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喜旱莲子草是一种水陆两栖的重要入侵杂草,中国首批16种重要入侵物种之一.本文介绍了生物防治喜旱莲子草的天敌昆虫莲草直胸跳甲Agasicles hygophila、Vogtia malli、Amynothrips andersoni、阿根廷跳甲Disonycha argentinensis、Systena nitentula和虾钳菜披龟甲Cassida piperata等天敌的分类地位、形态特征、生物学、生态学特性以及国内外寄主专一性研究、释放效果与评价.  相似文献   

【背景】空心莲子草是难以防除的恶性入侵杂草,因此,探索高效无毒的化感防治方法具有重要意义。【方法】利用水浸提法研究了博落回、苦瓜、樟树、柳杉、凤尾蕨、柑橘、夹竹桃、洋葱及大蒜9种植物不同器官对空心莲子草的化感作用。【结果】与对照相比,博落回叶、苦瓜果肉与种子、凤尾蕨、樟树叶和柳杉叶的水浸提液对空心莲子草具有较强的化感作用,主要表现为空心莲子草叶片数和茎节数减少,株高与生物量的增长受到抑制。【结论与意义】不同植物水浸提液对空心莲子草的化感作用有所差异。本研究为利用植物的化感作用控制空心莲子草提供了依据。  相似文献   

入侵种喜旱莲子草天敌——莲草直胸跳甲的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王慧  来小龙  马瑞燕  胡炜 《昆虫知识》2008,45(3):480-482
喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb.)是一种水陆两栖的重要外来入侵种,是中国国家环保局公布的首批9种重要外来入侵植物之一。莲草直胸跳甲Agasicles hygrophila Selma&Vogt是目前控制喜旱莲子草最有效的天敌昆虫。对该虫的形态特征和行为习性作了描述。卵块成"八"字形,孵化需要高湿度的保持;幼虫有趋嫩性,幼龄幼虫一般取食叶片的下表皮,2、3龄幼虫取食量很大;老熟幼虫在茎秆上咬一个圆形的洞,进入茎秆中化蛹,并咀嚼咬下的植物组织,吐出后塞住洞口;成虫羽化6d后交尾,雌虫产卵于顶叶的背面。  相似文献   

喜旱莲子草茎叶解剖结构从原产地到入侵地的变异式样   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
长期以来人们一直认为,外来种入侵及其危害是由于一个物种从原产地到入侵地其环境因子改变(如天敌压力的减弱等)而导致的。近年来,越来越多的研究者开始认识到,生物入侵过程实际上是一个现代人类活动影响下的物种的快速进化过程,生物入侵的进化遗传学已成为入侵生物学研究中最活跃的分支之一。作者比较了来自原产地(阿根廷)和入侵地(中国和美国)的喜旱莲子草(Alternantheraphiloxeroides)的11个种群在茎、叶解剖结构方面的变异式样,发现所研究的19个性状在原产地(阿根廷)和入侵地(中国和美国)的变异情况明显不同:在原产地种群中,共有9个性状指标存在显著差异,遗传率在49–89%之间,这9个性状是气孔密度、气孔指数、茎直径、髓腔直径、维管柱直径、皮层厚度、维管柱面积比、髓腔面积比和叶形指数;而在入侵地种群间,19个性状指标均无明显差异。这表明喜旱莲子草从原产地到入侵地其遗传多样性降低;入侵地喜旱莲子草种群间的形态变异主要为表型可塑性。根据19个形态指标对喜旱莲子草11个种群进行主成分分析和聚类,结果显示:所有入侵地种群和原产地的Ar1种群(SantaFé,59°49′W,29°16′S)聚为一类,原产地的Ar4(Tandil,59°03′W,37°11′S)单独聚为一类,原产地的其他4个种群聚为一类。表明Ar1种群可能与入侵中国的喜旱莲子草在基因型上更为接近。这一结果为进一步揭示喜旱莲子草入侵机理(如杂交适应性)和在原产地寻求对应天敌的生物防治工作提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

