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In contradiction to Paulet’s (1965) data, we found that kinetin/IAA strongly affected organogenesis in callus tissue derived from the stem ofNicotiana glauca Grah. plants both in primary expiants and in subcultured calli. The effect of these substances was higher in the subcultured calli derived from mycoplasma-infected plants. Evidence of the absence of the infectious agent in de novo-formed plants in subcultured calli was given by grafting and by the electron micrograph. 相似文献
Xylem Sap from Actinidia chinensis: Gradients in Sap Composition 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In early spring, just prior to leaf break, there were substantialgradients in the concentration of many solutes in xylem sapcollected by vacuum extraction from shoots of different ages,from the branches, trunk and roots of mature Chinese gooseberryvines (Actinidia chinensis Planchon) For most nutrients therewas a progressive fall in concentration from youngest shootsdown to the roots and nitrate was the only nutrient to showa trend in the opposite direction These gradients in concentrationare probably sufficient to account for most of the changes observedin the composition of bleeding xylem sap during the first fewhours of bleeding after a branch is cut or wounded Actinidia chinensis, Chinese gooseberry, kiwifruit, xylem sap, nutrient gradients 相似文献
The hydraulic conductances of leaves of a species which exhibitsstomatal responses to humidity (Nicotiana glauca) are significantlylower than the conductances in a species which does not exhibitsuch responses (Tradescantia virginiana). This difference couldat least partly account for their difference in stomatal responseto humidity. In both species, the hydraulic conductance betweenthe leaf bulk and its epidermis is much lower than the conductancein any other part of the pathway. The apparently conflictingresults, reported in recent literature, on the hydraulic conductancesand water pathways in leaves are reinterpreted, and shown tobe due to misinterpretation of results. The recently publishedcriticisms of a technique used to measure hydraulic conductivityare commented on and refuted. An examination of the factors that influence the water potentialat the sites of evaporation from the inner walls of the epidermisnear stomatal pores showed that the water potential at thesesites is lower than the bulk epidermal water potential. Thewater potential at these sites changes in a complex way as stomatalaperture changes. As it is reduced the ratio of: waterpotential at sites of evaporation on the inner walls of theepidermis near stomatal pores/bulk leaf water potentialincreases. The positive feedback effect of this phenomenon,which tends to keep stomatal water potential constant as thestomata close and therefore enhances closure, and two otherpassive positive feedback effects on the waterpotential at sites of evaporation near stomata that have beenreported in the literature are briefly discussed. Nicotiana glauca (Grah.), Tradescantia virginiana (L.), sub-stomatal cavities, peristomatal evaporation, stomata, humidity response, leaf hydraulic conductance, water potential 相似文献
A modified method for the collection of xylem sap from tea plantsis described. In multistemmed tea plants a marked differencein the composition of the sap collected from different branchesof comparable diameter on the same plant was found. The possibilitythat the variation could be due to root disease or mechanicaldamage on one side of the tree was eliminated byusing V-stemsfrom a main branch. The sap contained a small quantity of asubstance which showed gibberellin-like activity. 相似文献
Chemical Composition of Bleeding Xylem Sap from Kiwifruit Vines 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
A study of the chemical composition and charge balance was madeof bleeding xylem sap collected from excised one-year-old extensionshoots of healthy, Mn-deficient, Mn-toxic and Zn-deficient kiwifruitvines (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson)immediately prior to leafburst. The exudates were analysed formacronutrient cations and anions, trace elements, amino acids,organic acids and sugars. Major charged species measured wereCa (13.3 mM), K (8.9 mM), Mg (5.6 mM), malate (12.5 mM) andphosphate (5.8 mM). Glutamine (12 mM) was the predominant Ncarrier identified, accounting for 58 per cent of the totalN followed by NO2-N (4.5 per cent), NH4+-N (3.5 per cent)and arginine-N (2.9 per cent). Approximately 22 per cent ofthe N was in a hydrolysable proteinaceous fraction comprisingmainly glutamine and glutamate. Eighteen free proteinaceousamino acids were idetified in sap, the most abundant being glutamine,glutamic acid, valine, isoleucine and phenylalanine. Computersimulation of the chemical composition