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The decline in grasslands and other species‐rich early successional habitats on the coastal sandplains of the northeastern United States has spurred management to increase the area of these declining plant communities. We mechanically removed overstory oak and applied seed from a nearby sandplain grassland on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, to evaluate this technique for creating an open oak community able to support sandplain herbaceous species. We compared vegetation structure and composition before and after clearing in an area of total tree removal (clearcutting), an area where 85% of tree basal area was removed (savanna cutting), and in adjacent coastal oak forest. Plant responses to clearcutting and savanna cutting were similar. Sandplain herbs colonized at high frequencies after seeding and increased herbaceous cover from less than 7% before clearing to 22–38% three growing seasons later. Pennsylvania sedge (Carex pensylvanica) increased in cover approximately 6‐fold, accounting for 84–90% of the increased herbaceous cover. Other native ruderals and exotic herbs reached 2 and less than or equal to 1%, cover, respectively, after three years. Species richness across cleared treatments increased from 30 to 79 species. All forest species were retained. Forest shrubs and trees initially declined from their dominant cover but rebounded after three years. Tree clearing plus seeding appeared to be a viable management practice for increasing cover of herbaceous sandplain species while causing minimal increases in exotic herbaceous cover. The long‐term persistence of sandplain herbs may require periodic disturbances that limit woody regrowth.  相似文献   

Conservation strategies of forested landscapes must consider biodiversity of the included site types, i.e. timber-quality forests and associated non-timber-quality stands. The objectives were to characterize forest overstory structure in timber-quality versus associated non-timber-quality stands; and to compare their understory communities. Six forest types were sampled in Nothofagus forests of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): two timber-quality N. pumilio forests, and four associated non-timber-quality stands (edge, N. antarctica, wetlands and streamside forests). Overstory structure and understory vegetation (species richness, frequencies, cover and biomass) were characterized during spring and summer seasons. Analysis of variance and multivariates were carried out. Overstory structure differed across the site types, with higher tree size, canopy closure and tree volume in timber-quality stands. Fifty-one understory plant species were observed, but understory variables varied with site types, especially wetlands (highest native and exotic richness, cover and biomass, and 25% of exclusive species). Site types were grouped in three: N. antarctica stands, streamside stands and the other N. pumilio forests according to multivariate analysis. Forty three percent of plants were distributed in all site types, and all timber-quality forest understory species were present in some associated non-timber-quality stands. Timber-quality N. pumilio forests have a marginal value for understory conservation compared to associated non-timber-quality stands, because these last include all the plants observed in timber-quality forests and also possess many exclusive species. Therefore, protection of associated non-timber-quality stands during forest management planning could increase understory conservation at landscape level, and these could be better reserves of understory diversity than retentions of timber-quality stands.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of forest tree species on a community of decomposers that colonize cellulose strips. Both fungal and bacterial communities were targeted in a native forest dominated by beech and oak and 30-year-old beech and spruce plantations, growing in similar ecological conditions in the Breuil-Chenue experimental forest site in Morvan (France). Microbial ingrowths from the 3rd to 10th month of strip decomposition (May to December 2004) were studied. Community composition was assessed using temperature gradient gel electrophoresis with universal fungal (ITS1F, ITS2) and bacterial (1401r, 968f) primers. Soil temperature and moisture as well as fungal biomass were also measured to give additional information on decomposition processes. Changing the dominant tree species had no significant influence in the number of decomposer species. However, decomposer community composition was clearly different. If compared to the native forest, where community composition highly differed, young monocultures displayed similar species structure for fungi and bacteria. Both species numbers and community composition evolved during the decay process. Time effect was found to be more important than tree species. Nevertheless, the actual environmental conditions and seasonal effect seemed to be even more determining factors for the development of microbial communities. The course and correlations of the explored variables often differed between tree species, although certain general trends were identified. Fungal biomass was high in summer, despite that species richness (SR) decreased and conversely, that high SR did not necessarily mean high biomass values. It can be concluded that the growth and development of the microbiological communities that colonized a model material in situ depended on the combination of physical and biological factors acting collectively and interdependently at the forest soil microsite.  相似文献   

