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Localization of objects and events in the environment is critical for survival, as many perceptual and motor tasks rely on estimation of spatial location. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that spatial localizations should generally be accurate. Curiously, some previous studies have reported biases in visual and auditory localizations, but these studies have used small sample sizes and the results have been mixed. Therefore, it is not clear (1) if the reported biases in localization responses are real (or due to outliers, sampling bias, or other factors), and (2) whether these putative biases reflect a bias in sensory representations of space or a priori expectations (which may be due to the experimental setup, instructions, or distribution of stimuli). Here, to address these questions, a dataset of unprecedented size (obtained from 384 observers) was analyzed to examine presence, direction, and magnitude of sensory biases, and quantitative computational modeling was used to probe the underlying mechanism(s) driving these effects. Data revealed that, on average, observers were biased towards the center when localizing visual stimuli, and biased towards the periphery when localizing auditory stimuli. Moreover, quantitative analysis using a Bayesian Causal Inference framework suggests that while pre-existing spatial biases for central locations exert some influence, biases in the sensory representations of both visual and auditory space are necessary to fully explain the behavioral data. How are these opposing visual and auditory biases reconciled in conditions in which both auditory and visual stimuli are produced by a single event? Potentially, the bias in one modality could dominate, or the biases could interact/cancel out. The data revealed that when integration occurred in these conditions, the visual bias dominated, but the magnitude of this bias was reduced compared to unisensory conditions. Therefore, multisensory integration not only improves the precision of perceptual estimates, but also the accuracy.  相似文献   



Previous work on the human auditory cortex has revealed areas specialized in spatial processing but how the neurons in these areas represent the location of a sound source remains unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we performed a magnetoencephalography (MEG) experiment with the aim of revealing the neural code of auditory space implemented by the human cortex. In a stimulus-specific adaptation paradigm, realistic spatial sound stimuli were presented in pairs of adaptor and probe locations. We found that the attenuation of the N1m response depended strongly on the spatial arrangement of the two sound sources. These location-specific effects showed that sounds originating from locations within the same hemifield activated the same neuronal population regardless of the spatial separation between the sound sources. In contrast, sounds originating from opposite hemifields activated separate groups of neurons.


These results are highly consistent with a rate code of spatial location formed by two opponent populations, one tuned to locations in the left and the other to those in the right. This indicates that the neuronal code of sound source location implemented by the human auditory cortex is similar to that previously found in other primates.  相似文献   

Our ability to detect target sounds in complex acoustic backgrounds is often limited not by the ear's resolution, but by the brain's information-processing capacity. The neural mechanisms and loci of this “informational masking” are unknown. We combined magnetoencephalography with simultaneous behavioral measures in humans to investigate neural correlates of informational masking and auditory perceptual awareness in the auditory cortex. Cortical responses were sorted according to whether or not target sounds were detected by the listener in a complex, randomly varying multi-tone background known to produce informational masking. Detected target sounds elicited a prominent, long-latency response (50–250 ms), whereas undetected targets did not. In contrast, both detected and undetected targets produced equally robust auditory middle-latency, steady-state responses, presumably from the primary auditory cortex. These findings indicate that neural correlates of auditory awareness in informational masking emerge between early and late stages of processing within the auditory cortex.  相似文献   

空间选育毒三素链霉菌(Streptomyces toxytricini)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首次报导毒三素链霉菌(Streptomyces toxytricini)空间育种的研究结果,曾有摇瓶发酵单位提高19.2%的高产株获得。  相似文献   

Invariant and noise-proof speech understanding is an important human ability, ensured by several mechanisms of the audioverbal system, which develops parallel to mastering linguistic rules. It is a fundamental problem of speech studies to clarify the mechanisms of this understanding, especially their role in the speech development. The article deals with of the regularities of auditory word recognition in noise by preschool children (healthy and with speech development disorders) and patients with cochlear implants. The authors studied the recognition of words using pictures (by children) and verbal monitoring, when the subjects were stimulated by isolated words with one or all syllables in noise. The study showed that children's ability to perceive distorted words develops in ontogeny and is closely related to the development of mental processes and mastering linguistic rules. The data on patients with cochlear implants also confirmed the key role of the central factors in understanding distorted speech.  相似文献   

