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刘焱序  彭建  王仰麟 《生态学报》2017,37(23):7769-7780
景观格局的改变被视为城市热岛形成的直接原因,但景观格局指标与热岛效应的关联机理仍未厘清。城市规模、景观组分、空间构型作为景观格局的重要表征指标,对热岛效应的影响体现了从整体到局部、从数量到空间的递进关系。其中,城市规模与热岛效应的关联存在地带性规律;景观组分与热岛效应的相关性受昼夜、季节控制;显著驱动热岛效应的关键空间构型指标仍有待遴选。景观格局与热岛效应的非线性关联可能存在拐点,拐点前后对应不一致的因子驱动强度。科学界定城市规模、景观组分、空间构型等景观格局要素显著影响热岛效应的阈值区间,有助于明晰缓解城市热岛效应的关键景观生态途径。  相似文献   

基于源汇指数的沈阳热岛效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于2001和2010年Landsat 遥感影像,利用GIS技术识别沈阳城市热岛源区和汇区,利用地表温度(LST)、源区和汇区面积比率指数(CI)和热岛强度指数(LI),评价分析了沈阳土地利用发展布局模式对热岛效应的影响.结果表明: 2001-2010年,沈阳三环内土地利用类型变化较大,导致热岛源、汇区面积变化明显,且主要发生在二环和三环.2001年,一环内热岛源、汇区面积比例分别为94.3%和5.7%,三环内分别为64.0%和36.0%;2010年,其比例在一环内分别为93.4%和6.6%,三环内分别为70.2%和29.8%,说明10年来“摊饼式”土地利用布局决定了沈阳热岛效应的“摊饼式”布局.研究期间,沈阳地表温度从一环至三环均呈递减趋势,热岛效应强度在2001年以单一中心为主,至2010年发展为多中心态势,热岛效应强度等级有所降低.从一环至三环,CI绝对值均呈增加趋势,LI值均小于1,说明期间研究区土地利用布局变化对改善区域热岛效应没有明显作用.  相似文献   

 Bioclimatic conditions have been assessed for a large urban area located in the tropical highlands of central Mexico using the indices (in °C) of resultant temperature (RT) and effective temperature (ET). The well-developed heat island effect the city generates, reduces the number of nights categorized as cold (ET between 5 and 15° C) to cool (ET from 15 to 18.5° C). Most days fall in the cold to cool range and during the warm season (April to June) the bioclimate of Mexico City is mostly within the neutral (comfort) range. The effect of the nocturnal (to the west) and daytime (to the east of the town) heat island is noticeable in the central and northern sectors. The daytime heat island located in these regions, albeit small (urban air temperature 2–3° C greater than rural), compared with the nocturnal heat island intensity (9–10° C) still adds energy to the already heated afternoon urban air. ET values in the north and central sectors approach the threshold for comfort (ET of 25° C) during the warm months around noon. It is not surprising to find that as the nocturnal heat island has increased over the years (1921–1985) as the city grew, so has the ET for the central district and indicating the dominating role of temperature in the ET index. Assessment of the diurnal cycle of bioclimatic conditions in downtown Mexico City by means of two empirical indices (effective temperature and thermopreferendum) throughout the years gave similar results to those obtained from the application of Fanger’s predicted mean vote (PMV) model. An attempt has been made to characterize four bioclimatic zones in the capital city. Received: 8 March 1994 / Revised: 15 July 1996 / Accepted: 9 September 1996  相似文献   

赖小红  李名扬  刘聪  钟雨航  林立  王海洋 《生态学报》2019,39(19):7025-7034
为探究植物物候对山地城市内部热岛效应的响应特征,于2016年1月—2017年1月对重庆市主城区80种木本植物进行地面物候观测,同时利用Landsat 8热红外数据反演研究区地表温度,结合同时期地面实测气温,对研究区热岛强度等级进行划分,进而比较城市内部不同热岛强度等级下植物物候变化特征。结果表明,热岛过渡区与热岛区植物展叶期较凉岛区分别提前了5.1 d和8.1 d,初花期分别提前了4.0 d和20.8 d,终花期分别提前了4.8 d和11.6 d,而落叶期分别推迟了8.5 d和18.9 d,即城市内部热岛増温使植物春季物候提前,秋季物候推迟,生长季延长,且物候变化幅度随热岛强度等级增大而增大。不同功能型植物物候对热岛増温的响应存在差异,灌木、常绿植物和引种植物物候比乔木、落叶植物和本土植物更加敏感。本研究在一定程度上填补了我国西南山区物候研究的空缺,可为预测城市植物物候对未来山地城市小气候变化乃至全球气候变暖趋势的响应提供早期预警。  相似文献   