predicted that in additionto hydrated cations, ion pairs formed between inorganic components(SO42, HPO42, H2PO4) and cations (Ca2+,Mg2+, Mn2+), plus metal-organic ligand complexes (Ca Malate,Zn Malate, FeCit, CuHis, CuGln) are important species involvedin translocation. The solubility product of hydroxyapatite wasexceeded in all exudates although in vitro precipitation wasnot observed. To achieve electroneutrality with the componentsmeasured, however, formation of precipitate precursors (hydroxyapatitenuclei) had to be assumed. Irregularities in Mn nutrition (butnot Zn) were clearly indicated by the elemental compositionof exudate suggesting the use of sap analysis as a possiblepre-season indicator of nutritional status for this species. Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson, kiwifruit, xylem sap composition, trace metals, amino acids, organic acids 相似文献
Shelp, B. J. 1987. The composition of phloem exudate and xylemsap from broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) suppliedwith NH+4, NO3 or NH4NO3.J. exp. Bot. 38: 16191636. The detailed composition of xylem sap and exudate from stemincisions of attached inflorescences of broccoli (Brassica oleraceavar. italica) was compared in plants supplied with NH+4, NO3or NH4NO3. A phloem origin for the exudate was suggested fromthe high levels of sugars (71133 mg cm-3), amino acids(8·1-26·7 mg cm3) and K. (2·33·8mg cm3), the low levels of NO3 and Ca, the high C: N (w/w) ratios(8·333), and the alkaline pH (7·27·3).In contrast, the xylem sap was mildly acidic (pH 5·66·0),and possessed lower levels of all organic and inorganic solutesbut NO3 and Ca, and lower ratios of K: Ca, Mg: Ca and C: N (0·64·4). Glutamine was the predominant o-phthalaldehyde-reactive aminocompound in both transport fluids with the next most abundantamino acids dependent on sap type and N-form. Together witharginine, -aminobutyric acid, which was found only in the xylemstream, was enhanced by NH+4compared to NO3 -nutrition suggestingthat glutamate metabolism was stimulated in the roots. Underlimiting N the amino acid concentrations in the transport fluidswere greater with NH+4 than with NO3. NO3 reduction occurredin both the root and shoot with the latter site predominatingover the entire N range (0-300 mol m3). Even though the compositionof nitrogenous solutes in the xylem was dependent on cultivarand N source, the composition of the phloem streams supplyingthe developing inflorescence was relatively unaffected. The data on the element composition of organs and phloem sapare interpreted to suggest that, in spite of the restrictedmobility of some elements such as B and Mn, a significant proportionof their total supply to developing sinks is carried in thephloem stream. Key words: Transport fluid composition, plant nutrition, phloem mobility. 相似文献
The Mechanical Properties of Xylem Tissue from Tobacco Plants (Nicotiana tabacum'Samsun') 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacumSamsun) havebeen grown with an antisense CAD (cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase)gene. This modifies lignin production, resulting in lignin witha greater aldehyde content which is easier to extract chemically.This lignin probably has a reduced crosslink density. The changedproperties of the lignin affect the longitudinal tensile modulusof the xylem tissue (wood), reducing it by one third, from 2.8GPa to 1.9 GPa. Tobacco xylem tissue cell walls are more sensitiveto changes in the properties of the matrix than can be predictedusing current cell wall mechanical models.Copyright 1998 Annalsof Botany Company Tobacco,Nicotiana tabacum, xylem tissue, Young's modulus, matrix polymer connectivity, plant biomechanics. 相似文献
Wheat Phloem sap was collected without contamination from thestylets of small brown planthopper severed by a YAG laser beam.The sugar, amino acid and inorganic ion composition was determinedusing only one µl of the sap. The sap had a high sucrose level (251 mM), and also a high K+level (299 mM). Total amino acid compounds in the sap reached262 mM. The dominant amino acids were glutamic acid, asparticacid and serine, while r-amino butylic acid was absent. Themajor anion in the sap was Cl and its concentration was25.1 mM. Nitrate was also present at a concentration of 8.1mM. These results suggested that the sap obtained from the cut endof the stylets of the small brown planthopper was a phloem originof wheat. (Received May 21, 1986; Accepted August 7, 1986) 相似文献
