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Invasive nonindigenous plant species (NIPS) threaten native diversity, alter ecosystem processes, and may interact with other components of global environmental change. Here, a general framework is outlined that attempts to connect patterns of plant invasion to processes underlying these patterns at four well-established spatio-temporal stages of the invasion process: transport, colonization, establishment, and landscape spread. At each stage we organize findings and ideas about the filters that limit NIPS success and the interaction of these filters with historical aspects of introduction events, NIPS traits, and ecosystem properties. While it remains difficult to draw conclusions about the risk of invasion across ecosystems, to delineate universal 'invader traits', or to predict large-scale extinctions following invasions, this review highlights the growing body of research that suggests that the success of invasive NIPS is controlled by a series of key processes or filters. These filters are common to all invasion events, and will interact throughout the stages of plant invasion, although the relative importance of a filter may be stage, species or location specific. It is suggested that both research and management programs may benefit from employing multiscale and stage approaches to studying and controlling invasion. We further use the framework to briefly examine potential interactions between climate change and filters that limit NIPS invasion.  相似文献   

Botté  Audrey  Zaidi  Mariem  Guery  Joëlle  Fichet  Denis  Leignel  Vincent 《Aquatic Ecology》2022,56(3):751-773
Aquatic Ecology - Aluminium (Al) is a common chemical element released into the aquatic environment from the Earth’s crust and many anthropogenic activities. It may be present in various...  相似文献   

Global ecological impacts of invasive species in aquatic ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The introduction of invasive species, which often differ functionally from the components of the recipient community, generates ecological impacts that propagate along the food web. This review aims to determine how consistent the impacts of aquatic invasions are across taxa and habitats. To that end, we present a global meta‐analysis from 151 publications (733 cases), covering a wide range of invaders (primary producers, filter collectors, omnivores and predators), resident aquatic community components (macrophytes, phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthic invertebrates and fish) and habitats (rivers, lakes and estuaries). Our synthesis suggests a strong negative influence of invasive species on the abundance of aquatic communities, particularly macrophytes, zooplankton and fish. In contrast, there was no general evidence for a decrease in species diversity in invaded habitats, suggesting a time lag between rapid abundance changes and local extinctions. Invaded habitats showed increased water turbidity, nitrogen and organic matter concentration, which are related to the capacity of invaders to transform habitats and increase eutrophication. The expansion of invasive macrophytes caused the largest decrease in fish abundance, the filtering activity of filter collectors depleted planktonic communities, omnivores (including both facultative and obligate herbivores) were responsible for the greatest decline in macrophyte abundance, and benthic invertebrates were most negatively affected by the introduction of new predators. These impacts were relatively consistent across habitats and experimental approaches. Based on our results, we propose a framework of positive and negative links between invasive species at four trophic positions and the five different components of recipient communities. This framework incorporates both direct biotic interactions (predation, competition, grazing) and indirect changes to the water physicochemical conditions mediated by invaders (habitat alteration). Considering the strong trophic links that characterize aquatic ecosystems, this framework is relevant to anticipate the far‐reaching consequences of biological invasions on the structure and functionality of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Sulfur is one of the critical elements in living matter, as it participates in several structural, metabolic and catalytic activities. Photosynthesis is an important process that entails the use of sulfur during both the light and carbon reactions. Nearly half of global photosynthetic carbon fixation is carried out by phytoplankton in the aquatic environment. Aquatic environments are very different from one another with respect to sulfur content: while in the oceans sulfate concentration is constantly high, freshwaters are characterized by daily and seasonal variations and by a wide range of sulfur concentration. The strategies that algal cells adopt for energy and resource allocation often reflect these differences. In the oceans, the amount and chemical form of sulfur has changed substantially during the course of the Earth's history; it is possible that sulfur availability played a role in the evolution of marine phytoplankton communities and it may continue to have appreciable effects on global biogeochemistry and ecology. Phytoplankton is also the main biogenic source of sulfur; sulfur can be released into the atmosphere by algal cells as dimethylsulfide, with possibly important repercussions on global climate. These and related matters are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is a potentially definitive solution to environment heterogeneity, driving biologists to understand why it is not ubiquitous in nature. While costs and constraints may limit the success of plasticity, we are still far from a complete theory of when these limitations actually proscribe adaptive plasticity. Here I use a simple model of plasticity incorporating developmental noise to explore the competitive and evolutionary relationships of specialist and generalist genotypes spreading across a heterogeneous landscape. Results show that plasticity can arise in the context of specialism, preadapting genotypes to later evolve toward plastic generalism. Developmental noise helps a mutant with imperfect plasticity successfully compete against its ancestor, providing an evolutionary path by which subsequent mutations can refine plasticity toward its optimum. These results address how the complex selection pressures across a heterogeneous environment can help evolution find paths around constraints arising from developmental mechanisms.  相似文献   

