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文彬  陈蔚文 《生命科学》2007,19(3):321-325
肠道上皮细胞系是人体细胞更新最快的组织,更新速率甚至远远超过了肿瘤组织,这种无与伦比的更新速率如同一把双刃剑,一方面可以迅速的更新和修复肠粘膜,另一方面却大大增加了肠道细胞恶化的易感性。Wnt信号、Notch信号、BMP信号都参与了隐窝干细胞增殖分化的平衡,它们中任何一个组分发生突变或异常都将会导致结肠癌的发生。结肠癌的发生很可能是肠隐窝干细胞分化受阻的结果,隐窝干细胞是致瘤起始事件或突变的标靶。  相似文献   

In the small intestine, the progeny of stem cells migrate in precise patterns. Absorptive, enteroendocrine, and goblet cells migrate toward the villus while Paneth cells occupy the bottom of the crypts. We show here that beta-catenin and TCF inversely control the expression of the EphB2/EphB3 receptors and their ligand ephrin-B1 in colorectal cancer and along the crypt-villus axis. Disruption of EphB2 and EphB3 genes reveals that their gene products restrict cell intermingling and allocate cell populations within the intestinal epithelium. In EphB2/EphB3 null mice, the proliferative and differentiated populations intermingle. In adult EphB3(-/-) mice, Paneth cells do not follow their downward migratory path, but scatter along crypt and villus. We conclude that in the intestinal epithelium beta-catenin and TCF couple proliferation and differentiation to the sorting of cell populations through the EphB/ephrin-B system.  相似文献   

Gastric intestinal metaplasia (IM) is a highly prevalent preneoplastic lesion; however, the molecular mechanisms regulating its development remain unclear. We have previously shown that a population of cells expressing the intestinal stem cell (ISC) marker LGR5 increases remarkably in IM. In this study, we further investigated the molecular characteristics of these LGR5+ cells in IM by examining the expression profile of several ISC markers. Notably, we found that ISC markers—including OLFM4 and EPHB2—are positively associated with the CDX2 expression in non-tumorous gastric tissues. This finding was confirmed in stomach lesions with or without metaplasia, which demonstrated that OLFM4 and EPHB2 expression gradually increased with metaplastic progression. Moreover, RNA in situ hybridization revealed that LGR5+ cells coexpress several ISC markers and remained confined to the base of metaplastic glands, reminiscent to that of normal intestinal crypts, whereas those in normal antral glands expressed none of these markers. Furthermore, a large number of ISC marker-expressing cells were diffusely distributed in gastric adenomas, suggesting that these markers may facilitate gastric tumorigenesis. In addition, Barrett’s esophagus (BE)—which is histologically similar to intestinal metaplasia—exhibited a similar distribution of ISC markers, indicating the presence of a stem cell population with intestinal differentiation potential. In conclusion, we identified that LGR5+ cells in gastric IM and BE coexpress ISC markers, and exhibit the same expression profile as those found in normal intestinal crypts. Taken together, these results implicate an intestinal-like stem cell population in the pathogenesis of IM, and provide an important basis for understanding the development and maintenance of this disease.  相似文献   

A frequent complication in colorectal cancer (CRC) is regeneration of the tumor after therapy. Here, we report that a gene signature specific for adult intestinal stem cells (ISCs) predicts disease relapse in CRC patients. ISCs are marked by high expression of the EphB2 receptor, which becomes gradually silenced as cells differentiate. Using EphB2 and the ISC marker Lgr5, we have FACS-purified and profiled mouse ISCs, crypt proliferative progenitors, and late transient amplifying cells to define a gene program specific for normal ISCs. Furthermore, we discovered that ISC-specific genes identify a stem-like cell population positioned at the bottom of tumor structures reminiscent of crypts. EphB2 sorted ISC-like tumor cells display robust tumor-initiating capacity in immunodeficient mice as well as long-term self-renewal potential. Taken together, our data suggest that the ISC program defines a cancer stem cell niche within colorectal tumors and plays a central role in CRC relapse.  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling of cell differentiated in colonic crypts can contribute to a better understanding of basic mechanisms underlying colonic tissue organization, but also its deregulation during carcinogenesis and tumor progression. Here, we combined bifurcation analysis to assess the effect that time delay has in the complex interplay of stem cells and semi-differentiated cells at the niche of colonic crypts, and systematic model perturbation and simulation to find model-based phenotypes linked to cancer progression. The models suggest that stem cell and semi-differentiated cell population dynamics in colonic crypts can display chaotic behavior. In addition, we found that clinical profiling of colorectal cancer correlates with the in silico phenotypes proposed by the mathematical model. Further, potential therapeutic targets for chemotherapy resistant phenotypes are proposed, which in any case will require experimental validation.  相似文献   

