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Molecular evolution of nitrate reductase genes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
To understand the evolutionary mechanisms and relationships of nitrate reductases (NRs), the nucleotide sequences encoding 19 nitrate reductase (NR) genes from 16 species of fungi, algae, and higher plants were analyzed. The NR genes examined show substantial sequence similarity, particularly within functional domains, and large variations in GC content at the third codon position and intron number. The intron positions were different between the fungi and plants, but conserved within these groups. The overall and nonsynonymous substitution rates among fungi, algae, and higher plants were estimated to be 4.33 × 10−10 and 3.29 × 10−10 substitutions per site per year. The three functional domains of NR genes evolved at about one-third of the rate of the N-terminal and the two hinge regions connecting the functional domains. Relative rate tests suggested that the nonsynonymous substitution rates were constant among different lineages, while the overall nucleotide substitution rates varied between some lineages. The phylogenetic trees based on NR genes correspond well with the phylogeny of the organisms determined from systematics and other molecular studies. Based on the nonsynonymous substitution rate, the divergence time of monocots and dicots was estimated to be about 340 Myr when the fungi–plant or algae–higher plant divergence times were used as reference points and 191 Myr when the rice–barley divergence time was used as a reference point. These two estimates are consistent with other estimates of divergence times based on these reference points. The lack of consistency between these two values appears to be due to the uncertainty of the reference times. Received: 10 April 1995 / Accepted: 10 September 1995  相似文献   

When the entire genome of a filamentous heterocyst-forming N2-fixing cyanobacterium, Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 (Anabaena) was determined in 2001, a large number of PAS domains were detected in signal-transducing proteins. The draft genome sequence is also available for the cyanobacterium, Nostoc punctiforme strain ATCC 29133 (Nostoc), that is closely related to Anabaena. In this study, we extracted all PAS domains from the Nostoc genome sequence and analyzed them together with those of Anabaena. Clustering analysis of all the PAS domains gave many specific pairings, indicative of evolutionary conservations. Ortholog analysis of PAS-containing proteins showed composite multidomain architecture in some cases of conserved domains and domains of disagreement between the two species. Further inspection of the domains of disagreement allowed us to trace them back in evolution. Thus, multidomain proteins could have been generated by duplication or shuffling in these cyanobacteria. The conserved PAS domains in the orthologous proteins were analyzed by structural fitting to the known PAS domains. We detected several subclasses with unique sequence features, which will be the target of experimental analysis.  相似文献   

Glutathione reductase in evolution   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The disulfide reducing activities of GSSG-and CoASSG-reductases were measured on partially purified extracts from a variety of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Glutathione-reductase was found in varying amounts in all eukaryotes and prokaryotes, used in this study, with the exception of the two strict anaerobes Clostridium tartarivorum and Desulfovibrio vulgaris, and the two primitive Archaebacteria Methanosarcina barkeri and Halobacterium halobium. CoASSG-reductase was found in some eukaryotes and prokaryotes, but showed no clear pattern of distribution other than its absence whenever GSSG-reductase was not present. The absence of GSSG-reductase activity in organisms lacking GSH, confirms that glutathione metabolism is not universal and suggests that this enzyme might be useful as a marker in classifying organisms. The data suggest that glutathione-reductase occurs as a result of the change from a reducing to a oxidizing atmosphere in the primitive Earth.  相似文献   

Many genes for calmodulin-like domain protein kinases (CDPKs) have been identified in plants and Alveolate protists. To study the molecular evolution of the CDPK gene family, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of CDPK genomic sequences. Analysis of introns supports the phylogenetic analysis; CDPK genes with similar intron/exon structure are grouped together on the phylogenetic tree. Conserved introns support a monophyletic origin for plant CDPKs, CDPK-related kinases, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase kinases. Plant CDPKs divide into two major branches. Plant CDPK genes on one branch share common intron positions with protist CDPK genes. The introns shared between protist and plant CDPKs presumably originated before the divergence of plants from Alveolates. Additionally, the calmodulin-like domains of protist CDPKs have intron positions in common with animal and fungal calmodulin genes. These results, together with the presence of a highly conserved phase zero intron located precisely at the beginning of the calmodulin-like domain, suggest that the ancestral CDPK gene could have originated from the fusion of protein kinase and calmodulin genes facilitated by recombination of ancient introns. Received: 11 July 2000 / Accepted: 18 April 2001  相似文献   

