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The multicomponent oil gland secretion of Collohmannia gigantea, a middle-derivative mixonomatan oribatid mite, is demonstrated to possess alarm pheromonal and allomonal properties. Four components of the secretion, namely the monoterpenes neryl formate, neral, geranial and the aromatic 2-hydroxy- 6-methyl-benzaldehyde (2,6-HMBD), showed moderate to strong alarm pheromonal activity in adult mites. Naturally elicited response is due to neral (about 50% of the secretion) and probably 2,6-HMBD (only 5% of the secretion, but strong alarm pheromonal activity). This is the second report of an alarm pheromone in Oribatida. Tridecane and pentadecane (=the hydrocarbon fraction of the secretion) did not evoke evident behavioural reactions, and most likely serve as solvents and spreading agents for the pheromonal-active components. Alarm reactions were characterized by a short recognition phase (waving movements with legs I), followed by shrinking back and panic escape from the scent source. In addition, all six components of the oil gland secretion, including the hydrocarbons, exhibited strong allomonal properties against a model oribatid predator, the scydmaenid beetle, Euconnus (Tetramelus) oblongus. Considering the widespread semiochemical properties of oil gland secretions in astigmatid mites (=a highly derivative oribatid group), these results furnish evidence for a phylogenetically early origin of defensive and communicative roles of oil gland secretions in oribatids. These roles include alarm communication, defence and the production of anti-fungal compounds.  相似文献   

A list of oribatid mites acting as intermediate hosts of tapeworms of the Anoplocephaldae is provided. to date, 127 species of oribatids included in 27 families, are implicated as intermediate hosts of the 14 genera and 27 species of anoplocephalid tapeworms. The most cited mites families are Oribatulidae with 35 species, Galumnidae with 22 species and Ceratozetidae with 15 species. Scheloribates laevigatus (Oribatulidae) is the species that demonstrated most susceptibility, both natural and experimental, to develop larval forms of anoplocephalid tapeworms. A theoretical-methodological model for parasitology based on the trophic characteristics of the intermediate and definitive mammalian hosts is reviewed.  相似文献   

Adult oribatid mites are thought to live functionally in ‘enemy-free space’ due to numerous morphological and chemical defensive strategies. Most juvenile oribatid mites, however, lack hardened cuticles and are thus thought to be under stronger predation pressure. On the other hand, the majority of oribatids have exocrine oil glands in all developmental stages, possibly rendering chemical defense the crucial survival strategy in juvenile Oribatida. We manipulated tritonymphs of the model oribatid mite Archegozetes longisetosus to completely discharge their oil glands and offered these chemically disarmed specimens to the polyphagous rove beetle Stenus juno. Disarmed specimens were easily consumed. By contrast, specimens with filled oil glands were significantly protected, being rejected by the beetles. This is the first direct evidence that oil gland secretions provide soft-bodied juvenile oribatids with chemical protection against large arthropod predators.  相似文献   

