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基于颜色判定的环介导恒温扩增法快速检测副溶血性弧菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用DNA环介导恒温核酸扩增法(LAMP)针对副溶血性弧菌特异基因tlh基因设计4条引物,通过引物特异性识别tlh基因上的6个独立区域来快速检测副溶血性弧菌.LAMP反应的过程中会产生白色沉淀焦磷酸镁,故可以通过监测浊度来判定反应结果.实时浊度仪监测反应结果表明,LAMP反应在60~65℃恒温条件下50min内完成;如果在反应前添加羟基萘酚兰(HNB),蓝色的阳性结果很明显区别于紫色阴性结果;LAMP方法的最低检出限为9.74pg/μL,PCR方法最低检出限为97.4pg/μL,LAMP方法检测灵敏度是PCR方法检测灵敏度的10倍,且具有良好的特异性.LAMP方法用于快速检测副溶血性弧菌具有检测过程简单、实验装置简便、反应结果肉眼可辨别、灵敏度高和特异性强的特点,所以LAMP方法检测副溶血性弧菌特别适合用于现场和基层检疫及医疗单位的快速诊断.  相似文献   

建立了一种基于颜色判定的简单、快速和灵敏的检测方法,即环介导等温核酸扩增技术(LAMP)应用于HPV6和HPV16亚型的检测。该技术设计分别对应于HPV6和16的E6和E7基因序列中6个区段的4条特异引物,在等温条件下(63℃)进行核酸扩增反应1h,在扩增前加入HNB染料(羟基萘酚蓝)作为反应指示剂,以HNB染料颜色的变化做为结果判定的标准,并经LA-320实时浊度仪和琼脂糖电泳证实。文中利用这种技术对13份已知的单重感染13种HPV不同亚型的临床样本进行了特异性分析,同时对2个含目的片段的克隆质粒的系列稀释物进行了灵敏度分析。结果显示LAMP方法特异性高,颜色法判断的灵敏度均为1000个拷贝DNA分子水平,比Real-time PCR低10~20倍,对62份宫颈刮片临床标本的HPV6和HPV16检出率和HPV分型试剂盒一致。因此,基于颜色判定的环介导等温扩增方法有望应用于人乳头瘤病毒HPV6和HPV16感染的快速筛选,具有在基层疾病预防控制中心和医院推广和应用的潜力。  相似文献   

植物青枯病菌环介导等温扩增快速检测技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现植物青枯病的早期诊断,需要建立一种适于田间快速便捷检测青枯病菌的方法。以细胞色素C基因为靶标设计一套特异性引物,建立了植物青枯病的LAMP检测方法。此方法最低检测极限为1 pg,可在1 h内完成,不依赖昂贵复杂的仪器,结果可经肉眼观察。利用此方法,在人工接种发病的茄子、番茄、花生、芝麻和凹头苋茎部浸出液和马铃薯病薯块茎组织液中均检测出青枯病菌的存在,尤其适用于田间疑似罹病的芝麻、花生、番茄、马铃薯和甘薯等植株的检测,且LAMP法的检出率远高于PCR法。应用LAMP技术检测青枯病菌快速高效、特异性强、灵敏度高,操作简单,适于在基层推广运用。  相似文献   

环介导恒温扩增法快速检测海产品中的副溶血弧菌   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
副溶血弧菌广泛分布于海水或海产品中,人类摄入或接触污染的水源和食物易引起感染。近年来,有关致病性弧菌引起腹泻的报道逐渐增多,但GB标准的细菌学诊断方法检测周期长达1周左右,而且操作较为复杂,难以满足控制疾病暴发和传播的需要,就这一现状,建立了一套不仅快速、准确,而且操作简便、不依赖昂贵仪器的检测方法,应用于海产品中副溶血弧菌快速检测。采用环介导恒温扩增方法(LAMP),针对副溶血弧菌的gyrB基因设计特异引物,进行恒温扩增。使用该方法最低检出限达到101CFU/mL,灵敏度可以达到0.1pg副溶血弧菌基因组DNA,为海产品中副溶血弧菌的检测提供了一个新的辅助方法。  相似文献   

该文介绍了一种便捷、灵敏而又特异的环介导逆转录等温扩增基因检测技术,该技术分别使用特异对应于靶序列中8个基因区段的3对特殊引物,并在反转录酶和Bst-DNA聚合酶的作用下对靶序列进行等温核酸扩增反应,整个检测反应只需1~2h。利用这种技术成功检测了丙型肝炎病毒基因,对60份经Real-time PCR或RT-PCR验证阳性的血清样品检测,阳性符合率为98%。同时,对扩增终产物进一步进行酶切分析,并与HIV、HBV和不同亚型流感病毒RNA进行交叉反应和特异性测试,均与预期结果吻合。将Real-time PCR定量后的RNA系列稀释后对检测方法的灵敏度进行了测试。结果显示,该技术的检测灵敏度在理论上可达到10个拷贝的RNA分子。以上结果证明,RT-LAMP扩增技术是一种检测程序简单、灵敏度和特异性较高的基因检测手段,在丙型肝炎病毒的快速检测方面具有一定的开发潜力。  相似文献   

