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Nucleomorphin is a novel nuclear calmodulin (CaM)-binding protein (CaMBP) containing an extensive DEED (glu/asp repeat) domain that regulates nuclear number. GFP-constructs of the 38 kDa NumA1 isoform localize as intranuclear patches adjacent to the inner nuclear membrane. The translocation of CaMBPs into nuclei has previously been shown by others to be mediated by both classic nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) and CaM-binding domains (CaMBDs). Here we show that NumA1 possesses a CaMBD (171EDVSRFIKGKLLQKQQKIYKDLERF195) containing both calcium-dependent-binding motifs and an IQ-like motif for calcium-independent binding. GFP-constructs containing only NumA1 residues 1-129, lacking the DEED and CaMBDs, still localized as patches at the internal periphery of nuclei thus ruling out a direct role for the CaMBD in nuclear import. These constructs contained the amino acid residues 48KKSYQDPEIIAHSRPRK64 that include both a putative bipartite and classical NLS. GFP-bipartite NLS constructs localized uniformly within nuclei but not as patches. As with previous work, removal of the DEED domain resulted in highly multinucleate cells. However as shown here, multinuclearity only occurred when the NLS was present allowing the protein to enter nuclei. Site-directed mutation analysis in which the NLS was changed to 48EF49 abolished the stability of the GFP fusion at the protein but not RNA level preventing subcellular analyses. Cells transfected with the 48EF49 construct exhibited slowed growth when compared to parental AX3 cells and other GFP-NumA1 deletion mutants. In addition to identifying an NLS that is sufficient for nuclear translocation of nucleomorphin and ruling out CaM-binding in this event, this work shows that the nuclear localization of NumA1 is crucial to its ability to regulate nuclear number in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

A single cell of wild-type Dictyostelium discoideum forms a visible colony on a plastic dish in several days, but due to enhanced cell migration, amiB-null mutant cells scatter over a large area and do not form noticeable colonies. Here, with an aim to identify genes involved in cell migration, we isolated suppresser mutants of amiB-null mutants that restore the ability to form colonies. From REMI (restriction enzyme-mediated integration)-mutagenized pool of double-mutants, we identified 18 responsible genes from them. These genes can be categorized into several biological processes. One cell line, Sab16 (Suppressor of amiB) was chosen for further analysis, which had a disrupted phospholipase D pldB gene. To confirm the role of pldB gene in cell migration, we knocked out the pldB gene and over-expressed gfp-pldB in wild-type cells. GFP-PLDB localized to plasma membrane and on vesicles, and in migrating cells, at the protruding regions of pseudopodia. Migration speed of vegetative pldB-null cells was reduced to 73% of that of the wild-type. These results suggest that PLDB plays an important role in migration in Dictyostelium cells, and that our screening system is useful for the identification of genes involved in cell migration.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that DIF-1, a differentiation-inducing factor of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, possesses antitumor activities in mammalian tumor cells and that neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells can be induced with furanodictines (FDs), aminosugar analogs found in D. discoideum, or dictyoglucosamines (DGs), N-acetyl glucosamine derivatives (DG-A from D. purpureum and DG-B from D. discoideum). Thus, cellular slime molds are attractive natural resources that may provide valuable lead compounds to be utilized in the field of pharmacology and medicine. In this study, we have isolated a novel aromatic compound, 4-methyl-5-n-pentylbenzene-1,3-diol (MPBD), from fruiting bodies of the cellular slime mold D. mucoroides and assessed the in vitro antiproliferative activities of MPBD, FDs, and DGs in human leukemia K562 and HL-60 cells. MPBD at 20-80 microM dose-dependently suppressed cell growth in both K562 and HL-60 cells. While FDs at 10-80 microM did not affect cell growth, DGs at 10-40 microM dose-dependently suppressed cell growth in the cells. Although we failed to find the roles of FDs and DGs in the original organisms, MPBD at 5-20 microM was found to promote stalk cell formation in D. discoideum. The present results indicate that MPBD, DGs or their derivatives may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of cancer and confirm our expectations regarding cellular slime molds as drug resources.  相似文献   

CEP161 is a novel component of the Dictyostelium discoideum centrosome which was identified as binding partner of the pericentriolar component CP250. Here we show that the amino acids 1-763 of the 1381 amino acids CEP161 are sufficient for CP250 binding, centrosomal targeting and centrosome association. Analysis of AX2 cells over-expressing truncated and full length CEP161 proteins revealed defects in growth and development. By immunoprecipitation experiments we identified the Hippo related kinase SvkA (Hrk-svk) as binding partner for CEP161. Both proteins colocalize at the centrosome. In in vitro kinase assays the N-terminal domain of CEP161 (residues 1-763) inhibited the kinase activity of Hrk-svk. A comparison of D. discoideum Hippo kinase mutants with mutants overexpressing CEP161 polypeptides revealed similar defects. We propose that the centrosomal component CEP161 is a novel player in the Hippo signaling pathway and affects various cellular properties through this interaction.  相似文献   

