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Steroid hormones have similar functions across vertebrates, but circulating concentrations can vary dramatically among species. We examined the hypothesis that variation in titres of corticosterone (Cort) and testosterone (T) is related to life-history traits of avian species. We predicted that Cort would reach higher levels under stress in species with higher annual adult survival rates since Cort is thought to promote physiological and behavioural responses that reduce risk to the individual. Conversely, we predicted that peak T during the breeding season would be higher in short-lived species with high mating effort as this hormone is known to promote male fecundity traits. We quantified circulating hormone concentrations and key life-history traits (annual adult survival rate, breeding season length, body mass) in males of free-living bird species during the breeding season at a temperate site (northern USA) and a tropical site (central Panama). We analysed our original data by themselves, and also combined with published data on passerine birds to enhance sample size. In both approaches, variation in baseline Cort (Cort0) among species was inversely related to breeding season length and body mass. Stress-induced corticosterone (MaxCort) also varied inversely with body mass and, as predicted, also varied positively with annual adult survival rates. Furthermore, species from drier and colder environments exhibited lower MaxCort than mesic and tropical species; T was lowest in species from tropical environments. These findings suggest that Cort0, MaxCort and T modulate key vertebrate life-history responses to the environment, with Cort0 supporting energetically demanding processes, MaxCort promoting survival and T being related to mating success.  相似文献   

F. Gary  Stiles 《Ibis》1980,122(3):322-343
In the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica, rainfall is moderately seasonal, although even in the driest month over 100 mm of rain usually fall. Flowering of hummingbird food plants shows a peak in the dry season (February-April) and another in the early wet season (July-September), with a severe flower shortage at the end of the rains (November-December). The dry season peak involves largely canopy epiphytes, the wet season peak large herbs of light gaps and edges and forest understory plants. This study examines the responses of the associated community of 22 species of hummingbirds (of which 13 breed, and 12 are common for at least parts of most years) to these spatial and temporal patterns of resource availability. Nearly all common breeding species show a peak of reproductive activity in the dry season, coinciding with the first flowering peak, followed by a discrete moulting season that coincides with the wet season peak of flowering. Of the three species with extended breeding seasons, the two species of hermit, Phaethornis, show moult-breeding overlap to varying degrees on an individual basis. In a number of species moult and breeding appear antagonistic. The annual peak of body weight and fat deposits in all species occur during the second flowering peak, approximately corresponding to the moult. The annual minima of body weight and fat occur in the lean season and the breeding season respectively. The lack of concordance of these two possibly reflects the use of muscle protein as a nutrient source during the lean season. Several species show pronounced habitat shifts through the year, with the sexes sometimes occupying different microhabitats, especially during the dry season. At least five species show pronounced seasonal migrations, largely or entirely leaving La Selva for part of the year. Overall hummingbird numbers are greatest early in the rainy season, lowest in the lean season, with the non-hermits (Trochilinae) showing a more pronounced annual cycle of numbers than the hermits (Phaethorninae). Comparisons with other tropical lowland hummingbird-flower communities are made with respect to the roles of flowers as proximate and ultimate factors regulating the annual cycles and affecting the population biology of the birds.  相似文献   

On a population level, individual plasticity in reproductive phenology can provoke either anticipations or delays in the average reproductive timing in response to environmental changes. However, a rigid reliance on photoperiodism can constraint such plastic responses in populations inhabiting temperate latitudes. The regulation of breeding season length may represent a further tool for populations facing changing environments. Nonetheless, this skill was reported only for equatorial, nonphotoperiodic populations. Our goal was to evaluate whether species living in temperate regions and relying on photoperiodism to trigger their reproduction may also be able to regulate breeding season length. During 10 years, we collected 2,500 female reproductive traits of a mammal model species (wild boar Sus scrofa) and applied a novel analytical approach to reproductive patterns in order to observe population-level variations of reproductive timing and synchrony under different weather and resources availability conditions. Under favorable conditions, breeding seasons were anticipated and population synchrony increased (i.e., shorter breeding seasons). Conversely, poor conditions induced delayed and less synchronous (i.e., longer) breeding seasons. The potential to regulate breeding season length depending on environmental conditions may entail a high resilience of the population reproductive patterns against environmental changes, as highlighted by the fact that almost all mature females were reproductive every year.  相似文献   

