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Cellular commitment and differentiation in the organ of Corti   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The organ of Corti, the sensory epithelium of the mammalian cochlea, develops from a subset of cells located along the dorsal side (referred to as the floor) of the cochlear duct. Over the course of embryonic development, cells within the developing organ of Corti become committed to develop as each of the unique cell types within the organ, including inner and outer hair cells, and at least four different types of supporting cells. Moreover, these different cell types are subsequently arranged into a highly rigorous cellular mosaic that includes the formation of ordered rows of both hair cells and supporting cells. The events that regulate both the location of the organ of Corti within the cochlear duct, the specification of each cell type and cellular patterning remain poorly understood. However, recent results have significantly improved our understanding of the molecular, genetic and cellular factors that mediate some of the decisions required for the development of this structure. In this review I will present an overview of cochlear development and then discuss some of the most recent and enlightening results regarding the molecular mechanism underlying the formation of this remarkable structure.  相似文献   

The human ear is capable of processing sound with a remarkable resolution over a wide range of intensity and frequency. This ability depends largely on the extraordinary feats of the hearing organ, the organ of Corti and its sensory hair cells. The organ of Corti consists of precisely patterned rows of sensory hair cells and supporting cells along the length of the snail-shaped cochlear duct. On the apical surface of each hair cell, several rows of actin-containing protrusions, known as stereocilia, form a "V"-shaped staircase. The vertices of all the "V"-shaped stereocilia point away from the center of the cochlea. The uniform orientation of stereocilia in the organ of Corti manifests a distinctive form of polarity known as planar cell polarity (PCP). Functionally, the direction of stereociliary bundle deflection controls the mechanical channels located in the stereocilia for auditory transduction. In addition, hair cells are tonotopically organized along the length of the cochlea. Thus, the uniform orientation of stereociliary bundles along the length of the cochlea is critical for effective mechanotransduction and for frequency selection. Here we summarize the morphological and molecular events that bestow the structural characteristics of the mammalian hearing organ, the growth of the snail-shaped cochlear duct and the establishment of PCP in the organ of Corti. The PCP of the sensory organs in the vestibule of the inner ear will also be described briefly.  相似文献   

Ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (E-NTPDases) regulate complex extracellular P2 receptor signalling pathways in mammalian tissues by hydrolysing extracellular nucleotides to the respective nucleosides. All enzymes from this family (NTPDase1-8) are expressed in the adult rat cochlea. This study reports the changes in expression of NTPDase5 and NTPDase6 in the developing rat cochlea. These two intracellular members of the E-NTPDase family can be released in a soluble form and show preference for nucleoside 5′-diphosphates, such as UDP and GDP. Here, we demonstrate differential spatial and temporal patterns for NTPDase5 and NTPDase6 expression during cochlear development, which are indicative of both cytosolic and extracellular action via pyrimidines. NTPDase5 is noted during the early postnatal period in developing sensory hair cells and supporting Deiters’ cells of the organ of Corti, and primary auditory neurons located in the spiral ganglion. In contrast, NTPDase6 is confined to the embryonic and early postnatal hair cell bundles. NTPDase6 immunolocalisation in the developing cochlea underpins its putative role in hair cell bundle development, probably via cytosolic action, whilst NTPDase5 may have a broader extracellular role in the development of sensory and neural tissues in the rat cochlea. Both NTPDase5 and NTPDase6 colocalize with UDP-preferring P2Y4, P2Y6 and P2Y14 receptors during cochlear development, but this strong association was lost in the adult cochlea. Spatiotemporal topographic expression of NTPDase5 and NTPDase6 and P2Y receptors in adult and developing cochlear tissues provide strong support for the role of pyrimidinergic signalling in cochlear development.  相似文献   