山体绿地是喀斯特山地城市内典型的城市绿地景观类型,其对于改善城市生态环境、提升喀斯特山地城市生态服务功能具有重要作用.以黔中典型喀斯特山地城市安顺市为研究对象,运用2011年和2016年两期热红外遥感影像和城市景观结构空间数据,在反演分析城市热岛效应及其强度时空分布特征的基础上,运用冷热点分析剖析了山体绿地与城市热岛效...  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of a medium-sized city (Szeged, Hungary) on the bioclimatological conditions of human beings. With the help of suitable indices for the available data set, differences in the annual and diurnal variation of human bioclimatic characteristics between an urban and rural environment are evaluated over a 3-year period. These indices are the thermohygrometric index (THI, defined by air temperature and relative humidity), the relative strain index (RSI, defined by air temperature and vapour pressure) and the number of ”beergarden days” (defined by air temperature at 2100 hours). In urban and rural areas, ”hot” THI conditions characterize 6% and 1% of the year, ”comfortable” conditions 30% and 20%, ”cool” conditions 10% and 12%, and ”cold” conditions 54% and 66% respectively. Over longer periods (e.g. one, month) RSI remains below the threshold value for strong heat stress in the city. The monthly frequencies of beergarden days show that these days appears from May until October and the city has almost twice as many pleasant evenings as the rural areas. Consequently, the city favourably modifies the main climatological elements within the general climate of its region; periods likely to be comfortable are therefore found more frequently in the city than in rural areas. Received: 24 November 1998 / Revised: 14 June 1999 / Accepted: 4 August 1999  相似文献   

朝鲁门  孙建新 《应用生态学报》2009,20(12):2839-2846
选取纬度相近、发展规模类似的近海(济南)与内陆(西安)城市为研究对象,对比分析了1956—1998年间济南和西安气温与热岛效应的变化趋势.结果表明:1956—1978年间,除济南年均最低气温以0.37 ℃·10 a-1的速率上升外,2个城市的气温指标均无明显变化趋势;1979—1998年间,2个城市则表现出显著的增温趋势,其中西安年均最高气温和年均气温的增加速率大于济南,济南年均最低气温的增加速率大于西安.1956—1978年间,2个城市均存在城市热岛效应但无显著增加趋势,1979—1998年间的热岛效应明显强化,以西安在年均气温(0.22 ℃·10 a-1)和年均最低气温(0.32 ℃·10 a-1)上表现的热岛效应的增加趋势更为明显.济南热岛效应强度和年际波动均大于西安,但其增加速率却小于西安.济南年均最高气温、年均气温和年均最低气温的增温速率和热岛效应强度明显不同,西安则较接近.3个气温指标中以年均最低气温的增加趋势最明显,同时对热岛效应的响应最显著,年均最高气温的波动性最大.地理位置不但影响城市增温的幅度,而且也深刻影响着城市增温的形式与热岛效应强度.  相似文献   

朝鲁门  孙建新 《生态学杂志》2009,20(12):2839-2846
选取纬度相近、发展规模类似的近海(济南)与内陆(西安)城市为研究对象,对比分析了1956—1998年间济南和西安气温与热岛效应的变化趋势.结果表明:1956—1978年间,除济南年均最低气温以0.37 ℃·10 a-1的速率上升外,2个城市的气温指标均无明显变化趋势;1979—1998年间,2个城市则表现出显著的增温趋势,其中西安年均最高气温和年均气温的增加速率大于济南,济南年均最低气温的增加速率大于西安.1956—1978年间,2个城市均存在城市热岛效应但无显著增加趋势,1979—1998年间的热岛效应明显强化,以西安在年均气温(0.22 ℃·10 a-1)和年均最低气温(0.32 ℃·10 a-1)上表现的热岛效应的增加趋势更为明显.济南热岛效应强度和年际波动均大于西安,但其增加速率却小于西安.济南年均最高气温、年均气温和年均最低气温的增温速率和热岛效应强度明显不同,西安则较接近.3个气温指标中以年均最低气温的增加趋势最明显,同时对热岛效应的响应最显著,年均最高气温的波动性最大.地理位置不但影响城市增温的幅度,而且也深刻影响着城市增温的形式与热岛效应强度.  相似文献   

