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This study examined the effects on intake, diurnal rumen pH changes, rumination and digestibility of feeding ruminally cannulated non-lactating cows in a Latin square design (four cows×four periods) with four total mixed rations (TMRs) typical for lactating cows. TMRs were based on: long wheat hay or short wheat hay, wheat silage or wheat silage+1.5% NaHCO3 buffer, as the sole roughage source (30% of TMR dry matter (DM)). The level of physically effective NDF remaining above the 8 mm screen (peNDF) was similar in the long hay and silage-based TMRs (9.45% to 9.64% of DM) and lower in the short hay TMR (7.47% of DM). The four TMRs were offered individually at 95% of ad libitum intake to avoid orts within 24 h. Cows fed long hay consumed less DM than the short hay and silage groups (9.6 v. 10.5 and 10.8 kg/day, respectively) and sorted against large hay particles at 12 h post-feeding. Under the limitations of this study (non-lactating cows fed at restricted intake) short hay TMR prevented sorting within 12 h post-feeding, encouraged rumination per kg peNDF ingested, and had higher average rumen pH (6.24), whereas preventing sub acute ruminal acidosis (SARA, defined as pH<5.8 for at least 5 h/day). In contrast, the long hay and silage-based groups were under SARA. In vitro methane production of rumen fluid was higher in the hay-fed cows than in their silage-fed counterparts, and in all treatments lower at 1 h pre-feeding than at 6 h post-feeding. In vivo DM and NDF digestibility were similar for the short hay and silage TMRs, and higher than those of the long hay TMR. Under the conditions of this study, addition of 1.5% buffer to the wheat silage TMR had no effect on intake, rumen pH, creation of SARA and digestibility.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of zeolite A on several physiological parameters and on mineral metabolism in the rumino-intestinal-tract of cows. Eight double fistulated (rumen and proximal duodenum) cows were fed maize silage, grass silage and concentrate. Zeolite A was added to the ration over a period of three weeks at 0, 10 and 20 g/kg dry matter (DM). The daily feed amounts were adjusted to the current performance and varied between 3.9 and 15.5 kg/d. Rumen fluid, duodenal chyme and faeces were sampled to characterise the nutrient digestibility. Blood samples were taken to analyse the concentration of inorganic phosphate. Zeolite A supplementation led to a significantly reduced ruminal DM digestibility and fermentation of organic matter. The molar proportion of acetate in the rumen increased, and propionate as well as valerate decreased significantly after zeolite A supplementation. The concentration of the total fatty acids and ruminal pH were not affected. No effect on faecal digestion of DM, organic matter nor on calcium and magnesium digestion was observed. Otherwise the phosphorus (P) concentration in rumen fluid correlated negatively with the mean zeolite A intake (r 2 = 0.75; p = 0.0003). Further, the faecal excretion of P increased significantly for cows with the highest zeolite A dosage (36.9 g P/d) compared to the control group (29.9 g P/d). The lower digestibility of P resulted in a significantly decreased concentration of inorganic P in serum from a basal value of 2.05–1.16 mmol/l six days after starting zeolite A supplementation. The zeolite A treated cows showed a significantly higher Al concentration already in rumen fluid (14.31 and 13.84 mmol/l) compared to the control cows (6.33 mmol/l). The Al flow in the duodenum was also higher for zeolite A treated cows.  相似文献   

The study examined the effects of physical form and harvest time of alfalfa silage on eating and ruminating activity and particle size distribution in feed boli, rumen content and faeces in dry cows. The alfalfa crop was harvested at two stages of growth (early: NDF 37%, late: NDF 44% in dry matter (DM)), and from each harvest, a chopped (theoretical cutting length: 19 mm) and an unchopped crop was ensiled in bales. The silages were fed restrictively to four rumen cannulated non-lactating Jersey cows (391 ± 26 kg) in a 4 × 4 Latin square design. The cows were fed restrictively 80% of their ad libitum intake twice daily. Chewing activity was recorded for 96 h continuously. Swallowed boli, rumen content, rumen fluid and faeces samples were collected, washed in nylon bags (0.01 mm pore size) and freeze-dried before dry sieving through 4.750, 2.360, 1.000, 0.500 and 0.212 mm pore sizes into six fractions. The length (PL) and width (PW) of particles