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The production of chitinases and hydrophobins from Lecanicillium lecanii was influenced by the cultivation method and type of carbon source. Crude enzyme obtained from solid-substrate culture presented activities of exochitinases (32 and 51 kDa), endochitinases (26 kDa), β-N-acetylhexosaminidases (61, 80, 96 and 111 kDa). Additionally, submerged cultures produced exochitinases (32 and 45 kDa), endochitinases (10 and 26 kDa) and β-N-acetylhexosaminidases (61, 96 and 111 kDa). β-N-acetylhexosaminidases activity determined in solid-substrate culture with added chitin was ca. threefold (7.58 ± 0.57 U mg−1) higher than submerged culture (2.73 + 0.57 U mg−1). Similarly, hydrophobins displayed higher activities in solid-substrate culture (627.3 ± 2 μg protein mL−1) than the submerged one (57.4 ± 4.7 μg protein mL−1). Molecular weight of hydrophobins produced in solid-substrate culture was 7.6 kDa and they displayed surface activity on Teflon.  相似文献   

Augmenting native populations of the hyperparasite Lecanicillium lecanii suppressed powdery mildew of strawberry, caused by Sphaerotheca macularis f. sp. fragariae in California field trials. Repeated sprays significantly reduced disease compared to the untreated controls for periods of the fruit production season, suggesting possible use as a partial, but not total disease control strategy.  相似文献   

以蜡蚧菌(Ll)发酵液为材料,经分离纯化获得Ll几丁质酶(EC3.2.1.14)制剂.研究了金属离子对Ll几丁质酶活力的影响.结果表明,K+、Mg2+、Zn2+、Ca2+和Fe3+对几丁质酶活性有明显的促进作用,而Na+和Cu2+完全抑制几丁质酶的活性;Mn2+在低浓度时对酶有激活作用,随着浓度的升高表现出抑制作用;Fe2+和Ba2+的浓度低于0.5 mmol/L时对酶起抑制作用,而高于该浓度时则对酶有激活作用.  相似文献   

有机溶剂对蜡蚧菌几丁质酶的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以蜡蚧菌(Ll)发酵液为材料,经硫酸铵沉淀、离子交换和凝胶过滤,获得部分纯化的Ll几丁质酶(EC3. 2. 1. 14)制剂.研究了不同有机溶剂对Ll几丁质酶的影响.结果表明,丙三醇、甲醛和戊二醛对几丁质酶有抑制作用;丙酮对酶有激活作用;甲醇、乙醇、正丁醇和乙二醇在低浓度时对酶有激活作用,随着浓度的升高表现出抑制作用;二氧六环的浓度低于6 %时对酶的影响不明显,而高于6 %时对酶则有激活作用.  相似文献   

Herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) are clues that help predatory insects search for food. The hypothesis that entomopathogenic fungi, which protect plants, benefit from the release of HIPVs was tested. The plant Arabidopsis thaliana was used as the source of HIPVs. The insect herbivore Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) was used as the inducer, and the fungal pathogen of the aphid Lecanicillium lecanii was exposed to HIPVs to test our hypothesis. When exposed to aphid-induced A. thaliana volatiles, the mortality of aphids pre-treated with a conidial suspension of L. lecanii, the conidial germination and the appressorial formation were significantly increased compared with the control. The decan-3-ol and 4-methylpentyl isothiocyanate that were detected in the headspace seemed to have positive and negative affection, respectively. Moreover, HIPVs generated from groups of eight aphids per plant promoted significantly increased conidial germination and appressorial formation compared with HIPVs from groups of one, two and four aphids per plant. Our results demonstrated that the pathogenicity of the entomopathogenic fungus L. lecanii was enhanced when exposed to HIPVs and that the HIPVs were affected by the number of insect herbivores that induced them.  相似文献   

