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衰老是一个复杂的生物学过程,涉及到有害物质的积累导致整体生命功能的下降,生物的生理状况逐渐恶化,最终导致疾病和死亡。黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster作为最重要的遗传学工具之一,近年来常被用于衰老的研究,以阐明衰老的发生与发展机制。本文结合本实验室的研究进展,综述了果蝇寿命调控的生理生化机制,如保幼激素、胰岛素/类胰岛素生长因子、TOR信号网络、腺苷酸活化蛋白激酶信号通路、热量限制和饮食限制、氧化应激、小分子RNA以及鞘脂类代谢都会对果蝇的寿命产生影响。除此之外,基因调控网络研究还能够发现潜在的与长寿相关的基因组区域,将有可能发现更多寿命相关基因。以果蝇为模式生物的研究,对于其他昆虫衰老、存活等种群生物学问题的研究以及天敌、益虫保育和害虫控制,具有十分重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins and aging in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are conserved molecular chaperones that are upregulated following exposure to environmental stress and during aging. The mechanisms underlying the aging process are only beginning to be understood. The beneficial effects of Hsps on aging revealed in mild stress and overexpression experiments suggest that these proteins are part of an important cell protection system rather than being unspecific molecular chaperones. Among the Hsps families, small Hsps have the greatest influence on aging and the modulation of their expression during aging in Drosophila suggest that they are involved in pathways of longevity determination.  相似文献   

Genome-wide analysis of Sox genes in Drosophila melanogaster.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  



Aerobic organisms are susceptible to damage by reactive oxygen species. Oxidative stress resistance is a quantitative trait with population variation attributable to the interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Drosophila melanogaster provides an ideal system to study the genetics of variation for resistance to oxidative stress.

Methods and Findings

We used 167 wild-derived inbred lines of the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel for a genome-wide association study of acute oxidative stress resistance to two oxidizing agents, paraquat and menadione sodium bisulfite. We found significant genetic variation for both stressors. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with variation in oxidative stress resistance were often sex-specific and agent-dependent, with a small subset common for both sexes or treatments. Associated SNPs had moderately large effects, with an inverse relationship between effect size and allele frequency. Linear models with up to 12 SNPs explained 67–79% and 56–66% of the phenotypic variance for resistance to paraquat and menadione sodium bisulfite, respectively. Many genes implicated were novel with no known role in oxidative stress resistance. Bioinformatics analyses revealed a cellular network comprising DNA metabolism and neuronal development, consistent with targets of oxidative stress-inducing agents. We confirmed associations of seven candidate genes associated with natural variation in oxidative stress resistance through mutational analysis.


We identified novel candidate genes associated with variation in resistance to oxidative stress that have context-dependent effects. These results form the basis for future translational studies to identify oxidative stress susceptibility/resistance genes that are evolutionary conserved and might play a role in human disease.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are a common byproduct of mitochondrial energy metabolism, and can also be induced by exogenous sources, including UV light, radiation, and environmental toxins. ROS generation is essential for maintaining homeostasis by triggering cellular signaling pathways and host defense mechanisms. However, an imbalance of ROS induces oxidative stress and cellular death and is associated with human disease, including age-related locomotor impairment. To identify genes affecting sensitivity and resistance to ROS-induced locomotor decline, we assessed locomotion of aged flies of the sequenced, wild-derived lines from the Drosophila melanogaster Genetics Reference Panel on standard medium and following chronic exposure to medium supplemented with 3 mM menadione sodium bisulfite (MSB). We found substantial genetic variation in sensitivity to oxidative stress with respect to locomotor phenotypes. We performed genome-wide association analyses to identify candidate genes associated with variation in sensitivity to ROS-induced decline in locomotor performance, and confirmed the effects for 13 of 16 mutations tested in these candidate genes. Candidate genes associated with variation in sensitivity to MSB-induced oxidative stress form networks of genes involved in neural development, immunity, and signal transduction. Many of these genes have human orthologs, highlighting the utility of genome-wide association in Drosophila for studying complex human disease.  相似文献   

Reproductive output and cognitive performance decline in parallel during aging, but it is unknown whether this reflects a shared genetic architecture or merely the declining force of natural selection acting independently on both traits. We used experimental evolution in Drosophila melanogaster to test for the presence of genetic variation for slowed cognitive aging, and assess its independence from that responsible for other traits’ decline with age. Replicate experimental populations experienced either joint selection on learning and reproduction at old age (Old + Learning), selection on late‐life reproduction alone (Old), or a standard two‐week culture regime (Young). Within 20 generations, the Old + Learning populations evolved a slower decline in learning with age than both the Old and Young populations, revealing genetic variation for cognitive aging. We found little evidence for a genetic correlation between cognitive and demographic aging: although the Old + Learning populations tended to show higher late‐life fecundity than Old populations, they did not live longer. Likewise, selection for late reproduction alone did not result in improved late‐life learning. Our results demonstrate that Drosophila harbor genetic variation for cognitive aging that is largely independent from genetic variation for demographic aging and suggest that these two aspects of aging may not necessarily follow the same trajectories.  相似文献   

