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Ixodes philipi ticks were collected from the nest burrows of streaked shearwaters, Calonectris luecomelas, on 3 different islands of Japan (Awashima: 38 degrees 45'N, 139 degrees 24'E; Mikurajima: 33 degrees 52'N, 139 degrees 36'E; and Omorijima: 36 degrees 8'N, 133 degrees 10'E). The mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequence was determined for each tick. The COI sequences of 9 other ixodid tick species also were determined, and they were used for taxonomic positioning of I. philipi. A metastriata tick, Amblyomma triguttatum, was used as an outgroup reference for the analysis. Phylogenetic examination indicated that the I. philipi ticks are on the branch with Ixodes turdus and Ixodes acutitarsus weakly, and the bootstrap value of this branching was low. Three different analyses, maximum parsimony, genetic distance, and maximum likelihood, support this conclusion. To further refine this analysis, 2761 base pairs (bp) of sequence, which included the genes for tRNA(Met), NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2), tRNA(Trp), tRNA(Cys), tRNA(Tyr), and COI, were determined and compared for 6 I. philipi ticks from the 3 different collection sites. Although a base substitution (T to C in the ND2 gene for an Awashima tick) and 2 transitions (G to A in the COI gene for 1 Omorijima tick) have occurred, the overall sequences were highly conserved. Preserved mitochondrial sequences in the ticks from 3 widely separated locations suggest the possibility of gene flow, which was probably accomplished by migratory seabirds.  相似文献   

全世界记录的长小蠹(鞘翅目:长小蠹科)有1 500余种,其分类地位一直存在争议.本研究通过分子基因信息探讨长小蠹科昆虫的分子系统进化关系,测定了中对长小蠹Euplatypus parallelus(Fabricius)、希氏长小蠹E. hintzi Schaufuss、散对长小蠹E. solutus Schedl、杯长小蠹Dinoplatypus cupulatus Chapuis、小杯长小蠹D.cupulatulus Schedl、芦苇黄截尾长小蠹D.calamus Blandford、五棘长小蠹Diapus quinquespinatus Chapuis、锥长小蠹Treptoplatypus solidus Walk、栎长小蠹Platypus quercivorus Murayama和东亚长小蠹P.lewosi Blandford等长小蠹科5属10种mtDNA CO I基因部分序列(549 bp);采用MEGA3.1分析了序列组成及遗传距离,应用PAUP4.0分别构建了长小蠹NJ,MP和ML等3种分子系统树,同时结合长小蠹的形态分类,探讨10种长小蠹及其所在属的系统进化.结果表明:长小蠹科昆虫在碱基使用频率上有很大的偏向性;长小蠹科与外群小蠹科松瘤小蠹Orthotomicus erosus Wollaston之间的遗传距离(0.288~0.338)远大于科内种间距离(0~0.226);Diapus属分化最早,Euplatypus属独成一支,Treptohlatypus,Dinoplatypus和Platypus 3属分化为一支.长小蠹科分子系统进化研究结果与Wood(1993)新修订的分类系统基本一致,说明长小蠹科的分类系统更趋于合理.  相似文献   

对21种帘蛤科贝类线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(cytochrome c oxidase subunit I,COI)基因核苷酸序列进行了分析,以探讨这一序列在种质鉴定、分子系统发生研究中的应用价值。测序结果表明,所有物种扩增片段长度均为707 bp(含引物),序列A+T含量(62.4%—67.8%)明显高于G+C含量。物种间共有变异位点379个,其中简约信息位点334个;此区段共编码235个氨基酸,种间共有氨基酸变异位点100个。以COI基因片段序列为标记,用中国蛤蜊(Mactra chinensis)作外群,构建了35种帘蛤科贝类(其中14种贝类COI序列从GenBank下载)的系统发生树,结合拓扑结构分析和序列比对分析,结果表明:支持将短文蛤(Meretrix petechinalis)和丽文蛤(M.lusoria)订为文蛤(M.meretrix)的同物异名的观点,建议将丽文蛤和短文蛤订为文蛤的地理亚种;支持将薄片镜蛤(Dosinia corrugata)和D.angulosa订为2个独立种的观点;认为将波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata)和织锦巴非蛤(P.textile)订为2个独立种是合适的。COI基因序列含有丰富的遗传信息,适合作为帘蛤科贝类种群遗传结构和系统发生研究的分子标记。  相似文献   

