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Borrelia specimens were revealed in taiga ticks Ixodes persulcatus collected in the wild by flagging and also in ticks provided by the Vaccination section of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NSC); these ticks were obtained from patients attacked by ticks. Isolation of borrelias in the BSK-H medium had demonstrated the presence of B. garinii, B. afzelii, and B. miyamotoi in the territory of NCS. B. miyamotoi isolates were unstable, loosing their growth ability during subsequent cultivation. DNA of the three above species was detected by PCR in tick samples collected by flagging and obtained from humans. DNA of B. garinii was recorded in ticks more often; DNA of B. afzelii was found less frequently; B. miyamotoi DNA was detected in the smallest number of ticks. In ticks collected by flagging, DNA of B. garinii, B. afzelii, and B. miyamotoi was detected in 38.6%, 9.9%, and in 3.9% of specimens, respectively. In ticks collected from attacked humans, the number of positive tests was lower; e.g., DNA of B. garinii, B. afzelii, and B. miyamotoi was detected in 24.2%, 6.9%, and in 5.6% of samples, respectively. Mixed infection of ticks with two Borrelia species was also detected; DNA of B. miyamotoi and of B. garinii was detected in mixed infections more frequently. 相似文献
《Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry》2002,28(1):1-2
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - 相似文献
Zoological Institute RAS (up to 1930--Zoological Museum) dates back to 1728, when the first Russian museum, Kunstkammer, was opened under the authority of the newly organized Russian Academy of Sciences. Zoological collections of Kunstkammer were greatly enriched by a number of naturalists who worked in Russia since the middle of the 18-th century, P. S. Pallas (1741-1811) and I. T. Koelreuther (1733-1806) were among them. Both had made an essential progress into helminthology. In 1895, Zoological Museum legislatively acquired a statute of the central institution in Russia for zoological research. Investigations of parasitic worms here become permanent. First parasitologists in its staff, A. K. Mordvilko (1867-1938) and N. P. Annenkova-Khlopina (1887-1950), should be mentioned. 相似文献
The opening time of the flower and duration of blooming, as well as the anther opening time and type of pollination, have been studied in five species of the genus Hemerocallis L. under different weather conditions. It is found that weather conditions do not affect the flowering of mesophytic species. Xerophytic species start to bloom later under adverse weather conditions, and the life of their flower increases. The main type of pollination in daylilies is xenogamy, which is combined with geytonogamy. The pollen collected in a sunny weather at an air humidity of 65% is characterized by high vitality. 相似文献