Underwater light is spatially as well as temporally variable and directly affects phytoplankton growth and competition. Here we systematically (following the guidelines of PRISMA‐EcoEvo) searched and screened the published literature resulting in 640 individual articles. We mapped the conducted research for the objectives of (1) phytoplankton fundamental responses to light, (2) effects of light on the competition between phytoplankton species, and (3) effects of climate‐change‐induced changes in the light availability in aquatic ecosystems. Among the fundamental responses of phytoplankton to light, the effects of light intensity (quantity, as measure of total photon or energy flux) were investigated in most identified studies. The effects of the light spectrum (quality) that via species‐specific light absorbance result in direct consequences on species competition emerged more recently. Complexity in competition arises due to variability and fluctuations in light which effects are sparsely investigated on community level. Predictions regarding future climate change scenarios included changes in in stratification and mixing, lake and coastal ocean darkening, UV radiation, ice melting as well as light pollution which affect the underwater light‐climate. Generalization of consequences is difficult due to a high variability, interactions of consequences as well as a lack in sustained timeseries and holistic approaches. Nevertheless, our systematic literature map, and the identified articles within, provide a comprehensive overview and shall guide prospective research.  相似文献   

How do male mating behaviors evolve in response to a competitive social environment? Using an experimental evolution approach, Dore et al. demonstrated that sociosexual environments can lead to the evolution of novel plastic male mating behaviors in Drosophila melanogaster, with both mating latency and mating duration extended in male‐biased populations after exposure to male rivals.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that physical landscapes can shape genetic variation within and between populations. However, it is not well understood how riverscapes, with their complex architectures, affect patterns of neutral genetic diversity. Using a spatially explicit agent‐based modeling (ABM) approach, we evaluate the genetic consequences of dendritic river shapes on local population structure. We disentangle the relative contribution of specific river properties to observed patterns of genetic variation by evaluating how different branching architectures and downstream flow regimes affect the genetic structure of populations situated within river networks. Irrespective of the river length, our results illustrate that the extent of river branching, confluence position, and levels of asymmetric downstream migration dictate patterns of genetic variation in riverine populations. Comparisons between simple and highly branched rivers show a 20‐fold increase in the overall genetic diversity and a sevenfold increase in the genetic differentiation between local populations. Given that most rivers have complex architectures, these results highlight the importance of incorporating riverscape information into evolutionary models of aquatic species and could help explain why riverine fishes represent a disproportionately large amount of global vertebrate diversity per unit of habitable area.  相似文献   

Theory has been developed that examines the role of infectious disease in ecological invasions for particular natural systems. However, a general understanding of the role that shared disease may play in invasions is lacking. Here, we develop a strategic theoretical framework to determine the role of disease, in addition to competition, in ecological invasions and the expansion of species’ spatial range. We investigate the effect of different disease parameters on the replacement time of a native species by an alien invader. The outcome is critically dependent on the relative effects that the disease has on the two species and less dependent on the basic epidemiological characteristics of the interaction. This framework is also used to investigate the effect of disease on the spatial spread of the invader. Our results show an interesting phenomenon where a wave of disease spreads through the landscape ahead of the wave of replacement.  相似文献   

A key challenge in ecological research is to integrate data from different scales to evaluate the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms that influence current patterns of biological diversity. We build on recent attempts to incorporate phylogenetic information into traditional diversity analyses and on existing research on beta diversity and phylogenetic community ecology. Phylogenetic beta diversity (phylobetadiversity) measures the phylogenetic distance among communities and as such allows us to connect local processes, such as biotic interactions and environmental filtering, with more regional processes including trait evolution and speciation. When combined with traditional measures of beta diversity, environmental gradient analyses or ecological niche modelling, phylobetadiversity can provide significant and novel insights into the mechanisms underlying current patterns of biological diversity.  相似文献   



The sensory drive hypothesis predicts that divergent sensory adaptation in different habitats may lead to premating isolation upon secondary contact of populations. Speciation by sensory drive has traditionally been treated as a special case of speciation as a byproduct of adaptation to divergent environments in geographically isolated populations. However, if habitats are heterogeneous, local adaptation in the sensory systems may cause the emergence of reproductively isolated species from a single unstructured population. In polychromatic fishes, visual sensitivity might become adapted to local ambient light regimes and the sensitivity might influence female preferences for male nuptial color. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of speciation by sensory drive as a byproduct of divergent visual adaptation within a single initially unstructured population. We use models based on explicit genetic mechanisms for color vision and nuptial coloration.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems are seriously imperiled by the spread of non-native fishes thus establishing profiles of their life-history characteristics is an emerging tool for developing conservation and management strategies. We did a first approach to determine characteristics of successful and failed non-native fishes in a Mediterranean-climate area, the Iberian Peninsula, for three stages of the invasion process: establishment, spread and integration. Using general linear models, we established which characteristics are most important for success at each invasion stage. Prior invasion success was a good predictor for all the stages of the invasion process. Biological variables relevant for more than one invasion stage were maximum adult size and size of native range. Despite these common variables, all models produced a different set of variables important for a successful invasion, demonstrating that successful invaders have a combination of biological traits that may favor success at all invasion stages. However, some differences were found in relation to published studies on fish invasions in other Mediterranean-climate areas, suggesting that characteristics of the recipient ecosystem are as relevant as the characteristics of the invading species.  相似文献   

