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沙门菌(Salmonella spp.)作为胞内病原菌,通过侵入宿主细胞,导致人类和多种动物感染疾病。在与宿主细胞的长期斗争中,沙门菌进化出多种机制来逃避宿主的监视与防御,从而完成侵入并生存增殖的过程。尽管一些效应蛋白靶向的宿主因子已经被发现,但大多数效应蛋白的靶点尚且未知。本文综述了沙门菌效应蛋白对宿主细胞生理活动的影响,包括对细胞骨架的变化、炎症应答、胞膜修饰和滤泡的胞内移动现象及其分子机制进行阐述。 相似文献
沙门菌致病岛2 Ⅲ型分泌系统研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
沙门菌(Salmonella)是革兰氏阴性的兼性胞内菌,可引起其广泛宿主的一系列疾病,严重时可导致全身性感染,威胁生命安全。沙门菌致病岛2(SPI2)是与沙门菌全身性感染密切相关的重要毒力基因簇,其编码的Ⅲ型分泌系统2(T3SS2)在沙门菌侵入宿主细胞后开始组装合成,经该装置分泌的多种效应蛋白对沙门菌在宿主细胞内的生存和增殖起着重要作用。近些年来,与沙门菌T3SS2相关的研究一直都是病原微生物领域关注的焦点之一。本文简要综述了SPI2的基因特征、SPI2基因表达的调控、T3SS2的结构和组成、T3SS2的效应蛋白及与T3SS2相关的疫苗研究等方面的主要研究进展。 相似文献
沙门菌(Salmonella spp.)是公共卫生学上具有重要意义的人畜共患病病原菌。人、畜感染沙门菌后会引起伤寒、副伤寒、胃肠炎、败血症和肠外局灶性感染等疾病。抗生素是治疗沙门菌严重感染的有效手段,随着临床和畜牧业中抗生素的大量使用,使得沙门菌的耐药情况日益严重。整合子是普遍存在于细菌中的一种可移动基因元件,可有效捕获外源基因确保其表达,并复合于转座子、质粒等,使多种耐药基因在细菌种内或者种间进行传播。在过去的二十年中,随着新基因盒和复杂整合子的不断出现,导致整合子系统迅速进化。整合子在沙门菌耐药性传播过程中具有非常重要的作用,因此,本文对整合子系统的分子结构、分类、作用机制,以及沙门菌中存在的Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类整合子介导的耐药性及现有检测方法的研究进展进行综述,以期为沙门菌耐药性研究提供参考。 相似文献
沙门菌病(Salmonellosis)是全世界最普遍的食源性疾病之一,不仅对养殖业造成经济损失,还对人类安全构成威胁。禽沙门菌感染肠道后,可诱导肠上皮细胞表达多种TLRs和炎症反应的发生,在分泌的趋化因子作用下免疫效应细胞迁移到感染部位。细菌通过肠上皮细胞屏障后被巨噬细胞或树突状细胞吞噬,其中巨噬细胞是沙门菌的主要定殖场所。天然免疫系统将抗原递呈给淋巴细胞后,机体能够在2–3周内通过以Th1为主的免疫应答清除在肠道和深层组织中的沙门菌。而宿主特异性血清型鸡白痢沙门菌从肠道侵入后,在肝脾和其他器官中定殖,进而引发全身感染。早期感染阶段不会引起肠道炎症反应,主要诱导以Th2为主的免疫应答,而Th1型应答相对较弱,有利于鸡白痢沙门菌在机体内的持续存在和感染。本文围绕禽沙门菌的致病机理和免疫应答特性进行阐述,尤其对鸡白痢沙门菌免疫逃逸和持续载菌的特性进行深入分析,为禽沙门菌病的防控提供新靶标和新见解。 相似文献
沙门氏菌(Salmonella)是一种常见的人畜共患病原菌,不仅能引起动物伤寒、霍乱,还会导致人类胃肠炎、败血症等疾病,严重威胁人、畜的生命健康,由其引起的食品安全事件高居所有食源性致病菌之首。食品中沙门氏菌的快速、准确检测是预防与控制沙门氏菌传播蔓延的重要手段。随着生物学、化学、物理等学科的快速发展,沙门氏菌的检测技术已从传统的分离培养和生化鉴定,发展到免疫学、分子生物学、电化学、传感器、生物芯片等快速、高通量检测,尤其是近年来与纳米技术、光谱学、质谱学以及代谢组学等的结合使用,为沙门氏菌快速、准确、灵敏的检测方法提供了新的发展方向。本文在参阅国内外最新研究报道的基础上,对各种方法进行总结阐述,并对沙门氏菌未来检测技术的发展动向予以分析。 相似文献
【目的】探究植物乳杆菌培养上清(Lactobacillus plantarum culture supernatant,LPC)对3种血清型沙门氏菌猪霍乱(Salmonella cholerae,SC)、肠炎(Salmonella enteritidis,SE)和鸡白痢(Salmonella pullorum, SP)的生长和致病性的抑制作用效果及机理。【方法】将2%LPC与3种沙门氏菌分别共培养后,采用比浊法及牛津杯抑菌圈试验检测沙门氏菌生长情况及LPC中的主要抑菌物质,使用实时荧光定量PCR (quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, qRT-PCR)探究沙门氏菌致病性相关基因表达水平,最后通过结晶紫染色法检测沙门氏菌的生物被膜。【结果】2%LPC能够显著抑制3种沙门氏菌的生长,其作用效果与庆大霉素(gentamicin, GM)相近且对SE的生长抑制效果优于GM,其主要抑菌物质为有机酸;2%LPC对3株沙门氏菌SPI-1编码的主要毒力基因(InvA、InvF、SopE、SopB、SipB、HilA和SipA)、SPI-2毒... 相似文献
【背景】在鹌鹑养殖过程中,抗菌药物和消毒剂的不规范使用加剧了耐药菌株在动物、场所和食品之间的相互传播,因此,掌握致病菌株在养殖动物中的耐药状况至关重要。【目的】检测北京周边地区鹌鹑蛋源致病菌株的耐药特征和耐药基因的流行情况。【方法】在天津市武清区部分鹌鹑养殖场采集鹌鹑泄殖腔粪便、鹌鹑蛋表、养殖环境和鹌鹑饮水的样品,通过细菌分离培养、菌落形态观察、染色镜检、生化鉴定、血清分型、沙门氏菌inv A基因序列测定等方法对分离菌株进行鉴定。同时进行小鼠攻毒试验,测定小鼠半数致死量(median lethal dose, LD50)。再通过药敏试验和PCR方法对分离菌的耐药表型、耐药基因及毒力基因进行检测。【结果】分离菌株菌落颜色、镜检形态和生化试验结果符合沙门氏菌特性,沙门氏菌inv A基因序列测定与鼠伤寒沙门氏菌参考株相似度为99.44%,鉴定为鼠伤寒沙门氏菌,血清型为1,4,[5],[12]:i:l,2。该菌株对小鼠有致病作用,小鼠LD50为2.10×107 CFU/mL;药敏试验结果显示该菌株对氨苄西林、阿莫西林/克拉维酸、头孢噻呋、链霉素、磺胺甲啞唑、磺胺异啞唑、诺氟沙星、环丙沙星表现耐... 相似文献
