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CS3纤毛抗原表达调控机理的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CS3是某些肠毒素大肠杆菌菌体表面上的多聚物,它能使病原菌粘附于宿主的小肠上皮细胞上,是致病的重要因素.为了探索CS3菌毛抗原基因的表达调控机制,根据CS3亚基结构基因的核苷酸序列分析表明,在其翻译起始位点的上游存在着rbs位点及原核启动子的-10区和-35区DNA序列.采用基因重组技术将CS3结构基因上游120bp的DNA片段亚克隆进缺乏启动子而只含报告基因lacZ的质粒pCB267中.凝胶滞留和启动报告基因表达的实验证明了CS3亚基结构基因具有自身的启动子(Ps).将该启动子上游区域不同长度的核苷酸片段克隆进pCB267中,报告基因表达结果表明CS3结构基因的表达受其上游区域的抑制.核苷酸序列分析发现,在Ps-35区上游550bp和840bp处各存在一个富A-T簇.结合原核启动子的一般作用规律推知,CS3的表达可能受DNA结合蛋白型的正向调节因子的作用.用CFA/1菌毛抗原基因的正向调节基因cfaD对CS3基因进行的互补表达试验表明cfaD基因不仅可消除上游区对Ps的抑制,而且可大幅度地提高Ps的启动能力.在分析表达调控的基础上获得CS3重组高效表达.同时提出了其表达调控模型.  相似文献   

根据对人源大肠杆菌菌毛CS3亚单位亲水性、表位、二级结构和柔韧性计算机预测结果,以CS3亚单位第72位氨基酸残基之后作为外源表位的插入位点,构建了一种新的表面呈现载体pCSX72。用该载体分别表达口蹄疫病毒(FMDV)的VP1表位和C-myc的十肽表位(410-419aa)。SDS-PAGE结果以及电镜和免疫电镜观察证明,插入的外源表位和CS3亚单位以杂合菌毛的形式呈现在菌体表面。ELISA检测结果表明,pCSX72表达的杂合蛋白的抗原性较之其他插入位点的载体要高得多。用重组细菌腹腔免疫小鼠,能够诱发机体对杂合蛋白的双重免疫应答。构建的表面呈现载体可望成为构建多价疫苗的有力工具。  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of three genes comprising part of the operon which encodes CS5 pili from enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. In-frame gene deletions were constructed, and the effects on biogenesis of the pili were examined. A deletion in csfB abolished CsfA major subunit accumulation in the periplasm, which could be restored by trans-complementation with a complete copy of the csfB gene. Localization studies using an antibody against CsfB showed that this protein was periplasmically located, and thus CsfB is likely to function as the specific chaperone for CsfA. An in-frame deletion mutation in the csfE gene resulted in pili approximately three times longer than those of the wild-type strain, thereby indicating a role for CsfE in pilus length regulation. Localization studies using an antibody generated against CsfE showed low-level CsfE accumulation in the outer membranes. Modulation of csfE expression in trans did not reduce the mean length of the pilus below that of the wild type, which indicated that CsfE is not rate-limiting for termination of pilus assembly. Interestingly, a deletion in the csfF gene also resulted in an elongated pilus morphology identical to that of the csfE deletion strain. However, unlike CsfE, CsfF was shown to be rate-limiting for termination of assembly, since overexpression of CsfF in a csfF deletion strain resulted in a significant decrease in the mean length of the pilus compared to that of the wild type. When the same construct was introduced into the wild-type strain, pilus expression was abolished. Since CsfF bears significant homology to the proposed CsfB chaperone, CsfF was predicted to act as the specific chaperone for CsfE. A double deletion in the csfB and csfF genes was shown to abolish the periplasmic accumulation of both CsfA and CsfD pilins, which could be restored individually only when the strain was trans-complemented with a wild-type copy of csfB or csfF, respectively. Therefore, CsfF may chaperone not only CsfE but also CsfD. A model for CS5 biogenesis is also proposed based on these and previous observations.  相似文献   

We have sequenced the entire region of DNA required for the biosynthesis of CS5 pili from enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli O115:H40 downstream of the major subunit gene, designated csfA (for coli surface factor five A). Five more open reading frames (ORFs) (csfB, csfC, csfE, csfF, and csfD) which are transcribed in the same direction as the major subunit and are flanked by a number of insertion sequence regions have been identified. T7 polymerase-mediated overexpression of the cloned csf ORFs confirmed protein sizes based on the DNA sequences that encode them. The expression of only the csf region in E. coli K-12 resulted in the hemagglutination of human erythrocytes and the cell surface expression of CS5 pili, suggesting that the cluster contains all necessary information for CS5 pilus biogenesis and function.  相似文献   

