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Growing cellulosic feedstock crops (e.g., switchgrass) for biofuel is more environmentally sustainable than corn‐based ethanol. Specifically, this practice can reduce soil erosion and water quality impairment from pesticides and fertilizer, improve ecosystem services and sustainability (e.g., serve as carbon sinks), and minimize impacts on global food supplies. The main goal of this study was to identify high‐risk marginal croplands that are potentially suitable for growing cellulosic feedstock crops (e.g., switchgrass) in the US Great Plains (GP). Satellite‐derived growing season Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, a switchgrass biomass productivity map obtained from a previous study, US Geological Survey (USGS) irrigation and crop masks, and US Department of Agriculture (USDA) crop indemnity maps for the GP were used in this study. Our hypothesis was that croplands with relatively low crop yield but high productivity potential for switchgrass may be suitable for converting to switchgrass. Areas with relatively low crop indemnity (crop indemnity <$2 157 068) were excluded from the suitable areas based on low probability of crop failures. Results show that approximately 650 000 ha of marginal croplands in the GP are potentially suitable for switchgrass development. The total estimated switchgrass biomass productivity gain from these suitable areas is about 5.9 million metric tons. Switchgrass can be cultivated in either lowland or upland regions in the GP depending on the local soil and environmental conditions. This study improves our understanding of ecosystem services and the sustainability of cropland systems in the GP. Results from this study provide useful information to land managers for making informed decisions regarding switchgrass development in the GP.  相似文献   

Abstract. Few empirical data exist to examine the influence of regional scale environmental gradients on productivity patterns of plant species. In this paper we analyzed the productivity of several dominant grass species along two climatic gradients, mean annual precipitation (MAP) and mean annual temperature (MAT), in the Great Plains of the United States. We used climatic data from 296 weather stations, species production data from Natural Resource Conservation Service rangeland surveys and a geographic information system to spatially integrate the data. Both MAP and MAT were significantly related to annual above-ground net primary production (ANPP). MAP explained 54% to 89% of the variation in ANPP of two C4 short-grasses, Bouteloua gracilis and Buchloë dactyloides, and two C4 tall-grasses, Andropogon gerardii and Schizachyrium scoparium (= Andropogon scoparius). MAT explained 19% to 41% of the variation in ANPP of two C4 grasses, B. gracilis and B. dactyloides, and 41% to 66% of the variation in ANPP of two C3 grasses, Agropyron smithii and Stipa comata. ANPP patterns for species along both gradients were described by either linear, negative exponential, logistic, normal or skewed curves. Patterns of absolute ANPP (g/m2) for species differed from those of relative ANPP (%) along the MAP gradient. Responses were similar for species with common functional characteristics (e.g. short-grasses, tall-grasses, C3, C4). Our empirical results support asymmetric responses of species to environmental gradients. Results demonstrate the importance of species attributes, type of environmental gradient and measure of species importance (relative or absolute productivity) in evaluating ecological response patterns.  相似文献   



The incidence of West Nile virus (WNv) has remained high in the northern Great Plains compared to the rest of the United States. However, the reasons for the sustained high risk of WNv transmission in this region have not been determined. To assess the environmental drivers of WNv in the northern Great Plains, we analyzed the county-level spatial pattern of human cases during the 2003 epidemic across a seven-state region.

Methodology/Principal Findings

County-level data on WNv cases were examined using spatial cluster analysis, and were used to fit statistical models with weather, climate, and land use variables as predictors. In 2003 there was a single large cluster of elevated WNv risk encompassing North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska along with portions of eastern Montana and Wyoming. The relative risk of WNv remained high within the boundaries of this cluster from 2004–2007. WNv incidence during the 2003 epidemic was found to have a stronger relationship with long-term climate patterns than with annual weather in either 2002 or 2003. WNv incidence increased with mean May–July temperature and had a unimodal relationship with total May–July precipitation. WNv incidence also increased with the percentage of irrigated cropland and with the percentage of the human population living in rural areas.


