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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a continuous endomembrane system comprising the nuclear envelope, ribosome-studded sheets, dense peripheral matrices, and an extensive polygonal network of interconnected tubules. In addition to performing numerous critical cellular functions, the ER makes extensive contacts with other organelles, including endosomes and lysosomes. The molecular and functional characterization of these contacts has advanced significantly over the past several years. These contacts participate in key functions such as cholesterol transfer, endosome tubule fission, and Ca2+ exchange. Disruption of key proteins at these sites can result in often severe diseases, particularly those affecting the nervous system.  相似文献   

The emerging evidences suggest that endoplasmic (ER) stress is involved in onset of many pathological conditions like cancer and neurodegeneration. The persistent ER stress results in misfolded protein aggregates, which are degraded through the process of autophagy or lead to cell death through activation of caspases. The regulation of crosstalk of autophagy and cell death during ER stress is emerging. Ubiquitination plays regulatory role in crosstalk of autophagy and cell death. In the current study, we describe the role of TRIM13, RING E3 ubiquitin ligase, in regulation of ER stress induced cell death. The expression of TRIM13 sensitizes cells to ER stress induced death. TRIM13 induced autophagy is essential for ER stress induced caspase activation and cell death. TRIM13 induces K63 linked poly-ubiquitination of caspase-8, which results in its stabilization and activation during ER stress. TRIM13 regulates translocation of caspase-8 to autophagosome and its fusion with lysosome during ER stress. This study first time demonstrated the role of TRIM13 as novel regulator of caspase-8 activation and cell death during ER stress.  相似文献   

Excess ER stress induces caspase-12 activation and/or cytochrome c release, causing caspase-9 activation. Little is known about their relationship during ER stress-mediated cell death. Upon ER stress, P19 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells showed activation of various caspases, including caspase-3, caspase-8, caspase-9, and caspase-12, and extensive DNA fragmentation. We examined the relationship between ER stress-mediated cytochrome c/caspase-9 and caspase-12 activation by using caspase-9- and caspase-8-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts and a P19 EC cell clone [P19-36/12 (-) cells] lacking expression of caspase-12. Caspase-9 and caspase-8 deficiency inhibited and delayed the onset of DNA fragmentation but did not inhibit caspase-12 processing induced by ER stress. P19-36/12 (-) cells underwent apoptosis upon ER stress, with cytochrome c release and caspase-8 and caspase-9 activation. The dominant negative form of FADD and z-VAD-fmk inhibited caspase-8, caspase-9, Bid processing, cytochrome c release, and DNA fragmentation induced by ER stress, suggesting that caspase-8 and caspase-9 are the main caspases involved in ER stress-mediated apoptosis of P19-36/12 (-) cells. Caspase-8 deficiency also inhibited the cytochrome c release induced by ER stress. Thus, in parallel with the caspase-12 activation, ER stress triggers caspase-8 activation, resulting in cytochrome c/caspase-9 activation via Bid processing.  相似文献   

Recently, caspase-2 was shown to act upstream of mitochondria in stress-induced apoptosis. Activation of caspase-8, a key event in death receptor-mediated apoptosis, also has been demonstrated in death receptor-independent apoptosis. The regulation of these initiator caspases, which trigger the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, is unclear. Here we report a potential regulatory role of caspase-2 on caspase-8 during ceramide-induced apoptosis. Our results demonstrate the sequential events of initiator caspase-2 and caspase-8 activation, Bid cleavage and translocation, and mitochondrial damage followed by downstream caspase-9 and -3 activation and cell apoptosis after ceramide induction in T cell lines. The expression of truncated Bid (tBid) and the reduction in mitochondrial transmembrane potential were blocked by caspase-2 or caspase-8, but not caspase-3, knockdown using an RNA interference technique. Ceramide-induced caspase-8 activation, mitochondrial damage, and apoptosis were blocked in caspase-2 short interfering RNA-expressing cells. Therefore, caspase-2 acts upstream of caspase-8 during ceramide-induced mitochondrial apoptosis. Similarly, sequential caspase-2 and caspase-8 activation upstream of mitochondria was also observed in etoposide-induced apoptosis. These data suggest sequential initiator caspase-2 and caspase-8 activation in the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway induced by ceramide or etoposide.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone(JH) is one of the most important hormones in insects since it is essential for insect development. The mechanism by which JH affects the central nervous system still remains a mystery. In this study, we demonstrate that one of the JH receptors, Methoprene-tolerant(Met), is important for the control of neurite development and sleep behavior in Drosophila. With the identification of Met-expressing glial cells, the mechanism that Met negatively controls the mushroom body(MB) b lobes fusion and positively maintains pigment-dispersing factor s LNvs projection pruning has been established. Furthermore, despite the developmental effects, Met can also maintain nighttime sleep in a developmentindependent manner through the a/b lobe of MB. Combining analyses of neuronal morphology and entomological behavior, this study advances our understanding of how the JH receptor regulates the nervous system.  相似文献   