Invasive species are a major threat to native communities and ecosystems worldwide. One factor frequently invoked to explain the invasiveness of exotic species is their release in the new habitat from control by natural enemies (enemy-release hypothesis). More recently, interactions between exotic species have been proposed as a potential mechanism to facilitate invasions (invasional meltdown hypothesis). We studied the effects of introduced deer on native plant communities and exotic plant species on an island in Patagonia, Argentina using five 400 m2 exclosures paired with control areas in an Austrocedrus chilensis native forest stand. We hypothesized that introduced deer modify native understory composition and abundance and facilitate invasion of introduced tree species that have been widely planted in the region. After 4 years of deer exclusion, native Austrocedrus and exotic Pseudotsuga menziesii tree sapling abundances are not different inside and outside exclosures. However, deer browsing has strongly inhibited growth of native tree saplings (relative height growth is 77% lower with deer present), while exotic tree sapling growth is less affected (relative height growth is 3.3% lower). Deer significantly change abundance and composition of native understory plants. Cover of native plants in exclosures increased while cover in controls remained constant. Understory composition in exclosures after only 4 years differs greatly from that in controls, mainly owing to the abundance of highly-browsed native species. This study shows that introduced deer can aid the invasion of non-native tree species through negatively affecting native plant species.  相似文献   

The macrofungal communities of Irish native tree species (ash and oak) and exotic tree species (Scots pine and Sitka spruce) forests were examined through the collection of sporocarps over 3 yr. Sampling of 27 plots revealed 186 species of macrofungi, including 10 species new to Ireland. The species richness of non-native Sitka spruce and Scots pine forests was similar to that of native oak forests. However, specific communities of macrofungi existed in each of the forest types as confirmed by non-metric multidimensional scaling and multi-response permutation procedure. Indicator species analysis was used to identify macrofungi which are indicative of the four forest types. The oak community lacked certain species/genera known to be distinctive of oak woods in Britain, possibly due to low inoculum availability as a result of historic removal of Ireland’s oak forests. Our results indicate that, while being similar to native forests in species richness, non-native forests of Sitka spruce and Scots pine in Ireland harbour many fungal species which are not typical of native forests, particularly members of the genus Cortinarius.  相似文献   

Overexploitation of forests to increase wood production has led to the replacement of native forest by large areas of monospecific tree plantations. In the present study, the effects of different monospecific tree cover plantations on density and composition of the indigenous soil microbial community are described. The experimental site of “Breuil-Chenue” in the Morvan (France) was the site of a comparison of a similar mineral soil under Norway spruce (Picea abies), Douglas fir (Pseudotuga menziesii), oak (Quercus sessiflora), and native forest [mixed stand dominated by oak and beech (Fagus sylvatica)]. Sampling was performed during winter (February) at three depths (0–5, 5–10, and 10–15 cm). Abundance of microorganisms was estimated via microbial biomass measurements, using the fumigation–extraction method. The genetic structure of microbial communities was investigated using the bacterial- and fungal-automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (B-ARISA and F-ARISA, respectively) DNA fingerprint. Only small differences in microbial biomass were observed between tree species, the highest values being recorded under oak forest and the lowest under Douglas fir. B- and F-ARISA community profiles of the different tree covers clustered separately, but noticeable similarities were observed for soils under Douglas fir and oak. A significant stratification was revealed under each tree species by a decrease in microbial biomass with increasing depths and by distinct microbial communities for each soil layer. Differences in density and community composition according to tree species and depth were related to soil physicochemical characteristics and organic matter composition.  相似文献   