within each fraction was measured by the use of image analysis. The eating activity (min/kg dry matter intake (P < 0.01) and min/kg NDF (P < 0.05)) was affected by harvest time. The mean ruminating time (min/kg DM) was affected by harvest time (P < 0.01), physical form (P < 0.05) and NDF intake per kg BW (P < 0.01). The proportion of washed particle DM of total DM in boli, rumen content, rumen fluid and faeces was affected by harvest time (P < 0.01) and highest by feeding late-harvested alfalfa silage. Two peaks on the probability density distribution function (PDF) of PW and PL values of boli, rumen content and faeces were identified. Chopping of the silage decreased the mean PL and PW, the most frequent PL (mode) and 95% percentile PL and PW values in boli. In the rumen content, chopping increased the mean PW (P < 0.05). The dimension sizes of faeces particles were not significantly affected by chopping. The mode PW value was lower in rumen content and faeces than in boli (P < 0.001), and the mode PL value was higher in boli and lower in faeces compared with rumen contents (P < 0.001). In conclusion, the mean total chewing activity per kg NDF decreased due to chopping and early harvest time. The mean PL and PW in boli decreased due to chopping and late harvest. The two peak values on the PDF (PL) and PDF (PW) of boli, rumen content and faeces particles are most likely related to the leaf and the stem residues.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of Bacillus subtilis natto, which was initially isolated from fermented soybeans on milk production, rumen fermentation and ruminal microbiome in dairy cows. In Experiment 1, 36 early lactation Chinese Holstein dairy cows (56 ± 23 days in milk) were randomly assigned to three groups: Control, cows were fed total mixed ration (TMR); BSNLOW, TMR plus 0.5 × 1011 colony-forming units (cfu) of B. subtilis natto/cow per day; and BSNHIGH, TMR plus 1.0 × 1011 cfu of B. subtilis natto/cow per day. During the 70-day treatment period, daily milk production and daily milk composition were determined in individual cows. The results showed that supplementing dairy cows with 0.5 × 1011 and 1.0 × 1011 cfu of B. subtilis natto linearly increased (P < 0.01) milk production (25.2 and 26.4 kg/day v. 23.0 kg/day), 4% fat-corrected milk (27.3 and 28.1 kg/day v. 24.2 kg/day), energy-corrected milk (27.3 and 28.2 kg/day v. 24.2 kg/day), as well as milk fat (1.01 and 1.03 kg/day v. 0.88 kg/day), protein (0.77 and 0.82 kg/day v. 0.69 kg/day) and lactose yield (1.16 and 1.22 kg/day v. 1.06 kg/day) but decreased milk somatic cell counts (SCC) by 3.4% to 5.5% (P < 0.01) in BSNLOW and BSNHIGH treatments compared with Control. In Experiment 2, four rumen-cannulated dairy cows were fed the basal diet from 1 to 7 days (pre-trial period) and rumen samples were collected on days 6 and 7; the same cows then were fed 1.0 × 1011 cfu/day B. subtilis natto from days 8 to 21 (trial period) and rumen samples were collected on days 20 and 21. B. subtilis natto was discontinued from days 22 to 28 (post-trial period) and rumen samples were collected on days 27 and 28. Compared with the pre- and post-periods, ruminal pH decreased by 2.7% to 3.0% during the trial period (P < 0.01), whereas ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total volatile fatty acids and molar proportion of propionate (P < 0.01) and valerate (P < 0.05) increased. Molar proportion of acetate decreased and the acetate to propionate ratio was lower (P < 0.01) during the trial period. However, no differences for 24-h in sacco dry matter digestibility were detected among different periods (treatments) though NDF digestibility was reduced in the trial and post-trial periods (P < 0.01). Compared with pre-trial period, total ruminal bacteria, proteolytic and amylolytic bacteria in rumen enumerated by culture methods increased by 15.0%, 16.2% and 11.7%, respectively (P < 0.01) but protozoa decreased to 5.35 log10 cfu/ml (P < 0.01) during the trial period. These results demonstrate that B. subtilis natto improves milk production and milk components yield, decreases SCC and promotes the growth of total ruminal bacteria, proteolytic and amylolytic bacteria, which indicate that B. subtilis natto has potential to be applied as a probiotic for dairy cows.  相似文献   

