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Predation by visual predators is often affected by light conditions and may therefore exhibit strong diel variation. The dominant predators on grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, are finfish predators that are thought to locate their prey by visual cues. We examined the response of grass shrimp to diel variation in predation risk in the nearshore shallow waters of the Chesapeake Bay. We used diel shoreline seines to assess the relative abundance of predators. We assessed the relative risk of predation with shrimp tethered at refuge (30 cm) and nonrefuge (60 cm) depths. To measure grass shrimp response to predation risk, we used dipnets to monitor habitat use. Four predominantly visual predators dominated the shoreline seine catches, Fundulus heteroclitus, Micropogonias undulatus, Morone americana and Morone saxatilis. Total predator abundance had a diel component, with dramatic nighttime decreases in total abundance, whereas guild composition and relative abundance remained unchanged. Relative predation risk for tethered shrimp exhibited significant time by habitat interaction. During the day, depth negatively affected survivorship of tethered shrimp while at night overall survivorship increased and there was no effect of depth. Shrimp habitats use reflected diel predation risks. Abundances in the near shore were highest during the day with decreased abundances at night. Together, the seine and tethering data highlight the importance for a refuge (e.g., shallow water) from predation during the daytime and a relaxation of predation pressure at night.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation is a mix of competition and predation and occurs when one species feeds on another species that uses similar resources. Theory predicts that intraguild predation hampers coexistence of species involved, but it is common in nature. It has been suggested that increasing habitat complexity and the presence of alternative food may promote coexistence. Reciprocal intraguild predation limits possibilities for coexistence even further. Habitat complexity and the presence of alternative food are believed to promote coexistence. We investigated this using two species of predatory mites, Iphiseiodes zuluagai and Euseius concordis, by assessing co‐occurrence in the field and on arenas differing in spatial structure in the laboratory. The predators co‐occured on the same plants in the field. In the laboratory, adults of the two mites fed on juveniles of the other species, both in the presence and the absence of a shared food source, showing that the two species are involved in reciprocal intraguild predation. Adults of I. zuluagai also attacked adults of E. concordis. This suggests limited possibilities for coexistence of the two species. Indeed, E. concordis invariably went extinct extremely rapidly on arenas without spatial structure with populations consisting of all stages of the two predators and with a shared resource. Coexistence was prolonged on host plant leaves with extra food sources, but E. concordis still went extinct. On small, intact plants, coexistence of the two species was much longer, and ended with the other species, I. zuluagai, often going extinct. These results suggest that spatial structure and the presence of alternative food increase the coexistence period of intraguild predators.  相似文献   

Understanding how predators affect prey populations is a fundamental goal for ecologists and wildlife managers. A well-known example of regulation by predators is the predator pit, where two alternative stable states exist and prey can be held at a low density equilibrium by predation if they are unable to pass the threshold needed to attain a high density equilibrium. While empirical evidence for predator pits exists, deterministic models of predator–prey dynamics with realistic parameters suggest they should not occur in these systems. Because stochasticity can fundamentally change the dynamics of deterministic models, we investigated if incorporating stochasticity in predation rates would change the dynamics of deterministic models and allow predator pits to emerge. Based on realistic parameters from an elk–wolf system, we found predator pits were predicted only when stochasticity was included in the model. Predator pits emerged in systems with highly stochastic predation and high carrying capacities, but as carrying capacity decreased, low density equilibria with a high likelihood of extinction became more prevalent. We found that incorporating stochasticity is essential to fully understand alternative stable states in ecological systems, and due to the interaction between top–down and bottom–up effects on prey populations, habitat management and predator control could help prey to be resilient to predation stochasticity.  相似文献   

A non-invasive approach was used to investigate variation in pine marten (Martes martes) abundance between the midlands and east of Ireland, and to determine the frequency of occurrence of squirrels and other small mammals in the diet. Remotely plucked hair samples were genotyped to differentiate between individual animals, and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to identify predator and prey DNA in scats. Macro analysis of prey remains was carried out on a sub sample of scats and the results from both methods are compared. Non-invasive techniques were successful in determining the presence and relative abundance of the pine marten at woodland level. As expected, abundance was found to be higher in the core population of the midlands than in the east. Pine martens were found to reach higher numbers per km2 of forested habitat in Ireland than their British or European counterparts. Both traditional hard part analysis and molecular dietary analysis of mammalian prey yielded similar results. We provide the first evidence of the European pine marten predating upon the North American grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in its invasive range. While the grey squirrel was not available as a prey item in any of the midlands sites, it was available in the east, where it featured significantly more frequently in the diet than the native red squirrel. In both the midlands and the east the woodmouse is the most frequently occurring mammal in the diet.  相似文献   