沙门菌是一种重要的人兽共患食源性病原菌。其感染宿主后可以凭借独特的免疫逃逸机制逃避宿主免疫系统的清除,潜伏在宿主体内1年至终身不等,从而建立持续性感染。沙门菌持续性感染与毒力岛密切相关,尤其是沙门菌毒力岛(Salmonella pathogenicity islands,SPIs) SPI-1和SPI-2。SPI-1效应蛋白SipB和SipC等以不同的途径影响细菌入侵,诱导细胞自噬或者凋亡;而SPI-2效应蛋白SseI和SseL等可以通过调控不同的信号通路协助沙门菌的胞内存活,为沙门菌持续性感染的发生和发展提供条件。本文主要阐述SipB和SseI等毒力岛效应蛋白在沙门菌持续性感染过程中的作用,同时总结了SPI-6、SPI-7和SPI-19等毒力岛的作用,以期为研究沙门菌持续性感染提供新思路。 相似文献
Pengcheng Li Yinyan Yin Qinghua Yu Qian Yang 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2011,(1):2639
Surface layer (S-layer) proteins are crystalline arrays of proteinaceous subunits present as the outermost component of the cell wall in several Lactobacillus species. The underlying mechanism for how S-layer proteins inhibit pathogen infections remains unclear. To gain insights into the mechanism of the antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus S-layer proteins, we examined how Lactobacillus S-layer proteins impact Salmonella Typhimurium-induced apoptosis in vitro in Caco-2 human colon epithelial cells. When Caco-2 cells infected with Salmonella Typhimurium SL1344, we found that apoptosis was mediated by activation of caspase-3, but not caspase-1. When Salmonella Typhimurium SL1344 and S-layer proteins were coincubated simultaneously, Caco-2 cell apoptosis was markedly decreased and the cell damage was modified, as evaluated by flow cytometry and microscopy. Detailed analyses showed that the S-layer proteins inhibited the caspase-3 activity and activated the extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) signaling pathway. Taken together, these findings suggest that Lactobacillus S-layer proteins protected against Salmonella-induced apoptosis through reduced caspase-3 activation. In addition, Salmonella-induced apoptotic cell damage was modified by S-layer proteins through the ERK1/2 signaling pathway. This mechanism may represent a novel approach for antagonizing Salmonella infection. 相似文献
S. Martín-Pelez E.G. Manzanilla M. Anguita M. Fondevila M. Martín E. Mateu S.M. Martín-Orúe 《Animal Feed Science and Technology》2009,153(1-2):141-152
The fermentation kinetics of both fibre choice and maize particle size were studied in vitro from the ileal contents of cannulated pigs given five different experimental diets. Additionally, in vitro batch systems were used to study the quantitative effect of fibre choice and maize particle size on Salmonella Typhimurium growth. Freeze-dried ileal effluents obtained from five cannulated pigs given the five experimental diets in a latin square were used as incubation substrates. The experimental diets consisted of: (1) a standard maize-based diet (ST) where all the ingredients were milled to pass through a 2.5-ml screen, (2) the same diet with the maize ground using a 4.0-ml screen (CG), (3 and 4) two diets in which the