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Blood flukes of the family Spirorchiidae are significant pathogens of both free-ranging and captive marine turtles. Despite a significant proportion of marine turtle mortality being attributable to spirorchiid infections, details of their life cycles remain almost entirely unknown. Here we report on the molecular elucidation of the complete life cycle of a marine spirorchiid, identified as Amphiorchis sp., infecting vermetid gastropods and captive hatched neonate Caretta caretta in the Oceanogràfic Aquarium, in Valencia, Spain. Specimens of a vermetid gastropod, Thylaeodus cf. rugulosus (Monterosato, 1878), collected from the aquarium filtration system housing diseased C. caretta, were infected with sporocysts and cercariae consistent with the family Spirorchiidae. We generated rDNA sequence data [internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) and partial 28S rDNA] from infections from the vermetid which were identical to sequences generated from eggs from the serosa of the intestine of neonate C. caretta, and an adult spirorchiid from the liver of a C. caretta from Florida, USA. Given the reliability of these markers in the delineation of trematode species, we consider all three stages to represent the same species and tentatively identify it as a species of Amphiorchis Price, 1934. The source of infection at the Oceanogràfic Foundation Rehabilitation Centre, Valencia, Spain, is inferred to be an adult C. caretta from the western Mediterranean being rehabilitated in the same facility. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that this Amphiorchis sp. is closely related to other spirorchiids of marine turtles (species of Carettacola Manter & Larson, 1950, Hapalotrema Looss, 1899 and Learedius Price, 1934). We discuss implications of the present findings for the control of spirorchiidiasis in captivity, for the better understanding of epidemiology in wild individuals, and the elucidation of further life cycles.  相似文献   

Life cycles of spirorchiids that infect the vascular system of turtles are poorly understood. Few life cycles of these blood flukes have been elucidated and all intermediate hosts reported are gastropods (Mollusca), regardless of whether the definitive host is a freshwater or a marine turtle. During a recent survey of blood fluke larvae in polychaetes on the coast of South Carolina, USA, spirorchiid-like cercariae were found to infect the polychaetes Amphitrite ornata (Terebellidae) and Enoplobranchus sanguineus (Polycirridae). Cercariae were large, furcate, with a ventral acetabulum, but no eyespots were observed. Partial sequences of D1–D2 domains of the large ribosomal subunit, the internal transcribed spacer 2, and the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 genes allowed the identification of sporocysts and cercariae as belonging to two unidentified Neospirorchis species reported from the green turtle, Chelonia mydas, in Florida: Neospirorchis sp. (Neogen 13) in A. ornata and Neospirorchis sp. (Neogen 14) in E. sanguineus. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that infection of annelids by blood flukes evolved separately in aporocotylids and spirorchiids. Our results support the contention that the Spirorchiidae is not a valid family and suggest that Neospirorchis is a monophyletic clade within the paraphyletic Spirorchiidae. Since specificity of spirorchiids for their intermediate hosts is broader than it was thus far assumed, surveys of annelids in turtle habitats are necessary to further our understanding of the life history of these pathogenic parasites.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the endemic Canarian genus Purpuraria have shown that the taxonomy of its only recognized species (P. erna) is probably erroneous. In this study, an integrative revision of the genus is performed, based on a large number of specimens and geographical sampling. As a result, (1) the diagnostic characters at the genus level are re‐described, (2) Purpuraria magna n. sp. based on morphological, morphometric and genetic data is described and (3) the taxonomic status of a formerly described subspecies is clarified. Intraspecific and interspecific morphometric differences have been found, indicating that the genus is undergoing a process of morphological diversification. Nevertheless, the possibility of interspecific mating between individuals of the two species is suggested, because no significant differences have been found between their respective calling songs. Genetic analyses using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences suggest that P. erna and P. magna are recent species with evidences of secondary contact episodes in the past.  相似文献   

