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The cytochrome p450-dependent formation and subsequent interconversion of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) metabolites 7 alpha-hydroxy-DHEA (7 alpha-OH-DHEA), 7 beta-hydroxy-DHEA (7 beta-OH-DHEA), and 7-oxo-DHEA was observed in human, pig, and rat liver microsomal fractions. Rat liver mitochondria and nuclei also converted DHEA to 7 alpha-OH-DHEA and 7-oxo-DHEA, but at a lower rate. With NADP(+), and less so with NAD(+), rat, pig, and human liver microsomes and rat liver mitochondria and nuclei converted 7 alpha-OH-DHEA to 7-oxo-DHEA. This reaction was inhibited by corticosterone and the 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11 betaHSD) inhibitor carbenoxolone (CBX). The conversion of 7 alpha-OH-DHEA to 7-oxo-DHEA by rat kidney occurred at higher rates with NAD(+) than with NADP(+) and was inhibited by corticosterone. With NADPH, 7-oxo-DHEA was converted to unidentified hydroxylated metabolites and low levels of 7 alpha-OH-DHEA by rat liver microsomes. In contrast, pig liver microsomal fractions reduced 7-oxo-DHEA to nearly equal amounts of 7 alpha- and 7 beta-OH-DHEA, while human fractions produced mainly 7 beta-OH-DHEA. Dehydrocorticosterone inhibited the reduction to both isomers by pig liver microsomes, but only to 7 alpha-OH-DHEA by human microsomes; CBX inhibited both reactions. Rat kidney did not reduce 7-oxo-DHEA with either NADPH or NADH. These results demonstrate that DHEA is first converted in liver to 7 alpha-OH-DHEA, which is subsequently oxidized to 7-oxo-DHEA in both liver and kidney. In liver, interconversion of 7-oxo-DHEA and 7-OH-DHEA isomers is largely catalyzed by 11 betaHSD1, while in kidney 11 betaHSD2 (NAD(+)-dependent) and 11 betaHSD3 (NADP(+)-dependent) likely catalyze the unidirectional oxidation of 7 alpha-hydroxy-DHEA to 7-oxo-DHEA. Distinct species-specific routes of metabolism of DHEA and the interconversion of its metabolites obviate extrapolation of animal studies to humans.  相似文献   

Bauer M 《Current biology : CB》2008,18(16):R709-R710
It has been suggested that synchronization of neural activity in distinct areas of the brain is important in the 'perceptual binding' of the various features relating to a specific object. A recent study has provided new evidence that inter-area synchronization is important in multisensory integration.  相似文献   

The sialyl-α2,6-lactosaminyl-structure: Biosynthesis and functional role   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sialylation represents one of the most frequently occurring terminations of the oligosaccharide chains of glycoproteins and glycolipids. Sialic acid is commonly found ,3- or ,6-linked to galactose (Gal), ,6-linked to N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) or ,8-linked to another sialic acid. The biosynthesis of the various linkages is mediated by the different members of the sialyltransferase family. The addition of sialic acid in ,6-linkage to the galactose residue of lactosamine (type 2 chains) is catalyzed by -galactoside ,6-sialyltransferase (ST6Gal.I). Although expressed by a single gene, this enzyme shows a complex pattern of regulation which allows its tissue- and stage-specific modulation. The cognate oligosaccharide structure, NeuAc,6Gal1,4GIcNAc, is widely distributed among tissues and is involved in biological processes such as the regulation of the immune response and the progression of colon cancer. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the biochemistry of ST6Gal.I and on the functional role of the sialyl-,6-lactosaminyl structure.  相似文献   

