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An enzymatic method for the synthesis of [beta-32P]ADP from [gamma-32P]ATP is described. This substrate is required for the assay of ADPase and is not commercially available. The method described results in a preparation of [beta-32P]ADP of high purity with a yield of approximately 40% the theoretical obtainable.  相似文献   

[gamma-32P]ATP-G-actin was polymerized in 4 mM-CaCl2, and the distribution of the radioactive nucleotide among the oligomeric and the polymeric species was studied. The results obtained are best explained by assuming spontaneous fragmentation.  相似文献   

An improved method is described for the rapid and simple preparation of alpha-[32P]dATP and alpha-[32P]ATP from 32Pi in good yields and with specific activities from 20 - 150 Ci/mmol. The two-step procedure involves the chemical synthesis of the mononucleotide followed by its enzymic conversion to the triphosphate with myokinase (EC and pyruvate kinase (EC in the presence of trace amounts of dATP or ATP to prime the reaction. The two steps are carried out in the same reaction flask and the only purification step required is a step-wise elution from a column of DEAE-cellulose.  相似文献   

We developed a novel chemical synthesis of thiamine triphosphate which allows us to incorporate 32P in the gamma position. The reaction is based on the condensation of [32P]orthophosphoric acid and thiamine diphosphate in the presence of ethyl chloroformate. After purification by two ion-exchange purification steps, the thiamine derivative has a specific radioactivity of 10 Ci/mmol. The average final yield synthesis is about 10%.  相似文献   

A satisfactory method for the determination of the specific activity of highly labeled [γ-32P]ATP has not been reported previously. Yields of high specific activity 32P labeled material usually are too small to be detected by ultraviolet spectrophotometry or phosphate analysis. Recent reports describing the assay of ATP by enzyme catalyzed phosphate transfer to 3H labeled glucose (1) or galactose (2) are not suitable for use with highly labeled 32P material since the crossover into the 3H channel will greatly exceed the radioactivity of the 3H labeled phosphate acceptor. Recently Schendel and Wells reported the preparation of essentially carrier free [γ-32P]ATP. They indicated, however, that the specific activity of the labeled product could not be determined by conventional methods (3). We have developed and now routinely use an expedient method for the determination of the specific activity of picomole quantities of highly labeled [γ-32P]ATP. This procedure measures the phosphate transfer from [γ-32P]ATP to oligothymidylic acid [dT(pT)10] catalyzed by bacteriophage T4 induced polynucleotide kinase. The specific activity is determined by measuring the radioactivity present in d-32pT(pT)10, and can be verified by an isotope dilution method employing the same assay. Specific activities as high as 240 Ci/mmole have been determined.  相似文献   

Investigations of the incorporation of 32P into acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) in incubation mixtures containing a soluble protein preparation derived from mitochondria, [γ-32P]ATP, and palmityl-CoA have led to the discovery of an enzymatic activity which catalyzes the exchange of palmityl groups between molecules of CoA: CoA1 + palmityl-CoA ? palmityl-CoA1 + CoA. The preparation also contains dephospho-CoA kinase and palmityl-CoA thiolester hydrolase activities. The initial detection of the exchange reaction resulted from the formation of [3′-32P]CoA via the dephospho-CoA kinase reaction with exogenous [γ-32P]ATP. The described preparation of palmityl-[3′-32P]CoA and palmityl-[35S]CoA facilitated demonstration of the reversibility of the reaction and ruled out the possibility that the exchange of fragments of the CoA molecule mediated the observed incorporation. The reversible palmityl group exchange does not appear to be catalyzed by a previously described enzyme. None of the possible acyl group acceptors considered in these studies participated in the reaction as efficiently as CoA itself. The possibility is discussed that the exchange reaction may explain reports of an unknown lipid formed by an oligomycin-sensitive mitochondrial ATPase preparation.  相似文献   

Graphical methods have traditionally been the principal means for estimation of parameters (e.g., affinity constants, cooperativity parameters, and concentrations of receptor sites) in enzymology and ligand-binding problems. The present report provides a review of these methods as well as new results, as applied to three coordinate systems popularly used in ligand-binding studies: BF vs [Bound]. BF vs [Free], and BF vs [Total]. We consider two extremely general models, the statistical mechanical model and the Adair model for equilibrium ligand binding. We also consider a very specialized case of receptor interaction wherein the equilibrium constannt of dissociation is linearly related to receptor occupancy. We collect previously described equations and derive new ones, to enable the user to estimate the parameters of the models in terms of relatively easily measurable graphical characteristics. We have evaluated the performance of these methods in representative cases using Monte Carlo studies. The results indicate the kind of precision and accuracy which can be obtained with typical experimental designs. Depending upon the magnitude of experimental error, the graphical methods can provide dependable values for the binding parameters. However, in general, the results obtained by the graphical methods should be regarded as reasonable initial estimates for further refinement by weighted nonlinear least-squares curve fitting.  相似文献   