基于Landsat-8影像的沿海城市公园冷岛效应——以厦门为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
花利忠  孙凤琴  陈娇娜  唐立娜 《生态学报》2020,40(22):8147-8157
城市公园主要由水体和绿色植被等景观构成,其形成的公园冷岛(Park cool island,PCI)已成为减缓城市热岛效应的重要途径之一。采用景感生态学中的景感营造理念规划设计城市公园或优化公园空间结构有助于增强公园冷岛效应,进一步改善局地城市热环境。选择沿海城市——厦门市为研究对象,基于2013年8月的Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS遥感影像和Google Earth高分影像数据,首先提取了研究区15个公园的土地利用信息,采用改进的地表温度单通道算法,获取了城市公园地表温度数据,并采用缓冲区分析、景观格局指数和多元统计等方法定量分析公园内部平均地表温度、城市公园冷岛强度(即降温幅度)、公园冷岛影响距离(即对周边区域的降温范围)三者的主要影响因子,并利用景感生态学原理初步剖析了城市公园景感营造的原则。结果显示:(1)公园面积和公园建设用地面积是影响公园平均温度的关键因子(R2=0.915),这两个因子与公园平均温度均呈显著非线性相关;公园面积存在阈值55 hm2左右;(2)公园冷岛PCI强度由公园绿地面积、公园建筑面积和面积-周长形状指数...  相似文献   

沿海河谷盆地城市热岛时空特征及驱动机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对以往热岛研究中缺少自然-人文多维因子组合作用的成因分析,基于landsat TM/OLI遥感影像反演福州市1991、2000及2013年河谷盆地亮温热场,并利用主成分多元回归方法探讨DMSP/OLS夜间灯光、交通密度、地表非渗透面、地面高程、地表植被、水体等多维因素对城市热岛的综合影响及联动关系。研究发现:11991—2013年盆地热岛辐射范围不断蔓延,老城区成为热岛核心区,呈中心向外辐射并沿江扩展态势,盆地"溢出"现象显著;2盆地内平原-山地温差达10—14℃,热岛面积出现两极分化,23年间热岛面积共增加226.9km~2,其中高温区面积增长四倍,年增长率最大(7.50%);3夜间灯光、交通路网密度、地表非渗透面、地表植被、地面高程及水体每变化1个单位,温度将分别变化0.430、0.418、0.103、-0.031、-0.469及-0.096;4人文促进作用大于自然抑制作用,综合作用下盆地升温0.35个单位;5相比地表非渗透面,夜间灯光与交通密度对热岛的增温贡献更为显著;地面高程主导降温作用,其次为水体与地表植被,后两者作用之和仅为地面高程的27%。福州盆地当前的生态环境并不足以缓解城市未来进一步发展而导致的热岛加剧,当保持城市现有发展规模且自然作用进一步增加60%时,降温抑制作用才会明显。  相似文献   

This study compared different measures of urban heat island (UHI) intensity, which were calculated using both air temperature (Tair) at a height of 1.5 m and Landsat land surface temperature (LST) in Hangzhou, China. Two UHI-driven indicators (range and magnitude) and two land-cover-driven indicators (urban-rural and urban-agriculture) were calculated to quantify the UHI intensity based on hourly Tair from five stations and fifteen Landsat 5 LST images. Pearson correlation testing and a moving average times series of the previous 30 days were used to investigate the relationship between UHI intensities calculated by different indicators and data. The results indicate that the land-cover-driven indicators explain UHI better than the UHI-driven indicators, while the calculated values of UHI intensity using Landsat LST and hourly Tair are not comparable. We also investigated the influence of weather conditions on UHI intensity. Generally, Landsat-LST-based UHI performs best on hot sunny days, while Tair-based UHI has a better chance during the nighttime following a dry sunny day. This study suggests that the value of UHI intensity can be influenced by the selected indicators, the data used, the acquisition time and the weather conditions. Thus, these factors should be considered when comparing UHI intensity between different cities or quantifying their influences (e.g., population size, land use and land cover change) on UHI intensity.  相似文献   