1. Forty-eight species of oribatids in 37 families representing most of the superfamilies were collected from various environments (littoral, salt marsh, litter, sod, and freshwater) and sectioned. 2. The coxal gland is composed of a sacculus and a labyrinth in all stages of all oribatid species. Muscles, originating on the body wall, insert at several points on the thin-walled sacculus which opens into the labyrinth. The labyrinth has an internal, chitinous supporting skeleton. The type A labyrinth has 3–180° bends, producing four parallel regions, and occurs in all inferior oribatids. The type B labyrinth has 1–180° bend, producing two parallel regions, and occurs in all superior oribatids. The coxal gland duct and the lateral gland duct join, penetrate the body wall, and empty into the posterior end of the podocephalic canal. All oribatids have lateral accessory glands, but only inferior oribatids have rostral and medial glands. Three ductless coxendral bodies are always present. 3. The labyrinth length in oribatids is correlated with body size and the environment of the species. Oribatids from sod, leaflitter, or moss show a simple correlation of labyrinth length (X) to total body length (Y) where Y = 4.64X. Freshwater species have a labyrinth length greater than that of comparably sized terrestrial species and salt water (littoral) species have a labyrinth length less than that of comparably sized terrestrial species. There is a greater reduction in labyrinth length in species restricted to salt marshes than in species not restricted to salt marshes. 4. The probable function of oribatid coxal glands is osmoregulation. Hemolymph filtration would occur across the sacculus by positive hemolymph pressure and contraction of the sacculus muscles. Resorption of ions would occur in the labyrinth, which is noncollapsible due to the internal skeleton. The hypothesis is that in freshwater species the rate of filtration is high and resorption of ions would have to be very efficient, therefore they have an elongated labyrinth; but in salt water species water loss must be minimized and preservation of ions would be a disadvantage, therefore they have a shortened labyrinth. Excre ion may also be a function of the coxal glands. The lateral gland may possibly function as an endocrine gland involved with production of a molting hormone. The rostral glands in inferior oribatids may have a salivary function. 5. The coxal glands of Peripatus, some millipedes, apterygote insects, decapod crustaceans, and all arachnid orders are homologous. The Tetrastigmata, Notostigmata, Cryptostigmata, and soft ticks have typical arachnid coxal glands. The coxal glands of higher Prostigmata may be modified into salivary, silk, or venom glands. The coxal glands in Mesostigmata, Astigmata, and hard ticks are lacking or highly modified.  相似文献   

Oribatid mites are a group of arthropods that have had remarkable evolutionary success with regard to species richness, variety of habitats colonized, life-cycle variation and reporductive patterns. The aim of this paper is to review some of the important features of Oribatida in relation to the possible use of these animals in ecotoxicological experiments. Their often sedentary way of living, combined with a narrow dependence on microhabitats qualify oribatids as potential indicator organisms for air and soil quality. Some species have been shown to be extremely sensitive to air pollutants such as SO2 and NO2. A low metabolic rate may be the driving force for slow development, low fertility, iteroparity and long adult life. Given these life-cycle characteristics, oribatids may be particularly vulnerable to intoxication by persistent contaminants. Work done on heavy metals suggests that the capacity for accumulation differs greatly between species. The camisiid Platynothrus peltifer accumulates high amounts of trace metals, specifically Mn. The toxicity of Cd, Cu and Pb has been studied in P. peltifer, demonstrating the necessity to consider egg production as a sensitive criterion. It is concluded that oribatid mites hold a great potential for use in ecotoxicology, due to the structural and functional complexity of their communities, and several peculiarities not found in other arthropods. The possibilities offered by this diverse group have not yet been fully employed by ecotoxicologists.  相似文献   

The opisthonotal (oil) glands of oribatid mites are the source of a wide diversity of taxon-specific defensive chemicals, and are likely the location for the more than 90 alkaloids recently identified in oribatids. Although originally recognized in temperate oribatid species, alkaloids have also been detected in related lineages of tropical oribatids. Many of these alkaloids are also present in a worldwide radiation of poison frogs, which are known to sequester these defensive chemicals from dietary arthropods, including oribatid mites. To date, most alkaloid records involve members of the superfamily Oripodoidea (Brachypylina), although few species have been examined and sampling of other taxonomic groups has been highly limited. Herein, we examined adults of more than 60 species of Nearctic oribatid mites, representing 46 genera and 33 families, for the presence of alkaloids. GC–MS analyses of whole body extracts led to the detection of 15 alkaloids, but collectively they occur only in members of the genera Scheloribates (Scheloribatidae) and Protokalumma (Parakalummidae). Most of these alkaloids have also been detected previously in the skin of poison frogs. All examined members of the oripodoid families Haplozetidae and Oribatulidae were alkaloid-free, and no mites outside the Oripodoidea contained alkaloids. Including previous studies, all sampled species of the cosmopolitan oripodoid families Scheloribatidae and Parakalummidae, and the related, mostly tropical families Mochlozetidae and Drymobatidae contain alkaloids. Our findings are consistent with a generalization that alkaloid presence is widespread, but not universal in Oripodoidea. Alkaloid presence in tropical, but not temperate members of some non-oripodoid taxa (in particular Galumnidae) deserves further study.  相似文献   