In the absence of knowledge about its anatomy, the systematic position of the genus Chalepotaxis, which inhabits a large part of South East Asia, has been historically dubious. The genitalia, sole of the foot and the caudal region of the type species, Chalepotaxis infantilis (Gredler, V. 1881. Zur Conchylien-Fauna von China. III. Stück. Jahrbücher der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 8, 110–128), are described, which place this genus into the Helicarionidae family. DNA markers (cytochrome oxidase subunit I [COI] and 28S rRNA genes) corroborate this assignment and unequivocally remove the species from the Camaenidae (=Bradybaenidae) and Ariophantidae, where it had previously been placed. Radular morphology of the type species is also re-described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Shrimps of the genus Palaemon Weber, 1795 comprise of 86 species with a wide morphological and ecological variability along the tropical and temperate regions. Studies based on molecular data have indicated that despite a recent taxonomic rearrangement, it may remain not monophyletic. On the other hand, cladistic, morphological analyses have suggested the presence of synapomorphies, implying a natural status for the genus. In this work, a broad taxonomic and molecular sampling is applied to verify whether Palaemon is a monophyletic taxon and, based on the recovered phylogeny, identify geographical and morphological patterns related to the lineages. Partial sequences of 16S rRNA, histone H3 and 18S rRNA from 60 species of Palaemon and 15 species from other genera of Palaemonidae were analysed. In addition, previously used characters as well as novel diagnostic characters were scrutinized. The present phylogeny indicates that the species of Palaemon fall into three distinct lineages and that the colonization of America and Europe likely occurred multiple times. Morphological characters allow for the identification of at least four monophyletic groups in Palaemon; two of which are monospecific at the moment. Based on the present results, it may become necessary to establish two new genera (to accommodate Palaemon concinnus and Palaemon mercedae, respectively), as well as re‐erect the genus Alaocaris Holthuis, 1949 for Palaemon antrorum, potentially including a further six American species.  相似文献   

Integrative taxonomy aims to document biodiversity by incorporating all useful characters to increase confidence in hypotheses about phylogenetic relationships. In this study, we combine data obtained independently from morphology, two maternally inherited mtDNA genes and two biparentally inherited nuDNA genes to make phylogenetic and taxonomic hypotheses about the Palaearctic members of the bat genus Eptesicus (Vespertilionidae). This genus is distributed worldwide (except for Antarctica) and is highly diversified, presenting one of the most entangled taxonomic puzzles among all mammals. Our results support restoring the genus Rhyneptesicus and separating E. isabellinus and E. pachyomus from E. serotinus and E. ognevi and E. anatolicus from E. bottae. Differences in the phylogenetic hypotheses from mtDNA and nuDNA data suggest the occurrence within E. serotinus of evolutionary processes such as mtDNA capture and secondary contacts between partially differentiated ecomorphs. These two evolutionary processes deserve more in‐depth studies within the group.  相似文献   

A new aporocotylid blood fluke is described, based on specimens from the ventricle of the Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis (Temminck et Schlegel), cultured in Wakayama and Nagasaki Prefectures, Japan. The new species is morphologically similar to the members of the genus Cardicola Short, 1953, but shows distinct differences in the body form, location of the testis and the orientation of the ootype. The body of the new species is long and slender, whereas other Cardicola species are small and generally lanceolate. The testis is mostly located posterior to the caeca and anterior to the ovary, occupying 31–45% of body length, in contrast to the known Cardicola species, whose testis is typically intercaecal. The ootype is oriented anteriorly, while in most congeners, it is directed posteriorly or horizontally. Phylogenetic analyses of this aporocotylid, together with Cardicola orientalis Ogawa, Tanaka, Sugihara et Takami, 2010 from the same host, were conducted based on DNA sequences of the ITS2 rDNA and the 28S region of ribosomal RNA. The analyses revealed that the new blood fluke belongs to the genus Cardicola despite the marked morphological differences. Thus, this aporocotylid is named Cardicola opisthorchis n. sp. and the generic diagnosis is emended in this paper. In addition, 100% identity among the ITS2 sequences from the present species, Cardicola sp. from T. orientalis in Mexico and Cardicola sp. from the northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus) in Spain suggests that C. opisthorchis n. sp. has a broad geographical distribution and that it infects both the Pacific and northern bluefin tuna.  相似文献   

