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Proteins under extreme physical conditions   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Life on earth is ubiquitous within the limits from -5 to 110 degrees C for temperature, 0.1 to 120 MPa for hydrostatic pressure, 1.0 to 0.6 for water activity and pH 1 to 12. In general, mutative adaptation of proteins to changing environmental conditions tends to maintain 'corresponding states' regarding overall topology, flexibility and hydration. Due to the minute changes in the free energy of stabilization responsible for enhanced stability, nature provides a wide variety of different adaptative strategies. In the case of thermophilic proteins, improved packing densities are crucial. In halophilic proteins, decreased hydrophobicity and clustered surface charges serve to increase water and salt binding required for solubilization at high salt concentration. In the case of barophiles, high-pressure adaptation is expected to be less important than adaptation to low temperatures governing the deep sea. Nothing is known with respect to the mechanisms underlying psychrophilic and acidophilic/alkalophilic adaptation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the self-assembly of 6-O- and 6′-O-hexadecylsucroses mixture under aqueous conditions. The mixture was synthesized by a five-step sequence from sucrose. The SEM image of a sample prepared by drying a dispersion of the mixture in water showed nanoparticles with the diameter of ∼50 nm and aggregates that were formed by further assembly of them. The XRD measurement of the sample exhibited the diffraction pattern assignable to face-centered cubic (FCC) structure and the diameter of a sphere, which took part in the FCC structure, was calculated to be 5.1 nm. This value was relatively close to that observed in the DLS measurement of a dispersion of the mixture in water and estimated for a spherical micelle based on the molecular sizes of the two sucrose ethers. On the basis of the above findings, the following self-assembly process of the mixture under aqueous conditions was proposed. The mixture formed the spherical micelles with the diameter of ∼5-7 nm in water. The micelles regularly organized according to the FCC structure during the drying process from the aqueous dispersion to construct the nanoparticles with the diameter of ∼50 nm. Several numbers of the nanoparticles further assembled to form the aggregates.  相似文献   

A detailed study of chromosome breakage induced by three alkane sulfonates, which differ in chemical structure, functionality and reaction mechanism has been made in barley under different treatment conditions of temperature and hydrogen ion concentration. This study has indicated that, (i) the frequency and the types of chromosome breakage, at mitosis and meiosis, indicate certain qualitative and quantitative differences between the biological action of these three chemicals, (ii) the temperature of the treatment solution profoundly influences the frequency of chromosome breakage — a high frequency of breakage is observed at higher temperature, (iii) the effect of pH, though not very significant, is evident from the production of appreciably low frequency of breakage at alkaline pH for a given dose of chemical, (iv) by appropriate manipulation of treatment conditions, increase or decrease in the frequency of chromosome breakage can be accomplished to a considerable extent, (v) the qualitative and quantitative differences observed with respect to chromosoma breakage reflect the differences in the mode of biological action of these agents.  相似文献   

A general formalism for chiral symmetry breaking in far-from-equilibrium chemical systems is presented. It is pointed out that slow passage through the transition point makes the system sensitive to very weak, but systematic, chiral influences. The general implications of this process for the origin of biomolecular chirality is discussed.  相似文献   

微-纳尺度的蛋白质自组装体具有形貌多样性与良好的生物相容性,因而成为蛋白质自组装领域的研究热点。以蛋白质结晶条件的筛选手段高通量筛选不同类型蛋白质于不同尺度、不同形貌的自组装过程,是一种新兴的研究方法,具有重要研究意义。利用该方法进行蛋白质自组装条件筛选时,常会形成一些表观透明的液滴,其中是否有自组装现象的发生尚不明确。文中以β-乳球蛋白与蛋白质结晶试剂盒IndexTM C10相互作用为例进行探索,实验结果表明透明液滴中存在微-纳尺度的蛋白质自组装体。进一步通过扫描电镜观察不同初始浓度β-乳球蛋白与IndexTM C10混合形成的透明液滴中微-纳自组装体的形貌有所差别;通过激光共聚焦显微镜连续拍摄添加荧光标签的β-乳球蛋白形成自组装体的过程,可实时观察到液液相分离现象及最终形成的自组装体的形貌;通过原位X-射线衍射手段,可观察到自组装体内部结构随时间推移逐渐有序化的过程。以上研究表明,在以结晶条件筛选手段为基础的蛋白质自组装条件筛选实验中,透明液滴内的自组装现象具有深入探索的必要和价值。  相似文献   