maize was partially replaced by (3) sugar beet pulp (80 g/kg; BP) or (4) wheat bran (100 g/kg; WB), or (5) a combination of 80 g sugar beet pulp and 100 g wheat bran/kg (diet HF). Results showed that substrate from BP and HF generated more gas than substrate from ST (P<0.001). In addition, short chain fatty acids production during the entire incubation period was higher (P=0.001) for all the substrates compared to ST substrate (P<0.001) where lower acetate and higher propionate, valerate and branched-chain fatty acids molar ratios were measured. The molar ratio of acetate was highest and the branched-chain fatty acids was lowest for substrates from diets that included sugar beet pulp. The butyrate molar ratio was lower for all substrates compared to the ST diet except for the WB diet. After 12 h of incubation, HF substrate presented the lowest ammonia (91.7 mg/l vs. 125.3 mg/l, P=0.014) and the highest purine bases concentration (0.28 μmol/ml vs. 0.22 μmol/ml, P=0.009). None of the substrates showed any inhibitory effect on Salmonella growth when the batch systems were inoculated with S. Typhimurium. In summary, under the in vitro conditions used, the changes in hindgut fermentation promoted by the inclusion of different fibrous ingredients or by different maize particle size did not produce an inhibitory effect on the growth of S. Typhimurium. 相似文献
【目的】筛选鉴定沙门菌噬菌体侵染裂解过程中的抗性菌株,研究抗性菌株的生物学特性及致病力的差异,为解决噬菌体治疗应用中的抗性菌问题提供理论依据。【方法】本研究通过次级感染法和双层平板法筛选沙门菌噬菌体抗性菌,通过生物学特性和毒力基因检测比较宿主菌ATCC 13076及其噬菌体抗性菌株R3之间的差异,并通过小鼠攻毒实验和细胞粘附实验比较致病力强弱。【结果】噬菌体抗性菌株R3的生长速度较宿主菌略慢;生化及毒力基因检测均表明抗性菌株与宿主菌无差异;与宿主菌相比,抗性菌R3的LD50增加了74.8%(P>0.05);对MODE-K细胞粘附能力稍弱,但是差异不显著。【结论】该研究表明,与噬菌体宿主菌相比,噬菌体抗性菌株的生物学特性和毒力基因并没有改变,对小鼠致病力减弱,但是对MODE-K细胞粘附能力差异不显著。 相似文献
Hidenori Matsui Akio Abe Shoko Suzuki Mayumi Kijima Yutaka Tamura Masayuki Nakamura Kazuyoshi Kawahara Hirofumi Danbara 《Molecular & general genetics : MGG》1993,236(2-3):219-226
Summary The regulation of mouse bacteremia genes (mba genes) encoded by a 6.4 kb region on the 50 kb virulence plasmid (pKDSC50) of Salmonella serovar Choleraesuis was analyzed. The genes mba1, mba2, mba3, and mba4, are arranged in this order, and form a cluster located in the 6.4 kb mba region. We prepared four antibodies, each specific for an individual Mba protein, using synthetic peptides as antigens. Their amino acid sequences were deduced from the DNA sequence of the corresponding mba genes. Each Mba peptide antiserum was able to recognize the corresponding Mba protein produced by Escherichia coli carrying a recombinant plasmid containing individual mba genes. When the recombinant plasmid contained all four mba genes (pMKD601), three Mba proteins (Mba2, Mba3, and Mba4) were identified by Western blotting analysis using Mba antisera. These proteins could not be