Enrique Murgui 《Ecography》2010,33(5):979-984
Although nested species subset patterns and mechanisms promoting them have constituted the focus of a considerable research effort, little attention has been paid to the role of seasonality in generating or moderating these patterns. I conducted monthly censuses of 130 urban parks in the city of Valencia throughout an annual cycle to assess whether seasonality influenced nested patterns of bird species assemblages. Specifically I tested the hypothesis that an increase in the movement of birds among parks outside of the breeding season, may reduce nestedness of resident birds. Results obtained in this study showed that assemblages of resident bird species were nested during the breeding season but not outside it, thus giving some support to the hypothesis. However, a reduction in nestedness outside the breeding season was not explained by an increase in the occupancy of parks but with an increase in the number of absences from parks that had been inhabited during the breeding season, most likely due to the use of habitats outside parks by some species (finches mainly). Results suggest the importance of both selective extinction and colonization processes in contributing to the degree of nestedness during the breeding season. However, environmental stress in the form of human disturbance apparently had little effect on the distributions of individual species. Habitat nestedness did not appear to be a factor as parks of all sizes were similar in number and type of habitats. An assessment of seasonality in other landscapes is needed to further understand its general effects on nestedness.  相似文献   

Seasonally-flooded wetlands occur throughout the world and provide important foraging, resting, and breeding habitat for a broad array of organisms. This review summarizes our current understanding of vertebrate community composition at seasonal forest pools in the northeastern United States. These wetlands typically have hydroperiods that range from temporarily flooded to intermittently exposed, which reduces densities of many potential predators (e.g., fish). Current research has shown that pool hydroperiod, canopy closure, vegetation structure within pools, presence of potential predators, and landscape structure surrounding pools are the key factors determining vertebrate diversity at seasonal forest pools. Of 25 species of amphibians in the region, frogs (10 of 12 species) are more likely to breed in seasonal forest pools than salamanders (6 of 13 species). Seven of 10 amphibian species that breed in seasonal forest pools are state-listed as threatened or endangered. Among 27 species of reptiles, 3 of 15 species of snakes, and 6 of 12 species of turtles utilize seasonal pools during at least one stage of their annual cycle. Seasonal forest pools are important foraging and basking habitat for three species of turtles listed as threatened or endangered. Compared to other vertebrate taxa, most species of mammals are habitat generalists, with 50 of 63 mammal species potentially foraging at seasonal pools during part of their annual cycle. Chiroptera (bats; all 9 species) are believed to actively forage at seasonal pools and some Insectivora, particularly Sorex palustris Richardson and S. fumeus (Miller) and Condylura cristata (L.), are detected regularly at seasonal pools. Breeding birds are less likely to utilize seasonal pools than other vertebrate taxa, although 92 of 233 species might forage or breed near seasonal pools. Several species of Anatidae, Rallidae, and some Passeriformes use seasonally flooded pools. All vertebrates that use seasonal forest pools use other habitats during some stage in their life cycle; thus gaining a clear understanding of their habitat requirements is critical to their long-term persistence.  相似文献   

ARA MONADJEM  ANDREW J. BAMFORD 《Ibis》2009,151(2):344-351
A decline in breeding success with later laying dates throughout a nesting season is a widespread phenomenon in species living in environments with distinct seasonality, with evidence that some environmental correlate of timing is at least partly responsible in many species. This correlate is often thought to be food availability, which is often related to climatic factors; however, few studies have examined the role of climate. We studied a breeding colony of Marabou Storks Leptoptilos crumeniferus in Southern Africa over five breeding seasons. Timing of breeding was related to rainfall preceding the breeding season. Fecundity (chicks fledged per nest) declined through each season. The probability of an individual hatchling fledging was influenced by rainfall during the hatchling period, temperature during the hatchling period and laying date, three variables that were strongly intercorrelated. To disentangle the three effects, inter‐annual variation in each was compared with the large inter‐annual variation in breeding success, with rainfall providing the greatest explanatory power. Rainfall, which tends to increase through the breeding season, seems to be at least partly responsible for the seasonal decline in breeding success. We were unable to find evidence for the influence of other factors, such as colony size and nest re‐use, known to affect nest success in this and other colonial breeding storks.  相似文献   

