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濒危植物银杉的种群统计与年龄结构   总被引:66,自引:5,他引:61  
谢宗强  陈伟烈  路鹏  胡东 《生态学报》1999,19(4):523-528
通过对银杉主要群落种群的数量统计和年龄组成的分析,编绘了银杉种的特定时间生命表,存活曲线和年龄结构图,结果表明,银杉种群年龄超过200a后,出现植株个体死亡高峰,种群的平均生命期望陡降,预示着种群的生理衰退。银杉种群的存活曲线介于DeeveyI和II型曲线之间整个银杉种群在40龄级以上的年龄结构基本表现为增长型,但不同的银杉群落种群的年龄结构差异很大,大部分种群都存在的幼龄个体缺乏的现象,其中花坪  相似文献   

The population structure of the giant mottled eel Anguilla marmorata was evaluated using statistical analysis of 21 morphological characters among 13 representative localities across the Indo-Pacific region and as far north as Japan. There were no clear differences in 15 proportional and six vertebral characters using principal component analysis. The total number of vertebrae ( N V) of A . marmorata at these localities had the widest variation among the morphological and meristic characters examined. A statistical analysis of the N V of 1238 specimens from 14 localities that included previously published data found significant differences among Micronesia, French Polynesia and other localities, and between localities in the North Pacific and South Pacific regions. Few differences were detected between specimens from the Indian Ocean and the North Pacific or South Pacific regions. The differences in N V among some regions and the population genetic studies of this species indicate that there are at least four populations of A. marmorata (North Pacific, Micronesia, Indian Ocean and South Pacific), which appear to include metapopulation structures in the Indian Ocean and South Pacific. This population structure is consistent with the ocean current patterns in each region and the evolution of migration loops of each spawning population.  相似文献   

Genetic substructuring in plant populations may evolve as a consequence of sampling events that occur when the population is founded or regenerated, or if gene dispersal by pollen and seeds is restricted within a population. Silene tatarica is an endangered, perennial plant species growing along periodically disturbed riverbanks in northern Finland. We investigated the mechanism behind the microspatial genetic structure of S. tatarica in four subpopulations using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Spatial autocorrelation revealed clear spatial genetic structure in each subpopulation, even though the pattern diminished in older subpopulations. Parentage analysis in an isolated island subpopulation indicated a very low level of selfing and avoidance of breeding between close relatives. The mean estimated pollen dispersal distance (24.10 m; SD = 10.5) was significantly longer and the mean seed dispersal distance (9.07 m; SD = 9.23) was considerably shorter than the mean distance between the individuals (19.20 m; SD = 13.80). The estimated indirect and direct estimates of neighbourhood sizes in this subpopulation were very similar, 32.1 and 37.6, respectively. Our results suggested that the local spatial genetic structure in S. tatarica was attributed merely to the isolation-by-distance process rather than founder effect, and despite free pollen movement across population, restricted seed dispersal maintains local genetic structure in this species.  相似文献   

A nonlinear version of the Lotka-Sharpe model of population growth is considered in which the age specific fertility is a function of the population size. The stability of an equilibrium population distribution is investigated with respect to both global and local perturbations. Sufficient conditions for such stability are presented, as are estimates for the rate of return of the population to the equilibrium configuration. Particular attention is paid to those situations in which the age dependent stability criteria coincide with those of age independent models.  相似文献   

