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Summary We have assessed the DNA sequence requirements for the correct spatial pattern and phenotypic expression of y in the late embryo/larvae. The wild-type larval phenotype requires both the regions between-294 bp and-92 bp and a portion of the intron; the sequence element(s) located within the intron can act in a position independent manner to effect the wild-type larval phenotype. The larval expression pattern was examined by tissue experiments in situ and by staining germline transformants derived from various y/lacZ fusion constructs. The larval expression of y is restricted to the mouthparts, microsetae and anal plates. While the-495 bp to+194 bp region alone cannot effect a wild-type larval expression pattern, this region in conjunction with the intron appears to be sufficient to drive -gal expression in an essentially wild-type pattern. Our data further suggest that the-294 bp to-92 bp region contains elements which specify the larval pattern and that the element(s) in the intron normally act to enhance the level of expression necessary for the wild-type larval phenotype. We also present a phenotypic analysis of the adult cuticle structures of germline transformants derived from a variety of deletion and rearrangement constructs of the y gene. This analysis has revealed several new features associated with the regulation of y expression.  相似文献   

Late-replicating chromatin in vertebrates is repressed. Housekeeping (constitutively active) genes always replicate early and are in the early-replicating R-bands. Tissue-specific genes are usually in the late-replicating G-bands and therein almost always replicate late. Within the G-bands, however, a tissue-specific gene does replicate early in those cell types that express that particular gene. While the condition of late replication may simply be coincident with gene repression, we review evidence suggesting that late replication may actively determine repression. As mammals utilize a developmental program to Lyonize (facultatively heterochromatinize) whole X chromosomes to a late-replicating and somatically heritable repressed state, similarly another program seems to Lyonize individual replicons. In frogs, all genes begin embryogenesis by replicating during a very short interval. As the developmental potency of embryonic cells becomes restricted, late-replicating DNA gradually appears. This addition to the repertoire of gene control--i.e., repression via Lyonization of individual replicons--seems to have evolved in vertebrates with G-bands being a manifestation of the mechanism.  相似文献   

Factors involved in the expression of gene activity in polytene chromosomes   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
H. D. Berendes 《Chromosoma》1968,24(4):418-437
In order to separate some of the factors involved in the formation of puffs the antibiotic actinomycin D was applied at different stages of puff activity. Puffs were induced by temperature shocks or eodysone.Inhibition of RNA synthesis with actinomycin D before application of a puff inducing stimulus prevents neither the appearance of the stimulus specific puffs nor the accumulation of acidic proteins in the puff regions. The puffs attained under these conditions approximately 1/3 of the size normally produced by the stimulus.Indications were obtained that during puff formation acidic protein accumulation precedes the onset of RNA synthesis.Synthesis and storage of newly synthesized RNA within the puff region was studied on the basis of grain distribution in uridine-H3 autoradiographs after various incubation periods. RNA synthesis appears to be restricted to a particular area of the puff region. After a 3 min temperature shock following injection of uridine-H3 silver grains are located only over a particular area of the newly formed puff. The same area becomes labeled during a 1 min pulse of uridine-H3 applied at a stage of maximum puff development. Longer periods of incubation result in a random distribution of the grains over the whole puff region. Grain counts on different areas of experimentally induced puffs and on the same areas at a stage of puff regression indicate that the newly synthesized RNA becomes transferred from the area where it was synthesized and is stored for a certain period within the puff region. Complete release of newly synthesized RNA from puffs in which RNA synthesis was inhibited by actinomycin D at a stage of maximal activity is accomplished within 30 to 35 min.  相似文献   



Variation in gene expression is extensive among tissues, individuals, strains, populations and species. The interactions among these sources of variation are relevant for physiological studies such as disease or toxic stress; for example, it is common for pathologies such as cancer, heart failure and metabolic disease to be associated with changes in tissue-specific gene expression or changes in metabolic gene expression. But how conserved these differences are among outbred individuals and among populations has not been well documented. To address this we examined the expression of a selected suite of 192 metabolic genes in brain, heart and liver in three populations of the teleost fish Fundulus heteroclitus using a highly replicated experimental design.