The diagnostic characters of larval, nymphal and adult Hyalomma aegyptium (L., 1758) based on specimens from the territory of most part of the area are given. In the diagnoses of immature stages, was used the characters, which were formerly tested by the author for diagnostics of other Hyalomma species occurring in the former USSR. Commonly used characters and those which were revealed by the author as useful for the majority of Euhyalomma Filippova, 1984 and Hyalommina Schulze, 1919 species, have been used in the diagnoses of male and female. Differential diagnosis of Hyalomma aegyptium. Female: genital orifice as wide arch with straight posterior margin (fig. 2, 5); vestibular part of vagina funnel-like, greatly swollen (fig. 2, 5); setae of alloscutum stick-like, tapering in apical one (figs 2, 3, 4); second segment of palps with proximal narrowing (figs 3, 1, 2); spurs of coxae I widely separated, triangular, wide, subequal in size (fig. 3, 5). Male: any grooves of conscutum absent, except short and pit-like cervical ones (fig. 4); punctation sparce and impressive (fig. 4); adenal shields short and wide, without inner branch, posterior part widened, anteromedian margin straight (fig. 5, 4); spurs of coxae I widely separated, triangular, wide, subequal in size (fig. 6, 5). Nymph: posteromedian setae of alloscutum stick-like and, as a rule, with indented apices (fig. 7, 2); spurs of coxae I large, median spur as equilateral triangle and shorter than lateral one (fig. 7, 8); spurs of coxae II-IV well developed, with acute apices (fig. 7, 8). Larva: posterior part of scutum (behind the eyes) heavy elongated, its apex straight, postero-lateral incisions weakly developed (fig. 8, 1); spurs of coxae I as equilateral triangle in shape and with rounded apices, spurs of coxae II-III very large (fig. 8, 5).  相似文献   

Entomological Review - Types of exoskeleton anomalies and frequency of their occurrence were described in 437 females and 366 males of Ixodes pavlovskyi pavlovskyi Pomerantsev 1946, collected by...  相似文献   

Papilio phylogeny based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and II genes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Butterflies of the genus Papilio have served as the basis for numerous studies in insect physiology, genetics, and ecology. However, phylogenetic work on relationships among major lineages in the genus has been limited and inconclusive. We have sequenced 2.3 kb of DNA from the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and II genes (COI and COII) for 23 Papilio taxa and two outgroups, Pachliopta neptunus and Eurytides marcellus, in order to assess the potential of these genes for use in Papilio phylogenetics and to examine patterns of gene evolution across a broad taxonomic range. Nucleotide and amino acid variation is distributed heterogeneously, both within and between genes. Structural features of the proteins are not always reliable predictors of variation. In a combined analysis, these sequences support a nearly fully resolved topology within subgenera and species groups, though higher level relationships among species groups require additional study. The most noteworthy findings are that neither Papilio alexanor nor P. xuthus belongs in the machaon group and that the subgenus Pterourus is paraphyletic with respect to the subgenus Pyrrhosticta. We leave relationships among members of the phorcas species group as a trichotomy. These two protein coding genes, particularly COI, show excellent performance in resolving relationships at the level of species and species groups among Papilionidae. We strongly endorse a similar approach for future studies aimed at these levels.  相似文献   

The phylogeographic relationships of the trans-Palearctic Willow Tit assemblage were studied by obtaining sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from 34 specimens representing nine subspecies from across the species range. Four distinct genetic groups were identified: Parus montanus weigoldicus, P. m. affinis, P. m. songarus, and a clade containing six Eurasian subspecies (ssp. baicalensis, borealis, montanus, restrictus, rhenanus, and sachalinensis). P. m. weigoldicus, P. m. affinis, and P. m. songarus were reciprocally monophyletic and separated from each other and other subspecies by uncorrected genetic distances between 1.9 and 5.8%. The remaining six subspecies were closely related and shared mitochondrial haplotypes, despite marked morphological and acoustical differences, suggesting a rapid evolution of distinct vocalization patterns. The current classification splitting the species into the songarus and montanus subspecies groups is not concordant with our phylogeny. Also, the four regiolect groups, Lowland, Alpine, Siberian, and Sino-Japanese, are not fully mirrored in the phylogeny. Our data suggest that the mono-frequency song type may be ancestral and was retained over a long evolutionary time in certain populations, but was altered or camouflaged by learning processes in others.  相似文献   