The development of electronic computers has made it possible to transfer to them a number of the "intellectual" functions of man. At present such machines are being employed to model broader and broader regions of man's psychological activity. One of the most important problems in this connection is the building of "perceptive machines," such as reading machines, "the printing phonograph" and so forth. Perceptive machines are a necessary element in the development of automatic equipment to operate in complicated environments.  相似文献   

Pitch perception is important for understanding speech prosody, music perception, recognizing tones in tonal languages, and perceiving speech in noisy environments. The two principal pitch perception theories consider the place of maximum neural excitation along the auditory nerve and the temporal pattern of the auditory neurons’ action potentials (spikes) as pitch cues. This paper describes a biophysical mechanism by which fine-structure temporal information can be extracted from the spikes generated at the auditory periphery. Deriving meaningful pitch-related information from spike times requires neural structures specialized in capturing synchronous or correlated activity from amongst neural events. The emergence of such pitch-processing neural mechanisms is described through a computational model of auditory processing. Simulation results show that a correlation-based, unsupervised, spike-based form of Hebbian learning can explain the development of neural structures required for recognizing the pitch of simple and complex tones, with or without the fundamental frequency. The temporal code is robust to variations in the spectral shape of the signal and thus can explain the phenomenon of pitch constancy.  相似文献   

Although there is a large consensus regarding the involvement of specific acoustic cues in speech perception, the precise mechanisms underlying the transformation from continuous acoustical properties into discrete perceptual units remains undetermined. This gap in knowledge is partially due to the lack of a turnkey solution for isolating critical speech cues from natural stimuli. In this paper, we describe a psychoacoustic imaging method known as the Auditory Classification Image technique that allows experimenters to estimate the relative importance of time-frequency regions in categorizing natural speech utterances in noise. Importantly, this technique enables the testing of hypotheses on the listening strategies of participants at the group level. We exemplify this approach by identifying the acoustic cues involved in da/ga categorization with two phonetic contexts, Al- or Ar-. The application of Auditory Classification Images to our group of 16 participants revealed significant critical regions on the second and third formant onsets, as predicted by the literature, as well as an unexpected temporal cue on the first formant. Finally, through a cluster-based nonparametric test, we demonstrate that this method is sufficiently sensitive to detect fine modifications of the classification strategies between different utterances of the same phoneme.  相似文献   

Growth of and bacteriocin production by Streptococcus macedonicus ACA-DC 198 were assessed and modeled under conditions simulating Kasseri cheese production. Controlled fermentations were performed in milk supplemented with yeast extract at different combinations of temperature (25, 40, and 55°C), constant pH (pHs 5 and 6), and added NaCl (at concentrations of 0, 2, and 4%, wt/vol). The data obtained were used to construct two types of predictive models, namely, a modeling approach based on the gamma concept, as well as a model based on artificial neural networks (ANNs). The latter computational methods were used on 36 control fermentations to quantify the complex relationships between the conditions applied (temperature, pH, and NaCl) and population behavior and to calculate the associated biokinetic parameters, i.e., maximum specific growth and cell count decrease rates and specific bacteriocin production. The functions obtained were able to estimate these biokinetic parameters for four validation fermentation experiments and obtained good agreement between modeled and experimental values. Overall, these experiments show that both methods can be successfully used to unravel complex kinetic patterns within biological data of this kind and to predict population kinetics. Whereas ANNs yield a better correlation between experimental and predicted results, the gamma-concept-based model is more suitable for biological interpretation. Also, while the gamma-concept-based model has not been designed for modeling of other biokinetic parameters than the specific growth rate, ANNs are able to deal with any parameter of relevance, including specific bacteriocin production.  相似文献   

The authors studied fused auditory image (FAI) movement trajectories under conditions of direct nonsimultaneous masking. This movement was created by a gradual change in a dichotically presented series of clicks with interaural differences in stimulation from 0 to ±700 s or from ±700 to 0 s. Binaurally presented transmissions of wide-band noise served as maskers. The location and length of the trajectories were evaluated without a masker and with five values of the time lag between the signal beginning and masker end. When the test signal duration was 200 ms, the length of the trajectories was 33–44° without a masker. In the first test group, this trajectory lay close to the median line of the head without a masker (irrespective of the movement direction) and moved away from it under masking conditions. When the FAI moved from the median line towards the right or left ear, the initial part of the trajectory was masked; when the movement direction was opposite, the final part was masked. In the second group, the trajectories were located near the ears when the FAI moved from either ear and shifted towards the median line as a result of masking. When the movement direction was opposite, they were close to the median line and shifted towards the ear under masking conditions. When the FAI moved along all trajectories, their initial parts were masked.  相似文献   

