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Mitochondrial dysfunction represents a critical event during the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD) and expanding evidences demonstrate that an altered balance in mitochondrial fission/fusion is likely an important mechanism leading to mitochondrial and neuronal dysfunction/degeneration. In this study, we investigated whether DJ-1 is involved in the regulation of mitochondrial dynamics and function in neuronal cells. Confocal and electron microscopic analysis demonstrated that M17 human neuroblastoma cells over-expressing wild-type DJ-1 (WT DJ-1 cells) displayed elongated mitochondria while M17 cells over-expressing PD-associated DJ-1 mutants (R98Q, D149A and L166P) (mutant DJ-1 cells) showed significant increase of fragmented mitochondria. Similar mitochondrial fragmentation was also noted in primary hippocampal neurons over-expressing PD-associated mutant forms of DJ-1. Functional analysis revealed that over-expression of PD-associated DJ-1 mutants resulted in mitochondria dysfunction and increased neuronal vulnerability to oxidative stress (H(2) O(2)) or neurotoxin. Further immunoblot studies demonstrated that levels of dynamin-like protein (DLP1), also known as Drp1, a regulator of mitochondrial fission, was significantly decreased in WT DJ-1 cells but increased in mutant DJ-1 cells. Importantly, DLP1 knockdown in these mutant DJ-1 cells rescued the abnormal mitochondria morphology and all associated mitochondria/neuronal dysfunction. Taken together, these studies suggest that DJ-1 is involved in the regulation of mitochondrial dynamics through modulation of DLP1 expression and PD-associated DJ-1 mutations may cause PD by impairing mitochondrial dynamics and function.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by accumulation of α-synuclein (α-syn) and degeneration of neuronal populations in cortical and subcortical regions. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been considered a potential unifying factor in the pathogenesis of the disease. Mutations in genes linked to familial forms of PD, including SNCA encoding α-syn and Pten-induced putative kinase 1 ( PINK1 ), have been shown to disrupt mitochondrial activity. We investigated the mechanisms through which mutant Pink1 might disrupt mitochondrial function in neuronal cells with α-syn accumulation. For this purpose, a neuronal cell model of PD was infected with virally-delivered Pink1, and was analyzed for cell survival, mitochondrial activity and calcium flux. Mitochondrial morphology was analyzed by confocal and electron microscopy. These studies showed that mutant (W437X) but not wildtype Pink1 exacerbated the alterations in mitochondrial function promoted by mutant (A53T) α-syn. This effect was associated with increased intracellular calcium levels. Co-expression of both mutant Pink1 and α-syn led to alterations in mitochondrial structure and neurite outgrowth that were partially ameliorated by treatment with cyclosporine A, and completely restored by treatment with the mitochondrial calcium influx blocker Ruthenium Red, but not with other cellular calcium flux blockers. Our data suggest a role for mitochondrial calcium influx in the mechanisms of mitochondrial and neuronal dysfunction in PD. Moreover, these studies support an important function for Pink1 in regulating mitochondrial activity under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Parkinson''s disease (PD) is one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative brain diseases; it is accompanied by extensive loss of dopamine (DA) neurons of the substantia nigra that project to the putamen, leading to impaired motor functions. Several genes have been associated with hereditary forms of the disease and transgenic mice have been developed by a number of groups to produce animal models of PD and to explore the basic functions of these genes. Surprisingly, most of the various mouse lines generated such as Parkin KO, Pink1 KO, DJ-1 KO and LRRK2 transgenic have been reported to lack degeneration of nigral DA neuron, one of the hallmarks of PD. However, modest impairments of motor behavior have been reported, suggesting the possibility that the models recapitulate at least some of the early stages of PD, including early dysfunction of DA axon terminals. To further evaluate this possibility, here we provide for the first time a systematic comparison of DA release in four different mouse lines, examined at a young age range, prior to potential age-dependent compensations. Using fast scan cyclic voltammetry in striatal sections prepared from young, 6–8 weeks old mice, we examined sub-second DA overflow evoked by single pulses and action potential trains. Unexpectedly, none of the models displayed any dysfunction of DA overflow or reuptake. These results, compatible with the lack of DA neuron loss in these models, suggest that molecular dysfunctions caused by the absence or mutation of these individual genes are not sufficient to perturb the function and survival of mouse DA neurons.  相似文献   

Expanding insights of mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson's disease   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The quest to disentangle the aetiopathogenesis of Parkinson's disease has been heavily influenced by the genes associated with the disease. The alpha-synuclein-centric theory of protein aggregation with the adjunct of parkin-driven proteasome deregulation has, in recent years, been complemented by the discovery and increasing knowledge of the functions of DJ1, PINK1 and OMI/HTRA2, which are all associated with the mitochondria and have been implicated in cellular protection against oxidative damage. We critically review how these genes fit into and enhance our understanding of the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson's disease, and consider how oxidative stress might be a potential unifying factor in the aetiopathogenesis of the disease.  相似文献   

