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Lithium hydroxybutyrate (200 mg/kg) has been shown to depress the development of carrageenan inflammation. Subcutaneous drug injection in chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane in the hamster cheek pouch restored the blood flow, checked dilatation of the blood vessels, decreased their permeability and prevented necrosis of the mucous membranes. Subcutaneous drug injection depressed all the signs of both phases of acute inflammatory reaction in the rat hind foot and promoted preservation of the hind foot function. Therefore, lithium hydroxybutyrate may be an effective preparation for the treatment of inflammation.  相似文献   

Interleukin-5 (IL-5) is a cytokine that preferentially effects the development and function of eosinophils, and is considered important in the pathophysiology of allergic inflammation. In this study, we evaluated the ability of recombinant human IL-5 (rHu IL-5) to promote tissue eosinophilia and the importance of this eosinophilia to pathological alterations in vascular function. Repetitive subcutaneous administration for 18 days of rHu IL-5 resulted in a 7-fold increase in the number of eosinophils found in the ipsilateral hamster cheek pouch membrane. The contralateral cheek pouch membrane and peritoneum of these animals showed lesser but significant elevations in the number of eosinophils. In contrast, denatured rHu IL-5 did not elevate eosinophils in these tissues. Through the use of intravital microscopy and fluorometric analysis, rHu IL-5 treated hamster cheek pouch membranes were evaluated for alterations in microvascular permeability, using plasma clearance of FITC-dextran 150 as an index. Despite promoting a prominent tissue eosinophilia, the repetitive subcutaneous injections of rHu IL-5 did not alter the clearance of FITC-dextran 150. Topical application of rHu IL-5 to the cheek pouch, also, had no effect on the clearance of FITC-dextran 150. Immunofluorescence observations using an antibody to the granule protein, eosinophil peroxidase, indicated that the recruited cells had not degranulated. Our results support the importance of IL-5 in the recruitment of tissue eosinophils, but further stimulation is probably required to cause degranulation of these cells and the ensuing tissue damage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether dexamethasone attenuates the acute increase in macromolecular efflux from the oral mucosa elicited by an aqueous extract of smokeless tobacco (STE) in vivo, and, if so, whether this response is specific. Using intravital microscopy, we found that 20-min suffusion of STE elicited significant, concentration-related leaky site formation and an increase in clearance of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran (FITC-dextran; mol mass 70 kDa) from the in situ hamster cheek pouch (P < 0.05). This response was significantly attenuated by dexamethasone (10 mg/kg iv). Dexamethasone also attenuated the bradykinin-induced leaky site formation and the increase in clearance of FITC-dextran from the cheek pouch. However, it had no significant effects on adenosine-induced responses. Dexamethasone had no significant effects on baseline arteriolar diameter and on bradykinin-induced vasodilation in the cheek pouch. Collectively, these data indicate that dexamethasone attenuates, in a specific fashion, the acute increase in macromolecular efflux from the in situ oral mucosa evoked by short-term suffusion of STE. We suggest that corticosteroids mitigate acute oral mucosa inflammation elicited by smokeless tobacco.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether dexamethasone attenuates grain sorghum dust extract-induced increase in macromolecular efflux from the in situ hamster cheek pouch and, if so, whether this response is specific. By using intravital microscopy, we found that an aqueous extract of grain sorghum dust elicited significant, concentration-dependent leaky site formation and increase in clearance of FITC-labeled dextran (FITC-dextran; mol mass, 70 kDa) from the in situ hamster cheek pouch (P < 0.05). This response was significantly attenuated by dexamethasone (10 mg/kg iv). Dexamethasone also attenuated substance P-induced leaky site formation and increase in clearance of FITC-dextran from the cheek pouch but had no significant effects on adenosine-induced responses. Dexamethasone had no significant effects on arteriolar diameter in the cheek pouch. On balance, these data indicate that dexamethasone attenuates grain sorghum dust extract- and substance P-induced increases in macromolecular efflux from the in situ hamster cheek pouch in a specific fashion.  相似文献   

Hamster cheek pouch tissue cultured with 10−4M dibutyryl cyclic AMP exhibits inhibition of the rate of DNA synthesis. When tissue is cultured with dibutyryl for different time periods throughout the 18 hours of incubation, the effect on the rate of DNA synthesis is very similar. A combination of dibutyryl cyclic AMP and an epithelial cell extract from hamster cheek pouch tissue containing a natural epithelial chalone, appears to have an additive effect on the inhibition of the DNA synthesis rate.  相似文献   