Sooretamys is a monotypic genus of the family Cricetidae, subfamily Sigmodontinae, that is distributed throughout eastern South America in the Atlantic Forest Biome, including Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. The taxonomic history of the forms associated with this genus is long and relatively complex, and few studies have evaluated the taxonomic problems of this genus. To this end, our goal was to describe the degree and geographical pattern of morphological and molecular variation in this genus to test the current hypothesis that the genus is monotypic, and, as a consequence, to determine the status of the nominal forms associated with Sooretamys. Accordingly, we employed morphometric, morphological, and molecular tools, according to an integrative taxonomy approach. The results show that some level of morphometric discontinuity is present between the individuals from Paraguay and those from adjacent localities in Brazil and Argentina; sharp discontinuities were not observed in qualitative traits. Molecular analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene showed that the Paraguayan populations have some degree of genetic differentiation, but the haplotypic variants do not form a monophyletic group. Thus, the evidence so far suggests a difference in the genes and morphology of the Paraguayan population, but there is no consistent resolution (e.g. lack of monophyly) to show that specimens from Paraguay represent a distinct population that would merit taxonomic recognition. Thus, we recognize a single species within the genus Sooretamys, named Sooretamys angouya. The pattern of morphological and genetic differentiation of Sooretamys could be the result of divergence with gene flow. However, our data also correspond in some aspects with the model advanced by Carnaval & Moritz, which claims the existence of stable Atlantic Forest areas where the forest biota persisted during the Quaternary climatic fluctuations. Whatever process has occurred, S. angouya represents one species with a complex evolutionary history, and the analysis of additional samples would be welcome to further elucidate the process of diversification of this taxon. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the systematics and taxonomy of Asian birds has improved much in the last two decades, and the number of recognised species has increased significantly as a result of in‐depth studies using an integrative taxonomic approach. The Sino‐Himalayan mountains harbor a high level of passerine diversity. Several allopatric or parapatric taxa that are currently treated as subspecies of polytypic species within that region are likely to deserve full species status, and thus their taxonomic status needs to be revisited. Based on analyses of multilocus data, vocalizations and morphology, we propose that the white‐tailed rubythroat Calliope pectoralis should be treated as two species, the Himalayan rubythroat C. pectoralis sensu stricto in the Tian Shan and Himalayan mountains, and the Chinese rubythroat C. tschebaiewi in the mountains of southwestern and north‐central China. According to our dating analyses based on mitochondrial loci, these two species diverged approximately 2.2 million yr ago. We further found that C. tschebaiewi was paraphyletic to C. pectoralis sensu stricto in nuclear data, which demonstrates a state of mitonuclear discordance that warrants further work. Our results suggest that geographic changes and glacial cycles in the Pleistocene may have caused allopatric divergence in the C. pectoralis complex. Our study stresses the importance of applying an integrative taxonomy approach to fully unravel the true avian diversity in the Sino‐Himalayan Mountains.  相似文献   

The biosystematic status of mite species belonging to the genus Psoroptes Gervais, 1841 is difficult to determine by phenotypic methods and has been subject to taxonomic revisions and ongoing debate. At present, the existence of five species, P. cuniculi (Delafond, 1859), P. ovis (Hering, 1838), P. equi (Hering, 1838), P. cervinus Ward, 1915 and P. natalensis Hirst, 1919, is generally accepted. This classification is based mainly on the host species, the localization of the mites on their hosts and morphological characters of male mites. However, a critical review of the literature indicates that the features used to discriminate between the five species are not unequivocal: (a) the localization of mite populations on host animals is not completely strict, (b) the lengths of the outer opisthosomal setae of male mites, which are the main morphological features used for species discrimination, overlap between the five postulated species, and (c) host specificity cannot be deduced from results of transfer experiments. Rather, conspecificity of the members of the genus Psoroptes has to be presumed which is supported by molecular genetic analyses. On these grounds and on rules of priority P. cervinus Ward, 1915, P. cuniculi (Delafond, 1859), P. natalensis Hirst, 1919 and P. ovis (Hering, 1838) are seen as synonyms of P. equi (Hering, 1838).  相似文献   

The paraphyletic diatom genus Nitzschia comprises over 1000 morphologically distinct pennate taxa, known from the benthos and plankton of freshwater, brackish, and marine environments. The principal diagnostic characters for delimitation of Nitzschia species include valve shape, the position and structure of the raphe, presence/absence and shape of the proximal raphe endings and terminal raphe fissures, areola structure, and specific morphometric features such as cell size, and stria and fibula density. In this study, we isolated 12 diatom strains into culture from samples collected at the surface or greater depths of the southeastern Adriatic Sea. Morphological analyses included LM, SEM, and TEM observations, which, along with specific morphometric features, allowed us to distinguish three new Nitzschia species. These findings were congruent with the results of phylogenetic analyses performed on nuclear‐encoded SSU (18S) rDNA and chloroplast‐encoded rbcL and psbC genes. One of the new species (Nitzschia dalmatica sp. nov.) formed a lineage within a clade of Bacillariaceae containing members of the Nitzschia sect. Dubiae, which was sister to Psammodictyon. A second lineage was part of a novel clade that is significantly distinct from other Nitzschia species sequenced so far and includes Nitzschia adhaerens sp. nov. and N. cf. adhaerens. A further new species was found, Nitzschia inordinata sp. nov., which appeared as the sister group to the N. adhaerens clade and the conopeoid Nitzschia species in our phylogenetic trees. Our findings contribute to the overall diversity of genus Nitzschia, especially in identifying some deep branches within the Bacillariaceae, and highlight under‐scoring of this genus in marine plankton.  相似文献   

