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Aim  To map and assess the breeding distribution of emperor penguins ( Aptenodytes forsteri ) using remote sensing.
Location  Pan-Antarctic.
Methods  Using Landsat ETM satellite images downloaded from the Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA), we detect faecal staining of ice by emperor penguins associated with their colony locations. Emperor penguins breed on sea ice, and their colonies exist in situ between May and December each year. Faecal staining at these colony locations shows on Landsat imagery as brown patches, the only staining of this colour on sea ice. This staining can therefore be used as an analogue for colony locations. The whole continental coastline has been analysed, and each possible signal has been identified visually and checked by spectral analysis. In areas where LIMA data are unsuitable, freely available Landsat imagery has been supplemented.
Results  We have identified colony locations of emperor penguins at a total of 38 sites. Of these, 10 are new locations, and six previously known colony locations have been repositioned (by over 10 km) due to poor geographical information in old records. Six colony locations, all from old or unconfirmed records, were not found or have disappeared.
Main conclusions  We present a new pan-Antarctic species distribution of emperor penguins mapped from space. In one synoptic survey we locate extant emperor penguin colonies, a species previously poorly mapped due to its unique breeding habits, and provide a vital geographical resource for future studies of an iconic species believed to be vulnerable to future climate change.  相似文献   

L. Alibardi 《Acta zoologica》2007,88(2):101-117
This ultrastructural study on the regenerating feathers of quail describes the cellular organization of the barb ridges responsible for the ramification of adult feathers. Bilateral symmetry of the barb ridges determines the organization of feather cells into feather branching. The length of the barb ridges, derived from the number of cells associated to form the barbule plates, determines the length of the barbule branching. Long chains of barb cells form long barbs that branch from the rachis with an increase of feather size. Supportive cells function as spacers between the barbule cells. New cells derive from stem cells localized in the collar region of the feather follicle, as indicated from the re‐organization of collar cells into barb ridges (a morphogenetic process inherited from that of embryonic feathers), production of an embryonic type of keratin (feather keratin), permanence of periderm granules (typical embryonic organelles) in barb vane ridge cells. Variations in the process of barb ridge morphogenesis allow the fusion of ridges into a rachis. The differentiation of hooklets contributes to the origin of planar feathers. Separation between rachis and merging barb ridges is by supportive cells, derived from the marginal plates of the barb ridges. Speculations on the evolution and diversification of feathers are presented.  相似文献   

Feather eating has been associated with feather pecking, which continues to pose economic and welfare problems in egg production. Knowledge on feather eating is limited and studies of feather eating in commercial flocks of laying hens have not been performed previously. Therefore, the main objective was to investigate feather eating and its association with plumage damage and floor feather characteristics in commercial flocks of layers in barn and organic production systems. The study was performed in 13 flocks of barn layers and 17 flocks of organic layers. Each flock was visited at around 32 and 62 weeks of age. During both visits, the plumage condition was assessed and the density of floor feathers recorded. In week 62, droppings and floor feathers were collected. Droppings were examined for presence of feather content, whereas length, downiness and pecking damage were recorded for each floor feather. In week 62, a higher prevalence of hens with poor plumage condition was found in barn (22.2%) compared with organic production systems (7.4%; P<0.001), but the prevalence of droppings with feather content did not differ between the two production systems (8.5% in barn v. 4.3% in organic; P=0.99). Our hypothesis about a positive correlation between feather eating and plumage damage was not supported as no correlation was found between the prevalence of poor plumage condition and the prevalence of droppings with feather content. However, the prevalence of pecking damaged floor feathers was positively correlated both with prevalence of droppings with feather content (P<0.05) and poor plumage condition (P<0.01), indicating a possible association between feather eating and feather pecking. In conclusion, it was confirmed that feather eating occurs on-farm, but feather eating was only found to be positively correlated to the number of floor feathers with pecking damage and not as expected to the prevalence of plumage damage. More research is needed into the sources from where feathers are selected for ingestion, that is, whether they are picked from the floor litter, plucked directly from other hens or dislodged during preening of own feathers.  相似文献   