Herbivory simulation studies, through mechanical removal of leaf tissue, provide valuable insight about plant compensation and tolerance to defoliation. A mesocosm experiment was conducted to examine the effects of defoliation on growth and biomass accumulation of Hygrophila polysperma and thereby determine the critical level of herbivory necessary to achieve significant reduction in growth of this invasive plant. The data collected during the experiment were used to develop an empirical plant growth model to examine the usefulness of a model-based approach for a priori understanding of plant response to defoliation. The results of the mesocosm experiment showed that defoliation significantly influenced growth and biomass accumulation of hygrophila. The empirical plant growth model accurately simulated plant growth response to herbivory across treatments. Based on the results of the mesocosm experiment, an insect defoliator that causes complete defoliation of hygrophila at least at monthly intervals may be able to reduce biomass and growth of hygrophila. The ability of the mathematical model to predict the effects of defoliation on hygrophila suggest that it could be a useful tool for the selection of effective biological control agents.  相似文献   

You  Wen-Hua  Fang  Long-Xiang  Xi  Dao-Guo  Du  Dao-Lin  Xie  Dong 《Hydrobiologia》2018,817(1):319-328
Hydrobiologia - Clonal integration can contribute to the invasiveness of amphibious plant, Alternanthera philoxeroides, but whether this differs between life-forms and whether such difference is...  相似文献   

Invasive plants may be attacked both above ground and below ground. Few studies have, however, investigated the simultaneous effects of above‐ground and below‐ground herbivory. In the present study, we report the effects of beetle herbivory and nematode infection on alligator weed, Alternanthera philoxeroides, an invasive plant in China. We found that the root‐knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita widely occurred on the plant in south China. To examine its effect on the plant in conjunction with above‐ground herbivory, we conducted a field common garden experiment with a local insect defoliator, Cassida piperata. We also included the native congener Alternanthera sessilis in our experiments for a comparison of the response of invasive and native species. We found no significant effects on plant biomass of the nematode infection in conjunction with the above‐ground herbivory. Further chemical analysis, however, showed that the water‐soluble carbohydrate content in roots of A. philoxeroides was significantly increased in plants attacked by both the nematode and the herbivore compared with the water‐soluble carbohydrate content in plants attacked by only the nematode or herbivore alone. We found no such change in the native congener A. sessilis. Together these results may suggest that A. philoxeroides tolerates joint above‐ground and below‐ground damage by allocating more resources to below‐ground material.  相似文献   

很多外来入侵植物都具有克隆生长习性,探究克隆整合特性与外来克隆植物入侵性间的关系对阐明其生态适应性及入侵机制具有重要的意义。本研究以入侵植物空心莲子草及其本地同属种莲子草为研究对象,比较在生防昆虫莲草直胸跳甲的取食下,克隆整合对两种植物先端分株、基端分株及整个克隆片段生长和生物量分配的影响。结果表明: 在莲草直胸跳甲取食下,有克隆整合的空心莲子草先端分株的叶片数、茎长、分株数及整个克隆片段的地径均显著高于无克隆整合植株,其基端分株及整个克隆片段的地下生物量和总生物量相较于无克隆整合植株分别降低了78.2%、60.9%和48.7%、37.2%;有克隆整合的莲子草先端分株的地径及整个克隆片段的叶片数与无克隆整合植株相比显著增加,其基端分株数显著降低了21.7%,而其先端分株、基端分株及整个克隆片段的生物量均无显著差异。耗益分析表明,在莲草直胸跳甲取食下,空心莲子草先端分株的分株数与生物量及莲子草先端分株的分株数均能通过克隆整合显著受益,而两种植物基端的分株数、生物量的耗益则不受克隆整合处理的影响。这些结果表明,克隆整合虽能在一定程度缓解莲草直胸跳甲对于两种植物先端分株的取食压力,且空心莲子草的克隆整合作用要强于莲子草,但在整个克隆片段水平上,两种植物并不能通过克隆整合显著获益。  相似文献   

Aims The plant–herbivore interaction is one of the most fundamental interactions in nature. Plants are sessile organisms, and consequently rely on particular strategies to avoid or reduce the negative impact of herbivory. Here, we aimed to determine the defense strategies against insect herbivores in the creeping invasive plantAlternanthera philoxeroides.  相似文献   