Question: Can augmented forest stand complexity increase understory vegetation richness and cover and accelerate the development of late‐successional features? Does within‐stand understory vegetation variability increase after imposing treatments that increase stand structural complexity of the overstory? What is the relative contribution of individual stand structural components (i.e. forest matrix, gaps, and leave island reserves) to changes in understory vegetation richness? Location: Seven study sites in the Coastal Range and Cascades regions of Oregon, USA. Methods: We examined the effects of thinning six years after harvest on understory plant vascular richness and cover in 40‐ to 60‐year‐old forest stands dominated by Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). At each site, one unthinned control was preserved and three thinning treatments were implemented: low complexity (LC, 300 trees ha?1), moderate complexity (MC, 200 trees ha?1), and high complexity (HC, variable densities from 100 to 300 trees ha?1). Gaps openings and leave island reserves were established in MC and HC. Results: Richness of all herbs, forest herbs, early seral herbs and shrubs, and introduced species increased in all thinning treatments, although early seral herbs and introduced species remained a small component. Only cover of early seral herbs and shrubs increased in all thinning treatments whereas forest shrub cover increased in MC and HC. In the understory, we found 284 vascular plant species. After accounting for site‐level differences, the richness of understory communities in thinned stands differed from those in control stands. Within‐treatment variability of herb and shrub richness was reduced by thinning. Matrix areas and gap openings in thinned treatments appeared to contribute to the recruitment of early seral herbs and shrubs. Conclusions: Understory vegetation richness increased 6 years after imposing treatments, with increasing stand complexity mainly because of the recruitment of early seral and forest herbs, and both low and tall shrubs. Changes in stand density did not likely lead to competitive species exclusion. The abundance of potentially invasive introduced species was much lower compared to other plant groups. Post‐thinning reductions in within‐treatment variability was caused by greater abundance of early seral herbs and shrubs in thinned stands compared with the control. Gaps and low‐density forest matrix areas created as part of spatially variably thinning had greater overall species richness. Increased overstory variability encouraged development of multiple layers of understory vegetation.  相似文献   

Dennstaedtia punctilobula (hay‐scented fern) can act as a native invasive species in forests in eastern North America where prolonged deer browsing occurs in stands with partially open overstory canopies. Ferns dominate the understory with a 60‐cm tall canopy, with little regeneration of native tree species. It has been hypothesized that, once established, ferns may continue to inhibit tree regeneration after deer browsing has been reduced. To test this hypothesis, we documented the pattern of recovery of the tree seedling understory in plantations of Pinus strobus (white pine) and Pinus resinosa (red pine) on the Quabbin Reservation watershed protection forest in central Massachusetts, where after 40 years of intensive deer browsing the deer herd was rapidly reduced through controlled hunting. Dense fern understories occur on nearly 4,000 ha of the predominantly oak–pine forest. Three years after deer herd reduction, stands with the highest density fern cover (77% of plots with>90% cover) had significantly fewer seedlings at least 30 cm in height, compared with stands with lower fern density, and those seedlings consisted almost entirely of Betula lenta (black birch) and white pine. Height growth analysis showed that black birch and white pine grew above the height of the fern canopy in 3 and 6 years, respectively. In contrast, two common species, Fraxinus americana (white ash) and Quercus rubra (red oak), grew beneath the dense fern cover for 5 years with height growth less than 5 cm/yr after the first year. A study of spring phenology indicated that the ability of black birch to grow through the fern canopy might have been due to its early leaf development in spring before the fern canopy was formed, in contrast to oak and ash with delayed leaf development. Thus, the ferns showed differential interference among species with seedling development after reduction of deer browse.  相似文献   

We compare two successional models as guides for restoring native riparian understory species along a 160‐km stretch of the Sacramento River in California. In 2001 and 2007, we surveyed cover, frequency, and richness of native and exotic understory species in 15 sites planted (1989–1996) with overstory species to determine whether native understory species colonized naturally (passive relay floristics model). In 2007, we surveyed 20 additional sites (planted 1997–2003) in 14 of which understory species were planted (initial floristics model) to evaluate whether planting accelerated community recovery. We surveyed 10 remnant forests as references for successional trajectories. Mean cover and frequency of natives changed little over time in sites where they were not planted initially; increases in native cover in a few sites were primarily due to a single common species (Galium aparine). Species composition shifted from light‐demanding to shade‐adapted species, both exotic and native, in response to a doubling of overstory cover. Sites with high intensity understory plantings had greater cover and frequency of native understory species than unplanted sites, but were still low relative to reference forests. Light‐demanding natives (e.g., Artemisia douglasiana, Rubus ursinus, and grasses) established in sites where they were planted; however, a shade‐adapted species (Carex barbarae) did not survive well. Our research indicates that the passive relay floristics and the initial floristic composition approaches serve to restore a few common native understory species, but that planting species as site conditions become appropriate (active relay floristics model) will be needed to restore entire native understory communities.  相似文献   

