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Breeding close to top predators is a widespread reproductive strategy. Breeding animals may gain indirect benefits if proximity to top predators results in a reduction of predation due to suppression of mesopredators. We tested if passerine birds gain protection from mesopredators by nesting within territories of a top predator, the Ural owl (Strix uralensis). We placed nest boxes for pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in Ural owl nest sites and in control sites (currently unoccupied by owls). The nest boxes were designed so that nest predation risk could be altered (experimentally increased) after flycatcher settlement; we considered predation rate as a proxy of mesopredator abundance. Overall, we found higher nest predation rates in treatment than in control sites. Flycatcher laying date did not differ between sites, but smaller clutches were laid in treatment sites compared to controls, suggesting a response to perceived predation risk. Relative nest predation rate varied between years, being higher in owl nest sites in 2 years but similar in another; this variation might be indirectly influenced by vole abundance. Proximity to Ural owl nests might represent a risky habitat for passerines. High predation rates within owl territories could be because small mesopredators that do not directly threaten owl nests are attracted to owl nest sites. This could be explained if some mesopredators use owl territories to gain protection from their own predators, or if top predators and mesopredators independently seek similar habitats.  相似文献   

The effect of landscape composition on the breeding success of vole-eating Tengmalm's owl ( Aegolius funereus ) was studied in western Finland at five different spatial scales (250–4000 m) around the nests during two consecutive three-year population cycles of voles. Landscape composition had strongest effects on owl breeding in the decrease phase of vole cycles. Significant variation in owl breeding occurred along the productivity gradient from farmland predominated areas to barren hinterland. Owls tended to produce earlier clutches on territories predominated by agricultural areas in increasing vole years. A similar trend was observed in the decreasing phase of the vole cycle; owls breeding on barren hinterland seemed to delay breeding compared to owls breeding near agricultural areas. Surprisingly, nestling survival and fledgling production in the decreasing phase declined steeply with increasing proportion of farmland. Clutch size was not significantly related to landscape composition. The number of fledglings decreased with increases in clear-cut and sapling areas in the decrease phase. During the declining years of vole abundance nestling survival increased from western farmland areas towards the eastern outlying district. These results indicate sudden summer decline of vole populations on farmland predominated habitats. This is probably due to that the number of vole-eating predators, and hence their impact on vole populations is apparently higher in farmland areas than on forested hinterland. This finding gives support for the 'spill-over' hypothesis, which states that predators and their exploitation tends to 'spill over' from luxuriant habitats to the barren habitats.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated that snowy owls Nyctea scandiaca defend an area around their nests against predators, hereby inadvertently creating safe havens for breeding dark-bellied brent geese Branta b. bernicla . However, studies investigating brent goose breeding ecology within the predator-exclusion zones of the snowy owls are absent. In 1999 and 2005, years of high lemming abundance Lemmus sibiricus and Dicrostonyx torquatus , brent geese were primarily breeding in association with snowy owls in the Medusa river catchment on western Taimyr, Russia. Goose nest failure, either as a result of nest abandonment by the adult birds or of nest depredation, increased with increasing distance from the owl nests. Within the brent goose colonies, clutch size as well as egg size increased with decreasing distance from the snowy owl nest, indicating an increasing adult quality closer to owl nests. However, as a result of the abandonment of eggs and goslings, the increasing clutch size did not result in a higher nest success during this study. Apparently brent geese compete for breeding sites close to owl nests, but details of this process remain unknown.  相似文献   

Even though intra-guild predators frequently prey on the same species, it is unclear whether diet overlap between two predators is a source of interspecific competition or whether predators simply use the same abundant prey resource. We measured the extent to which the diets of barn owls (Tyto alba) and long-eared owls (Asio otus) in Israel overlap and examined whether yearly differences in diet overlap correlate with barn owl breeding success. Pianka’s index of niche overlap was positively related to barn owl population size but not to its breeding success. The number of breeding barn owls was higher when long-eared owls consumed more rodents, suggesting that diet overlap most likely increased when rodents became more abundant. Therefore, in Israel, when these two owl species prey more often on rodents, their diets are more similar and interspecific competition is reduced. Unlike sympatric populations in Europe, in years when rodents are less abundant in Israel long-eared owls switch to hunting alternative prey (e.g., birds), perhaps to avoid competition with barn owls.  相似文献   