Herbivory‐induced responses in plants can both negatively affect subsequently colonizing herbivores and mitigate the effect of herbivory on the host. However, it is still less known whether plants exhibit specific responses to specialist and generalist herbivores in non‐secondary metabolite traits and how specificity to specialists and generalists differs between invasive and native plant populations. We exposed an invasive plant, Alternanthera philoxeroides, to Agasicles hygrophila (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae; specialist), Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae; generalist), manual clipping, or application of exogenous jasmonic acid and examined both the specificity of elicitation in traits of fitness (e.g., aboveground biomass), morphology (e.g., root:shoot ratio), and chemistry (e.g., C/N ratio and lignin), and specificity of effect on the subsequent performance of A. hygrophila and S. litura. Then, we assessed variation of the specificity between invasive and native populations (USA and Argentina, respectively). The results showed S. litura induced higher branching intensity and specific leaf area but lower C/N ratio than A. hygrophila, whereas A. hygrophila induced higher trichome density than S. litura. The negative effect of induction on subsequent larval growth was greater for S. litura than for A. hygrophila. Invasive populations had a weaker response to S. litura than to A. hygrophila in triterpenoid saponins and C/N ratio, while native populations responded similarly to these two herbivores. The specific effect on the two herbivores feeding on induced plants did not vary between invasive and native populations. Overall, we demonstrate specificity of elicitation to specialist and generalist herbivores in non‐secondary metabolite traits, and that the generalist is more susceptible to induction than the specialist. Furthermore, chemical responses specific to specialist and generalist herbivores only exist in the invasive populations, consistent with an evolutionary change in specificity in the invasive populations.  相似文献   

为了解空心莲子草叶甲Agasicles hygrophila被引入中国20多年后其取食行为与取食能力是否发生改变, 我们通过采集叶甲自然种群的成虫, 在室内用空心莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides饲养获得检测用叶甲各虫态与虫量进行室内定量检测, 研究了空心莲子草叶甲自然种群各龄幼虫与成虫在不同密度下对空心莲子草的控害效果。结果显示: 1龄幼虫喜食顶芽嫩叶, 在每株接0.2和1头1龄幼虫密度下, 空心莲子草仍有新叶和侧芽生成, 生物量、 株高与茎节数仍在增加; 在5头/株的密度下, 空心莲子草的生物量、 叶片数和侧芽数均出现负增长; 在10头/株的密度下, 草的生物量、 株高、 叶片数、 侧芽数和茎节数均表现为负增长。2龄幼虫优先取食顶芽嫩叶, 也取食老叶与茎杆, 在每株10头2龄幼虫的密度下, 接虫7 d后, 40%的植株死亡。3龄幼虫取食叶片与茎秆, 后期钻入茎秆中化蛹,在10头/株密度下,7 d后, 已引起52%的植株死亡, 存活株的茎节数显著减少。成虫可24 h连续取食植株的任何组织, 0.2头/株的密度下,空心莲子草叶片与侧芽数量已呈现负增长; 5头/株的密度下,空心莲子草的生物量、 株高、 叶片数、 侧芽数与茎节数均呈现较大的负增长; 10头/株的控草效果更加显著。  相似文献   

Qin  Hairong  Guo  Wenfeng  Li  Xiaoqiong 《BioControl》2021,66(6):837-848
BioControl - Biological invasions are a great threat to biodiversity. Invasive plants targeted for control with introduced biological control agents are also exposed to indigenous herbivores in the...  相似文献   

