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The influence of methyl esterification of the carboxyl group of PGE1 on the gastric antisecretory and antiulcer activities were studied. The gastric antisecretory effects of PGE1 free acid and PGE1 methyl ester (PGE1ME) were studied in the Heidenhain pouch dog. Secretion was stimulated with constant intravenous infusion of histamine dihydrochloride. When a steady-state plateau of gastric secretion had been reached, the prostaglandins were administered either by a single intravenous bolus (10.0 μg/kg) or by continuous infusion (1.0 μg/kg/min). PGE1ME was found to be slightly more potent and longer-acting than PGE1 when administered by a single i.v. bolus. PGE1ME was also shown to be more potent than PGE1 when infused intravenously for a two-hour period. PGE1ME caused a significant alteration in gastric juice concentration of hydrogen and sodium ions in an inverse relationship. Potassium and chloride concentration were not altered from pre-existing steady-state values following administration of either form of prostaglandin. Similarly, PGE1ME was also found to possess significantly greater antiulcer activity in the rat forced-exertion ulcer test. These findings support the hypothesis that methyl esterification of the prostaglandin molecule will increase some of the biological actions of PGE1 through inhibition of metabolic β-oxidation of the carboxylic side chain.  相似文献   

The influence of methyl esterification of the carboxyl group of PGE1 on the gastric antisecretory and antiulcer activities were studied. The gastric antisecretory effects of PGE1 free acid and PGE1 methyl ester (PGE1ME) were studied in the Heidenhain pouch dog. Secretion was stimulated with constant intravenous infusion of histamine dihydrochloride. When a steady-state plateau of gastric secretion had been reached, the prostaglandins were administered either by a single intravenous bolus (10.0 mug/kg) or by continuous infusion (1.0 mug/kg/min). PGE1ME was found to be slightly more potent and longer-acting than PFE1 when administered by a single i.v. bolus. PGE1ME was also shown to be more potent than PGE1 when infused intravenously for a two-hour period. PGE1ME caused a significant alteration in gastric juice concentration of hydrogen and sodium ions in an inverse relationship. Potassium and chloride concentration were not altered from pre-existing steady-state values following administration of either form of prostaglandin. Similarly, PGE1ME was also found to possess significantly greater antiulcer activity in the rat forced-exertion ulcer test. These findings support the hypothesis that methyl esterification of the prostaglandin molecule will increase some of the biological actions of PGE1 through inhibition of metabolic beta-oxidation of the carboxylic side chain.  相似文献   

The gastric antisecretory actions of (15S)-15-methyl prostaglandin E2 methyl ester (Me-PGE2) and Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) were evaluated in the unanesthetized gastric fistula rhesus monkey. Secretion was submaximally stimulated by multiple subcutaneous injections of histamine acid phosphate given every hour for four consecutive hours. When a steady-state plateau of gastric secretion was reached, the PG's were administered as a single bolus dose either intravenously (i.v.) or intragastrically (i.g.). Both PG's inhibited histamine-stimulated gastric secretion. The PG's showed greater sensitivity in inhibiting acid concentration while not affecting volume output. Active i.v. and i.g. antisecretory doses of Me-PGE2 ranged from 3 to 10 μg/kg, while PGE2 showed significant antisecretory activity at i.v. bolus doses of 30–100 μg/kg and i.g. bolus dose of 1.0 mg/kg. Thus, Me-PGE2 is estimated to be at least 10 and 300 times more potent than PGE2 by the i.v. and i.g. administration routes, respectively. These findings indicate that the rhesus monkey shows some similarities to man in responsiveness to gastric secretory inhibition by E-prostaglandins.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E2 methyl ester was several times more potent than PGE2 (free acid) in stimulating the human uterus at mid-pregnancy, when administered by the intra-amniotic, extra-amniotic and intravaginal routes. At effective abortifacient dosage, however, the frequency and intensity of gastrointestinal, central nervous and cardiovascular side effects were high. This precluded further clinical trials with the compound. It is suggested that rapid entry of the drug into the systemic circulation takes place.  相似文献   

