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Agricultural landscapes can be defined as mosaics of landscape elements which are affected by farming practices. Woodland habitats, even though they are managed, are amongst the most stable elements of agricultural landscapes and can play a key role in the maintenance of biodiversity. This study of the ground beetle (carabid) communities of woodlands and woody linear features in a Scottish agricultural landscape shows that these habitats contribute significantly to the overall landscape diversity of these beetles. Communities in woods and hedgerows display the same species diversity and are both characterized by the presence of forest species. The main factors constraining carabid communities in both environments are the grazing intensity and, to a lesser extent, the type of soil. Heavily grazed locations are characterized by the occurrence of grassland species while forest species are restricted to ungrazed locations. At the landscape scale, the distribution of the forest species is limited by spatial isolation, indicating that there are insufficient functional links between woodland habitats in the study area. Isolation could be compensated for either by a better control of grazing so that linear features can be used as dispersal corridors for forest carabids or by planting more linear features and woods in the area.  相似文献   

The conservation of biodiversity is increasingly dependent on human-altered habitats. In a fragmented forest landscape in northern Costa Rica within the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor, an area of great conservation importance, we compared the diversity and composition of ground-dwelling beetle communities in five habitat types along a gradient of increasing disturbance: primary forest, logged forest, secondary forest, plantation (Gmelina arborea) and pasture. Using pitfall trapping we captured a total of 1,877 beetles (Coleoptera), comprising 422 morphospecies in 26 families. The plantation sites had the lowest number of species followed by secondary forest and pasture. Multivariate analysis separated the beetle fauna according to land use, and suggested that only the logged forest maintains a similar species assemblage to primary forest. However, each habitat harboured a number of unique species indicating the conservation value of the mosaic of habitats found in fragmented landscapes. Our results suggest that to maintain forest beetle species diversity it is essential that areas of natural forest are conserved. However, other land uses also provide beetle habitats and in fragmented areas active management to maintain a mosaic of land uses will contribute to the conservation of beetle diversity.  相似文献   

The ecology of the beetles of the subfamily Cetoniinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) is relatively poorly known worldwide. In the neotropics in particular, there are far less studies than in other biogeographic regions. In part due to this lack of knowledge, cetoniines are not considered indicators of habitat quality in the Neotropical region. In this study, we compare the abundance, diversity, and species composition of cetoniines in three different habitats in Brazil: two exotic (Brachiaria pasturelands and eucalyptus plantation) and one native (Brazilian Atlantic Forest). We also provide diagnostic images of both sexes and of the genitalia of males of all species to facilitate species identification in further studies. The beetles were collected weekly from September to December 2012 with traps baited with fermented fruit, in five eucalyptus plantations (Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden), five exotic pasturelands (Brachiaria spp.), and five patches of Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The abundance and diversity of cetoniines was found to be lower in the eucalyptus plantations and about the same in the forest and pasturelands. The low diversity found and the little information available on the ecology of Neotropical Cetoniinae is insufficient to propose these beetles as candidates for the habitat evaluation in Brazil.  相似文献   

农业景观非农生境植物多样性及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢训令  梁国付  汤茜  丁圣彦 《生态学报》2018,38(5):1799-1809
农业景观是人类生活所需资料的最主要来源地和生物多样性保护的重要区域之一。黄河中下游地区是我国最重要的农业区之一,在区域农业景观中,非农生境中各群落植物物种多样性组成特征有何差异?在不同尺度上,景观异质性特征与生境特征对植物物种多样性特征有何影响?在黄河中下游典型区域布点,对区内主要非农生境(次生林、次生灌丛、人工林和农田边缘等)中的植物群落物种多样性进行调查。结果显示:(1)次生灌丛中的物种丰富度和多样性显著高于其他生境,而农田边缘也保育有较多的物种;(2)从物种组成来看,景观尺度上样点间物种多样性差异(β_2)是所有生境中物种丰富度的最主要组成部分,而次生灌丛与次生林两类自然生境中小尺度(α和β1)物种丰富度的贡献相对较高。(3)景观异质性特征指标对物种多样性的影响主要体现在样方尺度上(α_(样方)),而β和γ多样性与之的关系并不甚密切。表征生境特征的群落高度和盖度指标能更好的预测物种多样性的特征。研究发现,常用的表征景观异质性的指数在各尺度上对植物群落物种多样性特征的影响也并不显著,局地群落特征的影响更为直接和重要。在探讨景观异质性特征与生物多样性关系时,常用的多样性指数(Shannon多样性指数、均匀度指数和Simpson指数等)并不合适,而拆分后的物种丰富度会更有效。但景观异质性对生物多样性的影响也不容忽视,它的改变会是影响群落物种多样性及其组成结构的重要潜在因素,在更大尺度上景观异质性会通过对景观组成要素特征(生境组成和构型)的影响进而影响到区域植物物种丰富度的变化。  相似文献   