Vulture restaurants are used worldwide as a conservation tool to provide threatened vultures with a source of supplementary carrion free from anthropogenic contaminants such as poisons and veterinary drugs. While the impacts of supplementary feeding sites on ecosystem and scavenging community dynamics have been investigated in Europe, no information is currently available for southern Africa. This study presents evidence that providing supplementary carrion for vultures stimulated an increase in local abundance of two species of mammalian carnivores, the brown hyaena (Hyaena brunnea) and the black‐backed jackal (Canis mesomelas). These findings require that the wider impacts of providing supplementary carrion for conserving threatened species are fully investigated.  相似文献   

Annual Finnish breeding duck surveys over the last 30 years show declining abundance among several species and greater declines on eutrophic waters than oligotrophic lakes. It has been suggested that habitat-related differences in the rate of increase in predation pressure is a potential explanation for contrasting duck population trajectories between habitats. We assessed potential duck nest predation risk and predator presence in various duck breeding habitats in Finland and Denmark by monitoring 333 artificial duck nests with wildlife cameras during 2017–2019. Predation rates differed between landscapes and habitats: nest predation rate and predator diversity were lowest in forested and highest in agricultural landscapes. Forest nests further from water bodies survived better than nests around shorelines of permanent lakes. Of the 16 different predator species detected, the most common were Eurasian magpie (Picapica), hooded crow (Corvus corone) and raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides). While predation by specific native predator species was typically associated with particular habitats and landscapes, the alien raccoon dog appeared to be a true habitat generalist, ubiquitous and common across all habitats and landscapes. Based on these results, the higher duck nest predation pressure along shorelines, especially in agricultural landscape lakes, due to increased diversity and abundance within the predator community, may contribute to the declining population trends of ducks.  相似文献   

Nest predation is a major limiting factor for songbird productivity, including the federally endangered black-capped vireo (Vireo atricapilla). However, nest predator information is limited across the range of the black-capped vireo in central and southwest Texas. We monitored nests in 3 counties within the breeding range of black-capped vireos in Texas in 2008 and 2009 and used continuous recording digital video cameras to record predation events. We video-monitored 115 nests and documented 39 predation events by at least 9 predator species. Overall, we observed avian species (51%, n = 39), specifically brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater; n = 12), and snakes (26%, n = 39) as the most frequent nest predators. The estimated daily nest survival rate during the laying and incubation stage was 0.985 (95% CI = 0.967–0.993) and 0.944 (95% CI = 0.921–0.961) during the nestling stage. In addition, we analyzed models of predator-specific nest predation using multinomial logistic regression. Effect of nest height on predation rate was significant for snakes; nest stage was significant for nests depredated by avian predators. By identifying and increasing our knowledge of nest predators and vegetation characteristics associated with greater risk of predation in multiple locations within the black-capped vireo's range, we can effectively manage habitat to benefit recovery efforts of the species. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

A vast body of literature exists documenting the morphological, behavioural and life history changes that predators induce in prey. However, little attention has been paid to how these induced changes feed back and affect the predators’ life history and morphology. Larvae of the phantom midge Chaoborus flavicans are intermediate predators in a food web with Daphnia pulex as the basal resource and planktivorous fish as the top predator. C. flavicans prey on D. pulex and are themselves prey for fish; as D. pulex induce morphological defences in the presence of C. flavicans this is an ideal system in which to evaluate the effects of defended prey and top predators on an intermediate consumer. We assessed the impact on C. flavicans life history and morphology of foraging on defended prey while also being exposed to the non-lethal presence of a top fish predator. We tested the basic hypothesis that the effects of defended prey will depend on the presence or absence of top predator predation risk. Feeding rate was significantly reduced and time to pupation was significantly increased by defended morph prey. Gut size, development time, fecundity, egg size and reproductive effort respond to fish chemical cues directly or significantly alter the relationship between a trait and body size. We found no significant interactions between prey morph and the non-lethal presence of a top predator, suggesting that the effects of these two biological factors were additive or singularly independent. Overall it appears that C. flavicans is able to substantially modify several aspects of its biology, and while some changes appear mere consequences of resource limitation others appear facultative in nature.  相似文献   

Increased predator activity along habitat edges (the edge effect) is often documented in the temperate zone, but earlier studies have rarely been able to explicitly test the suggested mechanisms underlining this phenomenon. In this study, we measured the distribution of mammalian predators by scent stations and their main prey (rodents) in four types of landscape elements corresponding to an edge gradient between two habitat types; grassland and forest. We found a contrasting pattern in carnivore activities between years. Whereas carnivores did not exhibit a significant occurrence along the forest–grassland edge in the first year with low prey abundance, they were more likely to be detected along habitat edges in the subsequent year with high prey abundance. Our results do not suggest that the increased activity of carnivores at habitat edges arises as a consequence of predator overflow from higher quality habitat through the edge into lower quality habitat, but showed that most predator species focus their activity specifically to the edge structure. On the other hand, our data do not provide straightforward support for the hypothesis that predator edge preferences are caused by a spatial gradient in carnivores’ main prey—rodents.  相似文献   