The influence of transposing the C-15 hydroxy group of prostaglandin E1 methyl ester (PGE1ME) on gastric antisecretory and antiulcer actions was investigated. The compound (±)15-deoxy- 16α,β-hydroxy PGE1ME (SC-28904) was equipotent to the reference standard PGE1ME in suppressing histamine-stimulated gastric secretion in the Heidenhain pouch (HP) dog. In contrast to PGE1ME, SC-28904 was longer acting when administered intravenously and also showed significant oral activity in the histamine-stimulated gastric fistula dog. SC-28904 was also equipotent to PGE1ME (range of active doses of 0.5 to 5.0 mg/kg, s.c.) in inhibiting forced-exertion gastric ulceration in rats.The compound (±)15-deoxy-17α,β-hydroxy PGE1ME (SC-30693) was an inactive antisecretory agent in the dog at the 1.0 mg/kg i.v. bolus dose. This dose was 100 times greater than the active antisecretory dose of PGE1ME. Likewise, SC-30693, when administered subcutaneously at a 5.0 mg/kg dose, was also totally inactive in preventing gastric ulcers induced by forced exertion in rats.The important implications of this work are that some of the receptor sites for the PGE1 molecule could easily accommodate the side chain hydroxy group either in the C-15 or C-16 position. Moreover, the hydroxy group in the latter position significantly improved the biological activity of PGE1ME.  相似文献   

The influence of transposing the C-15 hydroxy group of prostaglandin E1 methyl ester (PGE1ME) on gastric antisecretory and antiulcer actions was investigated. The compound (±)15-deoxy- 16,β-hydroxy PGE1ME (SC-28904) was equipotent to the reference standard PGE1ME in suppressing histamine-stimulated gastric secretion in the Heidenhain pouch (HP) dog. In contrast to PGE1ME, SC-28904 was longer acting when administered intravenously and also showed significant oral activity in the histamine-stimulated gastric fistula dog. SC-28904 was also equipotent to PGE1ME (range of active doses of 0.5 to 5.0 mg/kg, s.c.) in inhibiting forced-exertion gastric ulceration in rats.

The compound (±)15-deoxy- 17,β-hydroxy PGE1ME (SC-30693) was an inactive antisecretory agent in the dog at the 1.0 mg/kg i.v. bolus dose. This dose was 100 times greater than the active antisecretory dose of PGE1ME. Likewise, SC-30693, when administered subcutaneously at a 5.0 mg/kg dose, was also totally inactive in preventing gastric ulcers induced by forced exertion in rats.

The important implications of this work are that some of the receptor sites for the PGE1 molecule could easily accommodate the side chain hydroxy group either in the C-15 or C-16 position. Moreover, the hydroxy group in the latter position significantly improved the biological activity of PGE1ME.  相似文献   

16, 16 dimethyl Prostaglandin E2 (Free acid and methyl ester) administered orally have a stimulant effect on the pregnant human uterus. Pregnancy was terminated in twelve out of twenty women by two hourly oral doses of 100μg of these analogues The relatively high incidence of gastrointestinal side effects — nausea, vomitting and diarrhoea — would tend to limit the usefulness of orally administered 16, 16 dimethyl PGE2 and its methyl ester as abortifacients.  相似文献   

Three behavioral tests, spontaneous locomotor activity (SLMA), exploratory behavior (EB) and rotarod performance (RP), a measure of neuromuscular coordination, were used to study the interaction of PGE1 (1 mg/kg i.p., 10 min. pretreatment) with DBcAMP (25 mg/kg i.p., 25 min. pretreatment) in mice. A dose-response relationship of PGE1 (0.01–5.0 mg/kg) to SLMA was determined, with a significant decrease in SLMA produced by a dose of 0.1 mg/kg. Decreases in SLMA were produced by PGE1 (79%), DBcAMP (41%) and DBcAMP-PGE1 combination (71%). Similar decreases in EB were observed. Although no significant difference between controls and DBcAMP was observed in RP, 52% of mice tested were RP failures following PGE1 and a 100% failure rate was induced by the combination. Mice were treated with a second injection of DBcAMP or PGE1 or the combination 24 hr following the first injection. Behavioral activity of these mice was observed 25 min (DBcAMP) or 10 min (PGE1) after the second dose was administered. A second injection of DBcAMP failed to decrease SLMA and EB from controls; moreover, SLMA began to return towards control levels as early as 2 hr between injections. The second injection of PGE1 or DBcAMP+PGE1 produced the same behavior as that produced by the first injection. On the basis of these results, the relationship of cyclic nucleotides and PGs to behavioral activity is discussed.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular, uterine stimulant and gastrointestinal effects of prostaglandins E2, F and 15 (S) 15 methyl PGE2 methyl ester in the East African Baboon (P. Anubis) have been studied. In these three parameters the baboon responds both qualitatively and quantitatively in a similar manner to man. The lethal doses of the prostaglandins given by bolus intravenous injelctions have been determined and the human lethal doses estimated.  相似文献   

