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Propagation in vertebrate visceral smooth muscle   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The spatiotemporal relationships between vinculin and talin in developing chicken gizzard smooth muscle were investigated. Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron-microscopic labeling revealed that both proteins are associated with membrane-bound dense plaques in muscle cells; however, the most intense labeling for vinculin was located rather closer to the membrane than that for talin. The localization of vinculin and talin in embryonic chicken gizzards indicated that both are primarily cytoplasmic during the first 2 embryonic weeks. Only around days 16-18 does talin apparently become associated with the plasma membrane, this being concomitant with the appearance of distinct myofilament-bound dense plaques. Vinculin, on the other hand, remains primarily cytoplasmic and appears in the plaques only 1-3 days after hatching. It is thus proposed that the interactions of the dense plaque with myofilaments or with the membrane do not depend on the presence of vinculin in the plaque. Electrophoretic analyses indicated that, during development, there is no major change in the differential expression of specific vinculin isoforms. Quantitative immunoblotting analysis indicated that the vinculin content (relative to total extracted protein) is virtually constant during the last week of embryonic life. However, within 3 days of hatching, the vinculin concentration increases remarkably to over twice the embryonic level, and then slowly increases until it reaches the adult levels, which are three to four times higher than the embryonic level. The concentration of metavinculin (a 160-Kd vinculin-related protein) showed only a limited increase after hatching. We discuss the possible roles of vinculin and talin in the assembly of membrane-bound dense plaques during the different phases of smooth-muscle development.  相似文献   

Alpha-Smooth muscle actin is one of the molecular markers for a phenotype of vascular smooth muscle cells, because the actin is a major isoform expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells and its expression is upregulated during differentiation. Here, we first demonstrate that the phenotype-dependent expression of this actin in visceral smooth muscles is quite opposite to that in vascular smooth muscles. This actin isoform is not expressed in adult chicken visceral smooth muscles including gizzard, trachea, and intestine except for the inner layer of intestinal muscle layers, whereas its expression is clearly detected in these visceral smooth muscles at early stages of the embryo (10-day-old embryo) and is developmentally downregulated. In cultured gizzard smooth muscle cells maintaining a differentiated phenotype, alpha-smooth muscle actin is not detected while its expression dramatically increases during serum-induced dedifferentiation. Promoter analysis reveals that a sequence (-238 to -219) in the promoter region of this actin gene acts as a novel negative cis-element. In conclusion, the phenotype-dependent expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin would be regulated by the sum of the cooperative contributions of the negative element and well-characterized positive elements, purine-rich motif, and CArG boxes and their respective transacting factors.  相似文献   

Increased total peripheral resistance is the cardinal haemodynamic disorder in essential hypertension. This could be secondary to alterations in the mechanical properties of vascular smooth muscle. Adequate study has not been made of the force-velocity (F-V) relationship in hypertensive arterial smooth muscle. Increased shortening in arterial smooth muscle would result in greater narrowing of arteries. The objectives of this investigation were to see if there is (i) increased shortening or increased maximum change in muscle length (delta Lmax where L stands for muscle length), (ii) an increased maximum velocity of shortening (Vmax) measured in l omicron per second where l omicron is the optimal muscle length for tension development, and (iii) a difference in maximum isometric tension (P omicron) developed in spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR; N = 6) compared with normotensive Wistar Kyoto rat (WKY;N = 5) caudal artery strips. An electromagnetic muscle lever was employed in recording force-velocity data. Analysis of these data revealed the following: (a) the SHR mean P omicron of 6.21 +/- 1.01 N/cm2 was not different from the mean WKY P omicron of 6.97 +/- 1.64 N/cm2 (p greater than 0.05); (b) the SHR preparations showed greater shortening for all loads imposed; (c) the SHR Vmax of 0.016 l omicron/s was greater than the WKY Vmax of 0.013 l omicron/s (p less than 0.05). This study provides evidence that while hypertensive arterial smooth muscle is not able to produce more force than normotensive arterial smooth muscle, it is capable of faster and greater shortening. The latter could result in increased narrowing of hypertensive arteries and increased blood pressure.  相似文献   

The ionic conductances that underlie the resting membrane potential of visceral smooth muscle are not fully understood. Using the patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration, single large conductance channels (LCCs) with unitary conductances of up to 400 pS were recorded in isolated smooth muscle cells of the opossum esophagus. These channels were active at physiological potentials (-100 to -40 mV) and opened with increasing frequency as the membrane potential was hyperpolarized. This voltage dependence gave rise to an inwardly rectifying macroscopic current which was half-maximally activated at -65 mV. The current through LCCs was carried by cations because reduction of external [NaCl] shifted the reversal potential of the LCC current towards the predicted Nernst potential for a nonselective cation current. These results suggest that LCCs may contribute to resting membrane potential in the circular muscle of the opossum esophagus.  相似文献   

An electrical network is presented as a model of the electrical connections between cells in a cross section of visceral smooth muscle. Methods of operational calculus are used to analyze the network and to determine the effect of parallel paths on measured resistances between the nodes. The analysis of the model suggests that actual resistances between two adjacent cells if they are isolated from the other cells in the cross section could be three times the values measured when the cells are interconnected with the parallel fibers. It is felt that the analysis presented makes possible a more accurate interpretation of electrical measurements of intercellular resistance by providing an estimate of the shunting effect of the current paths through parallel cells.  相似文献   