The interactions of phytoplankton and bacteria in a nitrogen-limitedsteady-state system with an organic nitrogen compound or ammoniumas the sole nitrogen source were modelled. The effects of variousalgal excretion rates and two different mathematical representationsof excretion were examined. The model predicted that higherexcretion elevated the bacterial steady-state biomass, and loweredthe algal biomass. Bacterial respiration, which directly determinednitrogen regeneration, had an important effect on the system.The bacterial growth yield in the model was mainly a functionof the growth rate, and not of the nitrogen:carbon ratio ofthe substrate. In one version of the model, where the excretionof organic carbon increased with decreasing growth rate, themodel started to oscillate when the multiplication product ofmaximum specific excretion of excreted organic carbon (EOC)and the bacterial yield on EOC exceeded the dilution rate, irrespectiveof the form of nitrogen (ammonium or dissolved organic nitrogen)in the medium. The model results were compared with chemostatexperiments with the alga Emiliania huxleyi and a bacterialisolate in pure and mixed culture at two different dilutionrates. The carbon and nitrogen biomass of the bacteria was {smalltilde}1.5 times higher in mixed culture than in pure culture.In the experiments with low dilution rate, the recovery of nitrogenin the form of biomass, ammonium or amino acids was low, suggestingthe excretion by the algae of a refractory nitrogen-containingproduct which the bacteria could not use.  相似文献   

Two of the algal parameter values in Table II are incorrect.They should read: a,o minimun algal N:C ratio 0.037 mol N/mol C a,m maximum algal N:C ratio 0.133 mol N/mol C  相似文献   

Cell migration in blood flow is mediated by engagement of specialized adhesion molecules that function under hemodynamic shear conditions, and many of the effectors of these adhesive interactions, such as the selectins and their ligands, are well defined. However, in contrast, our knowledge of the adhesion molecules operant under lymphatic flow conditions is incomplete. Among human malignancies, head and neck squamous cell cancer displays a marked predilection for locoregional lymph node metastasis. Based on this distinct tropism, we hypothesized that these cells express adhesion molecules that promote their binding to lymphoid tissue under lymphatic fluid shear stress. Accordingly, we investigated adhesive interactions between these and other cancer cells and the principal resident cells of lymphoid organs, lymphocytes. Parallel plate flow chamber studies under defined shear conditions, together with biochemical analyses, showed that human head and neck squamous cell cancer cells express heretofore unrecognized L-selectin ligand(s) that mediate binding to lymphocyte L-selectin at conspicuously low shear stress levels of 0.07-0.08 dynes/cm(2), consistent with lymphatic flow. The binding of head and neck squamous cancer cells to L-selectin displays canonical biochemical features, such as requirements for sialylation, sulfation, and N-glycosylation, but displays a novel operational shear threshold differing from all other L-selectin ligands, including those expressed on colon cancer and leukemic cells (e.g. HCELL). These data define a novel class of L-selectin ligands and expand the scope of function for L-selectin within circulatory systems to now include a novel activity within shear stresses characteristic of lymphatic flow.  相似文献   

Fluorescent protein (FP) has enabled the analysis of biomolecular interactions in living cells, and bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) represents one of the newly developed imaging technologies to directly visualize protein–protein interactions in living cells. Although 10 different FPs that cover a broad range of spectra have been demonstrated to support BiFC, only Cerulean (cyan FP variant), Citrine and Venus (yellow FP variants)-based BiFC systems can be used under 37 °C physiological temperature. The sensitivity of two mRFP-based red BiFC systems to higher temperatures (i.e., 37 °C) limits their applications in most mammalian cell-based studies. Here we report that mLumin, a newly isolated far-red fluorescent protein variant of mKate with an emission maximum of 621 nm, enables BiFC analysis of protein–protein interactions at 37 °C in living mammalian cells. Furthermore, the combination of mLumin with Cerulean- and Venus-based BiFC systems allows for simultaneous visualization of three pairs of protein–protein interactions in the same cell. The mLumin-based BiFC system will facilitate simultaneous visualization of multiple protein–protein interactions in living cells and offer the potential to visualize protein–protein interactions in living animals.  相似文献   