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1α (PGC-1α), a key regulator of energy metabolism and lipid homeostasis in multiple highly oxidative tissues, has been implicated in the metabolic derangements of diabetes and obesity. However, relatively less is known regarding its role in neurological functions. Using shotgun lipidomics, we investigated the lipidome of mouse cerebral cortex with generalized deficiency of PGC-1α (PGC-1α(-/-)) versus wild-type (WT) mice under standard diet and chronically calorically restricted conditions. Specific deficiency in sulfatide, a myelin-specific lipid class critically involved in maintaining neurological function, was uncovered in the cortex of PGC-1α(-/-) mice compared with WT mice at all ages examined. Chronic caloric restriction (CR) for 22 months essentially restored the sulfatide reduction in PGC-1α(-/-) mice compared with WT, but sulfatide reduction was not restored in PGC-1α(-/-) with CR for a short term (i.e., 3 months). Mechanistic studies uncovered and differentiated the biochemical mechanisms underpinning the two conditions of altered sulfatide homeostasis. The former is modulated through PGC-1α-MAL pathway, whereas the latter is under the control of LXR/RXR-apoE metabolism pathway. These results suggest a novel mechanistic role of PGC-1α in sulfatide homeostasis, provide new insights into the importance of PGC-1α in neurological functions, and indicate a potential therapeutic approach for treatment of deficient PGC-1α-induced alterations in sulfatide homeostasis.  相似文献   

Gugliucci A  Menini T 《Life sciences》2003,72(23):2603-2616
Due to the importance of glycation in the genesis of diabetic complications, an intense search for synthetic new antiglycation agents is ongoing. However, a somewhat neglected avenue is the search for endogenous compounds that may inhibit the process and be a source of protodrugs. Based on their ubiquity, their polycationic nature, their essential role in growth, their relatively high concentrations in tissues, and their high concentrations in sperm, we hypothesized that polyamines inhibit glycation and that might be one of their so far elusive functions. In this study we demonstrate a potent antiglycation effect of physiological concentrations of the polyamines spermine and spermidine. We employed two approaches: in the first, we monitored structural changes on histones and ubiquitin in which polyamines inhibit glycation-induced dimer and polymer formation. In the second we monitored functional impairment of catalytic activity of antithrombin III and plasminogen. Protection is afforded against glycation by hexoses, trioses and dicarbonyls AGE precursors and is comparable to those of aminoguanidine and carnosine.  相似文献   

We have previously identified the scaffold protein liprin-α1 as an important regulator of integrin-mediated cell motility and tumor cell invasion. Liprin-α1 may interact with different proteins, and the functional significance of these interactions in the regulation of cell motility is poorly known. Here we have addressed the involvement of the liprin-α1 partner GIT1 in liprin-α1-mediated effects on cell spreading and migration. GIT1 depletion inhibited spreading by affecting the lamellipodia, and prevented liprin-α1-enhanced spreading. Conversely inhibition of the formation of the liprin-α1-GIT complex by expression of liprin-ΔCC3 could still enhance spreading, although to a lesser extent compared to full length liprin-α1. No cumulative effects were observed after depletion of both liprin-α1 and GIT1, suggesting that the two proteins belong to the same signaling network in the regulation of cell spreading. Our data suggest that liprin-α1 may compete with paxillin for binding to GIT1, while binding of βPIX to GIT1 was unaffected by the presence of liprin-α1. Interestingly, GIT and liprin-α1 reciprocally regulated their subcellular localization, since liprin-α1 overexpression, but not the GIT binding-defective liprin-ΔCC3 mutant, affected the localization of endogenous GIT at peripheral and mature central focal adhesions, while the expression of a truncated, active form of GIT1 enhanced the localization of endogenous liprin-α1 at the edge of spreading cells. Moreover, GIT1 was required for liprin-α1-enhanced haptotatic migration, although the direct interaction between liprin-α1 and GIT1 was not needed. Our findings show that the functional interaction between liprin-α1 and GIT1 cooperate in the regulation of integrin-dependent cell spreading and motility on extracellular matrix. These findings and the possible competition of liprin-α1 with paxillin for binding to GIT1 suggest that alternative binding of GIT1 to either liprin-α1 or paxillin plays distinct roles in different phases of the protrusive activity in the cell.  相似文献   