Parkin 是隐性遗传性少年型帕金森病的致病基因 . 现认为 Parkin 行使泛素蛋白连接酶功能,参与蛋白质的泛素化过程 . 它的功能缺陷致使其底物蛋白质毒性积聚,从而介导多巴胺能神经元选择性死亡 . 越来越多的研究显示 Parkin 还具有神经保护作用,能对抗多种神经毒性刺激,并且可能参与路易体的形成过程,因此认为它在散发性帕金森病的致病过程中也可能起重要作用 .  相似文献   

Mutations in the protein DJ-1 are associated with familial forms of Parkinson's disease, indicating that DJ-1 may be involved in pathways related to the etiology of this disorder. Here we have used solution state NMR and circular dichroism spectroscopies to evaluate the extent of structural perturbations associated with five different Parkinson's disease linked DJ-1mutations: L166P, E64D, M26I, A104T, and D149A. Comparison of the data with those obtained for the wild-type protein shows that the L166P mutation leads to severe and global destabilization and unfolding of the protein structure, while the structure of the E64D mutation, as expected, is nearly unperturbed. Interestingly, the remaining three mutants all show different degrees of structural perturbation, which are accompanied by a reduction in the thermodynamic stability of the protein. The observed structural and thermodynamic differences are likely to underlie any functional variations between these mutants and the wild type, which in turn are likely responsible for the pathogenicity of these mutations.  相似文献   

帕金森病是一种常见的神经退行性疾病,发病机制尚不清楚,线粒体功能障碍是可能的原因之一。帕金森病相关蛋白PINK1和Parkin均被证明影响线粒体功能和形态,并参与线粒体质量监控。2011年11月《细胞》杂志 (Cell)147期 发表了题为《PINK1和Parkin导致Miro磷酸化降解和线粒体运动阻滞》的文章,发现PINK1 / Parkin 通路可以作用于定位在线粒体外膜的线粒体移动相关蛋白Miro,PINK1直接磷酸化Miro,Parkin参与Miro降解,使受损线粒体脱离微管,从而阻滞线粒体运动。作者猜测这一过程能够隔离受损线粒体,避免了受损线粒体在细胞中的扩散。该研究深入探讨了PINK1和Parkin相互作用机制,揭示了线粒体质量控制系统如何直接调控线粒体运输,提出了受损线粒体的不正常运输可能是PD的致病原因。  相似文献   

Dissection of the function of two Parkinson's disease-linked genes encoding the protein kinase, PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) and ubiquitin E3 ligase, Parkin, has illuminated a highly conserved mitochondrial quality control pathway found in nearly every cell type including neurons. Mitochondrial damage-induced activation of PINK1 stimulates phosphorylation-dependent activation of Parkin and ubiquitin-dependent elimination of mitochondria by autophagy (mitophagy). Structural, cell biological and neuronal studies are unravelling the key steps of PINK1/Parkin-dependent mitophagy and uncovering new insights into how the pathway is regulated. The emerging role for aberrant immune activation as a driver of dopaminergic neuron degeneration after loss of PINK1 and Parkin poses new exciting questions on cell-autonomous and noncell-autonomous mechanisms of PINK1/Parkin signalling in vivo.  相似文献   

Mutations in PRKN cause the second most common genetic form of Parkinson's disease (PD)—a debilitating movement disorder that is on the rise due to population aging in the industrial world. PRKN codes for an E3 ubiquitin ligase that has been well established as a key regulator of mitophagy. Together with PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1), Parkin controls the lysosomal degradation of depolarized mitochondria. But Parkin's functions go well beyond mitochondrial clearance: the versatile protein is involved in mitochondria-derived vesicle formation, cellular metabolism, calcium homeostasis, mitochondrial DNA maintenance, mitochondrial biogenesis, and apoptosis induction. Moreover, Parkin can act as a modulator of different inflammatory pathways. In the current review, we summarize the latest literature concerning the diverse roles of Parkin in maintaining a healthy mitochondrial pool. Moreover, we discuss how these recent discoveries may translate into personalized therapeutic approaches not only for PRKN-PD patients but also for a subset of idiopathic cases.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the progressive degeneration of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway, and the presence of Lewy bodies. Over the past few years, several genes involved in inherited forms of the disease have been uncovered. In a small number of families with autosomal dominant inheritance, mutations have been identified in the genes encoding a-synuclein and ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1. Mutations in the parkin gene are a common cause of autosomal recessive parkinsonism with early onset, and also account for more than 15% of isolated cases with onset before age 45. The function of Parkin, a ubiquitin ligase involved in the degradation of protein substrates by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, highlights that ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis may play an important role in the pathophysiology of idiopathic Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of neurons in the substantia nigra that project to the striatum and release dopamine. The cause of PD remains uncertain, however, evidence implicates mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. Although most cases of PD are sporadic, 5-10% of cases are caused by inherited mutations. Loss-of-function mutations in Parkin and DJ-1 were the first to be linked to recessively inherited Parkinsonism. Surprisingly, mice bearing similar loss-of-function mutations in Parkin and DJ-1 do not show age-dependent loss of nigral dopaminergic neurons or depletion of dopamine in the striatum. Although the normal cellular functions of Parkin and DJ-1 are not fully understood, we hypothesized that loss-of-function mutations in Parkin and DJ-1 render cells more sensitive to mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. To test this hypothesis, we crossed mice deficient for Parkin and DJ-1 with mice deficient for the mitochondrial antioxidant protein Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD2) or the cytosolic antioxidant protein Cu-Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1). Aged Parkin -/- DJ-1 -/- and Mn-superoxide dismutase triple deficient mice have enhanced performance on the rotorod behavior test. Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase triple deficient mice have elevated levels of dopamine in the striatum in the absence of nigral cell loss. Our studies demonstrate that on a Parkin/DJ-1 null background, mice that are also deficient for major antioxidant proteins do not have progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons but have behavioral and striatal dopamine abnormalities.  相似文献   

