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CD47 is a unique member of the Ig superfamily with a single extracellular Ig domain followed by a multiply membrane-spanning (MMS) domain with five transmembrane segments, implicated in both integrin-dependent and -independent signaling cascades. Essentially all functions of CD47 require both the Ig and MMS domains, raising the possibility that interaction between the two domains is required for normal function. Conservation of Cys residues among CD47 homologues suggested the existence of a disulfide bond between the Ig and MMS domains that was confirmed by chemical digestion and mapped to Cys(33) and Cys(263). Subtle changes in CD47 conformation in the absence of the disulfide were suggested by decreased binding of two anti-Ig domain monoclonal antibodies, decreased SIRPalpha1 binding, and reduced CD47/SIRPalpha1-mediated cell adhesion. Mutagenesis to prevent formation of this disulfide completely disrupted CD47 signaling independent of effects on ligand binding, as assessed by T cell interleukin-2 secretion and Ca(2+) responses. Loss of the disulfide did not affect membrane raft localization of CD47 or its association with alpha(v)beta(3) integrin. Thus, a disulfide bond between the Ig and MMS domains of CD47 is required for normal ligand binding and signal transduction.  相似文献   

The regulatory activity of troponin C is reversibly inhibited by a disulfide bridge between cysteine residues introduced by site-directed mutagenesis in positions 48 and 82 (TnC48/82) in the N-terminal domain of rabbit skeletal troponin C (sTnC; Grabarek, Z., Tan, R.-Y., Tao, T., and Gergely, J. (1990) Nature 345, 132-135). In the present work we have investigated the effects of the disulfide on structural properties of TnC48/82 monitored by CD spectroscopy and limited trypsinolysis. The CD spectra of the mutant protein in the oxidized form (oxTnC48/82) with and without Ca2+ are similar to the corresponding ones of the reduced and carboxamidomethylated form (CAMTnC48/82), indicating that the disulfide has essentially no effect on the overall secondary structure. The N-terminal domain of oxTnC48/82 is resistant to thermal unfolding, but that of CAMTnC48/82 is only slightly more stable than the corresponding domain of sTnC. In the presence of Ca2+ oxTnC48/82 is more resistant to trypsinolysis than sTnC whereas the rate of tryptic digestion of CAMTnC48/82 is the same as that of sTnC, indicating that peptide bonds adjacent to lysine residues at position 84 and 88, the sites of tryptic attack, are protected by the disulfide. The disulfide cross-linked N-terminal peptide of TnC48/82 does not bind TnI, unlike its reduced or carboxamidomethylated forms. Our data indicate that the disulfide between Cys48 and Cys82 stabilizes the structure of the N-terminal domain of TnC and blocks its ability to interact with TnI. The effects of the disulfide appear to be restricted to the N-terminal domain of TnC.  相似文献   

Lipman RS  Sowers KR  Hou YM 《Biochemistry》2000,39(26):7792-7798
Synthesis of cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys) by cysteine-tRNA synthetase is required for decoding cysteine codons in all known organisms. The genome of the archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii lacks the gene for a normal cysteine-tRNA synthetase. The activity of the enzyme, however, was identified recently, and it allowed the purification of the enzyme and cloning of its gene. Sequence analysis of the gene showed that it encodes proline-tRNA synthetase and, thus, raised the possibility of dual activities in a single aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. Assays of aminoacyl-adenylate synthesis confirmed the ability of the enzyme to activate proline and cysteine and showed that both activities were independent of tRNA. Assays of tRNA aminoacylation established the specific attachment of proline to tRNA(Pro) and cysteine to tRNA(Cys). However, in contrast to a recent report of comparable activities with cysteine and proline, results here indicate that the adenylate synthesis and aminoacylation activities with cysteine are significantly lower than the respective activity with proline. In addition, there is evidence of overlapping amino acid-binding sites and tRNA-binding sites. These considerations, among others, raised the distinct possibility that the M. jannaschii proline-tRNA synthetase may recruit additional protein or RNA factors to facilitate the synthesis of cysteinyl-tRNA(Cys).  相似文献   