Potten CS 《Radiation research》2004,161(2):123-136
Epithelial tissues are highly polarized, with the proliferative compartment subdivided into units of proliferation in many instances. My interests have been in trying to understand how many cellular constituents exist, what their function is, and what the intercommunicants are that ensure appropriate steady-state cell replacement rates. Radiation has proven to be a valuable tool to induce cell death, reproductive sterilization, and regenerative proliferation in these systems, the responses to which can provide information on the number of regenerative cells (a function associated with stem cells). Such studies have helped define the epidermal proliferative units and the structurally similar units on the dorsal surface of the tongue. The radiation responses considered in conjunction with a wide range of cell kinetic, lineage tracking and somatic mutation studies together with complex mathematical modeling provide insights into the functioning of the proliferative units (crypts) of the small intestine. Comparative studies have then been undertaken with the crypts in the large bowel. In the small intestine, in which cancer rarely develops, various protective mechanisms have evolved to ensure the genetic integrity of the stem cell compartment. Stem cells in the small intestinal crypts are intolerant of genotoxic damage (including that induced by very low doses of radiation); they do not undergo cell cycle arrest and repair but commit an altruistic TP53-dependent cell suicide (apoptosis). This process is compromised in the large bowel by BCL2 expression. Recent studies have suggested a second genome protection mechanism operating in the stem cells of the small intestinal crypts that may also have a TP53 dependence. Such studies have allowed the cell lineages and genome protection mechanisms operating the small intestinal crypts to be defined.  相似文献   

Craniopharyngioma is a rare benign tumour originating from Rathke's pouch. This paper reports a tumour case studied with a set of markers defining protein–carbohydrate recognition. Expression of endogenous lectins and their reactive glycoligands is under differentiation-dependent control in many cell types. These parameters can be related to the degree of cell differentiation in tumours. Therefore, the expression patterns of endogenous lectins, namely galectins-1, -3, and -7, in the craniopharyngioma case were determined. Galectins-1 and -3 were also used to reveal glycoconjugates in cells and extracellular matrices, an approach that has heretofore relied largely on plant lectins. The staining pattern of craniopharyngioma is compared with that of two other types of ectodermally derived tumours, namely basal and squamous cell carcinomas. Clusters of polygonal and flattened cells with morphological characteristics of differentiated cells in the craniopharyngioma and the majority of poorly differentiated cells in squamous cell carcinomas were reactive with galectin-3. No binding of this probe was observed in cells of basal cell carcinomas and the majority of craniopharyngioma cells. In view of the lack of accessible binding in the basal layer of normal squamous epithelia where proliferative cells (including stem cells) are located, galectin-3 binding could be used to distinguish basal from suprabasal cells of squamous epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The intestinal epithelium is one of the most rapidly renewing tissues, which is fueled by stem cells at the base of the crypts. Strategies of genetic lineage tracing and organoids, which capture major features of original tissues, are powerful avenues for exploring the biology of intestinal stem cells in vivo and in vitro,respectively. The combination of intestinal organoideculturing system and genetic modification approaches provides an attractive platform to uncover the mechanism of colorectal cancer and genetic disorders in the human minigut. Here, we will provide a comprehensive overview of studies on intestinal epithelium and intestinal stem cells. We will also review the applications of organoids and genetic markers in intestinal research studies. Furthermore, we will discuss the advantages and drawbacks of organoids as disease models compared with mice models and cell lines.  相似文献   