The compound 7-OPyA has been reported to antagonize smooth muscle stimulatory effects of some protaglandins (PG's) in vitro. The in vivo PG antagonists activity of 7-OPyA was reported to antagonize PGE-induced diarrhea in mice. We studied the effects of this compound on PGE1 induced inhibition of gastric secretion in unanesthetized dogs. Secretion was stimulated by continuous intravenous infusion of histamine. At the steady-state plateau of gastric secretion, PGE1 methyl ester (PGE1 ME) or PGE1 ME and 7-OPyA were simultaneously infused intravenously. The extent of gastric secretory inhibition afforded by PGE1 ME alone or in the presence of 7-OPyA was assessed. 7-OPyA did not modify PGE1 ME gastric antisecretory actions when administered at doses 20–50 times greater than the dose of PGE1 ME. These results suggest that the prostaglandin antagonist effects of 7-OPyA show organ specificity, which may be of clinical importance.  相似文献   

The oxytocic properties of prostaglandin 16,16 dimethyl E2 methyl ester were investigated during the second trimester of pregnancy. As an abortifacient, this compound compared unfavorably to the 15 methyl analogs of prostaglandin E2, with a lower rate of effectiveness and a relatively high incidence of side effects.  相似文献   

The pharmacological effects of PGE1 (6 and 9 days, 21,250 μg/kg per day subcutaneously) upon the growth and the bone resorption of mammals were studied using the proximal tibia and upper incisor of immature rats along with lead acetate as a time marker, and upon the serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus levels. The following results were obtained. 1. PGE1 hardly affected the body weight or the weight of organs of the rats but apparently inhibited the longitudinal growth of proximal tibia in a dose related manner. 2. PGE1 clearly inhibited not only the longitudinal growth (incisor growth) but also the appositional growth (dentin formation) of incisal dentin. 3. The grade of the inhibitory effect on the growth was in the order of bone growth >dentin formation >incisor growth. 4. The occurrence of osteoporosis due to a low calcium diet was inhibited by the simultaneous administration of PGE1, the mechanism being considered to be mainly due to the inhibitory effect on the bone resorption. 5. PGE1 lowered the level of serum calcium and the lowering effect was not observed in the thyro-parathyroidectomized rat. From the facts that the above effects were exactly the same as those of calcitonin (1), the possibility that the subcutaneous injection of PGE1 may induce a calcitonin-like action, a part of which may dependent on the calcinonin secretion is suggested.  相似文献   

It was studied how PGE1 would affect the responses of isolated human seminal vesicles to adrenalin. PGE1 in the final concentration of 1.3 μg/ml suppressed the contraction of human seminal vesicle that would have occurred in reaction to adrenalin added one minute later. When the concentration of PGE1 was increased to 6.7 μg/ml, the inhibitory action was further enhanced. The meanings of this phenomenon were discussed.  相似文献   

Hyperalgesia induced in rat paws or dog knee joints by prostacyclin (PGI2) and prostaglandin E2 was measured by a modification of the Randall-Selitto method (1) of by the degree of incapacitation (2). In both species PGI2 induced an immediate hyperalgesic effect but the effect of PGE2 had a longer latency. Low doses of PGI2 caused a short lasting effect but PGE2, large doses of PGI2 or successive administration of small doses of PGI2 caused a long lasting effect.It is suggested that prostacyclin mediates rat paw hyperalgesia induced by carrageenin. The long lasting hyperalgesic effect of PGE2 and high doses of PGI2 is possibly an indirect effect caused by stimulation of a sensory nerve sensitising mechanism.  相似文献   

Antiserum against PGE1 was raised in rabbits following immunization with prostaglandin-thyroglobulin conjugates. The antiserum exhibits 22% cross reactivity with PGE2 but little or no apparent cross reaction with PGE1 metabolites or heterologous prostaglandins. The data indicate some limitations in the use of this antiserum for the measurement of PGE1 in biologic samples.  相似文献   