Cheek pouches, one of the distinguishing characters of the Cercopithecinae, are structures used for the temporary storage of food. Their size and frequency of use within a given species are related primarily to the amount of conspecific competition for food. In relation to total body size, members of the genusPapio are considered to have relatively small cheek pouches which are said to be used only occasionally to maximize food harvest when local clusters of food are encountered. This investigation represents 165 hours of observation on a troop ofPapio ursinus at Mkuzi Game Reserve in Natal, South Africa. At the time of observation the choice of foods in the home range was restricted and usually found in abundance only in small clusters of trees. Given that conspecific competition would have been pronounced under these conditions, it was thought that any differences in the frequency of cheek pouch use related to age, sex, rank, or the reproductive state of an animal would be readily recognizable. The results indicated that cheek pouches were used differentially throughout the day, with virtually all ages of each sex displaying the same general pattern of maximal cheek pouch use during the middle of the day. In each sex there was an age graded diminution of the frequency of cheek pouch use from juveniles to adults. This trend was more pronounced in males resulting in a substantial sex difference in the use of cheek pouches between adult males and females. In addition, there was some indication that differences in the frequency of cheek pouch use between adult males were correlated with rank. Although a pattern of cheek pouch use and rank was not evident amongst adult females, there was an association between reproductive state and the frequency of cheek pouch use. Overall, body size, dominance, and energetic demands appeared to be the most significant factors underlying the differences in cheek pouch use in this troop.  相似文献   

The utility of hamster cheek pouch model for studies on oral carcinogenesis has been explored using 9,10-dimethyl-1-2-benzanthracene as a carcinogen. Based on the morphological, histopathological and electron microscopic observations the hamster cheek pouch carcinogenesis can be separated into different stages starting from the normal to the fully grown carcinomas. This system is reliable, precise, consistent and can be used for the evaluation of different agents for initiating or promoting effects and as well as for the studies on mechanism of oral carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Forest guenons (Cercopithecus spp.) are often found in polyspecific associations that may decrease predator risk while increasing interspecific competition for food. Cheek pouch use may mitigate interspecific competition and predator risk by reducing the time spent in areas of high competition/predator risk. I investigated these ideas in three forest guenons: Campbell’s monkey (Cercopithecus campbelli), spot-nosed monkey (C. petaurista), and Diana monkey (C. diana). I present 13 months of scan sample data from Taï Forest, Côte d’Ivoire, including 3,675, 3,330, and 5,689 records of cheek pouch distention, to quantify cheek pouch use, for Campbell’s, spot-nosed, and Diana monkeys, respectively. Cheek pouches are often used to hold fruit, so I first predicted that the most frugivorous species, Diana monkeys, would have the most cheek pouch distension. Spot-nosed monkeys ate the least amount of fruit over the study period and had the least distended cheek pouches, suggesting the importance of frugivory in relation to cheek pouch distension for this species. This was not a sufficient explanation for Campbell’s monkeys; Campbell’s ate fruit less than Diana monkeys, but had more distended cheek pouches, suggesting that cheek pouch use was not simply a reflection of high frugivory. From the interspecific competition hypothesis, I predicted that Campbell’s monkeys would have more distended cheek pouches than Diana and spot-nosed monkeys, and more distended cheek pouches when associated with Diana because Campbell’s monkeys have the highest potential for interspecific competition with dominant Diana monkeys. From the predator risk hypothesis, I predicted that Campbell’s would have more distended cheek pouches when not associated with highly vigilant Diana monkeys. Campbell’s monkeys had the most distended cheek pouches overall, but had more distended cheek pouches when not in association with Diana, suggesting the greater importance of predator risk rather than interspecific competition in Campbell’s cheek pouch use.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether short-term exposure to an aqueous extract of hog barn dust increases macromolecular efflux from the intact hamster cheek pouch and, if so, to begin to determine the mechanism(s) underlying this response. By using intravital microscopy, we found that suffusion of hog barn dust extract onto the intact hamster cheek pouch for 60 min elicited a significant, concentration-dependent leaky site formation and increase in clearance of FITC-labeled dextran (molecular mass, 70 kDa). This response was significantly attenuated by suffusion of catalase (60 U/ml), but not by heat-inactivated catalase, and by pretreatment with dexamethasone (10 mg/kg iv) (P < 0.05). Catalase had no significant effects on adenosine-induced increase in macromolecular efflux from the cheek pouch. Suffusion of hog barn dust extract had no significant effects on arteriolar diameter in the cheek pouch. Taken together, these data indicate that hog barn dust extract increases macromolecular efflux from the in situ hamster cheek pouch, in part, through local elaboration of reactive oxygen species that are inactivated by catalase. This response is specific and attenuated by corticosteroids. We suggest that plasma exudation plays an important role in the genesis of upper airway dysfunction evoked by short-term exposure to hog barn dust.  相似文献   