Aims In this study, we examine two common invasion biology hypotheses—biotic resistance and fluctuating resource availability—to explain the patterns of invasion of an invasive grass, Microstegium vimineum.Methods We used 13-year-old deer exclosures in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA, to examine how chronic disturbance by deer browsing affects available resources, plant diversity, and invasion in an understory plant community. Using two replicate 1 m 2 plots in each deer browsed and unbrowsed area, we recorded each plant species present, the abundance per species, and the fractional percent cover of vegetation by the cover classes: herbaceous, woody, and graminoid. For each sample plot, we also estimated overstory canopy cover, soil moisture, total soil carbon and nitrogen, and soil pH as a measure of abiotic differences between plots.Important findings We found that plant community composition between chronically browsed and unbrowsed plots differed markedly. Plant diversity was 40% lower in browsed than in unbrowsed plots. At our sites, diversity explained 48% and woody plant cover 35% of the variation in M. vimineum abundance. In addition, we found 3.3 times less M. vimineum in the unbrowsed plots due to higher woody plant cover and plant diversity than in the browsed plots. A parsimonious explanation of these results indicate that disturbances such as herbivory may elicit multiple conditions, namely releasing available resources such as open space, light, and decreasing plant diversity, which may facilitate the proliferation of an invasive species. Finally, by testing two different hypotheses, this study addresses more recent calls to incorporate multiple hypotheses into research attempting to explain plant invasion.  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物桫椤种群结构与动态研究   总被引:41,自引:3,他引:41  
采用空间序列代替时间变化的方法,对7个地段中的桫椤种群大小结构进行分析,运用C、K、m*、m*/m5种聚集度指标测定不同地段内桫椤种群的空间分布格局及其动态,并根据植株个体点位图,考察桫椤种群在不同取样尺度上的空间分布格局.结果表明,不同地段中的桫椤种群结构存在增长型、稳定型、成熟型和衰退型4种类型;不同地段中的桫椤种群空间分布格局有所差异,表现为集群分布或随机分布;在桫椤种群生长过程中,分布格局从集群型向随机型转变;种群扩散型指数随取样尺度的增大而减小.  相似文献   

The conservation of endangered species requires accurate data, and knowledge of cause-specific mortality rates is one of the most important issues. In recent years, conservation programs for the critically endangered Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus have been developed on the basis of mortality data derived 30 years ago from the small Doñana population. Thus, there is an urgent need for an update of mortality rates and causes in both populations (Sierra Morena and Doñana). Here we use radio-tracking information from the whole range of the Iberian lynx to quantify mortality rates and identify their causes. Between 2006 and 2011, we radio-tagged 78 Iberian lynxes from its two remaining populations (39 from Sierra Morena and 39 from Doñana). Mortality events were evaluated to identify causes, and cause-specific annual mortality rates (AMR) were obtained using the nonparametric cumulative incidence function estimator. Overall, AMR was estimated at 0.16?±?0.05 (0.19?±?0.09 in Sierra Morena and 0.12?±?0.07 in Doñana). Disease was the main cause of mortality both for the whole population and the Doñana population. Poaching was the main cause of mortality in Sierra Morena. Our results suggest that the best strategy for conserving this species is to focus action on decreasing the fatal effect of disease and poaching. Given the possible existence of an underlying inbreeding-mediated immunosuppression, genetic management aimed at increasing the genetic diversity of this population is also recommended.  相似文献   

The Finnish population of White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) has gone through two major demographic bottlenecks during the last two centuries. Strong conservation measures have allowed the population to recover, but despite the rapid population growth during recent years the species is still classified as endangered. We studied the genetic population structure at both individual and population levels in an attempt to recognize the processes shaping it. We used 9 microsatellite loci and 473 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region on samples collected between the years 2003 and 2007 (N = 489). We found a clear isolation by distance pattern at fine scale (i.e. individual level) which is most likely a result of species’ philopatric behaviour. Although we did not find signs of the recent bottlenecks, we did find evidence of an ancient bottleneck that has occurred most likely over 21,000 years ago, long before the genetic divergence of the two present Finnish subpopulations (one along the Baltic Sea coast line and another in Lapland and easternmost Finland). We conclude that the present population structure is mainly a consequence of the species philopatric behaviour over a long time period instead of recent population bottlenecks. Based on our results, the Finnish population seems to have ongoing immigration from neighbouring populations. Hence, even though the population has recovered mainly through local growth, our results suggest that gene flow from genetically differentiated populations have had an impact as well.  相似文献   

