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Copper-containing ferroxidase ceruloplasmin (Cp) forms binary and ternary complexes with cationic proteins lactoferrin (Lf) and myeloperoxidase (Mpo) during inflammation. We present an X-ray crystal structure of a 2Cp-Mpo complex at 4.7 Å resolution. This structure allows one to identify major protein–protein interaction areas and provides an explanation for a competitive inhibition of Mpo by Cp and for the activation of p-phenylenediamine oxidation by Mpo. Small angle X-ray scattering was employed to construct low-resolution models of the Cp-Lf complex and, for the first time, of the ternary 2Cp-2Lf-Mpo complex in solution. The SAXS-based model of Cp-Lf supports the predicted 1∶1 stoichiometry of the complex and demonstrates that both lobes of Lf contact domains 1 and 6 of Cp. The 2Cp-2Lf-Mpo SAXS model reveals the absence of interaction between Mpo and Lf in the ternary complex, so Cp can serve as a mediator of protein interactions in complex architecture. Mpo protects antioxidant properties of Cp by isolating its sensitive loop from proteases. The latter is important for incorporation of Fe3+ into Lf, which activates ferroxidase activity of Cp and precludes oxidation of Cp substrates. Our models provide the structural basis for possible regulatory role of these complexes in preventing iron-induced oxidative damage.  相似文献   

In most eukaryotic cells, tubulin is subjected to posttranslational glutamylation, a conserved modification of unclear function. The glutamyl side chains form as branches of the primary sequence glutamic acids in two biochemically distinct steps: initiation and elongation. The length of the glutamyl side chain is spatially controlled and microtubule type specific. Here, we probe the significance of the glutamyl side chain length regulation in vivo by overexpressing a potent side chain elongase enzyme, Ttll6Ap, in Tetrahymena. Overexpression of Ttll6Ap caused hyperelongation of glutamyl side chains on the tubulin of axonemal, cortical, and cytoplasmic microtubules. Strikingly, in the same cell, hyperelongation of glutamyl side chains stabilized cytoplasmic microtubules and destabilized axonemal microtubules. Our observations suggest that the cellular outcomes of glutamylation are mediated by spatially restricted tubulin interactors of diverse nature.Microtubules are dynamic elements of the cytoskeleton that are assembled from heterodimers of α- and β-tubulin. Once assembled, tubulin subunits undergo several conserved posttranslational modifications (PTMs) that diversify the external and luminal surfaces of microtubules (51). Two tubulin PTMs, glycylation and glutamylation, collectively known as polymodifications, form peptide side chains that are attached to the γ-carboxyl groups of glutamic acids in the primary sequence of the C-terminal tails (CTTs) of α- and β-tubulin (14, 36). Glutamylated microtubules are abundant in projections of neurons (14), axonemes (8, 15, 17), and centrioles/basal bodies (5, 31) and are detectable in the mitotic spindle and on a subset of cytoplasmic network microtubules (1, 5). The modifying enzymes, tubulin glutamic acid ligases (tubulin E-ligases), belong to the family of proteins related to the tubulin tyrosine ligase (TTL), known as TTL-like (TTLL) proteins (22, 50, 53). Tubulin glutamylation appears to be important in vivo. A knockdown of the TTLL7 E-ligase mRNA in cultured neurons inhibits the outgrowth of neurites (20). A loss of PGs1, a protein associated with TTLL1 E-ligase (22, 37), disorganizes sperm axonemes in the mouse (11), and a morpholino knockdown of TTLL6 E-ligase expression in zebrafish inhibits the assembly of olfactory cilia (33). The biochemical consequences of tubulin glutamylation in vivo are poorly understood, but the emerging model is that this PTM regulates interactions between microtubules and microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) (6, 7, 19, 27).The ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila has 18 types of diverse microtubules that are all assembled in a single cell. Although most, if not all, of these microtubules are glutamylated, the length of glutamyl side chains is spatially regulated (8, 53). Minimal side chains composed of a single glutamic acid (monoglutamylation) are present on the cytoplasmic and nuclear microtubules, whereas elongated side chains are present on the basal bodies and axonemes (53). In Tetrahymena, Ttll6Ap is a β-tubulin-preferring E-ligase (22), with a strong if not exclusive, side chain elongating activity (50). Here, by overproducing Ttll6Ap in vivo, we explore the consequences of glutamyl side chain hyper-elongation. Unexpectedly, we show that in the same cells, hyperelongation of glutamyl side chains stabilizes cell body and destabilizes axonemal microtubules. The simplest explanation of these data is that, in vivo, the cellular outcomes of tubulin glutamylation are mediated by diverse microtubule type-specific MAPs. To our knowledge, we are first to report that excessive tubulin glutamylation can either stabilize or destabilize microtubules in the same cell.  相似文献   