Spiders are important predators in terrestrial ecosystems, yet we know very little about the principal feeding structures of spiders, the chelicerae, which are functionally equivalent to “jaws” or “mandibles” and are an extremely important aspect of spider biology. In particular, members of Palpimanoidea have evolved highly unusual cheliceral morphologies and functions, including high-speed, ballistic movements in mecysmaucheniid spiders, the fastest arachnid movements known thus far, and the elongated, highly maneuverable chelicerae of archaeids that use an attack-at-a-distance strategy. Here, using micro-Computed-Tomography scanning techniques, we perform a comparative study to examine cheliceral muscle morphology in six different spider specimens representing five palpimanoid families. We provide a hypothesis for homology in palpimanoid cheliceral muscles and then compare and contrast these findings with previous studies on other non-palpimanoid spiders. We document and discuss two sets of cheliceral muscles in palpimanoids that have not been previously observed in other spiders or which may represent a position shift compared to other spiders. In the palpimanoids, Palpimanus sp., Huttonia sp., and Colopea sp. showed similar cheliceral muscle anatomy. In Eriauchenius ranavalona, which has highly maneuverable chelicerae, some of the muscles have a more horizontal orientation, and there is a greater degree of cheliceral muscle divergence. In Zearchaea sp. and Aotearoa magna, some muscles have also shifted to a more horizontal orientation, and in Zearchaea sp., a species with a ballistic, high-speed predatory strike, there is a loss of cheliceral muscles. This research is a first step toward understanding cheliceral form and function across spiders.  相似文献   

Abstract: The middle Devonian (Givetian–Eifelian) pseudoscorpion Dracochela deprehendor Schawaller, Shear and Bonamo is redescribed from the type material and an additional palpal fragment. Dracochela differs from extant pseudoscorpions in having numerous spinules on the leg tarsi, the femur at least as long as the patella on the posterior legs, the stem of the arolia thick, most blades of the serrulae only weakly fused and in lacking a spinneret on the chelicera. The blades of the cheliceral rallum are shown to have been arranged in two rows, as in most Heterosphyronida. The cheliceral serrulae are compared with analogous structures in other arachnids (Notostigmata, Opiliones, Palpigradi, Schizomida and Scorpiones), and it is concluded that the panctenal state (all lamellae attached to finger) is plesiomorphic relative to the hemictenal state (apical lamellae raised), which has evolved independently in Heterosphyronida and Neobisioidea. The trichobothriotaxy of the chela of Dracochela is shown to be similar to that of the extant family Pseudotyrannochthoniidae. The growth of the chelal fingers followed the same pattern as that seen in modern pseudoscorpions, with most of the increase in length occurring at the base of the fingers. The family Dracochelidae Schawaller, Shear and Bonamo is treated as a plesion and assigned to the stem‐group of Pseudoscorpiones. The ordinal name Chelonethi Thorell is restricted to crown‐group pseudoscorpions, and the superordinal name Pseudoscorpiones Latreille is adopted for the total‐group (i.e. stem‐group plus Chelonethi).  相似文献   