Half of the genes (48%) were differentially expressed among individuals within a population-tissue group and 76% were differentially expressed among tissues. Differences among tissues reflected well established tissue-specific metabolic requirements, suggesting that these measures of gene expression accurately reflect changes in proteins and their phenotypic effects. Remarkably, only a small subset (31%) of tissue-specific differences was consistent in all three populations.


These data indicate that many tissue-specific differences in gene expression are unique to one population and thus are unlikely to contribute to fundamental differences between tissue types. We suggest that those subsets of treatment-specific gene expression patterns that are conserved between taxa are most likely to be functionally related to the physiological state in question.  相似文献   



Variation in gene expression is extensive among tissues, individuals, strains, populations and species. The interactions among these sources of variation are relevant for physiological studies such as disease or toxic stress; for example, it is common for pathologies such as cancer, heart failure and metabolic disease to be associated with changes in tissue-specific gene expression or changes in metabolic gene expression. But how conserved these differences are among outbred individuals and among populations has not been well documented. To address this we examined the expression of a selected suite of 192 metabolic genes in brain, heart and liver in three populations of the teleost fish Fundulus heteroclitus using a highly replicated experimental design.  相似文献   

A study was made of theDrosophila melanogaster est6 andD. virilis estS genes for tissue-specific esterase, and their expression at various stages of development was characterized. The former has one promoter and is expressed in the seminal ducts, whereas the latter has two promoters and is expressed in the seminal bulbs. In transgenicD. melanogaster, estS was expressed in the seminal bulbs, as observed in the donor. A region adjacent to the structural gene proved responsible for its expression in the seminal bulbs. TransgenicD. melanogaster lines were also obtained with constructs containing various fragments of theestS regulatory region and thelacZ reporter gene. Histochemical analysis with X-Gal staining allowed identification of a region that inhibitsestS expression in all organs other than seminal bulbs. An esterase S homolog was found in a marine mollusk.  相似文献   

The regulation of expression of the alcohol dehydrogenase gene of Drosophila was examined by injecting plasmids containing the gene directly into preblastoderm embryos and subsequently staining for alcohol dehydrogenase activity in somatic cells of larvae and adults. The alcohol dehydrogenase genes introduced in this manner were expressed normally in both adults and larvae; i.e., alcohol dehydrogenase activity was found exclusively in tissues where it would normally be expressed. Activity was found in some cells in more than 90% of all surviving third instar larvae, but not all cells which would normally express the enzyme were positive, presumably due to the random distribution of the injected DNA to the cells of the embryo. Regulated expression was not dependent on the vector used: tissue-specific expression was obtained from alcohol dehydrogenase genes inserted in the P-element vector, Carnegie-4; in pBR322; in pUC18; or in bacteriophage lambda. The bulk of the injected DNA was not integrated into the chromosome and appeared to persist throughout development as supercoiled and nicked circles. Using the procedure and in vitro mutagenesis, we were able to show that the alcohol dehydrogenase gene was expressed in a normal tissue-specific manner in larvae if there were 777 nucleotides of upstream information present.  相似文献   

Plant transgenesis often requires the use of tissue-specific promoters to drive the transgene expression exclusively in targeted tissues. Although the eukaryotic promoters are expected to stay silent in Escherichia coli, when the promoter-transgene units within the plant transformation vectors are constructed and propagated, some eukaryotic promoters have been reported to be active in prokaryotes. The potential activity of plant promoter in E. coli cells should be considered in cases of expression of proteins that are toxic for host cells, environmental risk assessment or the stability in E. coli of plant vectors for specific Cre/loxP applications. In this study, DNA fragments harbouring four embryo- and/or pollen-specific Arabidopsis thaliana promoters were investigated for their ability to drive heterologous gene expression in E. coli cells. For this, they were fused to gfp:gus reporter genes in the pCAMBIA1304 vector. Although BPROM, bacterial sigma70 promoter recognition program identified several sequences with characteristics similar to bacterial promoters including -10 and -35 sequences in each of tested fragments, the experimental approach showed that only one promoter fragment was able to drive relatively strong- and one promoter fragment relatively weak-GUS expression in E. coli cells. Remaining two tested promoters did not drive any transgene expression in bacteria. Our results also showed that cloning of a shorter plant promoter sequence into vectors containing lacZ α-complementation system can increase the probability of gene expression driven by upstream located lac promoter. This should be considered when cloning of plant expression units, the expression of which is unwanted in E. coli.  相似文献   

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