In the embryonic smooth muscle of chicken gizzards we found 4 high-Mr-type and 5 low-Mr-type tropomyosin isoforms in addition to alpha- and beta-isoforms reported already. The criteria by which they were identified as tropomyosin isoforms were as follows: 1) anomalous reduction of electrophoretic mobility in the presence of urea, 2) cross reactivity with antisera against tropomyosins, 3) inclusion in a tropomyosin preparation obtained by the usual method for tropomyosin purification, and 4) binding ability to skeletal muscle actin. At the early stages of development, the amounts of these isoforms were larger than those of alpha- and beta-isoforms, but they gradually decreased at later stages and finally disappeared completely after hatching. Our previous study of gizzard smooth muscle showed that the amount ratio of accumulated tropomyosin to gamma-actin was reasonably constant in the development after hatching, while, at the earlier embryonic stages (7-14 d of incubation), it was lower than expected. The isoforms found in this study were present in amounts large enough to bring the ratio at the earlier stages up to the constant amount ratio observed after hatching. Therefore, the coordinate accumulation of actin and tropomyosin was suggested to occur even at the embryonic stages.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies recognizing extra domain A (ED-A) and extra domain B (ED-B) fibronectin (FN) sequences were used to characterize FN variants expressed in human vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) during fetal and postnatal development and to compare spectrum of FN variants produced by vascular and visceral SMC. In 8- to 12-week-old fetuses both ED-A-containing FN (A-FN) and ED-B-containing FN (B-FN) were found in all smooth muscles studied--aorta, esophagus, stomach, and jejunum. By 20-25 weeks of gestation relative amounts of both A-FN and B-FN were reduced significantly in the aortic media (fivefold for A-FN and twofold for B-FN), while in visceral SMC only B-FN content was decreased. All the adult visceral smooth muscles examined contained A-FN rather than B-FN. Therefore, the cells from adult aortic media appear to be the only SMC so far known to produce FN that contains neither ED-A nor ED-B. Moreover, the data obtained show that, unlike other cells, medial SMC are embedded in vivo in the extracellular matrix that contains FN lacking both ED-A and ED-B. SMC from the minor intimal thickenings in the human child aorta as well as those from the atherosclerotic plaques produce A-FN rather than B-FN. We conclude that (1) vascular SMC change the spectrum of produced FN variants at least twice--during prenatal development between 12 and 20 weeks of gestation, and during the postnatal period, when they are recruited into the intimal cell population; (2) the production of FN variants in visceral SMC is also developmentally regulated; (3) all visceral SMC unlike the cells from adult aortic media produce A-FN; (4) the presence of ED-A and ED-B sequences in the FN molecule is not necessary for the extracellular matrix assembly in vivo.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle of chicken embryonic gizzards has been shown to contain 9 tropomyosin isoforms (E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, and E9) in addition to alpha and beta isoforms (Hosoya et al. (1989) J. Biochem. 105, 712-717). At the early stages of development, the amount of these isoforms was larger than those of alpha and beta isoforms. However, they gradually decreased at later stages and finally disappeared completely after hatching. By using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and an image analyzing system, we examined the process of tropomyosin accumulation in gizzard smooth muscle development. The accumulation patterns of tropomyosin isoforms and their relative molar ratios to actin in embryonic development were different from those in the stages after hatching. The relative molar ratio of tropomyosin to actin in the thin filament preparation of embryonic gizzards was lower than that of adult, and it gradually increased in the course of embryonic development.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle cells have developed a contractile machinery that allows them to exert tension on the surrounding extracellular matrix over their entire length. This has been achieved by coupling obliquely organized contractile filaments to a more-or-less longitudinal framework of cytoskeletal elements. Earlier structural data suggested that the cytoskeleton was composed primarily of intermediate filaments and played only a passive role. More recent findings highlight the segregation of actin isotypes and of actin-associated proteins between the contractile and cytoskeletal domains and raise the possibility that the cytoskeleton performs a more active function. Current efforts focus on defining the relative contributions of myosin cross-bridge cycling and actin-associated protein interactions to the maintenance of tension in smooth muscle tissue.  相似文献   

We used mRNA subtraction of differentiated and dedifferentiated smooth muscle cells (SMCs) to reveal the molecular mechanisms underlying the phenotypic modulation of SMCs. With this approach, we found that a 10 kb mRNA encoding a homotypic cell adhesion molecule, cadherin 6B, was strongly expressed in differentiated vascular and visceral SMCs, but not in the dedifferentiated SMCs derived from them. In vivo, cadherin 6B was expressed in vascular and visceral SMCs, in addition to brain, spinal cord, retina and kidney, at a late stage of chicken embryonic development. These results suggest that cadherin 6B is a novel molecular marker for vascular and visceral SMC phenotypes and is involved in the late differentiation of SMCs.  相似文献   