detected when the recombinant plasmid lacked mba1 (pMKD201). Three species of mRNA for mba2, mba3, and mba4 with different chain length were detected from pMKD601 by Northern blot hybridization, and two start sites were identified by primer extension assay. Gel mobility shift assays demonstrated that Mbal specifically bound to a fragment containing the start sites of mRNAs. The amino acid sequence of Mbal had significant homology to the LysR family of DNA binding proteins, possessing a characteristic helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif. The present study provides clear evidence to show that the Mba1 protein binds to the promoter region of mba2, and positively regulates the expression of mba2, mba3, and mba4 genes. 相似文献
Marilyn C. Erickson Jean Liao Li Ma Xiuping Jiang Michael P. Doyle 《Bioresource technology》2009,100(23):5898-5903
Aerobic composting is a common management practice to inactivate pathogens in manure; however, additional research on the role of compost composition in pathogen inactivation is needed. The objective of this study was therefore to determine the effect of the carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio and the presence of ammonium sulfate on inactivation of Salmonella spp. in cow manure-based mixtures composted in a bioreactor under controlled conditions. Compost preparations with an initial C:N ratio of 20:1 required a maximum of 4 days of storage before Salmonellae were inactivated by 7 log10, whereas preparations with C:N ratios of 30:1 and 40:1 C:N required more than 5 and 7 days of storage, respectively. The pH values of both the 20:1 and 30:1 C:N preparations decreased during the onset of composting before increasing to >8. In contrast, pH values of 40:1 C:N preparations increased immediately to >8, generally within the first day of storage. Maximum temperatures observed in 20:1 C:N preparations for inactivation of pathogens were less than 50 °C, and the cumulative heat exposure required for pathogen inactivation in 20:1 C:N preparations was 15-fold less than in 40:1 C:N preparations. Supplementation of compost mixtures with 0.08% ammonium sulfate resulted in slightly higher temperatures; however, these higher temperatures did not translate into more rapid rates of pathogen inactivation. 相似文献
【目的】探究副溶血弧菌群体感应(quorum sensing,QS)系统核心调控子AphA和OpaR对mshH基因的转录调控。【方法】提取特定条件下副溶血弧菌野生株(wild-type,WT)和调控子基因突变株(ΔaphA和ΔopaR)的总RNA,采用实时定量PCR (quantitative real-time PCR,qPCR)研究AphA和OpaR对mshH基因的转录调控关系以及mshH基因的时相依赖性表达特性;将mshH启动子区DNA序列克隆入pHRP309质粒β-半乳糖苷酶基因的上游,构建LacZ重组质粒,并将其转入WT、ΔaphA和ΔopaR中,获得LacZ实验菌株,再通过LacZ报告基因融合实验研究AphA和OpaR对mshH基因的调控关系以及mshH基因的时相依赖性表达特性;PCR扩增mshH上游启动子区DNA序列,并纯化His-AphA和His-OpaR蛋白,通过凝胶阻滞实验(electrophoretic mobility shift assay,EMSA)和DNase I足迹实验,研究体外条件下His-AphA和His-OpaR对靶基因启动子区DNA片段是否具有直... 相似文献