Representatives of the genus Oreoleuciscus (Altai osmans) from the water bodies of Western Mongolia were examined for sequence polymorphism of the mitochondrial DNA fragment containing the cytochrome b (Cyt-b) gene. A total of 17 sequence variants (haplotypes) were discovered, which formed two clusters, A and B, with nonoverlapping geographic localization. Cluster A included haplotypes of Altai osmans from the Valley of Lakes water bodies. Cluster B consisted of two subclusters, the first of which (B1) united sequence variants of the populations from Hollow of the Great Lakes and the lakes of the Great Altai Range. The second subcluster (B2) was formed by the haplotypes originating from the Hollow of the Lake Uvs, some isolated lakes of the Northwestern Khangay region, and the water bodies of the Arctic Ocean Basin (basins of Selenga and Orchon rivers). Based on the genetic divergence estimates and the radiation time of genetic geographic groups identified, the existence of three allopatric species of Altaic osmans in the genus Oreoleuciscus was substantiated.  相似文献   

To clarify the relationship among coelacanths, lungfishes, and tetrapods, the amino acid sequences deduced from the nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes were compared. The phylogenetic tree of these animals, including the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae and the lungfish Lepidosiren paradoxa, was inferred by several methods. These analyses consistently indicate a coelacanth/lungfish clade, to which little attention has been paid by previous authors with the exception of some morphologists. Overall evidence of other mitochondrial genes reported previously and the results of this study equally support the coelacanth/lungfish and lungfish/tetrapod clades, ruling out the coelacanth/tetrapod clade.Correspondence to: K. Watanabe 0592  相似文献   

Abstract.  Primer pairs were designed and protocols developed to selectively amplify segments of vertebrate mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and cytochrome b (Cyt b ) mtDNA from the bloodmeals of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). The protocols use two pairs of nested COI primers and one pair of Cyt b primers to amplify short segments of DNA. Resultant sequences are then compared with sequences in GenBank, using the BLAST function, for putative host identification. Vertebrate DNA was amplified from 88% of our sample of 162 wild-caught, blood-fed mosquitoes from Oregon, U.S.A. and GenBank BLAST searches putatively identified 98% of the amplified sequences, including one amphibian, seven mammalian and 14 avian species. Criteria and caveats for putative identification of bloodmeals are discussed.  相似文献   

Here, we examine the genetic diversity in the agricultural pest Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758 ) from populations of Argentina using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences. The DNA sequence comparisons of 718 base pairs of the COI gene revealed seven haplotypes. The observed total haplotype diversity (Hd) value was of 0.138, and the nucleotide diversity was of 0.00039 and 0.00135 according to π and θW, respectively. Eight out of the 10 populations analysed, mostly from soya bean crops, only presented the more frequent haplotype, while 2 haplotypes were found in a mixed culture and 6 haplotypes in a peanut culture. Factors such as differential insecticide applications, as well as the surrounding habitat, and the host plant preference could be related to the genetic diversity differences observed among samples of N. viridula. The analysis of genetic diversity in samples collected in crops treated and non‐treated with insecticides, as well as in samples collected from different seasons, could help to clarify the role of the factors that led to the pattern of genetic diversity detected in this study. The result of a comparative analysis of COI gene sequences among populations from South America, Africa, Asia and Europe was consistent with the hypothesis of an African origin of N. viridula. On the other hand, the haplotypes of Europe were clustered with haplotypes from South America. In addition, specimens from Madeira (west of Europe) shared ancestry with South America and Europe. It has been suggested that a probable route of colonization of America could have been from Western Europe towards the eastern coasts of South America.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding with the gene encoding cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) in the mitochondrial genome has been proposed as a standard marker to identify and discover animal species. Some migratory wild birds are suspected of transmitting avian influenza and pose a threat to aircraft safety because of bird strikes. We have previously reported the COI gene sequences of 92 Korean bird species. In the present study, we developed a DNA microarray to identify 17 selected bird species on the basis of nucleotide diversity. We designed and synthesized 19 specific oligonucleotide probes; these probes were arrayed on a silylated glass slide. The length of the probes was 19-24 bps. The COI sequences amplified from the tissues of the selected birds were labeled with a fluorescent probe for microarray hybridization, and unique hybridization patterns were detected for each selected species. These patterns may be considered diagnostic patterns for species identification. This microarray system will provide a sensitive and a high-throughput method for identification of Korean birds.  相似文献   