The Mauritius Kestrel Falco punctatus, once the rarest kestrel worldwide, became an icon of bird conservation after it recovered from four to six individuals in 1974 to some 800 by 2005 following intense conservation management. Its population however then halved within about a decade prompting a re-evaluation of the IUCN status and up listing of the species in 2014 and an increased conservation attention. Drivers of this new decline are unclear and the influence of habitat structure and diet on breeding success may be important contributors but have received relatively little attention, particularly in the way they may interact to influence production of new fledglings. We address this knowledge gap by studying whether breeding success is influenced by habitat structure (in terms of cover of the invasive Ravenala in native habitats, an alien plant causing strong structural shift in the forests that it invades, and extent of cleared area), diet composition and food pass frequency (as a proxy for food intake) and food quality at 28 nests of a re-introduced kestrel population in south east Mauritius during the 2015–2016 breeding season. The kestrel’s diet comprised native and alien birds, reptiles, insects, and small alien mammals, with a disproportionately high proportion of Phelsuma gecko. A higher frequency of food provisioning and percentage cover of Ravenala both contributed to higher breeding success. Ravenala may increase gecko density or increase gecko detectability and predation by the kestrel, or both, while changed land use (pasture and sugar cane fields) may increase prey diversity in the form of non-forest prey known to be eaten by Kestrels (e.g. alien agamids, small mammals and birds). These prey related influences on breeding suggest that the Bambou mountain range provides a human-generated novel ecosystem altering food availability and increasing the kestrel’s breeding success. However, Ravenala is an invasive alien species harmful to the wider forest biodiversity. Progressive weeding of Ravenala and concurrent re-introduction and augmentation of native palms and Pandanus species which geckos can use at comparable densities to Ravenala, is recommended. This would likely improve the kestrel’s hunting habitat quality and maintain high gecko density or detectability and the vegetation structure required for hunting manoeuvrability and prey availability without the negative consequences of invasive Ravenala.  相似文献   

Abstract. Plant traits which may give an indication of a plant's strategy for nutrient acquisition and regeneration are known for numerous grassland species. This study aimed to establish whether there is any relationship between two plant traits: specific leaf area (SLA) and number of reproductive tillers, and sward structural characteristics which influence herbage intake by grazers (bulk density and digestibility, leaf:stem ratio). Comparison is made for nutrient‐rich (Dactylis glomerata) and nutrient‐poor (Festuca rubra) grass species. We hypothesized that these traits are responsive to environmental gradients and also act on the processes of the ecosystem. Both grasses were compared with two P‐fertilizer rates in two localities (200 and 1300 m a.s.l.) which differed in their temperature:radiation ratios. For the vegetative phase SLA was well correlated with sward characteristics: D. glomerata, which has the higher SLA, has the lower bulk density and higher digestibility. The values of SLA and vegetation bulk density varied according to growing conditions (P‐rate and temperature:radiation ratio), but the ranking of the species remained the same because the phenotypic plasticity that exists for plant traits was also observed for sward structure and composition. That suggested the possibility of grouping natural grassland species for their relevant characteristics for grazers according to SLA values. Over the reproductive phase, the proportion of stems was well correlated to the percentage of reproductive tillers. However, the percentage of reproductive tillers was a very plastic trait for both species, depending on the growing conditions, and resulting in a density‐dependent effect, particularly for F. rubra. The species studied were too plastic and too similar in their regenerative strategy so that there is no unique relationship between percentage of reproductive tillers and stem proportion, regardless of the species and the growing conditions. The number of reproductive tillers is not a suitable plant trait which could be used to rank species for leaf and stem proportions in the sward.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was assessed in the endangered species C. variolosus (Coleoptera: Carabidae), which is listed in the European Habitats and Species Directive. Twelve populations from the north-western margin of its range in Germany and France to the border region between Slovenia and Croatia were investigated for variation at 16 allozyme loci. In general, genetic diversity was rather low as indicated by a mean allelic richness of 1.3 alleles per locus, a mean gene diversity (H E ) of 0.071 and a mean proportion of polymorphic loci (P 95% ) of 16%. Genetic diversity did not change directionally from the margin towards the core of the range. Very high differentiation between populations (overall F ST  = 0.465), the results of a Mantel test, and poor accordance between geographical and genetic distance suggest a high degree of isolation of the island-like distributed populations. High F ST values and genetic distance measures, even between geographically close populations within the same drainage, confirm a very low dispersal power of this habitat specialist of headwater areas and swamps in woodlands, even in comparison with other flightless beetles. It is concluded that the majority of populations are demographically independent. Hierarchical F-statistics indicate that almost half of the genetic variance is found between regions and populations. Therefore, we recommend that conservation efforts consider every population as a management unit and aim to maintain as many populations as possible over as many regions as possible.  相似文献   