A method of collecting the xylem sap from tea plants in quantitiessufficient for analysis is described. Organic nitrogenous compoundsaccounted for most of the nitrogen present in the sap. Glutamine,theanine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and lysine were quantitativelythe most important nitrogenous compounds. Also present in lesseramounts were leucine/isoleucine, phenyl alanine, valine, andasparagine. Inorganic phosphate, sulphate, glucose, fructose,and sucrose were also present. Phosphoryl choline was not detected. During recovery from pruning there was a definite change inproportions of some of the constituents in the sap. The totalamino-acid content decreased to a very low level 9 days afterpruning followed by an increase with bud break. Glutamine andtheanine were the most important constituents quantitatively.These tended to decrease relatively more than the other aminoacids during the first few days after pruning. The increasein glutamine and, to a lesser extent, theanine was more markedwith bud break. Phosphoryl choline was not detected in the sapat any stage during the recovery period. The changes in thelevel of phosphate, sulphate, and sugars were somewhat parallelto the changes in the level of amino acids. All these constituentsdecreased to a low level a few days after pruning and increasedwith bud break. These findings suggest that new growth was madelargely at the expense of translocated nitrogenous and othercompounds. 相似文献
Seasonal variation was followed in the content of total a-aminoacids, arginine, calcium, total carbohydrate, ß-galactosidaseactivity, magnesium, nitrate, phosphatase activity, phosphateand sulphate in vacuum-extracted xylem sap from Actinidia chinensisvar. hispida, the Chinese gooseberry or kiwifruit. There wasa marked increase in the concentration of most sap componentsjust prior to leaf emergence followed by a rapid decrease afterthe leaves had expanded. Experiments with excised extensionshoots showed that much of this spring-time increase in concentrationsof sap components was due to mobilization of nutrients withinthe shoot itself. Sap from the trunk and the older brancheschanged less in composition than did sap from the younger partsof the plant. The amplitude and direction of trends in concentrationof sap from the different parts of the plant varied with nutrientand with time. Analysis of vacuum-extracted xylem sap collectedduring periods of rapid transpiration from early summer onwardsgives a reliable indication of the composition of the transpirationstream. Actinidia chinensis, Chinese gooseberry, kiwifruit, storage reserves, xylem sap, amino acids, arginine, calcium, carbohydrate, ßgalactosidase, magnesium, nitrate, phosphatase, phosphate, potassium, sulphate 相似文献
Analysis of Guard Cell Viability and Action in Senescing Leaves of Nicotiana glauca (Graham), Tree Tobacco 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1 下载免费PDF全文
In an attempt to determine whether low epidermal conductances to water vapor diffusion of senescing leaves were caused by internal changes in guard cells or by factors external to guard cells, stomatal behavior was examined in intact senescing and nonsenescing leaves of Nicotiana glauca (Graham), tree tobacco, grown in the field or in an environmental chamber. Conductances of senescing leaves were 5 to 10% of the maximum conductances of nonsenescing leaves of the same plant, yet guard cell duplexes isolated from epidermal peels of senescing leaves developed full turgor in the light in solutions containing KCl, and sodium cobaltinitrite staining showed that K+ accumulated as turgor developed. Ninety-five per cent of the guard cells isolated from senescing leaves concentrated neutral red and excluded trypan blue. Intercellular leaf CO2 concentrations of senescing and nonsenescing leaves of chamber-grown plants were not significantly different (about 240 microliters per liter), but the potassium contents of adaxial and abaxial epidermes of senescing leaves taken from plants grown in the field were less than half those of nonsenescing leaves. We conclude that guard cells do not undergo the orderly senescence process that characteristically takes place in mesophyll tissue during whole-leaf senescence and that the reduced conductances of senescing leaves are produced by factors external to guard cells. 相似文献
Large differences in composition were found between xylem sapcollected from Actinidia chinensis (Chinese gooseberry or kiwifruit) as bleeding sap and sap collected by vacuum extraction.A comparison of saps collected by the two methods has littlemeaning, however, unless the position on the plant from whichsap was collected and the prior treatment of the plant are specified.Furthermore the composition of bleeding sap changes rapidlywith time, probably because of marked gradients in concentrationof individual solutes in the xylem sap from the base to thetop of the plant. Contamination of vacuum-extracted sap by cellularcontents was shown to be insignificant. Sap collected as bleeding sap and by vacuum extraction are ofsomewhat different origins. It would be difficult to predictthe composition of bleeding sap simply from a knowledge of vacuum-extractedsap: it may be similarly unwise to predict the composition ofthe transpiration stream from that of vacuum extracted sap. Actinidia chinensis, kiwi fruit, Chinese gooseberry, xylem sap, bleeding sap, vacuum-extraction 相似文献