These studies detail the altered structure-function relationships caused by oxidation of surfactant protein B (SP-B), a mode of damage thought to be important in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a common and frequently fatal condition. An 18-residue fragment comprising the N-terminal helix of SP-B was investigated in oxidized and unmodified forms by solution and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), circular dichroism (CD), and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Taken together, the results indicate that tryptophan oxidation causes substantial disruptions in helical structure and lipid interactions. The structural modifications induced by tryptophan oxidation were severe, with a reduction in helical extent from approximately three helical turns to, at most, one turn, and were observed in a variety of solvent environments, including sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles, dodecyl phosphocholine (DPC) micelles, and a 40% hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP) aqueous solution. The unmodified peptide takes on an orientation within lipid bilayers that is tilted approximately 30° away from an in-plane position. Tryptophan oxidation causes significant modifications to the peptide-lipid interactions, and the peptide likely shifts to a more in-plane orientation within the lipids. Interestingly, the character of the disruptions to peptide-lipid interactions caused by tryptophan oxidation was highly dependent on the charge of the lipid headgroup.  相似文献   

The commonly used purification procedures for Transferrin-binding protein B (TbpB) are based on an affinity chromatography step using resins onto which human transferrin had been immobilized. These protocols involve protein elution using denaturing buffer solutions. Here we present an improved protocol which permits protein elution under nondenaturing conditions using chelating agents such as phosphate or compounds containing a pyrophosphate group. Furthermore, isothermal titration calorimetry experiments of the purified protein with holotransferrin have been shown to be a reliable method to assess the purity and activity of the purified material.  相似文献   

Overall protein release greater than 75% in less than 1 h can be attained by exposing exponentially growing Escherichia coli cells to 0.4 M guanidine plus 0.5% Triton X-100 at 37 degrees C in medium. Cell growth stops immediately upon addition of the chemicals, but the cells are not lysed. Guanidine concentrations lower than 0.2 M, in conjunction with 0.5% Triton X-100, do not release significant intracellular protein, nor do they inhibit cell growth. Under these conditions, the cells undergo an adaptation that confers resistance to protein release by further treatment with guanidine and Triton X-100. Cells treated with 0.2 M guanidine plus 0.5% Triton X-100 display intermediate behavior. Protein release is approximately 35%, and growth is temporarily interrupted by an extended lag phase. Subsequent resumption of cell growth results in resistant cells and no additional protein release. This resistance is shown to be reversible and is most likely due to physiological adaptation rather than genetic mutation.  相似文献   

Interactions of blood cells (RBCs) with a microelectrode of 50 (im diameter have been examined under flow conditions using impedance measurements at high frequencies. At such frequencies, the electrolyte resistance (Re,) is assimilated to the real part of impedance, and interactions are associated with transient fluctuations of Re. Sedimentation experiments suggest that one erythrocyte contributes to a 1.1% Re, increase. Effects of wall shear rate (from 25 to 140 s1) and RBC concentration (from 8.4 × 105 to 2.7 × 106 cells/ml) have been investigated; the number of interactions rapidly decreases with wall shear rate. Event frequency is proportional to RBC concentration ranging from 3.1 × 106 cells/ml to 1.3 × 107 cells/ml. At high concentrations of RBCs, some transient events overlap. Videotaped images help to determine how many RBCs interact with the microelectrode at the same time on separate surface areas. Under flow conditions, the contribution of one RBC on the Re increase is similar to the mathematical value obtained by sedimentation and decreases slightly with wall shear rate.  相似文献   

Parameters of exercise physiology were studied in nearly 300 subjects to resolve whether these indices were equally suitable under laboratory and field conditions to assess the level of physical fitness and optimum work load. Respiratory gas exchange, heart rate and exercise acidosis parameters were studied. The inference drawn on the basis of the obtained data has been that both the mode and the intensity of the imposed exercise exert significant influence on the variation of physiological parameters. During running either on the treadmill or in the field test, blood lactate levels were comparable, but performances related to these concentrations were not the same. When different modes of exercise were employed, also lactate levels differed between the laboratory and field studies. The performance of patients under or after exercise rehabilitation following acute myocardial infarction by using instrumental monitoring in the laboratory was found to excel that attained during rehabilitation exercise training. Any change in the level of physical fitness can only be reliably followed when physiological parameters are obtained with the same mode of exercise and intensity under the same environmental conditions. Modern training planning of sports and exercise should take into account the data derived from both the laboratory and the field studies concerning cardiorespiratory system and metabolism.  相似文献   

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