基于RS的郑州市城市热岛效应时空演变   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
采用郑州市1988年5月14日Landsat卫星TM传感器遥感影像和2001年5月10日ETM+传感器遥感影像以及当地相关气象资料,利用单窗算法反演计算了卫星图像的亮度温度并以此制作出相关专题图.结果表明:随着郑州市建成区的不断扩大,城市热岛效应不断加剧,与1988年相比,2001年市区高温区域向东北和西南方向存在明显偏移与扩张,这与低植被覆盖区域和城镇居民用地变化趋势基本相同.为缓解城市热岛效应的不断加剧,在城市化的同时应注重绿化工作并选用合理的绿化方式.  相似文献   

广州城市热岛空间分布及时域-频域多尺度变化特征   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
利用广州47个自动气象站小时数据计算2001年1、4、7和10月各站平均热岛强度,用克里格方法研究广州城市热岛的空间变化,发现其受下垫面、人为热、大气污染、天气系统等影响较大.利用2001年—2002年2月每小时气象数据,用Morlet小波变换方法分析广州热岛周期变化,发现其在频域上具有多尺度的周期振荡,尺度主要是24、168和1 490 h,即日、周、2个月,其次是3个月. 海陆风、下垫面长波辐射、人为热、近地层热量交换等影响其日变化周期,人类活动影响其周变化周期,太阳辐射及天气系统影响其2个月变化周期,季风影响其3个月变化周期.研究表明,广州城市热岛时空变化是天气系统、地表长波辐射、下垫面、大气污染、人为热、地表热量交换等共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

都市的快速发展致使城市热岛效应日渐加剧.城市绿化对缓解热岛效应有一定的作用,但同时其物候也受到了影响.本文基于遥感影像数据,通过对照北京市热岛区与非热岛区、不同热岛强度等级的植物物候差别,研究热岛效应对植物物候的影响.采用Landsat 8影像对北京市地表温度进行反演,结合空间分析进行热岛效应分区分级识别;通过MOD1...  相似文献   

基于土地利用景观格局对城市热岛效应的影响研究较多,但准确识别对城市热岛效应具有重要影响的关键斑块和节点方面的研究亟待开展。以新型中小城市株洲云龙示范区为例,以城市热岛网络构建为切入点,应用形态学空间格局分析(Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis, MSPA)与景观连通性模型识别城市发展进程中核心热景观斑块和关键节点,并分析其时空演变特征。研究结果表明:(1)2007—2018年云龙示范区热岛斑块趋于集中,热岛面积较研究初期有明显增加,从地表温度空间分布上体现为城区与周边农村的温度对比更加鲜明,表明城市化进程中建设用地呈聚集扩散趋势。(2)研究期间热岛核心区占热景观面积比最大,且比例有明显上升趋势。而边缘、支线、孤岛、桥接、环线以及孔隙形态类型面积占比均呈现出不同程度的下降趋势,表明热岛斑块之间聚集程度不断提高。(3)识别出景观连通度重要性值较高的前20热景观斑块,其中前3斑块的重要性值和面积占比较大,属于极重要与重要两个热岛核心斑块重要性等级,值得重点关注与优化。(4)对重要性值高的热岛核心区域可优先采取降温措施,可以打断节点之间连接减缓整个区域...  相似文献   

城市水体对热岛的缓冲性能沿河岸距离的变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市水体包括城区内的自然水体和人工水体两大类。作为城市生态系统的重要组成部分,水体在缓解城市热岛效应(Urban Heat Island, UHI)上具有重要作用。研究城市热岛效应的现状,探讨水体对城市热岛的缓冲效应,为改善城市热岛效应和生态环境,并对城市进行合理的改造和规划提供理论依据。以长沙市中心城区为研究区域,以南北向贯穿长沙市的湘江河道作为主要研究对象,基于长沙市2016年7月Landsat 8 TIRS遥感影像采用大气校正法反演地表温度(Land Surface Temperature, LST),利用监督分类法获取其同步的城市化进程和土地利用类型,分析市区内地表温度及热岛效应的空间分布特征。同时,通过在湘江两侧建立多个尺度的缓冲区,并将其与地表温度分布及土地利用类型叠置,分析湘江为主的水体对长沙市热环境及各缓冲区的缓冲效应,结果表明:(1)长沙市城市建设格局与热岛效应空间分布基本相似,建筑用地热岛效应更高,极端地表温度达到53.8℃;水体、绿地和裸地的热岛效应相对较低,最低地表温度为16.0℃;(2)湘江对长沙市热岛效应具有缓冲作用,对长沙市热岛效应的平均缓冲距离为400 ...  相似文献   

