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During the past decade the relationship between biodiversity and human diversity has received increased attention, resulting in the identification of what the Declaration of Belém calls an ‘inextricable link’ between biological and cultural diversity. Although the term biocultural diversity, introduced to denote this link, is being used increasingly, there has been little critical reflection on what it precisely refers to. I argue that it is used with particular reference to ‘indigenous traditional’ people, but that there is scope for extending its application within biocultural discourse. I therefore review the concept of culture and discuss what constitutes cultural values of the natural environment. I conclude that the concept of culture must be understood as involving a dynamic process of transcultural exchange and constant re-articulations of tradition resulting in the persistence of certain cultural practices. This approach ultimately reveals that the concept of biocultural diversity is also applicable to non-indigenous traditional communities.  相似文献   

In this study, the genetic diversity of ‘Ubá’ mango trees cultivated at the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, was assessed, to identify whether there is variability in the plants grown in the region, justifying the mass selection as a breeding method. We used 102 accessions. Leaves were collected for extraction of genomic DNA, which was amplified with nine ISSR primers. The data obtained by the analysis of electrophoretic patterns were arranged in a binary matrix, considering 0 for the absence and 1 for the presence of bands. Based on these data, we performed the analysis of genetic dissimilarity and carried out the cluster analysis by the methods of Tocher and graphical dispersion. The most similar accessions are 144 and 150, both coming from Ubá, while the most divergent ones are 29 and 97, from Visconde do Rio Branco. The grouping by the Tocher method separated the accessions into six groups, 94.1% of which were allocated in the first group and showed that there is no separation of accessions depending on the sampling sites. The 3D scatter plot reinforces this conclusion. There is genetic variability among the accessions of ‘Ubá’ mango tree evaluated. Therefore, it is possible to make mass selection in open-pollinated populations.  相似文献   

F is (0.170) and F it (0.259) values indicated a number of heterozygotes present in the population under study lower than that necessary to reach the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The genetic variability found among the traditional sweet cassava cultivars assessed was considered wide, and the groups that were most distant were mostly cultivars from Toledo and Maringá.  相似文献   

Perchloroethylene (PCE) was tested in a diploid strain (D7) of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in suspension tests with and without a mammalian microsomal activation system (S9) and ‘in vivo’ by the intrasanguineous host-mediated assay. In addition, enzyme alteration studies were performed in mice non-pretreated or pretreated with phenobarbital + β-naphthoflavone. PCE did not induce any genetic effect either ‘in vitro’ or ‘in vivo’. In the suspension test, PCE was more toxic without metabolic activation and less toxic with mammalian microsomal activation. The enzymatic determinations showed an increase of the aminopyrine demethylase activity and of the level of cytochrome P-450.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of a local population of the Manchurian pheasant Phasianus colchicus pallasi was studied using RAPD–PCR. Based on the DNA patterns obtained in PCR with five arbitrary decanucleotide primers, we assessed genetic polymorphism of this population, estimated genetic distances between individuals, and constructed an NJ phylogenetic tree, and an UPGMA dendrogram of genetic similarity. The population was shown to exhibit high average genetic polymorphism (P = 79.4%) and genetic distances (D = 0.267). Possible reasons for the high genetic diversity of this local population are discussed.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Manihot esculenta Crantz is originally from the Amazon region of Brazil, which has the highest genetic diversity. Due to the wide adaptation of cassava to the...  相似文献   



Diverse livelihood portfolios are frequently viewed as a critical component of household economies in developing countries. Within the context of natural resources governance in particular, the capacity of individual households to engage in multiple occupations has been shown to influence important issues such as whether fishers would exit a declining fishery, how people react to policy, the types of resource management systems that may be applicable, and other decisions about natural resource use.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This paper uses network analysis to provide a novel methodological framework for detailed systemic analysis of household livelihood portfolios. Paying particular attention to the role of natural resource-based occupations such as fisheries, we use network analyses to map occupations and their interrelationships- what we refer to as ‘livelihood landscapes’. This network approach allows for the visualization of complex information about dependence on natural resources that can be aggregated at different scales. We then examine how the role of natural resource-based occupations changes along spectra of socioeconomic development and population density in 27 communities in 5 western Indian Ocean countries. Network statistics, including in- and out-degree centrality, the density of the network, and the level of network centralization are compared along a multivariate index of community-level socioeconomic development and a gradient of human population density. The combination of network analyses suggests an increase in household-level specialization with development for most occupational sectors, including fishing and farming, but that at the community-level, economies remained diversified.