Predators affect ecosystems not only through direct mortality of prey, but also through risk effects on prey behavior, which can exert strong influences on ecosystem function and prey fitness. However, how functionally different prey species respond to predation risk and how prey strategies vary across ecosystems and in response to predator reintroduction are poorly understood. We investigated the spatial distributions of six African herbivores varying in foraging strategy and body size in response to environmental factors and direct predation risk by recently reintroduced lions in the thicket biome of the Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa, using camera trap surveys, GPS telemetry, kill site locations and Light Detection and Ranging. Spatial distributions of all species, apart from buffalo, were driven primarily by environmental factors, with limited responses to direct predation risk. Responses to predation risk were instead indirect, with species distributions driven by environmental factors, and diel patterns being particularly pronounced. Grazers were more responsive to the measured variables than browsers, with more observations in open areas. Terrain ruggedness was a stronger predictor of browser distributions than was vegetation density. Buffalo was the only species to respond to predator encounter risk, avoiding areas with higher lion utilization. Buffalo therefore behaved in similar ways to when lions were absent from the study area. Our results suggest that direct predation risk effects are relatively weak when predator densities are low and the time since reintroduction is short and emphasize the need for robust, long‐term monitoring of predator reintroductions to place such events in the broader context of predation risk effects.  相似文献   

Greater biodiversity among aphid predators sometimes leads to greater predator reproductive success. This could occur if cannibalism of predator eggs is consistently stronger than intraguild predation, such that diversity dilutes cannibalism risk when total predator densities remain constant across diversity levels. We compared the frequency of cannibalism versus intraguild predation by adult predators of four species [the lady beetles Coccinella septempunctata L. and Hippodamia convergens Guerin-Meneville, and the predatory bugs Geocoris bullatus (Say) and Nabis alternatus Parshley] on the eggs of three predator species (all of these predators but Nabis). For both coccinellid species, egg predation averaged across all intraguild predators was less frequent than cannibalism. In contrast, Geocoris eggs were generally more likely to be consumed by intraguild predators than by conspecifics. Closer inspection of the data revealed that Geocoris consistently consumed fewer eggs than the other species, regardless of egg species. Indeed, for lady beetle eggs it was relatively infrequent egg predation by Geocoris that brought down the average across all heterospecific predators, masking the fact that adults of the two lady beetles were no more likely to act as egg cannibals than as intraguild predators. Nabis ate eggs of the two beetles at approximately equal rates, but rarely ate Geocoris eggs. Female predators generally consumed more eggs than did males, but this did not alter any of the patterns described above. Altogether, our results suggest that species-specific differences in egg predation rates determined the relative intensity of egg intraguild-predation versus cannibalism, rather than any more general trend for egg cannibalism to always exceed intraguild predation.  相似文献   

Population dynamics, demography and body size of the cladoceranBosmina longirostris were examined in an experimental study in which the abundance of its predator (the cyprind fishPhoxinus eos) was varied in an unproductive lake. Four densities of fish were used, encompassing the biomass of fish in the lake.Bosmina was most abundant at low and medium fish densities (1.06 and 2.12 g fish biomass · m-3) and less abundant when fish were either absent or present at high density (3.71 g fish biomass · m-3). The unimodal response to predator abundance resulted from effects on both birth and death rates.Bosmina birth rates increased as fish biomass increased, in response to increasing food (phytoplankton) biomass. Death rates were highest at high fish biomass (because of fish predation) and in the absence of fish (because of predation by the dipteranChaoborus, which was most abundant in the absence of fish). Size-frequency distributions revealed that fish eliminated the larger size classes ofBosmina, and mean carapace length ofBosmina populations was inversely proportional to fish biomass.Bosmina initiated reproduction at smaller size in the presence of fish than in their absence, and size at maturity was inversely proportional to fish biomass. Size at birth also tended to decrease with increasing fish biomass, but this trend was not as strong as that of size at maturity. Decreased size at maturity apparently allowedBosmina individuals to reproduce before becoming vulnerable to fish predation. Flexibility in size at maturity, together with low abundance of invertebrate predators and large herbivores (which were preyed upon by fish), allowedBosmina to become abundant in low and medium fish treatments. In the high fish treatment, mortality due to fish predation was too severe to be offset by decreased size at maturity, andBosmina population density was low. The net response ofBosmina populations to fish predation results from interactive effects of predation on mortality, natality, and life history traits.  相似文献   