We use an integrative taxonomic approach to revise the genus Anisopteromalus. In particular, we apply multivariate ratio analysis (MRA), a rather new statistical method based on principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA), to numerous body measurements and combine the data with those from our molecular analysis of Cytb and ITS2 genetic markers (on a subset of species) and all available published data on morphology, karyology, behaviour, host associations and geographic distribution. We demonstrate that the analysis of quantitative characters using MRA plays a major role for the integration of name‐bearing types and thus for the association of taxa with names. Six species are recognized, of which two are new: A. cornis Baur sp.n. and A. quinarius Gokhman & Baur sp.n. For Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard), a well‐known, cosmopolitan parasitoid of stored‐product pests, we have selected a neotype to foster continuity and stability in the application of this important name. The species was sometimes confused with the related A. quinarius sp.n. , another cosmopolitan species that is frequently encountered in similar environments. We also show that several species originally described or later put under Anisopteromalus actually belong to different genera: Cyrtoptyx camerunus (Risbec) comb.n. ; Meraporus glaber (Szelényi) comb.n. ; Dinarmus schwenkei (Roomi, Khan & Khan) comb.n. Neocatolaccus indicus Ayyar & Mani is confirmed as a junior synonym of Oxysychus sphenopterae (Ferrière) syn.n. and Anisopteromalus calandrae brasiliensis (Domenichini) stat.rev. must be considered as a valid but doubtful taxon. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BDFE96D3‐D0F4‐4012‐90F5‐9A087F7F5864 .  相似文献   

We have applied an integrative taxonomic approach, including bioacoustics, ecology, morphology, and molecular genetics (barcoding and phylogeography), to explore species richness in the genus Diasporus in eastern Panama, from where only Diasporus quidditus (Lynch, 2001) was previously known. During fieldwork in eastern Panama in 2011 and 2012 we found six additional species, four of which we are describing here as new to science, plus two species that are new for this region. We have evaluated the presence of Diasporus diastema (Cope, 1875) in eastern Panama by comparing morphological, genetic, and bioacoustic characters of specimens from near the type locality in central Panama with specimens from eastern Panama. We further describe and compare male advertisement calls of most Diasporus species. The phylogeographic analysis suggests the allopatric speciation of Diasporus species in eastern Panama following the completion of the Panamanian isthmus in the middle Miocene. Subsequent geological events concur with the vicariant evolution of different lineages in situ, suggesting eastern Panama to be a centre of endemism for this group of frogs. We present an integrative analysis of the species from eastern Panama and include an identification key for all species of the genus.  相似文献   

The specific communities of spiders and carabid beetles of island salt marsh habitats of the East Frisian Island chain at the German North Sea coast were investigated. During the vegetation periods of 1997 and 1998 three pitfall trapping transects were installed on the islands of Borkum and Wangerooge. Within the salt marshes, transects extended from 0 m to 175 m. Elevation gradients varied between 10 cm and 232 cm above MHT (mean high tide). On Borkum, 35 traps were exposed in two transects, on Wangerooge 25 traps were placed in one transect. Three to five elevations above MHT were investigated per transect, each one with five traps. Highest species numbers were recorded in the higher elevated salt marshes. In contrast, highest activity values were noticed in the medium elevated salt marshes. Within both groups, spiders and carabids, four communities were distinguished by indirect gradient analysis. Indicator species were assigned to the different communities that were mainly assorted to different elevations of the salt marshes. Thus, the communities of both taxa corresponded well to the vegetational formations. The importance of sea level rise for structuring the communities of salt marsh arthropods is discussed. Overall, still great uncertainties exist on how arthropod communities and salt marshes themselves will develop.  相似文献   

The stomatal types of 102 species illustrating the different subdivisions of Bentham's classification of the genus Acacia were studied at two or three ontogenetic stages: first pinnate leaf to bipinnate leaves or to phyllode. Six stomatal types are recognized on the basis of Guyot's nomenclature (1966): 1, 2, 3, 4, 4', 6; a new type (3') is described. The specialization of the leaf up to the phyllode stage is followed by a decrease of diversity of the stomatal formula and an increasing frequency of the 'basic core' 3, 3', 4. The distinction between the two Australian groups of bipinnate species (series Pulchellae and Botrycephalae) is confirmed. Possible relationships between the cosmopolitan series Vulgares (the most primitive group) and some Australian taxa as well as between the Pulchellae and some phyllodic species from the Australian series Phyllodineae are commented on. The series Gummiferae looks quite distinct from other groups.  相似文献   

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