The study evaluated the effects of three different theoretical particle lengths (TPL) of grass silage on the distribution of particle fractions of the diet and the resulting effects on fermentation profile and concentrations of protozoa and mixed bacterial mass in the rumen of three lactating Holstein cows fed total mixed rations (45% grass silage, 5% grass hay and 50% concentrate) ad libitum. Decreasing TPL of grass silage (long, medium, short) reduced particles retained on the 19-mm sieve of the Penn State Particle Separator, while particle fractions from 8 mm to 19 mm and smaller than 8 mm were increased. Different TPL did not affect pH and the concentration of volatile fatty acids in the rumen. However, lowering the TPL from long to medium increased significantly the bicarbonate concentration, acetate proportion and protozoal number in the rumen, whereas the proportion of bacterial protein in ruminal digesta and its amino acid concentration were significantly increased by the short TPL. For the current feeding conditions, it can be concluded that increasing the fraction of particles between 8 and 19 mm and probably even the fraction below 8 mm by decreasing TPL of grass silage do not adversely affect rumen conditions and can be beneficial in terms of optimising concentration and activity of ruminal microbiota in high-yielding dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess effects of feed intake and NDF content of highly digestible grass-clover silage on chewing behavior, fecal particle size distribution and apparent digestibility in restrictively fed heifers. Four grass-clover silages (Lolium perenne, Trifolium pratense and Trifolium repens) were harvested in 2009 at different regrowth stages, resulting in silages with NDF contents of 312, 360, 371 and 446 g/kg dry matter (DM), respectively. Four rumen-fistulated Jersey heifers (343±32 kg BW) were fed silage at 90% of ad libitum levels in a 4×4 Latin square design, replicated with further restricted feeding levels (50%, 60%, 70% or 80% of ad libitum) in a balanced 4×4×4 Greco-Latin square design. Eating activity was estimated from test meal observations, while rumination activity was estimated from jaw movements logged by a jaw recorder system. Total tract digestibility was estimated from chromic oxide marker and fecal spot sampling, and fecal particle size distribution in washed and freeze-dried particulate DM was determined by dry sieving (2.36, 1.0, 0.5, 0.212 and 0.106 mm, and bottom bowl). Higher NDF content of silage stimulated longer eating time per kg DM intake (P<0.001), while reduced feeding level caused a reduction in eating time per kg DM intake (P<0.001) and NDF (P<0.001). Rumination time per kg DM intake (P<0.01) increased with reduced feeding level, with less effect of feeding level at lower NDF contents (P<0.01) and more rumination with greater NDF content (P<0.01). Relative to NDF intake, rumination time increased with greater NDF content (P<0.01), at a higher rate with reduced feeding level (P<0.05). Digestibility of potentially digestible NDF (DNDF) decreased with greater NDF content (P<0.001) and increased with reduced feeding level (P<0.05). Increasing NDF content resulted in more particulate DM in feces (g/kg DM; P<0.05) and larger mean particle size (P<0.001). In conclusion, feeding heifers with grass-clover silages of decreasing NDF content increased chewing time relative to NDF intake, reduced mean fecal particle size, and increased DNDF digestibility. Restricting feeding level made heifers eat for a shorter time period while rumination and total chewing was increased, causing the ratio between eating and rumination time to decrease with lower intake of forage fiber. Particle size reduction and digestibility depended mostly on changes in NDF content, especially the indigestible NDF content.  相似文献   

The study examined the effects of harvest time of red and white clover silage on eating and ruminating activity and particle size distribution in feed boli, rumen content and faeces in cows. The clover crops were harvested at two stages of growth and ensiled in bales. Red clover crops had 36% and 45% NDF in dry matter (DM) at early (ER) and late (LR) harvest, respectively, and the white clover crops had 19% and 29% NDF in DM at the early (EW) and late (LW) harvest, respectively. The silages were fed restrictively (80% of ad libitum intake) twice daily to four rumen cannulated non-lactating Jersey cows (588 ± 52 kg) in a 4 × 4 Latin square design. Jaw movements (JM) were recorded for 96 h continuously. Swallowed boli, rumen mat, rumen fluid and faeces samples were collected, washed in nylon bags (0.01 mm pore size) and freeze-dried before dry sieving through 4.750, 2.360, 1.000, 0.500, 0.212 and 0.106 mm into seven fractions. The length (PL) and width (PW) values of rumen and faeces particles within