The evolution of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) was studied through a comprehensive structural-based analysis. An amino acid sequence alignment was generated from a superposition of experimentally determined X-ray crystal structures of wild-type (wt) DHFR from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Using this structure-based alignment of DHFR, a metric was generated for the degree of conservation at each alignment site - not only in terms of amino acid residue, but also secondary structure, and residue class. A phylogenetic tree was generated using the alignment that compared favorably with the canonical phylogeny. This structure-based alignment was used to confirm that the degree of conservation of active-site residues in terms of both sequence as well as structure was significantly greater than non-active site residues. These results can be used in helping to understand the likely future evolution of DHFR in response to novel therapies.  相似文献   

Previous restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis divided variola virus (VARV) strains into two subtypes, one of which included West African and South American isolates. This allowed a dating to be introduced for the first time in estimation of the VARV evolution rate. The results were used to analyze the molecular evolution of the total family Poxviridae. Comparisons of the known nucleotide sequences were performed for the extended conserved central genome region in 42 orthopoxvirus strains and for the eight genes of multisubunit RNA polymerase in 65 viruses belonging to various genera of the family Poxviridae. Using the Bayesian dating method, the mutation accumulation rate of poxviruses was estimated at (1.7–8.8) × 10?6 nucleotide substitutions per site per year. Computations showed that the modern poxvirus genera started diverging from an ancestral virus more than 200 thousand years ago and that an ancestor of the genus Orthopoxvirus emerged 131 ± 45 thousand years ago. The other genera of mammalian poxviruses with a low GC content diverged approximately 110–90 thousand years ago. The independent evolution of VARV started 3.4 ± 0.8 thousand years ago. It was shown with the example of VARV and the monkeypox virus (MPXV) that divergent evolution of these orthopoxviruses started and the West African subtypes of VARV and MPXV were formed as geographical conditions changed to allow isolation of West African animals from other African regions.  相似文献   