Due to a long running research bias toward the breeding season, there are major gaps in knowledge on the basic nonbreeding ecology of many species, preventing a full‐annual cycle focus in ecology and conservation. Exacerbating this problem is the fact that many species are extremely difficult to detect outside of breeding. Here, we demonstrate a partial solution to this problem by using archival GPS tags to examine the overwintering ecology of a migratory nocturnal bird, the eastern whip‐poor‐will (Antrostomus vociferous). We deployed tags on 21 individuals and were able to recover 11 (52%) one year later. Tags collected high precision (approx. 10 m) points throughout the nonbreeding period. With continuous time movement models, we used these data to estimate overwintering home ranges. All individuals exhibited at least one bounded home range during this phase of the annual cycle, three of eleven had two wintering locations, and home range area ranged from 0.50 to 10.85 ha. All overwintering home ranges contained closed‐canopy forest land cover (42%–100%), and no other land cover type represented >40% of any home range. We found some evidence, with caveats, that total edge within the landscape surrounding the home range was negatively related to home range area. The prevalence of contiguous closed‐canopy forest cover in overwintering home ranges contrasts with apparent breeding habitat preferences, which includes clear‐cuts and other, more open, habitats. This study is the first to reveal key aspects of overwintering space use in this species by using archival GPS to overcome both logistical and methodological limitations. Expanded use of such technology is critical to gathering basic ecological and distributional data, necessary for achieving a more complete understanding of full‐annual cycles of animal populations.  相似文献   

In seasonal environments, where density dependence can operate throughout the annual cycle, vital rates are typically considered to be a function of the number of individuals at the beginning of each season. However, variation in density in the previous season could also cause surviving individuals to be in poor physiological condition, which could carry over to influence individual success in the following season. We examine this hypothesis using replicated populations of Drosophila melanogaster, the common fruitfly, over 23 non-overlapping generations with distinct breeding and non-breeding seasons. We found that the density at the beginning of the non-breeding season negatively affected the fresh weight of individuals that survived the non-breeding season and resulted in a 25% decrease in per capita breeding output among those that survived to the next season to breed. At the population level, per capita breeding output was best explained by a model that incorporated density at the beginning of the previous non-breeding season (carry-over effect, COE) and density at the beginning of the breeding season. Our results support the idea that density-mediated COEs are critical for understanding population dynamics in seasonal environments.  相似文献   

Under temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD), temperatures experienced by embryos during development determine the sex of the offspring. Consequently, populations of organisms with TSD have the potential to be strongly impacted by climatic warming that could bias offspring sex ratio, a fundamental demographic parameter involved in population dynamics. Moreover, many taxa with TSD are imperiled, so research on this phenomenon, particularly long-term field study, has assumed great urgency. Recently, turtles with TSD have joined the diverse list of taxa that have demonstrated population-level changes in breeding phenology in response to recent climate change. This raises the possibility that any adverse impacts of climate change on populations may be alleviated by individual plasticity in nesting phenology. Here, we examine data from a long-term study on a population of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) to determine whether changes in phenology are due to individual plasticity and whether individual plasticity in the timing of nesting has the capacity to offset the sex ratio effects of a rise in climatic temperature. We find that individual females show plasticity in the date of first nesting each year, and that this plasticity depends on the climate from the previous winter. First nesting date is not repeatable within individuals, suggesting that it would not respond to selection. Sex ratios of hatchlings within a nest declined nonsignificantly over the nesting season. However, small increases in summer temperature had a much stronger effect on nest sex ratios than did laying nests earlier in the season. For this and other reasons, it seems unlikely that individual plasticity in the timing of nesting will offset the effects of climate change on sex ratios in this population, and we hypothesize that this conclusion applies to other populations with TSD.  相似文献   

An evolutionary explanation for seasonal trends in avian sex ratios   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
We present an extensive set of data for five species of raptorialbirds to demonstrate that some raptor species produce an excessof daughters early in the season and an excess of sons in latenests, while others show the reverse. By means of a simulationmodel we investigate an evolutionary explanation for this phenomenonin terms of sex-specific differences in the relation betweenage at first breeding and date of birth. The model predictsthat that gender should be produced first in the season whoseage of first breeding is more strongly accelerated by an earlybirth date. We argue that this tends to be the male gender inraptor species, such as the common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus),which tend to breed early in life, while it is the female genderin larger species with later onset of breeding, such as themarsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus). The empirical evidence isqualitatively consistent with this hypothesis. Our model isquite general in that it makes no assumptions about the mechanism(primary sex-ratio bias at egg laying or secondary sex-differentialmortality before fledging) by which the bias is generated. Yetit is able to create quantitative predictions for species wheresufficient demographic and life-history data are available.From the available data set in the common kestrel we derivea quantitative prediction for the seasonal trend in brood sexratio. The observed trend is in good agreement with this prediction.[BehavEcol 7: 426–430 (1996)]  相似文献   