The 64-kD protein DAip1 from Dictyostelium contains nine WD40-repeats and is homologous to the actin-interacting protein 1, Aip1p, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and to related proteins from Caenorhabditis, Physarum, and higher eukaryotes.We show that DAip1 is localized to dynamic regions of the cell cortex that are enriched in filamentous actin: phagocytic cups, macropinosomes, lamellipodia, and other pseudopodia. In cells expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged DAip1, the protein rapidly redistributes into newly formed cortical protrusions.Functions of DAip1 in vivo were assessed using null mutants generated by gene replacement, and by overexpressing DAip1. DAip1-null cells are impaired in growth and their rates of fluid-phase uptake, phagocytosis, and movement are reduced in comparison to wild-type rates. Cytokinesis is prolonged in DAip1-null cells and they tend to become multinucleate. On the basis of similar results obtained by DAip1 overexpression and effects of latrunculin-A treatment, we propose a function for DAip1 in the control of actin depolymerization in vivo, probably through interaction with cofilin. Our data suggest that DAip1 plays an important regulatory role in the rapid remodeling of the cortical actin meshwork.  相似文献   

Glutathione (GSH) is the most abundant non-protein thiol in eukaryotic cells and acts as reducing equivalent in many cellular processes. We investigated the role of glutathione in Dictyostelium development by disruption of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS), an essential enzyme in glutathione biosynthesis. GCS-null strain showed glutathione auxotrophy and could not grow in medium containing other thiol compounds. The developmental progress of GCS-null strain was determined by GSH concentration contained in preincubated media before development. GCS-null strain preincubated with 0.2 mM GSH was arrested at mound stage or formed bent stalk-like structure during development. GCS-null strain preincubated with more than 0.5 mM GSH formed fruiting body with spores, but spore viability was significantly reduced. In GCS-null strain precultured with 0.2 mM GSH, prestalk-specific gene expression was delayed, while prespore-specific gene and spore-specific gene expressions were not detected. In addition, GCS-null strain precultured with 0.2 mM GSH showed prestalk tendency and extended G1 phase of cell cycle. Since G1 phase cells at starvation differentiate into prestalk cells, developmental defect of GCS-null strain precultured with 0.2 mM GSH may result from altered cell cycle. These results suggest that glutathione itself is essential for growth and differentiation to prespore in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

Probing of a cDNA expression library from multicellular development of Dictyostelium discoideum using a recombinant radiolabelled calmodulin probe (35S-VU1-CaM) led to the isolation of a cDNA encoding a putative CaM-binding protein (CaMBP). The cDNA contained an open reading frame of 951 bp encoding a 227aa polypeptide (25.5 kDa). Sequence comparisons led to highly significant matches with cytosolic thymidine kinases (TK1; EC from a diverse number of species including humans (7e-56; 59% Identities; 75% Positives) indicating that the encoded protein is D. discoideum TK1 (DdTK1; ThyB). DdTK1 has not been previously characterized in this organism. In keeping with its sequence similarity with DdTK1, antibodies against humanTK1 recognize DdTK1, which is expressed during growth but decreases in amount after starvation. A CaM-binding domain (CaMBD; 20GKTTELIRRIKRFNFANKKC30) was identified and wild type DdTK1 plus two constructs (DdTK deltaC36, DdTK deltaC75) possessing the domain were shown to bind CaM in vitro but only in the presence of calcium while a construct (DdTK deltaN72) lacking the region failed to bind to CaM. Thus, DdTK1 is a Ca2+-dependent CaMBP. Sequence alignments against TK1 from vertebrates to viruses show that CaM-binding region is highly conserved. The identified CaMBD overlaps the ATP-binding (P-loop) domain suggesting CaM might affect the activity of this kinase. Recombinant DdTK is enzymatically active and showed stimulation by CaM (113+/-0.5%) an in vitro enhancement that was prevented by co-addition of the CaM antagonists W7 (91.2+/-0.8%) and W13 (96.6+/-0.6%). The discovery that TK1 from D. discoideum, and possibly other species including humans and a large number of human viruses, is a Ca2+-dependent CaMBP opens up new avenues for research on this medically relevant protein.  相似文献   