The novel modeling approach introduced here provides for various types of livelihood portfolio analyses at different scales of social aggregation. Our livelihood landscapes approach provides insights into communities'' dependencies and usages of natural resources, and shows how patterns of occupational interrelationships relate to socioeconomic development and population density. A key question for future analysis is how the reduction of household occupational diversity, but maintenance of community diversity we see with increasing socioeconomic development influences key aspects of societies'' vulnerability to environmental change or disasters.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was examined in the Japanese apogamous and sexual forms ofAsplenium unilaterale by electrophoretic analysis of eight enzyme systems. The apogamous form consisted of four biotypes (A, B, C, and D) which show different band patterns. Biotypes C and D were distinguished from biotype A by a difference at only one locus each:Mdh-1 andPgi-2, respectively. Biotypes A, C, and D were sufficiently differentiated from the sexual form (Nei's genetic distance (D)=0.50). This suggests that the apogamous form is not directly derived from the sexual form. However, biotype B expressed the combined band pattern of biotype C and the sexual form, leading to the conclusion that biotype B probably originated by hybridization between those two.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, writings generalizing about the place of Aborigines in Australia at the national level and proposing policies have been dominated by what I will call the ‘self-determination’ approach. This approach has made little theoretical or substantive contribution at the level at which moral judgement and policy have been directed because moral and political concerns have constrained and biased inquiry. This paper offers a critique of the self-determination approach by focusing on the works of Professor Tatz, who has been a major influence in its development and proselytization.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the major causes of parkinsonism syndrome. Its characteristic motor symptoms are attributable to dopaminergic neurons loss in the midbrain. Genetic advances have highlighted underlying molecular mechanisms and provided clues to potential therapies. However, most of the studies focusing on the genetic component of PD have been performed on American, European and Asian populations, whereas Arab populations (excluding North African Arabs), particularly Saudis remain to be explored. Here we investigated the genetic causes of PD in Saudis by recruiting 98 PD-cases (sporadic and familial) and screening them for potential pathogenic mutations in PD-established genes; SNCA, PARKIN, PINK1, PARK7/DJ1, LRRK2 and other PD-associated genes using direct sequencing. To our surprise, the screening revealed only three pathogenic point mutations; two in PINK1 and one in PARKIN. In addition to mutational analysis, CNV and cDNA analysis was performed on a subset of patients. Exon/intron dosage alterations in PARKIN were detected and confirmed in 2 cases. Our study suggests that mutations in the ORF of the screened genes are not a common cause of PD in Saudi population; however, these findings by no means exclude the possibility that other genetic events such as gene expression/dosage alteration may be more common nor does it eliminate the possibility of the involvement of novel genes.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity, especially at genes important for immune functioning within the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), has been associated with fitness-related traits, including disease resistance, in many species. Recently, genetic diversity has been associated with mate preferences in humans. Here we asked whether these preferences are adaptive in terms of obtaining healthier mates. We investigated whether genetic diversity (heterozygosity and standardized mean d2) at MHC and nonMHC microsatellite loci, predicted health in 153 individuals. Individuals with greater allelic diversity (d2) at nonMHC loci and at one MHC locus, linked to HLA-DRB1, reported fewer symptoms over a four-month period than individuals with lower d2. In contrast, there were no associations between MHC or nonMHC heterozygosity and health. NonMHC-d2 has previously been found to predict male preferences for female faces. Thus, the current findings suggest that nonMHC diversity may play a role in both natural and sexual selection acting on human populations.  相似文献   