首先通过体内外重组的方法,构建了福氏2a痢疾菌T32asd基因缺陷的突变体FaD,作为抗原载体菌;同时,构建包含asd基因的表达质粒pYX102,与FaD一起,构成宿主-载体平衡致死系统,用于在没有抗生素条件选择的情况下,稳定表达克隆在表达质粒上的外源抗原基因.将肠毒素性大肠杆菌的CS3菌毛抗原基因克隆至pYX102,构建成重组表达质粒pYX103,ELISA检测结果证实CS3在痢疾菌中可以很好地表达.免疫小鼠后可诱生相应的抗体,虽然口服免疫和注射免疫产生的CS3抗体效价有一定差别,但对痢疾菌的毒株攻击均可提供较好保护.该结果为细菌性腹泻疫苗的研制提供了候选株.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (MAb 84) raised against the dissociated CFA/I fimbriae of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli was characterized with regard to antigen binding and epitope specificity. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) showed that MAb 84 had higher affinity to CFA/I subunits than to intact CFA/I fimbriae and recognized a Salmonella flagellin carrying an insert corresponding to amino acids 32 to 45 of the CFA/I subunit. Fine epitope mapping based on the Pepscan technique showed that the peptide 39TFESY43, derived from the sequence of the mature CFA/I subunit, was specifically recognized by MAb 84. The 39TFESY43 sequence is probably not accessible on the surface of the native CFA/I fimbriae since MAb 84 did not bind to intact fimbriae as evaluated in inhibition ELISA tests. Moreover, MAb 84 did not agglutinate fimbriated ETEC cells nor inhibit CFA/I-mediated hemagglutination or the adhesion to Caco-2 cells.  相似文献   

The structural organization and overall dimensions of the Escherichia coli F1-ATPase in solutionhas been analyzed by synchroton X-ray scattering. Using an independent ab initio approach,the low-resolution shape of the hydrated enzyme was determined at 3.2 nm resolution. Theshape permitted unequivocal identification of the volume occupied by the 3 3 complex ofthe atomic model of the ECF1-ATPase. The position of the ^ and subunits were found byinteractive fitting of the solution scattering data and by cross-linking studies. Laser-inducedcovalent incorporation of 2-azido-ATP established a direct relationship between nucleotidebinding affinity and the different interactions between the stalk subunits and with the threecatalytic subunits () of the F1-ATPase. Mutants of the ECF1-ATPase with the introductionof Trp-for-Tyr replacement in the catalytic site of the complex made it possible to monitorthe activated state for ATP synthesis (ATP conformation) in which the and subunits arein close proximity to the subunits and the ADP conformation, with the stalk subunits arelinked to the subunit.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli with genes for heat stabile toxins Sta and STb was isolated from the gastrointestinal tract and multiple visceral organs of three adult and three juvenile black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) that died in a captive breeding colony between 24 May 1998 and 2 July 1998. Similar isolates were obtained from rectal swabs of one adult and one juvenile that were clinically ill. All were fed a diet composed of mink chow, raw rabbit meat, beef liver powder, blood meal and lard. Escherichia coli of the same toxin genotype was isolated from the mixed ration. Clinical signs included sudden death, dehydration, anorexia and diarrhea. Necropsy lesions included acute enteritis with large numbers of rod shaped bacteria microscopically visible on intestinal villi.  相似文献   

肠毒素和定居因子抗原 (CFAs)是肠毒素大肠杆菌 (ETEC)两种主要的致病因素。有效的ETEC疫苗应包括这两种成分。采用基因重组技术 ,将定居因子CFA/II的共有抗原成分CS3菌毛抗原和LT B/ST融合肠毒素基因克隆至以asd基因为选择标记的重组质粒上 ,与asd基因剔除的弗氏志贺氏菌Fwl0 1构成了宿主 载体平衡致死系统。结果表明 ,在无抗生素条件选择的情况下 ,该重组菌可稳定表达CS3菌毛抗原和LT B/ST融合肠毒素抗原。通过口服和鼻饲方式免疫小鼠 ,可诱生相应的血清IgG抗体 ,同时能够检测到分泌型IgA的产生 ,表明该重组菌可以有效的诱导产生粘膜免疫。  相似文献   

构建了携带asd、霍乱毒素B亚基(CTB)基因的表达质粒pYX201,与福氏2a痢疾菌T32的△asd突变株FaD构成宿主质粒平衡致死系统,用于在没有抗生素选择压力的情况下,稳定表达CTB抗原基因。以此为基础,构建了单独表达肠毒素性大肠杆菌CS26菌毛抗原基因的重组质粒pYX202,以及同时表达CS6和CTB的共表达质粒pYX203。Western blotting和ELISA检测结果证实CS6及CTB在痢疾菌FaD中可以有效表达。重组菌免疫家兔后可诱生相应的血清抗体,特别是CTB的抗体效价较高,并持续较长时间。本研究为细菌性腹泻疫苗的研究提供了候选株。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method for the detection of F5 fimbriae gene in Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. A set of four primers were designed based on the conservative sequence of coding F5 fimbriae. Temperature and time condition, specificity test, and sensitivity test were performed with the DNA of Escherichia coli (F5+). The results showed that the optimal reaction condition for LAMP was achieved at 61 °C for 45 min in a water bath. Ladder-like products were produced with those F5-positive samples by LAMP, while no product was generated with other negative samples. The assay of LAMP had a detection limit equivalent to 72 cfu/tube, which was more sensitive than PCR (7.2 × 102 cfu/tube). The agreement rate between LAMP and PCR was 100 % in detecting simulation samples. Thus, the LAMP assay may be a new method for rapid detection of F5 fimbriae gene of ETEC.  相似文献   