从植物化感作用的角度,探索利用具有较高经济价值的本地植物或伴生的本地物种对入侵植物进行抑制和清除,是一种控制外来入侵植物行之有效的方法。本研究以本地作物红薯和入侵植物喜旱莲子草为试验对象,探究红薯不同部位(根、茎、叶)3个浓度(0.025、0.05、0.1 g·mL-1)的水提物对喜旱莲子草的化感作用。以形态学指标(无性系小株个数、节数、叶片数、叶面积、株高、总干重和根数)、化感响应指数、性状比值(肉质化程度、根冠比、比叶面积、叶生物量比、茎生物量比、根生物量比)、新生叶片中过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)等作为衡量红薯对喜旱莲子草根状茎生长影响程度的参数。结果表明: 1)不同浓度不同部位红薯水提物对喜旱莲子草生长有不同影响。0.1 g·mL-1根水提物显著抑制所有形态学指标,除总干重和根数外,其他形态学指标均随不同部位水提物浓度的升高而显著降低。2)所有处理的综合化感响应指数均为负值,说明红薯水提物对喜旱莲子草各指标具有负效应,抑制其正常生长。在所有处理中,0.1 g·mL-1根水提物的化感抑制作用最强,化感响应指数为-0.73,其次为0.1 g·mL-1茎水提物和0.05 g·mL-1根水提物,化感响应指数均为-0.44。3)从性状比值可以看出,红薯水提物对肉质化程度、根冠比、比叶面积和叶生物量比有显著抑制作用,而对茎生物量比和根生物量比无显著性影响。4)红薯水提物显著增加新生叶片中丙二醛含量,显著降低超氧化物歧化酶含量,但对过氧化氢酶和过氧化物酶无显著影响。表明红薯水提物对喜旱莲子草根状茎生长有显著抑制作用。  相似文献   

研究外来入侵植物与本地植物种竞争对气候变暖的响应, 对于预测未来气候变化背景下入侵植物的入侵趋势、理解其入侵机制以及筛选生态替代种具有重要的意义。以入侵我国的外来植物喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)和本地植物种接骨草(Sambucus chinensis)为材料, 通过两种植物单栽、纯栽和混栽, 采用红外辐射加热器模拟增温, 研究了两种植物竞争对模拟增温的响应。结果表明: (1)在模拟增温期间(2013年5-12月), 增温组空气平均温度比不增温组提高了0.47 ℃, 相对湿度降低了1.87%; (2)混栽的喜旱莲子草除根冠比与单栽无显著差异外, 其余各生物量和根系形态指标均显著低于单栽喜旱莲子草; 无竞争、种间竞争和种内竞争三种竞争间, 接骨草除根冠比、细根与总根生物量比、比根长和比根表面积无显著差异外, 其余指标均呈现无竞争>种间竞争>种内竞争的趋势; (3)无竞争、种间竞争和种内竞争三种条件下, 喜旱莲子草各指标在增温和不增温处理间差异均不显著, 而接骨草总生物量和根生物量在无竞争和种间竞争条件下增温处理均显著低于不增温处理, 在种内竞争条件下则相反; (4)增温使接骨草的相对拥挤系数降低, 接骨草对温度升高反应敏感, 而喜旱莲子草则表现出一定的适应性。由此推测, 在中度遮阴陆生生境中, 接骨草有望成为喜旱莲子草生物替代控制的材料。  相似文献   

Pre-release evaluation of the efficacy of biological control agents is often not possible in the case of many invasive species targeted for biocontrol. In such circumstances simulating herbivory could yield significant insights into plant response to damage, thereby improving the efficiency of agent prioritisation, increasing the chances of regulating the performance of invasive plants through herbivory and minimising potential risks posed by release of multiple herbivores. We adopted this approach to understand the weaknesses herbivores could exploit, to manage the invasive liana, Macfadyena unguis-cati. We simulated herbivory by damaging the leaves, stem, root and tuber of the plant, in isolation and in combination. We also applied these treatments at multiple frequencies. Plant response in terms of biomass allocation showed that at least two severe defoliation treatments were required to diminish this liana's climbing habit and reduce its allocation to belowground tuber reserves. Belowground damage appears to have negligible effect on the plant's biomass production and tuber damage appears to trigger a compensatory response. Plant response to combinations of different types of damage did not differ significantly to that from leaf damage. This suggests that specialist herbivores in the leaf-feeding guild capable of removing over 50% of the leaf tissue may be desirable in the biological control of this invasive species.  相似文献   

Evolution in invasive plants: implications for biological control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evidence is increasing that invasive plants can undergo rapid adaptive evolution during the process of range expansion. Here, we argue that evolutionary change during invasions will also affect plant-antagonist interactions and, thus, will have important implications for biological control programmes targeted at invasive plants. We explore how altered selection in the new range might influence the evolution of plant defence (resistance and tolerance) and life history. The degree to which such evolutionary processes might affect biological control efficacy is largely unexplored. We hope that, by testing the hypotheses that we propose here, a closer link can be established between biological control and evolutionary biology, to the benefit of both disciplines.  相似文献   