Thrips palmi (from the order Thysanoptera) is a serious insect pest of various crops, including vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants, causing significant economic losses. Its presence constitutes a double threat; not only does T. palmi feed on the plants, it is also a vector for several plant viruses. T. palmi originated in Asia, but has spread to North and Central America, Africa, Oceania and the Caribbean in recent decades. This species has been sporadically noted in Europe and is under quarantine regulation in the European Union. For non-specialists its larval stages are indistinguishable morphologically from another widespread and serious insect pest Frankliniella occidentalis (a non-quarantine species in the European Union) as well as other frequently occurring thrips. In this study, we have developed a loop-mediated isothermal amplification protocol to amplify rDNA regions of T. palmi. The results were consistent whether isolated DNA or crushed insects were used as template, indicating that the DNA isolation step could be omitted. The described method is species-specific and sensitive and provides a rapid diagnostic tool to detect T. palmi in the field.  相似文献   

目的利用环介导等温扩增(LAMP)技术建立一种检测犬瘟热病毒感染的新方法。方法根据GenBank中NP基因序列,设计4条LAMP特异性引物,对反应条件、特异性、可视化效果和应用效果进行研究。结果在60℃等温的条件下、1 h内可完成RT-LAMP扩增过程;特异性和可视效果良好;对63份临床标本进行检测,阳性检出率为71.4%(45/63),检出率高于RT-PCR的63.5%(40/63)。结论建立的RT-LAMP检测方法,显示了较高的特异性和敏感性,而且兼具高效、快捷、可视化的优势,为临床检测犬瘟热病毒感染提供了一种快速简便的新途径。  相似文献   

用环介导等温扩增技术快速检测粪便样本中的沙门菌   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:建立快速检测粪便样本中的沙门菌的环介导等温扩增技术(LAMP),并着重在灵敏度和特异性方面对此方法进行评价。方法:利用LAMP针对沙门菌特定基因invA(靶基因)设计的6条特异引物,通过引物特异性识别特定基因invA上的8个独立区域来快速检测沙门菌;LAMP反应过程中会产生白色沉淀焦磷酸镁,故可以通过监测浊度来判定反应结果。结果:实时浊度仪监测反应结果表明,LAMP反应在60~65℃等温条件下50 min内完成;如果在反应前添加羟基萘酚兰,蓝色阳性结果很明显区别于紫色阴性结果;LAMP的最低检出限为6.97 pg/μL,PCR为69.7pg/μL,LAMP方法的检测灵敏度是PCR的10倍,且具有良好的特异性。结论:LAMP方法用于快速检测沙门菌,具有检测过程简单、实验装置简便、反应结果肉眼可辨、灵敏度高、特异性强的特点,对非沙门菌菌株的结果呈阴性,表明引物设计有很好的特异性。对粪便样本进行检测,发现具有同样的敏感性和特异性。这表明LAMP法是潜在的和有价值的在粪便样本中直接检测沙门菌的方法,具有快速、简便、低成本的特点。LAMP法适用于快速临床诊断。  相似文献   

Molecular diagnostics for crop diseases can enhance food security by enabling the rapid identification of threatening pathogens and providing critical information for the deployment of disease management strategies. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is a PCR-based tool that allows the rapid, highly specific amplification of target DNA sequences at a single temperature and is thus ideal for field-level diagnosis of plant diseases. We developed primers highly specific for two globally important rice pathogens, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, the causal agent of bacterial blight (BB) disease, and X. oryzae pv. oryzicola, the causal agent of bacterial leaf streak disease (BLS), for use in reliable, sensitive LAMP assays. In addition to pathovar distinction, two assays that differentiate X. oryzae pv. oryzae by African or Asian lineage were developed. Using these LAMP primer sets, the presence of each pathogen was detected from DNA and bacterial cells, as well as leaf and seed samples. Thresholds of detection for all assays were consistently 104 to 105 CFU ml−1, while genomic DNA thresholds were between 1 pg and 10 fg. Use of the unique sequences combined with the LAMP assay provides a sensitive, accurate, rapid, simple, and inexpensive protocol to detect both BB and BLS pathogens.  相似文献   