The mammalian auditory sensory epithelium, the organ of Corti, contains sensory hair cells and nonsensory supporting cells arranged in a highly patterned mosaic. Notch-mediated lateral inhibition is the proposed mechanism for creating this sensory mosaic. Previous work has shown that mice lacking the Notch ligand JAG2 differentiate supernumerary hair cells in the cochlea, consistent with the lateral inhibitory model. However, it was not clear why only relatively modest increases in hair cell production were observed in Jag2 mutant mice. Here, we show that another Notch ligand, DLL1, functions synergistically with JAG2 in regulating hair cell differentiation in the cochlea. We also show by conditional inactivation that these ligands probably signal through the NOTCH1 receptor. Supernumerary hair cells in Dll1/Jag2 double mutants arise primarily through a switch in cell fate, rather than through excess proliferation. Although these results demonstrate an important role for Notch-mediated lateral inhibition during cochlear hair cell patterning, we also detected abnormally prolonged cellular proliferation that preferentially affected supporting cells in the organ of Corti. Our results demonstrate that the Notch pathway plays a dual role in regulating cellular differentiation and patterning in the cochlea, acting both through lateral inhibition and the control of cellular proliferation.  相似文献   

FGFR1 is required for the development of the auditory sensory epithelium   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The mammalian auditory sensory epithelium, the organ of Corti, comprises the hair cells and supporting cells that are pivotal for hearing function. The origin and development of their precursors are poorly understood. Here we show that loss-of-function mutations in mouse fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (Fgfr1) cause a dose-dependent disruption of the organ of Corti. Full inactivation of Fgfr1 in the inner ear epithelium by Foxg1-Cre-mediated deletion leads to an 85% reduction in the number of auditory hair cells. The primary cause appears to be reduced precursor cell proliferation in the early cochlear duct. Thus, during development, FGFR1 is required for the generation of the precursor pool, which gives rise to the auditory sensory epithelium. Our data also suggest that FGFR1 might have a distinct later role in intercellular signaling within the differentiating auditory sensory epithelium.  相似文献   

During embryonic development of the inner ear, the sensory primordium that gives rise to the organ of Corti from within the cochlear epithelium is patterned into a stereotyped array of inner and outer sensory hair cells separated from each other by non-sensory supporting cells. Math1, a close homolog of the Drosophila proneural gene atonal, has been found to be both necessary and sufficient for the production of hair cells in the mouse inner ear. Our results indicate that Math1 is not required to establish the postmitotic sensory primordium from which the cells of the organ of Corti arise, but instead is limited to a role in the selection and/or differentiation of sensory hair cells from within the established primordium. This is based on the observation that Math1 is only expressed after the appearance of a zone of non-proliferating cells that delineates the sensory primordium within the cochlear anlage. The expression of Math1 is limited to a subpopulation of cells within the sensory primordium that appear to differentiate exclusively into hair cells as the sensory epithelium matures and elongates through a process that probably involves radial intercalation of cells. Furthermore, mutation of Math1 does not affect the establishment of this postmitotic sensory primordium, even though the subsequent generation of hair cells is blocked in these mutants. Finally, in Math1 mutant embryos, a subpopulation of the cells within the sensory epithelium undergo apoptosis in a temporal gradient similar to the basal-to-apical gradient of hair cell differentiation that occurs in the cochlea of wild-type animals.  相似文献   

Although the structure of the auditory organ in mature mammals, the organ of Corti, is clearly established, its development is far from being elucidated. Here, we examine its spatio-temporal development in rats from embryonic day 16 (E16) to E19 by using cytochemical and immunocytochemical methods at the light- and electron-microscope levels. We demonstrate that the organ of Corti develops from a non-proliferating cell zone that is located in the junctional region between two edges of the dorsal epithelium of the cochlear duct. We also reveal that the first cells to develop in this zone are the inner pillar cells, a particular type of non-sensory supporting cell, which arise in the base of the cochlear duct at the boundary between the two ridges at E16. Cell differentiation in this prosensory region continues according to a base-to-apex gradient; the inner hair cells appear in the greater epithelial ridge at E17 and the outer hair cells in the lesser epithelial ridge at E18. At E19, the various cell types of the organ of Corti are in place. Finally, we show that unlike the development of all the supporting cell types of the organ of Corti, the development of inner pillar cells within the prosensory domain seems not to involve Notch1 activation. These results highlight the central role that the inner pillar cells probably play in the development of the organ of Corti. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This work received financial support from the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique Médicale (grant no. 3.4540.06). N.T. is a PhD grant holder of the F.N.R.S.; B.M .is a Senior Research Associate of the F.N.R.S.  相似文献   