Airway smooth muscle (ASM) regulation of airway structure and contractility is critical in fetal/neonatal physiology in health and disease. Fetal lungs experience higher Ca2+ environment that may impact extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]o) sensing receptor (CaSR). Well-known in the parathyroid gland, CaSR is also expressed in late embryonic lung mesenchyme. Using cells from 18-22 week human fetal lungs, we tested the hypothesis that CaSR regulates intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in fetal ASM (fASM). Compared with adult ASM, CaSR expression was higher in fASM, while fluorescence Ca2+ imaging showed that [Ca2+]i was more sensitive to altered [Ca2+]o. The fASM [Ca2+]i responses to histamine were also more sensitive to [Ca2+]o (0–2 mM) compared with an adult, enhanced by calcimimetic R568 but blunted by calcilytic NPS2143. [Ca2+]i was enhanced by endogenous CaSR agonist spermine (again higher sensitivity compared with adult). Inhibition of phospholipase C (U73122; siRNA) or inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor (Xestospongin C) blunted [Ca2+]o sensitivity and R568 effects. NPS2143 potentiated U73122 effects. Store-operated Ca2+ entry was potentiated by R568. Traction force microscopy showed responsiveness of fASM cellular contractility to [Ca2+]o and NPS2143. Separately, fASM proliferation showed sensitivity to [Ca2+]o and NPS2143. These results demonstrate functional CaSR in developing ASM that modulates airway contractility and proliferation.  相似文献   

Androgens are recognized as genotropic inducers of a number of physiological functions mainly associated with the development of sexual characteristics. However, as in the case of estrogens, the number of studies evidencing androgen actions in non-reproductive tissues has steadily grown over the past years. Here, we show that androgens acutely (~30 min) alter the frequency spectrum of peristaltic activity of intestinal smooth muscle and augment the amplitude agonist-induced contractile activity. Maximal stimulation occurred at physiological concentrations of androgens with EC50 values in the picomolar range. Androgen-induced potentiation was prevented by preincubation with androgen receptor (AR) antagonists but unaffected by cycloheximide plus actinomycin D, indicating that potentiation was mediated by ARs via a non-genomic mechanism. The effects of androgens were mimicked by polyamines and were completely blocked by inhibitors of polyamine synthesis. Using ionomycin-permeabilized intestinal smooth muscle preparations, we demonstrate that androgens exert their effects by inducing a mechanism of sensitization to calcium and not by altering intracellular calcium homeostasis. Correspondingly, the potentiation of mechanical activity induced by androgens was accompanied by an increase in the phosphorylation of the regulatory myosin light chain (LC20) within the same time-course than calcium sensitization and mechanical potentiation. The pursuit of potential signalling pathways linking androgen receptor activation with calcium sensitization revealed that mechanical potentiation of intestinal muscle by androgens involve activation of the Rho pathway, whose downstream effector, Rho-associated kinase (ROCK), is eventually responsible for displacement of the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation state of LC20 towards its phosphorylated form.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies specific for smooth muscle myosin (designated SM-E7 and SM-A9) and one monoclonal anti-(human platelet myosin) antibody (designated NM-G2) have been used to study myosin heavy chain composition of smooth muscle cells in adult and in developing rabbit aorta. Sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting experiments revealed that adult aortic muscle consisted of two myosin heavy chains (MCH) of smooth muscle type, named MHC-1 (205 kDa), and MHC-2 (200 kDa). In the fetal/neonatal stage of development, vascular smooth muscle was found to contain only MHC-1 but not MHC-2. Non-muscle myosin heavy chain, which showed the same electrophoretic mobility as the slower migrating MHC, was expressed in an inverse manner with respect to MHC-2, i.e. it was detectable only in the early stages of development. The distinct pattern of smooth and non-muscle myosin isoform expression during development may be related to the different functional properties of smooth muscle cells during vascular myogenesis.  相似文献   

Alpha smooth muscle actin expression in developing and adult human lung   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Myofibroblast-like cells containing smooth muscle actin have been identified in lung injury and repair. These cells differ from typical smooth muscle cells by architectural configuration, location and lack of smooth muscle myosin. Their progenitors are unknown. We hypothesized that these cells might have a developmental analog critical to lung morphogenesis. Lung tissue from developing and adult human lungs was studied using a highly specific monoclonal antibody directed against alpha smooth muscle actin (ASMA). Cells im-munoreactive for ASMA (ASMA cells) were identified prenatally in the form of smooth muscle investing the developing vasculature and airway structures. ASMA was not expressed in undifferentiated mesenchymal cells at any prenatal stage. Late in development, ASMA cells within the lung acinus increased proportionally to terminal airway and vascular complexity. In the early postnatal period, the specific distribution of ASMA cells within inflated lung became clearer, and three populations were identified: (1) typical smooth muscle investing the large airways and blood vessels; (2) small clusters of cells with in the acinus distributed at the tips of septa protruding into the alveolar duct; (3) individual cells within the alveolar sac sparsely distributed near the junctions of individual alveoli, frequently in association with small blood vessels. We conclude that ASMA cells appear only in developing small and large airways and pulmonary vessels and that they may play a critical role in branching morphogenesis during development.  相似文献   

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