Cumulative damage in mitochondria by reactive oxygen species is thought to result in a decrease in mitochondrial respiratory function and to contribute to the age-related decline in the physiological function of organisms. The mitochondrial genome is also subjected to damage with age through deletions. The accumulation of deleted mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been observed in various animals, but still remains unclear in insects. We examined the accumulation of deleted mtDNA in D. melanogaster at various ages from larvae to 65-day-old adults. When DNA extracted from whole bodies was examined by PCR and Southern hybridization, the age-related accumulation of deletions was not clear. However, when the accumulation of deleted mtDNA with age was examined separately in three parts of the body (head, thorax and abdomen), deleted mtDNA signals were detected more frequently in the thorax and the accumulation was age-dependent. Three of the deleted mtDNA were cloned, and the breakpoints of the deletions were identified. These results strongly suggest that deleted mtDNA accumulates in Drosophila with age in a tissue-specific manner.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in carbonylation of mitochondrial proteins were determined in mitochondria from the flight muscles of Drosophila melanogaster. Reactivity with antibodies against (i) adducts of dinitrophenyl hydrazone (DNP), commonly assumed to react broadly with derivatized carbonyl groups, (ii) malondialdehyde (MDA), or (iii) hydroxynonenal (HNE), was compared at five different ages of flies. MDA and HNE are carbonyl-containing products of lipid peroxidation, which can form covalent adducts with proteins. Specific objectives were to address the following inter-related issues: (1) what are the sources of adducts involved in protein carbonylation in mitochondria during aging; (2) is carbonylation by different adducts detectable solely by the DNP antibodies, as assumed widely; (3) can the adducts formed by lipid peroxidation products in vivo, be used as markers for monitoring age-associated changes in oxidative damage to proteins. The total amounts of immunoreactive proteins, detected by all three antibodies, were found to increase with age; however, the immunodensity of individual reactive bands and the magnitude of the increases were variable, and unrelated to the relative abundance of a protein. While some protein bands were strongly immunopositive for all three antibodies, others were quite selective. The amounts of high molecular weight cross-linked proteins (>200kDa) increased with age. In general, the anti-HNE antibody reacted with more protein bands compared to the anti-MDA or -DNP antibody. The results suggest that sources of the carbonyl-containing protein adducts vary and no single antibody reacts with all of them. Overall, the results indicate that HNE shows robust age-associated increases in adductation with mitochondrial proteins, and is a good marker for monitoring protein oxidative damage during aging.  相似文献   

Catalase represents one of the key antioxidant enzymes (AOE) in the metabolism of oxygen free radicals. A comprehensive analysis was brought to bear on establishing catalase gene expression profiles during development and aging, with the underlying objective being to identify potential regulatory factors. Expression of the catalase gene exhibits substantial variations during development and aging in a stage- and tissue-specific manner. At the temporal level, previous observations of the coincidence of ecdysteroid pulses with peaks in catalase expression during developmental stages were largely corroborated. In adults, a small but significant decline in catalase expression was noted in adults as a function of age. Spatially, it was ascertained that catalase expression is mostly confined to tissues related to intermediary metabolism, digestive and adipose systems as well as oenocytes. By combining histochemical analysis of reporter gene expression with immunostaining of the endogenous product, it was possible to identify putative positive and negative regulatory elements that control catalase expression. Finally, when adult flies were subjected to various environmental insults, such as heat, paraquat, hyperoxia and H(2)O(2), no significant responses were observed, suggesting that catalase gene expression is largely governed by intrinsic genetic programs.  相似文献   

Dietary restriction extends lifespan in a wide variety of animals, including Drosophila, but its relationship to functional and cognitive aging is unclear. Here, we study the effects of dietary yeast content on fly performance in an aversive learning task (association between odor and mechanical shock). Learning performance declined at old age, but 50‐day‐old dietary‐restricted flies learned as poorly as equal‐aged flies maintained on yeast‐rich diet, even though the former lived on average 9 days (14%) longer. Furthermore, at the middle age of 21 days, flies on low‐yeast diets showed poorer short‐term (5 min) memory than flies on rich diet. In contrast, dietary restriction enhanced 60‐min memory of young (5 days old) flies. Thus, while dietary restriction had complex effects on learning performance in young to middle‐aged flies, it did not attenuate aging‐related decline of aversive learning performance. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that, in Drosophila, dietary restriction reduces mortality and thus leads to lifespan extension, but does not affect the rate with which somatic damage relevant for cognitive performance accumulates with age.  相似文献   

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