Leptin, the ob gene product, is involved in the regulation of body weight in rodents, primates and humans. It provides a molecular basis for the lipostatic theory of the regulation of energy balance. White adipose tissue and placenta are the main sites of leptin synthesis. There is also evidence of ob gene expression in brown fat. Leptin seems to play a key role in the control of body fat stores by coordinated regulation of feeding behaviour, metabolic rate, autonomic nervous system regulation and body energy balance. Apart from the function of leptin in the central nervous system on the regulation of energy balance, it may well be one of the hormonal factors that signal to the brain the body's readiness for sexual maturation and reproduction. During late pregnancy and at birth when maternal fat stores have been developed, leptin levels are high. During these developmental stages leptin could be a messenger molecule signalling the adequacy of the fat stores for reproduction and maintenance of pregnancy. At later stages of gestation leptin could signal the expansion of fat stores in order to prepare the expectant mother for the energy requirements of full-term gestation, labour and lactation. Leptin serum concentrations change during pubertal development in rodents, primates and humans. In girls, leptin serum concentrations increase dramatically as pubertal development proceeds. The pubertal rise in leptin levels parallels the increase in body fat mass. In contrast, leptin levels increase shortly before and during the early stages of puberty in boys and decline thereafter. Testosterone has been found to suppress leptin synthesis by adipocytes both in vivo and in vitro. The decline of leptin levels in late puberty in boys accompanies increased androgen production during that time and most likely reflects suppression of leptin by testosterone and a decrease in fat mass and relative increase in muscle mass during late puberty in males. This overview focuses on those topics of leptin research which are of particular interest in reproductive and adolescent medicine.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) and related cytokines control the development and homeostasis of many tissues by regulating the expression of genes that determine cell phenotype. Recent progress has elucidated the way in which members of the TGF-β family initiate their signal through transmembrane receptors and transmit it to target genes via the Smad family of signal-transducing proteins. This review describes TGF-β signaling pathways as currently understood and mutations of the genes that encode Smads that disrupt the function of these proteins and cause various forms of cancer.  相似文献   

Zn- and Cu-thioneins: a functional classification for metallothioneins?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report intends to provide the reader with a deeper insight in the chemical, and extensively biological, characteristics of the metallothionein (MT) system. We have devoted nearly 20 years to the study of MTs and this has allowed us to form what we believe is a more complete picture of this peculiar family of metalloproteins. At the beginning of the 1990s, the landscape of this field was quite different from the overall picture we have now. Many researchers have contributed to the readjustment of this part of scientific knowledge. In our case, we implemented a unified method for obtaining MTs, for characterizing their metal-binding features, and for applying a unified research rationale. All this has helped to enlarge the initial picture that was mainly dominated by mammalian MT1/MT2 and yeast Cup1, by introducing approximately 20 new MTs. It has also allowed some characteristics to be clarified and examined in more detail, such as the cooperativity or the coexistence of multiple species in the metal-substitution reactions, the availability of Ag(I) or Cd(II) for use as respective probes for the Cu(I) and Zn(II) binding sites, the participation of chloride or sulfide ligands in the metal coordination spheres, and the feasibility of using in vitro data as representative of in vivo scenarios. Overall, the results yield enough data to consider new criteria for a proposal of classification of MTs based on MT metal-binding features, which complements the previous classifications, and that can shed light on the still controversial physiological functions of this peculiar superfamily of metalloproteins.  相似文献   

