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王伟  郑小琪  窦永超  刘太岗  赵娟  王军 《生物信息学》2011,9(2):171-175,180
蛋白质的亚细胞位点信息有助于我们了解蛋白质的功能以及它们之间的相互作用,同时还可以为新药物的研发提供帮助。目前普遍采用的亚细胞位点预测方法主要是基于N端分选信号或氨基酸组分特征,但研究表明,单纯基于N端分选信号或氨基酸组分的方法都会丢失序列的序信息。为了克服此缺陷,本文提出了一种基于最优分割位点的蛋白质亚细胞位点预测方法。首先,把每条蛋白质序列分割为N端、中间和C端三部分,然后在每个子序列和整条序列中分别提取氨基酸组分、双肽组分和物理化学性质,最后我们把这些特征融合起来作为整条序列的特征。通过夹克刀检验,该方法在NNPSL数据集上得到的总体精度分别是87.8%和92.1%。  相似文献   

林昊 《生物信息学》2009,7(4):252-254
由于蛋白质亚细胞位置与其一级序列存在很强的相关性,利用多样性增量来描述蛋白质之间氨基酸组分和二肽组分的相似程度,采用修正的马氏判别式(这里称为IDQD方法)对分枝杆菌蛋白质的亚细胞位置进行了预测。利用Jackknife检验对不同序列相似度下的蛋白质数据集进行了预测研究,结果显示,当数据集的序列相似度小于等于70%时,算法的预测精度稳定在75%左右。在对整体852条蛋白质的预测成功率达到87.7%,这一结果优于已有算法的预测精度,说明IDQD是一种有效的分枝杆菌蛋白质亚细胞预测方法。  相似文献   

蛋白质的亚细胞定位与蛋白质的功能密切相关,其定位预测有助于人们了解蛋白质功能.文章提出一种分段伪氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法,采用支持向量机算法对Chou构建的两个蛋白质亚细胞定位数据集(C2129,CS2423)进行了分类研究,并采用总分类精度Q3、内容平衡精度指数Q9等参数评估预测分类系统性能.预测结果表明,基于分段伪氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法的预测性能,优于基于完整蛋白质序列的伪氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法.例如,基于分段矩描述子伪氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法,数据集C2129的Q3和Q9分别为84.7%和60.8%,比基于完整蛋白质序列的矩描述子伪氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法分别提高1.8和2.2个百分点,且Q3比现有Xiao等人的方法提高了9.1个百分点.基于分段伪氨基酸组成成分特征提取方法构成的特征向量不仅包含残基之间的位置信息,而且还包含蛋白质子序列之问的耦合信息,另外蛋白质分段子序列可能和蛋白质的功能域有一定的联系,从而使这一方法能够有效地预测蛋白质亚细胞定位.  相似文献   

蛋白质结构的预测在理解蛋白质结构组成和蛋白质的生物学功能有重要意义,而蛋白质二级结构预测是蛋白质结构预测的重要环节。当PSSM位置特异性进化矩阵被广泛应用于将蛋白质初级结构序列编码作为输入样本后,每个残基可以被表示成二维空间的数据平面,由此文中尝试利用卷积神经网络对其进行训练。文中还设计了另一种卷积神经网络,利用长短记忆网络感知了CNN最后卷积特征面的横向特征和纵向特征后连同卷积神经网络的全连接共同完成分类,最后用ensemble方法对两类卷积神经网络模型进行了整合,最终ensemble方法中包含两类卷积神经网络的六个模型,在CB513蛋白质数据集测得的Q3结果为77.2。  相似文献   

李楠  李春 《生物信息学》2012,10(4):238-240
基于氨基酸的16种分类模型,给出蛋白质序列的派生序列,进而结合加权拟熵和LZ复杂度构造出34维特征向量来表示蛋白质序列。借助于贝叶斯分类器对同源性不超过25%的640数据集进行蛋白质结构类预测,准确度达到71.28%。  相似文献   