Captive breeding of rare and endangered prosimians may be enhanced by an increased understanding of all aspects of their seasonal mating behavior. In this study, the agonistic and grooming behaior of captiveL. coronatus were studied during their annual breeding season. Between October and March, selected aspects of agonistic and grooming behavior of four male-female groups were recorded. Males initiated significantly more allogrooming than females. The frequency of this behavior pattern increased significantly in the weeks of estrus. Females performed significantly more agonistic behavior patterns than males. The mean frequency of agonistic interactions decreased significantly during the breeding season. In successfully reproducing groups males showed much less agonism towards females, than they did in unsuccessful groups. Inter-specific comparisons demonstrated that the patterns of agonistic interactions during the breeding season are very different among closely related species of lemurids. The conclusions drawn from this study are that captive breeding of crowned lemurs may be enhanced by keeping permanent multi-male, multi-female groups.  相似文献   

The sea-birds breeding in the Galapagos Islands show a diversity of breeding cycles. Some species have rigidly fixed annual breeding while others breed throughout the year but have peaks of breeding at less than annual intervals. The eight species which have non-annual breeding are probably breeding as often as possible with the interval between the end of a breeding attempt and the start of the next being the time needed to moult the wing and tail feathers. Only one species is definitely known to breed and moult at the same time.
Although there are well marked seasonal fluctuations in the sea temperature, regular sampling failed to demonstrate any regular fluctuations in the surface plankton. The available evidence suggests that food for some sea-birds is erratic and unpredictable. Some non-annual breeding species have their breeding synchronized by severe food shortages which delay breeding, presumably because females cannot find enough food to form eggs, until conditions improve.
Timing of the breeding season in annual breeders is less easily explained but some species may be feeding well away from the islands in areas where there is a regular fluctuation in the food supply. Most of the annual breeders have prolonged breeding seasons and in two species breeding is out of phase on different islands. Perhaps species are influenced by some weak annual variation in food supply which makes it disadvantageous to breed in a few months of the year.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is a major evolutionary and ecological force influencing population dynamics and the evolution of inbreeding-avoidance traits such as mating systems and dispersal. Mating systems and dispersal are fundamental determinants of population genetic structure. Resolving the relationships among genetic structure, seasonal breeding-related mating systems and dispersal will facilitate our understanding of the evolution of inbreeding avoidance. The goals of this study were as follows: (i) to determine whether females actively avoided mating with relatives in a group-living rodent species, Brandt’s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii), by combined analysis of their mating system, dispersal and genetic structure; and (ii) to analyze the relationships among the variation in fine-genetic structure, inbreeding avoidance, season-dependent mating strategies and individual dispersal. Using both individual- and population-level analyses, we found that the majority of Brandt’s vole groups consisted of close relatives. However, both group-specific FISs, an inbreeding coefficient that expresses the expected percentage rate of homozygosity arising from a given breeding system, and relatedness of mates showed no sign of inbreeding. Using group pedigrees and paternity analysis, we show that the mating system of Brandt’s voles consists of a type of polygyny for males and extra-group polyandry for females, which may decrease inbreeding by increasing the frequency of mating among distantly-related individuals. The consistent variation in within-group relatedness, among-group relatedness and fine-scale genetic structures was mostly due to dispersal, which primarily occurred during the breeding season. Biologically relevant variation in the fine-scale genetic structure suggests that dispersal during the mating season may be a strategy to avoid inbreeding and drive the polygynous and extra-group polyandrous mating system of this species.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of avian influenza in North American poultry have been linked to wild waterfowl. A first step towards understanding where and when avian influenza viruses might emerge from North American waterfowl is to identify environmental and demographic determinants of infection in their populations. Laboratory studies indicate water temperature as one determinant of environmental viral persistence and we explored this hypothesis at the landscape scale. We also hypothesized that the interval apparent prevalence in ducks within a local watershed during the overwintering season would influence infection probabilities during the following breeding season within the same local watershed. Using avian influenza virus surveillance data collected from 19,965 wild waterfowl across the contiguous United States between October 2006 and September 2009 We fit Logistic regression models relating the infection status of individual birds sampled on their breeding grounds to demographic characteristics, temperature, and interval apparent prevalence during the preceding overwintering season at the local watershed scale. We found strong support for sex, age, and species differences in the probability an individual duck tested positive for avian influenza virus. In addition, we found that for every seven days the local minimum temperature fell below zero, the chance an individual would test positive for avian influenza virus increased by 5.9 percent. We also found a twelve percent increase in the chance an individual would test positive during the breeding season for every ten percent increase in the interval apparent prevalence during the prior overwintering season. These results suggest that viral deposition in water and sub-freezing temperatures during the overwintering season may act as determinants of individual level infection risk during the subsequent breeding season. Our findings have implications for future surveillance activities in waterfowl and domestic poultry populations. Further study is needed to identify how these drivers might interact with other host-specific infection determinants, such as species phylogeny, immunological status, and behavioral characteristics.  相似文献   