The acute effect of palmitate on glucose metabolism in rat skeletal muscle was examined. Soleus muscles from Wistar male rats were incubated in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer, for 1 h, in the absence or presence of 10 mU/ml insulin and 0, 50 or 100 microM palmitate. Palmitate increased the insulin-stimulated [(14)C]glycogen synthesis, decreased lactate production, and did not alter D-[U-(14)C]glucose decarboxylation and 2-deoxy-D-[2,6-(3)H]glucose uptake. This fatty acid decreased the conversion of pyruvate to lactate and [1-(14)C]pyruvate decarboxylation and increased (14)CO(2) produced from [2-(14)C]pyruvate. Palmitate reduced insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1/2, Akt, and p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinases. Bromopalmitate, a non-metabolizable analogue of palmitate, reduced [(14)C]glycogen synthesis. A strong correlation was found between [U-(14)C]palmitate decarboxylation and [(14)C]glycogen synthesis (r=0.99). Also, palmitate increased intracellular content of glucose 6-phosphate in the presence of insulin. These results led us to postulate that palmitate acutely potentiates insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis by a mechanism that requires its metabolization (Randle cycle). The inhibitory effect of palmitate on insulin-stimulated protein phosphorylation might play an important role for the development of insulin resistance in conditions of chronic exposure to high levels of fatty acids.  相似文献   

We determined the distances separating five functionally important residues (Gln(10), Lys(27), Trp(29), Arg(33), and Lys(47)) of a three-fingered snake neurotoxin from the reduced disulfide bond alpha(Cys(192)-Cys(193)) located at the alphagamma interface of the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Each toxin position was substituted individually for a cysteine, which was then linked to a maleimido moiety through three different spacers, varying in length from 10 to 22 A. We estimated the coupling efficiency between the 15 toxin derivatives and the reduced cystine alpha(192-193) by gel densitometry of Coomassie Blue-stained gels. A nearly quantitative coupling was observed between alphaCys(192) and/or alphaCys(193) and all probes introduced at the tip of the first (position 10) and second (position 33) loops of Naja nigricollis alpha-neurotoxin. These data sufficed to locate the reactive thiolate in a "croissant-shaped" volume comprised between the first two loops of the toxin. The volume was further restrained by taking into account the absence or partial coupling of the other derivatives. Altogether, the data suggest that alphaCys(192) and/or alphaCys(193), at the alphagamma interface of a muscular-type acetylcholine receptor, is (are) located in a volume located between 11.5 and 15.5 A from the alpha-carbons at positions 10 and 33 of the toxin, under the tip of the toxin first loop and close to the second one.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride channels are essential mediators of salt transport across epithelia. Channel opening normally requires ATP binding to both nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs), probable dimerization of the two NBDs, and phosphorylation of the R domain. How phosphorylation controls channel gating is unknown. Loss-of-function mutations in the CFTR gene cause cystic fibrosis; thus, there is considerable interest in compounds that improve mutant CFTR function. Here we investigated the mechanism by which CFTR is activated by curcumin, a natural compound found in turmeric. Curcumin opened CFTR channels by a novel mechanism that required neither ATP nor the second nucleotide-binding domain (NBD2). Consequently, this compound potently activated CF mutant channels that are defective for the normal ATP-dependent mode of gating (e.g. G551D and W1282X), including channels that lack NBD2. The stimulation of NBD2 deletion mutants by curcumin was strongly inhibited by ATP binding to NBD1, which implicates NBD1 as a plausible activation site. Curcumin activation became irreversible during prolonged exposure to this compound following which persistently activated channels gated dynamically in the absence of any agonist. Although CFTR activation by curcumin required neither ATP binding nor heterodimerization of the two NBDs, it was strongly dependent on prior channel phosphorylation by protein kinase A. Curcumin is a useful functional probe of CFTR gating that opens mutant channels by circumventing the normal requirements for ATP binding and NBD heterodimerization. The phosphorylation dependence of curcumin activation indicates that the R domain can modulate channel opening without affecting ATP binding to the NBDs or their heterodimerization.  相似文献   