R. H. Crozier 《Genetica》1977,47(1):17-36
Chromosomal and isozyme variation was examined in populations of the ant Aphaenogaster rudis. Georgian populations of this ant are referable to a lighter Coastal Plains or a darker Montane phenotype. Coastal Plains populations are fixed or nearly fixed for a null esterase allele, Es 0, whereas high activity allele frequencies characterise Montane populations. High Mdh-a 1 frequencies (>0.5) are typical of Coastal Plains populations, but in Montane populations this allele is rarer (<0.3) or absent. Study of a narrow (approximately one kilometer wide) contact zone (Turner's Corner) between these two forms showed that Coastal Plains ants have n=20 as against n=22 for Montane ants there, that there was no chromosomal evidence of hybridization, but that the presence of low frequencies of the alternate Es alleles in both forms indicates that there is some introgression. The Montane phenotype is itself heterogeneous at Black Rock Mountain, where a further, 18-chromosome, cytotype shows marked microhabitat segregation from the sympatric 22-chromosome form and differs from it in allele frequencies at all four loci examined (Mdh-a, Mdh-b, Es, Amy). Average relative genetic distances (Nei's Dm) between populations within all forms are low (maximum of 0.03±0.01) compared with interform distances (minimum of 0.19±0.03), which are similar to distances between the rudis forms and both of fulva and treatae. Aphaenogaster fulva has a very similar karyotype to that of 18-chromosome rudis, in which some specimens show weak development of the taxonomic characters distinguishing fulva from rudis. However, fulva and 18-chromosome rudis differ markedly allozymically, especially in that Amy 5 and Amy 6 are the only amylase alleles in fulva and Amy 4 is the only amylase allele in 18-chromosome rudis. An Alachua County, Florida rudis-group population has a 22-chromosome karyotype different to that of Georgian rudis, but the genetic distance values suggest it may be most similar genetically to the Montane 22-chromosome form. Low-level gene flow between fulva and rudis-group populations is suggested by similarity of fulva and two different sympatric rudis-group populations in terms of Es alleles present.The Georgian 20- and 22-chromosome rudis karyotypes may possibly be related by Robertsonian changes, but the relationship between these and the 18-chromosome forms (18-chromosome rudis, fulva, and an 18-chromosome Florida isolate), treatae (n=21), and lamellidens (n=19), are obscure. A non-Robertsonian chromosome number polymorphism was found in one Coastal Plains population.No unequivocal evidence was found for an overall departure of genotype frequencies from those expected under the Hardy-Weinberg Law.The rudis cytotypes in Georgia are sibling species whose close morphological resemblance may reflect ecological but not genetic similarity.  相似文献   



Currently, zoonoses account for 58% to 61% of all communicable diseases causing illness in humans globally and up to 75% of emerging human pathogens. Although the impact of zoonoses on animal health and public health in North America is significant, there has been no published research involving health professionals on the prioritization of zoonoses in this region.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used conjoint analysis (CA), a well-established quantitative method in market research, to identify the relative importance of 21 key characteristics of zoonotic diseases for their prioritization in Canada and the US. Relative importance weights from the CA were used to develop a point-scoring system to derive a recommended list of zoonoses for prioritization in Canada and the US. Study participants with a background in epidemiology, public health, medical sciences, veterinary sciences and infectious disease research were recruited to complete the online survey (707 from Canada and 764 from the US). Hierarchical Bayes models were fitted to the survey data to derive CA-weighted scores for disease criteria. Scores were applied to 62 zoonotic diseases to rank diseases in order of priority.


We present the first zoonoses prioritization exercise involving health professionals in North America. Our previous study indicated individuals with no prior knowledge in infectious diseases were capable of producing meaningful results with acceptable model fits (79.4%). This study suggests health professionals with some knowledge in infectious diseases were capable of producing meaningful results with better-fitted models than the general public (83.7% and 84.2%). Despite more similarities in demographics and model fit between the combined public and combined professional groups, there was more uniformity across priority lists between the Canadian public and Canadian professionals and between the US public and US professionals. Our study suggests that CA can be used as a potential tool for the prioritization of zoonoses.  相似文献   