目的:利用环介导恒温扩增技术(LAMP),设计快速检测溶组织梭菌的方法,研究其反应特性,以期能应用于气性坏疽溶组织梭菌感染的临床现场检验.方法:通过基因比对与引物设计,设计针对溶组织梭菌的环介导恒温扩增检测方法.然后检测该方法对溶组织梭菌及其他干扰菌的扩增情况,对其特异性进行评价.检测该方法对不同浓度溶组织梭菌的扩增情况,对其灵敏度进行评价.最后与全自动细菌培养法进行比较,评价其与常规检测方法的可比性.结果:本LAMP检测方法只针对溶组织梭菌有扩增,对其他15种菌不扩增,显示出良好的特异性.对溶组织梭菌的最低检测限为1× 101CFU/ml,显示其灵敏度较高.与全自动细菌培养法相比,有良好的可比性(P<0.05),很高的灵敏度(92.6%)、特异性(98.1%)及准确度(97.3%).结论:本试验设计出了针对溶组织梭菌的LAMP检测方法,该LAMP检测方法具有良好的特异性较高的灵敏度,能够用于溶组织梭菌的临床现场检验.  相似文献   

近年来,新型传染病相继爆发,如严重急性呼吸综合征(severe acute respiratory syndrome,SARS)、H7N9禽流感等,严重威胁着人类健康和社会、经济的可持续发展,同时给传染病的防控带来了严峻挑战。病原体检测是传染病防控的重要环节,越来越多的新技术被应用其中。等温核酸扩增技术作为一种快速、灵敏度高的病原体检测技术,已取得了长足发展。对等温核酸扩增技术的原理、重要特性及其在病原体检测中的应用进展进行了较为全面的综述,以期为这一技术的推广和应用提供重要参考。  相似文献   

快速检测HBV DNA的环状介导等温DNA扩增法   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
环状介导等温DNA扩增(LAMP)技术是一种新的核酸扩增方法,它能够高特异性、高效、快速地进行核酸的扩增。利用LAMP法检测乙型肝炎病毒(HBV),能够在等温条件下于1h内将少量的基因拷贝数扩增至10^9,在对65份临床标本的检测中显示了较高的特异性。与现有的PCR技术相比,LAMP法更加简便快速,且在等温条件下进行,不需要复杂的仪器设备,为临床检测乙肝病毒提供了一个快速筒便的新方法。  相似文献   

环介导的恒温扩增技术及其在病毒性疾病诊断中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环介导的恒温扩增(LAMP)是近年来新兴的一种快速DNA扩增技术,其基本原理在于利用4个特殊设计的引物和具有链置换活性的DNA聚合酶,在恒温条件下对靶序列进行扩增。LAMP技术具有特异性强、敏感性高、反应迅速、设备简单等特点,在人类病毒性疾病的诊断领域有着广泛的应用。  相似文献   

We successfully established a detection method which exhibited a markedly higher sensitivity than previously developed detection methods for Nosema bombycis by combining glass beads, FTA card, and LAMP. Spores of N. bombycis were first broken by acid-washed glass beads; the DNA was subsequently extracted and purified with the FTA card, and LAMP was performed using primers (LSU296) designed based on the sequence of the LSU rRNA of N. bombycis. The minimum detection concentration was 10 spores/mL. When this method was used to detect pebrine disease in silkworm egg, the detection rate for 500 silkworm eggs, in which only one egg was infected with N. bombycis, was 100 % under our optimized conditions. If the number of eggs in the sample increased to 800 or 1,000, the sample was divided into two equal portions, and the eggs were smashed with glass beads after the addition of 1 mL of TE buffer. The liquid in two tubes was later mixed and applied to the FTA card, and the detection rates were 100 %. Furthermore, the LAMP method established in our study could detect N. bombycis infection in silkworm 24 h earlier than microscopy.  相似文献   

Here we report a rapid and sensitive method (using loop-mediated isothermal amplification [LAMP]) for the diagnosis of edwardsiellosis, a fish disease caused by Edwardsiella tarda, in Japanese flounder. A set of four primers was designed, and conditions for the detection were optimized for the detection of E. tarda in 45 min at 65°C. No amplification of the target hemolysin gene was detected in other related bacteria. When the LAMP primers were used, detection of edwardsiellosis in infected Japanese flounder kidney, and spleen and seawater cultures was possible. We have developed a rapid and sensitive diagnostic protocol for edwardsiellosis detection in fish. This is the first report of the application of LAMP for the diagnosis of a fish pathogen.  相似文献   

A new in situ DNA amplification technique for microscopic detection of bacteria carrying a specific gene is described. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) was used to detect stxA2 in Escherichia coli O157:H7 cells. The mild permeabilization conditions and low isothermal temperature used in the in situ LAMP method caused less cell damage than in situ PCR. It allowed use of fluorescent antibody labeling in the bacterial mixture after the DNA amplification for identification of E. coli O157:H7 cells with an stxA2 gene. Higher-contrast images were obtained with this method than with in situ PCR.  相似文献   

环介导等温扩增(LAMP)是一种新兴的核酸扩增方法,由于其具有高灵敏、高特异、操作简单、检测快速、价格低廉等诸多优势,现已成为分子生物学诊断技术的重要组成部分,并广泛应用于基层实验室及野外致病微生物的在快速检测致病微生物中的应用及新进展,希望能为其发展提供参考。  相似文献   

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