each fraction were measured by use of image analysis. The eating activity (min/kg DM intake; P < 0.05) was higher in LR compared with the other treatments. The eating activity (min/kg NDF intake; P < 0.05) was affected by clover type with highest values for white clover silage. The mean ruminating time (min/kg DM), daily ruminating cycles (P < 0.001) and JM during ruminating (P < 0.05) were affected by treatment with increasing values at later harvest time. The proportion of washed particle DM of total DM in boli (P < 0.001), rumen mat (P < 0.001), rumen fluid (P < 0.01) and faeces was (P < 0.001) highest by feeding LR. There were identified two peaks (modes 1 and 2) on the probability density distribution (PDF) of PW values of rumen mat and faeces, but only one peak (mode 1) for PL values. There was no difference in the mean and mode 1 PW and PL value in rumen mat between the four treatments. The mean PL, mode PL, mode 2 PW and mean PW in faeces were highest for LR (P < 0.05). The mean particle size in boli measured by sieving was higher at white clover compared with red clover treatments (P < 0.001) and the highest value in faeces was found in LR (P < 0.01). The two peaks on PDF for width values of rumen mat and faeces particles are most likely related to the leaves and the stems/petioles. In conclusion, the mean total chewing activity per kg DM was lowest for the white clover silage and increased for both silages due to later harvest time. The mean particle size in boli was smallest for LR, whereas the mean PL and PW in faeces were highest for the LR.  相似文献   

Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) have antimicrobial properties and cause negative or positive effects on animal performance depending on its dosage. We hypothesized that MCFA supplementation at a lower dose (i.e., 0.05–0.2% of dietary DM) would increase rumen pH and milk production without decreasing nutrient digestibility which is typically observed with the higher inclusion rates (i.e., >1% of dietary DM). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of MCFA supplementation at a lower dose on productivity, plasma energy metabolite concentrations, apparent total tract nutrient digestibility, rumen fermentation, and rumen microbial profile of lactating dairy cows. Thirty (n = 8 primiparous, n = 22 multiparous) Holstein cows in mid-lactation (637 ± 68.5 kg of initial BW, 98.5 ± 27.4 d in milk; mean ± standard deviation) were used in a crossover design with two 28-d periods. The MCFA supplement, consisted of 25% MCFA (containing 32% C8:0, 21% C10:0, 47% C12:0 on DM basis) and 75% carrier ingredients, was fed at 0.25% of dietary DM replacing dry ground corn in control (CON). Total inclusion of MCFA was 0.063% of dietary DM. No differences were observed in DM intake, apparent total tract nutrient digestibility and BW change between MCFA and CON. Milk and milk component yields did not differ between treatment groups. The MCFA supplementation tended to have higher minimum rumen pH (5.66 vs. 5.54), and decreased daily fluctuation range of rumen pH (1.17 vs. 1.40) compared to CON. However, the duration of acidosis (pH < 5.8, min/d) did not differ between treatment groups and ruminal total volatile fatty acid concentration and its profile did not differ between treatment groups. For rumen microbiota, the Chao1 index of bacterial community tended to be lower (10.9 vs. 11.6) whereas the Shannon index did not differ (0.91 vs. 0.93) in MCFA compared to CON, and both indices did not differ for archaeal and protozoan communities between treatment groups. The relative abundance of Methanobrevibacter gottschalkii increased when supplemented with MCFA (5.14 vs. 4.92%). These results suggest that supplementation of MCFA at 0.063% dietary DM may not affect overall animal performance or total tract nutrient digestibility, but decrease the daily range of pH and the bacterial richness in the rumen.  相似文献   