H. L. BELL 《Ibis》1982,124(3):252-274
The results of 156 transect counts carried out over 30 months in savanna of the Coastal Hill Zone, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, are analysed. The avifauna is depauperate compared to similar habitats in New Guinea and temperate Australia. Twelve common species of the Port Moresby savannas were not so in the Coastal Hill Zone and reasons for their rarity are given. Most species present are solely savanna forms but some are dependent upon the presence of small patches of monsoon forest. Average density of birds was estimated at 55 per 10ha, a very low figure compared to New Guinean rainforests. Carnivores and mixed-feeders make up two thirds of numbers present but frugivores, because of their large individual size, are a significant proportion of biomass. There was little significant seasonal difference in overall numbers except for granivores which decline in numbers during the wet season. However, individual species show regular seasonal fluctuations reasons for which are postulated. A correlation exists between flowering of trees and numbers of certain species, and also between the annual grass-fires and numbers of certain grassland species. Merops ornatus, Lalage sueurii and Coracina novaehollandiae, considered in the literature to be wintering migrants, are also shown to be breeding residents. Breeding records for 462 species were analysed. Most breeding of insectivores and mixed-feeders occurs in the Austral spring during the dry season and ends before the onset of heavy rains. Granivores breed in the late wet season. The few records for frugivores indicate a wet season peak.  相似文献   

The pattern of fine-scale genetic structure in a population may reflect current biological processes of the species, such as natal dispersal, the breeding system and demography. We investigated the spatial distribution of nests and fine-scale genetic structure during two breeding seasons in a population of a weakly territorial, flock-living passerine bird, the vinous-throated parrotbill, Paradoxornis webbianus . Nest distribution was clustered. There were two peaks of egg laying within each breeding season, and spatial clustering of nests was more extreme during the second peak after controlling for breeding density. The patterns of genetic structure during the breeding season varied with parental sex and season. Genetic structure occurred during the second laying peak: males breeding within 200 m of one another at this time were significantly more closely related than males breeding farther apart. However, no apparent genetic structure was detected in males during the first laying peak or among females in either laying peak. These results reveal male-oriented kin affiliation during part of the breeding season in this species. Furthermore, juvenile recruitment into the winter flocks was positively related to this increased relatedness among males via kin affiliation. This study implies that fine-scale genetic structure during the breeding season could be a factor determining individual fitness and may play an important role in our understanding of the evolution of social systems.  相似文献   

RICHARD T. HOLMES 《Ibis》2007,149(S2):2-13
Effective conservation and management of migratory bird species requires an understanding of when and how their populations are limited and regulated. Since 1969, my colleagues and I have been studying migratory songbird populations in their breeding quarters at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in north-central New Hampshire, USA, and since 1986, in their winter quarters in the Greater Antilles (Jamaica). Long-term data on the abundance and demography of these populations, coupled with experimental tests of mechanisms, indicate that processes operating in the breeding area (e.g. density-dependent fecundity, food limitation) are sufficient to limit and regulate the local abundance of these species. At the same time, limiting factors operating in the non-breeding season (e.g. climate-induced food limitation in winter quarters and especially mortality during migration) also have important impacts on migrant populations. Furthermore, recent studies have shown that limiting processes during the winter period can carry over into the breeding season and affect reproductive output. These findings clearly demonstrate that to understand changes in abundance of long-distance migrant species requires knowledge of events operating throughout the annual cycle, which presents a challenge to researchers, managers and others concerned with the welfare of these species.  相似文献   