The spatial pattern of WNv cases during the 2003 epidemic in the northern Great Plains was associated with both climatic gradients and land use patterns. These results were interpreted as evidence that environmental conditions across much of the northern Great Plains create a favorable ecological niche for Culex tarsalis, a particularly efficient vector of WNv. Further research is needed to determine the proximal causes of sustained WNv transmission and to enhance strategies for disease prevention.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon fractions differ in two contrasting tall fescue systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The value of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) for C sequestration in addition to forage production and soil conservation is of current interest. However, studies relating to the impacts of endophyte infected (E+) and endophyte free (E?) tall fescue on soil organic matter fractions are few. This study examined how E+ and E? growth affected soil C fractions 4 years after establishment. The study site was at the University of Kentucky research farm, Lexington, Kentucky, USA. From soil cores in replicated fields we measured total C, particulate organic matter C (POM C), microbial biomass C (MBC), mineralizable C (Min C), C in aggregates, and aggregate distribution at depths of 0 to 15 and 15 to 30 cm. Significant effects between E+ and E- fescue were sometimes observed for MBC, Min C, C in micro-aggregates, and aggregate distribution, but not for total C, and POM C. At 0?C15 cm MBC (E+ 26% greater than E?), Min C (E+ 43% lower than E?), C associated with micro-aggregates (E+ 15% lower than E?), and micro-aggregates (46% more micro-aggregates in E+ than E?), were affected by endophyte infection, confirming hypotheses that early changes in soil properties were reflected in labile C fractions and soil structure. Endophyte infection status in tall fescue has quantifiable effects on C sequestration and soil structure, achievable in a relatively short period that can be used to monitor conservation efforts and the consequences of pasture renovation strategies.  相似文献   

The northern Great Plains (NGP) of the United States has been a hotspot of West Nile virus (WNV) incidence since 2002. Mosquito ecology and the transmission of vector-borne disease are influenced by multiple environmental factors, and climatic variability is an important driver of inter-annual variation in WNV transmission risk. This study applied multiple environmental predictors including land surface temperature (LST), the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and actual evapotranspiration (ETa) derived from Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products to establish prediction models for WNV risk in the NGP. These environmental metrics are sensitive to seasonal and inter-annual fluctuations in temperature and precipitation, and are hypothesized to influence mosquito population dynamics and WNV transmission. Non-linear generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to evaluate the influences of deviations of cumulative LST, NDVI, and ETa on inter-annual variations of WNV incidence from 2004–2010. The models were sensitive to the timing of spring green up (measured with NDVI), temperature variability in early spring and summer (measured with LST), and moisture availability from late spring through early summer (measured with ETa), highlighting seasonal changes in the influences of climatic fluctuations on WNV transmission. Predictions based on these variables indicated a low WNV risk across the NGP in 2011, which is concordant with the low case reports in this year. Environmental monitoring using remote-sensed data can contribute to surveillance of WNV risk and prediction of future WNV outbreaks in space and time.  相似文献   

We present the first detailed phylogenetic analysis of Buggy Creek virus (BCRV), a poorly known alphavirus with transmission cycles involving a cimicid swallow bug (Oeciacus vicarius) vector and cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) and house sparrows (Passer domesticus) as the principal avian hosts. Nucleotide sequences of a 2,075-bp viral envelope glycoprotein-coding region, covering the entire PE2 gene, were determined for 33 BCRV isolates taken from swallow bugs at cliff swallow colonies in Nebraska and Colorado in the summer of 2001 and were compared with the corresponding region of BCRV isolates collected from Oklahoma in the 1980s. We also analyzed isolates of the closely related Fort Morgan virus (FMV) collected from Colorado in the 1970s. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that BCRV falls into the western equine encephalomyelitis complex of alphaviruses, in agreement with antigenic results and a previous alphavirus phylogeny based on the E1 coding region. We found four distinct BCRV/FMV clades, one each unique to Nebraska, Colorado, and Oklahoma and one containing isolates from both Nebraska and Colorado. BCRV isolates within the two clades from Nebraska showed 5.7 to 6.2% nucleotide divergence and 0.7 to 1.9% amino acid divergence, and within these clades, we found multiple subclades. Nebraska subclades tended to be confined to one or a few cliff swallow colonies that were close to each other in space, although in some cases, near-identical isolates were detected at sites up to 123 km apart. Viral gene flow occurs when cliff swallows move (bugs) between colony sites, and the genetic structure of BCRV may reflect the limited dispersal abilities of its insect vector.  相似文献   

