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Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) is a noxious, perennial weed that infests pastures, rangeland and waste areas in the northern Great Plains. The objective of this study was to determine the productive potential of this species when grown under optimum agronomic conditions. Plants were fertilized and irrigated. Oil, hydrocarbon, total protein, and dry-weight production were measured on 3 harvest dates. Calorimetric analyses were performed to determine the potential of leafy spurge as a fuel crop. The hydrocarbon content of 12 strains of leafy spurge was determined to measure genetic variability for this trait. The addition of fertilizer doubled dryweight production but did not affect percent oil or hydrocarbon content. Oil and hydrocarbon production averaged 6.8 and 0.6% on a plant dry-weight basis. Maximum production of plant biomass, protein, and hydrocarbon was obtained from a mid-July harvest. Oil content increased later in the growing season. The total protein content of leafy spurge averaged 12%. Whole-plant biomass had a caloric value of 4,407 cal/g while the oils contained 10,019 cal/g. Leafy spurge hay can produce 4 times more energy per year than wheat straw; therefore, the immediate potential of leafy spurge whole-plant biomass as a locally grown fuel crop for home-heating purposes is suggested.  相似文献   

Summary All parts of leafy spurge seedlings can be regenerated when isolated and placed onto B5 medium. One-centimeter isolated hypocotyl segments were tested successfully for their usefulness as a bioassay system by comparing the response of auxins, herbicides, and cytokinins. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was the most effective auxin to stimulate root formation. IAA was effective whether the hypocotyl segments remained on the same medium up to 60 days, or the segments were transferred to basal media after 2 or 5 days (pulse treatment). Pulse treatments with the other auxins resulted in stimulation of root formation; continuous or 5-day pulses of higher concentrations of indole-3-butyric acid,α-naphthaleneacetic acid and especially 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and picloram formed excessive callus instead of roots. Picloram did not stimulate root formation, whether the treatment was continuous or pulse-treated. No roots formed with continuous picloram at 0.1 mg/liter or greater, but transfer to basal media did result in root and shoot formation at about 50% of the number formed on the controls. Lesser picloram concentrations had no effect. Shoots formed readily on untreated (control) segments, but continuous treatment with all three cytokinins, kinetin, zeatin, and zeatin riboside, increased the numbers of shoots about equally. Root formation was inhibited by the cytokinins at the higher concentrations (0.1 to 0.2 mg/liter). With the exception of a 5-day pulse of 0.04 mg/liter IAA, the auxins did not stimulate shoot formation, but generally inhibited shoot formation, even in pulse-treated cultures.  相似文献   

The interaction of two rhizobacterial isolates,Pseudomonas fluorescens isolate LS 102 andFlavobacterium balustinum isolate LS 105, with leafy spurge cells at the cellular level was studied using scanning and electron microscopy. Leafy spurge callus tissue inoculated with either isolate showed considerable changes compared to non-inoculated tissue. The attachment of rhizobacteria to cell surfaces was associated with the elaboration of fibrillar material which may anchor bacteria to surfaces and contribute to mediation of the phytotoxic effect caused by rhizobacteria. At the ultracellular level, inoculated callus tissue showed numerous cell alterations including esiculation and convolution of the plasmalemma, cell wall degradation and disorganization of the cytoplasm, similar to those detected in the whole plant. It is concluded that callus tissue may provide an excellent working model to investigate the mode and/or mechanism of action of potential biocontrol agents on their host plants.  相似文献   

The effect of dehydration on yield and calorific values has been investigated for oils, hydrocarbons, and polyphenols extracted from leaves of Euphorbia esula/ (leafy spurge). Methods of dehydration employed were with a warm oven (50 degrees C), a hot oven (105 degrees C), at room temperature (25 degrees C), and with freeze drying. Generally, dehydration resulted in a loss of yield for all extractives. Noteworthy exceptions were oil yields from the warm-oven- or air-dried biomass which did not differ significantly from fresh tissue. Significant differences in calorific values (range 4643-5192 cal/g) were observed for each category of whole leafy biomass dehydrated as indicated above. Dehydration reduced the calorific value of oils (range 9483-10,095 cal/g) but tended to increase the calorific values of polyphenols (range 4178-6033 cal/g). NMR spectroscopy of the oil fraction suggested that dehydration did not grossly alter the composition of oils, despite differences in yield and calorific values.  相似文献   

