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Errors in replication or segregation lead to DNA damage, mutations, and aneuploidies. Consequently, cells monitor these events and delay progression through the cell cycle so repair precedes division. The DNA damage response (DDR), which monitors DNA integrity, and the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), which responds to defects in spindle attachment/tension during metaphase of mitosis and meiosis, are critical for preventing genome instability. Here we show that the DDR and SAC function together throughout the cell cycle to ensure genome integrity in C. elegans germ cells. Metaphase defects result in enrichment of SAC and DDR components to chromatin, and both SAC and DDR are required for metaphase delays. During persistent metaphase arrest following establishment of bi-oriented chromosomes, stability of the metaphase plate is compromised in the absence of DDR kinases ATR or CHK1 or SAC components, MAD1/MAD2, suggesting SAC functions in metaphase beyond its interactions with APC activator CDC20. In response to DNA damage, MAD2 and the histone variant CENPA become enriched at the nuclear periphery in a DDR-dependent manner. Further, depletion of either MAD1 or CENPA results in loss of peripherally associated damaged DNA. In contrast to a SAC-insensitive CDC20 mutant, germ cells deficient for SAC or CENPA cannot efficiently repair DNA damage, suggesting that SAC mediates DNA repair through CENPA interactions with the nuclear periphery. We also show that replication perturbations result in relocalization of MAD1/MAD2 in human cells, suggesting that the role of SAC in DNA repair is conserved.  相似文献   

Checkpoint response, tolerance and repair are three major pathways that eukaryotic cells evolved independently to maintain genome stability and integrity. Here, we studied the sensitivity to DNA damage in checkpoint-deficient budding yeast cells and found that checkpoint kinases Mec1 and Rad53 may modulate the balance between error-free and error-prone branches of the tolerance pathway. We have consistently observed that mutation of the RAD53 counterbalances error-free and error-prone branches upon exposure of cells to DNA damage induced either by MMS alkylation or by UV-radiation. We have also found that the potential Mec1/Rad53 balance modulation is independent from Rad6/Rad18-mediated PCNA ubiquitylation, as mec1Δ or rad53Δ mutants show no defects in the modification of the sliding clamp, therefore, we infer that it is likely exerted by acting on TLS polymerases and/or template switching targets.  相似文献   

Barrett esophagus is an epithelial metaplasia that predisposes to adenocarcinoma. Better markers of cancer risk are urgently needed to identify those patients who are likely to benefit most from emerging methods of endoscopic ablation. Disease progression is associated with genomic DNA changes (segmental gains, losses, or loss of heterozygosity). Although these changes are not easily assayed directly, we hypothesized that the underlying DNA damage should activate a DNA damage response (DDR), detectable by immunohistochemical (IHC) assays of checkpoint proteins and the resulting replicative phase cell cycle delays. Surgical specimens and endoscopic biopsies (N = 28) were subjected to IHC for the cell cycle markers cyclin A and phosphorylated histone H3 (P-H3), the DDR markers γH2AX and phosphorylated ATM/ATR substrates (P-ATM/ATRsub), and the DNA damage-responsive tumor suppressors p16 and p53. Correlations were made with histologic diagnoses. The fractions of cells that stained for cyclin A, P-H3, and γH2AX increased in parallel in dysplastic tissue, consistent with checkpoint-mediated cell cycle delays. Foci of nuclear γH2AX and P-ATM/ATRsub were demonstrated by standard and confocal immunofluorescence. Staining for p16 was more prevalent in early-stage disease with lower staining for γH2AX and P-H3. Staining for p53 was moderately increased in some early-stage disease and strongly increased in some advanced disease, consistent with checkpoint-mediated induction and mutational inactivation of p53, respectively. We suggest that IHC for DDR-associated markers may help stratify risk of disease progression in Barrett.  相似文献   

The FHIT gene encompasses the most active common fragile site of the human genome and is thus exquisitely sensitive to intragenic alterations by DNA damaging agents, alterations that can lead to FHIT allele loss very early in the preneoplastic phase of cancer development, before or coincident with activation of the DNA damage checkpoint. Fhit protein expression is lost or reduced in many preneoplastic lesions and in >50% of cancers, Fhit knockout mice are highly susceptible to carcinogen induction of tumors and Fhit replacement in these mice by gene therapy induces apoptosis and significantly reduces tumor burden. But learning how Fhit induces apoptosis and suppresses tumors has been a challenge because interacting proteins, effectors of Fhit signals, have not been discovered.Nevertheless, the study of Fhit deficient mouse and human tissue-derived and cancer-derived cells in vitro has led to several important conclusions: repair protein-deficient cancers are more likely to be Fhit-deficient; Fhit-deficient cells show enhanced resistance to UVC, mitomycin C, camptothecin and ionizing radiation-induced cell killing, possibly due to strong activation of the ATR pathway following DNA damage; Fhit-deficient cells show higher efficiency of homologous recombination repair, a double-strand break repair pathway in mammalian cells; Fhit protein indirectly affects S-phase checkpoint and DNA repair. Finally, results of a recent study have suggested that the DNA damage-susceptible FRA3B/FHIT chromosome fragile region, paradoxically, encodes a protein, Fhit, that is necessary for protecting cells from accumulation of DNA damage, through modulation of checkpoint proteins Hus1 and phosphoChk1. Thus, inactivation of Fhit contributes to accumulation of abnormal checkpoint phenotypes in cancer development. It will be very important to determine mechanisms employed by Fhit in modulating checkpoint pathways, and to define consequences of Fhit loss in specific preneoplastic and neoplastic tissues, to provide rationales for effective replacement or reactivation of endogenous Fhit pathways in novel therapeutic or preventive approaches.  相似文献   