目的:根据诱导的特异性抗体种型,B细胞表位被分成不同的亚类。探索表位多类亚类之间的区别非常重要,能促进揭示免疫系统为什么会针对不同的表位产生特异性抗体应答。基于多类支持向量机,发展一个能区分多类表位亚类并且能预测B细胞表位的亚类类别的模型。方法:训练模型的数据集来源于免疫表位数据库,数据集包含4类数据,对应4种B细胞表位亚类:Ig A表位,Ig E表位,Ig G表位以及Ig M表位。通过5折交叉验证,分别探索氨基酸组成特征,quasi-序列顺序特征以及二肽组成特征区分表位多类亚类的能力。结果:实验结果表明二肽组成特征的区分性能最好,整体准确率为61.58%,应用此多类分类模型,开发了一个名为BCESCP的免费使用的B细胞表位的亚类类别预测服务器,BCESCP可以通过如下地址访问:http://www.bioinfo.tsinghua.edu.cn/epitope/BCESCP/。  相似文献   

文中提出了一种简单有效的蛋白质亚细胞区间定位预测方法,为进一步了解蛋白质的功能和性质提供理论基础。运用稀疏编码,结合氨基酸组成信息提取蛋白质序列特征,基于不同字典大小对得到的特征进行多层次池化整合,并送入支持向量机进行分类。经Jackknife检验,在数据集ZD98、CH317和Gram1253上的预测成功率分别达到95.9%、93.4%和94.7%。实验证明基于多层次稀疏编码的分类预测算法能显著提高蛋白质亚细胞区间定位的预测精度。  相似文献   

通过研究神经网络权值矩阵的算法,挖掘蛋白质二级结构与氨基酸序列间的内在规律,提高一级序列预测二级结构的准确度。神经网络方法在特征分类方面具有良好表现,经过学习训练后的神经元连接权值矩阵包含样本的内在特征和规律。研究使用神经网络权值矩阵打分预测;采用错位比对方法寻找敏感的氨基酸邻域;分析测试集在不同加窗长度下的共性表现。实验表明,在滑动窗口长度L=7时,预测性能变化显著;邻域位置P=4的氨基酸残基对预测性能有加强作用。该研究方法为基于局部序列特征的蛋白质二级结构预测提供了新的算法设计。  相似文献   

集成改进KNN算法预测蛋白质亚细胞定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Adaboost算法对多个相似性比对K最近邻(K-nearest neighbor,KNN)分类器集成实现蛋白质的亚细胞定位预测。相似性比对KNN算法分别以氨基酸组成、二肽、伪氨基酸组成为蛋白序列特征,在KNN的决策阶段使用Blast比对决定蛋白质的亚细胞定位。在Jackknife检验下,Adaboost集成分类算法提取3种蛋白序列特征,3种特征在数据集CH317和Gram1253的最高预测成功率分别为92.4%和93.1%。结果表明Adaboost集成改进KNN分类预测方法是一种有效的蛋白质亚细胞定位预测方法。  相似文献   

研究真核蛋白质的亚细胞位点是了解真核蛋白质功能,深入研究蛋白质相关信号通路内在机制的基础。同时,可以为了解 疾病发病机制及为新药研发提供帮助。因此,研究真核蛋白质的亚细胞位点意义十分重大。随着基因组测序的完成,真核蛋白质 序列信息增长迅速,为真核蛋白质亚细胞位点的研究提出了更多的挑战。传统的实验法难以满足蛋白质信息量迅速增长的需求。 而采用生物信息学手段处理大规模数据的计算预测方法,可在较短时间内获得大量真核蛋白质亚细胞位点信息,弥补了实验法 的不足。因此,运用计算预测法预测真核蛋白质的亚细胞位点成为生物信息学领域的研究热点之一。本文主要从提取真核蛋白质 的特征信息、计算预测方法及预测效果的评价三个方面,介绍近年来真核蛋白质亚细胞位点预测的研究进展。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new subcellular localization system (TSSub) for eukaryotic proteins. This system extracts features from both profiles and amino acid sequences. Four different features are extracted from profiles by four probabilistic neural network (PNN) classifiers, respectively (the amino acid composition from whole profiles; the amino acid composition from the N-terminus of profiles; the dipeptide composition from whole profiles and the amino acid composition from fragments of profiles). In addition, a support vector machine (SVM) classifier is added to implement the residue-couple feature extracted from amino acid sequences. The results from the five classifiers are fused by an additional SVM classifier. The overall accuracies of this TSSub reach 93.0 and 77.4% on Reinhardt and Hubbard's eukaryotic protein dataset and Huang and Li's eukaryotic protein dataset, respectively. The comparison with existing methods results shows TSSub provides better prediction performance than existing methods. AVAILABILITY: The web server is available from  相似文献   

