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An ornithine-amide lipid is present in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Its structure was established by a combination of chemical analysis and mass spectrometry. 3-Hydroxyoctadecanoic and 3-hydroxyeicosanoic acids (and homologues) were found to be linked through an amide bond to the alpha-amino group of L-ornithine, the hydroxyl group of the fatty acid being esterified mainly by tuberculostearic acid (10-methyloctadecanoic acid). This ornithine-amide lipid was detected in several other slow-growing pathogenic mycobacteria by thin layer chromatography, but not in an avirulent strain (H37 Ra) of M. tuberculosis. In each case mass spectrometry showed that all the structures were identical, thus revising an earlier reported structure for the lipid from M. bovis.  相似文献   

Through functional studies of mutant tRNAs, we have identified sequence and/or structural features important for specifying the many distinctive properties of E coli initiator tRNA. Many of the mutant tRNAs contain an anticodon sequence change from CAU→CUA and are now substrates for E coli glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GlnRS). We describe here the effect of further mutating the discriminator base 73 and nucleotide 72 at the end of the acceptor stem on: i) recognition of the mutant tRNAs by E coli GlnRS; ii) recognition by E coli methionyl-tRNA transformylase; and iii) activity of the mutant tRNAs in initiation in E coli. For GlnRS recognition, our results are, in general, consistent with interactions found in the crystal structure of the E coli GlnRS-glutamine tRNA complex. The results also support our previous conclusion that formylation of initiator tRNA is important for its function in initiation.  相似文献   

Summary When Drosophila melanogaster males coming from a class of strains known as inducer are crossed with females from the complementary class (reactive), a quite specific kind of sterility is observed in the F1 female progeny (denoted SF). The inducer chromosomes differ from the reactive chromosomes by the presence of a transposable element (called the I factor) that is responsible for the induction of this dysgenic symptom. In the germ line of dysgenic females, up to 100% of the reactive chromosomes may be contaminated, i.e. they acquire I factor(s) owing to very frequent replicative transpositions. A contaminated reactive stock was obtained by reconstructing the reactive genotype in the offspring of SF females and its kinetics of invasion by I elements was followed in the successive inbred dysgenic generations. The results show that the mean copy number of I elements increased very quickly up to the level of inducer strains and then stayed in equilibrium even though the dysgenic state was perpetuated by selection for SF sterility at every generation. The possible mechanisms of this copy number limitation are discussed.  相似文献   

The sizes of endonuclease digestion fragments of DNA from cyanobacteria in symbiotic association with Azolla caroliniana or Anthoceros punctatus, or in free-living culture, were compared by Southern hybridization using cloned nitrogenase (nif) genes from Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 as probes. The restriction fragment pattern produced by cyanobacteria isolated from A. caroliniana by culture through symbiotic association with Anthoceros differed from that of the major symbiotic cyanobacterium freshly separated from A. caroliniana. The results indicate that minor cyanobacterial symbionts occur in association with Azolla and that the dominant symbiont was not cultured in the free-living state. Both the absence of hybridization to an xisA gene probe and the mapping of restriction fragments indicated a contiguous nifHDK organization in all cells of the symbiont in association with Azolla. On the other hand, in the cultured isolate from Azolla and in Nostoc sp. 7801, the nifD and nifK genes are nominally separated by an interval of unknown length, compatible with the interruption of the nifHDK operon by a DNA element as observed in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. In the above cultured strains, restriction fragments consistent with a contiguous nifHDK operon were also present at varying hybridization intensities, especially in Nostoc sp. 7801 grown in association with Anthoceros, presumably due to gene rearrangement in a fraction of the cells.Non-standard abbreviations bp base pairs - kb kilobase pairs - kd kilodaltons  相似文献   

