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Alexandre Bureau Margaret M. Parker Ingo Ruczinski Margaret A. Taub Mary L. Marazita Jeffrey C. Murray Elisabeth Mangold Markus M. Noethen Kirsten U. Ludwig Jacqueline B. Hetmanski Joan E. Bailey-Wilson Cheryl D. Cropp Qing Li Silke Szymczak Hasan Albacha-Hejazi Khalid Alqosayer L. Leigh Field Yah-Huei Wu-Chou Kimberly F. Doheny Hua Ling Alan F. Scott Terri H. Beaty 《Genetics》2014,197(3):1039-1044
A dozen genes/regions have been confirmed as genetic risk factors for oral clefts in human association and linkage studies, and animal models argue even more genes may be involved. Genomic sequencing studies should identify specific causal variants and may reveal additional genes as influencing risk to oral clefts, which have a complex and heterogeneous etiology. We conducted a whole exome sequencing (WES) study to search for potentially causal variants using affected relatives drawn from multiplex cleft families. Two or three affected second, third, and higher degree relatives from 55 multiplex families were sequenced. We examined rare single nucleotide variants (SNVs) shared by affected relatives in 348 recognized candidate genes. Exact probabilities that affected relatives would share these rare variants were calculated, given pedigree structures, and corrected for the number of variants tested. Five novel and potentially damaging SNVs shared by affected distant relatives were found and confirmed by Sanger sequencing. One damaging SNV in CDH1, shared by three affected second cousins from a single family, attained statistical significance (P = 0.02 after correcting for multiple tests). Family-based designs such as the one used in this WES study offer important advantages for identifying genes likely to be causing complex and heterogeneous disorders. 相似文献
C. Salvoro S. Bortoluzzi A. Coppe G. Valle E. Feltrin M. L. Mostacciuolo G. Vazza 《Molecular neurobiology》2018,55(9):7366-7376
Schizophrenia (SCZ) and bipolar disorder (BPD) are highly heritable disorders with an estimated co-heritability of 68%. Hundreds of common alleles have been implicated, but recently a role for rare, high-penetrant variants has been also suggested in both disorders. This study investigated a familial cohort of SCZ and BPD patients from a closed population sample, where the high recurrence of the disorders and the homogenous genetic background indicate a possible enrichment in rare risk alleles. A total of 230 subjects (161 cases, 22 unaffected relatives, and 47 controls) were genetically investigated through an innovative strategy that integrates identity-by-descent (IBD) mapping and whole-exome sequencing (WES). IBD analysis allowed to track high-risk haplotypes (IBDrisk) shared exclusively by multiple patients from different families and possibly carrying the most penetrant alleles. A total of 444 non-synonymous sequence variants, of which 137 disruptive, were identified in IBDrisk haplotypes by WES. Interestingly, gene sets previously implicated in SCZ (i.e., post-synaptic density (PSD) proteins, voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), and fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) targets) were found significantly enriched in genes carrying IBDrisk variants. Further, IBDrisk variants were preferentially affecting genes involved in the extracellular matrix (ECM) biology and axon guidance processes which appeared to be functionally connected in the pathway-derived meta-network analysis. Results thus confirm rare risk variants as key factors in SCZ and BPD pathogenesis and highlight a role for the development of neuronal connectivity in the etiology of both disorders. 相似文献
Antonio Rausell Pejman Mohammadi Paul J. McLaren Istvan Bartha Ioannis Xenarios Jacques Fellay Amalio Telenti 《PLoS computational biology》2014,10(7)