This in vitro study aimed at understanding how abiotic, that is chemical and electrochemical potentials, and biotic factors combine to impact the outputs of rumen volatile fatty acid (VFA). Using a 48-run design optimized by means of an exchange algorithm, the curvilinear effects of pH, Eh and partial pressure of dihydrogen (H2) on fermentation yields were investigated in 6-h batch cultures of mixed rumen microbes, fed on glucose so as to bypass the enzymatic hydrolysis and conversion steps preceding the glycolytic pathway. The role played by rumen microbiota in the expression of these effects was explored by testing three inocula grown on feeds supplying a microflora adapted to fibre, slowly degradable or readily degradable starch as the dominant dietary polysaccharide. Data were fitted to 2nd-order polynomial models. In fibre-adapted cultures, the yields of major VFA were mainly influenced by pH and H2 partial pressure, in opposite ways. In wheat grain-adapted cultures, the VFA yields underwent the opposite influences of pH, in a curvilinear way for propionate, and Eh since acetate production yield was not significantly modified by any factor. In maize grain-adapted cultures, acetate production yield was not modified by any factor but H2 in a quadratic way when the production yields of higher VFA underwent opposite influences of pH and Eh. In conclusion, the effects of environmental factors were dependent on the nature of the inoculum, a major source of variation, and more particularly on its adaptation to high- or low-fibre diets. These effects were loosely interrelated, the pH being the most active factor before the Eh and H2 partial pressure.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the effects of the removal of forage in high‐concentrate diets on rumen fermentation conditions and rumen bacterial populations using culture‐independent methods. Methods and Results: Detectable bacteria and fermentation parameters were measured in the solid and liquid fractions of digesta from cattle fed two dietary treatments, high concentrate (HC) and high concentrate without forage (HCNF). Comparison of rumen fermentation conditions showed that duration of time spent below pH 5·2 and rumen osmolality were higher in the HCNF treatment. Simpson’s index of 16S PCR‐DGGE images showed a greater diversity of dominant species in the HCNF treatment. Real‐time qPCR showed populations of Fibrobacter succinogenes (P = 0·01) were lower in HCNF than HC diets. Ruminococcus spp., F. succinogenes and Selenomonas ruminantium were at higher (P 0·05) concentrations in the solid vs the liquid fraction of digesta regardless of diet. Conclusions: The detectable bacterial community structure in the rumen is highly diverse. Reducing diet complexity by removing forage increased bacterial diversity despite the associated reduction in ruminal pH being less conducive for fibrolytic bacterial populations. Quantitative PCR showed that removal of forage from the diet resulted in a decline in the density of some, but not all fibrolytic bacterial species examined. Significance and Impact of the Study: Molecular techniques such as DGGE and qPCR provide an increased understanding of the impacts of dietary changes on the nature of rumen bacterial populations, and conclusions derived using these techniques may not match those previously derived using traditional laboratory culturing techniques.  相似文献   

The first cause of death of dairy calves is often diarrhea which is mainly caused by pathogenic bacteria, which can result in excessive use of antibiotics. However, facing the increase concern by the industry and consumers, the use of antibiotics not only to control pathogens, but also to manipulate growth, has become a challenge. Alternative additives, such essential oils, have the potential to decrease antibiotic use, without reducing performance or increasing mortality of dairy calves. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of a commercial blend of essential oils, incorporated into the calf starter and/or milk replacer to monitor the effect on overall calf performance, fecal scores and rumen fermentation parameters. A total of 30 Holstein calves received 6 l/day of a liquid diet, consisting of a commercial milk replacer containing 20% CP : 15% fat (EE). Calves had free choice access to water and calf starter. Weaning occurred at week 8, and calves were followed until the 10th week of age. Calves were assigned to one of the three treatment groups in a randomized block design. Treatments: (1) control without essential oils supplementation (C); (2) essential oils blend in the milk replacer at 400 mg/kg (MR) and (3) essential oils blend in the milk replacer (200 mg/kg) and starter feed (200 mg/kg) (MRS). From the 2nd week, calves were weighed and body measurements were taken, while concentrate intake and fecal scores were monitored daily. Blood samples were drawn weekly for determination of glucose and β-hydroxybutyrate. Fecal samples were collected weekly and analyzed for lactic acid bacteria and Enterobacteria; and ruminal fluid for determination of pH, short chain fatty acids, ammonia-N and counts of amylolytic and cellulolytic bacteria, and protozoa. Performance, fecal scores and intestines microorganisms were not affected by the essential oils supplementation. Ruminal and blood parameters were also not affected, with the exception the rumen ammonia-N concentration, with higher values when essential oils were supplemented in a combination of milk replacer and starter feed. Most of the evaluated parameters were affected by age of calves, mainly as a response to the increase in concentrate intake as animals’ aged. Essential oils are promising substitutes for antibiotics. However, the dose and routes of administration deserve further studies, allowing a better animal performance and health to be achieved.