We present the first detailed phylogenetic analysis of Buggy Creek virus (BCRV), a poorly known alphavirus with transmission cycles involving a cimicid swallow bug (Oeciacus vicarius) vector and cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) and house sparrows (Passer domesticus) as the principal avian hosts. Nucleotide sequences of a 2,075-bp viral envelope glycoprotein-coding region, covering the entire PE2 gene, were determined for 33 BCRV isolates taken from swallow bugs at cliff swallow colonies in Nebraska and Colorado in the summer of 2001 and were compared with the corresponding region of BCRV isolates collected from Oklahoma in the 1980s. We also analyzed isolates of the closely related Fort Morgan virus (FMV) collected from Colorado in the 1970s. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that BCRV falls into the western equine encephalomyelitis complex of alphaviruses, in agreement with antigenic results and a previous alphavirus phylogeny based on the E1 coding region. We found four distinct BCRV/FMV clades, one each unique to Nebraska, Colorado, and Oklahoma and one containing isolates from both Nebraska and Colorado. BCRV isolates within the two clades from Nebraska showed 5.7 to 6.2% nucleotide divergence and 0.7 to 1.9% amino acid divergence, and within these clades, we found multiple subclades. Nebraska subclades tended to be confined to one or a few cliff swallow colonies that were close to each other in space, although in some cases, near-identical isolates were detected at sites up to 123 km apart. Viral gene flow occurs when cliff swallows move (bugs) between colony sites, and the genetic structure of BCRV may reflect the limited dispersal abilities of its insect vector.  相似文献   

The Great Plains of the United States is characterized by a large west–east gradient in annual precipitation and a similar large north–south gradient in annual temperature. Native grasslands and winter wheat are found over a large portion of the precipitation and temperature gradients. In this article, we use long-term data to analyze the differences in the patterns in aboveground net primary production and precipitation-use efficiency between wheat and native grassland ecosystems in the central portion of Great Plains, and their relationships to potential water availability (precipitation). Aboveground net primary production of native grasslands shows a large response to precipitation. Aboveground net primary production of winter wheat has a smaller response to changing precipitation. Annual precipitation-use efficiency of native grasslands is unaffected by increases in average annual precipitation, but precipitation-use efficiency of summer-fallow wheat ecosystems decreases substantially with increased average precipitation. Our results suggest that in the wetter portion of the central Great Plains, summer-fallow wheat management is relatively inefficient, because increased water availability results in diminishing returns. Comparisons with data from continuously cropped wheat confirmed this result. Shifts across the region to continuous cropping of wheat potentially could have significant impacts on regional wheat yield, carbon balance, and economic status. Received 15 October 1999; accepted 10 March 2000.  相似文献   

Keystone species restoration, or the restoration of species whose effect on an ecosystem is much greater than their abundance would suggest, is a central justification for many wildlife reintroduction projects globally. Following restoration, plains bison (Bison bison L.) have been identified as a keystone species in the tallgrass prairie ecoregion, but we know of no research to document similar effects in the mixed‐grass prairie where restoration efforts are ongoing. This study addresses whether Northern Great Plains (NGP) mixed‐grass prairie plant communities exhibit traits consistent with four central keystone effects documented for bison in the tallgrass prairie. We collected species composition, diversity, abundance, bare ground cover, and plant height data in three treatments: where livestock (Bos taurus L.) continuously grazed, livestock were removed for 10 years, and bison have been introduced and resident for 10 years. We observed mixed support for bison acting as keystone species in this system. Supporting the keystone role of bison, we observed higher species richness and compositional heterogeneity (β‐diversity) in the bison treatment than either the livestock retention or livestock removal treatments. However, we observed comparable forb, bare ground, and plant height heterogeneity between bison‐restored sites and sites where livestock were retained, contradicting reported keystone effects in other systems. Our results suggest that after 10 years of being restored, bison partially fulfill their role as a keystone species in the mixed‐grass prairie, and we encourage continued long‐term data collection to evaluate their influence in the NGP.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) consists of various C fractions with different stabilities and chemical compositions that are differently affected by changes in land use. A better understanding of the responses of different C fractions to land uses is vital for maintaining soil quality and mitigating global warming. Using data from a short-term land use experiment in northeastern China, this paper investigated the effect of five land uses, corn cropland (Corn), alfalfa grassland (Alfalfa), artificial grassland of Lyemus chinensis (AG), Lyemus chinensis grassland for mowing (AG + Mow) and restored grassland (RG), on the dynamics of total SOC and four SOC fractions with increasing degrees of oxidizability at 0 to 50 cm depths. The results show that land use had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the total SOC and SOC fractions of very labile C (F1), labile C (F2) and less labile C (F3), while the difference in recalcitrant C (F4) was less pronounced. SOC in the study area was characterized by a predominantly very labile C fraction, and the percentages of F1 to total SOC were more than 40% for all land uses. Compared with Corn, the treatments AG + Mow, AG and RG decreased the percentage of F1 to SOC (by 4.49%, 6.53% and 3.55%, respectively) and increased the percentages of F2 (by 3.32%, 2.77% and 6.60%, respectively) and F3 (by 4.47%, 3.46% and 0.3%, respectively) to SOC. These findings suggest that land-use type is a major factor that influences soil C fractions and that labile C fractions contribute a large part of the total SOC. In addition, grassland colonization of croplands improves soil C sequestration in northeastern China.  相似文献   