The general notions of the theory of evolution are listed. The unity of the "engineering principles" of the living nature is emphasized. The generalists and specialists species are discussed. The estimation of their evolution rates must be different if it is expressed by the number of species or by the morphological changes. The principles of "protein engineering" of the organisms and the role of metals in protein evolution are discussed. It is suggested that in the presence of ions of transition metals and zinc the Fox's proteinoids can possess more specific forms of enzymatic activity. In the evolution of language the horizontal transfer plays a much more important role than in the biological evolution. However in this case also the initial basis of the language remains. The random drift is considered and it is shown that in concordance with the neutralist theory there are no grounds to replace the calculation of the rates of mutational changes per time unity by the calculation per generation. The molecular drive is the main source of the evolutionary novelties. The drive is connected with drift. The synonymic mutations and the mutations in non-functional DNA are evolutionary important. The future mathematical theory of evolution must be based on the theory of Markov's chains with the stochastic matrix changing along the chain and containing the set of the non-diagonal members equal to zero. The results obtained in the theory of ontogeny are presented. The evolution of species is the evolution of ontogenies, the formation of the molecular theory of evolution can be possible only on the basis of the molecular theory of ontogeny. The internal causes of extinction of species reduce the accumulation of neutral and pseudo-neutral mutations.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of olfactomedin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Olfactomedin is a secreted polymeric glycoprotein of unknown function,originally discovered at the mucociliary surface of the amphibian olfactoryneuroepithelium and subsequently found throughout the mammalian brain. As afirst step toward elucidating the function of olfactomedin, itsphylogenetic history was examined to identify conserved structural motifs.Such conserved motifs may have functional significance and provide targetsfor future mutagenesis studies aimed at establishing the function of thisprotein. Previous studies revealed 33% amino acid sequence identity betweenrat and frog olfactomedins in their carboxyl terminal segments. Furtheranalysis, however, reveals more extensive homologies throughout themolecule. Despite significant sequence divergence, cysteines essential forhomopolymer formation such as the CXC motif near the amino terminus areconserved, as is the characteristic glycosylation pattern, suggesting thatthese posttranslational modifications are essential for function.Furthermore, evolutionary analysis of a region of 53 amino acids of fish,frog, rat, mouse, and human olfactomedins indicates that an ancestralolfactomedin gene arose before the evolution of terrestrial vertebrates andevolved independently in teleost, amphibian, and mammalian lineages.Indeed, a distant olfactomedin homolog was identified in Caenorhabditiselegans. Although the amino acid sequence of this invertebrate protein islonger and highly divergent compared with its vertebrate homologs, theprotein from C. elegans shows remarkable similarities in terms of conservedmotifs and posttranslational modification sites. Six universally conservedmotifs were identified, and five of these are clustered in the carboxylterminal half of the protein. Sequence comparisons indicate that evolutionof the N-terminal half of the molecule involved extensive insertions anddeletions; the C-terminal segment evolved mostly through point mutations,at least during vertebrate evolution. The widespread occurrence ofolfactomedin among vertebrates and invertebrates underscores the notionthat this protein has a function of universal importance. Furthermore,extensive modification of its N-terminal half and the acquisition of aC-terminal SDEL endoplasmic-reticulum- targeting sequence may have enabledolfactomedin to adopt new functions in the mammalian central nervoussystem.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of enolase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Enolase (EC is an enzyme of the glycolytic pathway catalyzing the dehydratation reaction of 2-phosphoglycerate. In vertebrates the enzyme exists in three isoforms: alpha, beta and gamma. The amino-acid and nucleotide sequences deposited in the GenBank and SwissProt databases were subjected to analysis using the following bioinformatic programs: ClustalX, GeneDoc, MEGA2 and S.I.F.T. (sort intolerant from tolerant). Phylogenetic trees of enolases created with the use of the MEGA2 program show evolutionary relationships and functional diversity of the three isoforms of enolase in vertebrates. On the basis of calculations and the phylogenetic trees it can be concluded that vertebrate enolase has evolved according to the "birth and death" model of evolution. An analysis of amino acid sequences of enolases: non-neuronal (NNE), neuron specific (NSE) and muscle specific (MSE) using the S.I.F.T. program indicated non-uniform number of possible substitutions. Tolerated substitutions occur most frequently in alpha-enolase, while the lowest number of substitutions has accumulated in gamma-enolase, which may suggest that it is the most recently evolved isoenzyme of enolase in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Babkin IV  Shelkunov SN 《Genetika》2008,44(8):1029-1044
Previous restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis divided variola virus (VARV) strains into two subtypes, one of which included West African and South American isolates. This allowed a dating to be introduced for the first time in estimation of the VARV evolution rate. The results were used to analyze the molecular evolution of the total family Poxviridae. Comparisons of the known nucleotide sequences were performed for the extended conserved central genome region in 42 orthopoxvirus strains and for the eight genes of multisubunit RNA polymerase in 65 viruses belonging to various genera of the family Poxviridae. Using the Bayesian dating method, the mutation accumulation rate of poxviruses was estimated at (1.7-8.8) x 10(-6) nucleotide substitutions per site per year. Computations showed that the modem poxvirus genera started diverging from an ancestral virus more than 200 thousand years ago and that an ancestor of the genus Orthopoxvirus emerged 131 +/- 45 thousand years ago. The other genera of mammalian poxviruses with a low GC content diverged approximately 110-90 thousand years ago. The independent evolution of VARV started 3.4 +/- 0.8 thousand years ago. It was shown with the example of VARV and the monkeypox virus (MPXV) that divergent evolution of these orthopoxviruses started and the West African subtypes of VARV and MPXV were formed as geographical conditions changed to allow isolation of West African animals from other African regions.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of proglucagon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The vertebrate proglucagon gene encodes glucagon, and the two glucagon-like peptides GLP-1 and GLP-2. To better understand the origin and diversification of the distinct hormonal roles of the three glucagon-like sequences encoded by the proglucagon gene, we have examined the evolution of this gene. The structure of proglucagon has been largely maintained within vertebrates. Duplication of the proglucagon gene or duplications of sequences within the proglucagon gene are rare. All proglucagon gene duplications are likely to be the result of genome duplication events. Examination of the rates of amino acid sequence evolution of each hormone reveals that they have not evolved in a uniform manner. Each hormone has evolved in an episodic fashion, suggesting that the selective constraints acting upon the sequence vary between, and within, vertebrate classes. Changes in selection on a sequence often reflect changes in the function of the sequence, such as the change in function of GLP-1 from a glucagon-like hormone in fish to an incretin in mammals. We found that the GLP-2 sequence underwent rapid sequence evolution in the early mammal lineage, therefore we have concluded that mammalian GLP-2 has acquired a new biological function that is not found in other vertebrates. Comparisons of the hormone sequences show that many amino acid residues that are functionally important in mammalian hormones are not conserved through vertebrate evolution. This observation suggests that the sequences involved in hormone action change through evolution.  相似文献   

NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) and the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) reductase domains are members of the FAD-FMN family of proteins. The FAD accepts two reducing equivalents from NADPH (dehydrogenase flavin) and FMN acts as a one-electron carrier (flavodoxin-type flavin) for the transfer from NADPH to the heme protein, in which the FMNH*/FMNH2 couple donates electrons to cytochrome P450 at constant oxidation-reduction potential. Although the interflavin electron transfer between FAD and FMN is not strictly regulated in CPR, electron transfer is activated in neuronal NOS reductase domain upon binding calmodulin (CaM), in which the CaM-bound activated form can function by a similar mechanism to that of CPR. The oxygenated form and spin state of substrate-bound cytochrome P450 in perfused rat liver are also discussed in terms of stepwise one-electron transfer from CPR. This review provides a historical perspective of the microsomal mixed-function oxidases including CPR and P450. In addition, a new model for the redox-linked conformational changes during the catalytic cycle for both CPR and NOS reductase domain is also discussed.  相似文献   

Recent advances in microbiology and molecular biology have a unifying influence on our understanding of genetic diversity/similarity and evolutionary relationships in microorganisms. This article attempts to unify information from diverse areas such as microbiology, molecular biology, microbial physiology, clay crystal genes, metals-microbe-clay interactions and bacterial DNA restriction-modification systems (R-M) as they may apply to molecular evolution of bacteria. The possibility is discussed that the first informational molecules may have been catalytic RNA (micro-assembler) not DNA (now the master copy) and these first micro-assemblers may have been precursors of ribosomes.  相似文献   

Microbial populations (and life) not only evolve, they optimize. The transition from a random, unorganized, lifeless Earth to the present situation, where the Earth is virtually covered with nucleic acids and diverse and complex species, required numerous molecular changes and the integration of metabolic pathways over billions of years. Primitive prokaryotic life was dependent on and constrained by the physical-chemical conditions on the Earth, while slowly reshaping conditions present. In this review, molecular evolution and molecular optimization are examined with an emphasis on the order in which evolutionary events occurred.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of rodent insulins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several trees of amino acid sequences of rodent insulins were derived with the maximum-parsimony procedure. Possible orthologous and paralogous relationships were investigated. Except for a recent gene duplication in the ancestor of rat and mouse, there are no strong arguments for other paralogous relationships. Therefore, a tree in agreement with other biological data is the most reasonable one. According to this tree, the capacity to form zinc-binding hexamers was lost once in the ancestor of the hystricomorph rodents, followed by moderately increased evolutionary rates in the lineages to African porcupine and chinchilla but highly increased rates in at least three independent lines to other taxa of this suborder: guinea pig, cuis, and Octodontoidea (coypu and casiragua).   相似文献   

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