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the intestinal microbiota of growing kittens fed moderate- or high-protein diets using DNA-based qualitative and quantitative techniques. Kittens were weaned to a high-protein (HP; n = 7) or moderate-protein (MP; n = 10) diet at 8 weeks of age. Fresh faecal samples were collected at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age. DNA was extracted and quantitative PCR used to quantify Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Clostridium perfringens, and Escherichia coli concentrations. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis was performed to create a dendrogram and unrooted trees using Bionumerics 5.0 to identify similarity due to litter, age, or diet. Kittens fed HP had lower (p = 0.02) Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus counts than MP-fed kittens. E. coli was lower (p = 0.02) in HP-fed kittens and tended to be affected by age (p = 0.09). Kittens were clustered by litter at 8 weeks of age, and then clustered by diet at 12 and 16 weeks of age. Our data suggest that faecal microbiota of growing kittens change after weaning and that dietary protein concentration affects E. coli, Bifidobacterium, and Lactobacillus populations. The relevance of these data in terms of intestinal health and disease remain to be determined and justifies further study.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of, and interactions between, dietary grain source and marginal changes in alfalfa hay (AH) particle size (PS) on digestive processes of dairy cows. A total of eight Holstein dairy cows (175 days in milk) were allocated in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with four 21-day periods. The experiment was a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with two levels of theoretical PS of AH (fine = 15 mm or long = 30 mm) each combined with two different sources of cereal grains (barley grain alone or barley plus corn grain in a 50 : 50 ratio). Results showed that cows consuming diets supplemented with corn had greater dry matter and nutrient intakes (P < 0.01), independent of forage PS. In addition, the apparent digestibility of fiber fractions was greater for diets supplemented with corn (P = 0.01). The feeding of barley grain-based diets was associated with greater apparent digestibility of non-fiber carbohydrates, and this variable was even greater when long AH was fed (P = 0.04). Moreover, the feeding of long AH resulted in longer time spent eating (P = 0.03) and higher pH (P < 0.01), as well as a tendency for higher acetate-to-propionate ratio in the rumen fluid (P = 0.06) at 3 h post feeding. In conclusion, the results indicated that the marginal increase of PS of AH may prolong eating time and improve rumen fermentation, particularly in diets based on barley grain. Partial substitution of barley grain by corn can improve feed intake and fiber digestibility in mid-lactation dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of isobutyrate supplementation on rumen fermentation, lactation performance and plasma characteristics of dairy cows. Twenty multiparous second filial generation (F2) cows of a cross between Chinese Jinnan Yellow and Holstein cows at 148 ± 4.5 days in milk and 22.3 ± 0.81 kg milk production were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square experiment. The treatments were: control (without isobutyrate), low (LIB), medium (MIB) and high (HIB) isobutyrate supplementation of 20, 40 and 60 g per cow per day, respectively. Experimental periods were 30 days with 15 d of adaptation and 15 d of data collection. Dry matter (DM) intake was not affected by increasing isobutyrate supplementation, but milk yields were highest for the 40 g/d isobutyrate supplementation level, where proportion of milk fat, true protein and lactose were minimized. Ruminal pH (6.38–6.24) and ammonia N (13.8–11.1 mg/100 ml) were linearly (P<0.01) decreased, whereas