Lecanicillium lecanii, Verticillium chlamydosporium, V. fungicola var flavidum and Beauveria bassiana were evaluated on their growth with pure n-hexane, toluene and n-hexane:toluene 17:83 (v:v) mixture. Another set of treatments were conducted with colloidal chitin as additional carbon source. All the strains of Lecanicillium were able to grow using hydrocarbons with or without the addition of chitin, although the presence of hydrocarbons showed significant inhibition evidenced by measured biomass, radial growth and microscopic analyses. Degradation of n-hexane ranged within 43 and 62 % and it was higher than that with toluene. The strains L460, L157 and L2149, which presented the highest growth, were further selected for determinations of hydrocarbon consumptions in microcosms. Strain L157 showed the highest consumption of n-hexane (55.6 %) and toluene (52.9 %) as sole carbon source and it also displayed activities of endochitinases, N-acetylhexosaminidase and production of hydrophobins class I and II.  相似文献   

Seven multisporic isolates, two from Cuba, four from the Southeastern State ofTabasco and two from Central Mexico, weremorphologically and physiologically comparedwith 28 monosporic isolates (four permultisporic isolate) of the fungus Lecanicillium (= Verticillium) lecanii.Mycelium type and colony appearance wereassociated with specific conidial length,conidial production and germination speed. Ingeneral, isolates with a cottony-likeappearance of the mycelium and without anystriations had small conidia and a highconidial production; the opposite was found forisolates with sparse mycelium and striatedcolonies. There was an inverse correlationbetween germination time of 50% of theconidia (GT50) and their length (r =–0.72, P = 0.01). Three conidia length groupswere determined: small (2.9–3.9 µm),intermediate (4.6–5.8 µm), and large(6.5–8.8 µm). Based on shape, five groups of conidia were distinguished:cylindrical with half constriction and roundedends; crescent-shape, curved with both endsacute; conidia with one end somewhat moredistinctly narrowed; lanceolate form; andovoid to ellipsoidal shape. Differenceswere found between monosporic cultures andmultisporic isolates, particularly withGTM50 and conidial production where severalmonosporic cultures exceeded their multisporicisolates. Results of analyses with singlecharacteristics were also confirmed withmultivariate analysis helping to identify thatthe four Tabasco groups were morphologicallyand physiologically more variable. Based onthese results it is possible to improve thecontrol potential of isolates of L. lecaniiby making monosporic cultures.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Chitinases play the key role in hydrolysis of chitin, a huge organic carbon reservoir on earth, into monomeric sugars and their eventual conversion into valuable...  相似文献   

Many nematode-antagonistic fungi produce secondary metabolites and enzymes that demonstrate toxicity against plant-parasitic nematodes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of fungal culture filtrates of Verticillium lecanii hybrid strains on mature eggs, embryonated eggs (eggs fertilized but without development of juveniles), and second-stage juveniles (J2) of Heterodera glycines and to compare these effects with those of their parental strains. The fungal culture filtrates of certain hybrid strains inhibited egg hatch of mature eggs. Furthermore, the fungal culture filtrates of two hybrid strains, AaF23 and AaF42, exhibited high toxicity against embryonated eggs of H. glycines. However, most of the fungal culture filtrates of V. lecanii did not inactivate J2. These results suggested that enzymes or other active compounds produced by the fungal culture filtrates of V. lecanii exhibit activity against specific stages in the H. glycines life cycle. In addition, based on a visual assessment of the morphological changes in eggs caused by filtrates of each strain, there were differences between the hybrid strains and their respective parental strains with regard to the active substances produced by V. lecanii against the embryonated eggs. As a result of promoting recombination of whole genomes via protoplast fusion, several hybrid strains may have enhanced production of active substances that are different from those produced by their parental strains. It was concluded that natural substances produced by V. lecanii are one of the important factors involved in the suppression of H. glycines damage.  相似文献   

About 1,800 Actinomycetales stored in soil for up to 20 years were checked for viability. About one-half were viable.  相似文献   