Loss-of-function variants in innate immunity genes are associated with Mendelian disorders in the form of primary immunodeficiencies. Recent resequencing projects report that stop-gains and frameshifts are collectively prevalent in humans and could be responsible for some of the inter-individual variability in innate immune response. Current computational approaches evaluating loss-of-function in genes carrying these variants rely on gene-level characteristics such as evolutionary conservation and functional redundancy across the genome. However, innate immunity genes represent a particular case because they are more likely to be under positive selection and duplicated. To create a ranking of severity that would be applicable to innate immunity genes we evaluated 17,764 stop-gain and 13,915 frameshift variants from the NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project and 1,000 Genomes Project. Sequence-based features such as loss of functional domains, isoform-specific truncation and nonsense-mediated decay were found to correlate with variant allele frequency and validated with gene expression data. We integrated these features in a Bayesian classification scheme and benchmarked its use in predicting pathogenic variants against Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) disease stop-gains and frameshifts. The classification scheme was applied in the assessment of 335 stop-gains and 236 frameshifts affecting 227 interferon-stimulated genes. The sequence-based score ranks variants in innate immunity genes according to their potential to cause disease, and complements existing gene-based pathogenicity scores. Specifically, the sequence-based score improves measurement of functional gene impairment, discriminates across different variants in a given gene and appears particularly useful for analysis of less conserved genes. 相似文献
Anna-Lena Volckmar Chung Ting Han Carolin Pütter Stefan Haas Carla I. G. Vogel Nadja Knoll Christoph Struve Maria G?bel Katharina Haas Nikolas Herrfurth Ivonne Jarick Harald Grallert Annette Schürmann Hadi Al-Hasani Johannes Hebebrand Sascha Sauer Anke Hinney 《PloS one》2016,11(2)
Genes involved in body weight regulation that were previously investigated in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and in animal models were target-enriched followed by massive parallel next generation sequencing.Methods
We enriched and re-sequenced continuous genomic regions comprising FTO, MC4R, TMEM18, SDCCAG8, TKNS, MSRA and TBC1D1 in a screening sample of 196 extremely obese children and adolescents with age and sex specific body mass index (BMI) ≥ 99th percentile and 176 lean adults (BMI ≤ 15th percentile). 22 variants were confirmed by Sanger sequencing. Genotyping was performed in up to 705 independent obesity trios (extremely obese child and both parents), 243 extremely obese cases and 261 lean adults.Results and Conclusion
We detected 20 different non-synonymous variants, one frame shift and one nonsense mutation in the 7 continuous genomic regions in study groups of different weight extremes. For SNP Arg695Cys (rs58983546) in TBC1D1 we detected nominal association with obesity (pTDT = 0.03 in 705 trios). Eleven of the variants were rare, thus were only detected heterozygously in up to ten individual(s) of the complete screening sample of 372 individuals. Two of them (in FTO and MSRA) were found in lean individuals, nine in extremely obese. In silico analyses of the 11 variants did not reveal functional implications for the mutations. Concordant with our hypothesis we detected a rare variant that potentially leads to loss of FTO function in a lean individual. For TBC1D1, in contrary to our hypothesis, the loss of function variant (Arg443Stop) was found in an obese individual. Functional in vitro studies are warranted. 相似文献6.
Co-Expression Analysis of Fetal Weight-Related Genes in Ovine Skeletal Muscle during Mid and Late Fetal Development Stages 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lingyang Xu Fuping Zhao Hangxing Ren Li Li Jian Lu Jiasen Liu Shifang Zhang George E. Liu Jiuzhou Song Li Zhang Caihong Wei Lixin Du 《International journal of biological sciences》2014,10(9):1039-1050
Piya Lahiry Jian Wang John F. Robinson Jacob P. Turowec David W. Litchfield Matthew B. Lanktree Gregory B. Gloor Erik G. Puffenberger Kevin A. Strauss Mildred B. Martens David A. Ramsay C. Anthony Rupar Victoria Siu Robert A. Hegele 《American journal of human genetics》2009,84(2):134-147