研究外来入侵植物与本地植物种竞争对气候变暖的响应,对于预测未来气候变化背景下入侵植物的入侵趋势、理解其入侵机制以及筛选生态替代种具有重要的意义。以入侵我国的外来植物喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)和本地植物种接骨草(Sambucus chinensis)为材料,通过两种植物单栽、纯栽和混栽,采用红外辐射加热器模拟增温,研究了两种植物竞争对模拟增温的响应。结果表明:(1)在模拟增温期间(2013年5–12月),增温组空气平均温度比不增温组提高了0.47℃,相对湿度降低了1.87%;(2)混栽的喜旱莲子草除根冠比与单栽无显著差异外,其余各生物量和根系形态指标均显著低于单栽喜旱莲子草;无竞争、种间竞争和种内竞争三种竞争间,接骨草除根冠比、细根与总根生物量比、比根长和比根表面积无显著差异外,其余指标均呈现无竞争>种间竞争>种内竞争的趋势;(3)无竞争、种间竞争和种内竞争三种条件下,喜旱莲子草各指标在增温和不增温处理间差异均不显著,而接骨草总生物量和根生物量在无竞争和种间竞争条件下增温处理均显著低于不增温处理,在种内竞争条件下则相反;(4)增温使接骨草的相对拥挤系数降低,接骨草对温度升高反应敏感,而喜旱莲子草则表现出一定的适应性。由此推测,在中度遮阴陆生生境中,接骨草有望成为喜旱莲子草生物替代控制的材料。  相似文献   

Invasive species have a significant economic and ecological cost and biological control can be a powerful tool in their management. Classical biological control practice involves the re-establishment of trophic links between specialist insect and fungal agents to regulate populations of invasive species. However, the permanent nature of biological control agent introductions raises concerns about the unintended consequences of such introductions on non-target organisms, particularly when such agents are ineffective on their target organisms. In this paper, we explore the current debate in the selection of agents for weed classical biological control. We then propose an alternate approach, based on studying plant response to simulated herbivory, that could minimize the chances of release of ineffective agents. Simulating herbivory could yield insights into the vulnerability of plants to certain types of damage. Selection of agents within guilds that are likely to have a significant influence on the plant can improve the chances of achieving biological control sooner and reduce the likelihood of releasing ineffective agents that may have non-target impacts. We propose a method by which simulated herbivory could be integrated into the agent selection process and discuss its strengths and shortcomings. We present case studies of two Neotropical weeds illustrating how this method could be applied.  相似文献   

Increases in the frequency and duration of droughts under global climate change could have implications for plant–insect interactions, and could either increase or decrease the effects of weed biological control agents. In this study, we used greenhouse and field experiments to examine the impacts of drought stress on the abundance and impacts of the adventive psyllid Arytainilla spartiophila Forster (Hemiptera: Psyllidae, Arytaininae) on its target weed Scotch broom, Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link (Fabaceae), in California, USA. The psyllid impacted plant growth in both field and greenhouse experiments, whereas drought stress affected plant growth in the greenhouse only, suggesting that other factors besides water availability may be more limiting for plants in the field. Effects on psyllid survival were consistent with the plant vigor hypothesis, which predicts that herbivores will perform better on vigorously growing plants; psyllid numbers were lower on drought-stressed plants in the greenhouse and were correlated with plant growth in both the greenhouse and the field. In the greenhouse, the combined effects of the psyllid and drought stress were additive, indicating that the effects of the psyllid were consistent across unstressed and drought-stressed plants. Although the psyllid is unlikely to control Scotch broom on its own, results suggest that it may work in conjunction with drought stress to suppress Scotch broom.  相似文献   

为探讨外来入侵植物空心莲子草群落稳定性的驱动机制,在中国21°N-37°N范围内设置73个面积为10 mX 10 m的空心莲子草群落样地(陆生39个,水生34个),分别计算其Godron群落稳定性坐标值和4个α-物种多样性指数,并测定各样地的7项环境因子(经度、纬度、海拔、铵态氮、硝态氮、年均温和年均降雨量),采用回归...  相似文献   

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