Significant advances in intestinal stem cell biology have been made in murine models; however, anatomical and physiological differences between mice and humans limit mice as a translational model for stem cell based research. The pig has been an effective translational model, and represents a candidate species to study intestinal epithelial stem cell (IESC) driven regeneration. The lack of validated reagents and epithelial culture methods is an obstacle to investigating IESC driven regeneration in a pig model. In this study, antibodies against Epithelial Adhesion Molecule 1 (EpCAM) and Villin marked cells of epithelial origin. Antibodies against Proliferative Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA), Minichromosome Maintenance Complex 2 (MCM2), Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and phosphorylated Histone H3 (pH3) distinguished proliferating cells at various stages of the cell cycle. SOX9, localized to the stem/progenitor cells zone, while HOPX was restricted to the +4/‘reserve’ stem cell zone. Immunostaining also identified major differentiated lineages. Goblet cells were identified by Mucin 2 (MUC2); enteroendocrine cells by Chromogranin A (CGA), Gastrin and Somatostatin; and absorptive enterocytes by carbonic anhydrase II (CAII) and sucrase isomaltase (SIM). Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated morphologic and sub-cellular characteristics of stem cell and differentiated intestinal epithelial cell types. Quantitative PCR gene expression analysis enabled identification of stem/progenitor cells, post mitotic cell lineages, and important growth and differentiation pathways. Additionally, a method for long-term culture of porcine crypts was developed. Biomarker characterization and development of IESC culture in the porcine model represents a foundation for translational studies of IESC-driven regeneration of the intestinal epithelium in physiology and disease.  相似文献   

The ability to process damaged DNA may vary between cells depending on their differentiated status. However, there is little in vivo data available and it is not intuitively obvious how the activity of specific repair pathways may vary between different subpopulations (e.g. stem cells and proliferative, committed and differentiated cells) of a particular tissue. To obtain such information for the intestinal epithelium, we have developed an assay that detects differences in the way different regions of the crypt (stem, proliferative and maturation zones) respond to DNA damage. The assay is a variant of the ''comet'' assay, which detects DNA strand breaks by measuring the proportion of DNA migrating from individual cells, or in this case intact isolated crypts, in an electrophoretic field. The method is quantitative, with the amount of migrating DNA being proportional to the number of strand breaks. Isolated crypts are repair competent and spatial differences are apparent with some agents. The assay has the potential to characterize the repair properties of cells at different stages of differentiation within the crypt, determine the characteristics that might predispose them to damage and may help in understanding the route of stem cell mutation.  相似文献   

Colon and intestinal crypts have been widely chosen to study cell dynamics because of their fairly simple structures. In the colon and intestinal crypts, stem cells (SCs) are located at very bottom of the crypt, fully differentiated cells (FDs) are located in the top of the crypt, and transit-amplifying cells (TAs) are in the middle of the crypt between FDs and SCs. Recently, it has been discovered that there are two types of stem cells in the intestinal crypts: central stem cells (CeSCs) and border stem cells. To investigate dynamics of mutants in colon and intestinal crypts, we develop a four-compartmental stochastic model, which includes two SC compartments, and TAs and FDs compartments. We calculate the probability of the progeny of marked or mutant cells located at each of these compartments taking over the entire crypt or being washed out from the crypt. We found that the progeny of CeSCs will take over the entire crypt with a probability close to one. Interestingly, the progeny of advantageous mutant TAs and FDs will be washed out faster than disadvantageous mutants. Saliently, the model predicts that the time that the progeny of wild-type central stem cells will take over the mouse intestinal crypt is around 60 days, which is in perfect agreement with an experimental observation.  相似文献   

The small intestine consists of two histological compartments composed of the crypts and the villi. The function of the adult small intestinal epithelium is mediated by four different types of mature cells: enterocytes, goblet, enteroendocrine and Paneth. Undifferentiated cells reside in the crypts and produce these four types of mature cells. The niche-related Wnt and Bmp signaling pathways have been suggested to be involved in the regulation and maintenance of the stem cell microenvironment. In our laboratory, we isolated the first normal human intestinal epithelial crypt (HIEC) cell model from the human fetal intestine and in this study we investigated the expression of a panel of intestinal stem cell markers in HIEC cells under normal culture parameters as well as under conditions that mimic the stem cell microenvironment. The results showed that short term stimulation of HIEC cells with R-spondin 1 and Wnt-3a±SB-216763, a glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) inhibitor, induced β-catenin/TCF activity and expression of the WNT target genes, cyclin D2 and LGR5. Treatment of HIEC cells with noggin, an antagonist of BMP signaling, abolished SMAD2/5/8 phosphorylation. Inducing a switch from inactive WNT/active BMP toward active WNT/inactive BMP pathways was sufficient to trigger a robust intestinal primordial stem-like cell signature with predominant LGR5, PHLDA1, PROM1, SMOC2 and OLFM4 expression. These findings demonstrate that even fully established cultures of intestinal cells can be prompted toward a CBC stem cell-like phenotype. This model should be useful for studying the regulation of human intestinal stem cell self-renewal and differentiation.  相似文献   