Numerous semiochemicals have been isolated from several species of astigmatid mites with various identified or unidentified functions. Alarm pheromonal activity is widespread with neryl formate and neral, being the most common compounds eliciting alarm response in conspecifics. The cosmopolitan astigmatid mite Suidasia medanensis (= S. pontifica) Oudemans (Acari: Suidasidae) has been reported to use neral as an alarm pheromone, but neral can also act as an allomone towards predators of oribatid mites. Suidasia medanensis can be utilised as a factitious prey for mass‐rearing of the phytoseiid predatory mite Amblyseius (= Typhlodromips) swirskii (Athias‐Henriot) (Acari: Phytoseiidae), which is used for biological control of insect and mite pests in protected crops. This study investigated the potential defence properties of the S. medanensis volatiles against A. swirskii, comparing the repellency to pollen‐reared (naïve) vs. S. medanensis‐reared (experienced) predators using a synthetic blend of the isomers neral and geranial (1:1) as a model compound. In a repellency bioassay, the synthetic blend elicited a significant repellence to A. swirskii with no difference between naïve and experienced predators. During capture success studies, S. medanensis under repeated attack could release sufficient quantities of the defence volatile to deter 1–5 attacks from A. swirskii, whereas hexane‐treated S. medanensis artificially depleted of volatiles were significantly more vulnerable to an attack. This is the first report of an astigmatid defence volatile with repellent activity to a phytoseiid mite and the starting point to understanding semiochemical interactions in any current or novel factitious predator‐prey mass‐rearing system.  相似文献   

The availability of high quality resources is an important factor driving community structure and reproductive mode of animals. Parthenogenetic reproduction prevails when resources are available in excess, whereas sexuality correlates with resource shortage. We investigated the effect of resource availability on the community structure of oribatid mites in a laboratory experiment. Availability of food resources was increased by addition of glucose to leaf litter and reduced by leaching of nutrients from leaf litter. Experimental systems were incubated at three different temperatures to establish different regimes of resource exploitation. Community structure of oribatids and numbers of eggs per female were measured over a period of ten months. We expected the density of oribatid mites to decline in the reduced litter quality treatment but to increase in the glucose treatment. Both effects were assumed to be more pronounced at higher temperatures. We hypothesized sexual species to be less affected than parthenogenetic species by reduced resource quality due to higher genetic diversity allowing more efficient exploitation of limited resources, but to be outnumbered by parthenogenetic species in case of resource addition due to faster reproduction. In contrast to our hypotheses, both sexual and parthenogenetic oribatid mite species responded similarly with their densities declining uniformly during incubation. The parthenogenetic Brachychthoniidae and Tectocepheus dominated early in the experiment but were replaced later by parthenogenetic Desmonomata and Rhysotritia. In parthenogenetic species the number of eggs per female increased during the experiment while the number of eggs in sexual females remained constant or decreased slightly; in general, egg numbers were higher in sexual than in parthenogenetic species. The results indicate that for sustaining oribatid mite populations other resources than litter and associated saprotrophic microorganisms are needed. They also indicate that there are two groups of parthenogenetically reproducing species: exploiters of easily available resources and consumers of leaf litter associated resources.  相似文献   

【目的】为了解施秉喀斯特地区林地土壤甲螨的分布和群落组成特点,明确中国西南喀斯特地区林地类型对土壤甲螨群落密度、组成和物种多样性的影响,对该区林地土壤甲螨的群落结构及多样性进行了的调查和分析。【方法】2012年8月选取了中国西南施秉喀斯特地区典型生境中的8个样地,每个样地9个取样点,用Berlese-Tullgren装置分离土样24 h。多样性分析采用常见的多样性指数;群落相似性分析采用Jaccard相似性系数(CJ);群落聚类分析分别采用Marczewski Steinhaus 距离(Cms)和Bray-Curtis距离,应用R 2.11程序进行类平均法聚类。【结果】结果显示,中国西南喀斯特8个样地中土壤甲螨由少数的优势属和数量众多的稀有属组成。其中全菌甲螨属 Perscheloribates (22.48%)和长单翼甲螨属 Protoribates (11.45%)个体数量最为丰富。长单翼甲螨属 Protoribate、上罗甲螨属Epilohmannia、小奥甲螨属 Oppiella、小盾珠甲螨属 Suctobelbella 和盖头甲螨属 Tectocepheus 分布广泛。本区的甲螨组成(属级水平)表现出明显热带和亚热带地区特点。在天然常绿落叶阔叶林中,甲螨的个体数量和种类数较多,但多样性不高,而在人工针叶林中甲螨多样性最高。甲螨群落组成和分布特征多样,异质性高,特别是在天然常绿落叶阔叶林中突出。【结论】研究表明,施秉喀斯特生态系统的不同林分影响甲螨的物种多样性和群落稳定性,天然常绿落叶阔叶混交林是甲螨的“避难所”。  相似文献   