Exploring predator–prey systems in diverse ecosystems increases our knowledge about ecological processes. Predator population growth may be positive when conspecific density is low but predators also need areas with prey availability, associated with competition, which increases the risk of suffering losses but stabilises populations. We studied relationships between European rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus (prey) and adult eagle owls Bubo bubo (predators) in south-western Europe. We assessed models explaining the predator population growth and stability. We estimated the abundance of rabbits and adult eagle owls during three years in eight localities of central-southern Spain. We explored models including rabbit and adult eagle owl abundance, accounting for yearly variations and including the locality as a random variable. We found that population growth of adult eagle owls was positive in situations with low conspecific abundance and tended to be negative but approaching equilibrium in situations of higher conspecific abundance. Population growth was also positively related to previous summer rabbit density when taking into account eagle owl conspecific abundance, possibly indicating that rabbits may support recruitment. Furthermore, abundance stability of adult eagle owls was positively related to previous winter–spring rabbit density, which could suggest predator population stabilisation through quick territory occupation in high-quality areas. These results exemplify the trade-off between prey availability and abundance of adult predators related to population growth and abundance stability in the eagle owl–rabbit system in south-western Europe. Despite rabbits have greatly declined during the last decades and eagle owls locally specialise on them, eagle owls currently have a favourable conservation status. As eagle owls are the only nocturnal raptor with such dependence on rabbits, this could point out that predators may overcome prey decreases in areas with favourable climate and prey in the absence of superior competitors with similar foraging mode.  相似文献   

Terrestrial vertebrates exhibit dynamic, positive interactions that form and dissolve under different circumstances, usually with multiple species as participants. Ecosystem engineers are important facilitators of other species because they cause physical changes in the environment that alter resource availability. Although a species can be associated with more than one partner, facilitators may not be interchangeable if they differ in abundance, behavioral characteristics, or interactions with other factors in ways that condition the outcome of the association. We examined interactions between burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) and two burrowing mammals, hairy armadillos (Chaetophractus villosus) and plains vizcachas (Lagostomus maximus), and determined whether these ecosystem engineers are interchangeable for owls. We examined reproductive success for owls nesting in these mammal burrows, constructed a logistic regression model to identify habitat characteristics associated with owl nests, and examined the engineering activities of the mammals. Data on reproduction and habitat indicate that armadillos and vizcachas are not interchangeable for owls. Thirty-five percent of the nests in vizcacha burrows produced fledglings; no fledglings were produced from nests outside vizcachas colonies, even though owls nest successfully in armadillo burrows in other parts of Argentina. Vizcachas facilitate burrowing owls by construction of burrows and by producing open understory vegetation through herbivory. In contrast, armadillos do not alter vegetation, and their burrows are suitable for nest sites only when they occur in recently burned areas or areas maintained by anthropogenic disturbance. Our habitat model also suggests that fire plays a key role in maintaining owl populations because fire is the only natural process that reduces shrubs to the level required by owls. Current management practices of eradication of vizcachas and fire suppression in shrublands could have strong negative consequences for burrowing owls.  相似文献   