Colonic crypts are stereotypical structures with distinct stem cell, proliferating, and differentiating compartments. Colorectal cancers derive from colonic crypt epithelia but, in contrast, form morphologically disarrayed glands. In this study, we investigated to which extent colorectal cancers phenocopy colonic crypt architecture and thus preserve structural organization of the normal intestinal epithelium. A subset of colon cancers showed crypt-like compartments with high WNT activity and nuclear β-Catenin at the leading tumor edge, adjacent proliferation, and enhanced Cytokeratin 20 expression in most differentiated tumor epithelia of the tumor center. This architecture strongly depended on growth conditions, and was fully reproducible in mouse xenografts of cultured and primary colon cancer cells. Full crypt-like organization was associated with low tumor grade and was an independent prognostic marker of better survival in a collection of 221 colorectal cancers. Our findings suggest that full activation of preserved intestinal morphogenetic programs in colon cancer requires in vivo growth environments. Furthermore, crypt-like architecture was linked with less aggressive tumor biology, and may be useful to improve current colon cancer grading schemes.  相似文献   

The stem cells (SCs) at the bottom of intestinal crypts tightly contact niche-supporting cells and fuel the extraordinary tissue renewal of intestinal epithelia. Their fate is regulated stochastically by populational asymmetry, yet whether asymmetrical fate as a mode of SC division is relevant and whether the SC niche contains committed progenitors of the specialized cell types are under debate. We demonstrate spindle alignments and planar cell polarities, which form a novel functional unit that, in SCs, can yield daughter cell anisotropic movement away from niche-supporting cells. We propose that this contributes to SC homeostasis. Importantly, we demonstrate that some SC divisions are asymmetric with respect to cell fate and provide data suggesting that, in some SCs, mNumb displays asymmetric segregation. Some of these processes were altered in apparently normal crypts and microadenomas of mice carrying germline Apc mutations, shedding new light on the first stages of progression toward colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Gliomas are the most common tumours of the central nervous system (CNS) and a frequent cause of mental impairment and death. Treatment of malignant gliomas is often palliative because of their infiltrating nature and high recurrence. Genetic events that lead to brain tumours are mostly unknown. A growing body of evidence suggests that gliomas may rise from cancer stem cells (CSC) sharing with neural stem cells (NSC) the capacity of cell renewal and multipotency. Accordingly, a population of cells called “side population” (SP), which has been isolated from gliomas on the basis of their ability to extrude fluorescent dyes, behaves as stem cells and is resistant to chemotherapeutic treatments. This review will focus on the expression of the stem cell markers nestin and CD133 in glioma cancer stem cells. In addition, the possible role of Platelet Derived Growth Factor receptor type α (PDGFR-α) and Notch signalling in normal development and tumourigenesis of gliomas are also discussed. Future work elucidating the mechanisms that control normal development will help to identify new cancer stem cell-related genes. The identification of important markers and the elucidation of signalling pathways involved in survival, proliferation and differentiation of CSCs appear to be fundamental for developing an effective therapy of brain tumours. Special issue article in honor of Dr. Anna Maria Giuffrida-Stella.  相似文献   

小肠上皮具有快速更新的能力,是研究成体干细胞的理想系统.小肠上皮由绒毛和隐窝两部分组成,而位于小肠隐窝底部的小肠干细胞是其持续更新的源泉.近年来,以Lgr5为代表的小肠干细胞标记物的发现、Lgr5+小肠干细胞的分离培养和多种转基因小鼠模型的出现,极大地促进了对小肠干细胞自我更新和分化调控的研究,使得人们可以更加深入地认识小肠干细胞命运决定的分子机制.本文简要综述了近年来人们对Wnt,BMP,Notch和EGF等信号如何在小肠干细胞命运调控中发挥作用的认识.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the mutationally activated Wnt cascade in colorectal cancer cell lines induces a rapid G1 arrest and subsequent differentiation. This arrest can be overcome by maintaining expression of a single Tcf4 target gene, the proto-oncogene c-Myc. Since colorectal cancer cells share many molecular characteristics with proliferative crypt progenitors, we have assessed the physiological role of c-Myc in adult crypts by conditional gene deletion. c-Myc-deficient crypts are lost within weeks and replaced by c-Myc-proficient crypts through a fission process of crypts that have escaped gene deletion. Although c-Myc(-/-) crypt cells remain in the cell cycle, they are on average much smaller than wild-type cells, cycle slower, and divide at a smaller cell size. c-Myc appears essential for crypt progenitor cells to provide the necessary biosynthetic capacity to successfully progress through the cell cycle.  相似文献   

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