The fate of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis in a natural aquatic habitat was studied in a model system by using laboratory-simulated field waters and a mutant of the bacterium resistant to three antibiotics. Contact with mud of a sporal culture of the mutant resulted in an immediate disappearance of the larvicidal activity but had no influence on viability. The cessation of toxicity was caused by bacterial adsorption on soil particles, since 99.8% of the bacteria was found in the mud fraction within 45 min, with concurrent disappearance from the supernatant. When the mud was stirred, the bacteria could be redetected. The viability count of the mud suspension remained practically constant for at least 22 days, indicating that the spores were still fully viable but were incapable of germinating and multiplying in the mud under our experimental conditions. Approximately 8% of the colony forming ability of the bacteria could be separated from the mud by vigorous mixing followed by immediate filtration. The filtrated spores retained their toxicity, killing 90% of the larval populations even after 22 days incubation in the soil. The inactivation of the toxic activity of B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis in the mud was therefore a reversible process and was probably due to masking of the bacteria, thus making the bacteria and their toxin inaccessible to the larvae. In the simulated field waters without mud, we observed only a very slow inhibition of the larvicidal activity. In contrast to the activity in the mud suspension, this activity could not be restored.  相似文献   

Congenital or acquired hearing loss is often associated with a progressive degeneration of the auditory nerve (AN) in the inner ear. The AN is composed of processes and axons of the bipolar spiral ganglion neurons (SGN), forming the connection between the hair cells in the inner ear cochlea and the cochlear nuclei (CN) in the brainstem (BS). Therefore, replacement of SGNs for restoring the AN to improve hearing function in patients who receive a cochlear implantation or have severe AN malfunctions is an attractive idea. A human neural precursor cell (HNPC) is an appropriate donor cell to investigate, as it can be isolated and expanded in vitro with maintained potential to form neurons and glia. We recently developed a post-natal rodent in vitro auditory BS slice culture model including the CN and the central part of the AN for initial studies of candidate cells. Here we characterized the survival, distribution, phenotypic differentiation, and integration capacity of HNPCs into the auditory circuitry in vitro. HNPC aggregates (spheres) were deposited adjacent to or on top of the BS slices or as a monoculture (control). The results demonstrate that co-cultured HNPCs compared to monocultures (1) survive better, (2) distribute over a larger area, (3) to a larger extent and in a shorter time-frame form mature neuronal and glial phenotypes. HNPC showed the ability to extend neurites into host tissue. Our findings suggest that the HNPC-BS slice co-culture is appropriate for further investigations on the integration capacity of HNPCs into the auditory circuitry.  相似文献   

This study investigated a potential auditory illusion in duration perception induced by rhythmic temporal contexts. Listeners with or without musical training performed a duration discrimination task for a silent period in a rhythmic auditory sequence. The critical temporal interval was presented either within a perceptual group or between two perceptual groups. We report the just-noticeable difference (difference limen, DL) for temporal intervals and the point of subjective equality (PSE) derived from individual psychometric functions based on performance of a two-alternative forced choice task. In musically untrained individuals, equal temporal intervals were perceived as significantly longer when presented between perceptual groups than within a perceptual group (109.25% versus 102.5% of the standard duration). Only the perceived duration of the between-group interval was significantly longer than its objective duration. Musically trained individuals did not show this effect. However, in both musically trained and untrained individuals, the relative difference limens for discriminating the comparison interval from the standard interval were larger in the between-groups condition than in the within-group condition (7.3% vs. 5.6% of the standard duration). Thus, rhythmic grouping affected sensitivity to duration changes in all listeners, with duration differences being harder to detect at boundaries of rhythm groups than within rhythm groups. Our results show for the first time that temporal Gestalt induces auditory duration illusions in typical listeners, but that musical experts are not susceptible to this effect of rhythmic grouping.  相似文献   