A study on the survival of Lecanicillium lecanii conidia in storage at room temperature was carried out. Firstly, drying methods of conidia powder were compared. Vacuum-freeze drying (VFD) was more suitable for drying conidia as compared to vacuum drying (VD) at room temperature. Vacuum-freeze drying for 24-h resulted in a water content of 5.4%, and a viability, determined as germination of conidia in 2% glucose solution after16 h, was 90.3% and the infection in greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum was about 94.7% at a dose of 1×108 conidia/mL. Secondly, the factors influencing viability of conidia stored at room temperature were evaluated in the laboratory. Temperature was the most critical factor influencing conidial storage stability, among the tested factors affecting survival of conidia stored at room temperature for 6 months. Both conidial germination and infection of hosts decreased with storage temperature increasing from 15 to 35°C, and at 35°C the survival of stored conidia for 6 months was near zero. The moisture content of the conidial powder was another major factor influencing viability of stored conidia at room temperature. Conidial powder dried to about 5% moisture content showed higher viability than non-dried conidial powder. For the carriers, clay and charcoal were more suitable for storage of L. lecanii conidia at room temperature. At a room temperature of 25°C, L. lecanii conidia which were dried to 5% water content and mixed with clay or charcoal could retain about 50% survival after 6 months' storage.  相似文献   

Biocontrol agents of numerous insect pests and fungal pathogens exist but virtually nothing is known about their interaction if used simultaneously. Our objective was to investigate the compatibility of the entomopathogens Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, and the broad host-range mycoparasites Clonostachys spp., Trichoderma harzianum and Lecanicillium lecanii. In vitro host-range tests revealed that M. anisopliae was highly susceptible to all mycoparasites tested. B. bassiana was attacked by Clonostachys rosea, and P. fumosoroseus. was resistant to mycoparasites. M. anisopliae but not P. fumosoroseus killed nymphs of Bemisia tabaci in bioassays. B. bassiana and M. anisopliae proved lethal to Cosmopolites sordidus, Diatraea saccharalis and Sitophilus oryzae. Coapplication of mycoparasites with entomopathogens did not affect their biocontrol efficacy in vivo, although the reisolation success of entomopathogens could be significantly reduced, especially from smaller insect species. Trichoderma spp. were reisolated from mycoparasite-treated insects more frequently than C. rosea. The coapplication of the highly susceptible M. anisopliae generally enhanced mycoparasite recovery. Mycofungicide preparations caused some insect mortality but less than a copper hydroxide fungicide which is still permissible in organic agriculture. We concluded that the tested entomopathogens and mycoparasites are compatible elements of integrated pest management.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess effects of nutrients on germination of Verticillium lecanii (=Lecanicillium sp.) conidia and infection of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Suspensions of V. lecanii conidia were prepared in four nutrient solutions: 2% glucose, 2% sucrose, 2% maltose, and 2% peptone. Suspensions in de-mineralized water served as the control. At 23°C the germination rate was highest in the 2% glucose solution, followed by sucrose, maltose, demineralized water, and peptone, respectively. Germ tube growth was greatest at 23°C in the 2% glucose solution after 10 h incubation. Results of the bioassays indicated that the nutrients influenced whitefly infection. Infection levels were highest for conidial suspensions (1×106 conidia/mL) prepared in 2% glucose, and were significantly greater than for peptone, demineralized water and maltose. Infection levels at 1×108 conidia/mL were not significantly different from each other for all materials tested. The potential use of nutrients in a spray formulation as a means of enhancing field efficacy are discussed.  相似文献   

Prevalence of Salmonella enterica on a Danish pig farm presenting recurrent infections was investigated. A comparison of the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns of fecal isolates from piggeries, waste slurry, and agricultural soil amended with Salmonella-contaminated animal waste (slurry) and subclinical isolates from the same farm (collected in 1996 and later) showed identical patterns, indicating long-term persistence of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT12 clone in the herd environment. Furthermore, when Salmonella-contaminated slurry was disposed of on the agricultural soil (a common waste disposal practice), the pathogen was isolated up to 14 days after the spread, indicating potentially high risks of transmission of the pathogen in the environment, animals, and humans.  相似文献   

A heterologous transformation system was developed for V. lecanii based on the complementation of a nitrate reductase mutant. Nitrate reductase mutants were obtained by resistance to chlorate in a rate of 23.24% when compared to other mutations that lead to the chlorate resistance. Mutant no. 01 and 04 was chosen for the transformation experiments. Plasmid pBT was used as transformation vector containing the Aspergillus nidulans nitrate reductase gene. A frequency of approximately 3 transformants/μg DNA was obtained using the circular vector pBT. The establishment of a transformation system for V. lecanii is fundamental for genetic manipulation of this microorganism.  相似文献   