Large areas of tropical forest have been cleared and planted with exotic grass species for use as cattle pasture. These often remain persistent grasslands after grazer removal, which is problematic for restoring native forest communities. It is often hoped that remnant and/or planted trees can jump‐start forest succession; however, there is little mechanistic information on how different canopy species affect community trajectories. To investigate this, I surveyed understory communities, exotic grass biomass, standing litter pools, and soil properties under two dominant canopy trees—Metrosideros polymorpha (‘ōhi‘a) and Acacia koa (koa)—in recovering Hawaiian forests. I then used structural equation models (SEMs) to elucidate direct and indirect effects of trees on native understory. Native understory communities developed under ‘ōhi‘a, which had larger standing litter pools, lower soil nitrogen, and lower exotic grass biomass than koa. This pattern was variable, potentially due to historical site differences and/or distance to intact forest. Koa, in contrast, showed little understory development. Instead, data suggest that increased soil nitrogen under koa leads to high grass biomass that stalls native recruitment. SEMs suggested that indirect effects of trees via litter and soils were as or more important than direct effects for determining native cover. It is suggested that diverse plantings which incorporate species that have high carbon to nitrogen ratios may help ameliorate the negative indirect effects of koa on natural understory regeneration.  相似文献   

We tested whether direct placement of forest floor material (FFM: litter, fibric, humus layers and surface mineral horizons) and sowing of a cover crop (Melilotus officinalis) could facilitate the establishment of native forest understory species at a reclaimed coal mine in Alberta, Canada. FFM was salvaged at two depths (15 and 40 cm) from a recently harvested native aspen forest and immediately placed at the same depths on the reclamation site. Total richness (approximately 61 species in 96 subplots) was similar in each of 3 years post‐placement; total richness for all 3 years combined was 87 including 34 typical boreal forest understory species plus 30 other natives. The deeper treatment reduced cover of all species, native and non‐native species in year 1. In year 3, the deeper treatment still had lower cover of non‐native species but had higher cover of forest understory species in years 2 and 3. The deeper treatment also resulted in lower species richness per plot, but only in year 1. In year 2 (when the biennial clover was at its tall stage), the cover crop treatment was associated with lower cover of non‐native species but did not affect the cover of native forest understory species. Direct placement of FFM can help facilitate establishment of a diverse native boreal forest understory in a reclaimed landscape. Although richness and cover may be initially higher with shallower salvage and placement, deeper salvage may ultimately be better for encouraging establishment of native forest understory species.  相似文献   

Given that forest dieback due to emerging pests is increasing under global warming, understanding the relationships between pests, climate, and forest biodiversity is an urgent priority. In Japan, mass attacks of an ambrosia beetle, vectoring a pathogenic fungus, cause oak wilt outbreaks in recent decades. Here, the associations of oak wilt and climate with wood-inhabiting fungal communities in apparently healthy Quercus serrata trunks were investigated using DNA metabarcoding in seven sites along a climatic gradient in Japan. Amplicon sequencing of the fungal internal transcribed spacer 1 region generated 1,339,958 sequence reads containing 879 fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in 234 wood samples. OTU compositions were significantly different between sites with and without oak wilt. OTU richness increased with temperature and precipitation at sites where oak wilt was present, but this relationship was not observed at sites without oak wilt, possibly due to interaction between oak wilt and climate.  相似文献   