Apoptotic defects endow tumor cells with survival advantages. Such defects allow the cellular stress response to take the path of cytoprotective autophagy, which either precedes or effectively blocks an apoptotic cascade. Inhibition of the cytoprotective autophagic response shifts the cells toward apoptosis, by interfering with an underlying molecular mechanism of cytoprotection. The current study has identified such a mechanism that is centered on the regulation of caspase-8 activity. The study took advantage of Bax-/- Hct116 cells that are TRAIL-resistant despite significant DISC processing of caspase-8, and of the availability of a caspase-8-specific antibody that exclusively detects the caspase-8 large subunit or its processed precursor. Utilizing these biological tools, we investigated the expression pattern and subcellular localization of active caspase-8 in TRAIL-mediated autophagy and in the autophagy-to-apoptosis shift upon autophagy inhibition. Our results suggest that the TRAIL-mediated autophagic response counter-balances the TRAIL-mediated apoptotic response by the continuous sequestration of the large caspase-8 subunit in autophagosomes and its subsequent elimination in lysosomes. The current findings are the first to provide evidence for regulation of caspase activity by autophagy and thus broaden the molecular basis for the observed polarization between autophagy and apoptosis.Key words: apoptosis, autophagy, caspase-8, lysosome, TRAIL  相似文献   

Caspase-8 is believed to play an obligatory role in apoptosis initiation by death receptors, but the role of its structural relative, caspase-10, remains controversial. Although earlier evidence implicated caspase-10 in apoptosis signaling by CD95L and Apo2L/TRAIL, recent studies indicated that these death receptor ligands recruit caspase-8 but not caspase-10 to their death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) even in presence of abundant caspase-10. We characterized a series of caspase-10-specific antibodies and found that certain commercially available antibodies cross-react with HSP60, shedding new light on previous results. The majority of 55 lung and breast carcinoma cell lines expressed mRNA for both caspase-8 and -10; however, immunoblot analysis revealed that caspase-10 protein expression was more frequently absent than that of caspase-8, suggesting a possible selective pressure against caspase-10 production in cancer cells. In nontransfected cells expressing both caspases, CD95L and Apo2L/TRAIL recruited endogenous caspase-10 as well as caspase-8 to their DISC, where both enzymes were proteolytically processed with similar kinetics. Caspase-10 recruitment required the adaptor FADD/Mort1, and caspase-10 cleavage in vitro required DISC assembly, consistent with the processing of an apoptosis initiator. Cells expressing only one of the caspases underwent ligand-induced apoptosis, indicating that each caspase can initiate apoptosis independently of the other. Thus, apoptosis signaling by death receptors involves not only caspase-8 but also caspase-10, and both caspases may have equally important roles in apoptosis initiation.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a cellular survival pathway that recycles intracellular components to compensate for nutrient depletion and ensures the appropriate degradation of organelles. Mitochondrial number and health are regulated by mitophagy, a process by which excessive or damaged mitochondria are subjected to autophagic degradation. Autophagy is thus a key determinant for mitochondrial health and proper cell function. Mitophagic malfunction has been recently proposed to contribute to progressive neuronal loss in Parkinson disease. In addition to autophagy''s significance in mitochondrial integrity, several lines of evidence suggest that mitochondria can also substantially influence the autophagic process. The mitochondria''s ability to influence and be influenced by autophagy places both elements (mitochondria and autophagy) in a unique position where defects in one or the other system could increase the risk to various metabolic and autophagic related diseases.Key words: autophagy, mitochondria, fission, fusion, apoptosis  相似文献   