Parkin and the molecular pathways of Parkinson's disease   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Giasson BI  Lee VM 《Neuron》2001,31(6):885-888
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the selective demise of specific neuronal populations leading to impairment of motor functions. Recent genetic studies have uncovered several genes involved in inherited forms of the disease. These gene products are implicated in the biochemical pathways underlying the etiology of sporadic PD. Mutations in the parkin gene causal of autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism highlight that ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis may play an important role in the pathobiology of PD.  相似文献   

Mutations in the mitochondrial PTEN-induced kinase 1 (Pink1) gene have been linked to Parkinson disease (PD). Recent reports including our own indicated that ectopic Pink1 expression is protective against toxic insult in vitro, suggesting a potential role for endogenous Pink1 in mediating survival. However, the role of endogenous Pink1 in survival, particularly in vivo, is unclear. To address this critical question, we examined whether down-regulation of Pink1 affects dopaminergic neuron loss following 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) in the adult mouse. Two model systems were utilized: virally delivered shRNA-mediated knockdown of Pink1 and germ line-deficient mice. In both instances, loss of Pink1 generated significant sensitivity to damage induced by systemic MPTP treatment. This sensitivity was associated with greater loss of dopaminergic neurons in the Substantia Nigra pars compacta and terminal dopamine fiber density in the striatum region. Importantly, we also show that viral mediated expression of two other recessive PD-linked familial genes, DJ-1 and Parkin, can protect dopaminergic neurons even in the absence of Pink1. This evidence not only provides strong evidence for the role of endogenous Pink1 in neuronal survival, but also supports a role of DJ-1 and Parkin acting parallel or downstream of endogenous Pink1 to mediate survival in a mammalian in vivo context.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction, proteasome inhibition, and α-synuclein aggregation are thought to play important roles in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). Rare cases of early-onset PD have been linked to mutations in the gene encoding DJ-1, a protein with antioxidant and chaperone functions. In this study, we examined whether DJ-1 protects against various stresses involved in PD, and we investigated the underlying mechanisms. Expression of wild-type DJ-1 rescued primary dopaminergic neurons from toxicity elicited by rotenone, proteasome inhibitors, and mutant α-synuclein. Neurons with reduced levels of endogenous DJ-1 were sensitized to each of these insults, and DJ-1 mutants involved in familial PD exhibited decreased neuroprotective activity. DJ-1 alleviated rotenone toxicity by up-regulating total intracellular glutathione. In contrast, inhibition of α-synuclein toxicity by DJ-1 correlated with up-regulation of the stress-inducible form of Hsp70. RNA interference studies revealed that this increase in Hsp70 levels was necessary for DJ-1-mediated suppression of α-synuclein aggregation, but not toxicity. Our findings suggest that DJ-1 acts as a versatile pro-survival factor in dopaminergic neurons, activating different protective mechanisms in response to a diverse range of PD-related insults.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction caused by protein aggregation has been shown to have an important role in neurological diseases, such as Parkinson''s disease (PD). Mitochondria have evolved at least two levels of defence mechanisms that ensure their integrity and the viability of their host cell. First, molecular quality control, through the upregulation of mitochondrial chaperones and proteases, guarantees the clearance of damaged proteins. Second, organellar quality control ensures the clearance of defective mitochondria through their selective autophagy. Studies in Drosophila have highlighted mitochondrial dysfunction linked with the loss of the PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1) as a mechanism of PD pathogenesis. The mitochondrial chaperone TNF receptor-associated protein 1 (TRAP1) was recently reported to be a cellular substrate for the PINK1 kinase. Here, we characterise Drosophila Trap1 null mutants and describe the genetic analysis of Trap1 function with Pink1 and parkin. We show that loss of Trap1 results in a decrease in mitochondrial function and increased sensitivity to stress, and that its upregulation in neurons of Pink1 mutant rescues mitochondrial impairment. Additionally, the expression of Trap1 was able to partially rescue mitochondrial impairment in parkin mutant flies; and conversely, expression of parkin rescued mitochondrial impairment in Trap1 mutants. We conclude that Trap1 works downstream of Pink1 and in parallel with parkin in Drosophila, and that enhancing its function may ameliorate mitochondrial dysfunction and rescue neurodegeneration in PD.  相似文献   

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