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In line with the paradigm, that antisense oligonucleotides should contain minimal structural modifications, in order to minimize the risk of toxicity and antigenicity, we describe here the preparation and the properties of oligonucleotides modified to contain, in addition to phosphodiester bonds, a small number of phosphoramidate internucleotide linkages substituted with aminoethoxyethyl groups in order to convey protection against exo‐ and endonucleases. Prolonged stability was, in fact, found in model experiments with respective enzymes, as well as in studies done in human blood serum. Regardless of number and position of phosphoramidate linkages, the modified oligonucleotides showed only a slight decrease of Tm in hybridization studies with complementary oligonucleotides.  相似文献   


Enhanced cellular uptake, stable and discriminating hybridization and increased stability in biological media are of particular interest for oligonucleotides of potential therapeutic application. Additionally, toxicity or immunogenicity of the oligonucleotide analogues and their biodegradation products should be minimized by minimal alteration of the biological structure and effort and cost of bulk production should be as low as possible by using a standard automated synthesis protocol. Oligonucleotide phosphotriesters with oligoethyleneglycol substituents show promise to ideally combine all these advantages. Here we describe the hybridization properties and the stability of modified oligonucleotides containing triester internucleotide linkages substituted with α,ω-dihydroxy-(3,6-dioxa)-octan-1-yl group (“triethyleneglycol triester linkages”) towards enzymatic degradation. The triester linkages are stable towards exo- and endonucleases. Regardless of number and position of triester linkages, the modified oligonucleotides showed practically no decrease of Tm in hybridization studies with complementary biological oligonucleotides. In further enzymatic studies the modified oligonucleotides were highly stable towards nucleases in human blood serum.  相似文献   


Triple-helix recognition of the DNA major grove offers a powerful approach for the design of sequence specific DNA binding molecules. Although the triple-helix binding of pyrimidine containing third strands is well characterized now, the factors governing the recognition of double stranded DNA by GT containing third strands are poorly understood. Oligonucleotides with a variable amount of G and GpT or TpG steps have been synthesized here. A systematical study was performed to determine the influence of these changes on the triple-helix hybridization properties of these oligonucleotides. Large difference in the hybridization properties have been observed by band shift experiments.  相似文献   

Hybridization of mitochondrial ribosomal RNA   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  


The synthesis of parallel hairpins carrying 8-aminopurines is described. These hairpins have a high affinity for specific polypyrimidine sequences resulting in the formation of very stable triplexes.  相似文献   

Hybridization between rat liver DNA and complementary RNA   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

This article describes nonradioactive probing of a Northern blot. The method employs digoxigenin-labeled probes. Antidigoxigenin antibody/alkaline phosphate conjugate, and a chemiluminescent substrate are subsequently used in the detection system.  相似文献   

应用异羟基洋地黄毒甙元(Digoxigenin)标记的RNA探针,检测了人和黑猩猩血清及肝脏中丁型肝炎病毒核酸,并与~(32)P标记同一探针做了比较。结果表明,异羟基洋地黄毒甙元标记的RNA探针的杂交效果与同位索探针一致(同源cDNA0.2pg),可用于人和动物血清及肝脏标本内HDV核酸的检测。  相似文献   

Hybridization and strand displacement kinetics determine the evolution of the base paired configurations of mixtures of oligonucleotides over time. Although much attention has been focused on the thermodynamics of DNA and RNA base pairing in the scientific literature, much less work has been done on the time dependence of interactions involving multiple strands, especially in RNA. Here we provide a study of oligoribonucleotide interaction kinetics and show that it is possible to calculate the association, dissociation and strand displacement rates displayed by short oligonucleotides (5nt–12nt) that exhibit no expected secondary structure as simple functions of oligonucleotide length, CG content, ΔG of hybridization and ΔG of toehold binding. We then show that the resultant calculated kinetic parameters are consistent with the experimentally observed time dependent changes in concentrations of the different species present in mixtures of multiple competing RNA strands. We show that by changing the mixture composition, it is possible to create and tune kinetic traps that extend by orders of magnitude the typical sub-second hybridization timescale of two complementary oligonucleotides. We suggest that the slow equilibration of complex oligonucleotide mixtures may have facilitated the nonenzymatic replication of RNA during the origin of life.  相似文献   