定居因子CFA/I和CS6是肠毒素大肠杆菌 (ETEC)中重要的两种优势抗原 ,是ETEC疫苗研制的首选组分。采用基因重组技术将二者构建在以asd基因为选择标记的重组质粒上 ,与asd基因缺失突变型减毒福氏志贺氏菌FWL0 1构成宿主 载体平衡致死系统。实验结果表明 ,重组疫苗候选株能够稳定表达CFA/I和CS6抗原 ,并可在菌体表面形成相应菌毛。重组菌口服免疫BALB/c小鼠后 ,可诱生相应的抗CFA/I和CS6的特异性血清抗体IgG和分泌型抗体sIgA ,说明以志贺氏菌为载体 ,可以构建同时表达多个定居因子抗原的ETEC多价菌苗  相似文献   

Cells of Lactobacilli co-aggregated with Escherichia coli K-12 cells to form co-aggregates under mixed-culture conditions at 37?°C for 24?h. Co-aggregation was inhibited by sodium dodecyl sulfate but not by protease. E. coli deletion mutants of fimbriae formation and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) formation did not co-aggregate with Lactobacilli. These results showed that fimbriae and LPS are necessary for co-aggregation between Lactobacilli and E. coli.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a prevalent cause of traveler's diarrhea and infant mortality in third-world countries. Heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) is secreted from ETEC via vesicles composed of outer membrane and periplasm. We investigated the role of ETEC vesicles in pathogenesis by analyzing vesicle association and entry into eukaryotic cells. Fluorescently labeled vesicles from LT-producing and LT-nonproducing strains were compared in their ability to bind adrenal and intestinal epithelial cells. ETEC-derived vesicles, but not control nonpathogen-derived vesicles, associated with cells in a time-, temperature-, and receptor-dependent manner. Vesicles were visualized on the cell surface at 4 degrees C and detected intracellularly at 37 degrees C. ETEC vesicle endocytosis depended on cholesterol-rich lipid rafts. Entering vesicles partially colocalized with caveolin, and the internalized vesicles accumulated in a nonacidified compartment. We conclude that ETEC vesicles serve as specifically targeted transport vehicles that mediate entry of active enterotoxin and other bacterial envelope components into host cells. These data demonstrate a role in virulence for ETEC vesicles.  相似文献   

Fimbriate strains of Escherichia coli K-12 of the AW405 series agglutinated erythrocytes of several animal species. The hemagglutination was mannose senstivie, and the fimbriae were type 1. When cultured for extended periods in static broths, they did not form fimbrial pellicles but formed thick, nonfimbrial pellicles, the appearance of which was not associated with the selective outgrowth of fimbriate-phase bacteria.  相似文献   

The first step in the pathogenesis of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) infections is adhesion of the bacterium to the small intestinal epithelium. Adhesion of ETEC is mediated by a number of antigenically distinct colonization factors, and among these, one of the most commonly detected is the non-fimbrial adhesin coli surface antigen 6 (CS6). The potential carbohydrate recognition by CS6 was investigated by binding of recombinant CS6-expressing E. coli and purified CS6 protein to a large number of variant glycosphingolipids separated on thin-layer chromatograms. Thereby, a highly specific binding of the CS6-expressing E. coli, and the purified CS6 protein, to sulfatide (SO3-3Galβ1Cer) was obtained. The binding of the CS6 protein and CS6-expressing bacteria to sulfatide was inhibited by dextran sulfate, but not by dextran, heparin, galactose 4-sulfate or galactose 6-sulfate. When using recombinantly expressed and purified CssA and CssB subunits of the CS6 complex, sulfatide binding was obtained with the CssB subunit, demonstrating that the glycosphingolipid binding capacity of CS6 resides within this subunit. CS6-binding sulfatide was present in the small intestine of species susceptible to CS6-mediated infection, e.g. humans and rabbits, but lacking in species not affected by CS6 ETEC, e.g. mice. The ability of CS6-expressing ETEC to adhere to sulfatide in target small intestinal epithelium may thus contribute to virulence.  相似文献   

产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC)定植于仔猪肠道的第一步是通过987P菌毛与小肠上皮细胞表面刷状缘大分子(BBV)结合。对分离的BBV进行SDS-PAGE和Ligand blot分析表明, 在32~35KDa区域内有一条带能被987P菌毛探针所识别和结合, 所结合的条带经胰蛋白酶消化后, 通过微内径反相高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)分离出多条主要峰带蛋白峰带, 采用衬质辅助激光解吸与电离质谱法(MALDI-MS)对主要峰带进行分析, 结合多肽氨基酸测序和Blast同源性比较, 得到3个氨基酸基序(AETAP、ALAAAGYDVEK和LGLK), 其序列与人和鼠源的组蛋白H1高度同源; 来源于仔猪小肠上皮细胞BBV的H1蛋白与BBV一样都能特异性结合纯化的987P菌毛蛋白。上述结果表明, 仔猪小肠上皮细胞BBV的组蛋白H1是987P菌毛蛋白的受体。  相似文献   

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