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Pyrosequencing has emerged as an alternative method of nucleic acid sequencing, well suited for many applications which aim to characterize single nucleotide polymorphisms, mutations, microbial types and CpG methylation in the target DNA. The commercially available pyrosequencing systems can harbor two different types of software which allow analysis in AQ or CpG mode, respectively, both widely employed for DNA methylation analysis.


Aim of the study was to assess the performance for DNA methylation analysis at CpG sites of the two pyrosequencing software which allow analysis in AQ or CpG mode, respectively. Despite CpG mode having been specifically generated for CpG methylation quantification, many investigations on this topic have been carried out with AQ mode. As proof of equivalent performance of the two software for this type of analysis is not available, the focus of this paper was to evaluate if the two modes currently used for CpG methylation assessment by pyrosequencing may give overlapping results.


We compared the performance of the two software in quantifying DNA methylation in the promoter of selected genes (GSTP1, MGMT, LINE-1) by testing two case series which include DNA from paraffin embedded prostate cancer tissues (PC study, N = 36) and DNA from blood fractions of healthy people (DD study, N = 28), respectively.


We found discrepancy in the two pyrosequencing software-based quality assignment of DNA methylation assays. Compared to the software for analysis in the AQ mode, less permissive criteria are supported by the Pyro Q-CpG software, which enables analysis in CpG mode. CpG mode warns the operators about potential unsatisfactory performance of the assay and ensures a more accurate quantitative evaluation of DNA methylation at CpG sites.


The implementation of CpG mode is strongly advisable in order to improve the reliability of the methylation analysis results achievable by pyrosequencing.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is a key epigenetic modification which, in mammals, occurs mainly at CpG dinucleotides. Most of the CpG methylation in the genome is found in repetitive regions, rich in dormant transposons and endogenous retroviruses. Global DNA hypomethylation, which is a common feature of several conditions such as ageing and cancer, can cause the undesirable activation of dormant repeat elements and lead to altered expression of associated genes. DNA hypomethylation can cause genomic instability and may contribute to mutations and chromosomal recombinations. Various approaches for quantification of global DNA methylation are widely used. Several of these approaches measure a surrogate for total genomic methyl cytosine and there is uncertainty about the comparability of these methods. Here we have applied 3 different approaches (luminometric methylation assay, pyrosequencing of the methylation status of the Alu repeat element and of the LINE1 repeat element) for estimating global DNA methylation in the same human cell and tissue samples and have compared these estimates with the “gold standard” of methyl cytosine quantification by HPLC. Next to HPLC, the LINE1 approach shows the smallest variation between samples, followed by Alu. Pearson correlations and Bland-Altman analyses confirmed that global DNA methylation estimates obtained via the LINE1 approach corresponded best with HPLC-based measurements. Although, we did not find compelling evidence that the gold standard measurement by HPLC could be substituted with confidence by any of the surrogate assays for detecting global DNA methylation investigated here, the LINE1 assay seems likely to be an acceptable surrogate in many cases.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of cells with respect to the DNA methylation status at a specific CpG site is a problem when assessing methylation status. We have developed a simple two-step method for the quantification of the percent of cells that display methylation at a specific CpG site in the promoter of a specific gene. The first step is overnight digestion of genomic DNA (optimal conc. 20ng/5μl) with a relevant methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme (optimal 2 units). This is followed by real time PCR, using the SYBR® Green method, with primers that bracket the site cleaved by the enzyme. By including fully methylated and fully non-methylated DNA in each PCR plate, the errors caused by non-specific digestion or incomplete digestion can be measured and used to adjust the raw results and thus increase specificity. The method can detect differences in methylation status if these are more than 10%. No specialized equipment is required beyond the real-time PCR system and the method can be adapted for any of the 53 commercially available methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

The methylated bases of DNA are formed by the transfer of the methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine to a polynucleotide acceptor. This transfer is catalyzed by highly specific enzymes which recognize a limited number of available sites in the DNA. The mechanism for the recognition is presently unknown. In some instances, there is evidence that other cellular components, such as lipopolysaccharides, can influence the methylation reaction. Certain bacteriophages induce new methylases upon infection of their hosts. Phage T3 is unique in establishing an environment in which methylation of neither the phage nor the host nucleic acid can occur. By superinfecting T3-infected cells with other phages, the latter can be obtained with methyl-deficient DNA. Although a great deal is known about the enzymology of the methylation reaction, and there appears to be a strong correlation between the in vitro and in vivo reactions, studies in which DNA is either supermethylated or totally unmethylated have not yielded any insight as to what the possible function of the methylated bases may be.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is one of the best characterized epigenetic modifications. In mammals it is involved in various biological processes including the silencing of transposable elements, regulation of gene expression, genomic imprinting, and X-chromosome inactivation. This article describes how DNA methylation serves as a cellular memory system and how it is dynamically regulated through the action of the DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) and ten eleven translocation (TET) enzymes. Its role in the regulation of gene expression, through its interplay with histone modifications, is also described, and its implication in human diseases discussed. The exciting areas of investigation that will likely become the focus of research in the coming years are outlined in the summary.  相似文献   