大兴安岭林区兴安落叶松人工林土壤有机碳贮量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过样地调查,研究了大兴安岭林区10、15、26和61年生兴安落叶松人工林0~ 40cm土壤有机碳(SOC)贮量,以及原始兴安落叶松林皆伐后营造人工林过程中SOC碳源/汇的变化.结果表明:随林龄的增加,兴安落叶松人工林SOC贮量呈现先减少后增加的趋势,转折点在林龄15 ~26 a.与原始落叶松林相比,兴安落叶松人工林土壤碳库初期(10 ~26 a)表现为碳源,之后逐渐转变为碳汇,林龄61 a时SOC贮量达158.91· hm-2.兴安落叶松人工林土壤碳库的垂直分布表现为初期下层SOC贮量高于上层,26 a后上层高于下层,说明人为干扰对该地区森林土壤碳库垂直分布产生了强烈的影响.大兴安岭林区兴安落叶松人工林的主伐年龄以>60 a为宜.  相似文献   

依托位于中国东北黑土地区长期免耕玉米秸秆还田试验平台,分析了不同秸秆还田量(0、33%、67%和100%)连续归还8年后表层(0~5 era)、中层(20~40 cm)和深层(60~100 cm)土壤有机碳中红外光谱特征,评价了玉米秸秆还田量对免耕土壤碳化学组成和稳定性的影响.结果 表明:与免耕无秸秆覆盖还田相比,33...  相似文献   

Tidal wetlands contain large reservoirs of carbon in their soils and can sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) at a greater rate per unit area than nearly any other ecosystem. The spatial distribution of this carbon influences climate and wetland policy. To assist with international accords such as the Paris Climate Agreement, national‐level assessments such as the United States (U.S.) National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, and regional, state, local, and project‐level evaluation of CO2 sequestration credits, we developed a geodatabase (CoBluCarb) and high‐resolution maps of soil organic carbon (SOC) distribution by linking National Wetlands Inventory data with the U.S. Soil Survey Geographic Database. For over 600,000 wetlands, the total carbon stock and organic carbon density was calculated at 5‐cm vertical resolution from 0 to 300 cm of depth. Across the continental United States, there are 1,153–1,359 Tg of SOC in the upper 0–100 cm of soils across a total of 24 945.9 km2 of tidal wetland area, twice as much carbon as the most recent national estimate. Approximately 75% of this carbon was found in estuarine emergent wetlands with freshwater tidal wetlands holding about 19%. The greatest pool of SOC was found within the Atchafalaya/Vermilion Bay complex in Louisiana, containing about 10% of the U.S. total. The average density across all tidal wetlands was 0.071 g cm?3 across 0–15 cm, 0.055 g cm?3 across 0–100 cm, and 0.040 g cm?3 at the 100 cm depth. There is inherent variability between and within individual wetlands; however, we conclude that it is possible to use standardized values at a range of 0–100 cm of the soil profile, to provide first‐order quantification and to evaluate future changes in carbon stocks in response to environmental perturbations. This Tier 2‐oriented carbon stock assessment provides a scientific method that can be copied by other nations in support of international requirements.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics are regulated by the complex interplay of climatic, edaphic and biotic conditions. However, the interrelation of SOC and these drivers and their potential connection networks are rarely assessed quantitatively. Using observations of SOC dynamics with detailed soil properties from 90 field trials at 28 sites under different agroecosystems across the Australian cropping regions, we investigated the direct and indirect effects of climate, soil properties, carbon (C) inputs and soil C pools (a total of 17 variables) on SOC change rate (rC, Mg C ha?1 yr?1). Among these variables, we found that the most influential variables on rC were the average C input amount and annual precipitation, and the total SOC stock at the beginning of the trials. Overall, C inputs (including C input amount and pasture frequency in the crop rotation system) accounted for 27% of the relative influence on rC, followed by climate 25% (including precipitation and temperature), soil C pools 24% (including pool size and composition) and soil properties (such as cation exchange capacity, clay content, bulk density) 24%. Path analysis identified a network of intercorrelations of climate, soil properties, C inputs and soil C pools in determining rC. The direct correlation of rC with climate was significantly weakened if removing the effects of soil properties and C pools, and vice versa. These results reveal the relative importance of climate, soil properties, C inputs and C pools and their complex interconnections in regulating SOC dynamics. Ignorance of the impact of changes in soil properties, C pool composition and C input (quantity and quality) on SOC dynamics is likely one of the main sources of uncertainty in SOC predictions from the process‐based SOC models.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide is taken up by agricultural crops and released soon after during the consumption of agricultural commodities. The global net impact of this process on carbon flux to the atmosphere is negligible, but impact on the spatial distribution of carbon dioxide uptake and release across regions and continents is significant. To estimate the consumption and release of carbon by humans over the landscape, we developed a carbon budget for humans in the United States. The budget was derived from food commodity intake data for the US and from algorithms representing the metabolic processing of carbon by humans. Data on consumption, respiration, and waste of carbon by humans were distributed over the US using geospatial population data with a resolution of ~450 × 450 m. The average adult in the US contains about 21 kg C and consumes about 67 kg C year−1 which is balanced by the annual release of about 59 kg C as expired CO2, 7 kg C as feces and urine, and less than 1 kg C as flatus, sweat, and aromatic compounds. In 2000, an estimated 17.2 Tg C were consumed by the US population and 15.2 Tg C were expired to the atmosphere as CO2. Historically, carbon stock in the US human population has increased between 1790 and 2006 from 0.06 Tg to 5.37 Tg. Displacement and release of total harvested carbon per capita in the US is nearly 12% of per capita fossil fuel emissions. Humans are using, storing, and transporting carbon about the Earth’s surface. Inclusion of these carbon dynamics in regional carbon budgets can improve our understanding of carbon sources and sinks.  相似文献   