The establishment and spread of non‐native, invasive shrubs in forests poses an important obstacle to natural resource conservation and management. This study assesses the impacts of the physical removal of a complex of woody invasive shrub species on deciduous forest understory resources. We compared leaf litter quantity and quality and understory light transmittance in five pairs of invaded and removal plots in an oak‐dominated suburban mature forest. Removal plots were cleared of all non‐native invasive shrubs. The invasive shrubs were abundant (143,456 stems/ha) and diverse, dominated by species in the genera Ligustrum, Viburnum, Lonicera, and Euonymus. Annual leaf litter biomass and carbon inputs of invaded plots were not different from removal plots due to low leaf litter biomass of invasive shrubs. Invasive shrub litter had higher nitrogen (N) concentrations than native species; however, low biomass of invasive litter led to low N inputs by litter of invasive species compared to native. Light transmittance at the forest floor and at 2 m was lower in invaded plots than in removal plots. We conclude that the removal of the abundant invasive shrubs from a native deciduous forest understory did not alter litter quantity or N inputs, one measure of litter quality, and increased forest understory light availability. More light in the forest understory could facilitate the restoration of forest understory dynamics.  相似文献   

Plant–soil interactions are increasingly recognized to play a major role in terrestrial ecosystems functioning. However, few studies to date have focused on slow dynamic ecosystems such as forests. As they are vertically stratified by multiple vegetation strata, canopy tree removal by thinning operations could alter forest plant community through tree canopy opening. Very little is known about cascading effects on soil biodiversity. We conducted a large‐scale, multi‐site assessment of collembolan assemblage response to long‐term canopy tree removal in sessile oak Quercus petraea temperate forests. A total of 33 experimental plots were studied covering a large gradient of canopy tree basal area, stand age and local abiotic contexts. Collembolan abundance strongly declined with canopy tree removal in early forest successional stage and this was mediated by negative effect of understory plant community composition changes, i.e. shift from moss and forb to tree seedling, fern, shrub and grass species. Negative effect of this composition shift on collembolan species richness was largely offset by positive effect of the increase in understory plant species richness. This gives support to both the plant mass‐ratio and functional diversity hypotheses. Collembolan functional groups had contrasting response patterns, which were mediated by different ecological factors. Epedaphic (r‐strategist) abundance and species richness increased with canopy tree removal in relation with the increase in understory plant species richness. In contrast, euedaphic (K‐strategist) abundance and species richness declined with canopy tree removal in early forest successional stage in relation with changes in understory plant community composition and species richness, as well as microclimatic conditions. Overall, our study provides experimental evidence that forest plant community can be a strong driver of collembolan assemblages. It also emphasizes the role of trees as foundation species of forest ecosystems that can shape soil biodiversity through their regulation of understory plant community and ecosystem abiotic conditions.  相似文献   

Lawesson  Jonas E. 《Plant Ecology》2000,151(2):199-221
In this study, the first comprehensive multivariate statistical analysis of Danish native forest vegetation, based on 1768 sample plots, is presented. Data were composed of data from literature sources and newly collected data. A series of cluster analyses resulted in 24 forest community types, grouped in beech (Fagus sylvatica), oak (Quercus robur-Q. petraea), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), alder-ash (Alnus-Fraxinus) and lime (Tilia cordata, T. platyphyllos) types, in addition to mixed forest communities with several co-dominant tree species. The described communities are provisionally arranged syntaxonomically, when possible, according to the international phytosociological system. The distribution of ecological indicator values of pH, soil moisture and nitrogen is gradual in relation to the perceived plant communities. Many forest types, such as beech and oak dominated types, obtain indicated values for pH that span most of the indicated gradient. It is suggested that natural Danish forests probably would be composed of a multitude of canopy forming tree species. The present stands with one or a few tree species forming the canopy is the result of long anthropogenic influence and selective logging.  相似文献   