A multilocational field experiment to determine the influence of cassava growth and development on tuberous root rots in Onne and Sabongidda-Ora humid forests and in the Ibadan derived savanna of Nigeria was carried out from June 2003 to November 2005. Healthy cassava stems of TME-1 (local), TMS 30572 and TMS 4 (2) 1425 (both improved) were planted in a randomised complete block design with three replications. The experiment was repeated and the data collected were statistically analysed using the general linear model statistical procedures with the SAS system for Windows. Experimental result showed tuberous root rot incidence and severity to be pronounced at 12 months after planting in Onne and Sabongidda-Ora humid forests but less at the Ibadan derived savanna. Local TME-1 variety had the highest root rot incidence of 53% and severity of 21% while improved TMS 4(2)1425 variety had the least root rot incidence and severity at 0% each.  相似文献   

I present a model for the evolution of a seed bank in the absence of externally driven environmental variation. I use Evolutionarily Stable Strategy (ESS) analyses of both analytic and simulation models to assess the conditions under which a dormant genotype can invade and resist invasion. In my models, plant seeds compete through lottery for discrete safe sites holding one individual each. Analyzing the conditions under which a dormant genotype can invade when rare and resist invasion once established, I conclude that dormancy can be an ESS when some fraction of seeds is retained locally, seed bank survival is high, and mortality in the seed bank is low. The advantage of dormancy stems from the ability of dormant seeds to recapture a lost site and the fact that a plant’s offspring are more likely to win the lottery in its own site than in any new site. The advantage of dormancy does not depend on individual fecundity or on low relatedness with the offspring of kin, making this mechanism distinct from earlier models of sib competition.  相似文献   

在城市化背景下,生态系统受到来自人类社会日益严重的威胁,自然生态空间遭到破坏。对自然生态空间进行识别与管控可以更好地建设和保护国土空间生态资源,促进生态保护与社会经济耦合协同发展,保障区域的生态安全。融合多源数据及方法,从生态服务重要性和生态环境敏感性两方面评价和识别生态源地的空间范围;基于最小累积阻力模型(Minimum Cumulative Resistance,MCR)提取关键和优化生态廊道,系统化识别山东省自然生态空间并进行差异化管控。研究结果表明:山东省生态源地集中分布在鲁中山区和胶东半岛地区,总面积为21165.10 km2,关键生态廊道和优化生态廊道长度分别为1078.32、511.25 km,土地利用类型以耕地和林地为主,主要分布在鲁中山区和鲁北平原区,可形成联系紧密的生态网络。本研究将自然生态空间划分为生态源地、生态保育区、其它生态用地三种类型,根据不同空间类型提出具有针对性的分类管控措施,为自然生态空间的系统化识别与管控提供理论参考和方法保障,能够更好地实现省级国土空间规划的战略性、协调性目标。  相似文献   

Climate change has been conclusively linked to species extinctions, and to expansion and contractions and shifts of species ranges. Climate change is exerting similarly profound pressures on the individual stages of biological invasion which can significantly impact the biodiversity and ecology of invaded areas. Propagule pressure is perhaps the single most important determinant of invasion success, but the effects of climate change on propagule pressure are still largely uncertain because we have few observations of introduction events (or their size) that can be analyzed together with climate records. The common surrogate variables for propagule pressure do not logically respond to climate. Here I use a process-based simulation model to examine the potential effects of climate change (specifically temperature) on propagule size of a common invading insect species by estimating in-transit survivorship rate of propagules using historical and future (projected) temperatures and two common trade routes between a donor and a recipient location (Yokohama, Japan and Sydney, Australia). Propagule size (=the number of individuals in an introduction event) was lower under climate change temperatures than under historical temperatures in both routes. The route had significant effects on propagule size through its influence on the duration (and also the timing) of exposure to temperature conditions that are of time-sensitive importance to the development of the invasive species. Under historical temperatures propagule size was higher and less variable in the direct than the indirect route in 20 independent iterations. Under the future temperatures propagule size was also higher in the direct route but it was more variable than in the indirect route. Increased trade is increasing the opportunities for introductions, but the results reported here suggest that climate change will have inconsistent effects on biological invasion because of the complex relationship between temperature and insect ontogeny.  相似文献   

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