The coexistence of a large number of soil animals without extensive niche differentiation is one of the great riddles in soil biology. The main aim of this study was to explore the importance of partitioning of food resources for the high diversity of micro-arthropods in soil. In addition, we investigated if ectomycorrhizal fungi are preferentially consumed compared to saprotrophic fungi. Until today, ectomycorrhizal fungi have never been tested as potential food resource for oribatid mites. We offered six ectomycorrhizal fungi [Amanita muscaria (L.) Hook., Boletus badius (Fr.) Fr., Cenococcum geophilum Fr., Laccaria laccata (Scop.) Fr., Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. and Piloderma croceum J. Erikss. & Hjortstam], one ericoid mycorrhizal fungus [Hymenoscyphus ericae (D.J. Read) Korf & Kernan] and three saprotrophic fungi [Agrocybe gibberosa (Fr.) Fayod, Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl. and Mortierella ramanniana (A. Møller) Linnem.] simultaneously to each of the mainly mycophagous oribatid mite species Carabodes femoralis (Nicolet), Nothrus silvestris Nicolet and Oribatula tibialis Nicolet. The ericoid mycorrhizal fungus H. ericae and the ectomycorrhizal fungus B. badius were preferentially consumed by each oribatid mite species. However, feeding preferences differed significantly between the three species, with O. tibialis being most selective. This study for the first time documented that oribatid mites feed on certain ectomycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

The community structure, stable isotope ratios (15N/14N, 13C/12C) and reproductive mode of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) were investigated in four habitats (upper tree bark, lower tree bark, dry grassland soil, forest soil) at two sites in the Central Alps (Tyrol, Austria). We hypothesized that community structure and trophic position of oribatid mites of dry grassland soils and bark of trees are similar since these habitats have similar abiotic characteristics (open, dry) compared with forest soil. Further, we hypothesized that derived taxa of oribatid mites reproducing sexually dominate on the bark of trees since species in this habitat consume living resources such as lichens. In contrast to our hypothesis, the community structure of oribatid mites differed among grassland, forest and bark indicating the existence of niche differentiation in the respective oribatid mite species. In agreement with our hypothesis, sexually reproducing taxa of oribatid mites dominated on the bark of trees whereas parthenogenetic species were more frequent in soil. Several species of bark-living oribatid mites had stable isotope signatures that were similar to lichens indicating that they feed on lichens. However, nine species that frequently occurred on tree bark did not feed on lichens according to their stable isotope signatures. No oribatid mite species could be ascribed to moss feeding. We conclude that sexual reproduction served as preadaptation for oribatid mites allowing them to exploit new habitats and new resources on the bark of trees. Abiotic factors likely are of limited importance for bark-living oribatid mites since harsh abiotic conditions are assumed to favor parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

Abstract. We present the first report on the use of the non‐invasive method of synchrotron X‐ray microtomography to model the dynamics and theoretical bite forces of arthropod mouthparts. The nature of the data allowed us to include precise measurements of muscle areas and the spatial geometry of muscle origins and insertions into a biomechanical model of a morphological microstructure. We investigated the functional morphology of the chelicera in the oribatid mite Archegozetes longisetosus (Acari, Oribatida), a model organism for Chelicerata. The chelicera represents a first‐class lever; the intrinsic muscular system consists of a feather‐shaped depressor with six muscle bundles and a bouquet‐shaped levator with 16 bundles. The relative bite forces, as compared with body mass (force/mass2/3), are 390 N kg?1 and lie within those known for vertebrates (≤260 N kg?1) and decapod chelae (≤915 N kg?1). The dynamics of force transmission and bite forces during the movement of the apotele are calculated. The conserved organization of cheliceral musculature allows broad adaptation of the model to other chelicerate taxa.  相似文献   