树种选择是林下山参护育成败的关键,研究树叶凋落物对人参土壤养分、微生物群落结构组成的影响,旨在为林下山参护育选择适宜林地及农田栽参土壤改良提供科学依据和理论指导。通过盆栽试验,研究添加5.0 g色木槭Acer mono.Maxim.var.mono(A)、赤松Pinus densiflora Sieb.et Zucc.(B)、胡桃楸Juglans mandshurica Maxim.(C)、紫椴Tilia amurensis Rupr.(D)、蒙古栎Quercus mongolica Fisch.ex Ledeb.(E)树叶凋落物到土壤中,种植人参(Panax ginseng C.A.meyer)后研究土壤理化性质以及微生物群落结构的变化。结果表明:添加不同树叶处理后人参土壤性质发生改变,土壤p H值显著高于对照土壤5.91(P0.05),土壤全氮、速效氮磷、微生物碳氮在所有树叶处理中显著增加(P0.05),而土壤容重、速效钾和C/N在添加树叶处理中降低。18个土壤样品基因组,经16S和ITS1测序分别得到6064和1900个OUTs。其中细菌涵盖了42门、117纲、170目、213科、225属,真菌涵盖了24门、98纲、196目、330科、435属。不同树叶处理人参土壤细菌和真菌地位发生改变,细菌Proteobacteria是树叶分解的关键微生物,添加树叶后其多样性显著高于对照(P0.05)。而细菌Bacteroidetes和真菌Basidiomycota可能是区别阔叶林和针叶林树种的关键微生物,针叶林中含量显著低于阔叶林(P0.05),而真菌Ascomycota是针叶林分解的关键微生物。进一步从不同分类水平上得到特定树叶凋落物的特异细菌和真菌。典型相关分析(CDA)表明细菌Bacteroidetes、Chloroflexi、Actinobacteria及真菌Basidiomycota、Zygomycota、Chytridiomycota及Ascomycota的位置及多样性的改变均与土壤因子SMBN、TN、AP、SOC、AK、C/N、p H有关。综上所述,添加不同树叶后不仅提高土壤微生物量碳氮、改善土壤理化性质,同时改变微生物群落结构组成,不同树叶处理土壤理化性质不同导致人参土壤微生物组成的差异,本结果对于林下参选地和农田栽参土壤微生物改良具有理论指导作用。  相似文献   

Invasive species interacting with fires pose a relatively unknown, but potentially serious, threat to the tropical forests of Hawaii. Fires may create conditions that facilitate species invasions, but the degree to which this occurs in different tropical plant communities has not been quantified. We documented the survival and establishment of plant species for 2 yr following 2003 wildfires in tropical moist and wet forest life zones in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii. Fires were ignited by lava flows and burned across a steep environmental gradient encompassing two previously burned shrub-dominated communities and three Metrosideros polymorpha forest communities. Fires in all community types were stand replacing, where >95 percent of overstory trees were top killed. Over half (>57%) of the trees survived via basal sprouting, but sprout growth differed among forest communities. Sprout growth (>250,000 cm3) was greatest in the forest community where postfire understory cover was lowest presumably due to thick native Dicranopteris linearis fern litter that remained postfire. In contrast, M. polymorpha sprout growth was much slower (<100,000 cm3) in the two forest communities where there was rapid understory recovery of nonnative ferns Nephrolepis multiflora and invasive grasses Paspalum conjugatum. These results suggest that the rapid establishment of an invasive-dominated understory limited recovery of the overstory dominant M. polymorpha. In contrast to the three forest communities, there were few changes in vegetation composition in the shrubland communities. Nonnative species invasions coupled with repeated fires selectively eliminated fire-sensitive species thereby maintaining these communities in dominance of primarily nonnative, fire-resilient, species.  相似文献   