There can be several factors that are likely to have played a role in the evolution of hand preference in humans and non-human primates, which the existing theories do not consider. There exists a possibility that hand preference in non-human primates evolved from the pre-existing lateralities in more elementary brain functions and behavior, or alternatively, the two coevolved. A basic example can be a hand-mouth command system that could have evolved in the context of ingestion. In the present study, we examined the relationship between lateralities in prehension and mastication processes, that is, hand and cheek pouch usage, in free-ranging bonnet macaques, Macaca radiata. The macaques preferentially used one hand–the ‘preferred’ hand, to pick up the bananas lying on the ground. Lateralities in hand and cheek pouch usage (for both filling and emptying) were positively related with each other, that is, the macaques used the cheek pouch corresponding to the preferred hand predominantly and before the other. Moreover, when the macaques used the non-preferred hand to pick up the bananas, the frequency of contralateral cheek pouch usage was higher than the frequency of ipsilateral cheek pouch usage, that is, the combined structure of hand, mouth, and food did not influence the relationship between laterality in hand usage and laterality in cheek pouch usage. These findings demonstrate laterality in a relatively more involuntary function than those explored previously in any non-human primate species (e.g., facial expressions and manual gestures).  相似文献   

The adaptive function of cheek pouches in the primate subfamily Cercopithecinae remains unresolved. By analyzing the circumstances of cheek pouch use, we tested two hypotheses for the evolution of cercopithecine cheek pouches proposed in earlier studies: (1) cheek pouches reduce vulnerability to predation, and (2) cheek pouches increase feeding efficiency by reducing competition. We studied two groups of wild blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni) in the Kakamega Forest, Kenya, conducting focal observations of feeding individuals. Monkeys were less exposed while emptying their cheek pouches than filling them, supporting the predation-avoidance hypothesis. We investigated several measures of competitive threat, but only one supported the competition-reduction hypothesis: when the nearest neighbor's rank increased, subjects were more likely to increase than to decrease cheek pouch use. Overall, our findings supported the predation-avoidance hypothesis more strongly than the competition-reduction hypothesis. We suggest that variation in cheek pouch use may reflect differing behavioral strategies used by cercopithecines to mitigate competition and predation, as well as factors such as resource size and distribution, home range size, and travel patterns.  相似文献   

Rodents of the family Heteromyidae are proficient gatherers and hoarders of seeds. A major component of their adaptive specialization for harvesting and transporting seeds is their spacious, fur-lined cheek pouches. Precise measurements of cheek pouch capacities are essential if ecologists are to understand the foraging ecology, possible constraints on locomotion patterns, and competitive relationships of heteromyid rodents. To measure the size of these cheek pouches and the rate at which animals load seeds into their pouches during seed harvest, we attracted 56 individuals representing ten species of heteromyid rodents to bait stations in the field and allowed them to fill their cheek pouches with seeds several times while we observed and timed the events with the aid of night-vision equipment. The largest load taken by each individual was used as an estimate of its cheek pouch capacity. At the end of observations, each subject was captured and its mass and other data gathered. The allometric relationship between cheek pouch capacity and body mass for ten species of heteromyids was significant [pouch capacity (ml) = 0.148 body mass (g)0.992, r 2=0.91, P<0.0001]. The regression coefficient is ≈1.0, which indicates that the volume of the cheek pouches scales in direct proportion to body size. When the data were subdivided into quadrupeds (Perognathus and Chaetodipus) and bipeds (Dipodomys) (n=5 for each), the relationships between pouch capacity and body mass were significant, but the two regressions were not significantly different from each other. When all loads (full and partial) were considered, subjects filled their cheek pouches an average of 93 ± 10% of pouch capacity (n=185). Cheek pouch capacities from published studies of artificially filled pouches of heteromyids in the laboratory averaged about 40% below the field measurements obtained here. The allometric relationship between mean loading rate and body mass was also significant [seeds/s=1.067 bodymass (g)0.830, r 2=0.85,P=0.0011), but when quadrupeds and bipeds were considered separately, the relationships were not significant. Seed densities and bulk densities were used to calculate packing coefficients for seed species, which, when used in conjunction with the allometric relationship between cheek pouch capacity and body size, can be used to estimate the maximum load carried by a heteromyid. Except for the very largest kangaroo rat species, a full pouch load of Indian ricegrass seeds represents less than the daily energy requirements of an active heteromyid. Received: 3 March 1997 / Accepted: 15 July 1997  相似文献   