The genetic code describes translational assignments between codons and amino acids. tRNAs and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) are those molecules by means of which these assignments are established. Any aaRS recognizes its tRNAs according to some of their nucleotides called identity elements (IEs). Let a 1Mut-similarity Sim (1Mut) be the average similarity between such tRNA genes whose codons differ by one point mutation. We showed that: (1) a global maximum of Sim (1Mut) is reached at the standard genetic code 27 times for 4 sets of IEs of tRNA genes of eukaryotic species, while it is so only 5 times for similarities Sim (C&R) between all tRNA genes whose codons lie in the same column or row of the code. Therefore, point mutations of anticodons were tested by nature to recruit tRNAs from one isoaccepting group to another, (2) because plain similarities Sim (all) between tRNA genes of species within any of the three domains of life are higher than between tRNA genes of species belonging to different domains, tRNA genes retained information about early evolution of cells, (3) we searched the order of tRNAs in which they were most probably assigned to their codons and amino acids. The beginning Ala, (Val), Pro, Ile, Lys, Arg, Trp, Met, Asp, Cys, (Ser) of our resulting chronology lies under a plateau on a graph of Sim (1Mut,IE)(univ.ancestors) plotted over this chronology for a set S(IE) of all IEs of tRNA genes, whose universal ancestors were separately computed for each codon. This plateau has remained preserved along the whole line of evolution of the code and is consistent with observations of Ribas de Pouplana and Schimmel [2001. Aminoacy1-tRNA synthetases: potential markers of genetic code development. Trends Biochem. Sci. 26, 591-598] that specific pairs of aaRSs-one from each of their two classes-can be docked simultaneously onto the acceptor stem of tRNA and hence an interaction existed between their ancestors using a reduced code, (4) sharpness of a local maximum of Sim (1Mut) at the standard code is almost 100% along our chronologies.  相似文献   

Using real-time PCR to determine transgene copy number in wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transgene copy number is usually determined by means of Southern blot analysis which can be time consuming and laborious. In this study, quantitative real-time PCR was developed to determine transgene copy number in transgenic wheat. A conserved wheat housekeeping gene,puroindoline-b, was used as an internal control to calculate transgene copy number. Estimated copy number in transgenic lines using real-time quantitative PCR was correlated with actual copy number based on Southern blot analysis. Real-time PCR can analyze hundreds of samples in a day, making it an efficient method for estimating copy number in transgenic wheat.  相似文献   

Summary The organization of three classes of legumin gene has been studied by exploiting restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Hybridization of cDNA probes, representing different sub-families of legumin gene, to DNA from F2 and F6 plants from selected crosses showed that there was a tight linkage of individual genes within each of two sub-families. One of these sub-families has been mapped to a locus on chromosome 7 close to r, while the other maps to a locus near a on chromosome 1. The results from one of the crosses analyzed indicated that a third class of legumin gene is also linked to a.  相似文献   

Summary A 2 m circle-based chimaeric plasmid containing the yeast LEU2 and the Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 thymidine kinase (HSV-1 TK) genes was constructed. Transformants grown under selective conditions for the LEU2 gene harboured the plasmid at about 15 copies per cell whilst selection for the HSV-1 TK gene led to an increase to about 100 copies per cell. Furthermore, the plasmid copy number could be controlled by the stringency of selection for the TK gene, and the increase in TK gene dosage was reflected in an increase in intracellular thymidine kinase activity. The mitotic stability of the plasmid in high-copy and low-copy number cells was determined. High-copy number cells showed a greater mitotic stability. The relationship of TK expression to plasmid copy number may be useful for the isolation of plasmid copy number mutants in yeast and the control of heterologous gene expression.  相似文献   