A rapid method for the measurement of [γ-32P]ATP specific radioactivity in tissue extracts containing other 32P-labeled compounds is described. The neutralized acid extract is incubated with cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, cyclic AMP and casein. The incorporation of 32P into casein from [γ-32P]ATP is measured by perchloric acid precipitation of the protein on filter paper. 32P-Casein formation is linearly related to the specific radioactivity of the [γ-32P]ATP. Separation of ATP from other 32P-labeled compounds is not required for the assay. Application of this method in the evaluation of [γ-32P]ATP specific radioactivity in two rat cardiac muscle preparations exposed to 32Pi is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The specific radioactivity of the γ-phosphorus of ATP has been determined by an indirect method. Galactokinase is employed to transfer the terminal phosphate group of [γ-32P] ATP to [1-3H] galactose. The doubly labeled galactose-1-phosphate is purified by ion exchange chromatography on QAE Sephadex. The specific radioactivity of the phosphorus is calculated from the 32P3H ratio. The method is extremely sensitive, requiring only 0.005 μmoles of ATP with a specific radioactivity of 1 μCi/μmole, and the chromatographic isolation of galactose-1-phosphate is simple and reproducible. The method is directly applicable to the determination of the specific radioactivity of [γ-32P] ATP in biological samples.  相似文献   

1. The rat-liver cell-sap material from which 3-[32P]phosphohistidine was previously isolated after incubation with [gamma-32P]ATP and alkaline hydrolysis, was shown to increase about 6-fold on a high-carbohydrate diet. This increase in 32P labelling corresponded to the increase in ATP citrate lyase activity of livers of rats fed on a high-carbohydrate diet, as reported by others. 2. ATP citrate lyase [ATP:citrate oxaloacetate-lyase (CoA-acetylating and ATP-dephopshorylating), EC] was purified from rat liver essentially according to the method of Plowman and Cleland (J. Biol. Chem., 242 (1967) 4239). The purified enzyme was incubated for a short time at 0 degree with [gamma-32P]ATP in the presence of 20 mM magnesium acetate. The phosphorylated protein was hydrolysed in alkali and the main part of the radioactivity was identified as 3-[32P]phosphohistidine. The identity of the phosphorylated amino acid was established by Dowex-1 chromatography, paper electrophoresis, paper chromatography and by analysis of the stability to acid. 3. It is concluded from these and previous results from this laboratory that ATP citrate lyase and nucleoside diphosphate kinase (ATP:nucleoside diphosphate phosphotransferase, EC account for most of the normal rat-liver cell-sap protein which is rapidly phosphorylated by ATP.  相似文献   

We describe a procedure of preparing [32P]phosphotyrosyl histones with minimal contamination by 32P-labeled lipids; the latter was usually found to be mixed with the phosphoproteins when the cell membrane-enriched fraction of A-431 cells was used as a source of tyrosine kinase. The phosphatase activities previously found to be associated with the plasma membranes of a human astrocytoma were resolved using purified [32P]phosphotyrosyl histones and [32P]phosphatidylinositol phosphate. In comparison with the phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatase, the phosphatidylinositol phosphate phosphatase activity is more active over a broad range of pH values, and its activity is inhibited by fluoride, zinc chloride, and lower concentrations of vanadate.  相似文献   

Incubation of blowfly salivary gland homogenates with 30 microM [gamma-32P]ATP resulted in a rapid, Mg2+-dependent, synthesis of [32P]polyphosphoinositides and [32P]phosphatidic acid. 5-Methyltryptamine, in the presence of 10 microM guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)trisphosphate, reduced the net accumulation of 32P label into phosphatidylinositol-4,5-P2 and phosphatidylinositol-4-P by 35 and 20%, respectively. 5-Methyltryptamine did not affect synthesis of [32P]phosphatidic acid. Phosphorylation of polyphosphoinositides was not affected by 5-methyltryptamine. In membranes labeled in vitro with [gamma-32P]ATP, 5-methyltryptamine stimulated a rapid breakdown of the [32P]polyphosphoinositides. These results indicate that in blowfly salivary gland homogenates, hormone stimulates breakdown of the newly synthesized polyphosphoinositides. In the presence of hormone, the rate of polyphosphoinositide synthesis does not compensate for the rate of polyphosphoinositide degradation.  相似文献   

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