The cochlea performs frequency analysis and amplification of sounds. The graded stiffness of the basilar membrane along the cochlear length underlies the frequency-location relationship of the mammalian cochlea. The somatic motility of outer hair cell is central for cochlear amplification. Despite two to three orders of magnitude change in the basilar membrane stiffness, the force capacity of the outer hair cell’s somatic motility, is nearly invariant over the cochlear length. It is puzzling how actuators with a constant force capacity can operate under such a wide stiffness range. We hypothesize that the organ of Corti sets the mechanical conditions so that the outer hair cell’s somatic motility effectively interacts with the media of traveling waves—the basilar membrane and the tectorial membrane. To test this hypothesis, a computational model of the gerbil cochlea was developed that incorporates organ of Corti structural mechanics, cochlear fluid dynamics, and hair cell electro-physiology. The model simulations showed that the micro-mechanical responses of the organ of Corti are different along the cochlear length. For example, the top surface of the organ of Corti vibrated more than the bottom surface at the basal (high frequency) location, but the amplitude ratio was reversed at the apical (low frequency) location. Unlike the basilar membrane stiffness varying by a factor of 1700 along the cochlear length, the stiffness of the organ of Corti complex felt by the outer hair cell remained between 1.5 and 0.4 times the outer hair cell stiffness. The Y-shaped structure in the organ of Corti formed by outer hair cell, Deiters cell and its phalange was the primary determinant of the elastic reactance imposed on the outer hair cells. The stiffness and geometry of the Deiters cell and its phalange affected cochlear amplification differently depending on the location.  相似文献   

The cochlear cavity is filled with viscous fluids, and it is partitioned by a viscoelastic structure called the organ of Corti complex. Acoustic energy propagates toward the apex of the cochlea through vibrations of the organ of Corti complex. The dimensions of the vibrating structures range from a few hundred (e.g., the basilar membrane) to a few micrometers (e.g., the stereocilia bundle). Vibrations of microstructures in viscous fluid are subjected to energy dissipation. Because the viscous dissipation is considered to be detrimental to the function of hearing—sound amplification and frequency tuning—the cochlea uses cellular actuators to overcome the dissipation. Compared to extensive investigations on the cellular actuators, the dissipating mechanisms have not been given appropriate attention, and there is little consensus on damping models. For example, many theoretical studies use an inviscid fluid approximation and lump the viscous effect to viscous damping components. Others neglect viscous dissipation in the organ of Corti but consider fluid viscosity. We have developed a computational model of the cochlea that incorporates viscous fluid dynamics, organ of Corti microstructural mechanics, and electrophysiology of the outer hair cells. The model is validated by comparing with existing measurements, such as the viscoelastic response of the tectorial membrane, and the cochlear input impedance. Using the model, we investigated how dissipation components in the cochlea affect its function. We found that the majority of acoustic energy dissipation of the cochlea occurs within the organ of Corti complex, not in the scalar fluids. Our model suggests that an appropriate dissipation can enhance the tuning quality by reducing the spread of energy provided by the outer hair cells’ somatic motility.  相似文献   