The internal anatomy of juveniles and adults of Hypochthonius rufulus selected as a model species representing the lower Oribatida was investigated histologically and compared with the published characteristics of higher oribatid internal anatomy. In this species, the cuticle is weak and flexible, consisting of epicuticle and endocuticle on the body, but including an exocuticle between the epicuticle and endocuticle of the legs. Walls of the mesenteron in the digestive tract are of uniform thickness and structure without any regional thickening, and there are no proventricular glands. The hindgut is apparently divided into five parts: colon 1 and 2, rectum 1 and 2, and anal atrium; food bolus exhibits a multilamellar structure in this section. The glandular system is less diversified than in some other oribatids. Tracheae are apparently lacking. Females possess only two relatively large eggs, filling one-half of opistosoma, and they lack ovipositors. Eggs are present in females during the whole year. Gonad buds appear first in the protonymph stage. Only one male was found among 146 adults studied. No male external organ (aedeagus or penis) is present.  相似文献   

Erwin’s method for estimating total global species richness assumes some host‐specificity among the canopy arthropods. This study examined possible host habitat specialization in two major groups of soil arthropods, the oribatid and mesostigmatid mites, by sampling beneath three tree species: Eucalyptus pilularis Smith, Eucalyptus propinqua Deane and Maiden and Allocasuarina torulosa (Aiton) L. Johnson. The sample sites were in the Lansdowne State Forest, New South Wales, Australia and the three tree species were selected on the basis of their known differential effects on soil. Sampling was conducted over three seasons, and 79 oribatid and 34 mesostigmatid species were identified from 25 196 and 3634 individuals, respectively. Tree species had little effect on mite species composition with only three oribatid species and no mesostigmatid species identified as host‐habitat specialists using a niche breadth measure. Of mite species found under E. pilularis, E. propinqua and A. torulosa trees, 2%, 1% and 0% were defined as host‐habitat specialists, respectively. In contrast, tree species had significant and consistent effects on mite community structure, which differed in relative abundance of the oribatid species, their size class distributions and species rankings. In the mesostigmatid communities, there was a difference in the ranking of the mite species among tree species. Although it was demonstrated that tree species have an impact on the soil environment, the differences between tree species were insufficient to change species composition. The low degree of host‐habitat specialization suggested that other factors were more important for determining mite species composition at a site, and soil mite host‐habitat specialization may not make a large contribution to estimates of total global species richness using methods such as those proposed by Erwin (1982) .  相似文献   

Aim This study investigates the species–area relationship (SAR) for oribatid mite communities of isolated suspended soil habitats, and compares the shape and slope of the SAR with a nested data set collected over three spatial scales (core, patch and tree level). We investigate whether scale dependence is exhibited in the nested sampling design, use multivariate regression models to elucidate factors affecting richness and abundance patterns, and ask whether the community composition of oribatid mites changes in suspended soil patches of different sizes. Location Walbran Valley, Vancouver Island, Canada. Methods A total of 216 core samples were collected from 72 small, medium and large isolated suspended soil habitats in six western redcedar trees in June 2005. The relationship between oribatid species richness and habitat volume was modelled for suspended soil habitat isolates (type 3) and a nested sampling design (type 1) over multiple spatial scales. Nonlinear estimation parameterized linear, power and Weibull function regression models for both SAR designs, and these were assessed for best fit using R2 and Akaike's information criteria (ΔAIC) values. Factors affecting oribatid mite species richness and standardized abundance (number per g dry weight) were analysed by anova and linear regression models. Results Sixty‐seven species of oribatid mites were identified from 9064 adult specimens. Surface area and moisture content of suspended soils contributed to the variation in species richness, while overall oribatid mite abundance was explained by moisture and depth. A power‐law function best described the isolate SAR (S = 3.97 × A0.12, R2 = 0.247, F1,70 = 22.450, P < 0.001), although linear and Weibull functions were also valid models. Oribatid mite species richness in nested samples closely fitted a power‐law model (S = 1.96 × A0.39, R2 = 0.854, F1,18 = 2693.6, P < 0.001). The nested SAR constructed over spatial scales of core, patch and tree levels proved to be scale‐independent. Main conclusions Unique microhabitats provided by well developed suspended soil accumulations are a habitat template responsible for the diversity of canopy oribatid mites. Species–area relationships of isolate vs. nested species richness data differed in the rate of accumulation of species with increased area. We suggest that colonization history, stability of suspended soil environments, and structural habitat complexity at local and regional scales are major determinants of arboreal oribatid mite species richness.  相似文献   