Soil Diversity and Land Use in the United States   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Soils are dynamic components of terrestrial ecosystems that historically have been viewed as economic resources by government and private interests. The large-scale conversion of many sections of the United States to agriculture and urban land uses, combined with the growing awareness of the role of soils in global biogeochemistry and ecology, ultimately requires an assessment of the remaining distribution of undisturbed soils in the country. Here we conduct the first quantitative analysis of disturbed and undisturbed soil distribution in the USA using a GIS-based approach. We find that a sizable fraction (4.5%) of the nation's soils are in danger of substantial loss, or complete extinction, due to agriculture and urbanization. In the agricultural belt of the country, up to 80% of the soils that were naturally of low abundance are now severely impacted (greater than 50% conversion to agricultural/urban uses). Undisturbed soils provide ecosystem services that warrant their preservation, including a somewhat complex relationship with rare or endangered plants. The known and unknown attributes of undisturbed soils suggests the need for an integrated biogeodiversity perspective in landscape preservation efforts.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to quantify the Salmonella enterica burdens in harvest-ready cattle and to identify specific at-risk populations of cattle most likely to harbor multiply resistant S. enterica. Hide swabs were collected in abattoirs from three cohorts of cattle (feedlot origin cattle that had achieved desirable harvest characteristics and dairy- and beef-type cows harvested because of poor productivity). Feces were collected from two cohorts housed in feedlots (cattle that had achieved desirable harvest characteristics and animals identified for salvage recovery because of poor productivity). Facilities were visited on four occasions over a 12-month period. Salmonella enterica isolates were recovered, and organisms were quantified using standard microbiological methodologies. Susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs and serotype were determined for one S. enterica isolate per sample. Salmonella enterica was recovered from 55.6% of 1,681 samples. The prevalences on hides and in feces were 69.6% and 30.3%, respectively. The concentrations of S. enterica organisms averaged (as determined by the most probable number technique) 1.82 log10/100 cm2 of hides and 0.75 log10/g of feces. None of the isolates recovered from cattle that had achieved desirable harvest characteristics were resistant to four or more drugs. For isolates recovered from animals with poor productivity characteristics, 6.5% were resistant to four or more drugs. Twenty-two serovars were identified, with the most common being Salmonella enterica serovar Anatum (25.5%), Salmonella enterica serovar Montevideo (22.2%), and Salmonella enterica serovar Cerro (12.5%). High-level resistance, i.e., resistance to four or more drugs, was clustered within a few relatively uncommon serovars. These results demonstrate that even though S. enterica isolates are readily recoverable from harvest-ready cattle, multiply resistant variants are rare and are associated with specific serovars in cattle harvested because of poor productivity characteristics.  相似文献   

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