Urbanization often entails a surge in urban temperature compared to the rural surroundings: the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. Such a temperature increase triggers the formation of pollutants worsening the urban air quality. Jointly, bad air quality and UHI affect ecosystems and human health. To alleviate the impacts on the population and the environment, it is crucial to design effective UHI‐mitigation measures. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an assessment tool able to capture the complexity of urban settlements and quantify their impact. Yet, as currently implemented, LCA neglects the interactions between the built environment and the local climate, omitting the resulting impacts. This study reviews the existing literature, showing the lack of studies that organically include interactions between the built environment and local climate in LCA. This forms the basis to identify the unsuitability of the current LCA framework for comprehensively capturing the impact of urban settlements. To overcome this limitation, this research offers a pathway to expand the LCA methodology, indicating the necessity to (a) couple the LCA methodology with climate models or physical relations that quantify the interactions between the local climate and the built environment; (b) include novel impact categories in LCA to address such interactions; and (c) use existing or ad hoc developed characterization factors to assess the impacts related to the UHI effect. The LCA community can build on the frame of reference offered by this research to overcome the current limitations of LCA and enable its use for a comprehensive assessment of the impacts of UHI and its mitigation measures.  相似文献   

Urban open spaces such as parks can act as urban cool islands. For example, in Seoul, Korea, the many Lee Dynasty royal palaces and tombs act as urban cool islands that reduce the temperature of the park compared with the surrounding urban areas. In order to determine the effect of air temperature differences because of the urban royal tomb park, Seolleung Royal Tomb Park (SPK) and the nearby Seolleung subway station (SLS), air temperatures were recorded at 10 min intervals from November 9th, 2007 to November 8th, 2008. The data were analyzed and examined to illustrate air temperature-reducing effects during the day and over the year. Results of the investigation show that the average air temperature differences due to SPK in the nearby SLS was 1.76°C, and the maximum air temperature-reducing effects due to SPK occur in September, not during the winter. The air temperature-reducing effect due to SPK decreases rapidly from the park boundary, because of the urban morphology and land use.  相似文献   

Seasonality of mycorrhizae in coastal sand dunes of Baja California   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
 Populations of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were estimated from spores associated with seven plant species in coastal dunes at El Socorro, near Ensenada, Baja California, during six months in 1992. The seasonal patterns of percent root colonization were also described in the same species during the wet season (January–March) and the dry season (April–July). Comparisons were made between the pioneer species (Abronia maritima) in the mobile dunes and six species (Abronia umbellata, Atriplex julacea, Camissonia californica, Haplopappus venetus, Helianthus niveus and Lotus spp.) in the fixed dunes. Mycorrhizal colonization in Abronia maritima was slight (<1%) and we observed few spores (<1/g soil). All of the species in the fixed dune formed mycorrhizae with up to 80% colonization in early summer, and no more than 4 spores/g soil by late summer. The highest percentages of total colonization and abundance of spores did not coincide temporally for any of the seven species, but the percentages were higher in summer than in spring. Arbuscules were more abundant when the soil was moist, and vesicles more abundant when it was dry. Accepted: 16 August 1995  相似文献   

上海城市热岛效应形成机制及空间格局   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
城市热岛效应的产生及演变与城市地表覆被变化、人类社会经济活动密切相关,是城市生态环境状况的综合概括与体现,目前对城市热岛形成、演变的驱动机制、热岛效应与地表覆被变化的定量关系研究大多还是从对某些影响因子的测定入手,缺乏对区域热环境系统全面、综合的评价与分析.近年来,在城市化过程中,人类社会、经济活动的加剧使城市地表热力景观呈现出高度的空间异质性,在利用Landsat 7 ETM+热波段数据反演上海地区地表温度的基础上,应用地统计学方法揭示了不同尺度下上海城市地表温度场空间变异特征及其不同的驱动因子.进而,采用决策树方法构造城市热环境系统的分类和预测模型,建立中心城区地表温度场空间分布及其驱动因素之间的定量关系,挖掘上海城市热岛效应的形成机制,揭示出多种影响因素综合作用下中心城区热环境空间格局差异.研究结果表明,城市热环境形成的驱动因子在空间上呈现出明显的分异性特征,各种影响因素在空间上不同的组合方式将决定城市热岛效应的时空演变趋势.运用决策树方法可以有效地确定在城市内部不同区域影响热环境形成的主导因素,揭示城市热岛形成与演变的成因机制及其空间差异,并可以进一步用来预测分析未来城市地表温度场动态变化的空间分布格局.  相似文献   

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