In the southern Lake Baikal area, in the region of the Khamar-Daban ridge, which borders the banks of Lake Baikal, there was found in abundant population the tick I. trianguliceps. Data on the ecology of the tick in this particular part of its distribution area and on its ecological links revealed by factor analysis of the tick's habitat of the first and second order by means of electronic computers are given.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1983,13(2):115-121
Changes in the amounts of glycogen, neutral free sugars, lipids and phospholipids during embryogenesis of Hyalomma dromedarii were examined. Chromatographic analysis of neutral free sugars revealed the presence of glucose, mannose, fructose, ribose, deoxyribose and inositol, but not of trehalose. Glucose is the principal free sugar during embryogenesis. Generally, the observed changes in the developmental profiles of the individual neutral free sugars suggest that they provide the material for glycogen biosynthesis and are themselves interconverted.Glycogen levels were very low in the newly oviposited eggs and remained so until day 12, after which they increased rapidly, remaining at high levels until hatching. In contrast, levels of lipids and phospholipids were high in the newly oviposited eggs. Total lipids exhibited a significant decrease during the first six days of embryogenesis whereas total phospholipids remained constant during this period of development. Thereafter total phospholipids underwent a significant decline on day 9 and reached their lowest levels on day 21, 24 and in the hatched larvae.  相似文献   

We used a 298?bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI) to examine sequence variation in (mostly) museum specimens of the African Goshawk Accipiter tachiro. Our results showed two clades with high bootstrap support in a phylogenetic analysis and two groups in a nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis. Each of the two phylogenetic clades corresponded to one of the NMDS groups. One clade comprised haplotypes of the subspecies A. t. lopezi, A. t. macroscelides, A. t. toussenelli and A. t. canescens and corresponded to the morphospecies A. toussenelii. This taxon has a more north-western distribution. The second clade comprised haplotypes of the subspecies A. t. sparsimfasciatus, A. t. pembaensis and A. t. tachiro and corresponded to the morphospecies A. tachiro, which has a more south-eastern distribution. Furthermore, one branch corresponded to the morphospecies A. t. unduliventer, which is confined to the Ethiopian highlands. The genetic divergence observed among the three A. tachiro morphospecies appeared concordant with the ecological and morphological divergence and suggests the existence of three putative species. Within A. tachiro and A. toussenelii there is substantial morphological, but very little genetic, differentiation among subspecies.  相似文献   

王乃馨  封霞  蒋国芳  方宁  轩文娟 《昆虫学报》2008,51(11):1187-1195
本研究基于Cytb 基因和COI基因的部分序列来推断17种蝗虫之间的系统发育关系。这17种蝗虫均采自国内,代表了蝗科(Acrididae)5个亚科:黑蝗亚科(Melanoplinae)、斑腿蝗亚科(Catantopinae)、刺胸蝗亚科(Cyrtacanthacridinae)、斑翅蝗亚科(Oedipodinae)和大足蝗亚科(Gomphocerinae)。采用联合序列方法进行分析,结果显示:Cytb 和COI联合序列长度为1 998 bp,其中A和T总含量为72.13%,G和C总含量为27.87%。联合序列共包含了889个保守位点,1 109个变异位点,在这些变异位点中有838个简约信息位点。系统发生树采用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)和最大似然法(ML)进行构建。使用蜢总科的变色乌蜢Erianthus versicolor 和 Erianthus sp. 两个种作为外群。结果表明:大足蝗亚科和斑腿蝗亚科的单系性没有得到支持。斑翅蝗亚科内部各种聚成一个大支,在本研究中该亚科的单系性得到支持,与前人的研究结论相同。大足蝗亚科、斑腿蝗亚科、刺胸蝗亚科和黑蝗亚科这4科关系非常近,可以考虑将其合并为一个亚科。同时,我们发现基于Cytb和COI基因联合序列推断蝗科内各亚科间的系统发生关系并不十分可靠。  相似文献   

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