This study investigated aspects of the population ecology of the endangered Knysna seahorse Hippocampus capensis within different habitat types. High densities of H. capensis were found within artificial Reno mattress habitat, within the Knysna Estuary, South Africa. Monthly surveys at three sites were conducted from October 2015 to August 2016 to compare population densities of H. capensis in this artificial habitat with natural eel grass Zostera capensis habitat. Hippocampus capensis densities varied significantly across all sites and highest population densities were consistently observed within the Reno mattress habitat. Hippocampus capensis were also found to be significantly larger within the Reno mattress habitat and pooled data showed that males were significantly larger than females. The overall sex ratio for all three sites was female biased, although this varied across seasons at two sites. The findings suggest that artificial Reno mattresses provide novel habitat for this endangered species and consideration should be given to the usefulness of these structures in future conservation actions.  相似文献   

濒危植物明党参种群生存过程研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
李伟成  葛滢  盛海燕  常杰 《生态学报》2004,24(6):1187-1193
对中国特有单种属濒危植物明党参杭州种群的生存过程进行了数量分析。针对难以测量明党参个体年龄的问题 ,基于实验数据利用 L ogistic生长模型估算其年龄并得到可估测年龄最高界限为 5 0 a。数量分析表明 ,目前明党参种群表现出衰退趋势 ,种群年龄结构类似于老年型 ,种群的净增殖率、瞬时增长率和周限增长率均较低 ,世代周期较长。运用 L eslie矩阵模型分析预测未来 30 a中种群个体数量将呈现出下降趋势。在所研究的样地中 ,明党参种群种子萌发和幼苗期 (0~ 5 a) ,成熟期 (15~2 5 a)和老年期 (4 5~ 5 0 a)受到了环境筛的强烈作用  相似文献   

生境片断化对濒危植物景东翅子树种群结构与动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生境的破坏及其片断化是生物多样性丧失的主要原因, 了解生境片断化对植物种群动态的影响十分必要。本文比较分析了不同大小生境片断(5 ha和15 ha)和连续森林中濒危植物景东翅子树(Pterospermum kingtungense)种群的结构与动态, 目的是明确影响景东翅子树种群动态的关键生活史阶段及其种群保护的目标, 为濒危植物种群保护和管理策略的制定提供科学依据。在上述3种生境中分别设立3个50 m × 100 m的1.5 ha固定样地, 调查景东翅子树所有个体的胸径(其中幼苗和幼树为地径)和高度、个体的存活及幼苗的补充情况。基于上述统计参数, 建立预测种群动态的Lefkovitch矩阵模型, 同时应用矩阵模型的弹性分析方法量化种群统计参数对种群增长率的相对贡献。结果表明: (1)在5 ha和15 ha生境片断及连续森林各1.5 ha的样地中, 2018年首次调查到景东翅子树的个体数分别为34、82和88株, 2019年复查时的个体数分别为33、82和87株。3种生境中景东翅子树种群的年龄结构均以幼树为主, 但5 ha生境片断森林缺乏幼苗和大树(包括成树和亚成树), 而15 ha生境片断森林幼苗较丰富。(2)在3种生境中景东翅子树种群的增长率等于1 (15 ha生境片断)或趋近于1 (5 ha生境片断和连续森林), 说明不同生境中的景东翅子树种群比较稳定, 这主要是因为其各生活史阶段的存活率均较高。(3)景东翅子树成树和亚成树阶段的存活率对种群增长率的贡献最大, 是影响其种群动态的关键生活史阶段。因此对于大树(包括成树和亚成树)的保护是极度濒危植物景东翅子树种群维持的关键。研究结果揭示小生境片断降低了景东翅子树种群的数量, 改变了种群的结构, 但对种群动态的影响效应尚未显现。因此对于这些小生境片断中濒危植物种群的保护和恢复是可行的, 也是有价值的。  相似文献   