Callus tissue cultures were established from stems of tobacco plants (N. glauca Grah.) both healthy and mycoplasma (potato witches' broom disease) infected on a modified nutrient medium (with a lower content of mineral salts) according toMurashige andSkoog (1962) in the presence of 2,4-D (1 mg l?1) as a growth regulator. No differences were observed in the growth and development of both tissues. Organogenesis appeared on a nutrient medium (Petr? et al. 1972) supplemented with kinetin (0.64 mg or 2.56 mg l?1) and IAA (2 or 4 mg l?1). Callus derived from mycoplasma diseased plants started to form numerous buds after three months whereas organogenesis in callus from healthy controls appeared only after six months. We suppose that the reason of this difference is the fact that an expressively higher content of 2,4-D was found in the calli from healthy plants in comparison with the corresponding tissue from mycoplasma diseased ones. Reconstituted plants were isolated, rooted and transferred in the soil. The infectivity of these plants was assayed by grafting their stem tips on tomato plants which indicate very reliably and sensitively this mycoplasma disease. 31 reconstituted plants were obtained in the whole from calli isolated from mycoplasma infected plants and all of them were healthy. It was established that mycoplasma failed in the presence of 2,4-Din vitro. Stem pieces from diseased plants in which mycoplasma presence was proved, lose their infectivity after 4 weeks of cultivation on nutrient medium with this growth regulator. On the contrary 2,4-D which spreads and acts especially through phloem (Smith et al. 1947) does not kill mycoplasmain vivo even in doses evoking strong symptoms of 2,4-D effect on experimental plants. 相似文献
Abstract Phloem exudate was obtained by incision from different apple cultivars affected by apple proliferation disease. The exudate was analyzed by high–performance liquide chromatography (HPLC), some compounds also by thin–layer chromatography, gel filtration chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Sorbitol and sucrose were the most prevalent sugar, alcohol and sugar, respectively, while stachyose, raffinose, fructose, and myo–inositol were present to a much lower extent. Glucose was absent or occurred at very low concentrations only. All common amino acids with the exception of arginine and cysteine were detected, aspartic acid and glutamic acid together with the corresponding amides being predominant. Citric acid and malic acid werether major organic acids while shikimic, succinic and fumaric acid were present at considerably lower amounts. The inorganic constituents were (in decreasing order) potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulphate, chloride, phosphate, calcium, and nitrate. Approximately 100 ppm protein were found consisting mainly of two major fractions with a molecular weight of 110,000 and 28,000 Dalton, respectively. Only two lipid classes were detected which were represented by 0.4 ppm β–sitosterol and by 50 ppm of a sterylester with a long chain fatty acid moiety. DNA and RNA could not be found, but all RNA nucleotides were present and also UPD–glucose, which was predominant. The significance of the results obtained for culturing mycoplasma–like organisms (MLOs ), is discussed. 相似文献
Pure phloem sap was collected from leaf sheaths of Zea maysL. by the insect laser technique, and its chemical compositionwas analyzed. Sucrose was the only sugar detected. The predominantinorganic ions were K+ and Cl. The adenylate energy chargeof phloem sap was between 0.72 and 0.86. (Received October 18, 1989; Accepted May 11, 1990) 相似文献
The composition of phloem sap has been investigated in Ricinus communis var. gibsonii, grown for 2 weeks on nutrient solution of low and high potassium content (K(1) and K(2)). Diagonal cuts were made in the bark of the stem resulting in the exudation of clear droplets which mainly consisted of phloem sap. Although the plants at low K (0.4 mm) and high K (1 mm) did not differ in growth, leaf area, height, or stem circumference, the rate of exudation of the high K plants was about twice as high as that of the plants with the lower K supply. This promoting effect of K on exudation did not result in a dilution of organic (sucrose, UDP-glucose, ATP, UTP) and inorganic constituents of the phloem sap. For the following compounds, even significantly higher concentrations in the exudate were observed in the K(2) plants: potassium, raffinose, glucose 6-phosphate, and fructose 6-phosphate. Also, the osmotic pressure of the phloem sap was substantially increased in the higher K treatment. Experiments in which labeled (14)CO(2) was applied to one leaf showed that K had a favorable effect on the assimilation of CO(2), and in particular promoted the export of photosynthates from the leaf. It is suggested that the higher rate of phloem-loading in the plants with the better K supply is due to the higher CO(2) assimilation rate and especially to a better provision of ATP required for phloem loading. Higher phloem-loading rates result in higher osmotic pressure in the sieve tubes which probably gave rise to the higher flow rates observed in the plants with improved K supply. 相似文献