植物DNA甲基化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
DNA甲基化是造成植物转录水平基因沉默的主要原因。从DNA甲基化的发生机理,DNA甲基化抑制基因转录以及调控基因转录的方式简要地介绍了真核生物中DNA甲基化的功能和调控机制方面的一些研究进展。  相似文献   

Relative quantification is the strategy of choice for processing RT-qPCR data in microRNAs (miRNAs) expression studies. Normalisation of relative quantification data is performed by using reference genes. In livestock species, such as pigs, the determination of reference miRNAs and the optimal number of them has not been widely studied. In this study, the stability of ten miRNAs (Ssc-let-7a, Ssc-miR-103, Ssc-miR-17-3p, Hsa-miR-25, Hsa-miR-93, Ssc-miR-106a, Ssc-miR-191, Ssc-miR-16, Ssc-miR-26a and Ssc-miR-17-5p) was investigated by RT-qPCR in different tissues (skeletal muscle, kidney, liver, ovary and uterus) and in different pig breeds (Iberian, Landrace, Large White, Meishan and Vietnamese) as variation factors. Stability values were calculated with geNorm and NormFinder algorithms obtaining high correlation between them (r2 = 0.99). The analyses showed that tissue is an important variability factor in miRNAs expression stability whereas breed is not a determinant factor. All ten miRNAs analysed had good stability values and, therefore, can be used as reference miRNAs. When all tissues were considered, miR-93 was the most stable miRNA. Dividing data set by tissues, let-7a was the most stable in skeletal muscle and ovary, miR-17-5p in kidney, miR-26a in liver and miR-103 in uterus. Moreover, the optimal number of reference miRNAs to be used for proper normalisation data was determined. It is suggested the use of five reference miRNAs (miR-93, miR-25, miR-106a, miR-17-5p and miR-26a) in multi-tissue experimental designs and the use of three reference miRNAs as the optimal number in single tissues studies (let-7a, miR-17-5p and miR-25 in skeletal muscle; miR-17-5p, miR-93 and miR-26a in kidney, miR-26a, miR-103 and let-7a in liver, let-7a, miR-25 and miR-106a in ovary and miR-103, let-7a and miR-93 in uterus). Overall, this study provides valuable information about the porcine reference miRNAs that can be used in order to perform a proper normalisation when relative quantification by RT-qPCR studies is undertaken.  相似文献   

采用实验室建立的数字PCR方法 (ddPCR)和荧光定量PCR (qPCR)方法研究HER2基因组DNA标准物质的互通性,评价HER2基因组DNA标准物质与临床样本的互通性,为临床实验室检测提供具有互通性的可溯源标准物质.将研制的5个水平标准物质随机穿插于29例临床样本间,使用ddPCR方法与qPCR方法同时进行检测.参考美国临床实验室标准化协会(CLSI)指南文件EP30和中华人民共和国卫生行业标准基质效应与互通性评估指南WS/T356-2011的推荐,采用Deming回归法评价标准物质的互通性.结果显示,5种标准物质与临床样本之间具有良好的互通性,可以用于临床实验室对HER2基因拷贝数变异检测方法的方法验证和质量控制.  相似文献   

The lower amount of 5 methylcytosine in DNA from bull sperm relative to DNA of other bovine tissues is a result of the absence of this minor base from several of the satellite DNAs in sperm. This applies particularly to the 1.715, 1.711b and 1.709 satellites and less so to the 1.706 and 1.711a satellites. Mouse sperm DNA is also partially undermethylated.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化与组蛋白甲基化的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李建许  刘红林 《遗传》2004,26(2):267-270
在真核生物基因组及基因组以外,存在着多种共价修饰,其中,DNA和组蛋白的甲基化都与基因的沉默存在着联系,DNA和H3K9的甲基化在调节基因过程中具有协同作用,并拮抗H3K4的甲基化。近来的研究显示,两种甲基化机制之间似乎还存在着联系,即DNA的甲基化可能依赖于H3K9的甲基化,但在哺乳动物中,两种甲基化的关系可能更复杂。  相似文献   