Leafy spurge ( Euphorbia esula L.), a serious perennial weed of temperature range and pasture lands, has continued to colonize despite various control strategies. The persistence of this species can be attributed in part to the presence of an extensive root system containing abundant organic reserves. These components, established towards the end of the growing season, are remobilized to support early spring growth. Carbohydrates comprise the bulk of reserve material with late fall incrents in free sugars being associated with reductions in starch content. Nitrogenous components undergo significant seasonal fluxes, with free amino acids and soluble proteins reaching maxima during late fall. Asparagine, glutamic acid, serine, ornithine, proline, arginine and aspartic acid all contribute significantly to the storage of nitrogen. Changes in nitrate content are associated with the overwintering process. These observations are indicative of the role that nitrogen plays in the overwintering strategy and regenerative capacity of leafy spurge roots.  相似文献   

Curie-point pyrolysis-gas chromatography-pattern recognition was used to elucidate chemical variations within leafy spurge (Euphorbia spp.). Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) readily identified two major clusters corresponding to E. esula and E. cyparissias. The E. esula cluster further separated into three distinct subclusters. Results from principal components analysis (PCA) and fuzzy c-varieties (FCVPC) pattern recognition were similar, verifying the presence of three biotypes among the E. esula samples studied. It is suggested that analytical pyrolysis in combination with pattern recognition may predict the behaviour of biocontrol agents introduced into fields to control leafy spurge.  相似文献   

Seasonal fluctuations of carbohydrates and nitrogenous components in the roots of the noxious perennial leafy spurge ( Euphorbia esula L.) are strongly associated with overwintering strategy, Amino acids and distinct soluble proteins accumulate during fall and remain at elevated levels throughout winter. The formation of carbohydrate reserves in roots was not significantly affected by decapitation or selective defoliation; however, maximum amino acid and soluble protein contents were markedly reduced. In particular, the accumulation pattern of a 26 kDa protein was altered. This protein may play a role in plant conditioning and regenerative potential.  相似文献   

The adult beetles Aphthona lacertosa and Aphthona nigriscutis, used as biocontrol agents for leafy spurge, had a complex mixture of hydrocarbons on their cuticular surface consisting of alkanes, methylalkanes, alkenes and alkadienes as determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A trace amount of wax esters were present. In both species, the hydrocarbons were the major cuticular lipid class and the gas chromatographic profiles of the total hydrocarbons were similar. However, the profiles for the saturated hydrocarbon fraction were distinct for each species. Alkanes (n-alkanes and methyl-branched alkanes), alkenes and alkadienes comprised 26, 44 and 30%, respectively, for A. lacertosa, and 48, 26 and 26%, respectively, for A. nigriscutis, of the total hydrocarbons. The major methyl-branched hydrocarbons were 2-methylalkanes: 2-methyloctacosane and 2-methyltriacontane. The major monoene was hentriacontene and the major diene was tritriacontadiene. The species were unique in that a number of di- and trimethyl-branched alkanes were present in minor quantities in which the first methyl branch was on carbon 2 or 3. Examples of structures were 2,10-, 2,12-, 2,6-, 2,4- and 3,7-dimethylalkanes. 2,10,12-Trimethylalkanes and a 2,10,12,24-tetramethylalkane with one methylene between adjacent methyl branch points also were identified. The adjacent methyl branch points of the 2,4- and 2,10,12- and 2,10,12,24-methyl-branched alkanes appeared to cause additional fragmentations in the mass spectra. Dimethylalkanes with an odd number of carbons in the backbone of the molecule were identified as 2,23-dimethylnonacosane and 2,25-dimethylhentriacontane; their mass spectra also corresponded to mass spectra expected for a 2,6 branching sequence. However, a 2,6 branching sequence is not biosynthetically feasible because such a structure has a straight-chain tail with an odd number of carbon atoms beyond the last methyl branch point. The 2,23 and 2,25 branching sequences could be synthesized starting with a primer derived from the amino acid leucine which would account for both the even number of carbons between the branch points and an even number of carbons beyond the last methyl branch point.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2004,29(2):207-214
The goal of this study was to evaluate the biological control program of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) in a large natural area, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, western North Dakota, USA. Aphthona lacertosa and Aphthona nigriscutis have been released at more than 1800 points in the 18,600-ha South Unit of the park beginning in 1989; most releases have occurred since 1994. We established permanent vegetation plots throughout the infested area of the park and determined stem counts and biomass of leafy spurge and abundance of the two flea beetle species at these plots each year from 1999 to 2001. Both biomass and stem counts declined over the 3 years of the study. Both species of flea beetle are well established within the park and have expanded into areas where they were not released. A. nigriscutis was more abundant than A. lacertosa in the grassland areas we surveyed, but in all other habitats abundances were similar. Using structural equation models, only A. lacertosa could be shown to have a significant effect on counts of mature stems of leafy spurge. A. nigriscutis numbers were positively correlated with stem counts of mature stems. Previous year’s stem counts had the greatest influence on change in stem counts over each 2-year time step examined with structural equation models.  相似文献   

Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula (s.1.)) is an herbaceous perennial and serious weed of Eurasian origin that has been accidentally introduced into North America. The two European root-boring mothsChamaesphecia hungarica andCh. astatiformis are univoltine and overwinter as mature larvae. Both species have a lower survival rate on leafy spurge than on their field hosts, and thus are not optimal candidates for the biological control of leafy spurge. However, the rate of larval development and larval growth on the target weed and on the two field hosts is nearly the same. The experimental host range of both species is restricted to a few species in the subgenusEsula within the genusEuphorbia. The two species occupy different habitats in the steppe biome and are targeted for similar leafy spurge habitats in North America.  相似文献   

Dormancy and subsequent regrowth of adventitious buds is a critical physiological process for many perennial plants. We have used the expression of hormone and cell cycle-responsive genes as markers to follow this process in leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula). In conjunction with earlier studies, we show that loss of mature leaves results in decreased sugar levels and increased gibberellin perception in underground adventitious buds. Gibberellin is sufficient for induction of S phase-specific but not M phase-specific gene expression. Loss of both apical and axillary buds or inhibition of polar auxin transport did not result in induction of S phase- or M phase-specific gene expression. Loss of polar auxin transport was necessary for continuation of the cell cycle and further bud development if the S phase was previously initiated.  相似文献   

L. Fornasari 《BioControl》1997,42(4):605-617
Aphthona chinchihi Chen was collected in China feeding on leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.). Studies were conducted on its host specificity in the laboratory, using field collected adults and their progeny.Aphthona chinchihi can effectively complement the impact of the other natural enemies of leafy spurge established from Europe in the U.S.A. and Canada. The adults feed on leaves and shoots and the larvae, which cause the main damage to the plant, feed on the hypogeous portion of the plant, seriously stressing the plant and preventing its vegetative spread. The host range ofA. chinchihi was studied with tests on adult feeding and oviposition, larval survival and host suitability, using 40 plant species or varieties distributed in 12 families. The experiments demonstrated that it has a high level of specificity. This flea beetle completed its life cycle only on leafy spurge. Also, because of its ecological valence,A. chinchihi has a very good potential as a biocontrol agent in North America.  相似文献   

Crown buds of field-grown leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.) were examined to determine relationships between carbohydrate metabolism and gene expression throughout para-, endo-, and eco-dormancy during the transition from summer, autumn, and winter, respectively. The data indicates that endo-dormancy plays a role in preventing new shoot growth during the transition from autumn to winter. Cold temperature was involved in breaking endo-dormancy, inducing flowering competence, and inhibiting shoot growth. An inverse relationship developed between starch and soluble sugar (mainly sucrose) content in buds during the shift from para- to endo-dormancy, which continued through eco-dormancy. Unlike starch content, soluble sugars were lowest in crown buds during para-dormancy but increased over two- to three-fold during the transition to endo-dormancy. Several genes (AGPase, HK, SPS, SuSy, and UGPase) coding for proteins involved in sugar metabolism were differentially regulated in conjunction with well-defined phases of dormancy in crown buds. Marker genes for S-phase progression, cell wall biochemistry, or responsive to auxin were also differentially regulated during transition from para-, endo-, and eco-dormancy. The results were used to develop a model showing potential signalling pathways involved in regulating seasonal dormancy status in leafy spurge crown buds.  相似文献   

Plants were regenerated from leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.) cell suspensions obtained from stem callus. A North Dakota accession was highly regenerable, but two accessions from Oregon and Austria formed only a few plantlets. Organogenesis occurred in media without growth regulators, under fluorescent lights (30 to 90 E m–2 s–1, 14 h photoperiod). Organogenesis was greatest in larger size clumps subcultured during maximum cell growth into media containing a reduced:oxidized nitrogen ratio of 33:67. Roots formed first and some clumps produced shoots. Organogenic suspension cultures also were initiated from hypocotyl and root segments of germinated seedlings, directly in liquid medium. Plantlets of the North Dakota accession formed in vitro adapted to greenhouse conditions. They were phenotypically similar to the parent plants.  相似文献   

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