The intra-S phase checkpoint kinase of metazoa and yeast, ATR/MEC1, protects chromosomes from DNA damage and replication stress by phosphorylating subunits of the replicative helicase, MCM2-7. Here we describe an unprecedented ATR-dependent pathway in Tetrahymena thermophila in which the essential pre-replicative complex proteins, Orc1p, Orc2p and Mcm6p are degraded in hydroxyurea-treated S phase cells. Chromosomes undergo global changes during HU-arrest, including phosphorylation of histone H2A.X, deacetylation of histone H3, and an apparent diminution in DNA content that can be blocked by the deacetylase inhibitor sodium butyrate. Most remarkably, the cell cycle rapidly resumes upon hydroxyurea removal, and the entire genome is replicated prior to replenishment of ORC and MCMs. While stalled replication forks are elongated under these conditions, DNA fiber imaging revealed that most replicating molecules are produced by new initiation events. Furthermore, the sole origin in the ribosomal DNA minichromosome is inactive and replication appears to initiate near the rRNA promoter. The collective data raise the possibility that replication initiation occurs by an ORC-independent mechanism during the recovery from HU-induced replication stress.  相似文献   

Knowledge of how a population of cancerous cells progress through the cell cycle is vital if the population is to be treated effectively, as treatment outcome is dependent on the phase distributions of the population. Estimates on the phase distribution may be obtained experimentally however the errors present in these estimates may effect treatment efficacy and planning. If mathematical models are to be used to make accurate, quantitative predictions concerning treatments, whose efficacy is phase dependent, knowledge of the phase distribution is crucial. In this paper it is shown that two different transition rates at the - checkpoint provide a good fit to a growth curve obtained experimentally. However, the different transition functions predict a different phase distribution for the population, but both lying within the bounds of experimental error. Since treatment outcome is effected by the phase distribution of the population this difference may be critical in treatment planning. Using an age-structured population balance approach the cell cycle is modelled with particular emphasis on the - checkpoint. By considering the probability of cells transitioning at the - checkpoint, different transition functions are obtained. A suitable finite difference scheme for the numerical simulation of the model is derived and shown to be stable. The model is then fitted using the different probability transition functions to experimental data and the effects of the different probability transition functions on the model''s results are discussed.  相似文献   

Signaling pathways enable cells to sense and respond to their environment. Many cellular signaling strategies are conserved from fungi to humans, yet their activity and phenotypic consequences can vary extensively among individuals within a species. A systematic assessment of the impact of naturally occurring genetic variation on signaling pathways remains to be conducted. In S. cerevisiae, both response and resistance to stressors that activate signaling pathways differ between diverse isolates. Here, we present a quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping approach that enables us to identify genetic variants underlying such phenotypic differences across the genetic and phenotypic diversity of S. cerevisiae. Using a Round-robin cross between twelve diverse strains, we identified QTL that influence phenotypes critically dependent on MAPK signaling cascades. Genetic variants under these QTL fall within MAPK signaling networks themselves as well as other interconnected signaling pathways. Finally, we demonstrate how the mapping results from multiple strain background can be leveraged to narrow the search space of causal genetic variants.  相似文献   

Speedy/RINGO family members bind and activate cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs), although these proteins have no homology to known cyclin proteins. Members of this family are required for and enhance meiotic maturation, in addition to having novel roles in regulating the mitotic mammalian cell cycle and the DNA damage response. Here we discuss how the specialized functions of these proteins differ from classical cyclin-mediated activation of CDKs. Through atypical activation of CDKs, bypass of conventional inhibitory mechanisms, and unique substrate selection, Speedy/RINGO proteins contribute to cell cycle, checkpoint, and apoptotic regulation. Furthermore, we address the recently established correlation between Spy1 and cancer in terms of the specialized functions of the Speedy/RINGO family.  相似文献   

The DNA damage response (DDR) is an essential signaling pathway that detects DNA lesions, which constantly occur upon either endogenous or exogenous assaults, and maintains genetic integrity. An infection by an invading pathogen is one such assault, but how bacteria impact the cellular DDR is poorly documented. Here, we report that infection with Listeria monocytogenes induces host DNA breaks. Strikingly, the signature response to these breaks is only moderately activated. We uncover the role of the listerial toxin listeriolysin O (LLO) in blocking the signaling response to DNA breaks through degradation of the sensor Mre11. Knocking out or inactivating proteins involved in the DDR promotes bacterial replication showing the importance of this mechanism for the control of infection. Together, our data highlight that bacterial dampening of the DDR is critical for a successful listerial infection.  相似文献   

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