A model of the binding site of delta-opioids in the extracellular region of the G-protein-coupled opioid receptor based on modelling studies is presented. The distance between Asp288 and the disulfide bridge (Cys121-Cys198) formed between the first and second extracellular loops was found to be short. This model is consistent with site-directed mutagenesis studies. The arrangement of the ligands found in the receptor led to the development of a reaction mechanism for the cleavage of the disulfide bond catalysed by the ligands. Semi-empirical quantum chemical PM3 and AM1 calculations as well as ab initio studies showed that the interaction between the carboxylic acid side chain of aspartic acid and the disulfide bond leads to the polarization of, and withdrawal of a proton from, the protonated nitrogen of the ligand to one of the sulfur atoms. A mixed sulfenic acid and carboxylic acid anhydrate is formed as an intermediate as well as a thiol. The accompanying cleavage of the disulfide bond may produce a conformational change in the extracellular loops such that the pore formed by the seven-helix bundle opens allowing entrance of the ligand, water and ions into the cell. Cleavage of the disulfide bond after opioid administration was demonstrated experimentally by flow-cytometric measurements employing CMTMR and monobromobimane-based analyses of membrane-located thiols. The suggested mechanism may explain, in a consistent way, the action of agonists and antagonists and is assumed to be common for many G-protein coupled receptors.  相似文献   

The kinin system has been recognized as a locally operating hormone system of cardiovascular cells, however, the molecular mechanisms regulating circumscribed kinin release on cell surfaces are not fully understood. In particular, the principal cell docking sites for the kinin precursor, high molecular weight kininogen (HK), are not fully explored. Here we demonstrate by enzymatic digestion, recombinant overexpression, and affinity cross-linking studies that cell surface chondroitin sulfate (CS) chains of proteoglycans (PGs) serve as major HK binding sites on platelet, fibroblast, liver, and endothelial kidney cells. In this way, CS-type PGs may contribute to a local accumulation of kinin precursors on cell surfaces and modulate circumscribed release of short-lived kinin hormones at or next to their site of action.  相似文献   

Initiation of genomic plus-strand RNA synthesis by the brome mosaic virus (BMV) replicase in vitro requires a 26-nucleotide (nt) RNA sequence at the 3' end of the minus-strand RNA and a nontemplated nucleotide 3' of the initiation cytidylate [ Sivakumaran, K. and Kao, C.C. (1999) J. Virol. 64 , 6415–6423]. At the 5' end of this RNA is a 9-nt sequence called the cB box, the complement of the previously defined B box. The cB box can not be functionally replaced by the B box and has specific positional and sequence requirements. The portion of the cB box that is required for RNA synthesis in vitro is well-conserved in species in the Bromoviridae family. An equivalent RNA from Cucumber mosaic virus was unable to direct efficient RNA synthesis by the BMV replicase until the cB box was positioned at the same site relative to the BMV RNA and guanylates were present at positions +6 and +7 from the initiation cytidylate. These results further define the elements required for the recognition and initiation of viral genomic plus-strand RNA synthesis and suggest that a sequence important for minus-strand RNA synthesis is also required for plus-strand RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Xiang Y  Moss B 《Journal of virology》2003,77(4):2623-2630
Some poxviruses and their mammalian hosts encode homologous proteins that bind interleukin-18 (IL-18) with high affinity and inhibit IL-18-mediated immune responses. MC54L, the IL-18 binding protein of the human poxvirus that causes molluscum contagiosum, is unique in having a C-terminal tail of nearly 100 amino acids that is dispensable for IL-18 binding. When recombinant MC54L was expressed and purified via a C-terminal six-histidine tag, a shorter fragment was detected in addition to the full-length protein. This C-terminal fragment resulted from the cleavage of MC54L by cellular furin, as it was greatly diminished when furin was specifically inhibited or when a furin-deficient cell line was used for expression. Furthermore, the N- and C-terminal fragments of MC54L were generated by cleavage of the recombinant protein with furin in vitro. The furin cleavage site was mapped within a 32-amino-acid segment that is C terminal to the IL-18 binding domain. Full-length MC54L, but not the N-terminal IL-18 binding fragment, bound to cells and to purified heparin and other glycosaminoglycans that are commonly found on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix. MC54L bound to heparin with a nanomolar K(d) and could simultaneously bind to IL-18. Their different glycosaminoglycan and cell binding properties may allow the long and short forms of MC54L to inactivate IL-18 near the site of infection and at more distal locations, respectively.  相似文献   