闫化军  章毅 《生物信息学》2004,2(4):19-24,41
运用加入竞争层的BP网络,研究了基于蛋白质二级结构内容的域结构类预测问题.在BP网络中嵌入一竞争,层显著提高了网络预测性能.仅使用了一个小的训练集和简单的网络结构,获得了很高的预测精度自支持精度97.62%,jack-knife测试精度97.62%,及平均外推精度90.74%.在建立更完备的域结构类特征向量和更有代表性的训练集的基础上,所述方法将为蛋白质域结构分类领域提供新的分类基准.  相似文献   

Zp curve, a three-dimensional space curve representation of protein primary sequence based on the hydrophobicity and charged properties of amino acid residues along the primary sequence is suggested. Relying on the Zp parameters extracted from the three components of the Zp curve and the Bayes discriminant algorithm, the subcellular locations of prokaryotic proteins were predicted. Consequently, an accuracy of 81.5% in the cross-validation test has been achieved using 13 parameters extracted from the curve for the database of 997 prokaryotic proteins. The result is slightly better than that of using the neural network method (80.9%) based on the amino acid composition for the same database. By jointing the amino acid composition and the Zp parameters, the overall predictive accuracy 89.6% can be achieved. It is about 3% higher than that of the Bayes discriminant algorithm based merely on the amino acid composition for the same database. The prediction is also performed with a larger dataset derived from the version 39 SWISS-PROT databank and two datasets with different sequence similarity. Even for the dataset of non-sequence similarity, the improvement can be of 4.4% in the cross-validation test. The results indicate that the Zp parameters are effective in representing the information within a protein primary sequence. The method of extracting information from the primary structure may be useful for other areas of protein studies.  相似文献   

Xu Z  Zhang C  Liu S  Zhou Y 《Proteins》2006,63(4):961-966
Solvent accessibility, one of the key properties of amino acid residues in proteins, can be used to assist protein structure prediction. Various approaches such as neural network, support vector machines, probability profiles, information theory, Bayesian theory, logistic function, and multiple linear regression have been developed for solvent accessibility prediction. In this article, a much simpler quadratic programming method based on the buriability parameter set of amino acid residues is developed. The new method, called QBES (Quadratic programming and Buriability Energy function for Solvent accessibility prediction), is reasonably accurate for predicting the real value of solvent accessibility. By using a dataset of 30 proteins to optimize three parameters, the average correlation coefficients between the predicted and actual solvent accessibility are about 0.5 for all four independent test sets ranging from 126 to 513 proteins. The method is efficient. It takes only 20 min for a regular PC to obtain results of 30 proteins with an average length of 263 amino acids. Although the proposed method is less accurate than a few more sophisticated methods based on neural network or support vector machines, this is the first attempt to predict solvent accessibility by energy optimization with constraints. Possible improvements and other applications of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