The gene BRCA2, first identified as a breast cancer susceptibility locus in humans, encodes a protein involved in DNA repair in mammalian cells and mutations in this gene confer increased risk of breast cancer. Here we report a functional characterisation of a Trypanosoma brucei BRCA2 (TbBRCA2) orthologue and show that the protein interacts directly with TbRAD51. A further protein-protein interaction screen using TbBRCA2 identified other interacting proteins, including a trypanosome orthologue of CDC45 which is involved in initiation and progression of the replication fork complex during DNA synthesis. Deletion of the TbBRCA2 gene retards cell cycle progression during S-phase as judged by increased incorporation of BrdU and an increased percentage of cells with one nucleus and two kinetoplasts. These results provide insights into the potential role played by BRCA2 in DNA replication and reveal a novel interaction that couples replication and recombination in maintaining integrity of the genome.  相似文献   

In this study we show that mitochondria of Dictyostelium discoideum contain both alternative oxidase (AOX) and uncoupling protein (UCP). AOX was stimulated by purine mononucleoside and was monomeric. UCP was stimulated by free fatty acids and was poorly sensitive to GTP. Both proteins collaborated in energy dissipation when activated together. AOX expression in free-living ameboid cells decreased strongly from exponential to stationary phase of growth but much less during starvation-induced aggregation. In contrast, UCP expression was constant in all conditions indicating permanent need. Our results suggest that AOX could play a role in cell differentiation, mainly by protecting prespore cells from programmed cell death.  相似文献   

p16(INK4a) is a multiple tumor suppressor, playing an important role in proliferation and tumorigenesis. To screen the p16(INK4a)-associated proteins, we performed a yeast two-hybrid assay and identified a novel protein isochorismatase domain containing 2 (ISOC2). ISOC2 conserves in different species, and encodes 205 and 210 amino acids in human and mouse, respectively. The expression of ISOC2 in mouse is universal but predominantly in uterus, stomach, and urinary tract system. Interaction between ISOC2 and p16(INK4a) was verified using in vitro pull-down assays and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation. Confocal microscopy studies using green and cyan fluorescent fusion proteins determined that ISOC2 co-localizes with p16(INK4a). Over-expressed ISOC2 is able to inhibit p16(INK4a) in dose-dependent manner. Our data indicated that ISOC2 is a novel functional protein, which is able to bind and co-localize with a tumor suppressor gene p16(INK4a). Over-expressed ISOC2 inhibits the expression of p16(INK4a), suggesting that this novel gene may play a role during the tumor development by interacting with p16(INK4a).  相似文献   

How the collective motion of cells in a biological tissue originates in the behavior of a collection of individuals, each of which responds to the chemical and mechanical signals it receives from neighbors, is still poorly understood. Here we study this question for a particular system, the slug stage of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum (Dd). We investigate how cells in the interior of a migrating slug can effectively transmit stress to the substrate and thereby contribute to the overall motive force. Theoretical analysis suggests necessary conditions on the behavior of individual cells, and computational results shed light on experimental results concerning the total force exerted by a migrating slug. The model predicts that only cells in contact with the substrate contribute to the translational motion of the slug. Since the model is not based specifically on the mechanical properties of Dd cells, the results suggest that this behavior will be found in many developing systems.  相似文献   

Fatty acid elongation was examined in the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum. Profiling of the total fatty acid content of D. discoideum indicated that fatty acid elongation is active. Orthologs of the fatty acid elongase ELO family were identified in the D. discoideum genome and the cDNA for one, eloA, was cloned and functionally characterized by expression in yeast. EloA is a highly active ELO with strict substrate specificity for monounsaturated fatty acids, in particular 16:1Δ9 to produce the unusual 18:1Δ11 fatty acid. This is the first report on fatty acid elongation in a cellular slime mold.  相似文献   

Sexual development in Dictyostelium discoideum is initiated by the fusion of opposite mating type cells to form zygote giant cells, which subsequently gather and phagocytose surrounding cells for nutrition to form macrocysts. Here we performed the targeting of 24 highly gamete-enriched genes we previously isolated, and successfully generated knockout mutants for 16 genes and RNAi mutants for 20 genes including 6 genes without disruptants. In the knockout mutants of two genes, cell aggregation toward the giant cells was much less extensive and many cells remained around poorly formed macrocysts. We named these genes tmcB and tmcC. Although macrocyst formation of wild type cells was suppressed by the addition of exogenous cAMP, that of knockout mutants of tmcB was much less sensitive. The mRNA level of phosphodiesterase (pde) was higher and that of its inhibitor (pdi) was lower in the latter cells compared to the parental strains during sexual development. Thus, tmcB appeared to be a novel regulator of the cAMP signaling pathway specific to sexual development. Knockout mutants of tmcC were indistinguishable from the wild type cells with respect to the cAMP response, suggesting that this gene is relevant to other processes.  相似文献   