Over the course of the last two decades, the understanding of the early evolution of feathers in nonavian dinosaurs has been revolutionized. It is now recognized that early feathers had a simple form comparable in general structure to the hairs of mammals. Insight into the prevalence of simple feathers throughout the dinosaur family tree has gradually arisen in tandem with the growing evidence for endothermic dinosaur metabolisms. This has led to the generally accepted opinion that the early feather coats of dinosaurs functioned as thermo insulation. However, thermo insulation is often erroneously stated to be a likely functional explanation for the origin of feathers. The problem with this explanation is that, like mammalian hair, simple feathers could serve as insulation only when present in sufficiently high concentrations. The theory therefore necessitates the origination of feathers en masse. We advocate for a novel origin theory of feathers as bristles. Bristles are facial feathers common among modern birds that function like mammalian tactile whiskers, and are frequently simple and hair‐like in form. Bristles serve their role in low concentrations, and therefore offer a feasible first stage in feather evolution.  相似文献   

Renata Swiergosz 《Biometals》1998,11(2):139-143
Mercury concentrations were determined in muscles and feathers of 58 cock pheasants. Birds were collected from seven different polluted sites in southern Poland in 1987. The mercury concentrations in the muscle ranged from 0.010 to 0.026 mug g dry mass. The significantly highest values were found in muscle samples from Przylasek and Przemysl. The levels found in the flight feathers were higher than in breast feathers. Average concentrations in flight feathers ranged from 0.050 mug g (Przemysl) to 0.240 mug g dry mass (Przylasek). © Rapid Science 1998  相似文献   

The primary feathers of birds are subject to cyclical forces in flight causing their shafts (rachises) to bend. The amount the feathers deflect during flight is dependent upon the flexural stiffness of the rachises. By quantifying scaling relationships between body mass and feather linear dimensions in a large data set of living birds, we show that both feather length and feather diameter scale much closer to predictions for geometric similarity than they do to elastic similarity. Scaling allometry also indicates that the primary feathers of larger birds are relatively shorter and their rachises relatively narrower, compared to those of smaller birds. Two-point bending tests indicated that larger birds have more flexible feathers than smaller species. Discriminant functional analyses (DFA) showed that body mass, primary feather length and rachis diameter can be used to differentiate between different magnitudes of feather bending stiffness, with primary feather length explaining 63% of variance in rachis stiffness. Adding fossil measurement data to our DFA showed that Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis do not overlap with extant birds. This strongly suggests that the bending stiffness of their primary feathers was different to extant birds and provides further evidence for distinctive flight styles and likely limited flight ability in Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis.  相似文献   

Biological monitoring of exposure to ambient environmental lead and cadmium was performed using feathers of 26 species of birds native to Western Uttar Pradesh in Northern India. The rationale of this study was to address three questions. First, is there any avian species that can be treated as a suitable bioindicator of lead or cadmium present in the environment? Second, do the birds selectively accumulate lead and cadmium in their feathers and exhibit interspecies variation? Third, is there any threat to endangered species of this region from metal pollution? Average concentration of lead in the feathers of selected birds ranged from 3.40 µg/g in parrot to 301.6 µg/g in golden pheasant, whereas cadmium concentration was higher ranging from 40.20 µg/g in red crow to 450 µg/g in blue macaw. A comparison of results made through ANOVA revealed a significant difference in the concentration of lead (df = 25; F = 3965.54) and cadmium (df = 25; F = 8537.27) in their feathers. We hypothesize that feathers of synanthropic birds may be treated as suitable noninvasive tool to monitor the ambient environmental contamination by lead and cadmium. Their accumulation in endangered birds may lead to population decline causing serious ecological disturbances in the region.  相似文献   