Olavi Eskelinen, Pertti Sulkava and Risto Sulkava From 1982 to 2003 we studied fluctuations in populations of the wood lemmingMyopus schisticolor (Liljeborg, 1844) in the Heinävesi (eastern Finland) and Keuruu regions (western Finland) by counting field signs and dead animals in standardized field surveys. We compared the population fluctuations of lemmings to those of other voles, owls and small mustelids in these regions. The lemming population in Heinävesi fluctuated regularly in 3-year cycles and in synchrony with the field vole population. Populations of owls also fluctuated in synchrony with wood lemming and field vole populations. In the Keuruu region, oscillations in the wood lemming population were irregular, and neither lemming and vole populations nor lemming and owl populations were correlated. Although direct mechanistic evidence is lacking, specialist predators such as weasels and owls probably cause the cyclicity in the field vole and wood lemming populations in the Heinävesi area. On the other hand, scarcity of high-quality habitats, unfavourable winter weather conditions and generalist predators may prevent the development of cyclicity in the wood lemming population of Keuruu.  相似文献   

Apex predators are integral parts of every ecosystem, having top‐down roles in food web maintenance. Understanding the environmental and habitat characteristics associated with predator occurrence is paramount to conservation efforts. However, detecting top order predators can be difficult due to small population sizes and cryptic behaviour. The endangered Tasmanian masked owl (Tyto novaehollandiae castanops) is a nocturnal predator with a distribution understood to be associated with high mature forest cover at broad scales. With the aim to gather monitoring data to inform future conservation effort, we trialled an occupancy survey design to model masked owl occurrence across ~800 km2 in the Tasmanian Southern Forests. We conducted 662 visits to assess masked owl occupancy at 160 sites during July–September 2018. Masked owl site occupancy was 12%, and estimated detectability was 0.26 (±0.06 SE). Cumulative detection probability of masked owls over four visits was 0.7. Occupancy modelling suggested owls were more likely to be detected when mean prey count was higher. However, low detection rates hindered the development of confident occupancy predictions. To inform effective conservation of the endangered Tasmanian masked owl, there is a need to develop novel survey techniques that better account for the ecology of this rare, wide‐ranging and cryptic predator. We discuss the potential to combine novel census approaches that exploit different aspects of masked owl ecology to obtain more robust and detailed data.  相似文献   

Top predators are frequently the target of conservation programs. Owls are such predators. However, previous studies of owls are biased to species occurring in temperate regions, whereas most owl species occur in tropical or subtropical regions and are understudied. Furthermore, owls are often endemic to islands and of unknown conservation status. Demographic data for such species are especially scarce although they are essential for initiating and promoting their conservation. As a case study of demographic analysis of owls in a tropical or subtropical area and on islands, we applied an integrated population model to 7-year monitoring data (2012–2018) of the Ryukyu Scops Owl population on Minami-daito Island, Japan. We used survival history data from 903 individuals, reproduction and sex ratio data from 213 broods, and count data of 2,526 individuals in total. Long-term averages of annual survival rates were 0.73 for adult females and 0.74 for adult males, although the sexual difference was not significant. Sex ratio estimates fluctuated annually and long-term averages were slightly skewed to males: 0.51 among fledglings, 0.54 among yearlings, and 0.52 among adults. Long-term averages of population size were estimated to be 273.4 females and 296.8 males. The long-term average of population growth rate was 0.98, suggesting a slightly declining trend. It was fortunate to recognize the declining trend during the early phase. Considering the general lack of fundamental ecological data on owls of tropical or subtropical areas and on islands, it seems likely that many endangered owl populations await conservation efforts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Anecdotal evidence suggests that Burrowing Owls have declined in the state of Washington. We examined the status of these owls in agricultural and urban habitats to better understand the underlying causes of these declines. Nest density was higher in the area dominated by agriculture (0.67 nests/km2) than in the urban area (0.28 nests/km2), and re-use of nest burrows was more common in the agricultural area. We found no difference in mean clutch size between the two areas, but nesting success was higher in the agricultural area. The mean number of fledglings per nesting attempt was higher in the agricultural area (2.02 vs. 1.47), but we found no difference between the two areas in the mean number of fledglings per successful nest (3.2 vs. 3.1). Both natal recruitment (4% vs. 8%) and annual return rate of adults (30% vs. 39%) were lower in the agricultural area than in the urban area, suggesting that the owl population in the agricultural area may not be stable and may be a "sink" population. Due to high burrow fidelity from year to year, and the tendency of some owls in Washington to overwinter, we recommend that legal protection of nest burrows be extended to the nonbreeding season.  相似文献   