The interferon-inducible cellular protein tetherin (CD317/BST-2) inhibits the release of a broad range of enveloped viruses. The HIV-1 accessory protein Vpu enhances virus particle release by counteracting this host restriction factor. While the antagonism of human tetherin by Vpu has been associated with both proteasomal and lysosomal degradation, the link between Vpu-mediated tetherin degradation and the ability of Vpu to counteract the antiviral activity of tetherin remains poorly understood. Here, we show that human tetherin is expressed at low levels in African green monkey kidney (COS) cells. However, Vpu markedly increases tetherin expression in this cell line, apparently by sequestering it in an internal compartment that bears lysosomal markers. This stabilization of tetherin by Vpu requires the transmembrane sequence of human tetherin. Although Vpu stabilizes human tetherin in COS cells, it still counteracts the ability of tetherin to suppress virus release. The enhancement of virus release by Vpu in COS cells is associated with a modest reduction in cell-surface tetherin expression, even though the overall expression of tetherin is higher in the presence of Vpu. This study demonstrates that COS cells provide a model system in which Vpu-mediated enhancement of HIV-1 release is uncoupled from Vpu-mediated tetherin degradation.  相似文献   

Living cells contain diverse biopolymers, creating a heterogeneous crowding environment, the impact of which on RNA folding is poorly understood. Here, we have used single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer to monitor tertiary structure formation of the hairpin ribozyme as a model to probe the effects of polyethylene glycol and yeast cell extract as crowding agents. As expected, polyethylene glycol stabilizes the docked, catalytically active state of the ribozyme, in part through excluded volume effects; unexpectedly, we found evidence that it additionally displays soft, non-specific interactions with the ribozyme. Yeast extract has a profound effect on folding at protein concentrations 1000-fold lower than found intracellularly, suggesting the dominance of specific interactions over volume exclusion. Gel shift assays and affinity pull-down followed by mass spectrometry identified numerous non-canonical RNA-binding proteins that stabilize ribozyme folding; the apparent chaperoning activity of these ubiquitous proteins significantly compensates for the low-counterion environment of the cell.  相似文献   

Multispecies bacterial communities such as the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract can be remarkably stable and resilient even though they consist of cells and species that compete for resources and also produce a large number of antimicrobial agents. Computational modeling suggests that horizontal transfer of resistance genes may greatly contribute to the formation of stable and diverse communities capable of protecting themselves with a battery of antimicrobial agents while preserving a varied metabolic repertoire of the constituent species. In other words horizontal transfer of resistance genes makes a community compatible in terms of exoproducts and capable to maintain a varied and mature metagenome. The same property may allow microbiota to protect a host organism, or if used as a microbial therapy, to purge pathogens and restore a protective environment.  相似文献   

The combination of stimuli-responsive materials with localized surface plasmon resonance nanotransducers provides new leverages in hot spot-based nanosensing. We introduce a simple and effective biodetection method based on the hydro-responsive property of (3-aminopropyl)-triethoxysilane (APTES). Gold nanoparticles were adsorbed onto hydro-responsive APTES thin film. The exposure of the film surface to an aqueous solution results in opening inter-particle gaps, allowing analyte binding. A subsequent drying of the sensor surface closes the gap by bringing the nanoparticles to the initial position, thereby trapping the analyte in the most sensitive regions (electromagnetic hot spots). In this reversible configuration, the generation and tuning of the hot spots are independent from both the presence of the analyte and the functionalization of the nanoparticles, which yields highly resolved coupled plasmon bands and provide a general and flexible nanosensing modality. Furthermore, the intensity of the hot spots can be easily and reversibly tuned to obtain picomolar sensitivity.  相似文献   

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I-BAR proteins are well-known actin-cytoskeleton adaptors and have been observed to be involved in the formation of plasma membrane protrusions (filopodia). I-BAR proteins contain an all-helical, crescent-shaped IRSp53-MIM domain (IMD) dimer that is believed to be able to couple with a membrane shape. This coupling could involve the sensing and even the generation of negative plasma membrane curvature. Indeed, the in vitro studies have shown that IMDs can induce inward tubulation of liposomes. While N-BAR domains, which generate positive membrane curvature, have received a considerable amount of attention from both theory and experiments, the mechanisms of curvature coupling through IMDs are comparatively less studied and understood. Here we used a membrane-shape stability assay developed recently in our lab to quantitatively characterize IMD-induced membrane-shape transitions. We determined a membrane-shape stability diagram for IMDs that reveals how membrane tension and protein density can comodulate the generation of IMD-induced membrane protrusions. From comparison to analytical theory, we determine three key parameters that characterize the curvature coupling of IMD. We find that the curvature generation capacity of IMDs is significantly stronger compared to that of endophilin, an N-BAR protein known to be involved in plasma membrane shape transitions. Contrary to N-BAR domains, where amphipathic helix insertion is known to promote its membrane curvature generation, for IMDs we find that amphipathic helices inhibit membrane shape transitions, consistent with the inverse curvature that IMDs generate. Importantly, in both of these types of BAR domains, electrostatic interactions affect membrane-binding capacity, but do not appear to affect the curvature generation capacity of the protein. These two types of BAR domain proteins show qualitatively similar membrane shape stability diagrams, suggesting an underlying ubiquitous mechanism by which peripheral proteins regulate membrane curvature.  相似文献   