The impact of legume cultivation on the establishment and persistence of an inoculant strain of Rhizobium phaseoli and its ability to compete with a resident population of R. phaseoli for nodule occupancy was examined utilizing strain-specific fluorescent antibodies. The soil (Hubbard loamy sand) was inoculated homogeneously with 5 × 105 cells per g of soil and confined in plastic cylinders kept in field plots. Inoculated and uninoculated cylinders were either left fallow or planted to two seeds of legumes. Two hosts, navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. Seafarer and snap bean cv. Picker, as well as a nonhost, soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cv. Wilkin, were used. Inoculant Viking 1 was highly stimulated in all three rhizospheres sampled at 6 (flowering), 10 (podfill), and 17 (decay) weeks and in the following spring, whereas counts in fallow soil decreased rapidly. Although the overwintering population remained highest in the vicinity of decaying host roots, Viking 1 persisted, even in fallow soil, to produce abundant nodulation of host plants the following spring. Viking 1 was an excellent competitor for nodulation sites on the roots of the hosts; it thoroughly outcompeted the resident population of R. phaseoli, occupying virtually 100% of the nodules under inoculated conditions in all experiments.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) of the entomopathogenic fungus Lecanicillium muscarium (synonym Verticillium lecanii) with a total size of 24,499-bp has been analyzed. So far, it is the smallest known mitochondrial genome among Pezizomycotina, with an extremely compact gene organization and only one group-I intron in its large ribosomal RNA (rnl) gene. It contains the 14 typical genes coding for proteins related to oxidative phosphorylation, the two rRNA genes, one intronic ORF coding for a possible ribosomal protein (rps), and a set of 25 tRNA genes which recognize codons for all amino acids, except alanine and cysteine. All genes are transcribed from the same DNA strand. Gene order comparison with all available complete fungal mtDNAs-representatives of all four Phyla are included-revealed some characteristic common features like uninterrupted gene pairs, overlapping genes, and extremely variable intergenic regions, that can all be exploited for the study of fungal mitochondrial genomes. Moreover, a minimum common mtDNA gene order could be detected, in two units, for all known Sordariomycetes namely nad1-nad4-atp8-atp6 and rns-cox3-rnl, which can be extended in Hypocreales, to nad4L-nad5-cob-cox1-nad1-nad4-atp8-atp6 and rns-cox3-rnl nad2-nad3, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis of all fungal mtDNA essential protein-coding genes as one unit, clearly demonstrated the superiority of small genome (mtDNA) over single gene comparisons.  相似文献   

The bacterial population in barley field soil was estimated by determining the numbers of (i) cells reducing the artificial electron acceptor 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC) to CTC-formazan (respiratory activity), (ii) cells dividing a limited number of times (microcolony formation) on nutrient-poor media, (iii) cells dividing many times (colony formation) on nutrient-poor agar media, and (iv) cells stained with acridine orange (total counts). The CTC reduction assay was used for the first time for populations of indigenous soil bacteria and was further developed for use in this environment. The number of viable cells was highest when estimated by the number of microcolonies developing during 2 months of incubation on filters placed on the surface of nutrient-poor media. The number of bacteria reducing CTC to formazan was slightly lower than the number of bacteria forming microcolonies. Traditional plate counts of CFU (culturable cells) yielded the lowest estimate of viable cell numbers. The microcolony assay gave an estimate of both (i) cells forming true microcolonies (in which growth ceases after a few cell divisions) representing viable but nonculturable cells and (ii) cells forming larger microcolonies (in which growth continues) representing viable, culturable cells. The microcolony assay, allowing single-cell observations, thus seemed to be best suited for estimation of viable cell numbers in soil. The effect on viable and culturable cell numbers of a temperature increase from 4 to 17°C for 5 days was investigated in combination with drying or wetting of the soil. Drying or wetting prior to the temperature increase, rather than the temperature increase per se, affected both the viable and culturable numbers of bacteria; both numbers were reduced in predried soil, while they increased slightly in the prewetted soil.  相似文献   

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