We compared the helminth communities of 5 owl species from Calabria (Italy) and evaluated the effect of phylogenetic and ecological factors on community structure. Two host taxonomic scales were considered, i.e., owl species, and owls vs. birds of prey. The latter scale was dealt with by comparing the data here obtained with that of birds of prey from the same locality and with those published previously on owls and birds of prey from Galicia (Spain). A total of 19 helminth taxa were found in owls from Calabria. Statistical comparison showed only marginal differences between scops owls (Otus scops) and little owls (Athene noctua) and tawny owls (Strix aluco). It would indicate that all owl species are exposed to a common pool of ‘owl generalist’ helminth taxa, with quantitative differences being determined by differences in diet within a range of prey relatively narrow. In contrast, birds of prey from the same region exhibited strong differences because they feed on different and wider spectra of prey. In Calabria, owls can be separated as a whole from birds of prey with regard to the structure of their helminth communities while in Galicia helminths of owls represent a subset of those of birds of prey. This difference is related to the occurrence in Calabria, but not Galicia, of a pool of ‘owl specialist’ species. The wide geographical occurrence of these taxa suggest that local conditions may determine fundamental differences in the composition of local communities. Finally, in both Calabria and Galicia, helminth communities from owls were species-poor compared to those from sympatric birds of prey. However, birds of prey appear to share a greater pool of specific helmith taxa derived from cospeciation processes, and a greater potential exchange of parasites between them than with owls because of phylogenetic closeness.  相似文献   

The density of great tit Parus major L. and blue tit Parus caeruleus L. was artificially increased by placing nest-box colonies for these species in the vicinity of the nests of breeding tawny owls during 1993–1997. Bird prey composition in the owl nests, the proportion of parents disappearing from the breeding tit populations and the reproductive performance of the widowed parents were analysed. The frequency of predation on tits by tawny owls was greater in areas where tit density had been artificially increased. Owls preyed more on tits during the feeding period of owlets than during the incubation period and more in years when snow covered the ground during the incubation period than when it did not. Mortality due to predation was male biased and more females lost their mates in populations breeding near tawny owl nests. Reproductive performance of the widowed parents was lower and their body weights were lighter at the end of the nestling period than those found in birds rearing youngs with their mates. Predation by owls increased the between-year turnover in the breeding tit population: widowed parents did not return to the nesting site for the next breeding season.  相似文献   

Brent goose colonies around snowy owl nests have been studied near Medusa Bay (73°21′ N, 80°32′ E) and in the lower reaches of the Uboinaya River (73°37′N, 82°10′E), the northwestern Taimyr Peninsula, from 1999 to 2006. All brent nests within 680 m from an owl nest have been regarded as an individual colony. The results show that the area of the colony is always larger than the protected area around the owl nest. In years of low abundance of lemmings, brent geese nest generally closer to the owl nest than in years of high abundance. When arctic foxes are abundant, however, brent geese nest significantly closer to owls than when the foxes are scarce, irrespective of lemming abundance. The mechanism of brent colony formation around owl nests is based on a number of stimuli.  相似文献   