total VFA concentration (124–131 mM) increased at a decreasing rate with increasing isobutyrate supplementation. The ratio of acetate to propionate increased linearly (P<0.01) from 2.77 to 4.43 as isobutyrate supplementation increased due to the increase in acetate production and decrease in propionate production. Digestibilities of OM in the total tract increased linearly (P<0.01) as isobutyrate supplementation increased, digestibilities of DM and EE were highest for the 40 g/d isobutyrate supplementation level, digestibilities of CP, aNDF and ADF increased at a decreasing rate with increasing isobutyrate supplementation. Plasma concentrations of glucose and growth hormone linearly (P<0.03) increased, whereas concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids linearly (P<0.01) decreased. Results indicate that supplementation of this diet with isobutyrate changed the rumen fermentation pattern towards acetate production, improved digestion and modified plasma concentrations of glucose and growth hormone. This suggests that isobutyrate stimulated digestive microorganisms or enzymes in a dose-dependent manner with the optimum isobutyrate dose at about 40 g per cow per day in terms of improved digestion.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of physical form and stage of maturity at harvest of whole-crop barley silage (WCBS) on feed intake, eating and rumination activity, diet selection and faecal particle size in dairy steers. Whole-crop barley was harvested and ensiled in round bales. Eight dairy steers (live weight (LW): 350 ± 10 kg) in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square design were fed WCBS harvested at heading or dough stage of maturity in long form or chopped in a 2 × 2 factorial treatment arrangement. The WCBS was supplemented with soybean meal. Daily dry matter (DM) intake increased by 7% (P < 0.05) due to chopping of dough-stage silage but was unaffected by chopping of heading-stage silage. The steers fed chopped, but not those fed long dough-stage silage, selected for starch in the WCBS (P < 0.001). The neutral detergent fibre (NDF) intake was 5% higher (P < 0.01) for heading than for dough-stage silage and was associated with lower concentration of indigestible NDF (96 v. 170 g/kg DM). Rate of intake of DM and NDF was 37% higher (P < 0.001), daily eating time was 24% shorter (P < 0.001) and daily chewing time was 8% shorter (P < 0.05) for chopped silage compared with long silage but there was no effect of maturity. Daily rumination time was not affected by treatments, whereas rumination and chewing times per kg NDF intake were 15% and 13% higher (P < 0.05), respectively, for dough-stage than for heading-stage silage. The proportion of faecal particles retained on a 1 mm screen was 30% higher (P < 0.001) due to chopping and 45% higher (P < 0.001) due to delayed harvest. Chopping the dough-stage silage reduced the proportion of grain in faeces from 97 to 43 g/kg DM (P < 0.05) indicating higher starch digestibility. In conclusion, chopping increased DM intake of WCBS when harvested at dough stage but not at heading stage of maturity.  相似文献   

A study to compare two feeding systems, stall feeding (SF) and grazing plus supplementation (GR) was carried out, based on intake, performance and rumen fermentation characteristics of lambs. While SF animals received ad libitum complete feed blocks (CFB), GR animals were allowed grazing for 8 h on a pasture and supplemented with concentrate mixture at 250 g per head per day. Intake in grazing animals was determined using chromium III oxide as internal marker. Intake of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and organic matter (OM) were higher ( P < 0.01) in SF than in GR animals. Similarly, digestibility of OM, CP and energy were higher ( P < 0.01) in SF animals. Average daily gain in SF animals (101 g) was significantly ( P < 0.01) higher than in GR animals (78 g) but total wool yield was similar for the two groups (856 g, SF; 782 g, GR). The pH of the rumen content, concentration of total volatile fatty acids and total activities of carboxymethyl cellulase, xylanase and esterase in the rumen liquor were similar. The concentrations (mg/dl) of total nitrogen (125, SF; 63, GR) and NH3-nitrogen (42, SF; 31, GR) were higher in SF animals than that of GR animals. A significantly higher activity ( P < 0.05) of microcrystalline cellulase (24.5 v. 7.7 units) and lower activity ( P < 0.05) of protease (309 v. 525 units), was observed in the rumen of SF animals than in GR animals. SF animals could therefore harness more energy through degradation of plant cell walls thus reducing breakdown of plant proteins as gluconeogenic source. The SF system of feeding where CFB was offered to sheep appeared superior to GR in terms of intake, nutrient utilisation and animal performance. Therefore the SF feeding system where CFB are offered to animals can be advocated as an alternative to grazing and supplementation feeding strategy for sheep production, especially where the pastures are highly eroded and need resting for regeneration or curing. The CFB feeding can also be adopted under adverse conditions like drought and famine, a common phenomenon in arid and semiarid conditions.  相似文献   