Oribatid mites are tiny arthropods that are common in all soils of the world; however, they also occur in microhabitats above the soil such as lichens, mosses, on the bark of trees and in suspended soils. For understanding oribatid mite community structure, it is important to know whether they are dispersal limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of oribatid mite dispersal using Malaise traps to exclude sole passive wind-dispersal. Oribatid mite communities were collected over a 3-year period from five habitat types (coniferous forests, deciduous forests, mixed forests, meadows, bog/heathlands sites) and three seasons (spring, summer, autumn) in Sweden. Mites entered traps either by walking or by phoresy, i.e., by being attached to flying insects. We hypothesized (1) that oribatid mite communities in the traps differ between habitats, indicating habitat-limited dispersal, and (2) that oribatid mite communities differ among seasons suggesting that dispersal varies due to changing environmental conditions such as moisture or resource availability. The majority of the collected species were not typically soil-living species but rather from habitats such as trees, lichens and mosses (e.g., Carabodes labyrinthicus, Cymbaeremaeus cymba, Diapterobates humeralis and Phauloppia lucorum) indicating that walking into the traps or entering them via phoresy are of greater importance for aboveground than for soil-living species. Overall, oribatid mite communities collected in the traps likely originated from the surrounding local habitat suggesting that long distance dispersal of oribatid mites is scarce. Significant differences among seasons indicate higher dispersal during warm and dry periods of the year. Notably, 16 species of oribatid mites collected in our study were sampled for the first time in Sweden. This study also demonstrates that Malaise traps are a meaningful tool to investigate spatial and temporal patterns of oribatid mite communities.


To clarify the effect of tree structure on the diversity of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida), we collected a total of 16,325 oribatids in 181 morphospecies from the leaves, branches, and trunk bark of trees and from the forest-floor soil and litter in a subtropical forest, Okinawa, Japan, and tested three predictions: (1) moisture stress in arboreal habitats would lead to larger body size (not supported); (2) morphological traits related to gripping a surface (number and size of claws) would be more developed in arboreal species (supported); and (3) advantages in colonization (no cost for searching mates and doubled population growth) would favor parthenogenesis in the arboreal oribatid communities (not supported). We observed vertical stratification among the five habitats in terms of mite density, species diversity, and species composition, but found no difference in the body length of oribatid species between the arboreal and forest-floor habitats. However, (homo-)tridactylous species predominated in the arboreal habitat, suggesting that this claw morphology facilitates adherence to and movement on arboreal substrates. Sexual species were common in the arboreal oribatid communities, whereas about half of the dominant species collected from the forest floor were likely to be parthenogenetic. It is unclear how these different reproductive systems may be advantageous for oribatid mites in arboreal and forest-floor habitats. Nevertheless, the structural complexity provided by trees appears to enhance and maintain the diversity of oribatid communities through vertical stratification in this subtropical forest.  相似文献   

Sampling in the framework of the research program called ‘La Planète Revisitée’ in Kavieng and Madang (Papua New Guinea) brought thus far unknown diversity of the brown algal genus Lobophora to the surface. DNA‐assisted alpha taxonomy allowed identifying the presence of 16 species Lobophora from these two localities, which only share four species in common. Ten species are newly described, including four, which are only known to the Bismarck Sea. A more exhaustive sampling across the Bismarck Sea, and more largely across the Coral Triangle, will very likely unveil an even greater diversity. The present study underscores the fragmentary nature of our knowledge of macroalgal diversity in this region.  相似文献   

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