Predation plays an important role in ecological communities by affecting prey behavior such as foraging and by physical removal of individual prey. In regard to foraging, animals such as desert rodents often balance conflicting demands for food and safety. This has been studied in the field by indirectly manipulating predatory risk through the alteration of cues associated with increased risk such as cover or illumination. It has also been studied by directly manipulating the presence of predators in aviaries. Here, we report on experiments in which we directly manipulated actual predatory risk to desert rodents in the field. We conducted a series of experiments in the field using a trained barn owl (Tyto alba) to investigate how two species of coexisting gerbils (Gerbillus allenbyi and G. pyramidum) respond to various cues of predatory risk in their natural environment. The gerbils responded to risk of predation, in the form of owl flights and owl hunger calls, by reducing their activity in the risky plot relative to the control plot. The strongest response was to owl flights and the weakest to recorded hunger calls of owls. Furthermore, when risk of predation was relatively high, as in the case with barn owl flights, both gerbil species mostly limited their activity to the safer bush microhabitat. The response of the gerbils to risk of predation disappeared very quickly following removal of the treatment, and the gerbils returned to normal levels of activity within the same night. The gerbils did not respond to experimental cues (alarm clock), the presence of the investigators, the presence of a quiet owl, and recorded white noise. Using trained barn owls, we were able to effectively manipulate actual risk of predation to gerbils in natural habitats and to quantify how gerbils alter their behavior in order to balance conflicting demands of food and safety. The method allows assessment of aspects of behavior, population interactions, and community characteristics involving predation in natural habitats.  相似文献   

The suggested link between lemming cycles and reproductive success of arctic birds is caused by potential effects of varying predation pressure (the Alternative Prey Hypothesis, APH) and protective association with birds of prey (the Nesting Association Hypothesis, NAH). We used data collected over two complete lemming cycles to investigate how fluctuations in lemming density were associated with nesting success of greater snow geese ( Anser caerulescens atlanticus ) in the Canadian High Arctic. We tested predictions of the APH and NAH for geese breeding at low and high densities. Goose nesting success varied from 22% to 91% between years and the main egg predator was the arctic fox ( Alopex lagopus ). Nesting associations with snowy owls ( Nyctea scandiaca ) were observed but only during peak lemming years for geese nesting at low density. Goose nesting success declined as distance from owls increased and reached a plateau at 550 m. Artificial nest experiments indicated that owls can exclude predators from the vicinity of their nests and thus reduce goose egg predation rate. Annual nest failure rate was negatively associated with rodent abundance and was generally highest in low lemming years. This relationship was present even after excluding goose nests under the protective influence of owls. However, nest failure was inversely density-dependent at high breeding density. Thus, annual variations in nest density influenced the synchrony between lemming cycles and oscillations in nesting success. Our results suggest that APH is the main mechanism linking lemming cycles and goose nesting success and that nesting associations during peak lemming years (NAH) can enhance this positive link at the local level. The study also shows that breeding strategies used by birds (the alternative prey) could affect the synchrony between oscillations in avian reproductive success and rodent cycles.  相似文献   

In an aviary experiment, we studied whether body size or habitatfamiliarity of field voles (Microtus agrestis) affected predationrisk by Tengmalm's owls (Aegolius funereus). In the field, wecompared the body size of field voles snap-trapped in good (covered)and poor (open) habitats in 1992 and 1994 to determine whetherthere were habitat-related differences in the body size of voles.In the aviary, large individuals occupied the good habitat significantlymore than small individuals both in the control (owl not present)and experimental treatments (owl present). Furthermore, habitat-familiarvoles inhabited the good habitat more than habitat-unfamiliarvoles did when an owl was present Our field data were consistentwith our aviary data: larger field voles were more frequentlyfound in good habitats than in poor habitats. In the aviary,Tengmalm's owl predation risk was higher for small and habitat-unfamiliarvoles. This suggests that large field voles may have priorityto sheltered habitats. Furthermore, habitat familiarity mayplay a central role in avoiding risky habitats.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Forest fire is often considered a primary threat to California spotted owls (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) because fire has the potential to rapidly alter owl habitat. We examined effects of fire on 7 radiomarked California spotted owls from 4 territories by quantifying use of habitat for nesting, roosting, and foraging according to severity of burn in and near a 610-km2fire in the southern Sierra Nevada, California, USA, 4 years after fire. Three nests were located in mixed-conifer forests, 2 in areas of moderate-severity burn, and one in an area of low-severity burn, and one nest was located in an unburned area of mixed-conifer-hardwood forest. For roosting during the breeding season, spotted owls selected low-severity burned forest and avoided moderate- and high-severity burned areas; unburned forest was used in proportion with availability. Within 1 km of the center of their foraging areas, spotted owls selected all severities of burned forest and avoided unburned forest. Beyond 1.5 km, there were no discernable differences in use patterns among burn severities. Most owls foraged in high-severity burned forest more than in all other burn categories; high-severity burned forests had greater basal area of snags and higher shrub and herbaceous cover, parameters thought to be associated with increased abundance or accessibility of prey. We recommend that burned forests within 1.5 km of nests or roosts of California spotted owls not be salvage-logged until long-term effects of fire on spotted owls and their prey are understood more fully.  相似文献   