In natural systems, extended phenotypes of trees can be important in determining the species composition and diversity of associated communities. Orchards are productive systems where trees dominate, and can be highly biodiverse, but few studies have considered the importance of tree genetic background in promoting associated biodiversity. We tested the effect of apple cultivar (plant genetic background) on the diversity and composition of the associated epiphytic bryophyte community across a total of seven cultivars in five productive East Anglian orchards where each orchard contained two cultivars. Data were collected from 617 individual trees, over 5 years. Species richness and community composition were significantly influenced by both orchard and cultivar. Differences among orchards explained 16% of the variation in bryophyte community data, while cultivar explained 4%. For 13 of the 41 bryophyte species recorded, apple cultivar was an important factor in explaining their distribution. While the effects of cultivar were small, we were able to detect them at multiple levels of analysis. We provide evidence that extended phenotypes act in productive as well as natural systems. With issues of food security ranking high on the international agenda, it is important to understand the impact of production regimes on associated biodiversity. Our results can inform mitigation of this potential conflict.  相似文献   

坝上地区农田和恢复生境地表甲虫多样性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究采用陷阱法对河北坝上崇礼县农田、禁牧草地及再造林地3种常见生境中地表甲虫进行了取样调查,分别从鞘翅目分科、步甲分种两个分类水平比较分析了不同生境中的生物多样性状况以评估生境恢复状况及其对生物多样性的影响,并探索在以生物多样性为指标评估生境恢复状况过程中,研究结论是否受分类水平的影响。结果显示,草地和林地具有较为相似鞘翅目和步甲的结构组成,但均显著不同于农田。农田较再造林地和禁牧草地具有更多的鞘翅目科数及步甲物种数,且均显著高于林地;农田中步甲群落的Fisher's α多样性指数也显著地高于林地,但鞘翅目分科水平上的Fisher's α多样性指数在各生境中没有差异。结果说明:(1)再造林和草地禁牧的生境修复活动在当前状态下对生物多样性恢复的作用尚不明显,仅是表现出促进了景观尺度上较高的Beta和Gamma多样性,而农田则在维持当地较高的生物多样性中扮演重要角色;(2)在鞘翅目分科和步甲科分种研究数据所反映的不同生境条件下的多样性和组成状况基本相同,因此在需要快速评估生境恢复状况且物种水平鉴定存在困难的时候,可以采用鞘翅目分科的数据替代指示生境恢复的状况并反映生境恢复对生物多样性影响的趋势,从而减少分类的难度并提高工作效率。但是物种水平的多样性状况更能显著反映生境间的差异。  相似文献   

The global diversity of True Water Beetles, False Water Beetles and Phytophilous Water Beetles (sensu Jäch, 1998a. In Jäch &; Ji (eds), Water Beetles of China, Vol. II. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Österreich and Wiener Coleopterologenverein, Wien: 25–42.) is assessed. Facultative Water Beetles, Parasitic Water Beetles and Shore Beetles (sensu Jäch, 1998a. In Jäch &; Ji (eds), Water Beetles of China, Vol. II. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Österreich and Wiener Coleopterologenverein, Wien: 25–42.) are here classified as “paraquatic” and are thus not included in the assessment. It is estimated that about 18,000 species of aquatic Coleoptera are roaming the earth at present. About 12,600 (70%) of these are already described (deadline: October 2005). About 30 beetle families have aquatic representatives, and in 25 of these families at least 50% of the species are to be considered as aquatic. Six families are supposed to include 1,000 or more aquatic species: Dytiscidae (3,908 described species/5,000 estimated), Hydraenidae (1,380/2,500), Hydrophilidae (1,800/2,320), Elmidae (1,330/1,850), Scirtidae (900/1,700) and Gyrinidae (750/1,000). Scirtidae and Hydraenidae are regarded as the least explored families, the number of described species in each of these two families probably will be almost doubled in the future. The Palearctic (ca. 3,350 described species/ca. 3,900 estimated), the Neotropical (2,510/3,900) and the Afrotropical Region (2,700/3,750) harbour almost the same number of water beetle species, followed by the Oriental (2,200/3,580) and the Australian/Pacific Realm (1,340/2,100). The Nearctic (1,420/1,550) is by far the poorest region in terms of water beetle diversity.  相似文献   