The cochlea of the mammalian inner ear contains three rows of outer hair cells and a single row of inner hair cells. These hair cell receptors reside in the organ of Corti and function to transduce mechanical stimuli into electrical signals that mediate hearing. To date, the molecular mechanisms underlying the maintenance of these delicate sensory hair cells are unknown. We report that targeted disruption of Barhl1, a mouse homolog of the Drosophila BarH homeobox genes, results in severe to profound hearing loss, providing a unique model for the study of age-related human deafness disorders. Barhl1 is expressed in all sensory hair cells during inner ear development, 2 days after the onset of hair cell generation. Loss of Barhl1 function in mice results in age-related progressive degeneration of both outer and inner hair cells in the organ of Corti, following two reciprocal longitudinal gradients. Our data together indicate an essential role for Barhl1 in the long-term maintenance of cochlear hair cells, but not in the determination or differentiation of these cells.  相似文献   

Purinergic signaling has broad physiological significance to the hearing organ, involving signal transduction via ionotropic P2X receptors and metabotropic G-protein-coupled P2Y and P1 (adenosine), alongside conversion of nucleotides and nucleosides by ecto-nucleotidases and ecto-nucleoside diphosphokinase. In addition, ATP release is modulated by acoustic overstimulation or stress and involves feedback regulation. Many of these principal elements of the purinergic signaling complex have been well characterized in the cochlea, while the characterization of P2Y receptor expression is emerging. The present study used immunohistochemistry to evaluate the expression of five P2Y receptors, P2Y1, P2Y2, P2Y4, P2Y6, and P2Y12, during development of the rat cochlea. Commencing in the late embryonic period, the P2Y receptors studied were found in the cells lining the cochlear partition, associated with establishment of the electrochemical environment which provides the driving force for sound transduction. In addition, early postnatal P2Y2 and P2Y4 protein expression in the greater epithelial ridge, part of the developing hearing organ, supports the view that initiation and regulation of spontaneous activity in the hair cells prior to hearing onset is mediated by purinergic signaling. Sub-cellular compartmentalization of P2Y receptor expression in sensory hair cells, and diversity of receptor expression in the spiral ganglion neurons and their satellite cells, indicates roles for P2Y receptor-mediated Ca2+-signaling in sound transduction and auditory neuron excitability. Overall, the dynamics of P2Y receptor expression during development of the cochlea complement the other elements of the purinergic signaling complex and reinforce the significance of extracellular nucleotide and nucleoside signaling to hearing.  相似文献   

Cellular, molecular, and physiological studies have demonstrated an important signaling role for ATP and related nucleotides acting via P2 receptors in the cochlea of the inner ear. Signal modulation is facilitated by ectonucleotidases, a heterologous family of surface-located enzymes involved in extracellular nucleotide hydrolysis. Our previous studies have implicated CD39/NTPDase1 and CD39L1/NTPDase2, members of the ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (E-NTPDase) family, as major ATP-hydrolyzing enzymes in the tissues lining the cochlear endolymphatic and perilymphatic compartments. NTPDase1 hydrolyzes both nucleoside triphosphates and diphosphates. In contrast, NTPDase2 is a preferential nucleoside triphosphatase. This study characterizes expression of these E-NTPDases in the mouse cochlea by immunohistochemistry. NTPDase1 can be immunolocalized to the cochlear vasculature and neural tissues (primary auditory neurons in the spiral ganglion). In contrast, NTPDase2 immunolabeling was principally localized to synaptic regions of the sensory inner and outer hair cells, stereocilia and cuticular plates of the outer hair cells, supporting cells of the organ of Corti (Deiters' cells and inner border cells), efferent nerve fibers located in the intraganglionic spiral bundle, and in the outer sulcus and root region of the spiral ligament. This differential expression of NTPDase1 and 2 in the cochlea suggests spatial regulation of P2 receptor signaling, potentially involving different nucleotide species and hydrolysis kinetics.  相似文献   