In-situ Hybridization to Messenger RNA in Heterodera glycines   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A method is presented for in-situ hybridization to mRNA in second-stage juveniles (J2) of the soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines. The protocol was developed using a digoxigenin-labeled RNA probe transcribed from cDNA of a cellulase gene that was known to be expressed in the subventral esophageal glands of H. glycines. Formaldehyde-fixed J2 were cut into sections with a vibrating razor blade to make the inside of the nematodes accessible for probing. These nematode fragments then were hybridized in suspension with riboprobe, and labeled with an alkaline phosphatase-conjugated antibody to digoxigenin. Staining with nitroblue tetrazolium and bromo-chloro-indolyl phosphate revealed a highly specific hybridization signal to mRNA within the cytoplasm of the subventral gland cells, using this specific antisense probe. This in-situ hybridization protocol will be useful for the characterization and identification of esophageal gland secretion genes in plant-parasitic nematodes, among other applications.  相似文献   

BVDV(牛病毒性腹泻病毒)是一类有重要经济价值的病毒,其核酸为单链RNA。该病毒提纯以后.用苯酚-氯仿-异戊醇提取RNA.在提取的BVDy RNA中所含的DNA杂质用DNase I降解除去,然后进一步用oligo dT纤维素拄亲和层析,琼脂糖凝胶电泳等方法纯化。纯化的BVDV RNA在E.coli,poly A聚合酶的催化作用下,在3’羟基末端聚腺化。cDNA在逆向转录酶的作用下,用polyA接尾的BVDV RNA作模板,oligodT_12—18作引物合成。琼脂糖凝胶电泳结果说明它与BVDV RNA相似。该cDNA的探针用斑点杂交方法与BVDV RNA,HCV RNA和酵母tRNA杂交,BVDV RNA和HCVRNA显阳性反应,酵母tRNA显阴性反应,结果说明合成的cDNA为BVDV RNA的cDNA。BVDV和HCV同为披盖科疫病毒属成员,它们具有部分相同的抗原,因此编码病毒蛋白的RNA序列具有同源序列,本研究证实了这种假设。  相似文献   

新近制备了大量纯化的pEH920 DNA,该质粒DNA插入了登革病毒2型核酸片段的互补DNA。以[a-~(32)P]dCTP按缺口转译法标记pEH 920 DNA作为探针,以感染病毒的蚊细胞c_6/36培养上清作标本,应用DNA-RNA斑点杂交法检测了登革病毒核酸。结果显示同位素标记探针(pEH 920)与登革病毒2型标本反应最强,具有一定的型特异性。但与其它血清型登革病毒也呈一定交叉反应。初步探讨了探针的敏感性,至少可检出TCID_(50)625的登革病毒2型核酸。  相似文献   


The synthesis and properties of oligonucleotides (ONs) containing 9-(2,3,4-trihydroxybutyl)adenine, A C2 and A C3, are described. The ON containing A C2 involves the 3′ → 4′ and 3′ → 5′ phosphodiester linkages in the strand, whereas that containing A C3 possesses the 3′ → 4′ and 2′ → 5′ phosphodiester linkages. It was found that incorporation of the analogs, A C2 or A C3, into ONs significantly reduces the thermal and thermodynamic stabilities of the ON/DNA duplexes, but does not largely decrease the thermal and thermodynamic stabilities of the ON/RNA duplexes as compared with the case of the ON/DNA duplexes. It was revealed that the base recognition ability of A C2 is greater than that of A C3 in the ON/RNA duplexes.  相似文献   

Cloned DNA copies of double-stranded RNA segments 7, 8, and 9 of UK bovine rotavirus were nick-translated with [alpha-(32)P]ATP and hybridized to double-stranded RNA of various rotavirus strains which had been separated on long polyacrylamide gels and then transferred to o-aminophenylthioether paper. Specific hybridization of the UK calf clones to the separated RNA segments allowed the corresponding genes of four different rotaviruses to be rapidly determined.  相似文献   

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