Higher temperatures resulting from climate change have led to predictions that the duration of the breeding season of many temperate bird species may be changing. However, the extent to which breeding seasons can be altered will also depend on the degree of flexibility in processes occurring at other points in the annual cycle. In particular, plasticity in the timing of post‐breeding moult (PBM) could facilitate changes in the timing of key events throughout the annual cycle, but little is known about the level of within‐ and between‐species plasticity in PBM. As part of the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) Ringing Scheme, many ringers routinely record moult scores of flight feathers, and these can be used to provide information on the annual progression of PBM for a range of species. Here we use ringing data to investigate patterns of PBM in 15 passerines, as well as data from the BTO Nest Record Scheme to relate these differences to the timing of breeding of these species across the UK. We find considerable variation in both the mean start (19 May–29 July) and duration (66–111 days) of PBM between species, but find no evidence that species starting PBM later in the season complete it any faster. However, there is considerable within‐species variation in PBM, particularly for multi‐brooded species; PBM starts later and is completed in less time when the duration of the breeding season (difference between first and last nests) is longer. This implies that a later end to breeding can be compensated for by faster PBM, and that advances in breeding could lead to earlier and slower PBM. Our findings suggest that adaptation of PBM in response to climate‐mediated changes in the timing and duration of the breeding season is possible. However, the requirement to complete PBM prior to migration or the onset of winter might constrain the extent to which breeding seasons can lengthen, especially for later nesting species.  相似文献   

Timing of reproduction in a seasonal cycle is a life history trait with important fitness consequences. Capital breeders produce offspring from stored resources and, by decoupling feeding and reproduction, may bend the constraints caused by seasonality in food or predation. Income breeders, on the other hand, produce offspring from concurrent food intake, with the disadvantage of less flexibility, but with high efficiency and no inventory costs of carrying stores. Here, we assess relative profitability of capital and income breeding in herbivorous zooplankton inhabiting seasonal, high-latitude environments. We apply a state-dependent life history model where reproductive values are used to optimise energy allocation and diapause strategies over the year. Three environmental scenarios were modelled: an early, an intermediate, and a late feeding season. We found that capital breeding was most important in the early season. Capital breeding ranged from 7–9% of the eggs produced but, because of the high reproductive value of early eggs, capital breeding ranged from 9–30% when measured in terms of reproductive value. The main benefit of capital breeding was reproduction prior to the feeding season – when the reproductive value of an egg peaked. In addition, capital breeding was also used to increase egg production rates at times of income breeding. For individuals born late in the season the model predicted a two-year cycle instead of the typical annual life cycle. These individuals could then reap the benefits of early reproduction and capital breeding in their second year instead of income breeding late in the first year. We emphasize the importance of evaluating reproductive strategies such as capital and income breeding from a complete life cycle perspective. In particular, knowing the seasonality in offspring fitness is essential to appreciate evolutionary and population-level consequences of capital breeding.  相似文献   

Seasonal fecundity is a composite metric that is determined by component parameters such as clutch size, nest survival and re‐nesting probability. Many of these component parameters are known to vary with environmental conditions, in particular rainfall prior to or during the breeding season. In some species, seasonal fecundity is positively related to rainfall, but little is known about which component parameters of seasonal fecundity respond most strongly to rainfall. We used intensive nest monitoring of a multi‐brooded tropical forest passerine, the Montserrat Oriole Icterus oberi, to examine the effects of rainfall during the pre‐breeding season on component parameters of annual fecundity. We monitored all nests of a total of 42 pairs over 5 years in which rainfall varied substantially. We then related clutch size, nest survival, onset and length of the breeding season, re‐nesting probability and re‐nesting interval to pre‐breeding season rainfall using generalized linear mixed models that accounted for random variation across sites and individual pairs, and incorporated other variables known to affect the response. Higher pre‐breeding season rainfall led to an increase in clutch size and a decrease in re‐nesting interval, but nest survival, re‐nesting probability and length of the breeding season were not affected by variation in rainfall. The onset of the breeding season was delayed in very dry years. We conclude that higher rainfall is likely to increase food availability and thus body condition of female Montserrat Orioles, leading to an increase in fecundity due to larger clutch sizes.  相似文献   

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