The macaque sperm surface protein PH-20 is a hyaluronidase, but it also interacts with hyaluronic acid (HA) to increase internal calcium ( [Ca(2+)](i) ) in the sperm cell. A region of the PH-20 molecule, termed Peptide 2 (aa 205-235), has amino acid charge homology with other HA binding proteins. The Peptide 2 sequence was synthesized and two recombinant PH-20 proteins were developed, one containing the Peptide 2 region (G3, aa 143-510) and one without it (E12, aa 291-510). On Western blots, affinity-purified anti-Peptide 2 IgG recognized the 64 kDa band corresponding to PH-20 in acrosome intact sperm and, under reducing conditions, recognized the whole 67 kDa PH-20 and the endoproteolyzed N-terminal fragment of PH-20. HA conjugated to a photoaffinity substrate specifically bound to sperm surface PH-20. Indirect immunofluorescence demonstrated that Fab fragments of anti-Peptide 2 IgG bound to the head of live sperm. Biotinylated HA was bound by Peptide 2 and by sperm extracts in a microplate binding assay, and this binding was inhibited by Fab fragments of anti-Peptide 2 IgG. Biotinylated HA bound to the G3 protein and this binding was inhibited by anti-Peptide 2 Fab, but HA did not bind to the E12 protein. Fab fragments of anti-Peptide 2 IgG inhibited the increase in [Ca(2+)](i) induced in macaque sperm by HA. Our results suggest that the Peptide 2 region of PH-20 is involved in binding HA, which results in the cell signaling events related to the elevation of [Ca(2+)](i) during sperm penetration of the cumulus.  相似文献   

Vacuole fusion requires a coordinated cascade of priming, docking, and fusion. SNARE proteins have been implicated in the fusion itself, although their precise role in the cascade remains unclear. We now report that the vacuolar SNAP-23 homologue Vam7p is a mobile element of the SNARE complex, which moves from an initial association with the cis-SNARE complex via a soluble intermediate to the docking site. Soluble Vam7p is specifically recruited to vacuoles and can rescue a fusion reaction poisoned with antibodies to Vam7p. Both the recombinant Vam7p PX domain and a FYVE domain construct of human Hrs block the recruitment of Vam7p and vacuole fusion, demonstrating that phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate is a primary receptor of Vam7p on vacuoles. We propose that the Vam7p cycle is linked to the availability of a lipid domain on yeast vacuoles, which is essential for coordinating the fusion reaction prior to and beyond docking.  相似文献   

RecG differs from most helicases acting on branched DNA in that it is thought to catalyze unwinding via translocation of a monomer on dsDNA, with a wedge domain facilitating strand separation. Conserved phenylalanines in the wedge are shown to be critical for DNA binding. When detached from the helicase domains, the wedge bound a Holliday junction with high affinity but failed to bind a replication fork structure. Further stabilizing contacts are identified in full-length RecG, which may explain fork binding. Detached from the wedge, the helicase region unwound junctions but had extremely low substrate affinity, arguing against the "classical inchworm" mode of translocation. We propose that the processivity of RecG on branched DNA substrates is dependent on the ability of the wedge to establish strong binding at the branch point. This keeps the helicase motor in contact with the substrate, enabling it to drive dsDNA translocation with high efficiency.  相似文献   