为了解宁夏黄土丘陵区不同生境地表甲虫群落多样性变化规律及与环境因子的关系, 并探讨不同生态恢复措施对维持地表甲虫群落多样性的影响, 2013年7-8月, 作者利用陷阱法调查了该区6种生境内的地表甲虫群落多样性。结果表明: 灌草混交林地、乔灌混交林地、生态薪炭林地中地表甲虫物种丰富度和个体数量均较高, 天然封育草地、生态经济林地和水平农田中物种丰富度较低, 生态经济林地和水平农田中甲虫个体数量显著高于天然封育草地。不同生境间, 灌草混交林地、乔灌混交林地与生态薪炭林地之间、生态经济林地与水平农田之间甲虫群落组成相似性较高。多元回归分析表明, 草本层生物量、灌木层盖度及土壤含水量是影响甲虫物种丰富度的决定因素, 林冠层盖度和枯落物厚度是决定地表甲虫个体数量的重要因素。CCA分析表明, 枯落物盖度、枯落物厚度、林冠层盖度及草本层盖度是影响地表甲虫群落组成的重要环境因子。研究表明, 灌草混交林地为地表甲虫群落多样性维持较好的生境类型, 是宁夏黄土丘陵区典型生态恢复的最优模式。  相似文献   

茅埏岛不同生境大型底栖动物生物多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2012年11月—2013年10月,对浙江台州茅埏岛不同生境下的大型底栖动物进行了4次取样调查,比较了红树林、互花米草和光滩生境下大型底栖动物的生物多样性及季节变化。共检出大型底栖动物48种,隶属8门9纲28科,其中软体动物、节肢动物和环节动物占总物种数的83.3%。用定量取样的密度数据计算大型底栖动物的Shannon指数、Pielou指数、Margalef指数、Simpson指数和G-F多样性指数,结果表明:互花米草生境在物种种数和栖息密度上均低于光滩和红树林生境,物种种数在季节上春夏两季高于秋冬两季;从Shannon指数和G-F多样性指数上看,红树林生境下大型底栖动物的多样性高于光滩与互花米草生境;红树林间,红树幼林大型底栖动物物种多样性低于6年生和8年生红树林,而科属多样性高于后两者。生境和季节是影响大型底栖动物分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

Herbivorous beetles comprise a significant fraction of eukaryotic biodiversity and their plant-feeding adaptations make them notorious agricultural pests. Despite more than a century of research on their ecology and evolution, we know little about the diversity and function of their symbiotic microbial communities. Recent culture-independent molecular studies have shown that insects possess diverse gut microbial communities that appear critical for their survival. In this study, we combined culture-independent methods and high-throughput sequencing strategies to perform a comparative analysis of Longitarsus flea-beetles microbial community diversity (MCD). This genus of beetle herbivores contains host plant specialists and generalists that feed on a diverse array of toxic plants. Using a deep-sequencing approach, we characterized the MCD of eleven Longitarsus species across the genus, several of which represented independent shifts to the same host plant families. Database comparisons found that Longitarsus-associated microbes came from two habitat types: insect guts and the soil rhizosphere. Statistical clustering of the Longitarsus microbial communities found little correlation with the beetle phylogeny, and uncovered discrepancies between bacterial communities extracted directly from beetles and those from frass. A Principal Coordinates Analysis also found some correspondence between beetle MCD and host plant family. Collectively, our data suggest that environmental factors play a dominant role in shaping Longitarsus MCD and that the root-feeding beetle larvae of these insects are inoculated by soil rhizosphere microbes. Future studies will investigate MCD of select Longitarsus species across their geographic ranges and explore the connection between the soil rhizosphere and the beetle MCD.  相似文献   

Abstract The influence of edge effect on ground-dwelling beetles (Coleoptera) across a forest-clearcut ecotone was studied in Wolong Natural Reserve, southwestern China. During the field research, a total of 30 739 beetles were collected with pitfall traps along transects, which extending 100 m from the edge into the forest interior and 100 m into the clearcut. Of the collection, Carabidae comprised 92%, Staphylinidae 3%, Curculionidae 2%, and Tenebrionidae 2%, and these four families can be considered as abundant groups. Family richness, Shannon diversity and equitability display a significant decrease from forest interior, edge to clearcut. Based on the family composition and abundance, ground-dwelling beetles of the forest interior can be separated from those in the clearcut by Principal coordinate analysis ordination, and beetle assemblages in the forest edge were more similar to forest assemblages than to those found in the clearcut by cluster analysis. Seasonal dynamics of family richness showed a monotone peak in the middle season, with a highest value in the forest interior and a lowest value in the clearcut. Family abundance showed two peaks in the middle season, always with more individuals in the clearcut than in the forest interior or in the edge. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that the cover of shrub and litter were the two most important factors in determining family richness, Shannon diversity, equitability and abundance. Our results show that the forest edge and clearcut have obviously different composition and diversity of ground-dwelling beetles from forest interior at the family level. However, more edges have been formed due to increasing forest fragmentation (clearcutting or logging), so it is necessary to preserve large and intact forest to protect the diversity of ground-dwelling beetles in Wolong Natural Reserve.  相似文献   