Organization of the genes encoding chalcone synthase in Pisum sativum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To analyze the regulation of defense-related genes by signal molecules produced by phytopathogens, we isolated genes that encode chalcone synthase (CHS) in Pisum sativum. We have obtained seven independent genomic clones that contain at least seven classes of CHS genes, identified by the hybridization analysis to CHS cDNA and by the restriction mapping analysis. Two of the genomic clones (clone 5 and 6) each contain two CHS genes in a tandem repeat. The nucleotide sequence analysis of CHS genomic clone 5 revealed that PsCHS1 and PsCHS2 were corresponding genes of the CHS cDNA clones, pCC6 and pCC2, respectively, as reported earlier. Both genes are interrupted by a single intron of 88 nucleotides with identical sequences, although exonic sequences and 5-flanking sequences are divergent. Nucleotide sequences of the introns in five other classes of CHS genes showed that three classes had an intron of 87 nt with a striking homology to each other, but that the intron of the other two classes of CHS genes showed heterogeneity both in size and nucleotide sequence. 5-upstream regions of PsCHS1 and PsCHS2 did not show sequence homology except the 31 bp identical sequence that contains the CCTACC motif resembling the box-1 sequence. Both PsCHS1 and PsCHS2 genes are shown to be induced by fungal elicitor by a primer extension analysis and a transient transformation analysis using pea protoplasts prepared from suspension cultured-cells.  相似文献   

22 tRNA genes corresponding to 17 tRNA species were localized on the master circle of Petunia hybrida mitochondrial (mt) DNA. Genes for trnN, trnM, trnS-GGA, trnW and trnH are of the chloroplast-like type and presumably originate from promiscuous chloroplast (cp) DNA sequences inserted into the petunia mitochondrial genome. A comparison of the mt tRNAs or tRNA genes population present in two monocotyledonous plants (wheat and maize) and two dicotyledonous plants (petunia and potato) show slight differences in the genetic origin of individual tRNAs. The organization of the petunia mt tRNA genes as well as the number of tRNA gene copies, compared to other plant species, is discussed.  相似文献   

Brassica napus is an amphidiploid plant which is self-compatible even though it is derived from hybridisation of the self-incompatible species B. oleracea and B. campestris. Experiments were undertaken to establish if S-locus glycoprotein (SLG) genes exist in B. napus and whether these are expressed as in self-incompatible Brassica species. Two different stigma-specific cDNA sequences homologous to SLG genes were obtained from the B. napus cultivar Westar. One of these sequences, SLG WS1, displayed highest homology to class I SLG alleles, whereas the other, SLG WS2, showed greatest homology to class II SLG genes. Both were expressed at high levels in Westar stigmas following a developmental pattern typical of SLG genes in the self-incompatible diploids. We infer that they represent the endogenous SLG genes at the two homoeologous S-loci. The occurrence of normally expressed SLG genes and its relevance to the self-compatible phenotype of B. napus is discussed.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment polymorphisms were used to identify and quantify the nuclear contributions from each parent to somatic hybrid plants between tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cv. Sub-Arctic Maxi and Solanum lycopersicoides Dun. Three single-copy clones, 2–13, 2–17, and 3–288, and a clone for the 45s ribosomal RNA, pHA2, all mapped to chromosome 2 of tomato, were used in analysis of 47 somatic hybrids. The amount of hybridizing probe for each parental band was quantified by densitometry of the autoradiograph film. Analyses with the three single-copy clones indicated that there were more than two S. lycopersicoides copies in most somatic hybrid plants. For at least one somatic hybrid there was a loss of one tomato copy. No evidence was found for more than two copies donated from tomato or loss of a copy from S. lycopersicoides. Most of the observed variation in copy number of the single-copy clones was consistent with chromosomal changes occurring in the suspension cells from which S. lycopersicoides parental protoplasts were derived.The number of copies of rDNA derived from each parent varied independently of the number of copies of single-copy clones from each parent. Changes in the copy number of rDNA occurred in both tomato and S. lycopersicoides genomes.  相似文献   

We have found a direct relationship between protein production in Pichia pastoris and the number of introduced synthetic genes of miniproinsulin (MPI), fused to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae pre-pro alpha factor used as secretion signal, and inserted between the alcohol oxidase 1 (AOX1) promoter and terminator sequences. Two consecutive approaches were followed to increase the number of integrated cassettes: the head-to-tail expression cassette multimerization procedure and re-transformation with a dominant selection marker. This increased expression from 19 to 250 mg l1 when about 11 copies have been integrated. Further, the correct position of one of the disulphide bridges of the purified molecule was verified by digestion with Glu-C endoprotease, followed by mass spectrometry of the isolated fragments.  相似文献   

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