Feathers are known to contain amplifiable DNA at their base (calamus) and have provided an important genetic source from museum specimens. However, feathers in subfossil deposits generally only preserve the upper shaft and feather ‘vane’ which are thought to be unsuitable for DNA analysis. We analyse subfossil moa feathers from Holocene New Zealand rockshelter sites and demonstrate that both ancient DNA and plumage information can be recovered from their upper portion, allowing species identification and a means to reconstruct the appearance of extinct taxa. These ancient DNA sequences indicate that the distal portions of feathers are an untapped resource for studies of museum, palaeontological and modern specimens. We investigate the potential to reconstruct the plumage of pre-historically extinct avian taxa using subfossil remains, rather than assuming morphological uniformity with closely related extant taxa. To test the notion of colour persistence in subfossil feathers, we perform digital comparisons of feathers of the red-crowned parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae novaezelandiae) excavated from the same horizons as the moa feathers, with modern samples. The results suggest that the coloration of the moa feathers is authentic, and computer software is used to perform plumage reconstructions of moa based on subfossil remains.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanical properties (Young's modulus, bending stiffness, barb separation forces) of the tenth primary of the wings, of the alulae and of the middle tail feathers of Falco peregrinus. For comparison, we also investigated the corresponding feathers in pigeons (Columba livia), kestrels (Falco tinnunculus), and sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus). In all four species, the Young's moduli of the feathers ranged from 5.9 to 8.4 GPa. The feather shafts of F. peregrinus had the largest cross‐sections and the highest specific bending stiffness. When normalized with respect to body mass, the specific bending stiffness of primary number 10 was highest in F. tinnunculus, while that of the alula was highest in A. nisus. In comparison, the specific bending stiffness, measured at the base of the tail feathers and in dorso‐ventral bending direction, was much higher in F. peregrinus than in the other three species. This seems to correlate with the flight styles of the birds: F. tinnunculus hovers and its primaries might therefore withstand large mechanical forces. A. nisus has often to change its flight directions during hunting and perhaps needs its alulae for this maneuvers, and in F. peregrinus, the base of the tail feathers might need a high stiffness during breaking after diving. J. Morphol. 276:33–46, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


Daily nest checks were used to determine the yellow-eyed penguin’s pattern of nest relief during incubation, and to examine the inter-pair variability in incubation period. Nests at two breeding areas on the Otago Peninsula were visited between September and December in 1985 and 1986. At each visit, status of the nest and the identity and behaviour of the sitting bird was recorded. Incubation is shared between the sexes, with males tending to sit longer than females. Incubation spells ranged from 1–7 days with a mode of 1–2 days. Records of lone incubation following mate death show the yelloweyed penguin to be capable of 15 day unrelieved spells at the nest The incubation period of the yellow-eyed penguin ranges from 39–51 days and is the most variable of all penguins. This variability is because of the failure of some individuals to adequately cover the clutch until up to 5 days after the laying of the second egg.  相似文献   

Current avian migration patterns in temperate regions have been developed during the glacial retreat and subsequent colonization of the ice‐free areas during the Holocene. This process resulted in a geographic gradient of greater seasonality as latitude increased that favoured migration‐related morphological and physiological (co)adaptations. Most evidence of avian morphological adaptations to migration comes from the analysis of variation in the length and shape of the wings, but the existence of intra‐feather structural adjustments has been greatly overlooked despite their potential to be under natural selection. To shed some light on this question, we used data from European robins Erithacus rubecula overwintering in Campo de Gibraltar (Southern Iberia), where sedentary robins coexist during winter with conspecifics showing a broad range of breeding origins and, hence, migration distances. We explicitly explored how wing length and shape, as well as several functional (bending stiffness), developmental (feather growth rate) and structural (size and complexity of feather components) characteristics of flight feathers, varied in relation to migration distance, which was estimated from the hydrogen stable isotope ratios of the summer‐produced tail feathers. Our results revealed that migration distance not only favoured longer and more concave wings, but also promoted primaries with a thicker dorsoventral rachis and shorter barb lengths, which, in turn, conferred more bending stiffness to these feathers. We suggest that these intra‐feather structural adjustments could be an additional, largely unnoticed, adaptation within the avian migratory syndrome that might have the potential to evolve relatively quickly to facilitate the occupation of seasonal environments.  相似文献   

Body density of streaked gurnards Trigloporus lastoviza is anomalously low (mean 1·043 g ml−1) for a benthic fish and overlaps with that of pelagic fish such as cod and lumpfish. It is clear that the heavy armour of gurnards is offset by buoyancy provided by the swimbladder. Swimbladder volume is a mean 3·88% of gurnard volume. Evidence is given to indicate that this is quite large for a marine teleost: data are also presented to show that the '5% of fish volume for marine fish, 7% for freshwater fish' rule for swimbladder volumes is unreliable.  相似文献   