15(R)-methyl PGE2 methyl ester (15MPG) and 16,16-dimethyl PGE2 methyl ester (16DMPG) were assessed for their effect on gastric mucosal permeability to Na+ and H+ in dogs prepared by antrectomy and vagally-denervated fundic pouches. 15MPG did not increase mucosal permeability to either ion when given topically (18.75 – 300 μg) or parenterally (30 μg), and did not affect permeability increases induced by topical 5mM sodium taurocholate in acid solution. 16DMPG caused significant increases in net Na+ gain when given topically (18.75 – 75 μg) but did not affect net H+ loss from the pouch lumen. Attempts to use higher doses of 16DMPG were abandoned because of bleeding from the pouch, and perforation in one animal. It is conceivable that 16DMPG could cause adverse effects on the gastric mucosal barrier if used to suppress gastric secretion therapeutically. 15MPG does not share this potentially harmful property and remains worthy of further study as an inhibitor of gastric secretion with therapeutic promise.  相似文献   

Oviduct segments from infundibulum, magnum, uterus, uterovaginal junction and vagina of actively laying hens at preoviposition time were tested for their contractile reaction to prostaglandin E1 by or methods. Maximum stimulatory response was observed from the muscular strips of the proximal oviduct segment (infundibulum) and a complete relaxation was recorded from the distal part (vagina) at molar concentrations of 1.4 × 10−7, 3.4 × 10−7 and 7.0 × 10−7. The uterine strips reacted with a stimulatory response at higher concentrations (1.4 × 10−6 and 2.8 × 10−6 moles), but lacked any significant change at lower concentrations. The uterovaginal muscular strips showed a mild but prolonged inhibitory response, while the magnum responded with a significant increase in the luminal pressure when tested . It is concluded that PGE1 exerts a stimulatory effect on the uterus to initiate transport of the egg to subsequent segments (uterovaginal junction and vagina), which relax under PGE1 influence and allow passage of the egg by pressure differences.  相似文献   

The fetus and prematurely delivered newborn lamb have high concentrations of circulating PGE2 that may play a hormonal role, particularly in maintaining the patency of the ductus arteriosus. We studied the ability of the isolated, perfused lung from immature (100 ± 150 days) lamb fetuses to metabolize PGE2 as a function of PGE2 concentration in the perfusate. After an intra-arterial infusion of 3H-PGE2 and 14C-inulin (to act as a marker of extracellular space), the bulk of the 14C-inulin was rapidly cleared through the isolated lung and the majority of the 3H activity appeared after the 14C activity had fallen to negligible values. The 3H activity that was retained longer in the lung was primarily associated with the 15-keto prostaglandin E2 and 15-keto-13,14 dihydro prostaglandin E2 metabolites. Lungs from immature fetal lambs metabolized 25% less PGE2 than did lungs from animals near term. This is consistent with our prior observation that premature lambs have decreased plasma clearance rates (in vivo) and elevated circulating concentrations of PGE2 when compared with term newborn lambs.  相似文献   

Changes in gastric secretion induced by the subcutaneous, intraduodenal or intragastric administration of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) were evaluated in pylorus-ligated rats. Subcutaneous and intraduodenal injections produced a dose-related inhibition in both total acid and volume of gastric secretion. Dose-response curves for inhibition obtained by these routes were parallel, although PGE1 was more potent when given subcutaneously. Gastric administration produced a dose-related decrease in acid and an increase in volume. The slope of the dose-response curve for acid inhibition with this route was flatter than with subcutaneous or intraduodenal administrations. The present results suggest that PGE1 inhibits gastric secretion by the same mechanism of action when given subcutaneously or into the duodenum, while the effects observed after gastric administration are consequences of local actions. The difference in potency of PGE1 given subcutaneously and in the duodenum would seem to be due to differences in absorption from the site of administration and/or to a greater metabolism of PGE1 during its absorption from the intestines.  相似文献   

The crystal and molecular structure of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) has been determined by X-ray diffraction. The compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1 with Z = 1 and , , , α = 87.347°, β = 94.042°, and γ = 91.010°. Gauche-gauche interactions appear in both side chains. The efficient molecular packing and hydrogen bonding network appears to stabilize the observed molecular conformation.  相似文献   

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