We demonstrate an accurate, quantitative, and label-free optical technology for high-throughput studies of receptor-ligand interactions, and apply it to TATA binding protein (TBP) interactions with oligonucleotides. We present a simple method to prepare single-stranded and double-stranded DNA microarrays with comparable surface density, ensuring an accurate comparison of TBP activity with both types of DNA. In particular, we find that TBP binds tightly to single-stranded DNA, especially to stretches of polythymine (poly-T), as well as to the traditional TATA box. We further investigate the correlation of TBP activity with various lengths of DNA and find that the number of TBPs bound to DNA increases >7-fold as the oligomer length increases from 9 to 40. Finally, we perform a full human genome analysis and discover that 35.5% of human promoters have poly-T stretches. In summary, we report, for the first time to our knowledge, the activity of TBP with poly-T stretches by presenting an elegant stepwise analysis of multiple techniques: discovery by a novel quantitative detection of microarrays, confirmation by a traditional gel electrophoresis, and a full genome prediction with computational analyses.  相似文献   

Autotransporter (AT) proteins are a broad class of virulence proteins from Gram-negative bacterial pathogens that require their own C-terminal transmembrane domain to translocate their N-terminal passenger across the bacterial outer membrane (OM). But given the unavailability of ATP or a proton gradient across the OM, it is unknown what energy source(s) drives this process. Here we used a combination of computational and experimental approaches to quantitatively compare proposed AT OM translocation mechanisms. We show directly for the first time that when translocation was blocked an AT passenger remained unfolded in the periplasm. We demonstrate that AT secretion is a kinetically controlled, non-equilibrium process coupled to folding of the passenger and propose a model connecting passenger conformation to secretion kinetics. These results reconcile seemingly contradictory reports regarding the importance of passenger folding as a driving force for OM translocation but also reveal that another energy source is required to initiate translocation.  相似文献   

The extracellular polysaccharide hyaluronan (HA) is ubiquitous in all vertebrate tissues, where its various functions are encoded in the supramolecular complexes and matrices that it forms with HA-binding proteins (hyaladherins). In tissues, these supramolecular architectures are frequently subjected to mechanical stress, yet how this affects the intermolecular bonding is largely unknown. Here, we used a recently developed single-molecule force spectroscopy platform to analyze and compare the mechanical strength of bonds between HA and a panel of hyaladherins from the Link module superfamily, namely the complex of the proteoglycan aggrecan and cartilage link protein, the proteoglycan versican, the inflammation-associated protein TSG-6, the HA receptor for endocytosis (stabilin-2/HARE), and the HA receptor CD44. We find that the resistance to tensile stress for these hyaladherins correlates with the size of the HA-binding domain. The lowest mean rupture forces are observed for members of the type A subgroup (i.e., with the shortest HA-binding domains; TSG-6 and HARE). In contrast, the mechanical stability of the bond formed by aggrecan in complex with cartilage link protein (two members of the type C subgroup, i.e., with the longest HA-binding domains) and HA is equal or even superior to the high affinity streptavidin?biotin bond. Implications for the molecular mechanism of unbinding of HA?hyaladherin bonds under force are discussed, which underpin the mechanical properties of HA?hyaladherin complexes and HA-rich extracellular matrices.  相似文献   

The critical role of the ubiquitin-26S proteasome system in regulation of protein homeostasis in eukaryotes is well established. In contrast, the impact of the ubiquitin-independent proteolytic activity of proteasomes is poorly understood. Through biochemical analysis of mammalian lysates, we find that the 20S proteasome, latent in peptide hydrolysis, specifically cleaves more than 20% of all cellular proteins. Thirty intrinsic proteasome substrates (IPSs) were identified and in vitro studies of their processing revealed that cleavage occurs at disordered regions, generating stable products encompassing structured domains. The mechanism of IPS recognition is remarkably well conserved in the eukaryotic kingdom, as mammalian and yeast 20S proteasomes exhibit the same target specificity. Further, 26S proteasomes specifically recognize and cleave IPSs at similar sites, independent of ubiquitination, suggesting that disordered regions likely constitute the universal structural signal for IPS proteolysis by proteasomes. Finally, we show that proteasomes contribute to physiological regulation of IPS levels in living cells and the inactivation of ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 does not prevent IPS degradation. Collectively, these findings suggest a significant contribution of the ubiquitin-independent proteasome degradation pathway to the regulation of protein homeostasis in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

