources and cultural features for present and future generations. However, this heritage is threatened by the invasion of non-native plants, animals, and pathogens. To evaluate the scope of invasions, the USNPS has inventoried non-native plant species in the 216 parks that have significant natural resources, documenting the identity of non-native species. We investigated relationships among non-native plant species richness, the number of threatened and endangered plant species, native species richness, latitude, elevation, park area and park corridors and vectors. Parks with many threatened and endangered plants and high native plant species richness also had high non-native plant species richness. Non-native plant species richness was correlated with number of visitors and kilometers of backcountry trails and rivers. In addition, this work reveals patterns that can be further explored empirically to understand the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

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