Hearing loss in mammals is irreversible because cochlear neurons and hair cells do not regenerate. To determine whether we could replace neurons lost to primary neuronal degeneration, we injected EYFP-expressing embryonic stem cell-derived mouse neural progenitor cells into the cochlear nerve trunk in immunosuppressed animals 1 week after destroying the cochlear nerve (spiral ganglion) cells while leaving hair cells intact by ouabain application to the round window at the base of the cochlea in gerbils. At 3 days post transplantation, small grafts were seen that expressed endogenous EYFP and could be immunolabeled for neuron-specific markers. Twelve days after transplantation, the grafts had neurons that extended processes from the nerve core toward the denervated organ of Corti. By 64-98 days, the grafts had sent out abundant processes that occupied a significant portion of the space formerly occupied by the cochlear nerve. The neurites grew in fasciculating bundles projecting through Rosenthal's canal, the former site of spiral ganglion cells, into the osseous spiral lamina and ultimately into the organ of Corti, where they contacted hair cells. Neuronal counts showed a significant increase in neuronal processes near the sensory epithelium, compared to animals that were denervated without subsequent stem cell transplantation. The regeneration of these neurons shows that neurons differentiated from stem cells have the capacity to grow to a specific target in an animal model of neuronal degeneration.  相似文献   

Somatostatin (SST) is a peptide hormone that exerts inhibitory effects mediated through binding to specific cell surface G protein-coupled receptors, of which five distinct subtypes (SSTR1-SSTR5) have been characterized. Our study performed on mouse cochlear hair cells shows the expression and localization of the three receptors (SSTR3-SSTR5) in wild-type (WT), single-knockout (SSTR1 KO) and double-knockout SSTR1/SSTR2 (DKO) mice. Similar SSTRs expression were observed in the inner hair cells (IHC), outer hair cells (OHC) and supporting cells of cultivated P7 mouse organ of Corti (OC) explants as well as in cultivated cochlear neuroepithelial supporting cells (NEsc). We found differences in the expression of SSTR3-5 in WT, SSTR1 KO and DKO mouse cochlea, which might be explained as a compensatory effect in the cochlea after the loss of SSTR1 and/or SSTR2.  相似文献   

The development of the mammalian cochlea is an example of patterning in the peripheral nervous system. Sensory hair cells and supporting cells in the cochlea differentiate via regional and cell fate specification. The Notch signaling components shows both distinct and overlapping expression patterns of Notch1 receptor and its ligands Jagged1 (Jag1) and Jagged2 (Jag2) in the developing auditory epithelium of the rat. On embryonic day 16 (E16), many precursor cells within the K?lliker's organ immunostained for the presence of both Notch1 and Jag1, while the area of hair cell precursors did not express either Notch1 and Jag1. During initial events of hair cell differentiation between E18 and birth, Notch1 and Jag1 expression predominated in supporting cells and Jag2 in nascent hair cells. Early after birth, Jag2 expression decreased in hair cells while the pattern of Notch1 expression now included both supporting cells and hair cells. We show that the normal pattern of hair cell differentiation is disrupted by alteration of Notch signaling. A decrease of either Notch1 or Jag1 expression by antisense oligonucleotides in cultures of the developing sensory epithelium resulted in an increase in the number of hair cells. Our data suggest that the Notch1 signaling pathway is involved in a complex interplay between the consequences of different ligand-Notch1 combinations during cochlear morphogenesis and the phases of hair cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Following perilymphatic perfusion and injection into the cisterna cerebello-medullaris, respectively, the distribution pattern of horseradish peroxidase in the cochlea of the guinea pig was studied light and electron microscopically. The findings prove effective tight junctions (zonulae occludentes) between the cells of the epithelial lining of the endolymphatic compartment. At the level of the reticular membrane the tight junctions are far more extended than elsewhere at the cochlear duct epithelium. From the findings a fairly rapid exchange is suggestive between the lymphatic space of the organ of Corti and the tympanic scale. Various types of cells of the cochlear duct actively take up considerable amounts of peroxidase. However, endocytosis of peroxidase by hair cells and particularly by the outer ones is rather scanty. Passive permeation of the tracer through the membran of undamaged hair cells was disproven.  相似文献   

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