Invasive species are a regional and global threat to biological diversity. In order to evaluate an invasive predator species’ potential to harm populations of native prey species, it is critical to evaluate the behavioral responses of all life stages of the native prey species to the novel predator. The invasion of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) into southern California provides an opportunity to evaluate the predation risk and behavioral responses of native amphibians. We performed predation trials and explored prey behavioral responses to determine how this invasive predator may impact native amphibian populations using Pacific chorus frogs (Pseudacris regilla) as a representative native California prey species. We found that X. laevis will readily prey upon larval and adult life stages of P. regilla. Behavior trials indicated that both larval and adult P. regilla exhibit prey response behaviors and will spatially avoid the novel invasive predator. The results suggest that native anurans may have a redundant predator response in both the larval and adult life stages, which could reduce the predatory impact of X. laevis but also drive emigration of native amphibians from invaded habitat.  相似文献   

Keystone predators, by reducing the abundance of competitively superior prey, may have indirect positive effects on weak competitors, possibly increasing their abundance or preventing local competitive exclusion. By analogy to the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis, we would expect species diversity to peak at intermediate predator densities. In a replicated artificial pool experiment, we examined the relationships between density of the backswimmer Notonecta maculata (0, 1, 2, and 4 per 30 l pool) and invertebrate taxon diversity over an 11-week period of predator occupancy. Diversity reached high levels at high predator density sooner than at intermediate density. At the end of the experiment, taxon diversity was greatest at densities of 2 and 4 Notonecta per pool. While the overall predator density–diversity curve was in line with the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, the reduction in diversity from intermediate to high predator density was not statistically significant. Density of the preferred prey Daphnia magna decreased with Notonecta density, while densities of the smaller cladocerans Moina brachiata and Ceriodaphnia spp. increased. Suppression of Daphnia at high Notonecta densities may partially explain the increase in Moina and Ceriodaphnia densities. However, most of the relationship between Notonecta and the smaller cladocerans appears to be independent of Daphnia, suggesting complex interactions within the community. Our results suggest that keystone predation plays a strong role in structuring this community. Although diversity did not decrease significantly at the highest predator density as predicted, such a decrease may be more likely for pools with longer durations of predator occupancy or with higher predator densities.  相似文献   

Abstract This study examined the diel activity pattern and the effect of diel activity pattern on predation rate and prey finding of Dicyphus hesperus Knight (Heteroptera: Miridae). To determine the diel activity pattern of D. hesperus, starved females were placed on tomato leaflets Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (Solanaceae) under zero, low, or high light intensities at 02:00, 08:00, and 14:00 h, respectively, and the amount of time spent walking or resting during a 30‐min interval was recorded. Predation rates of D. hesperus females on Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) egg patches were determined under either a L16:D8 (long day) or L8:D16 (short day) diel period. Egg patches were removed from D. hesperus females after either 8 or 16 h of dark or 16 or 8 h of light, and the number of eggs consumed was counted. Dicyphus hesperus females spent more time searching for prey at night than during the day. Females ate eggs at a higher rate during the night than during the day. Overall, D. hesperus females had higher predation rates when reared under a long day diel cycle compared with females reared under a short day diel cycle. More females reared at the L16:D8 diel cycle found the egg patch during the night than during the day. There was no difference in egg patch finding between night and day for females reared at L8:D16. Overall, L16:D8 reared females found more egg patches than females reared at L8:D16. Therefore, D. hesperus females are more active and find and consume prey at a higher rate at night than day.  相似文献   

Capsule: Farmers can influence species richness and abundance of typical farmland birds positively, even on rather small farms (20–50?ha) within intensively farmed areas.

Aims: To assess the impact of farm settings, farm characteristics and heterogeneity of habitats on bird species richness and abundance, and to indicate which actions and measures farmers can take to promote farmland birds at a farm level.

Methods: Farmland bird species richness and abundance were modelled as a function of farm settings, farm characteristics and semi-natural habitats on 133 farms. The data were analysed at the farm scale, as this is the ‘operating range’ of a farmer, but also at the territory scale, which represents the range birds (mainly passerines) use during the breeding season. Additionally, effects of the farm variables on species abundance/occurrence were investigated for nine widespread species.

Results: Farmland bird species abundance (but not richness) was elevated on organic compared to non-organic farms. Farmland bird species richness and abundance increased with decreasing mean field size. Crop diversity had positive effects on five species at the territory scale. Several semi-natural habitats, especially hedgerows, were associated with higher bird species richness and abundance at both farm and territory scales. Settlement revealed rather negative effects at the farm scale, but several positive relations at the territory scale.

Conclusion: Birds, especially passerines, are restricted to a small area during the breeding season, and so even small farms can contribute to their protection by growing diverse crops, reducing field size and managing a diversity of semi-natural, uncropped habitats. These measures should ideally be accessible within the relatively small scale of a bird territory.  相似文献   

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