Most terrestrial plants establish symbiotic associations with microorganisms that enable them to overcome abiotic or biotic filters in ecosystems. Here we investigated how aerial mutualisms involving invasive species may affect the recipient community’s structure. We hypothesized that the endophyte Epichloë occultans enhances the ability of Lolium multiflorum to establish and colonize, but that success would depend on the structure and invasion resistance of the recipient grassland community. Seeds of L. multiflorum with high (E+) and low (E?) endophyte incidence were sown in plots located in grasslands with or without recent grazing history. Relative cover of L. multiflorum and floristic groups was determined during the growing season. Whereas we did not detect any endophyte effect in sites with grazing history, L. multiflorum cover was 63 % in E+ and 27 % in E? plots in sites without grazing history. As cover of L. multiflorum increased in these sites, the cover of warm- and cool-season grasses decreased in spring, with that of warm-season grasses continuing to decrease in summer. These decreases corresponded to 1.9, 3.7 and 1.6 %, for every % increase of L. multiflorum cover. Path analysis and posterior modelling predicted a greater impact of the endophyte on L. multiflorum cover than of seed addition when resident L. multiflorum cover was ≤20 %. This effect decreased asymptotically as L. multiflorum cover increased beyond 20 %. Our results suggest that the endophyte may boost the invasion ability of L. multiflorum particularly in natural grassland without grazing history with potential longer-term consequences for community structure and dynamics.  相似文献   

Sagebrush ecosystems in the intermountain west of the United States are being threatened by conversion to the non-native grass, cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum). The dramatic shift in the physical structure of vegetation coincident with cheatgrass invasion likely has negative impacts on animal communities, yet these structural impacts have not been well-studied. In a previous study, dense cheatgrass stems reduced sprint velocity for the flattened, wide-bodied desert horned lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos). Here, we asked if a decrease in sprint velocity due to cheatgrass impediment can be generalized to the suite of small vertebrates inhabiting the sagebrush ecosystems of western Utah. We evaluated sprint performance of the common rodent (n = 3) and lizard (n = 4) species on two raceway types, cheatgrass and no-cheatgrass, and hypothesized that body size, body shape, and form of movement are important factors influencing sprint velocity through dense cheatgrass stems. All species showed significant reductions in speed on cheatgrass versus no-cheatgrass raceways, with percent reduction greatest for larger, wider, or hopping organisms compared to smaller, more slender, or running organisms. Of concern, surveys for rodents and lizards at our study areas support a common pattern: lower abundances of small vertebrates, as well as a loss of rodent species richness, in areas infested with cheatgrass compared to intact, native sagebrush communities. By extension, we expect a negative impact on animal communities in other semi-arid regions experiencing dramatic shifts in vegetation structure upon invasion by non-native grasses that are capable of forming dense stands in the interspaces of native desert plants [e.g., Sonoran desert invaded by buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare)].  相似文献   

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