Six infants in an Old Order Amish pedigree were observed to be affected with endocrine-cerebro-osteodysplasia (ECO). ECO is a previously unidentified neonatal lethal recessive disorder with multiple anomalies involving the endocrine, cerebral, and skeletal systems. Autozygosity mapping and sequencing identified a previously unknown missense mutation, R272Q, in ICK, encoding intestinal cell kinase (ICK). Our results established that R272 is conserved across species and among ethnicities, and three-dimensional analysis of the protein structure suggests protein instability due to the R272Q mutation. We also demonstrate that the R272Q mutant fails to localize at the nucleus and has diminished kinase activity. These findings suggest that ICK plays a key role in the development of multiple organ systems. 相似文献
甘蓝型油菜ZF-HD基因家族的鉴定与系统进化分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
ZF-HD是一类植物特有的转录因子, 在植物生长发育及胁迫响应过程中发挥重要作用。利用生物信息学方法, 在甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus)基因组中鉴定到62个ZF-HD基因, 其中83.9%的基因缺乏内含子, 93.5%的BnZF-HD等电点大于7, 预测定位于细胞核的蛋白大多由100个以上氨基酸组成。根据进化关系可将其分为6个亚群, 在每个亚群中, 甘蓝(B. oleracea)和白菜(B. rapa)的ZF-HD基因数量相等或近似相等, 而甘蓝型油菜的ZF-HD基因数量接近或等同于甘蓝和白菜的ZF-HD基因数量之和。同一亚群的motif数量和类型高度相似。共线性分析结果显示, 全基因组三倍体化使ZF-HD基因在二倍体祖先得到扩张, 而异源多倍体化又进一步使甘蓝型油菜ZF-HD基因家族扩张。Ka/Ks值说明大多数ZF-HD基因在进化过程中受到了纯化选择。所有BnZF-HD基因都具有光响应元件, 2/3的基因具有MeJA、ABA和厌氧诱导顺式作用元件, 推测这些基因可能参与相关生物学过程。研究结果为进一步挖掘该家族基因的生物学功能奠定基础, 同时为揭示多基因家族在异源多倍体中的进化式样提供借鉴。 相似文献
Christopher J. Allender Gary R. LeCleir Johanna M. Rinta-Kanto Randall L. Small Michael F. Satchwell Gregory L. Boyer Steven W. Wilhelm 《Applied and environmental microbiology》2009,75(11):3598-3604
While multiple phylogenetic markers have been used in the culture-independent study of microcystin-producing cyanobacteria, in only a few instances have multiple markers been studied within individual cells, and in all cases these studies have been conducted with cultured isolates. Here, we isolate and evaluate large DNA fragments (>6 kb) encompassing two genes involved in microcystin biosynthesis (mcyA2 and mcyB1) and use them to identify the source of gene fragments found in water samples. Further investigation of these gene loci from individual cyanobacterial cells allowed for improved analysis of the genetic diversity within microcystin producers as well as a method to predict microcystin variants for individuals. These efforts have also identified the source of the novel mcyA genotype previously termed Microcystis-like that is pervasive in the Laurentian Great Lakes and they predict the microcystin variant(s) that it produces.Microcystin-producing cyanobacteria are common nuisance organisms in harmful algal blooms in freshwaters around the world (4). This genetically diverse group (based on 16S rRNA, mcyA, mcyD, and mcyE gene sequences [6, 10, 15, 16, 22]) ranges in morphology from unicellular and colonial cocci to large filamentous strands. Many species can produce a variety of secondary metabolites that can act as hepatatoxins upon ingestion by animals (e.g., variants of microcystin) (4, 33). Microcystin production reduces the water quality in reservoirs used by human populations and fishery resources, and production of these toxins by this group of cyanobacteria makes them important organisms for continued observation and study (4, 33, 36). Much effort has been expended over the past 15 years to characterize the genomic and structural components of the microcystin (mcy) synthetase operon responsible for the production of microcystins. Several complete DNA sequences of the mcy synthetase operon are currently available in GenBank (3, 11, 29, 31).Although the mechanisms of microcystin production are now better understood, recent analyses of mcyA gene fragments from Lakes Erie and Ontario indicated a microcystin toxin producer of unknown phylogeny (7, 28). This discrepancy suggested a need for improved molecular characterization of naturally occurring microcystin producers, which spurred our research to identify the source of several unusual mcyA fragments from the cyanobacterial community (7, 28). It was apparent from initial sequence data that these mcyA gene fragments, termed Microcystis-like, were highly similar to those from Microcystis