Gao QB  Wang ZZ  Yan C  Du YH 《FEBS letters》2005,579(16):3444-3448
To understand the structure and function of a protein, an important task is to know where it occurs in the cell. Thus, a computational method for properly predicting the subcellular location of proteins would be significant in interpreting the original data produced by the large-scale genome sequencing projects. The present work tries to explore an effective method for extracting features from protein primary sequence and find a novel measurement of similarity among proteins for classifying a protein to its proper subcellular location. We considered four locations in eukaryotic cells and three locations in prokaryotic cells, which have been investigated by several groups in the past. A combined feature of primary sequence defined as a 430D (dimensional) vector was utilized to represent a protein, including 20 amino acid compositions, 400 dipeptide compositions and 10 physicochemical properties. To evaluate the prediction performance of this encoding scheme, a jackknife test based on nearest neighbor algorithm was employed. The prediction accuracies for cytoplasmic, extracellular, mitochondrial, and nuclear proteins in the former dataset were 86.3%, 89.2%, 73.5% and 89.4%, respectively, and the total prediction accuracy reached 86.3%. As for the prediction accuracies of cytoplasmic, extracellular, and periplasmic proteins in the latter dataset, the prediction accuracies were 97.4%, 86.0%, and 79.7, respectively, and the total prediction accuracy of 92.5% was achieved. The results indicate that this method outperforms some existing approaches based on amino acid composition or amino acid composition and dipeptide composition.  相似文献   

The low complexity of minimotif patterns results in a high false-positive prediction rate, hampering protein function prediction. A multi-filter algorithm, trained and tested on a linear regression model, support vector machine model, and neural network model, using a large dataset of verified minimotifs, vastly improves minimotif prediction accuracy while generating few false positives. An optimal threshold for the best accuracy reaches an overall accuracy above 90%, while a stringent threshold for the best specificity generates less than 1% false positives or even no false positives and still produces more than 90% true positives for the linear regression and neural network models. The minimotif multi-filter with its excellent accuracy represents the state-of-the-art in minimotif prediction and is expected to be very useful to biologists investigating protein function and how missense mutations cause disease.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the applicability of our previously developed Bayesian probabilistic approach for predicting residue solvent accessibility to the problem of predicting secondary structure. Using only single-sequence data, this method achieves a three-state accuracy of 67% over a database of 473 non-homologous proteins. This approach is more amenable to inspection and less likely to overlearn specifics of a dataset than "black box" methods such as neural networks. It is also conceptually simpler and less computationally costly. We also introduce a novel method for representing and incorporating multiple-sequence alignment information within the prediction algorithm, achieving 72% accuracy over a dataset of 304 non-homologous proteins. This is accomplished by creating a statistical model of the evolutionarily derived correlations between patterns of amino acid substitution and local protein structure. This model consists of parameter vectors, termed "substitution schemata," which probabilistically encode the structure-based heterogeneity in the distributions of amino acid substitutions found in alignments of homologous proteins. The model is optimized for structure prediction by maximizing the mutual information between the set of schemata and the database of secondary structures. Unlike "expert heuristic" methods, this approach has been demonstrated to work well over large datasets. Unlike the opaque neural network algorithms, this approach is physicochemically intelligible. Moreover, the model optimization procedure, the formalism for predicting one-dimensional structural features and our previously developed method for tertiary structure recognition all share a common Bayesian probabilistic basis. This consistency starkly contrasts with the hybrid and ad hoc nature of methods that have dominated this field in recent years.  相似文献   

Kinjo AR  Nakamura H 《PloS one》2008,3(4):e1963
Position-specific scoring matrices (PSSMs) are useful for detecting weak homology in protein sequence analysis, and they are thought to contain some essential signatures of the protein families. In order to elucidate what kind of ingredients constitute such family-specific signatures, we apply singular value decomposition to a set of PSSMs and examine the properties of dominant right and left singular vectors. The first right singular vectors were correlated with various amino acid indices including relative mutability, amino acid composition in protein interior, hydropathy, or turn propensity, depending on proteins. A significant correlation between the first left singular vector and a measure of site conservation was observed. It is shown that the contribution of the first singular component to the PSSMs act to disfavor potentially but falsely functionally important residues at conserved sites. The second right singular vectors were highly correlated with hydrophobicity scales, and the corresponding left singular vectors with contact numbers of protein structures. It is suggested that sequence alignment with a PSSM is essentially equivalent to threading supplemented with functional information. In addition, singular vectors may be useful for analyzing and annotating the characteristics of conserved sites in protein families.  相似文献   

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