Nonnative ungulates can alter the structure and function of forest ecosystems. Feral pigs in particular pose a substantial threat to native plant communities throughout their global range. Hawaiian forests are exceptionally vulnerable to feral pig activity because native vegetation evolved in the absence of large mammalian herbivores. A common approach for conserving and restoring forests in Hawaii is fencing and removal of feral pigs. The extent of native plant community recovery and nonnative plant invasion following pig removal, however, is largely unknown. Our objective was to quantify changes in native and nonnative understory vegetation over a 16 yr period in adjacent fenced (pig‐free) vs. unfenced (pig‐present) Hawaiian montane wet forest. Native and nonnative understory vegetation responded strongly to feral pig removal. Density of native woody plants rooted in mineral soil increased sixfold in pig‐free sites over 16 yr, whereas establishment was almost exclusively restricted to epiphytes in pig‐present sites. Stem density of young tree ferns increased significantly (51.2%) in pig‐free, but not pig‐present sites. Herbaceous cover decreased over time in pig‐present sites (67.9%). In both treatments, number of species remained constant and native woody plant establishment was limited to commonly occurring species. The nonnative invasive shrub, Psidium cattleianum, responded positively to release from pig disturbance with a fivefold increase in density in pig‐free sites. These results suggest that while common native understory plants recover within 16 yr of pig removal, control of nonnative plants and outplanting of rarer native species are necessary components of sustainable conservation and restoration efforts in these forests.  相似文献   

Ligustrum lucidum is the major exotic tree in NW Argentina montane forests (Yungas). To assess the effects of its expanding invasion on avian communities we (1) measured different habitat properties (vertical forest structure and composition, vegetation cover, light availability, air temperature, air relative humidity and soil litter depth), (2) compared bird species composition and diversity in Ligustrum-dominated and native-dominated secondary forests and (3) analyzed seasonal patterns and changes in these variables between forest types. The study was conducted during 2010–2011 wet and dry seasons, at two altitudinal zones: 500–800 and 1100–1450 masl. Compared with native forests, Ligustrum dominated forests had a more homogeneous vertical forest structure and denser canopy cover (resulting in lower understory solar radiation), significantly lower understory cover and lower litter depth. Air temperature and relative humidity did not differ between forests in either season. Solar radiation was higher in the dry season in both forest types, but litter depth showed opposite patterns between seasons depending on forest type. We recorded 59 bird species in 21 families. Bird species abundance, richness and diversity indexes were significantly lower in Ligustrum-dominated relative to native forests of similar successional age, which had almost twice as many species as the former. Avian communities differed between altitudinal zones, but the difference was stronger between Ligustrum and native-dominated forests. Avian community composition was less variable in time and space in native forests than in Ligustrum-dominated ones. Our results suggest that L. lucidum invasion generates structurally homogeneous and simpler forests that represent a less suitable habitat for a diverse avifauna. This illustrates the wide ecological changes (from habitat properties and ecosystem functioning to vertebrate community composition) that the subtropical mountain forests of Argentina are experiencing with this invasion.  相似文献   

Questions: What influence does mechanical mastication and other fuel treatments have on: (1) canopy and forest floor response variables that influence understory plant development; (2) initial understory vegetation cover, diversity, and composition; and (3) shrub and non‐native species density in a second‐growth ponderosa pine forest. Location: Challenge Experimental Forest, northern Sierra Nevada, California, USA. Methods: We compared the effects of mastication only, mastication with supplemental treatments (tilling and prescribed fire), hand removal, and a control on initial understory vegetation response using a randomized complete block experimental design. Each block (n=4) contained all five treatments and understory vegetation was surveyed within 0.04‐ha plots for each treatment. Results: While mastication alone and hand removal dramatically reduced the midstory vegetation, these treatments had little effect on understory richness compared with control. Prescribed fire after mastication increased native species richness by 150% (+6.0 species m2) compared with control. However, this also increased non‐native species richness (+0.8 species m2) and shrub seedling density (+24.7 stems m2). Mastication followed by tilling resulted in increased non‐native forb density (+0.7 stems m2). Conclusions: Mechanical mastication and hand removal treatments aided in reducing midstory fuels but did not increase understory plant diversity. The subsequent treatment of prescribed burning not only further reduced fire hazard, but also exposed mineral soil, which likely promoted native plant diversity. Some potential drawbacks to this treatment include an increase of non‐native species and stimulation of shrub seed germination, which could alter ecosystem functions and compromise fire hazard reduction in the long‐term.  相似文献   

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