Reports of cercopithecine cheek pouch use and functional significance are largely anecdotal, and to date there have been no investigations into its use by species living in closed forest habitats. Here, I report on cheek pouch use in Cercopithecus ascanius and Lophocebus albigena in the Kibale National Park, Uganda, between July-October 1997. Two hypotheses were evaluated: this feature was selected for because of its role in 1) increasing feeding efficiency via a reduction in potential feeding competition, and/or 2) reducing vulnerability to predation. Results indicate that both species were more likely to use their cheek pouches when feeding on contestable foods and, after filling cheek pouches, retreated to more densely vegetated ("safer") positions for processing food. There was no influence of age and sex on L. albigena cheek pouch use. Subadult C. ascanius cheek-pouched less frequently than adults, although there were no differences between adult males and females. There was no relationship between feeding-patch size and number of plant food items cheek-pouched in either species. However, the diameter of breast height (dbh; a measure of patch size) of trees in which C. ascanius used their cheek pouches was significantly larger than the dbh of trees in which they did not. Both species were more likely to use their cheek pouches in the presence of greater numbers of conspecifics. These data provide insight into the relationship(s) among oral anatomy and feeding efficiency, and facilitate understanding into the selection for this important oral feature in stem cercopithecines.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether inhibitors of tyrosine kinase attenuate vasodilation elicited by endogenously elaborated and exogenously applied nitric oxide in the in situ peripheral microcirculation. Using intravital microscopy, we found that pretreatment with genistein (1.0 microM) and tyrphostin 25 (10.0 microM), two structurally unrelated tyrosine kinase inhibitors, significantly attenuated acetylcholine-, bradykinin- and nitroglycerin-induced dilation of second-order arterioles (51 +/- 1 microm) in the in situ hamster cheek pouch (P < 0.05). Both inhibitors nearly abrogated acetylcholine-induced responses but only partially blocked bradykinin- and nitroglycerin-induced vasodilation. Genistein and tyrphostin 25 alone had no significant effects on resting arteriolar diameter and on adenosine-induced vasodilation in the cheek pouch. On balance, these data indicate that tyrosine kinase inhibitors attenuate endogenously elaborated and exogenously applied nitric oxide-induced vasodilation in the in situ hamster cheek pouch. However, the extent of tyrosine kinase inhibitor-sensitive pathway involvement in this response appears to be agonist dependent.  相似文献   

Histomorphology of the cheek pouch was studied in 14 hamsters by light and transmission electron microscopy. The cheek pouch wall was devoid of any lymphatic tissue and dense subepithelial tissue (i.e. the lamina propria) would render lymph drainage almost impossible and might constitute impermeable morphological barrier for non-recognition of transplants evoking a host immune response. Because in the literature it was reported that there is absence of any arteriovenous anastomoses on the pouch wall, and interruption of arterial supply failed to alter the growth rate of tissue grafts, we speculated that epidermal growth factors present in the saliva could play a role in maintaining the growth of tissue transplants.  相似文献   

通过对一例恒河猴颊囊肿块临床症状表现、剖检肉眼观察及光学显微镜组织病理形态变化观察,发现该病猴颊囊病灶组织病变具有与人鳞状细胞癌相似的典型特征,确诊为颊囊鳞状细胞癌,可为判断非人灵长类动物肿瘤性疾病提供一定的病理诊断依据。  相似文献   