Compound‐specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA) of amino acids (AA) has rapidly become a powerful tool in studies of food web architecture, resource use, and biogeochemical cycling. However, applications to avian ecology have been limited because no controlled studies have examined the patterns in AA isotope fractionation in birds. We conducted a controlled CSIA feeding experiment on an avian species, the gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua), to examine patterns in individual AA carbon and nitrogen stable isotope fractionation between diet (D) and consumer (C) (Δ13CC‐D and Δ15NC‐D, respectively). We found that essential AA δ13C values and source AA δ15N values in feathers showed minimal trophic fractionation between diet and consumer, providing independent but complimentary archival proxies for primary producers and nitrogen sources respectively, at the base of food webs supporting penguins. Variations in nonessential AA Δ13CC‐D values reflected differences in macromolecule sources used for biosynthesis (e.g., protein vs. lipids) and provided a metric to assess resource utilization. The avian‐specific nitrogen trophic discrimination factor (TDFGlu‐Phe = 3.5 ± 0.4‰) that we calculated from the difference in trophic fractionation (Δ15NC‐D) of glutamic acid and phenylalanine was significantly lower than the conventional literature value of 7.6‰. Trophic positions of five species of wild penguins calculated using a multi‐TDFGlu‐Phe equation with the avian‐specific TDFGlu‐Phe value from our experiment provided estimates that were more ecologically realistic than estimates using a single TDFGlu‐Phe of 7.6‰ from the previous literature. Our results provide a quantitative, mechanistic framework for the use of CSIA in nonlethal, archival feathers to study the movement and foraging ecology of avian consumers.  相似文献   

Two male and three female caracal Felis caracal were radio-tracked over a 1-year period in arid shrub on the west coast of South Africa, by day and night over at least 130 days for each caracal, and uninterrupted for up to 120 h at a time. These results, on short-term use of space, were related to concurrent availability of prey. The use by caracal of specific plant communities showed a significant positive correlation to prey biomass of rodents. Males had much larger home-ranges (26.9±0.75 km2) than females (7.39±1.68 km2). Male home-ranges overlapped completely with those of females, whereas female ranges overlapped between 0 and 19%. Caracal were active by night and day; onset of activity was affected more by ambient temperature (TA) than photoperiod. Caracal were active significantly longer on nights colder than 20°C. Females ceased activity at TA > 20°C, males at TA > 22°C. Males foraged faster than females (667 vs. 312 m h−1) and moved more than twice the distance of females during an active period. Calculated density of caracal was between 0.23 and 0.47 km−2.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes is one of the biggest health challenges in the world and WHO projects it to be the 7th leading cause of death in 2030. It is a chronic condition affecting the way our body metabolizes sugar. Insulin resistance is high risk factor marked by expression of Lipoprotein Lipases and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor that predisposes to type 2 diabetes. AMP-dependent protein kinase in AMPK signaling pathway is a central sensor of energy status. Deregulation of AMPK signaling leads to inflammation, oxidative stress, and deactivation of autophagy which are implicated in pathogenesis of insulin resistance. SIRT4 protein deactivates AMPK as well as directly inhibits insulin secretion. SIRT4 overexpression leads to dyslipidimeia, decreased fatty acid oxidation, and lipogenesis which are the characteristic features of insulin resistance promoting type 2 diabetes. This makes SIRT4 a novel therapeutic target to control type 2 diabetes. Virtual screening and molecular docking studies were performed to obtain potential ligands. To further optimize the geometry of protein–ligand complexes Quantum Polarized Ligand Docking was performed. Binding Free Energy was calculated for the top three ligand molecules. In view of exploring the stereoelectronic features of the ligand, density functional theory approach was implemented at B3LYP/6-31G* level. 30 ns MD simulation studies of the protein–ligand complexes were done. The present research work proposes ZINC12421989 as potential inhibitor of SIRT4 with docking score (?7.54 kcal/mol), docking energy (?51.34 kcal/mol), binding free energy (?70.21 kcal/mol), and comparatively low energy gap (?0.1786 eV) for HOMO and LUMO indicating reactivity of the lead molecule.  相似文献   


The mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) is the critical protein of the inner mitochondrial membrane that is the primary mediator for calcium uptake into the mitochondrial matrix. Herein we built the optimal homology model of human MCU which was refined through all-atom molecular dynamics simulation. Then, the binding mode of known inhibitor was predicted through molecular docking method, along with molecular dynamics simulation and binding free energy calculation to verify the docking result and stability of the protein-inhibitor complex. Finally, density functional theory (DFT) calculation enhanced our understanding of the molecular interaction of MCU inhibitor. Our research would provide a deeper insight into the interactions between human MCU and its inhibitor, which boosts to develop novel therapy against MCU related disease.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

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