The chemical composition of phloem sap from the uppermost internodeof rice plants (Oryza sativa L., var. Kantou), one week afteranthesis, was compared with that of phloem sap from the leafsheath of a young seedling. The pure phloem sap from rice plantswas collected by an insect laser technique. The phloem sap from the uppermost internode contained a highlevel of sucrose (573.8 mM) which was the only sugar detected.The concentrations of total amino acids, potassium and ATP were124.8 mM, 40.4 mM and 1.76 mM, respectively. The concentrationof sucrose was three times higher and the potassium level wasone third as high in the internode sap as in the phloem sapfrom the leaf sheath. The total concentration of amino acidswas almost the same, but the relative amount of each amino acidwas quite different. The ratios of levels of Glu to Gln andof levels of Asp to Asn in the phloem sap from the uppermostinternode were smaller than those in the phloem sap from theleaf sheath. The adenylate energy charge was 0.920.93in both types of phloem sap. The amino acid composition of the phloem sap from the uppermostinternode was compared with that of the phloem sap of the flagleaf and the endosperm sap of the same plant, one week afteranthesis. The differences in composition along the phloem pathwaysuggest the selective translocation of amino acid. (Received July 21, 1989; Accepted December 11, 1989) 相似文献
Interspecific amphihaploid and amphidiploid hybrids between Nicotiana glauca Grah. (2n = 24) and N. tabacum L. (2n = 48) cultivars BY 103 and K 326 were analysed. F1 amphihaploids (2n = 36) were viable and completely self- and cross-sterile, and mostly univalents were present during meiosis (with pairing range from 0 to 5). In some meiocytes, meiotic irregularities were observed, such as sporadic chromatin bridges and formation of restitution nuclei. The resultant F1 hybrids were easily converted to amphidiploids (2n = 72) via colchicine treatment of seedlings. The number of univalents and the frequency of PMCs containing unpaired chromosomes indicated that amphidiploids N. tabacum cv. BY 103 or K 326 x N. glauca represented quite a high pairing category. However, they were male sterile because pollen mother cells were arrested at the tetrad stage. The termination of development of PMCs, and consequently male sterility, are very rare in this kind of tobacco hybrids. 相似文献
Through utilizing the nutrient-rich phloem sap, sap feeding insects such as psyllids, leafhoppers, and aphids can transmit many phloem-restricted pathogens. On the other hand, multiplication of phloem-limited, uncultivated bacteria such as Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) inside the phloem of citrus indicates that the sap contains all the essential nutrients needed for the pathogen growth. The phloem sap composition of many plants has been studied; however, to our knowledge, there is no available data about citrus phloem sap. In this study, we identified and quantified the chemical components of phloem sap from pineapple sweet orange. Two approaches (EDTA enhanced exudation and centrifugation) were used to collect phloem sap. The collected sap was derivatized with methyl chloroformate (MCF), N-methyl-N- [tert-butyl dimethylsilyl]-trifluroacetamide (MTBSTFA), or trimethylsilyl (TMS) and analyzed with GC-MS revealing 20 amino acids and 8 sugars. Proline, the most abundant amino acid, composed more than 60% of the total amino acids. Tryptophan, tyrosine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which are considered essential for phloem sap-sucking insects, were also detected. Sucrose, glucose, fructose, and inositol were the most predominant sugars. In addition, seven organic acids including succinic, fumaric, malic, maleic, threonic, citric, and quinic were detected. All compounds detected in the EDTA-enhanced exudate were also detected in the pure phloem sap using centrifugation. The centrifugation technique allowed estimating the concentration of metabolites. This information expands our knowledge about the nutrition requirement for citrus phloem-limited bacterial pathogen and their vectors, and can help define suitable artificial media to culture them. 相似文献