东灵山区阎甲物种多样性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文研究了北京东灵山区阎甲科(Coleptera;Histeridae)特种多样性,野外设样地调查共获标本2224头,分属于6属17种,Saprinus niponicus、Onthophilus foueipennis、Margarinotus niponicus和M.reichardti的个体数量均大于总数的10%, 4种共占总体个数的88.22%,是本地区常见种。本研究采用4种采集方法分别统计,肉诱法捕获的种类和数量最多,共12种占总数的70.19%,杯诱法和堆草诱法都捕到8种,分别占总数的23.61%和4.81%,肉筛法采到的标本仅有2种占总数的1.39%,研究优势物种Onthophilus foueipennis的季节性变化发现,该种集中分布在小龙门林区的阔叶混交林内,个体数量在5月和9月呈现2个季节峰值,其中9月达到全年最高峰。对小龙门林区内肉诱捕获的阎甲类群的物种多样性分析表明,阔叶林中的阎甲多样性指数和均匀度指数较高,混交林的丰富度和个体数量较高,针叶林的多样性系数和个体数量较低,混交林的均匀度指数较低,而相似性分析表明,空间距离是决定小龙门林区内森林生境类型间腐生性阎甲群落相似性程度的因素,生境类型自身对相似性没有显著影响,梨园岭退耕区阎甲的物种多样性指数和均匀度指数高于小龙门林区,但物种个体平均数量低于小龙门林区。以上结果表明,东灵山地区阎甲群落的分布受生境保护程度,干扰程度以及空间距离等因素的影响,保护并提高该地区的森林植被环境对提高阎甲物种多样性有重要意义。  相似文献   

Abstract. The leaf beetles Cryptocephalus coryli, C. decemmaculatus and C. nitidulus are of conservation concern and are included on the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. The distinctiveness of the disjunct remaining populations of these beetles was compared to that of more continuously distributed Cryptocephalus species. This was carried out with a view to defining evolutionary significant units (ESUs) in the rare species. A portion of the cytochrome b gene, an intergenic spacer and partial tRNA was analysed from 93 specimens of Cryptocephalus beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Considerable sequence divergence was apparent in all the species, even at an intersite scale when the distances between sampled localities were very small (< 1 km). Intrapopulation, intersite and interpopulation divergence observed in the rare species was reflected in the species that have a more continuous distribution, implying that dispersal ability in these species is poor and gene flow can be impeded by relatively trivial barriers to dispersal. The evidence suggests that the disjunct populations of the rare Cryptocephalus species can, tentatively, be considered as ESUs. This has important implications for management strategies and reintroductions.  相似文献   

Accurately measuring biodiversity is essential for successful conservation planning. Due to biodiversity’s complexity, specific taxa are often chosen as indicators of patterns of diversity as a whole. Such taxa can include vegetation which can inform conservation decisions by demarcating land units for management strategies. For land units to be useful, they must be accurate spatial representations of the species assemblages present on the landscape. In this study, we determined whether land units classified by vegetative communities predicted the community structure of a diverse group of invertebrates—the ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Specifically, that (1) land units of the same classification contained similar carabid species assemblages and that (2) differences in species structure were correlated with variation in land unit characteristics, including canopy and ground cover, vegetation structure, tree density, leaf litter depth, and soil moisture. The study site, the Braidwood Dunes and Savanna Nature Preserve in Will County, Illinois is a mosaic of differing land units. Carabid beetles were sampled continuously with pitfall trapping for 1 year (excluding winter) from September 2011 to November 2011 and from March 2012 to September 2012. Land unit characteristics were measured in July 2012. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordinated the land units by their carabid species assemblages into five ecologically meaningful clusters: disturbed, marsh, prairie, restoration, and savanna. The subset of land unit characteristics with the highest rank correlation with the NMDS ordination included soil moisture, leaf litter depth, percentage of canopy cover, and percentage of grass ground cover. Land units classified by vegetative communities effectively represented carabid species assemblages.  相似文献   