表观遗传指不涉及DNA序列改变的,可随细胞分裂而遗传的基因组修饰作用;DNA甲基化是其中研究最多的基因表达调节机制。异常DNA甲基化可致肿瘤发生,它亦是肿瘤基因诊断和治疗的靶点。文章介绍DNA甲基化基本概念、作用效果及其可能机制;并讨论异常DNA甲基化与肿瘤的关联,包括肿瘤中DNA异常甲基化原因、异常甲基化致瘤机制及基因甲基化研究在肿瘤诊治中的应用等。  相似文献   

N6-Methyladenine (m6A) has been found in DNAs of various eukaryotes (algae, fungi, protozoa, and higher plants). Like bacterial DNA, DNAs of these organisms are subject to enzymatic modification (methylation) not only at cytosine, but also at adenine bases. There is indirect evidence that adenine methylation of the genome occurs in animals as well. In plants, m6A was detected in total, mitochondrial, and nuclear DNAs. It was observed that both adenines and cytosines can be methylated in one gene (DRM2). Open reading frames coding for homologs of bacterial adenine DNA methyltransferases were revealed in protozoan, yeast, higher plant, insect, nematode, and vertebrate genomes, suggesting the presence of adenine DNA methyltransferases in evolutionarily distant eukaryotes. The first higher-eukaryotic adenine DNA N6-methyltransferase (wad-mtase) was isolated from vacuolar vesicles of wheat coleoptiles. The enzyme depends on Mg2+ or Ca2+ and, in the presence of S-adenosyl-L-methionine, methylates de novo the first adenine of the sequence TGATCA in single- and double-stranded DNAs, preferring the former. Adenine methylation of eukaryotic DNA is probably involved in regulating gene expression and replication, including that of mitochondrial DNA; plays a role in controlling the persistence of foreign DNA in the cell; and acts as a component of a plant restriction— modification system. Thus, the eukaryotic cell has at least two different systems for enzymatic methylation of DNA (at adenines and at cytosines) and a special mechanism regulating the functions of genes via a combinatorial hierarchy of these interdependent modifications of the genome.__________Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2005, pp. 557–566.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Vanyushin.To the memory of my teacher, Academician Andrei Nikolaevich Belozersky  相似文献   

哺乳动物的正常发育取决于表观遗传学调控机制准确无误地运行.其中尤为重要的是发生在原生殖细胞和胚胎中的基因组范围内的DNA甲基化模式重排等表观遗传学修饰.胚胎发育过程中的DNA甲基化作用与基因印记的建立、基因表达的调控以及细胞和胚胎的形态建成都密切相关.DNA甲基化发生机制和功能的阐明将对哺乳动物个体发育与人类疾病研究有重要意义.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化方法研究现状   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
DNA的异常甲基化与肿瘤的发生发展密切相关。DNA甲基化已成为研究热点,有关研究方法发展迅速。甲基化研究方法大抵分为两大类:1.基因组DNA的甲基化检测;2.特定DNA片段的甲基化检测。目前的研究重点已转移到特定基因尤其是抑癌基因的甲基化。  相似文献   

CpG岛是人类基因组中富含CpG二核苷酸的DNA序列,主要位于基因启动子区,大小约为100-1000bp,与约60%编码基因相关。DNA中CpG岛甲基化可导致抑癌基因的表观遗传学转录失活,直接参与肿瘤的发生机制。近年来,甲基化已成为表观遗传学研究的焦点。我们简要综述了DNA甲基化在结直肠癌中的研究进展。  相似文献   

Methylation of DNA in ultraviolet-irradiated bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The analysis of cytosine methylation provides a new way to assess and describe epigenetic regulation at a whole-genome level in many eukaryotes. DNA methylation has a demonstrated role in the genome stability and protection, regulation of gene expression and many other aspects of genome function and maintenance. BS-seq is a relatively unbiased method for profiling the DNA methylation, with a resolution capable of measuring methylation at individual cytosines. Here we describe, as an example, a workflow to handle DNA methylation analysis, from BS-seq library preparation to the data visualization. We describe some applications for the analysis and interpretation of these data. Our laboratory provides public access to plant DNA methylation data via visualization tools available at our “Next-Gen Sequence” websites (http://mpss.udel.edu), along with small RNA, RNA-seq and other data types.  相似文献   

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