Abstract: Northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) have received intense research and management interest since their listing as a threatened species by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service in 1990. Several spotted owl (Strix occidentalis) response variables have been examined in various investigations, but recent advances in statistical modeling permit evaluations of temporal and spatial variability in site occupancy, local-extinction, and colonization probabilities while incorporating imperfect detection probabilities. Following recent work by other researchers on site occupancy dynamics of spotted owls in Oregon, USA, we evaluated temporal variability of detection, occupancy, local-extinction, and colonization probabilities for spotted owls, as well as potential influences of barred owl (Strix varia) presence on these parameters. We used spotted owl survey data collected from 1990 to 2003 on a study area in the eastern Cascades Mountains, Washington, USA, to compare competing occupancy models from Program PRESENCE using Akaike's Information Criterion. Detection probabilities for individual spotted owls ranged from 0.54 to 0.80 if barred owls were not detected during the survey season and from 0.19 to 0.71 if barred owls were detected during the survey season. Pair detection probabilities ranged from 0.27 to 0.67 if barred owls were not detected during an individual survey and from 0.09 to 0.36 if barred owls were detected during an individual survey. During the study, site occupancy probabilities for spotted owl pairs declined by approximately 50%. For all spotted owls, both singles and pairs, site occupancy probabilities declined moderately during the study. Barred owl presence was negatively associated with spotted owl detection probabilities, and it had a positive association with local-extinction probabilities for all spotted owls, both singles and pairs. Given that our study area has supported higher densities of barred owls for longer periods than other study areas, our results may provide insight into how barred owls have influenced spotted owl site occupancy dynamics in adjacent British Columbia, Canada, or will influence spotted owl site occupancy dynamics in Oregon and California, USA, in the future.  相似文献   

Jouke Prop  John L. Quinn 《Oikos》2003,102(3):571-580
In this paper we aim to explain the distribution of red-breasted geese Branta ruficollis over different nesting habitats. To be safe from land predators red-breasted goose colonies were restricted to i) islands on rivers, ii) cliffs with peregrine falcons Falco peregrinus , and iii) the close proximity of snowy owl Nyctea scandiaca and rough-legged buzzard Buteo lagopus nests. Among years nest site availability varied by fluctuations in numbers of owls and buzzards in association with cycles in lemming abundance, but the total number of goose nests found in the study area did not vary. The distribution of geese, in combination with data on reproductive success, suggested a despotic mechanism: at cliffs, goose numbers were constant among years with an invariably high reproductive success, whereas large fluctuations in numbers on islands coincided with opposite trends in success. Apparently, geese nesting with owls or buzzards moved to the few islands present in the study area during years when these birds of prey were absent. Consequently, in such years the average density of geese on islands was more than twice as high as at cliff colonies (5.4 and 2.3 pairs per ha of foraging habitat, respectively). Colony size at cliffs may have been restricted by territorial behaviour of the geese, though there is evidence that, additionally, the host falcons also limited the number of nesting geese. Apparently rare in closely related species, we observed a negative density-dependent effect on reproductive success during the nest phase, and attribute this to limited food resources, reinforced by the high frequency of territorial interactions. This leads to the conclusion that, in addition to predation pressure, nesting density is an important agent in the link between lemming cycles and goose breeding success.  相似文献   

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