An improved understanding of the role of forage quality on the processes of particle dynamics and turnover is important for the development of healthier and cost-effective feeding strategies that aim at lowering the proportions of concentrates in the diets of cattle. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of feeding hays of different qualities on particle dynamics, digestion kinetics and turnover in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Three non-lactating, rumen fistulated Holstein cows were fed diets consisting exclusively of hay with either low quality [Group LH; 605 ± 12.4 g/kg neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and 63 ± 4.7 g/kg crude protein (CP)] or good quality (Group GH; 551 ± 20.1 g/kg NDF and 116 ± 3.6 g/kg CP). Data showed that in situ dry matter (DM) disappearance of the soluble fraction was greater for Group GH (p < 0.05). Feeding good quality hay also lowered the proportion of particles >1.18 mm particularly during the eating process (p < 0.05). Changes in the particle size occurring afterwards were greater for Group GH as well (p < 0.05); approximately 30% in the comminution in the particle size occurred postruminally. Feeding hay of good quality lowered DM content of solid rumen digesta (p < 0.05), accelerated (p < 0.05) the turnover rate of DM and NDF in the GIT and increased DM intake (p < 0.05). In conclusion, feeding forages of better quality significantly promoted degradation processes and kinetics in the GIT with positive effects on turnover rate of digesta and feed intake in Holstein cows.  相似文献   

Rumen fill may be a strong intake constraint for dairy cows fed on pasture, even though pasture is highly digestible in the grasslands of temperate climates. This constraint may also depend on the cows' maturity. Moreover, indoor feeding of fresh herbage may not always be a good model for the study of intake regulation at grazing. To test these hypotheses, four mature (6.3 ± 0.72 year old) and four young (3.8 ± 0.20 year old) dairy cows were offered fresh perennial ryegrass indoors or at grazing. The impact of rumen fill on intake was evaluated by addition of rumen inert bulk (RIB; coconut fiber, 15 l) compared to a control. The experimental design was a double 4 × 4 Latin square with four 14-day periods and a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of two feeding methods (indoor feeding v. grazing), combined with the addition, or not, of RIB (RIB v. control), repeated for four mature and four young cows. Digestibility of offered herbage was 0.81. The average ytterbium measured dry matter intake (Yb DMI) was 19.0 and 15.5 kg/day for mature and young cows respectively (P = 0.019). The effect of RIB on predicted Yb DMI interacted with feeding method and cow age (P = 0.043). The presence of RIB decreased Yb DMI by 4.4 kg/day in mature cows at grazing and by 3.4 kg/day in young cows indoors, whereas it did not affect the Yb DMI of mature cows indoors or grazing young cows. Both grazing and young age constituted a clear constraint on the feeding behavior of the cows. Grazing cows had fewer ingestion and rumination sequences, which were longer and less evenly distributed throughout the day and night. Young cows had lower intake rates that were less adaptable to the feeding method and the presence of RIB. Mature cows clearly decreased their daily intake rate at grazing compared to indoor feeding, and with RIB compared to control, whereas the intake rate of young cows did not vary. These results indicate that rumen fill can represent a constraint on intake in grazing cows, even when highly digestible perennial ryegrass is offered. The study also shows that the impact of RIB on intake is highly dependent upon other constraints applied to the chewing behavior, which in this experiment were methods of offering herbage and cow age.  相似文献   

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