There are two types of cheek pouches in extant rodents. Internal cheek pouches are evaginations of the oral cavity deep to M. platysma and M. sphincter colli profundus, and have evolved independently in some species of the superfamilies Sciuroidea and Muroidea. External, furlined cheek pouches open lateral to and separate from the oral cavity, (also deep to M. platysma and M. sphincter colli profundus), and occur in all species of the families Geomyidae and Heteromyidae. The presence of external, furlined cheek pouches is a synapomorphy for the superfamily Geomyoidea. The posterior retractor muscle of the pouch is derived from facial musculature in sciurids, from trapezius musculature in cricetids, and from both facial and trapezius muscle groups in the Geomyoidea. Differences also exist in the musculature associated with the pouch opening. In the Sciuridae and Cricetidae, the M. buccinatorius muscle group acts as a sphincter to control the size of the pouch opening. In the Geomyoidea, the size of the opening is controlled by the M. orbicularis sacculi in concert with a slip of the M. platysma myoides. Thin sections and scanning electron micrographs of the pouch tissue reveal the presence of dermal papillae in Phodopus sungorus but not in a close relative, Mesocricetus auratus. All members of the subfamily Cricetinae have a peninsula of highly folded tissue projecting anteriorly from the posteromedial pouch wall. This folding allows for expansion of the pouch walls when food is stored in the pouch.  相似文献   

This study of the postischemic events in the hamster cheek pouch showed that there is an increase in number of leukocytes adhering to the venular endothelium after reperfusion. It also showed that the stable prostacyclin analogue Iloprost could counteract both the postischemic increase in leukocyte adhesion and the postischemic increase in vascular permeability to macromolecules. The hamsters were anesthetized and the cheek pouch was everted and prepared for intravital microscopy. Temporary ischemia (30 min) was obtained using an expandable cuff placed around the proximal part of the cheek pouch. Fluorescein labelled dextran (FITC-dextran, Mw 150,000) was used as a tracer of macromolecular leakage from the postcapillary venules. Iloprost, given either topically (0.1 nM) or as an intravenous infusion (40 ng/kg/min), reduced the postischemic permeability increase (P less than 0.05) but did not affect the hemodynamics or the permeability response induced by histamine. It is proposed that these effects could be due to inhibition of leukocyte activation by Iloprost, indicating that these cells could play a role in the permeability increase during reperfusion after ischemia.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the effect that seasonal changes have on the effect of localised cold stress on peripheral temperatures using the foot immersion method with a cold water bath. The subjects were six males and four females. The data were obtained in April, July, October and January. Skin temperature of the right index finger, the forehead, the arm, the cheek, the second toe and the instep were measured before, during and after the immersion of the feet in water at 15°C for 10 mins, as well as oxygen consumption before immersion of the feet.The average finger temperature was highest during foot immersion in the summer, next highest in the winter, then spring, and the lowest during foot immersion in the autumn. The finger temperatures during the pre-immersion period in the autumn tended to be lower than in other seasons. The finger temperatures during the pre-immersion period affected the temperature change of the finger during the immersion period. The rate of increase of the toe temperature and the foot temperature during post-immersion in the summer and the spring were greater than those in the autumn and winter. Oxygen consumption during the pre-immersion period in the autumn was significantly lower than in the other seasons (p<0.001 or 0.010). Cooling the feet caused no significant changes in the temperatures the cheek, forehead or forearm. The cheek temperature in the summer and autumn was cooler than corresponding temperatures taken in the winter and spring.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether protein tyrosine kinase, a ubiquitous family of intracellular signaling enzymes that regulates endothelial cell function, modulates bradykinin- and substance P-induced increase in macromolecular efflux from the intact hamster cheek pouch microcirculation. Using intravital microscopy, I found that suffusion of bradykinin or substance P (each, 0.5 and 1.0 microM) onto the cheek pouch elicited significant, concentration-dependent leaky site formation and increase in clearance of fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran (FITC-dextran; molecular mass, 70 kDa; P < 0.05). These responses were significantly attenuated by suffusion of genistein (1.0 microM) or tyrphostin 25 (10 microM), two structurally unrelated, nonspecific protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors (P < 0.05). Conceivably, the kinase(s) involved in this process could be agonist specific because genistein was more effective than tyrphostin 25 in attenuating bradykinin-induced responses while the opposite was observed with substance P. Both inhibitors had no significant effects on adenosine (0.5 M)-induced responses (P > 0.5). Collectively, these data suggest that the protein tyrosine kinase metabolic pathway modulates, in part, the edemagenic effects of bradykinin and substance P in the intact hamster cheek pouch microcirculation in a specific fashion.  相似文献   

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