Proteins of the mitochondrial carrier family (MCF) mediate the transport of a large range of compounds, including metabolites and cofactors. They are localized mainly in the inner mitochondrial membrane, except for a few members found in the membranes of peroxisomes. Similarity searches among Dictyostelium discoideum protein sequences identified a total of 31 MCF members. All these are membrane proteins that possess three characteristic repeats of a domain of approximately 100 residues. Among them, three proteins have supplementary structural domains consisting of Ca(2+)-binding motifs made up of 2 or 4 EF-hand units localized on the N-terminal end, facing the mitochondrial intermembrane space. The nature of transported substrates is proposed on the basis of sequence comparison with orthologs characterized biochemically in other organisms, of phylogenetic analysis, and of the conservation of discriminating amino acid residues belonging to the substrate binding sites. Carriers have been grouped in subclasses based on their specificity for the transport of nucleotides, amino acids or keto acids. Furthermore, we have identified an iron carrier of the mitoferrin type, an inorganic phosphate carrier, and three carriers with similarity to uncoupler proteins. This study provides a focus for mitochondrial carrier analysis in Dictyostelium discoideum.  相似文献   

In the 1930s John Tyler Bonner began studying the slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum, as a way to investigate how organisms develop. With a life cycle that includes periods of unicellularity and multicellularity, Dictyostelium raises questions fundamental to development and evolution. In Morphogenesis: An Essay on Development (1952), Bonner built on his work with Dictyostelium to inform developmental theory and practice. By exploring how Bonner’s early work with Dictyostelium motivated his synthetic approach in Morphogenesis, this paper presents an example of how those who studied development sought ways to gain traction in the rapidly changing life sciences. While a biochemical viewpoint of development became dominant, morphogenesis provided a way to reintroduce and emphasize biological organization at the organismal level. Bonner’s early work offers a window to mid-twentieth century studies of development, an understudied area in the history of science, and shows that it was a time when growing experimental evidence enabled new ways of thinking about the relationship between ontogeny and evolution, and more broadly, about how the parts of nature might fit together.  相似文献   

Predator-prey interactions have been found at all levels within ecosystems. Despite their ecological ubiquity and importance, the process of transition to a stable coexistent state has been poorly verified experimentally. To investigate the stabilization process of predator-prey interactions, we previously constructed a reproducible experimental predator-prey system between Dictyostelium discoideum and Escherichia coli, and showed that the phenotypically changed E. coli contributed to stabilization of the system. In the present study, we focused on the transition to stable coexistence of both species after the phenotypic change in E. coli. Analysis of E. coli cells isolated from co-culture plates as single colony enabled us to readily identify the appearance of phenotypically changed E. coli that differed in colony morphology and growth rate. It was also demonstrated that two types of viscous colony, i.e., the dense-type and sparse-type, differing in spatial distribution of both species emerged probabilistically and all of the viscous colonies maintained stably were of the sparse-type. These results suggest that the phenotypically changed E. coli may produce two types of viscous colonies probabilistically. The difference in spatial distribution would affect localized interactions between both species and then cause probabilistic stabilization of predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

Summary The prestalk region of the Dictyostelium slug has recently been shown by Williams and his collaborators to consist of two distinct cell types, pstA and pstB cells. Here the movement of these cells in both the slug and culmination stages has been examined with the use of vital dyes. In the slug some of the pstB cells are continually lost from the prestalk region as small clusters of cells. These cells move through the prespore region and temporarily lie in the rearguard region at the posterior end of the slug. They are finally left in the slug's slime track as single cells or groups of a few cells. When culmination is initiated the pstB cells move as a whole from the prestalk region to the base where they join the rearguard cells to form the basal disc of the fruiting body. Transplantation experiments reveal that the rearguard cells form an outer ring portion of the basal disc and the pstB cells form an inner portion to which the stalk attaches. The continuous loss of one cell type during the slug stage without any change in cell type proportions suggests that cell types are redifferentiating. Grafting and transplantation experiments reveal that there is a unidirectional flow of cells through successive steps of cell type conversion. Prespore cells redifferentiate as anterior-like cells which migrate to the prestalk region and become pstA cells. The pstA cells then replace the pstB cells that are lost from the slug.  相似文献   

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