Mature TGF-beta isoforms, which are covalent dimers, signal by binding to three types of cell surface receptors, the type I, II and III TGF-beta receptors. A complex composed of the TGF-beta ligand and the type I and II receptors is required for signaling. The type II receptor is responsible for recruiting TGF-beta into the heteromeric ligand/type I receptor/type II receptor complex. The purpose of this study was to test for the extent that avidity contributes to receptor affinity. Using a surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based biosensor (the BIACORE), we captured the extracellular domain of the type II receptor (TbetaRIIED) at the biosensor surface in an oriented and stable manner by using a de novo designed coiled-coil (E/K coil) heterodimerizing system. We characterized the kinetics of binding of three TGF-beta isoforms to this immobilized TbetaRIIED. The results demonstrate that the stoichiometry of TGF-beta binding to TbetaRIIED was one dimeric ligand to two receptors. All three TGF-beta isoforms had rapid and similar association rates, but different dissociation rates, which resulted in the equilibrium dissociation constants being approximately 5pM for the TGF-beta1 and -beta3 isoforms, and 5nM for the TGF-beta2 isoform. Since these apparent affinities are at least four orders of magnitude higher than those determined when TGF-beta was immobilized, and are close to those determined for TbetaRII at the cell surface, we suggest that avidity contributes significantly to high affinity receptor binding both at the biosensor and cell surfaces. Finally, we demonstrated that the coiled-coil immobilization approach does not require the purification of the captured protein, making it an attractive tool for the rapid study of any protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   

Structures of mitochondrial ubihydroquinone:cytochrome c oxidoreductase (bc(1) complex) from several animal sources have provided a basis for understanding the functional mechanism at the molecular level. Using structures of the chicken complex with and without inhibitors, we analyze the effects of mutation on quinol oxidation at the Q(o) site of the complex. We suggest a mechanism for the reaction that incorporates two features revealed by the structures, a movement of the iron sulfur protein between two separate reaction domains on cytochrome c(1) and cytochrome b and a bifurcated volume for the Q(o) site. The volume identified by inhibitor binding as the Q(o) site has two domains in which inhibitors of different classes bind differentially; a domain proximal to heme b(L), where myxothiazole and beta-methoxyacrylate- (MOA-) type inhibitors bind (class II), and a distal domain close to the iron sulfur protein docking interface, where stigmatellin and 5-n-undecyl-6-hydroxy-4,7-dioxobenzothiaole (UHDBT) bind (class I). Displacement of one class of inhibitor by another is accounted for by the overlap of their volumes, since the exit tunnel to the lipid phase forces the hydrophobic "tails" to occupy common space. We conclude that the site can contain only one "tailed" occupant, either an inhibitor or a quinol or one of their reaction products. The differential sensitivity of strains with mutations in the different domains is explained by the proximity of the affected residues to the binding domains of the inhibitors. New insights into mechanism are provided by analysis of mutations that affect changes in the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of the iron sulfur protein, associated with its interactions with the Q(o)-site occupant. The structures show that all interactions with the iron sulfur protein must occur at the distal position. These include interactions between quinone, or class I inhibitors, and the reduced iron sulfur protein and formation of a reaction complex between quinol and oxidized iron sulfur protein. The step with high activation energy is after formation of the reaction complex, likely in formation of the semiquinone and subsequent dissociation of the complex into products. We suggest that further progress of the reaction requires a movement of semiquinone to the proximal position, thus mapping the bifurcated reaction to the bifurcated volume. We suggest that such a movement, together with a change in conformation of the site, would remove any semiquinone formed from further interaction with the oxidized [2Fe-2S] center and also from reaction with O(2) to form superoxide anion. We also identify two separate reaction paths for exit of the two protons released in quinol oxidation.  相似文献   

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