Autophagy is a cellular survival pathway that recycles intracellular components to compensate for nutrient depletion and ensures the appropriate degradation of organelles. Mitochondrial number and health are regulated by mitophagy, a process by which excessive or damaged mitochondria are subjected to autophagic degradation. Autophagy is thus a key determinant for mitochondrial health and proper cell function. Mitophagic malfunction has been recently proposed to contribute to progressive neuronal loss in Parkinson's disease. In addition to autophagy's significance in mitochondrial integrity, several lines of evidence suggest that mitochondria can also substantially influence the autophagic process. The mitochondria's ability to influence and be influenced by autophagy places both elements (mitochondria and autophagy) in a unique position where defects in one or the other system could increase the risk to various metabolic and autophagic related diseases.  相似文献   

Amyloid-beta (Abeta) neurotoxicity is believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Previously we found that E2-25K/Hip-2, an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, mediates Abeta neurotoxicity. Here, we report that E2-25K/Hip-2 modulates caspase-12 activity via the ubiquitin/proteasome system. Levels of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident caspase-12 are strongly up-regulated in the brains of AD model mice, where the enzyme colocalizes with E2-25K/Hip-2. Abeta increases expression of E2-25K/Hip-2, which then stabilizes caspase-12 protein by inhibiting proteasome activity. This increase in E2-25K/Hip-2 also induces proteolytic activation of caspase-12 through its ability to induce calpainlike activity. Knockdown of E2-25K/Hip-2 expression suppresses neuronal cell death triggered by ER stress, and thus caspase-12 is required for the E2-25K/Hip-2-mediated cell death. Finally, we find that E2-25K/Hip-2-deficient cortical neurons are resistant to Abeta toxicity and to the induction of ER stress and caspase-12 expression by Abeta. E2-25K/Hip-2 is thus an essential upstream regulator of the expression and activation of caspase-12 in ER stress-mediated Abeta neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

The larvae of Schistosoma mansoni invade their mammalian host by utilizing a serine protease, cercarial elastase (SmCE), to degrade macromolecular proteins in host skin. The catalytic activity of serine and cysteine proteases can be regulated after activation by serpins. SmSrpQ, one of two S. mansoni serpins found in larval secretions, is only expressed during larval development and in the early stages of mammalian infection. In vitro, (35)S-SmSrpQ was able to form an SDS-stable complex with a component of the larval lysate, but no complex was detected when (35)S-SmSrpQ was incubated with several mammalian host proteases. Formation of a complex was sensitive to the protease active site inhibitors PMSF, Z-AAPF-CMK, and Z-AAPL-CMK. Western blot analysis of parasite lysates from different life stages detected a complex of comparable size to SmCE bound to SmSrpQ using anti-SmSrpQ or anti-SmCE antibodies. SmSrpQ and SmCE are located in adjacent but discrete compartments in the secretion glands of the parasite. Fluorescence immunohistochemical analysis of simulated infection showed co-localization of SmCE and SmSrpQ in host tissue suggesting a post release regulation of parasite protease activity during skin transversal. The results of this study suggest that cercarial elastase degradation of skin tissue is carefully regulated by SmSrpQ.  相似文献   

The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is a membranous organelle with diverse structural and functional domains. Peripheral ER includes interconnected tubules, and dense tubular arrays called “ER matrices” together with bona fide flat cisternae. Transitions between these states are regulated by membrane-associated proteins and cytosolic factors. Recently, the small GTPases Rab10 and Rab18 were reported to control ER shape by regulating ER dynamics and fusion. Here, we present evidence that another Rab protein, Rab7a, modulates the ER morphology by controlling the ER homeostasis and ER stress. Indeed, inhibition of Rab7a expression by siRNA or expression of the dominant negative mutant Rab7aT22?N, leads to enlargement of sheet-like ER structures and spreading towards the cell periphery. Notably, such alterations are ascribable neither to a direct modulation of the ER shaping proteins Reticulon-4b and CLIMP63, nor to interactions with Protrudin, a Rab7a-binding protein known to affect the ER organization. Conversely, depletion of Rab7a leads to basal ER stress, in turn causing ER membrane expansion. Both ER enlargement and basal ER stress are reverted in rescue experiments by Rab7a re-expression, as well as by the ER chemical chaperone tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA). Collectively, these findings reveal a new role of Rab7a in ER homeostasis, and indicate that genetic and pharmacological ER stress manipulation may restore ER morphology in Rab7a silenced cells.  相似文献   

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