A sample of mud snails Hydrobia ulvae (Prosobranchia) from an intertidal population revealed that the shells of trematode-infected specimens were especially likely to be fouled with epibionts. Experimentally trematode-infected Biomphalaria glabrata (Pulmonata) appeared to be especially prone to develop epigrowth in comparison with uninfected conspecifics as well. These findings suggest an interaction between trematode infections and epibiosis in aquatic gastropods. The two most likely explanations for this are (1) that trematode infections weakens the snails' natural defences against epibionts, or (2) that the defences against epibionts also are effective against invading trematodes, causing snail specimens with a particularly good fouling defence to be less likely to become infected.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between clusterin and activated complement in human heart infarction and evaluated the effect of this protein on ischemic rat neonatal cardiomyoblasts (H9c2) and isolated adult ventricular rat cardiomyocytes as in vitro models of acute myocardial infarction. Clusterin protects cells by inhibiting complement and colocalizes with complement on jeopardized human cardiomyocytes after infarction. The distribution of clusterin and complement factor C3d was evaluated in the infarcted human heart. We also analyzed the protein expression of clusterin in ischemic H9c2 cells. The binding of endogenous and purified human clusterin on H9c2 cells was analyzed by flow cytometry. Furthermore, the effect of clusterin on the viability of ischemically challenged H9c2 cells and isolated adult ventricular rat cardiomyocytes was analyzed. In human myocardial infarcts, clusterin was found on scattered, morphologically viable cardiomyocytes within the infarcted area that were negative for complement. In H9c2 cells, clusterin was rapidly expressed after ischemia. Its expression was reduced after reperfusion. Clusterin bound to single annexin V-positive or annexin V and propidium iodide-positive H9c2 cells. Clusterin inhibited ischemia-induced death in H9c2 cells as well as in isolated adult ventricular rat cardiomyocytes in the absence of complement. We conclude that ischemia induces the upregulation of clusterin in ischemically challenged, but viable, cardiomyocytes. Our data suggest that clusterin protects cardiomyocytes against ischemic cell death via a complement-independent pathway.  相似文献   

Previously we identified a novel mutation (F71L) in the αA-crystallin gene associated with early onset of age-related cataract. However, it is not known how the missense substitution translates into reduced chaperone-like activity (CLA), and how the structural and functional changes lead to early onset of the disease. Herein, we show that under native conditions the F71L-mutant is not significantly different from wild-type with regard to secondary and tertiary structural organization, hydrophobicity and the apparent molecular mass of oligomer but has substantial differences in structural and functional properties following a heat treatment. Wild-type αA-crystallin demonstrated increased CLA, whereas the F71L-mutant substantially lost its CLA upon heat treatment. Further, unlike the wild-type αA-subunit, F71L-subunit did not protect the αB-subunit in hetero-oligomeric complex from heat-induced aggregation. Moreover, hetero-oligomer containing F71L and αB in 3:1 ratio had significantly lower CLA upon thermal treatment compared to its unheated control. These results indicate that α-crystallin complexes containing F71L-αA subunits are less stable and have reduced CLA. Therefore, F71L may lead to earlier onset of cataract due to interaction with several environmental factors (e.g., temperature in this case) along with the aging process.

Structured summary of protein interactions

alphaA crystallin and alphaA crystallinbind by molecular sieving (View interaction)alphaA crystallin and alphaB crystallinbind by molecular sieving(View interaction)  相似文献   

Plants and biotrophs: a pivotal role for cytokinins?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plants infected with biotrophic fungal pathogens exhibit reduced photosynthetic rates, nutrient mobilization towards infection sites and, in interactions where discrete pustules are formed, green islands are induced. The ability of cytokinins to mobilize nutrients towards sites of application and to delay senescence led researchers to speculate that cytokinins might be involved in nutrient mobilization and green island formation in plants infected with biotrophic fungi. There is evidence that the reduction in photosynthesis in infected leaves results from early increases in invertase activity, leading to carbohydrate accumulation and the downregulation of photosynthetic metabolism. In this Opinion article, we propose that these seemingly disparate changes in host physiology in infected plants are the result of cytokinin-induced increases in invertase activity occurring early on in the host-pathogen interaction.  相似文献   

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