Complete and partial genome sequences of two isolates of an unusual new plant virus, designated Donkey orchid symptomless virus (DOSV) were identified using a high-throughput sequencing approach. The virus was identified from asymptomatic plants of Australian terrestrial orchid Diuris longifolia (Common donkey orchid) growing in a remnant forest patch near Perth, western Australia. DOSV was identified from two D. longifolia plants of 264 tested, and from at least one plant of 129 Caladenia latifolia (pink fairy orchid) plants tested. Phylogenetic analysis of the genome revealed open reading frames (ORF) encoding seven putative proteins of apparently disparate origins. A 69-kDa protein (ORF1) that overlapped the replicase shared low identity with MPs of plant tymoviruses (Tymoviridae). A 157-kDa replicase (ORF2) and 22-kDa coat protein (ORF4) shared 32% and 40% amino acid identity, respectively, with homologous proteins encoded by members of the plant virus family Alphaflexiviridae. A 44-kDa protein (ORF3) shared low identity with myosin and an autophagy protein from Squirrelpox virus. A 27-kDa protein (ORF5) shared no identity with described proteins. A 14-kDa protein (ORF6) shared limited sequence identity (26%) over a limited region of the envelope glycoprotein precursor of mammal-infecting Crimea-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (Bunyaviridae). The putative 25-kDa movement protein (MP) (ORF7) shared limited (27%) identity with 3A-like MPs of members of the plant-infecting Tombusviridae and Virgaviridae. Transmissibility was shown when DOSV systemically infected Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Structure and organization of the domains within the putative replicase of DOSV suggests a common evolutionary origin with ‘potexvirus-like’ replicases of viruses within the Alphaflexiviridae and Tymoviridae, and the CP appears to be ancestral to CPs of allexiviruses (Alphaflexiviridae). The MP shares an evolutionary history with MPs of dianthoviruses, but the other putative proteins are distant from plant viruses. DOSV is not readily classified in current lower order virus taxa.  相似文献   

Coffee berries are known to release several volatile organic compounds, among which is the spiroacetal, conophthorin, an attractant for the coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei. Elucidating the effects of other spiroacetals released by coffee berries is critical to understanding their chemo-ecological roles in the host discrimination and colonization process of the coffee berry borer, and also for their potential use in the management of this pest. Here, we show that the coffee berry spiroacetals frontalin and 1,6-dioxaspiro [4.5] decane (referred thereafter as brocain), are also used as semiochemicals by the coffee berry borer for host colonization. Bioassays and chemical analyses showed that crowding coffee berry borers from 2 to 6 females per berry, reduced borer fecundity, which appeared to correlate with a decrease in the emission rates of conophthorin and frontalin over time. In contrast, the level of brocain did not vary significantly between borer- uninfested and infested berries. Brocain was attractive at lower doses, but repellent at higher doses while frontalin alone or in a blend was critical for avoidance. Field assays with a commercial attractant comprising a mixture of ethanol and methanol (1∶1), combined with frontalin, confirmed the repellent effect of this compound by disrupting capture rates of H. hampei females by 77% in a coffee plantation. Overall, our results suggest that the levels of frontalin and conophthorin released by coffee berries determine the host colonization behaviour of H. hampei, possibly through a ‘push-pull’ system, whereby frontalin acts as the ‘push’ (repellent) and conophthorin acting as the ‘pull’ (attractant). Furthermore, our results reveal the potential use of frontalin as a repellent for management of this coffee pest.  相似文献   

Ring hydroxylating dioxygenases (RHDOs) are one of the most important classes of enzymes featuring in the microbial metabolism of several xenobiotic aromatic compounds. One such RHDO is benzenetriol dioxygenase (BtD) which constitutes the metabolic machinery of microbial degradation of several mono- phenolic and biphenolic compounds including nitrophenols. Assessment of the natural diversity of benzenetriol dioxygenase (btd) gene sequence is of great significance from basic as well as applied study point of view. In the present study we have evaluated the gene sequence variations amongst the partial btd genes that were retrieved from microorganisms enriched for PNP degradation from pesticide contaminated agriculture soils. The gene sequence analysis was also supplemented with an in silico restriction digestion analysis. Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis based on the deduced amino acid sequence(s) was performed wherein the evolutionary relatedness of BtD enzyme with similar aromatic dioxygenases was determined. The results obtained in this study indicated that this enzyme has probably undergone evolutionary divergence which largely corroborated with the taxonomic ranks of the host microorganisms.  相似文献   

Jeanette Edwards 《Ethnos》2018,83(4):724-743
Family history research is popular in England. As a social practice it straddles social class and is confined to neither the middle nor the working classes, but shows an enthusiastic and flourishing interest in the workings of social class and in micro-histories of the region. This article focuses on experts in family history research in a region of the north west of England where it is referred to colloquially as ‘family treeing’. Here family treeing is inflected by a post-industrial landscape and recent social and economic transformations with attendant threats to working-class life and dignity. Family treeing is about caring for the dead, but it is also, significantly, about caring for the living, and not only kin. It is an active practice of belonging both to people and places, and entails constant acts of reciprocity.  相似文献   

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