spp. (colonial or unicellular cocci). However, they contained a 6-nucleotide insert consistent with mcyA genes from filamentous cyanobacteria (e.g., Anabaena, Nostoc, and Planktothrix) (28). These preliminary findings suggested that these unusual mcyA fragments either came from (i) a novel species or strain, (ii) an ancestral Microcystis, (iii) the highly unlikely hybridization of colonial cocci and filamentous cyanobacteria, or (iv) a chimera of cocci and filamentous PCR products. To identify the source of these mcyA gene fragments from uncultured cyanobacteria, we used culture-independent methods to amplify and isolate long regions of the mcy synthetase operon for the simultaneous analysis of two genes, mcyA and mcyB, in one individual from a population. This approach ensures that both genes are contained on the same DNA molecule, thus allowing for more continuous sequence information to use in comparative phylogenetic analyses than previously described. We also envisioned that this mcy gene combination would provide an improved diagnostic tool for determining the genetic potential of naturally occurring cyanobacteria to produce specific microcystin variants by comparing the phylogenetic marker in mcyA to the predictor of amino acid incorporation (via an adenylation domain) in mcyB1. 相似文献
James L. Trevaskis Christine M. Mack Chengzao Sun Christopher J. Soares Lawrence J. D’Souza Odile E. Levy Diane Y. Lewis Carolyn M. Jodka Krystyna Tatarkiewicz Bronislava Gedulin Swati Gupta Carrie Wittmer Michael Hanley Bruce Forood David G. Parkes Soumitra S. Ghosh 《PloS one》2013,8(10)
Combination therapy is being increasingly used as a treatment paradigm for metabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. In the peptide therapeutics realm, recent work has highlighted the therapeutic potential of chimeric peptides that act on two distinct receptors, thereby harnessing parallel complementary mechanisms to induce additive or synergistic benefit compared to monotherapy. Here, we extend this hypothesis by linking a known anti-diabetic peptide with an anti-obesity peptide into a novel peptide hybrid, which we termed a phybrid. We report on the synthesis and biological activity of two such phybrids (AC164204 and AC164209), comprised of a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP1-R) agonist, and exenatide analog, AC3082, covalently linked to a second generation amylin analog, davalintide. Both molecules acted as full agonists at their cognate receptors in vitro, albeit with reduced potency at the calcitonin receptor indicating slightly perturbed amylin agonism. In obese diabetic Lepob/Lep
ob mice sustained infusion of AC164204 and AC164209 reduced glucose and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) equivalently but induced greater weight loss relative to exenatide administration alone. Weight loss was similar to that induced by combined administration of exenatide and davalintide. In diet-induced obese rats, both phybrids dose-dependently reduced food intake and body weight to a greater extent than exenatide or davalintide alone, and equal to co-infusion of exenatide and davalintide. Phybrid-mediated and exenatide + davalintide-mediated weight loss was associated with reduced adiposity and preservation of lean mass. These data are the first to provide in vivo proof-of-concept for multi-pathway targeting in metabolic disease via a peptide hybrid, demonstrating that this approach is as effective as co-administration of individual peptides. 相似文献
红白花鲫胚胎发育期先观察到黑色素细胞的发生,孵化出膜后先后出现黄色素细胞、红色素细胞及虹彩细胞。1月龄花鲫幼苗体色呈浅青灰色,2月龄前后,花鲫皮肤黑色素细胞逐渐减少,体色发生“青转花”的变化,3月龄时基本形成红白镶嵌的成体体色。克隆获得了鲫Slc7a11和Pnp4a体色基因的全长cDNA。鲫Slc7a11全长1782bp,编码496个氨基酸,与斑马鱼Slc7a11基因氨基酸同源性达93.7%;鲫Pnp4a全长1535bp,编码291氨基酸,与斑马鱼Pnp4a基因氨基酸同源性达95.1%。RT-PCR检测了Mitfa、Tyr、Slc7a11和Pnp4a在白鲫、红鲫、花鲫三种不同体色鲫胚胎及成体组织中的表达,分析结果显示:花鲫和红鲫一样有一个黑色素消退过程,鲫Slc7a11和Pnp4a体色基因与斑马鱼Slc7a11和Pnp4a具有高度同源性,花鲫成体皮肤组织也和红鲫成体皮肤组织一样检测到了Mitfa和Tyr的表达。Pnp4a在不同鲫的不同体色发育时期和不同组织都有表达,Slc7a11在不同鲫的不同体色发育时期均有表达,但在不同鲫的成体皮肤组织中均未表达。 相似文献
Mechanism of Action and Development of Resistance to a New Amidino Penicillin 总被引:28,自引:22,他引:28

Sachiko Matsuhashi Tatsuyuki Kamiryo Peter M. Blumberg Paul Linnett Eileen Willoughby Jack L. Strominger 《Journal of bacteriology》1974,117(2):578-587