Twenty modes of stereotyped righting motions were observed in 116 representative species of coleoptera. Methods included cine and stereocine recording with further frame by frame analysis, stereogrammetry, inverse kinematic reconstruction of joint angles, stroboscopic photography, recording of electromyograms, 3D measurements of the articulations, etc. The basic mode consists of a search phase, ending up with grasping the substrate, and a righting, overturning phase. Leg coordination within the search cycle differs from the walking cycle with respect to phasing of certain muscle groups. Search movements of all legs appear chaotic, but the tendency to move in antiphase is still present in adjacent ipsilateral and contralateral leg pairs. The system of leg coordination might be split: legs of one side might search, while contralateral legs walk, or fore and middle legs walk while hind legs search. Elaborated types of righting include somersaults with the aid of contralateral or diagonal legs, pitch on elytra, jumps with previous energy storage with the aid of unbending between thoracic segments (well-known for Elateridae), or quick folding of elytra (originally described in Histeridae). Righting in beetles is compared with righting modes known in locusts and cockroaches. Search in a righting beetle is directed dorsad, while a walking insect searches for the ground downwards. Main righting modes were schematized for possible application to robotics.  相似文献   

The western part of the Mediterranean basin is a transitional biogeographical region for the distribution of the representatives of the main guilds of dung beetles; towards the south, Aphodiinae (dung-dwellers) become scarce, whereas northwards Scarabaeinae (soil-diggers) progressively disappear. The number of species in local dung beetle assemblages is enhanced by this double faunistic contribution. Annual dung beetle assemblages were sampled in two sub-Mediterranean sites, which differed by 600 m in elevation, in order to determine the phenological dynamics related to the way of using dung (dung-dwellers/Aphodiinae vs. soil-diggers/Scarabaeinae and Geotrupinae). Aphodiids were active all year round, although they were affected by summer drought and, at high elevation, by the length of the cold season. This reduced activity was related to an impoverishment of Aphodiinae and to reduced temporal segregation between species. In contrast, soil-diggers were not active all year round and showed different species assemblages in the two sites. An extension of the activity period of these beetles was observed due to the occurrence of cold resistant species at high elevation. Our results suggested that the occurrence of soil-diggers seemingly did not affect the seasonality of dung-dwellers; their local abundance showed no negative correlation and, most importantly, phenological differences between dung-dwellers were always significantly higher than the seasonal differences between dwellers and diggers.  相似文献   

By understanding how assemblages segregate according to food types, it is possible to depict and understand species distribution and exploitation of similar food resources. Although it is well known that dung beetles may feed on carrion, but the attractiveness of different carrion types for these beetles is still poorly understood. In this study, we compared the dung beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) diversity attracted to two carrion types in different habitats in an Amazonian landscape. Dung beetles were captured by using pitfall traps baited with decaying cattle beef and cattle liver in native forest, peach palm plantation, teak plantation and exotic pasture. Overall, we captured 582 dung beetles of 43 species, where Canthidium aff. lentum was classified as a specialist of cattle beef, Deltochilum sp. One was considered specialist of liver carrion, 11 were considered generalists and for the 30 remaining species, it was not possible to determine their carrion preference due to the low number. Abundance, but not species richness, was affected by carrion type, and a higher number of beetles was recorded in beef-baited traps compared to liver-baited traps. According to functional groups, endocoprid beetles were more abundant in traps baited with decaying beef, while paracoprid and telecoprid beetles did not show preference for any carrion type. This study suggests a novel scenario of intra-resource segregation, where species vary their preferences depending to the part of the dead corpse being exploited. The amount of food resource, the maintenance of stable populations and trophic preference mediated by chemical cues are some mechanisms that may explain the segregation of dung beetles among carrion types.  相似文献   

Biodiversity of soil microbial communities in agricultural systems   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The productivity and health of agricultural systems depend greatly upon the functional processes carried out by soil microorganisms and soil microbial communities. The biodiversity of the soil microbial communities and the effect of diversity on the stability of the agricultural system, is unknown. Taxonomic approaches to estimating biodiversity of soil microbial communities are limited by difficulties in defining suitable taxonomic units and the apparent non-culturability of the majority of the microbial species present in the soil. Analysis of functional diversity may be a more meaningful approach but is also limited by the need to culture organisms. Approaches which do not rely on culturing organisms such as fatty acid analysis and 16S/18S rRNA analysis have provided an insight into the extent of genetic diversity within communities and may be useful in the analysis of community structure. Scale effects, including successional processes associated with organic matter decomposition, local effects associated with abiotic soil factors, and regional effects including the effect of agricultural management practices, on the diversity of microbial communities are considered. Their impact is important in relation to the minimum biodiversity required to maintain system function.  相似文献   

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