Methanogenic archaea from Siberian permafrost complementary to the already well-studied methanogens from non-permafrost habitats were exposed to simulated Martian conditions. After 22 days of exposure to thermo-physical conditions at Martian low- and mid-latitudes up to 90% of methanogenic archaea from Siberian permafrost survived in pure cultures as well as in environmental samples. In contrast, only 0.3%–5.8% of reference organisms from non-permafrost habitats survived at these conditions. This suggests that methanogens from terrestrial permafrost seem to be remarkably resistant to Martian conditions. Our data also suggest that in scenario of subsurface lithoautotrophic life on Mars, methanogenic archaea from Siberian permafrost could be used as appropriate candidates for the microbial life on Mars.  相似文献   

An experimental system was developed for assessing the role of het genes in heterokaryon formation in Neurospora in nature. Burned sugar cane segments planted in soil were infected using a mixture of mutant ascospores of two genotypes. Neurospora ramified in the cane and erupted as distinct pustules of conidia. When ascospores carried identical het alleles, the (macro) conidial pustules which formed were heterokaryotic. On the other hand, when ascospores carried dissimilar het alleles, the pustules were homokaryotic. These results showed that stable heterokaryons between compatible strains can form in nature. When two strains are growing together on a natural substrate, heterozygosity at het loci serves to maintain their individuality.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of adenosine withtrimetaphosphate in solution, in solid phase and usingwet-dry cycles was carried out and it was found thatwet-dry cycles were the most efficient. The catalytic effectsof some metal ions on the phosphorylation were alsostudied and it was discovered that Ni(II) is the mosteffective. The combination of wet-dry cycles (4 cycles)and catalysis by Ni(II) led to an unprecedented highconversion of adenosine to phosphorylated products (30%)near neutral pH. The main phosphorylated products were2', 3'-cyclic AMP (10.4%) and 5'-ATP (13.0%).  相似文献   

以木麻黄Casuarina equisetifolia15个家系品种为材料,利用聚乙二醇6000(PEG-6000)模拟水分胁迫环境,设置三个胁迫强度处理(轻度、中度、重度胁迫),研究受胁迫2月龄木麻黄幼苗丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、脯氨酸含量的变化。结果表明,经干旱胁迫处理后,各家系幼苗叶片MDA含量随胁迫强度增大而增大,但增幅差异较大;不同干旱胁迫水平下,各家系SOD活性存在一定差异;重度胁迫条件下,除粤杂交家系外,其余家系脯氨酸含量与对照相比均为显著增加。采用主成分分析法进行抗旱性综合评价,表明MDA含量是反映水分胁迫最重要的指标。各指标综合分析结果表明,家系701、莆20、抗3、惠2、南山7和东山2抗旱性能力较好;东山短、601、59、A13抗旱能力一般;千头、粤杂交、抗1、龙4和平5抗旱能力较差。  相似文献   

The extent to which people regard others as full-blown individuals with mental states (“humanization”) seems crucial for their prosocial motivation towards them. Previous research has shown that decisions about moral dilemmas in which one person can be sacrificed to save multiple others do not consistently follow utilitarian principles. We hypothesized that this behavior can be explained by the potential victim’s perceived humanness and an ensuing increase in vicarious emotions and emotional conflict during decision making. Using fMRI, we assessed neural activity underlying moral decisions that affected fictitious persons that had or had not been experimentally humanized. In implicit priming trials, participants either engaged in mentalizing about these persons (Humanized condition) or not (Neutral condition). In subsequent moral dilemmas, participants had to decide about sacrificing these persons’ lives in order to save the lives of numerous others. Humanized persons were sacrificed less often, and the activation pattern during decisions about them indicated increased negative affect, emotional conflict, vicarious emotions, and behavioral control (pgACC/mOFC, anterior insula/IFG, aMCC and precuneus/PCC). Besides, we found enhanced effective connectivity between aMCC and anterior insula, which suggests increased emotion regulation during decisions affecting humanized victims. These findings highlight the importance of others’ perceived humanness for prosocial behavior - with aversive affect and other-related concern when imagining harming more “human-like” persons acting against purely utilitarian decisions.  相似文献   

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