The mechanism of killing of Escherichia coli by a novel beta-lactam antibiotic, an amidino penicillin, has been investigated. This compound converts E. coli to relatively stable spherical forms at low concentration. However, the amidino penicillin caused no alteration in any of those parameters of peptidoglycan synthesis which can be studied. Above 10 mug of the antibiotic per ml the cells began to lyse, and a second mode of killing appeared. Mutants resistant to the amidino penicillin were isolated and several were studied in detail. Three mutant phenotypes were distinguished: (i) spherical shape and hypersensitive to lysis by either amidino penicillin or ampicillin; (ii) spherical shape and normally sensitive to lysis; (iii) rod shape, converted to viable spheres by amidino penicillin and normally sensitive to lysis. 相似文献
大豆基因组解析与重要农艺性状基因克隆研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
自2010年大豆(Glycine max)基因组论文在Nature杂志上正式发表以来, 以中国为主的多国科学家已对众多不同地理来源的野生大豆、农家品种及栽培品种进行了基因组重测序, 并通过比较基因组学等技术手段, 揭示了大豆基因组在进化与驯化过程中的基本规律。利用大豆基因组信息, 科学家已成功克隆了调控大豆生育期、生长(结荚)习性、种子形态性状与组分、结瘤与养分利用效率、生物及非生物胁迫抗(耐)性等重要农艺性状的功能基因, 并初步揭示了其相关的作用机理, 取得了一系列突破性进展, 为今后进一步精细解析大豆基因组与相关性状的基因调控网络奠定了坚实的基础, 同时为通过分子(模块)设计育种来培育新品种创造了必要条件。 相似文献
Theo S. Plantinga Esther van de Vosse Angelique Huijbers Mihai G. Netea Leo A. B. Joosten Jan W. A. Smit Romana T. Netea-Maier 《PloS one》2014,9(4)
Autophagy is a central process in regulation of cell survival, cell death and proliferation and plays an important role in carcinogenesis, including thyroid carcinoma. Genetic variation in autophagy components has been demonstrated to influence the capacity to execute autophagy and is associated with disease susceptibility, progression and outcome. In the present study, we assessed whether genetic variation in autophagy genes contributes to susceptibility to develop thyroid carcinoma, disease progression and/or patient outcome. The results indicate that patients carrying the ATG5 single nucleotide polymorphisms rs2245214 have a higher probability to develop thyroid carcinoma (OR 1.85 (95% CI 1.04–3.23), P = 0.042). In contrast, no significant differences could be observed for the other genetic variants studied in terms of thyroid carcinoma susceptibility. Furthermore, none of the selected genetic variants were associated with clinical parameters of disease progression and outcome. In conclusion, genetic variation in ATG5, a central player in the autophagy process, is found to be associated with increased susceptibility for thyroid carcinoma, indicating a role for autophagy in thyroid carcinogenesis. 相似文献
Exceptional Segregation of a Selectable Marker (Kan(r)) in Arabidopsis Identifies Genes Important for Gametophytic Growth and Development 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2

Genes transformed into plants are usually inherited in a regular Mendelian manner. There are, however, transformants in which the selectable trait fails to segregate as expected. Genetic analysis of the kanamycin-resistance (Kan(R)) trait in >900 independent transformants of Arabidopsis revealed that 9% produced progeny families with an enormous deficiency of Kan(R) individuals. Self-pollination of individual Kan(R) plants from these families revealed lines that continued to segregate for a deficiency of Kan(R) seedlings. In subsequent generations, the segregation ratio in these families stabilized at ~1 Kan(R): 3 Kan(S). Molecular analyses showed that the deficiency of Kan(R) individuals reflected the complete absence of the introduced DNA. Reciprocal backcrosses to untransformed plants showed unequal transmission of the Kan(R) trait through the gametes in these exceptional lines. In five cases, this was primarily a failure of transmission through the microgametophyte (pollen) and in the other two cases, primarily a failure of transmission through the megagametophyte (embryo sac or egg). The number of seeds per silique was reduced by 50% in the latter two lines. We conclude that our exceptional transformants contain T-DNA insertions that delete or disrupt genes essential for gametophytic growth and development. 相似文献