This study intends to clarify the ability of different carbonyl-containing lens metabolites to form advanced glycation end products, which possess photosensitizer activity and to investigate whether these modified proteins could be implicated in lens photodamage. Calf lens protein was experimentally glycated with either methylglyoxal, glyoxal, ascorbic acid, or fructose to obtain models of aged and diabetic cataractous lenses. Being exposed to 200 J/cm 2 UVA radiation the model glycated proteins produced 2-3-fold more singlet oxygen compared to the unmodified protein and the superoxide radical formation was 30-80% higher than by the native protein. Ascorbylated proteins demonstrated the highest photosensitizer activity. Biological responses of glycation-related photosensitizers were studied on cultured lens epithelial cells irradiated with 40 J/cm 2 UVA. Tissue culture studies revealed a significant increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in the culture medium of lens epithelial cells after irradiation and treatment with glycated proteins. Lens proteins had a protective effect against UVA induced cytotoxicity, however, this protective effect decreased with the increasing photosensitizer activity of experimentally glycated proteins. The documented glycation-related photosensitization could explain the accelerated pathogenic changes in human lens at advanced age and under diabetic conditions.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) lack a stable tertiary structure, but their short binding regions termed Pre-Structured Motifs (PreSMo) can form transient secondary structure elements in solution. Although disordered proteins are crucial in many biological processes and designing strategies to modulate their function is highly important, both experimental and computational tools to describe their conformational ensembles and the initial steps of folding are sparse. Here we report that discrete molecular dynamics (DMD) simulations combined with replica exchange (RX) method efficiently samples the conformational space and detects regions populating α-helical conformational states in disordered protein regions. While the available computational methods predict secondary structural propensities in IDPs based on the observation of protein-protein interactions, our ab initio method rests on physical principles of protein folding and dynamics. We show that RX-DMD predicts α-PreSMos with high confidence confirmed by comparison to experimental NMR data. Moreover, the method also can dissect α-PreSMos in close vicinity to each other and indicate helix stability. Importantly, simulations with disordered regions forming helices in X-ray structures of complexes indicate that a preformed helix is frequently the binding element itself, while in other cases it may have a role in initiating the binding process. Our results indicate that RX-DMD provides a breakthrough in the structural and dynamical characterization of disordered proteins by generating the structural ensembles of IDPs even when experimental data are not available.  相似文献   

Fusion tag is one of the best available tools to date for enhancement of the solubility or improvement of the expression level of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli. Typically, two consecutive affinity purification steps are often necessitated for the purification of passenger proteins. As a fusion tag, acyl carrier protein (ACP) could greatly increase the soluble expression level of Glucokinase (GlcK), α-Amylase (Amy) and GFP. When fusion protein ACP-G2-GlcK-Histag and ACP-G2-Amy-Histag, in which a protease TEV recognition site was inserted between the fusion tag and passenger protein, were coexpressed with protease TEV respectively in E. coli, the efficient intracellular processing of fusion proteins was achieved. The resulting passenger protein GlcK-Histag and Amy-Histag accumulated predominantly in a soluble form, and could be conveniently purified by one-step Ni-chelating chromatography. However, the fusion protein ACP-GFP-Histag was processed incompletely by the protease TEV coexpressed in vivo, and a large portion of the resulting target protein GFP-Histag aggregated in insoluble form, indicating that the intracellular processing may affect the solubility of cleaved passenger protein. In this context, the soluble fusion protein ACP-GFP-Histag, contained in the supernatant of E. coli cell lysate, was directly subjected to cleavage in vitro by mixing it with the clarified cell lysate of E. coli overexpressing protease TEV. Consequently, the resulting target protein GFP-Histag could accumulate predominantly in a soluble form, and be purified conveniently by one-step Ni-chelating chromatography. The approaches presented here greatly simplify the purification process of passenger proteins, and eliminate the use of large amounts of pure site-specific proteases.  相似文献   

a-kleisins are core components of meiotic and mitotic cohesin complexes. Arabidopsis contains genes encoding four a-kleisins. SYN1, a REC8 ortholog, is essential for meiosis, while SYN2 and SYN4 appear to be SCCI orthologs and function in mitosis. SYN3 is enriched in the nucleolus of meiotic and mitotic cells and is essential for megagametogenesis. It was recently shown that expression of SYN3-RNAi constructs in buds cause changes in meiotic gene expression that result in meiotic alterations. In this report we show that expression of SYN3 from the 35S promoter with either a c-terminal Myc or FAST tag causes a reduction in SYN1 mRNA levels that results in al- terations in sister chromatid cohesion, homologous chromosome synapsis female meiosis. and synaptonemal complex formation during both male and  相似文献   

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