【背景】由于抗生素的滥用,使得细菌耐药性问题严峻,寻找解决耐药性细菌感染的治疗策略迫在眉睫。临床上,中药与抗菌药物联用在抗耐药性细菌感染方面效果显著。【目的】研究香芹酚联合头孢曲松对耐药性沙门氏菌(SJ2)的协同效应及机制。【方法】通过二倍肉汤稀释法测定香芹酚和头孢曲松对SJ2的最小抑菌浓度(minimal inhibitory concentration, MIC);通过棋盘法和生长曲线测定探究香芹酚和头孢曲松联合抗SJ2活性;通过膜电位检测、胞外碱性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase, AKP)含量测定、菌体内抗生素蓄积分析、细菌生存活力测定及扫描电镜研究香芹酚联合头孢曲松对SJ2细胞壁、细胞膜的影响。【结果】香芹酚和头孢曲松对SJ2的MIC分别为256μg/mL和2 048μg/mL;香芹酚联合头孢曲松对SJ2具有协同作用,其分级抑制浓度指数(fractional inhibitory concentration index, FICI)为0.375;香芹酚可协同头孢曲松使SJ2细胞膜出现去极化,显著增加AKP泄漏至胞外的量(P<0.05),显著增加菌体胞内抗... 相似文献
David M. DeMarini Melissa L. Shelton Michael J. Kohan Edward E. Hudgens Tadeusz E. Kleindienst Louise M. Ball Debra Walsh Johan G. de Boer Lan Lewis-Bevan James R. Rabinowitz Larry D. Claxton Joellen Lewtas 《Mutation research》2000,457(1-2)
Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) is a ubiquitous air pollutant formed from NO2 reacting with acetoxy radicals generated from ambient aldehydes in the presence of sunlight and ozone. It contributes to eye irritation associated with photochemical smog and is present in most urban air. PAN was generated in a chamber containing open petri dishes of Salmonella TA100 (gas-phase exposure). After subtraction of the background mutation spectrum, the spectrum of PAN-induced mutants selected at 3.1-fold above the background mutant yield was 59% GC→TA, 29% GC→AT, 2% GC→CG, and 10% multiple mutations — primarily GG→TT tandem-base substitutions. Using computational molecular modeling methods, a mechanism was developed for producing this unusual tandem-base substitution. The mechanism depends on the protonation of PAN near the polyanionic DNA to release NO2+ resulting in intrastrand dimer formation. Insertion of AA opposite the dimerized GG would account for the tandem GG→TT transversions. Nose-only exposure of Big Blue® mice to PAN at 78 ppm (near the MTD) was mutagenic at the lacI gene in the lung (mutant frequency ±S.E. of 6.16±0.58/105 for controls versus 8.24±0.30/105 for PAN, P=0.016). No tandem-base mutations were detected among the 40 lacI mutants sequenced. Dosimetry with 3H-PAN showed that 24 h after exposure, 3.9% of the radiolabel was in the nasal tissue, and only 0.3% was in the lung. However, based on the molecular modeling considerations, the labeled portion of the molecule would not have been expected to have been bound covalently to DNA. Our results indicate that PAN is weakly mutagenic in the lungs of mice and in Salmonella and that PAN produces a unique signature mutation (a tandem GG→TT transversion) in Salmonella that is likely due to a GG intrastrand cross-link. Thus, PAN may pose a mutagenic and possible carcinogenic risk to humans, especially at the high concentrations at which it is present in some urban environments. 相似文献